Project cartoons who they raise. Joint and independent activities. Conversations with children

Project on this topic: " Cartoons in the life of children: good and evil, harm or benefit?»

Educational institution: School 1492., District: Y.Butovo
Main object: Iso, art, additional items: the world around
Scientific adviser: Shurenkova Lyubov Yuryevna, Primary school teacher, GOU TSN1492, participant \\ "year-2009 teacher \\"
Scientific adviser: no no no, no no

The playground on which this work was presented: S. Butov, 01/27/09, Tuesday, 11:30


1. Relevance
Cartoons - harm or benefit?
We, quite a little know about how cartoons affect the formation of a child's personality, which cartoons are useful, and which are harmful to children, and how they raise them.
Frequently advertised cartoons (especially imported) are not always useful for children. Many cartoons are aggressive, selfish and undesirable to view.
Old domestic cartoons are small parables, in which a deep spiritual meaning is hidden under a short entertaining history. Moreover, many cartoons do not simply show \\ "positive \\" dolls and animals, but also give a program to educate the qualities of a real person.

2. purpose
- analyze the cartoons of different times and peoples (domestic and foreign);
- Integrate class students and schools in the history of multiplication development;
- Clean the interest of modern children to the future of domestic animation (animation).
- Prove that domestic cartoons can be used for the purpose of upbringing.

Children made signs that described different things that were exhibited. The team of children was responsible for drawing up a sign for our presentation. Several mothers helped children to prepare egg-shaped cookies to serve sandwiches during the presentation.

Another group of children has developed an invitation that was sent to parents. After eight weeks of tense work, the parents of the students came to school to see all the work that the children did, and all they learned. Then we invite parents to come and watch the exhibition with our children.

3. Study of the issue
In our school, this issue has not been engaged in this issue, but in journals, on television and in Internet resources, this topic has long been discussed for a long time and with the arrival of foreign cartoons and television programs, the question of the dangers and benefits of cartoons has become more relevant.

4. Idea
It is known that foreign cartoons are greater popularity than domestic. I suggested that if I study the history of animation; Looking for how cartoons do; I will conduct the survey of students to identify their favorite cartoons; I will analyze the program of the TV program, then I can find out how popular domestic and foreign cartoons and determine one of the reasons for this popularity.
I try to attract the attention of adults and children to the problem of domestic animation. I want to show on the examples of cartoons of the 70s, which the cartoons not only entertain, but also raise. I sincerely hope that there will be more on the television domestic cartoon: Merry, good and instructive for the whole family.

The work of children was exhibited so that their parents could appreciate it. A group of children offered cookies that we baked. We also invite the owner of the poultry farm on our presentation. He was amazed by seeing the work of children and gave us a parrot as a gift.

The children were happy to have a pet in the classroom. The article had a call addressed to Mexican children, to take part in the testicular drawings, organized by the Institute of Eggs in Mexico. We felt that it would be interesting to know how children would remember what they learned during the development of the project, so we offered them to take a picture, waiting to see the results.

5. Methods of work
- Theoretical - collecting information and search for materials in encyclopedias, Internet resources and on television.
- Research - Analysis of the collected information, analysis of the TV program for children, comparing some domestic and foreign cartoons.
- Practical - conducting a survey and survey of students on the need and usefulness of cartoons, a tour of Soymmit Film and the Animation Museum, script development for school cartoons.

This is what Littset said about her drawing: Teenagers are sitting on their eggs to keep them warm. Chicks are not born if the eggs do not remain warm. This is what Victoria said about her drawing: Chicken makes eggs inside her body. She needs to eat well to be strong.

All children sent a drawing. Dan was one of the winners of this national Competition. He bought a soccer ball with his money and was very pleased. We are all very proud of them. The project of chickens and eggs was an excellent learning experience for both children and me. It was nice to see how much we learned to have fun and interesting. Teaching through the method of teaching projects has much more advantages. Children are motivated and assumed responsibility for their training. They use many different skills, such as reading, letter, mathematics and science, not even realizing it.

