What is the largest volcano in the world? The highest volcanoes in the world


Which one high volcano   the world is on another planet? It is an extinct giant from distant Mars, recognized as the largest in the Solar System - Olympus, whose name was given in honor of the legendary abode of the ancient gods. The last time the fiery lava burst from a huge vent two million years ago. Only the diameter of the former crater of this long-sleeping giant is 60 km. Olympus rises majestically to 26 kilometers, the width of the giant - as much as 540 km.

This route completely destroyed the bridges on the south side of Iceland, the most famous of which was the 900-meter bridge over the river Skedarba, which was officially opened only in the year of its destruction. Connection with the ring road number 1, which is the main artery of Iceland, was interrupted.

Although this is a serious damage, this eruption does not have a negative impact. Science is a scientific question, because the whole process is carefully controlled by glaiologists and volcanoes, a mission that is carried out directly on this site and is supported by satellite sniffing. Hot melt water flowed into the ocean with a lot of organic and inorganic material, which, in the midst of severe erosion, followed the path and deposited it in coastal areas. This will obviously have a positive effect on increasing fish populations in relation to levels of zooplankton and phytoplankton in this area.

Its steep slopes, according to one of the versions of scientists, were once washed by the ocean, thanks to which they acquired such an unusual shape. All the tallest who are on Earth, much smaller than Olympus in size. It is so huge that it is not even completely visible from the surface of the planet.

The prepared rating is based on the height of volcanoes, measured from sea level to the top. At the end of the statement, as a curiosity, three volcanoes, which also deserve the title of "most". Volcano disc - a type of volcano wide and flattened cone with an adjacent angle of not more than 8 °. Its characteristic feature is the lack strong eruptions. Very rare and very hot lava comes out of its interior.

The largest volcanoes in the world

The lowest of the top ten volcanoes is Ata volcano. The lowest in this case definitely does not mean “low”. It is located on the border of Argentina - Chile, in the Andes. Sayama is a volcanic peak located in the Andes in Bolivia. It is considered among the extinct stratovolcanoes. Mountain is located in national park   Sayama, about 20 km from the Chilean border and about 290 km from the capital of Bolivia, the city of La Paz.

Mauna loa

The active volcano Mauna Loa is located in Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. Most of the giant hidden under water, but if you measure the distance from the top to the foot, you get 9000 meters. This giant is the most high worldHe is even bigger than Everest. The huge Mauna Loa still has a record volume of 75,000 cubic meters. He is very active and dangerous. During his last awakening, in 1984, the island’s territory increased by as much as 180 hectares thanks to powerful lava flows.

Onboard there were 11 passengers. The plane — an avalanche of snow and thick — has lurked for more than 50 years. Stratovolcano is located on the border of Argentina and the highest volcano in Chile in close proximity to the Earth is Ojos del Salado. Is - and how - in the Central Andes in Argentina, near the border with Chile.

This is mainly a volcanic complex consisting of stratovolcanoes, volcanic domes and lava flows. This is another stratovolcano from the border of Argentina and Chile, lying on the ground and Central. Its highest parts are covered with eternal snow and form the highest boundary of eternal snow. The first eruption of the volcano occurred at least 1, 5 million years ago, the last - 28 thousand years ago. However, subsequent trips confirmed that the array is somewhat lower.


In the mountains of Argentina rises dormant volcano Aconcagua. The height of the giant is 6962 m. The exact origin of the name remains a secret for researchers. The second place in the ranking "The Highest Volcanoes of the World" is occupied by this beautiful giant.

At the top a huge ice cap formed - for too long the lava had not burst from its mouth. Picturesqueness made Aconcagua an attractive destination for climbers. Wishing to climb the magnificent snowy slopes sometime dangerous volcano   lots of.

It is located in the province of La Rioja in the Argentine Andes. Also called Nevados Ojos del Salado, which literally means "salty snow-covered eyes." The name comes from the huge salt deposits that in the form of lagoons or "eyes" are found inside this array. Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano on Earth. It is located in the Central Andes, on the border between Argentina and Chile. For this reason, Hoyos del Salado is considered among the inactive volcanoes. The volume of the Tamu massif is 2.5 million M³, the area of ​​which is about 300,000 square meters.

