Types of vocabulary work in the classroom on the culture of speech at a technical university. Working with vocabulary words There are various types of vocabulary tasks

Unfortunately, the literacy of the younger generation leaves much to be desired. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that today's schoolchildren read less and less classical works. And literacy, as you know, largely depends on the quantity and quality of what you read.

Many believe that literacy is a measure of a person's intelligence and intelligence. And in literacy schools, writing is given a lot of attention. School teachers, using various advanced techniques, make a lot of effort to ensure that students quickly and easily memorize the correct spelling of vocabulary words. But, as you know, memorizing them is a difficult task for almost all students. To memorize difficult words that are not regulated by rules, you have to repeat them many times, and repetition is a very monotonous and tiring exercise.

Of course, it is easier for students with good memory to deal with such a problem. But still, if the learning process in such an area is also made fun, then it will be much easier and faster to succeed in memorizing the correct spelling of difficult words.

As you know, children, whose active vocabulary is relatively rich, show the best results in tests on the Russian language. But any student, with regular classes and systematic execution of vocabulary and spelling tasks, is able to activate his vocabulary and, over time, make fewer and fewer mistakes when reflecting vocabulary words in writing.

The Russian language program involves working on complex words from elementary grades. And in order for younger students to learn the proposed program and learn all the difficult words provided by the curriculum, their teacher has to put a lot of effort and approach the learning process creatively.

The teacher is faced with the task not only to acquaint his students with the grammatical phenomenon, but also to consolidate the acquired knowledge. Purpose of regular assignments and assimilation exercises compound words- this is the consolidation and application of the acquired knowledge and developed skills and abilities in practice. Practical exercises contribute to the formation of independent work skills, as well as strengthening the skills of mental activity.

Performing certain tasks, children learn to analyze, compare, generalize, abstract and make up phrases and sentences. Through the exercises, students organize and automate their knowledge.

Teachers regularly carry out vocabulary and spelling work, which is a set of exercises carried out on an ongoing basis and aimed at mastering the spelling, grammatical, lexical and pronunciation norms of the literary Russian language by schoolchildren.

Summing up, we can say that a teacher can teach children to write correctly and not make mistakes when using vocabulary words by applying various techniques teaching and a variety of ways and techniques to make the learning process as effective as possible.

The article "Organization vocabulary work

at the lessons of the Russian language "

Master the word- means to assimilate its meaning and norms of use in speech. Well-organized vocabulary work, Firstly, ensures the timely mental and speech development of children; Secondly, promotes deep assimilation of program material; third, serves as a means of moral education of students.

Work on a word is complex and varied. It is necessary to educate children in attention to an unfamiliar and unfamiliar word. To this end, it is necessary to practice an assignment that requires students to indicate new and unfamiliar words found in a text or exercise and explain their meaning.

The Russian language program requires systematic vocabulary classes that could provide the necessary vocabulary training for students.

The types of vocabulary tasks are varied.

1) Inclusion of additional lexical material in the exercise, taken from the Russian language textbook.

2) Inclusion of semantically difficult words in sentences for parsing.

3) Selection of words for a spelling rule. So, nouns are matched to the spelling rule of prefixes in З - С (revival, recovery, ascent) and adjectives (weak-willed, selfless, unselfish, carefree),Verbs (reunite, elect, succumband etc.).

4) Drawing up exercises that include thematically related words.

5) Drawing up phrases or sentences with selected words.

6) Compilation of coherent texts based on key words. So, in the story about the hero of the war of 1812, the adjectives are introduced seasoned, selfless, general (battle), heroic, proud, valiant, decisive, selfless(in connection with the study of "Borodino" M.Yu. Lermontov).

Of particular importance is work on the semantics of the word. In school practice, it is recommended to use various techniques to familiarize students with a new word and its meaning:

1) finding out the meaning of a word in the dictionary;

2) selection of synonyms (claim - claim; attraction - gravity);

3) selection of antonyms (courage is cowardice; talented - mediocre);

4) word-formation analysis (serene - rebellious - rebellion);

5) etymological analysis (crafty - from a bow - "bend, curvature", i.e. crafty - "crooked, insincere, two-faced, deceitful");

6) translation (international - international).

In the process of studying the semantics of a word, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the existence in the language of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, in the use of which mistakes are especially often made.

For example, the words are mixed in the use introduce - grant, condemn - discuss , recognition - appreciation, connected - connected anddr.

Researchers see the reason for the confusion of such words in the similarity of their sound composition and morphological structure, in ignorance of their exact meaning. It is quite obvious that the study of these lexical units should be carried out in terms of preventing errors in their use.

It is necessary to pay great attention to tasks that require to reveal the semantics of words similar in sound... To this end, students are offered the following types of exercises:

1) The answer to a question, for example: Who is called messenger, Who messenger? What is the difference in the meaning of the words deed and wrong? What people are called honest and what ambitious?