6. Result of work, conclusions
Study time: September - December 2008.
We analyzed the selected materials and prepared a report.
The survey among schoolchildren and adults confirmed our hypothesis that not all cartoons entertain and develop children. School survey participated 257 students from 1 to grade 6, 81% of respondents gave a positive assessment of cartoons, 19% of surveyed students answered that there are cartoons that they would not want to watch because of cruelty and bad circulation with each other of cartoon heroes. And some children added that the TV viewing is harmful, and they give more time to classes in circles and sections. IN primary school A scenario competition was held on a school cartoon, which took an active part of many students who were interested in creating good cartoons.
I proved that the cartoons are different, but they can be used for the purpose of upbringing, if they are correctly chosen. It is advisable to view cartoons at home with parents, followed by a discussion.
Cartoons - Direct reflection of society culture. Our domestic films teach good and good, teach to dream and believe in miracles.
I made a presentation in the classroom and at the school conference in December 2008.
I am preparing a permanent stand on your research.

In my class, we all become experts in the subject we consider. She is a wonderful teacher who all the time sent me to understand and study the method of training on projects. Ivette Alcon - a kindergarten teacher in an Ion College in Mexico, the Federal District. He received a bachelor's degree in psychology in the California State University in Long Beach. Currently, she is studying for the Master of International Education at the University of Encott in Mexico City.

He makes violence in them. We consider it important to emphasize violence as a subconscious message in cartoons. And if this problem is not supplied, then the brake in the future cannot be solved and lead to the worst consequences. And when we talk about it, we mean that more and more parents work and leave their children in the company of the magic box.

7. Bibliography
1) Encyclopedia of domestic animation. Publishing house: Algorithm, 2006.
2) wisdom of fiction. Publishing house: Art, 1983.
3) Cartoon in Flash. Red Kirkpatrick, Kevin Piti. Publishing house: NTPress, 2006.
4) The effect of cartoons on the consciousness of children,
5) The influence of television on children,
6) The influence of telecast for the development of children (doctor psychonevologist Volchkova I.P.)
7) Magic cartoons
8) Education of cartoons, magazine. Organization and world »
9) Children and modern cartoons,
10) how to read cartoons,
11) Cartoons: harm or benefit?,
12) Education of children cartoons,
13) Our cartoons for our children
14) Moscow Museum of Animation

In the studies conducted, the results are truly frightening. Children spend at least 4 hours a day before the TV. Children are very vulnerable. The more cruel actions they see, the more indifferent they are. Although the pictures seem harmless, they are the most strong accusations, they are just beginning to form their individuality, criteria, their way of thinking.

The lack of sensitivity of scenes violence on television can lead to the fact that the child will not have emotional reactions to violent actions in his real life, and will even lose one who will help someone. Television, while many other stereotypes than the same real lifeassociated with race, society, even when to habits for food.

Project "Amazing World of Cartoon" Project "Amazing World of Cartoon" Municipal State Preschool educational institution Kindergarten 7 of the overall view with the priority activities on the artistic and aesthetic development of children Developer Tretyakov Ksenia Mikhailovna, educator of the city competition of professional skill "Educator of the Year - 2012"

Boys have no criteria for choosing what is suitable for them, since they do not distinguish what is realistic, and that - fiction. When a child spends most of the time before the TV, it will deduct the moments from other actions. Studies show that children who spend more time in front of the TV are more pessimistic, less inventive, less empathic, etc.

With proper programming, children can develop a chest, study new activities and even expand their worldview. Unfortunately, in our country, this type of television is not appreciated in the same way as small entrepreneurs who do not consider it profitable and because parents often do not have the real importance of education or otherwise ignore the negative consequences of today's programming.

Probably, all teachers know how important it is to be interested in doing this or that activity so that their faces will radiate joy, and their eyes burned with delight. How to achieve such an effect? My experience shows that one of the most important conditions for the successful development of children's creativity is a variety and variability of working with children. The novelty of the situation, a variety of materials, interesting for children, new and original technologies, the possibility of choice is that it helps to prevent one-minded and boredom to children's activities, ensures the liveliness and the immediacy of child perception and activities. It is important to create a new situation every time so that children, on the one hand, can apply the skills learned earlier, on the other, were looking for new solutions, creative approaches. That is what causes children positive emotions, a joyful surprise, the desire to create. This is also stated in federal state requirements that offer a variety of methods, funds, forms of education and children's development. Child observation, the study of their age features, interests allowed me to conclude that the senior preschoolers possess large quantity Knowledge and inexhaustible fantasy. Parents of pupils have the need to develop creative abilities of their children. In search of methods that promote the development of creative thinking of the child, I turned to animation, as it is now called, - Animation. RELEVANCE

To reduce negative effects, it is recommended to reduce the number of hours in front of the TV to accompany the child to see his favorite to make sure that the program content is consistent with the introduced, asking him questions about his program; Thus, we will know what he thinks, and we can better navigate in it.

