Volcanoes in Eurasia. Klyuchevskaya hill

Active volcanoes are the most vivid manifestation of the inner activity of our planet, the most interesting objects of geological research and tourist excursions, but also unpredictable sources of danger for people living near them. Volcanoes are also direct sources of minerals.
In Russia, the vast majority of volcanic mountains and all active volcanoes are located in the east of the country - on the peninsula of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. This area belongs to the so-called "fire ring", within which more than 2 / 3 active volcanoes   planet. Here there is a grand tectonic process of interaction of two large lithospheric plates - Pacific and Okhotsk. At the same time the Earth's crust of the Pacific Ocean, more ancient and heavier, submerges (subduces) under the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and, melting at great depths, generates magmatic foci that feed the volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kuriles.

At that moment, full talks started, that anyone who saw us could have thought that we were negotiating for the purchase of the company or the signing of Kaki. Then the Indonesians played to lower the price, but eliminating the gasoline cover and driver costs that we completely rejected. In our head, we moved on a scale that could lead us to accept 3 million rupees, but we were convinced that we can stubbornly and reach what we consider honest, 000. Since we said that our first price does not give not a single figure until they lowered their claims, supposedly close to what we really wanted to pay.

The uniqueness of the volcanic landscape is largely determined by the appearance of young and modern volcanic buildings. These are conical, often very regular, mountains with a cut top, where there is a crater or a larger failure or explosive cavity - the caldera. All the volcanic mountains known on the territory of the country are either young - erupted for the last few million years, or modern (Holocene), of which only a few are active today.

Then there were indignations, table revolts, denying and swearing in the Aramaic language, and moments when it seemed that the negotiations had definitely broken down. We did not despair, but kept our seats with great calm, confident that this is a well-built theater with which they tried to make the future agreement more costly. As new characters appeared that were included in our improvised reunion and the consistent dance of numbers that have already passed 3 million. But we continued to say no, and the question was lengthened, although we were already moving and moving closer and closer to the field.

The question of which volcanoes are valid is disputed, since the rest period of many of them can significantly exceed the duration of observation. For example, on the Kamchatka peninsula the Nameless volcano before the catastrophic eruption of 1955-1956. did not show activity more than 1000 years and only conditionally applied to the acting. As a result of the study of Kamchatka volcanism, it is suggested that active volcanoes, for which historically documented or established by geological methods, at least one eruption for the last 3, 3, 5 thousand years, were repeatedly considered active.

More than a car with a driver for four days, it seemed like we bought a chalet. When we were still celebrating the deal, they left our backpacks in the trunk of the car, which would be our traveling companion in Flores, a gentleman with a very similar name, Sesame, Eppie. And from there we left, passing by Epi's own house, that in five minutes he had prepared a backpack with some clothes on the days when he was going to go.

We will advance you, 000 rupees, leaving the last million for Labuanbajo and begin the journey about three hours or three and a half hours before Moni. There was no time to lose, since we had to make the most of daylight. Quiet and very respectful, he always used the right words with the right tone. His English was not very good, but he realized that sometimes it was even more important than knowing his own language. He was very dark-haired, round-eyed, unlike the Malayan race, to which many Indonesian citizens belong.

As a rule, volcanoes that are not older than the Pleistocene have well preserved their typical forms for fire-breathing mountains; often with them are associated postvolcanic processes (fumaroles, hot springs).


And in Flores, when we move away from the western slope, we find that people have the characteristics of the Melanesian race. The Wallace line, it seems, not only makes the separation in terms of flora and fauna, but on the island its inhabitants are more like the ocean than the Javanese Javanese. Eppy belonged to the ethnic group of Sikka, one of the four predominant in Flores. Others are End, Ngada and Manggaray, corresponding to the regents of the island from east to west, respectively.

From Momer to Moni there are 95 kilometers, which are made about 3 hours on the highway Trans-Flores, which is called a series of endless curves of a worn asphalt road, which tries to join the two ends of the island for about 650 km. This explains that it takes about 20 hours to complete six hundred kilometers. That day we did not eat, but bought peanuts and cookies, which could be gone. When we get to Moni, we'll have more supper. The main thing was to save the hours of the sun, which we had in front, and enjoy the heady landscape of green and wavy mountains that overlooked the glass of the car.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the most famous in Russia and the highest active volcano in Eurasia, located in the Far East of the country. The Kamchatka River - the largest on the peninsula of the same name - bends around it, turning to the east. Stratovulkan Kliuchevskaya hill was formed in the Holocene, about 7 thousand years ago. The volcano is a cone of giant dimensions, composed of basalt flows, partly of andesite lava. Coming to admire the Klyuchevskaya hill is struck by this aesthetically correct cone, looming against the blue sky. From the side it seems that the volcano rises in proud solitude, but on closer inspection it turns out that it merges with the neighboring volcanoes Kamen, Flat Near and Flat Dalnaya.