M km ². It is also one of the largest famous volcanoes   in the solar system. It turned out that, contrary to what was previously thought, the Tamus massif is an independent volcano and a complex of smaller volcanoes. Lava flows extending in different directions, originate from a single central source near the center of the massif. Tamu became extinct - its last eruption occurred about 144 million years ago.

Ojos del salado

In the snowy Andes, Ochos del Salado is peacefully sleeping, a volcano with a height of 6893 m. The giant's name means “salty eyes”; for the ancient Incas, this mountain was considered sacred, sacrifices were performed here. Near the summit is a beautiful lake, called the highest in the world.

The last time fire erupted from its crater a thousand years ago. It is considered safe, but now scientists notice some activity, and locals sometimes smell the smell of sulfur in the air. Once over a giant, they even saw a small amount of steam and ash. At any time, the picturesque peace can disturb this place. powerful eruptionwhen the giant awakens from a thousand year sleep.

Mauna Kea - the highest volcano

It is used for volcanoes. At the top of the volcano are astronomical observatories. Because of their very high position, they allow the study of infrared radiation and microwaves, as well as provide clear images of celestial bodies.

Mauna Loa - the highest active shield volcano

Mauna Loa - shield-volcano, i.e. its slopes are rather flat and are formed by layers of fast flowing lava. It is one of five volcanoes found in Hawaii and one of the most active volcanoes in the world. This went on continuously for 22 days!


The structure of the Alps includes a volcano with a long and difficult to pronounce name Lulaillaico, whose height is 6,725 meters. It is located in the snowy slopes of the volcano look fantastic among the endless sands.

Almost near the crater itself, scientists discovered several mummified bodies, which were there several centuries ago. Most likely, the ancient Incas tried to appease the formidable giant with their bloody offerings.

Over the past 170 years, this volcano felt 33 times. Our terrestrial volcanoes   - crumbs in giants found in different parts of the solar system. Cosmic volcanoes can spit not only lava, but also ammonia or methane. Every day, about 20 people on land are in a state of eruption, and 500 exploded in historical times. How much did it explode at the bottom of the oceans? We know, however, that the mid-ocean ridge volcanoes give up to 75 percent. annual production of magma on Earth.

Do volcanoes also exist outside our planet? Many of them have been discovered on other planets and the moons of the solar system and, probably, have also been discovered beyond its borders. So, what do we know about extraterrestrial volcanoes? Today the most famous space volcanoes   are on mars which is famous largest volcanoes   Solar system Volcanic structures — extensive lava flows and lava plateaus — cover large areas of the Red Planet.

The last time Lullaigliaco woke up in 1887. Now life is in full swing. He will show his fiery power! So far, he only promises an eruption, sometimes releasing a huge hot cloud above the top.

San pedro

The beautiful Alps, which include the highest volcanoes in the world, are true champions in the number of dangerous objects. This is the second formidable giant. San Pedro, whose height is 6159 meters, most recently, 55 years ago, showed its serious power. By his strength, which can easily cause terrible destruction, he evokes unwavering respect.

The two main volcanic regions of Mars are Tarsis and Elysium. These include disk volcanoes close to the Earth - with gentle slopes and central calderas. Martian volcanoes, however, differ from earthly ones in their colossal proportions.

The volume of this giant is almost 100 times larger than Mauna Loa, the largest circular volcano on Earth. There are three more in the Tarsis region powerful volcanocalled Tarsis Montes: Ascray Mons, Pavonis Mons and Arsia Mons. Some scientists believe that glaciers can be found on powerful Martian volcanoes. Martian volcanoes remain inactive in historical times. The youngest lava flows are estimated at several million years. However, in the southern polar region of Mars, eruptions of geysers erupt black sand and dust during the spring thaw.

Crowds of tourists who come for an extreme walk to his mouth, provide local residents a good income. However, it is allowed to be near the crater only in a special mask, otherwise it is easy to inhale with poisonous gases.


