Project creation of a cartoon in an elementary school. A cartoon of "cat, fox and cock" of the Minchenkov family. Childish, but with meaning

Research project

  "Cartoons in the life of children»

Scientific adviser:

biology teacher

The city of Nizhny Novgorod

Secondary school № 41

5 "A" class

Introduction ............................................................................................. .3-4

1. First a bit of history ..................................................................... Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons ............................ ... 7-10

Before a microphone, you are often inclined to make your voice. The child must learn to dispose of it, find the volume and register with which he will feel more comfortable. Intonation is a variation of the different heights of sounds: you can suggest simple exercises that will allow you to distinguish between the types of sentences from the threshold of intonation. There are no two absolutely identical human faces, there are not even two equal voices. They are distinguished by a seal, often a subtle difference, which allows you to recognize the voice.

Speaking in front of a microphone is an excellent exercise for students, a practice that needs to be well cultivated. The first time you can interrupt what the student says, and let him repeat, taking care to find out what's wrong, or express it with wrong tones; some attempts, and you get a personal and effective approach. All children will have the opportunity to perform dubbing activities, each of which will feel the main character: to give your voice to the character means to get into one part, make it your own; this means giving everyone the opportunity to indelibly fix something that can be spread, for example, over the Internet.

3. Practical part ........................................................................ .. ... 11-15

4. Conclusion ....................................................................................... .16

5.List of literature ............................................................................ ..17


Childhood is the most wonderful time in a person's life. But what is the most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! Generations grow on them!

Adding music and sound effects reinforce and give meaning to images, serve to create an atmosphere and excite emotions. 7 Score Cartoon scenes are mounted with the software for editing video audio, and the workbook is re-projected onto a group of students, the duration of the scene, the dialogue expression, the effectiveness of messages, the synchronization of images with sound. Technical confirmations are confirmed and the cardboard production phases, comments, corrections and corrections are updated: the analysis and production merge into meaningful training.

Once I asked my mother if she liked to watch cartoons as a child. Her answer was yes. For them, children of the 70's, it was an extraordinary event. "Mama! "Cried the little ones. And the adults were forced to give up all the business and, giving in to persistent demands, to watch with the children an amazing fairy tale. She wore them on colorful, sparkling waves of cheerful and sad, instructive and mysterious, mysterious and funny stories ...

Sharing cartoons through web technology makes children really part of the communication process as a process of interaction with society. Pre-cinematographic tools and animation. The pre-cinematic term is all these experiments and entertainments related to the projection of images and the illusory movement, from antiquity to the first public screening in cinema organized by the Lumiere brothers on December 28. the beginning of "cinema" is contradictory, and only Lumière's ideas have all the elements that coordinate each scientist: projection, the use of "moving" photos, the purpose of entertainment, the presence of an audience of paid and modern collective implementation.

Now we, their children, watch cartoons. These are cartoons of Soviet and foreign production. But for some reason, more and more parents are having doubts about the safety and usefulness of foreign animation products for us. How do they have a depressing sense of anxiety, from where does the suspicion that something wrong and irreparable happen? In my work, I tried to figure out how the cartoons affect children's psyche.

Etienne Jules Marey was a French physiologist and inventor, a student of movements, and invented tools and methods for their recording, and is also considered a precursor in cinematography. At this stage, children understand intuitively that animation is essentially the result of optical illusion due to a physical phenomenon defined as "visual tenacity". In fact, the human eye has the ability to hold the image for a split second even after it disappeared from the retina's field of vision. In the same fraction of a second, the image can be replaced by another slightly different, providing the brain with the illusion of movement.

Objective:  on the basis of work with literature and practical research, to reveal the effect of modern cartoons of domestic and foreign production on the consciousness of children, and to find out which cartoons will benefit the child.

Objectives of work:

1) learn in the special literature how the genre-animation appeared;

Animation is nothing more than a series of static images designed in such rapid succession to deceive our eyes. The history of the pre-movie is the basis for analyzing, discovering and, above all, playing with images and instruments that characterized the historical path. To bring children closer to the concept of moving images, simple paper tools are being built, inspired by cars to the cinema, such as a pedometer, a flip-book and a taumatropio. The effect of motion is based on retention of the image on the retina, since the differences between the images and the preservation of the images are small, we will have a sense of animation.