We started a multiple flutter of risk, a lottery lottery with people climbing the roof and breaking punches and ditches that sometimes carried a difficult road. We did not know what would happen to Flores, but we were going to leave there excited to be in such a clean country. The landscape was extremely beautiful, with extraordinary pomp and humble wooden houses, from which the children rushed to us, so that we could devote ourselves to the two words that we most hear on the island: "Hello, sir."

In the villages through which we passed with the car, there were small churches, since in Flores the majority of the population professes Christianity. The Portuguese colonialists, like all who conquered the place, brought their religion and, unlike most Indonesian islands, stopped. Although there are a lot of faithful to Islam that we do not forget, it is the official religion of the Indonesian state, the predominance of Catholicism on the one hand and the other island. But in many cities, especially those ethnic groups that retained their traditions with greater force, they still retain many of the animistic beliefs that existed before the Portuguese came here.

The top of the Klyuchevskaya volcano and neighboring volcanoes cover a common cover of three dozen glaciers, from which powerful ice tongues up to 20 km long descend. The cone of the Klyuchevskaya hill is covered with barrancos - deep furrows extending from top to bottom and tapering closer to the base of the volcano. A distinctive feature of Klyuchevskaya Sopka lies in the fact that a column of smoke constantly rises above the main crater, frequent explosions occur in the crater with ejections of bombs and ash, fumaroles and solfatars are active on the slopes. It is considered that the height of the volcano is 4750 m, but depending on the eruption, its height varies within a hundred meters, rising to a level of 4850 m and above. According to the latest data, since the last eruption - August 15, 2013 - its height is 4835 m, but at any time it may decrease. At the foot of the volcano, coniferous forests grow (here most of them within Kamchatka), mainly represented by the Okhotsk larch and ayan's spruce.

As, for example, in the villages of Ngada we were strongly stressed in our "Road map of flowers". Eppy wanted us to witness the last moments of the sunset that united in the pink sky and the sea that we had in the background, so we stopped for a few minutes in the village no more than ten houses in which people left us looking very hard, covering up their bodies are hiccups, woven prints, which are traditions in this area, because they began to catch cold. The interior of Flores, being so mountainous, is cool from dusk, and we noticed as soon as we got out of the car.

The first settlements in the Klyuchevskaya Hills region date back to the Stone Age, when Kamchatka was inhabited by Koryaks, Ainu and Itelmen. There is evidence that people here appeared earlier, even in the early Neolithic period. The main occupation of the local population has always been hunting and fishing. Since the XVII century. The Russians are embarking on the development of Kamchatka. Discovering the keys in the vicinities of the volcano with clear spring water, the Russian first settlers founded the village of Klyuchi here and on it also named the volcano Klyuchevskaya hill and the river Klyuchevka. The first mention of the volcano Kamchatka Mountain belongs to the Russian explorer Vladimir Atlasov (circa 1661 / 1664-1711) - the discoverer of Kamchatka - and refers to 1697-1698. The first to conquer Klyuchevskaya hill was the naval officer Daniil Gauss, who in 1788 arrived in Kamchatka as part of the Russian expedition of Captain Joseph Billings (1761-1806).

Next to the sound of pigs and chickens, there were no words to describe yet another of those sunsets worthy of pointing in a notebook of unforgettable moments. Try to break it, for God's sake. Since the roads are terrible, there is no illumination, and, in addition, people walk on platforms, as if such things. And it was that they had to give the prize to those who achieved the goal goal, in safety. Moni is a small town which, due to its proximity to the Kelimuth volcano, is the base for travelers who want to climb early into the crater and enjoy their colorful lakes.

Accompanied by two satellites, whose names remained unknown, he ascended the slope of the volcano to the very top. Climbing without special means and proper experience was extremely risky, Gauss described it later: "... I expected to find my grave at every step, and, deep in thought, I surrendered to the will of the Most High. My curiosity carried me to the very top of the mountain to see the very crater there and give the offspring an interesting description ... ".

If not for this fact, it would remain unnoticed as yet another population that is near the highway. There is nothing special about it, except for some affordable hotel rooms and several restaurants where few travelers who are invited to visit the island more than Labuanbajo, far from there, have a place to stay before heading out to hunt a great volcano.

We did not book anything, but we did not think that we would need it. The only thing we knew, from what we read, is that the quality of accommodation was one of the lowest on the island. Eppy stopped at the first hotel we passed and confirmed it as soon as we got out of the car to see the rooms that were a real mosquito's nest, there was hardly any light, and the sheets were older than the Kelimutu lakes. They asked us for Rs. 000, but we preferred to continue to look for more places.

Six zones under the general name "Volcanoes of Kamchatka" are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and among them is the Klyuchevskaya Nature Park of regional importance. Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano on the Kamchatka peninsula. It is located in the key group of volcanoes. It is located in the middle of the Kamchatka River valley. At the foot of Klyuchevskaya Hill in the village of Klyuchi there is a volcanological station of the Institute of Volcanology of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Local residents say that Klyuchevskaya hill is the home of the deceased, and they say that the volcano erupts when the dead are drowning the yurts with the bones of whales that they catch in the underground sea. For the activity of the Klyuchevskaya Hills, since 1697, the eruption of this volcano was described for the first time by a participant of the Second Kamchatka Expedition Stepan Krasheninnikov. Long-term observations of the behavior of the volcano made it possible to learn that, as a rule, Klyuchevskaya volcano erupts once in five to six years, and the most severe eruptions occur every quarter of a century.