Whimper, one of the three peaks of the Chimborazo volcano, is the most distant point of the Earth's surface from the center. The height of the giant - as much as 6310 meters. It is located in Ecuador and is part of the Andes. He very long, one and a half thousand years ago, showed his last activity. On the slopes and peaks of Chimborazo there are about 14 glaciers. This is a huge supply of pure water, which greatly rescues the locals.

The moon is famous for its "lunar" landscape, lined with numerous impact craters. There are several volcanoes - mostly small domes, located after the so-called bright side of our satellite. In turn, the famous lunar seas are nothing but extensive floods of basalt lava.

Their corridors can be up to 10 km in diameter, which means that they would be good for building the future base of the moon. It is estimated that the moon is not volcanically active for 3 billion years. Mercury could be volcanically active in the distant past. This is evidenced by the lines of cracks on the surface of the planet and the eruption holes with a length of 25 km, from which lava erupted.

Beautiful, but fearful people of all time, the highest volcanoes of the world with their majestic and dangerous views always attracted close attention, which was mixed with superstitious horror. These fire-breathing mountains, close to the heavens themselves, deserve great reverence.

It is estimated that volcanic activity on Mercury can last a billion years, and then stop forever. Lava during real floods formed vast plateaus resembling the moon of the moon and covered large craters, of which only the edges remained. In the area of ​​the North Pole of the planet there was a powerful flow of lava. Due to this, a volcanic northern plateau was created.

Mercury volcanism ceased when the internal heat of its supply cooled, causing the planet to shrink. However, Mercury, the only rocky planet with a magnetic field, is 100 times weaker than Earth. Most of the volcanic structures were found on Venus among all the solar planets of the solar system. Among the volcanic structures present, scientists discovered disc volcanoes, extensive floods of basaltic lava, the so-called pancake domes and something similar to footed domes - similar to fake arachnids, structures called mites.

The total number of volcanoes that exist on the planet today is more than 4,000. However, not all of them are active. It is fashionable to attribute only 1,000 to volcanoes of this kind, with the fourth part of these volcanoes located under water. Next, we find out exactly which volcanoes can be considered the highest in the world.


Aconcagua is not only the highest mountain peak located in South America (in Argentina), but also the highest volcano in the world. Its height reaches 6962 meters. Translated from the language of the local indigenous population, the name "Aconcagua" sounds like "Stone Guard". To date, this volcano is inactive, but scientists still have not managed to unravel the mystery of the awakening of volcanoes. Therefore, one has only to guess if Aconcagua will ever wake up. In the meantime, the volcano sleeps soundly, covered with a thick layer of Polish and eastern glaciers.

The highest volcano is the massive Maat Mons volcano with a height of 8 km with a powerful central caldera of 28 by 31 km in size, which has at least five smaller craters. It is possible that Venus is still volcanically active and that Maat Mons - active volcano. Perhaps it could be bursts of lava, gas clouds or sparkling rocks, proving the current volcanic activity on Venus.

Five lava flows were displayed and identified, which could be active in historical times. Another interesting and still inexplicable astrogeological structure of Venus is the so-called arachnoids, similar to the web. It is not yet clear how they were created, but scientists suspect that they may be strange relatives of volcanoes. Until now, 30 such structures have been identified on the surface of the planet.

The first explorers of the height of this volcano were climbers led by Edward Fitzgerald. Their ascent to the top of the mountain took place more than 1 century ago, but since that time not many brave men have managed to conquer Aconcagua. Today, this volcano attracts many tourists from around the world. It is not surprising that here you can see different cafes and campgrounds, in which visitors are constantly located.

The fourth largest moon of Jupiter is the most volcanically active object in the solar system. It has about 400 active volcanoes that generate clouds of sulfur and sulfur dioxide, reaching an altitude of 500 km above the surface of the moon. The cause of such intense volcanism on Io is the tidal forces caused by Jupiter, and are amplified by the gravitational interaction of two other satellites of the gas giant, namely Ganymede and Europe.

This volcano has a crater size of 30 to 20 km and can be a vast and active lake of basaltic lava. Other active volcanic structures in Io identified active eruption centers, volcanic depressions, lava flows and disk volcanoes. He sailed from the northern end of the flood of lava for 501 km, which was called Masubi Flukt.