2) find out what dangers hide in itself the fictional world of animation;

3) to conduct a survey of students of grades 1-5, in order to identify the most preferred cartoons and their heroes;

4) to study how western cartoons influence the anxiety and aggressiveness of younger schoolchildren;

To build a pedascope, you must have two sheets of the same measure, black cardboard, scissors, glue and a pencil. The sheet is drawn on a sheet that will be repeated in the second sheet with slight differences and in the same position. on black cardboard, turning over the top sheet in pencil and moving the pencil back and forth: you see that the drawing is animated. Through the construction of taumatropio, you can animate a simple drawing, from a cardboard round and another sheet of two rounds of the same size, drawn on a sheet, object or animal and on another sheet, something that contains or completes it. and drawings in a cardboard box, one of the drawings is inserted upside down.

5) analyze the results of studies, draw conclusions;

6) to compose a memo "How to usefully watch cartoons"

  Subject of study  - cartoons of domestic and foreign production.

Hypothesis of work:cartoons of Russian and foreign production, in which more good, not violence, will contribute to the harmonious development of the child, and those in which much violence, develop the child's anxiety, fears, insecurity in communicating with adults and children.

Make two holes on the sides of the cardboard and insert two elastic ones. Hold the two elastic pads at the end and fold the card, then leave. Looking at the rotating disk, you will have the impression that one of the drawings is inside each other. The images are integrated and do not confuse, because we see them in quick succession, separating them from the image of the "disk image", which is in the middle and stores them separately. What we see comes with the phenomenon of "retina firmness": our eye preserves the image of what we are looking for within a second, after the image disappears.

1. Study of literature

2. Watching cartoons

3. Conducting a questionnaire survey of 3-5 grade students and their parents

4. Analysis of the results

The topic is relevant, because today a wide variety of cartoons. We all watch cartoons of foreign and domestic production all the time. Many guys prefer watching TV games.

Here's what you need: block notes or a pack of sheets that are well cut and linked together to form a booklet. Draw a sequence of at least 30 images with minimal changes. Start with the last page, and this will be the first project. When you're done, scroll quickly: we've created an animation story here. Children can ask questions such as: What do you see when you quickly look through the pages?

Do you think you can see the animation? If in motion he showed how hooves rose from the earth at the same time. It consists of a rotating cardboard disk with circular images and cracks through which these images are reflected in the mirror. He was a pioneer of cinema. In a privileged position, judging from the audition data, there is also television, in the company of which children spend a considerable time of their time. Due to the continuous and diverse flow of television represents and offers a way of life, patterns of behavior, knowledge and values, values.

  1. Theoretical part

First a bit of history.

Animation is older than natural cinema. The time must be counted from the moment the device was invented, capable of "animate" the drawings. July 20, 1877, a talented inventor, self-taught engineer Emil Reynaud made a report about his works in France at the academy and demonstrated a praxinoscope designed by him - a kind of mechanical toy with a ribbon, patterned pictures, and a rotating mirror drum. In the future, Emil Reynaud improved his apparatus. Today there are other techniques: Puppet animation, Silhouette and collage animation, computer animation. The first animation studios were created by Barre and Bray in 1915. Characters cartoons were borrowed from newspaper comics or invented in studios. The most popular hero of silent animation was the cat Felix, created in 1917 by P. Sullivan, and in the 1920s perfected by O. Mesmer. The early animation was dumb. To transmit the dialogs, we used either "balloons", as in comics, or titles, like in a movie. A young animator from Los Angeles, W. Disney delivered the first animated film with the synchronous sound "Steamboat Willie" (1928). This was also the first cartoon about Mickey Mouse.

It is this "density" that generates questions, curiosity, sometimes the concerns of parents and educators. The proposal is very broad: a number of satellite and terrestrial broadcasters are added to the schedule dedicated to this television from analog national networks that plan cartoons during the day or for most of it. In the sample set, 128 different names were found.

In most cases they have several episodes in the time interval under consideration: the total number of episodes analyzed is equal to a very large sentence in terms of time and varies in terms of the genres offered: from adventures to comedies, science fiction, fantasy genres of preschool and emotionally sentimental. Studies have shown that the most important meaning in absolute terms is friendship, around which the main essence of the stories revolves. Cartoon characters take on every adventure in the company of their friends, from whom they receive and to whom they offer help, comfort, understanding and company.

In, the founder of voluminous animation, begins in the firm Khanzhonkov work on the first volume-animation film "Development of the tadpole", carrying out in the water frame-by-frame shooting of live tadpoles. 1911 can be considered the year of the birth of Russian animation.