The second hotel looked a little better, but there was not a single room free of charge. We were offered a double room for Rs. 000, which, at least, came to the budget. Eppie stayed in the next room. It's been two weeks since we left Madrid, and sometimes I liked to alternate oriental food, with which she reminded me even a little for my house.

Rebecca preferred to continue the bet on the repeated Naxi Goreng. Rebecca, who literally fell in love with Bali and took care of the place where she was sleeping, spent her lunch at the hotel, bypassing the hotel where we will spend the night. It should have been drawn from the person to the cross, as far as it was convenient, and it had to be done. And more, when there was no choice, as it was. We emerged from a cloud of mosquitoes at the door, and we examined one after another wet, rather dirty beds covered with unsightly blue sheets with sunflower patterns.

In the last three centuries, more than 50 violent eruptions have occurred on Kluchevskaya Hill, sometimes very powerful. When the volcano erupts, ashes, smoke and gas rise to a height of 20 km, and ashes, settling, scatter throughout the Eastern Hemisphere. As a rule, the flame escaping from the crater is visible for a week, but there have been cases, such as in 1727-1731, when the flame over the crater did not disappear for three consecutive years. Thus, during the strongest eruption of 1853, huge streams of lava flowed down the valley of Kamchatka and reached settlements on the river. In 1932, the first volcanic eruption in the history of the volcano's study occurred (outside the main crater). With the eruption of 2004-2005. The column of ashes rose to a record height of 8000 m for Klyuchevskaya hill.

The walls were obscured by the mud, and although they were white that day, they began to darken. The bathroom was just disgusting. A real nest of insects with spiders dancing on the top of the toilet, in which you need to "pull the chain," you had to use a bucket of water. He had a broken window, and in the doorway there was a huge hole through which all the mistakes they wanted could get us.

It was our special horror hotel, and we had to sleep there. Do not miss a pretty funny video where you can see some features of the room for panic before we went to sleep. Rebecca, the most restrained with the hotel, accidentally fell asleep in two minutes. It took me a little more time, because on the one hand it was very hot, and on the other hand I was disturbed by the noise created by the bichillo that was hiding inside and outside the room. A terrible early morning and horrific slugs climb the wall, leaving a slimy stream.

The last eruption of Klyuchevskaya Sopka was recorded on August 15, 2013. In the immediate vicinity of the volcano, at a distance of 30 km, there is only one village - Klyuchi, based on the site of the large prison Nizhnekamchatsk - one of the first Russian Cossack jails in Kamchatka. The village is surrounded by mountains and forests, inhabited by brown bears and lynxes. In 1731, it was completely burned during the Kamchatka revolt against excessive taxation and reinstated in 1741. In Kamchatka, in 1935, the Kamchatka volcanological station of the Institute of Volcanology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was opened, and since then constant observations have been made here for the volcanoes of the entire key group. The local population is engaged in gardening, breeding cattle and fishing. But even remoteness from the volcano does not save from the consequences of eruptions - it is so great and powerful.

Like red cockroaches, like a devil climbing a windowpane. At four thirty, we waited for Eppy to take us to his car to the trail, where the hikes would begin at Kelimut volcano. We felt something new, but nothing that would not suffice with a thin long sleeve. Much less that we were told that someone would say that we are going to climb Mount Everest to minus forty degrees. At night, still closed as a witness, we began a series of curves that made their way through one of the most densely populated slopes of Kelimut's vegetation.

In 2010, there was an eruption of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, an ash falls, and the village of Ust-Kamchatsky, located 150 km from the volcano, was almost completely flooded. There are many who want to admire the Klyuchevskaya hill, many here attract the opportunity to witness an unusual atmospheric phenomenon. Sometimes a strange cloud forms above the volcano, similar to a wide cone, covering the top of the volcano, like a mushroom cap. The phenomenon evokes a keen interest of ufologists, but it is explained entirely by terrestrial reasons: it is a biconvex cloud, better known as the "cloud-cap". It arises from the accumulation of moist air flows at the top. Tourists are always warned about security measures: the treacherous Klyuchevskaya hill is confidently holding the first place among the other Kamchatka mountains by the number of deaths on its slopes.

If we wanted to see the dawn from above and watch the sun give importance to the color of its three lakes, it was necessary to get up early, because the reward can be very useful. But between the curve and the curve something appeared that we did not consider foggy. Undoubtedly, a character who was not invited and was not taken by surprise.

It was difficult to drive with the car, because it was not visible by two or three meters, and there were many cows on the road. We did not want to think about it, but deep down we did it. If we had this fog, would it not be as bad or worse, the higher we were? We prefer not to give too many turns and be optimistic. It was still too early, and perhaps the haze had not yet reached the crater.

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