Programming children always existed, to a lesser or greater extent, with a higher or less. New generations see programming that is not created for them, so the child cannot find out what they need in adult programs. Parents must decide that they see their children, and what is not.

The main pedagogical value of animation as a type of modern art is primarily in the possibility of integrative personality development. In addition, it is the animation that helps to bring the interests of the adult and the child to the most closeness and the uniqueness of the genre. With it, you can make the learning process for preschoolers. The positive impact of animation can become an excellent developing manual for the liberation of thinking, the development of creative potential. Children of five-seven years of age are famous "worshipings". Infinite "why" require a response and serve as a basis for the formation of own representations, world-up -ring and for creative modeling of the picture of the world, which is immediately embodied in children's drawings. Children really value with their drawings, because in each of them they put a piece of themselves by showing creativity. You can make exhibitions of children's work, keep children's drawings in folders. And it can be done so that the drawings of children "came to life," began to move and live their own lives. Many psychologists confirm that animation is a great way to open creative deposits, developing communicative abilities and leadership qualities. Considering the foregoing, I proposed on the basis of our kindergarten to organize the children's Art - the Studio of the author's cartoon "Carousel" and implement a creative project " Amazing world animation. "

From the above, it is possible to highlight as pioneers in the Argentine television "Titans in the ring", as one of the first who demonstrated violence in its content. His program begins with a ring, in which the fighters are struggling for the title. Remember that boys often imitate violence.

Later at the time we can talk about the "Ninja" or "Knights of the Zodiac", among other things, as a program dedicated to "Children", which are violence as the first point of reference. Some of these programs can be called innocent, others - cruel, and others can conflict with the lack of values \u200b\u200bor contain elements that are not intended for children under the age of 16. We remember the TV: programs that have seen us.

The type of project is information and creative. The duration of the project - the long-term participants in the project - an educator, parents, pupils of senior pre-school groups. The goal of the project is to create conditions for the development of the creative abilities of senior preschoolers through the use of various animation techniques. Project information

Television is associated with fantasy, and in general people share the fantasies of our real actors. For example, you can enjoy watching a movie about what does not mean that he feels pleasure to be in the middle of the battle. And children should be learned to distinguish. Of course, if a child usually has violence that they will find on TV, these are very good ideas for their violence.

The most important conclusion of this study is that for every hour of ill-friendly television, children triple their chances of developing cruel behavior, which really causes anxiety. Children become less sensitive to emotional stimuli.

Educational 1. introduce children with the history of the emergence and development of animation. 2. To introduce children with the process, means and techniques of animation. 3. Expand the knowledge of children about professions such as screenwriter, animator artist, shooting operator, sound operator. Developing 1. Develop creative thinking and imagination. 2. To form artistic skills and skills. 3. Develop temporary and spatial attitudes in animation. 4. Develop the skills of connected speech, the ability to use a variety of expressive means. 5. Develop information culture and logical thinking of children. 6. Develop the skills of the artistic taste and design design of the project. Educational Problems of Project 1. Support the desire of children to reflect their ideas through animation activities. 2. Rail a aesthetic feeling of beauty and harmony in life and art. 3. We instill a responsible attitude towards your work. 4. Rise in children the ability to work in small project groups with peers and adults.

Below are the applications of the doctor. "Children cannot distinguish fantasy and reality, and drawings teach them that violence is fun." We found that the more cruel the television, which children of preschool age observe, the more likely that they should have antisocial behavior - to act aggressively, do not obey, get into trouble.

Violence is a repetitive topic, and several experts have already talked about the subject, what we are going to do in this work is to feed yourself from all studies that have already been made, to conduct our own research both within and within . This topic is that it is already worried about several branches: from psychiatry, clinicians, neurologists and the passage of the Line of Medicine - a repetitive topic in the sectors of education.