Friendship is much more appropriate for family and love-seduction as a basis for expressing affectivity and planning for childhood. Other values ​​in the first positions remind of solidarity, group and cooperation: team spirit, altruism, loyalty. Success also lies in the collective dimension: in most cases this is not a purely personal statement and the achievement of hedonistic ambitions, but rather the success of the group, the team and the collective enterprise. This predominance of the group and sociality is confirmed by the low importance attached to the value of individualism and power.

Animation (animation) - derived from the Latin "anima" - the soul, therefore, animation means animation or animation. In our movie animation is often called animation (literally - "reproduction").

Creating animation is a long, time-consuming process. The producer determines the general idea, the scriptwriters develop a story and script, which then breaks into episodes and scenes, illustrated by a series of sketches. But despite the fact that today all cartoons are created in many countries of the world, not all of them, it turns out, are recommended to watch .. What do we see on the screens of their TVs? Why do some cartoons cause a storm of joyful emotions, a wave of imitation of favorite heroes and form good emotions of the child, while others cause frank harm, making children angry? Among the creators of cartoons, there are two opinions of those who copy the adult life in cartoons, and those who create the children's world with its own laws of life. Modern children are increasingly gravitating toward imitation of adult life with its aggression and cruelty, and therefore prefer the first type of cartoons

Instead, they approach the individual measurement of growth values, such as courage, strength of character, knowledge and, lower rating, autonomy and internal growth. Among the individual qualities that are important to cultivate, physical strength becomes secondary to personal skills and knowledge. Competitive values ​​are at an average level of importance. Similar positioning for values ​​that indicate an expanded sociality, that is, the skills necessary for integration into society: adherence to rules, values ​​of the right society, inclusion and tolerance, respect for authority.

We asked what kinds of cartoons adults often buy for their children in the video camera "Gorbushka" in Neryungri. We were told that most purchases are foreign novelties. For many children, Russian cartoons are not so interesting to watch, after the dramatic and colorful foreign. All children choose cartoons on the principle of color and interest, fashion in the classroom or kindergarten. But many Russian cartoons were created on the basis of fairy tales. Soviet cartoons are by nature interesting plot and make you think. And how is the situation with foreign cartoons? Almost half of foreign cartoons are built according to the old, proven principle: the string - the culmination - the denouement. Crime - investigation - punishment. Therefore, the main themes of American films are conflicts and crimes.

Respect for nature and the environment is rather insignificant, although, apparently, it is gradually established in the last series, especially in European. As for hedonistic values, such as beauty and wealth, they all seem to be secondary, far from the primacy of friendship and other principles of solidarity. However, their weight is not insignificant, as they claim that they are very or rather important in 12 and 8 cardboard boxes respectively.

Therefore, cartoons are not just an entertainment environment for children and adolescents, but vehicles of history, news, journalism, a tool that tells about social reality, generate complex questions and problems. The trend continues for some time, but in recent years it has become much more obvious: recall, for example, the recent world success of Persepolis, a comic novel first, and then a film in which the Iranian author Marjana Satrapi tells the story of cartoons, wars and the struggle for human rights in his country.

Most modern cartoons have the following features:

1. Vivid, the action takes place very quickly

2. A simple, understandable story, repeated in all cartoons.

3. The value of speech for understanding the cartoon is minimized.

5. Many aggression.

6.Single music.

2. Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons.

Therefore it is not surprising that if the cartoon became "adult" and mature language, even in the transfer of social significance. The cartoon "Empress Island" is pleased and encourages the principles enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20. Cartoons emphasize, without moralism and with great sense of humor, the difficulties associated with the minor discrimination that people with disabilities experience every day.

The main characters are six disabled animals, a dog-bull terrier on a wheelchair, a tortoise, walking with crutches, to a stick insect that leans on a stick. So, Tim Turtle voice of John Wilding, a multiple sclerosis living in Cardiff, describes his disappointment when, for example, he just wants to enter the clothing store, and he faces barriers such as ladders or shelves too high. The snail of Spade also has the voice of John Morrose, the man.