Nevado Ojos del Salado

If Akongagua is the highest “sleeping” volcano, then Nevado-Ojos del Salado leads the category of the highest active volcanoes on the planet. It is located in the Andes and reaches 6891 meters above sea level. The top of the volcano is decorated with a snow cap, which markedly distinguishes it from the neighboring hills. Other distinctive feature   of this volcano is that here is the highest lake in the world, which is located at the level of 6390 meters and has a mirror surface of more than 100 square meters.

Moons full of ice volcanoes

There are still examples of the explosive nature of Io. Lava flows from the Amirani volcano occupy an area of ​​about 620 square kilometers. It is the largest flow of lava in the entire solar system. A giant cloud of eruptions over the volcano reached an altitude of 330 km. Cryovapes emit ammonia, water or methane instead of molten rock. They are usually formed on the ice moons of gas giants. They include the moon of Jupiter - Ganymede and Europe, the moons of Saturn - Titan, Enceladus, the moon of Uranus - Miranda and the moon of Neptune - Triton. Cryovulanes can also appear on dwarf planets such as Pluto.

Interestingly, until 1993, the volcano was considered asleep, since its last eruption occurred more than 1,300 years ago. However, it was in 1997 that scientists discovered that the volcano began to give signs, heralding its awakening by emissions of dust and gases. We can only guess when another eruption can happen.

Key Hill

The cryovollans of Enceladus released water vapor, salt crystals and ice particles into space. About 100 geysers were discovered here. Cryovulanes can also appear in Europe, the moon of Jupiter. Also Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, covered with lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons, can have its cryovolcano. The best candidates for them are the caldera Sotra Pater, 30 km wide and 1, 7 km deep, and two mountains - Dum Mons and Erebor Mons.

Also on Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, can be cryovolcano and cryoplanets. On Pluto, potential cryovolts are located near its south pole, two mountains with an almost circular shape and deep recesses in the center. We are talking about Wright-Mons and Pikart Mons. Both of these structures are geological.

Klyuchevsky volcano (Klyuchevaya Sopka) is located in Kamchatka, just 60 kilometers from the Bering Sea. Its height is 4,750 meters, making it considered the highest active volcano   on the territory of Eurasia. In addition, this volcano, which the locals call the “fiery mountain” (due to the fact that it has not fallen asleep over the entire period of its existence), can be considered the highest volcano in all of Russia. Crater diameter Klyuchevskoy volcano   is over 600 meters. Above it are constantly observed clouds of smoke and explosions of fiery orange lava, and real eruptions are not uncommon here. Over the past 270 years, scientists have managed to record more than 50 grandiose eruptions. The rest of the mountain is completely covered in snow. Such a fantastic spectacle just can not bewitch!


The height of Kilimanjaro Volcano is 5895 meters. It is this indicator that gives scientists the full right to attribute this volcano to the highest volcanoes in Africa. Kilimanjaro has in its composition 2 cones, which today are inactive. However, scientists warn that, despite the fact that the last eruption of this volcano occurred more than 200 years ago, it can still wake up. Whether it will ever happen is not known to anyone, but the locals are in constant tension because of the potential danger they are exposed to.

Translated from Swahili, the name "Kilimanjaro" sounds like "Shining Mountain." This name perfectly describes the power and beauty of this giant volcano, the top of which is decorated with a snow-white hat glittering in the sun. By the way, scientists assume that the volcano Kilimanjaro was once much higher than now. However, after one of strongest eruptions, it was destroyed, as a result of which only the plateau, which today is considered to be the volcano itself, has survived. One can only guess how high this beautiful volcano was once ... Today, Kilimanjaro is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Volcano apo

Among the many volcanoes of various heights that can be seen in the Philippines (there are more than 30 here), the highest volcano is Apo volcano. Its height reaches 2954 meters, so it is considered the highest point of these islands. This peak is located on the island of Mindanao and is included in the Cordillera mountain system. The volcano has 2 craters - a young strato volcano Apo and an ancient crater called Pettil Mac Kinley. Today, the volcano can not be called asleep, because from its crater periodically emissions of jets of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and water vapor, the temperature of which sometimes reaches 300 degrees, are observed!

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