Planned results for kindergarten: 1. Creating conditions for the development of the child as an individuality. 2. Update the content of education and the qualitative change in the educational process and the activities of the DOU. 3. The possibility of providing additional educational services to parents to develop children. For a child: 1. The interest of children to the visual activity. 2. Creating creative ideas with the help of various types of arts and is actively included in the process of creativity. 3. The child got the opportunity for joint creative interaction with peers and adults. 4. Rose the level of information culture. For parents: 1. Satisfying the need for a variety of additional services for the development of children. 2. High degree of parental awareness of the child's development. 3. Creative activity of parents through active inclusion in the project. For the teacher: 1. Improving the professional level in the field 2. Information and computer technology. 3. Implementation of creative potential. 4. Satisfaction with your own activities.

We have just mentioned education, and this is important in our studies, because babies or children are at the stage when they absorb everything they experience, and turn it into training. We are not talking about the fact that children receive education from television because they do not attend gardens or schools, we are talking about education that goes in parallel with school education is involuntary.

All documents available on this site express the opinion of their authors, not the site. The purpose of the site is to provide knowledge to the entire community. Curious about all things in life, the child comes to naturally ask questions about death. In this article, we wanted to bring the elements that will feed the discussion between the parent and the child, with the support of audiovisual fiction, where the topic of death was solved with the didactic sphere.

Project Novelty allows you to integrate diverse species Arts (literary, musical, theatrical, visual creativity). The compound of innovative and original techniques of fine and decorative and applied creativity and technology animation cartoon. Practical significance Various technologies for creating animation cartoon Can be used in the practice of kindergartens of the city, parents, as well as the studio can visit not only the pupils of our kindergarten, but also the pupils of other kindergartens.

The chosen fund, perhaps already known to most of our children, will allow us to share with them moments of cinema, developing the availability of their questions. And since we accompany it from the moment of its first impulse, we are also referents to the question of death.

The fear of death is the natural collective emotion that occupies a significant number of social and cultural restrictions. From that moment on, we are talking about the content of our participation in this discussion in our educational relations, and this is despite our pots, which include many cracks. When we are moving towards these issues, the child makes us a secret gift of parenthood: an invitation to return to the world! In this second random school, we leave with him the study of all things of life and, thus, in the "Education of Death".

The first stage - organizational (2012) includes the creation of all necessary conditions for ensuring the introduction and development of innovation. The second stage is practical (2012 - 2013) Practical activities on the project in accordance with thematic planning of the work of children's Art - the Studio of the author's cartoon "Carousel". The third stage is the final (2013) presentation of the author's cartoons (individual and group). Stages of project implementation

This approach in combination with the observation of the rhythms of nature, the cycles of evolution allows us to be in this space, where since the morning everything is transformed, where everything is possible. The traumatic significance of this religious film is that the story takes the turns of the bass of a feverish species before devoting the blown innocence. While the popular fairy tale crystallizes fears around the identified character, in Bambubi director David Hands cancels this comfort, creating an intense evil.

This gap with a narrative tradition is directly experiencing a young viewer with a stupor of a simple shot. The death of Mother Bambi also refers to "Big Bad Wolves." In the collision of the young Simba, the principle of triple punishment is applied. First, the loss of a loved one and guardian, then the weight of guilt and, finally, the confiscation of his status of the heir to the throne.

Materials and resources The materials and resources necessary for the implementation of the project are necessary for the implementation of the project digital and technical means: 1. The camera and a tripod to it. 2. Computer 3. Printer 4. Scanner 5. Projector and screen to it. 6. Microphone connected to a computer to record voice (Cartoon audio solution). 7. Multistan stores (a special table having a top tier with an embedded sheet of plexiglas - for characters and lower tier from plywood sheet). Software: 1. A selection of musical works (for sound design of the cartoon). 2. Microsoft PowerPoint. 3.Paint. 4. Windows Movie Maker.

Wild flight is a life that inevitably finds his way. Collecting eggs from ducklings to hatch, Amy finds himself a mother, as if he would make a spontaneous saying of her missing mother. Amy movement that seems trivial is drawn into a dizzying aspiration that puts it in direct contact with the movement of cosmic order; Migration cycle.

In the Duma, the Duma process takes the form of a long initiative travel along the desert of South Africa. Ksan did not want to turn the Duma into a wildlife, and he did not want his father to disappear. This is how he can finally find his home and his mother and continue to live in love for the missing father. Father's death occurs very far on the front line. For Aengus, a young boy, folded on himself, information is delayed by his mother. From his relationship with a fantastic creature, he protects against military maneuvers, which run on Loch Ness, Angish is growing.