But now try to conduct a small experiment on yourself. Look, for example, a series of the series "Woody and his friends", which lasts 10 minutes and retell it. What will happen? Well, probably 1-2 suggestions as someone knocked someone, hit and Woody uttered his famous: "Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta." And now look at the cartoon, for example, "Oh and AH", which also last 10-15 minutes. Answer the question: What does the story tell us? The kid like a sponge absorbs what he sees on TV. He still does not know how to distinguish fiction from reality. For him, all the characters are absolutely alive and real. And it is they who will copy in their behavior, intonations, games. Abroad, cartoons with the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" are often labeled "For children over 6 years old". Still would! The kid takes for granted and natural, that you can skin a cat from a cat, and it will be not only alive, but also oars. Or mouse you can hit on the head, blow up, poison, and she will remain invulnerable, continuing to plot the unfortunate Tom.

And now, let's, compare the characters in more detail and what the cartoons of domestic and foreign production teach.

Take and consider the example of several domestic and foreign cartoons.

"The smallest dwarf" A cartoon about how the smallest dwarf named Vasya learns to do good, in each of several series helping out of the misfortunes of the heroes of fairy tales: Little Red Riding Hood, seven kids, three pigs ... There is a wonderful image of one "rescuer"

  "The Magic Pouch"   The story is recognizable: the well-born Bear Spiridon is growing grandson Ivashka, who loves to play mischief and do whatever he wants most. The animals complain, the grandfather is going through and finally decides on the pedagogical experiment: "If you want to mischief, do not talk a word about me, but first fill this bag with stones." Hooray! Yes alive leprosy!

But it turns out, you can put a pebble in a pouch only if you do a good deed. There is a certain spiritual law: when there is no love and mercy in you, do works of mercy and gradually educate your heart.

"The greatest friend"   From his native latitudes, he takes us to a mysterious Africa where an evil crocodile and an African girl with friends - a puppy, a chicken, a bell and a behemoth, live. For the title of the biggest friend, naturally, the hippopotamus claims. The cartoon (which ends, of course, is good) is very lucrative even for the smallest. At the end, the girl "on her fingers" explains the hippopotamus: "Look how small they are, and they are all my big friends." Well, the hippopotamus has nothing to do but cry in three streams.Why, we all realized who is the greatest friend here and how Well, it's all clear: friends need to be helped.

Observe the crumb that looks good cartoon. On his face - a whole barrage of emotions and emotions. Here he laughs along with the hero, here he frowns his brows, empathizing and regretting, here - repeats the words of a familiar song ... Good cartoons are of great educational importance. They will teach the child to be friends and sympathizers, help the comrades and protect the weak, be generous and generous, love their parents and grandparents, show the way out of many difficult situations, save their children's fears. In them, the small spectator will find another confirmation that evil will be punished, and good will always triumph.

  Consider a typical American cartoon " Goofy and his friends. "

Already from several randomly scanned series of this endless cartoon, one can often single out a repetitive story: there is a certain person who is busy with some very important thing for him. As a rule, he is engaged in something quite useful, if not publicly (an employee of some company, to serve the population), then for himself personally (building himself something, growing it, etc.). And there is an idle loafer, very busy with the amusements of a loved one. Given the above plot of the plot, the conflict unfolds between the hero - Goofy and objects. Since Goofy is a hero, naturally, he must win.

As a result of the action, it turns out that the laborer who somehow prevented the woodpecker in his entertainment business, suffers a crushing defeat, and Goofy is shown by such a brave hero, terribly

inventive, and exposing all of his "enemies" to unskillful, fools, in general, losers.

Take for example another cartoon "Ninja Turtles".  Schroeder in "Ninja Turtles", all these cyborgs are the modern embodiment of evil. For a Russian child this is not typical, in this cartoon there is always a confrontation with the bad, and the heroes kill so much that sometimes you think, but are they so good?

In American subjects very often the image of a girl is also very cruel. Traditional for the female image of quality is ridiculed: shyness, disinterestedness, modesty and, most importantly, motherhood. You, of course, saw an episode from "Shrek" (when a bird explodes from singing trolls). Children at this moment always laugh. This is how the shift of consciousness is achieved. Thus, the mentality of our children is changed by strangers. It's not just a beautiful murder scene, it's an example of death. The main positive heroine of our fairy tales can not be this, it can not be cruel, can not kill. In all cartoons, there are always monsters and mutating people. They shoot, explode, kill, fly on incomprehensible to my brain machines, airplanes and spacecraft. It is not possible to call these fairy tales kindly even with a stretch.

What this leads to:

1. The brightness of the cartoon makes it easy to attract the attention of the child. As a result, the child does not need to make an effort to learn to concentrate. The inability to concentrate attention develops, and at school the child can not sit out a lesson and memorize all the material.

2. A clear, simple storyline does not always give you the opportunity to engage in imagination, fantasy. But cartoons are another way to develop thinking, attention and memory.

3. During the school period, the child's speech develops most intensively. Therefore it is important to hear the correct, beautiful native speech, to hear all the intonations, the feelings conveyed by speech. The lack of correct speech can lead to a lag in its development.

4. Through the cartoons the child learns the patterns of behavior, ways of acting, learns how to achieve his own. Unfortunately, often this method is aggression. According to numerous studies, children who watch mostly foreign cartoons, there is an increase in cruelty and aggressiveness.

  3. Practical part

Results of the study.

1. In the 3-5 grades of our school, I conducted a questionnaire survey.

Student Questionnaire

Class ___________

1.Will you watch cartoons? ( well no)

(morning, lunch, evening)

(Soviet or foreign)

4. What is the name of your favorite cartoon?



5. What is your favorite hero?



The results of the survey of students of grades 3-5 of school №41.

1.Will you watch cartoons?

2.When do you prefer to watch cartoons?

(morning, lunch, evening)

3. What kind of cartoons do you prefer? (Soviet or foreign)

4. The most common cartoons

5. Favorite characters of cartoons

We conducted a survey - a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The conducted study showed that all children love cartoons. Most parents do not want to limit their children's choice of cartoons. The right to choose a cartoon belongs to the child. This is a very disturbing sign. Most often, children choose foreign cartoons, preferring such cartoons as "Enchantresses", "School of Sorceresses", "Lilo and Stitch", "The Simpsons", "Futurama". Watch cartoons for more than 4 hours a week, which is harmful to the eyesight and health in general. The favorite heroes of children are those who can commit a brutal act and even murder. Imagine if in life a child begins to copy the behavior of his favorite characters? Children in the questionnaire even find it difficult to name 10 "our" cartoons, and this is our history and culture. I think that parents need to think about it and watch what the children are watching.

Cartoons should:

1) Learn to love animals. Heroes of cartoons are often animals.

2) Learn to be friends.

3) To help study the world around us

4) Teaches you how to perform your duties. Therefore, heroes should show by example how to perform certain actions.

5) Refuse to view animated series. The cartoon should have a story, preferably on the basis of team interaction.

6) Watch cartoons no more than 2 hours a week.

7) Tell your mom and dad the content of the cartoon.


Children like to watch cartoons, but not everything that they like is useful for us. When a child likes a knife, and he begins to play with him carelessly, his parents take him away, but when you look at the "bad" cartoon, you are brought up, moral qualities, you can clearly observe the disrespect, cynicism, sometimes the cruelty of the characters of some cartoons to their family, parents , brothers, sisters. In many cartoons they are given the main, positive hero. And imperceptibly these vices are eaten into the child's consciousness, since positive characters need to be imitated.

So, let's summarize. In one of the cities a few years ago, psychologists studied the influence of various cartoons on the child's psyche. It turned out that after the "Soviet cartoons" the children calmed down, they became more benevolent, they had better sleep and appetite. After American computer cartoons, children's fears and aggressiveness increased, they began to be capricious, to fight, to break toys. Meanwhile, in recent years, very rarely seen on the screen Cheburashka or Winnie the Pooh, but aggressive animated series filled all the channels. Of course, one can not divide the cartoons into bad and good ones, but since we have a completely different culture, it's better for Russian children to watch Russian cartoons.

During the research, my hypothesis was confirmed, we proved that not all cartoons have a positive impact on children. Therefore, I recommend watching more domestic cartoons.


1. "The Planet of Animation", article "My Baby", Moscow, 2003

2. "About our alliance", G. Borodin, 2005

3.Articles in the Internet

4. Articles of psychologists: 1. Tatiana Genina.

2. Eduard Uspensky.

5.Teleedushcha "Moscow Week"


The first steps in animation



Performers: 3rd grade students

Head: Martyshchenko V.I.




Introduction .............................................................................. .. 3

    Theory ... ..................................................................... .. 5

    The history of animation ................................................ .. 5

    Ways to "revive pictures" ........................................ 7th

    Kinds of cartoons ......................................................... 9

    Creating your own cartoon (practical part) ...... .. 12

Conclusion ............................................................................ 15

Literature .................. .. ................................................... .. ...... 16


Cartoons are fun for the whole day!