Innovative project technologies Picturesque animation in the technique of shifting technique of the shifting allows you to make cartoons faster and easier. They are inherent in such features as detailed detailing, some conditionality of the character of the characters and the limited one plane. Plasticine animation in the blackhead technique due to its extraordinary adhesiveness of plasticine over the years remains one of the most favorite materials of multipliers. The child really likes to create its bright plasticine heroes. Figures can be sculpt both bulk and flat, as if it is a drawing or bas-relief.

Puppet animation Used dolls made from different materials (fabric, wood, paper, threads, etc.). The figures can be removed by placing them right in front of the photo camera and take pictures of the frame, and in its position, minimal changes are made so that the illusion of motion is created during installation or removed on a real-time video camera. Magnetic animation Heroes unfold on the background and move with the help of magnets that are located under the Watman sheet. Removed by the camera with the function "Video camera" and voiced in the mode of real shooting or through the microphone. Picturesque animation (according to the principle of the diameter) is based on this technique, the principle of the film film is based, that is, each figure is a separate frame. Movement as in the present animation cinema is not, the picture "does not come to life", but the child can voice his cartoon with a microphone.

Animation as a modern integrated type of art and learning allows you to: solve the issues of artistic development of preschoolers; expand the boundaries of knowledge; actively include children in the process of creativity; form aesthetic estimates and preferences; Intensify freedom of creative manifestation. Calculation classes help see the usual in a new way, to understand the beauty of the surrounding world and human relations. In process cartoon film Children develop sensorobic qualities associated with the actions of the child's hand that ensure the rapid and accurate absorption of technical techniques in different types activities, perception of proportions, features of the form, the nature of lines, spatial relations, colors, rhythm, movement. The art of animation develops creative thought, forms the ability of the original supply of the vision of the surrounding world. Consequently, animation activity, as a creative activity, plays an invaluable role in the creative development of children. I believe that the creation of cartoons in children's garden - It is not only possible, but also very useful for the disclosure of children's talents. Conclusion

Appendix 1 Another ten thousand years ago ancient artists depicted running people and animals, showing their legs in several positions. If the film was in their hands, they could remove their drawings of the phase phase, and the animation would be as ancient art as music, drawing, dance. In 1832, the artist's scientist from Belgium Joseph Plato invented the first of numerous stroboscopes. The figures were placed around the perimeter of the rotating cardboard circle. When looking through the slots, located between the figures, the latter came to life. Perhaps it's not by chance that the hero of the first stroboscope was a child: a little girl jumped through the rope. And, finally, on September 28, 1892, the first view of the cartoon, or moving pantomime took place in Paris. By this time, neither the film chamber nor the film was existed. The author of the first "cartoons", toy affairs Master Emil Reyno, painted every Kadrik on a transparent plate and glued them between themselves with a piece of fabric. With the help of two drums, the system of lenses and mirrors this "film" was projected onto the screen. But how were our favorite modern cartoons created? The history of the emergence of animation

1. Search for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future film. 2. Writing a script. 3. Development and manufacture of characters. 4. Movie animation. 5. Sound clearance of the film. 6. Mounting the film. 7. Joint watching film, its discussion and analysis. Stages of creating a cartoon Script writing Requirements Annex 2 The script should consist of the following parts: Zaguka. Development of action. Culmination. Junction.

The first stage - organizational (2012) includes the creation of all necessary conditions for ensuring the introduction and development of innovation. The implementation plan of the 1st stage of the project of the Events 1. Acquisition of digital and technical means: a camera and a tripod to it. Computer printer scanner projector and screen to it. Microphone connected to a computer for voice recording (cartoon audio solution). Cartoons. 2. Examine and master computer programs: Microsoft PowerPoint. Paint. Windows Movie Maker. 3. Develop a Regulation on Children's Art - Studio of the author's cartoon "Carousel"

Educational area Project Topics Number of hours Physical culture "Hare Champion" 4 Knowledge familiarity of children with a history of animation, with various animation techniques. 4 "On Merry Polyanka" 4 Fiction "Tales around us" 4 Communication "Meeting with Murai Kuzey" 4 Safety "Buratino in the city of road signs" (road rules) 4 "Teremok" (fire safety) 4 Artistic creativity "Multicolored world »4 Socialization" Give a Smile Mire "4 Health" Visiting Queen Vitaminki "4 Appendix 3 Second Stage - Practical (2012 - 2013) Themed Work Plan for Children's Art - Cutter Cartoon Studio" Carousel "

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