Cartoons are funny stories!

Cartoons are ... great!

All children like to watch cartoons, and I also like to watch them very much. The number of animated cartoons I have already not counted, and it seemed that I know a lot about them. But one day, after the next viewing, I thought: what is a cartoon? And how is it created? I myself could not answer this question.I asked my classmates, but they also found it difficult to answer.

I also found out that all the guys in our class really like to watch cartoons (from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours daily). However, not everyone knows what a cartoon is, and they can hardly explain it.

To study, I went with my mother to the library.

In the explanatory dictionary, we read thatcartoons, cartoon, animated cartoon, animation   - it's all the same ... so called in our movie animation, which in Latin means "soul", "animation" or "animation."

For myself, I determined: a cartoon is an animated picture. And then the question arose: How can I enliven the picture myself? How can this be done? Is it easy or difficult? I wanted to find answers to these questions, so I decided to do my own research.

The purpose of my project : creating your own cartoon

Hypothesis:   I suggested that it's easy to make a cartoon film: once and ready.

To achieve the goal, I had to decide the followingtasks:

    Conduct a survey among classmates.

    To study the history of the development of animation.

    Discover  the main technologies for creating cartoons.

    Learn the ways to create a personal cartoon.

Problem of the project: Research of animation: from simple to complex.

Object of study : animation as a special kind of cinema art.

Subject of study : the history of animation, ways and technologies for creating simple moving pictures, the process of creating an animated film.

In my work I used the following  methods:


    Literature study

    Viewing videos

    The study and analysis of the simplest animated technologies

    Shooting your own cartoon

    Analysis of the result

First I compiledstudy plan :

    Learn all about the cartoons.

    Learn the technology of creating cartoons.

    Try some of the technology to create cartoons.

    Create your own cartoons, using the experience gained.


    The story of animation.

In books, I read that is consideredhappy Birthday hand-drawn   animation.

In France, self-taught engineer Emile Renault showed the audience the first   ("Optical theater").


Emil Reno demonstrates in Paris a graphic tape with the help of apparatus "optical theater".

The first cartoons were painted and hand-painted images lasting up to fifteen minutes. Even then, the sound accompanying the action could be applied. Later, other multipliers contributed to the development of the animation, creating pictures in various genres and techniques.

    - and   snryalifirst animated puppet film « ". The film used wooden toys.

    French cartoonist starts activelygraphic animation,   and two of his very important discoveries - a separate drawing for each phase of motion and shooting the camera, reinforced vertically, and today remain the main principles of work in graphic animation. He created a dumb two-minute animated film " ».

This film became known for beingfirst   an animated film with his plot, and the main character Fantossos had his own character.

    Year -   - talentedrussian director and cameraman - took the world's first large-scale animated film " ". His first puppet film. The film was shot in a time-lapse mode, in which a drama is played out, the protagonists of which are insects - the love story of the queen Lyukanides and Count of Geros from the tribe .

Years passed, times changed, technology moved far ahead, new opportunities arose. In place of dumb black and white frames came color, sound, computer animation

    - creates the most popular cartoon character in the history of animation - . In the same year it is releasedfirst sound animation film « ».

    - First color   animated film " » .

    AT founded film studio " ».

    Walt Disney released histhe first full-length animated film - « " by . "Snow White" has brought Disney a huge success: worldwide popularity, over $ 8 million in revenue and enthusiastic feedback in the professional press.

    Efforts in Japan creates a unique style of hand-drawn animation - .

    The beginning of production of the series " ", Which was shown on American television. It was the firstanimated series for adults .

    - - the first Soviet animated series « ", producer: .

    - the first full-length computer   cartoon - « ».

    AT year cartoon « »Director becamefirst in the history of cinema cartoonfor large format cinemas. In 2000, the same cartoon was awarded the American Academy Award " ».

    Ways to "revive pictures"

The simplest and longest way, it turned out - to draw on the corner of each leaf in the notebook changing the movement of the figure, and then quickly scroll through the pages. And the pictures come to life.

I learned that there used to be such a device  cineographer ( Kineograph ) - consisting of sheets , stitched in a notebook. The viewer, turning over in a special way a notebook, observes the effect of animation. Cineography is one of the forms .

«The Magic Turntable»

We take two identical pieces of cardboard. In one we draw one picture (aquarium), and on the second - another (fish). We glue them, leaving a place in the center to insert a pencil. Now if you quickly rotate the pencil back and forth between the palms, then both pictures merge into one, we, in the example, get a fish in the aquarium,

But the bird in the cage is not made on a pencil, but on two ropes, which must first be twisted,  With a rapid rotation of the mug with two patterns applied from different sides, they are perceived as one.Thaumatrop (from θαῦμα - a miracle andτροπή - rotation) -  so this toy was called and was popular in the middle of the 19th century.


Such pictures my mother and her classmates did in school. I remembered and told them about them. Also the principle of animation. On one page of a notebook we draw, for example, a steamer, on the second page we draw exactly the same,at the same place , a steamer with smoke. In order to draw exactly the same picture, you can trace the previous figure, putting it on the window pane. Now the top sheet of the notebook with the first picture is wound on a pencil and we roll it on the bottom picture back and forth like a rolling pin, and it seems that the picture is moving - smoke is coming from the pipe.

Mill-movie camera

You can also make such a mill-movie camera. First prepare a pattern and glue. Blades of the mill - pictures with phases of motion. When you rotate the handle, and the mill is spinning, you get a real movie.

After trying all the above methods, I decided to move on to more modern methods of shooting. But for this I did not have enough knowledge about the technologies for creating animation. On the Internet, I found out,  what are the cartoons.

    Kinds of cartoons.

On the technological process :

    Sand animation - in it, a light powder (sifted sand, salt, coffee) is applied in thin layers on the glass and mixed, creating a moving picture (usually all actions are performed by hands, but brushes can also be used as adaptations). - animation technology based on frame-by-frame shooting of slightly different patterns, by overlaying and merging into one frame transparent sheets with characters drawn on them.

On the purpose of creating cartoons are :






By production:





    English and other

By duration :



By age-related interests :



    For teenagers

    Creating your own cartoon (practical part)

I needed a digital camera, a tripod, a lamp for lighting, a computer.

Experience No. 1

First animation, drawn in chalk on a blackboard. In order to make such a cartoon, you need only a camera. It must be firmly fixed on a tripod or chair so that all the frames are exactly the same. Now you can proceed. Draw a shape - take pictures. We erase the superfluous and draw the next phase of the motion - we take pictures. And then from the received frames we collect animation in the computer program.

Conclusion : interesting, but quite simple.

Experience number 2

The next animation "Hedgehog" was made of paper, on a prepared background, by reshaping the character and frame-by-frame shooting.

Conclusion : interesting, but a long preparation is required

Experience number 3

And I heard about new lego cartoons, I found such examples on the Internet, and decided to try to take it off.

The background was a box of shoes, and lego - I have enough toys!

Photograph each movement of the heroes need in stages. The less movement and more frames at shooting, the smoother and slower the motion in the film. Here's what I got:

Conclusion:   it's very interesting, you can play and shoot, the plot is coming up right away.

In all the captured cases, the received pictures were processed on a computer with the help of a special program "Film Studio", my mother helped me to put the footage on the music.

The conclusion.

Yes ... it's not easy to shoot cartoons! On the shootingminute the cartoon requires about 200 frames. After all, in order to make the character's movement seem smooth, you need a very fast change of them - 24 frames per second!

I showed my cartoons to classmates, they liked it very much. According to the results of the questioning - especially I had a cartoon, done in the technique of character rearrangement, but personally I liked doing with the help of a lego-designer.

In the process of work, I realized that my hypothesis was not confirmed. Watching cartoons is fun, interesting and easy, and it's not easy to do. Now I know exactly what a cartoon is! A cartoon is a painstaking work of many people, creativity, time and a very interesting activity!

Animation is a special kind of cinema art created by specialists who use different materials and techniques to create characters, and "animation" takes place by rapid change of frames.

Now looking at even a short cartoon, I understand that a lot of work has been done by a whole team of people.

In the future, I would like to continue researching the technologies for creating animated films, for example, to master computer 3-D animation and, perhaps, to create a cartoon.


    Asenin S. Screen Wizards - M., "Art", 1974. - 145s.

    Hamburg E., Pekar V. .. Artists of the Animated Picture, Union of Cinematographers of the USSR, 1984.

    Simon M. How to create your own cartoon - НТ Пресс, 2006.- 337с.

    Websites on the Internet:

    I.Vano "Painted film" (book on the Internet):

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