2) Selection of synonyms (Wedignorant - rude, ill-mannered, impolite Human , an ignoramus - an ignoramus, an uneducated person ) .

3) Inclusion of the studied words in the context (composing phrases, sentences, stories), for example: skilled craftsman - artificial flower, get recognition - express appreciation.

The strength of the assimilation of unfamiliar and unfamiliar words is ensured by their repetition in the educational speech activity students both in the lessons of the Russian language and in the lessons of literature, history, etc.

To use the language, i.e. to speak and write, you need not only to know the words, but also to be able to change and connect them with each other. Words are construction material language, from them you can create beautiful speech buildings, but in order to use this material, you need to be able to process it.


1. Skorokhod L.K. Vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language: Book for a teacher: From work experience. - M .: Education, 1990

2. Burmako V.M. Russian language in drawings: Book for students. - M .: Education, 1991



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"Working with dictionaries in Russian lessons as one of the ways to develop speech and enrich the vocabulary of students"

Teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school №2 in Petrovsk ", Saratov region Polyakova M.V.

“For everything that exists in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and grasses - there is a great many good words and names in the Russian language” ... These words of K.G. Paustovsky should help the children realize one important point: the word is a tool for understanding the world.

The names of everything in the universe are included in dictionaries. The French writer Anatole France said it very well: "Dictionaries are the whole universe in alphabetical order."

By and large, the whole lesson of the Russian language is working with the word. Through the word, students learn and understand the laws of the language, are convinced of its accuracy, beauty and expressiveness. And therefore it is very important that the lesson is subordinated to the main goal: acquaintance with the word and awareness of all its components.

Let me remind you that the methodology distinguishes between vocabulary-semantic and vocabulary-spelling directions of vocabulary work.

We regard it as a unity of these two types. Indeed, in the lesson we are interested not only in vocabulary words unfamiliar to students, but also in our usual native words.

A.M. Peshkovsky argued that "you must first hear and then watch how this word is written." But it seems to me that you need to first get acquainted with the orthoepic appearance of the word. The word written on the board must be heard. Students should hear and remember how it is pronounced. Then we try to figure out the meaning of the word, to interpret it. lexical meaning, first independently, and then with the help of an explanatory dictionary. And only after getting acquainted with the pronunciation and semantics, we proceed to mastering the spelling of the given word.

What dictionaries do we refer to most often in Russian language and literature lessons? When do they come to our aid?

School spelling dictionary is a necessary tool for working in every Russian lesson. From the V class, we begin its systematic use. Spelling vigilance, observation, memorization of the form of a word, introspection - these are the results of such work. It seems to me that you can use the dictionary during any class work (dictations, presentations, essays). The ability to use a dictionary is already an indicator of the degree of spelling success.

I will give examples of assignments that can be given to students.

1. Using a dictionary, select 10 spelling difficult words and arrange them in strict alphabetical order. Expedition, terrace, opposition, illumination, banner, pessimism, document, aggressor, bulletin, compromise, privilege, adventure, symmetry.

2. The game "Relay". Write it right. Steward ... ah, gri ... ace, inte ... ingenia, ah ... elation, su ... ogat, ah ... lucid, co ... ersant.

3. Write down from the dictionary 10 words with prefixes and prefixes, in which you can clearly distinguish between the meanings of these prefixes.

4. Write out from the dictionary 10 adverbs with a prefix in -, which are written with a hyphen. (apparently wolfish, in Russian)

Of course, everyone needs a spelling dictionary in order to prevent arbitrariness in the spelling of words, especially in cases where the spelling does not obey the rules, but is determined by the dictionary. As a result of frequent reference to the dictionary, students are trained visual memory.

It helps us to determine the meaning of any word Dictionary... Using the explanatory dictionary ("Dictionary of the Russian language" by S. I. Ozhegov, the four-volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dal, "School Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by M. S. Lapatukhin and others), students can learn how the word of interest is spelled and pronounced, what are its phonetic and morphological features, what grammatical forms are characteristic of it, what parts of speech are formed from it.

Let's consider examples that make it possible to visualize the construction of a dictionary entry.

Mercy - me, cf. Willingness to help someone, or forgive someone out of compassion, philanthropy.

Show mercy.

Morality - and, well. Rules defining behavior; spiritual and mental qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as the implementation of all these rules, behavior.

High morality. // adj. moral, th, th.

It should be especially noted that the school explanatory dictionary is valuable not only as a reference book, but also as a textbook on the Russian language and literature. Here are some examples of possible assignments.

1. Using an explanatory dictionary, write down the meanings of the words "patriot", "mercy", "morality".

2. The game "Scrabble". Uncover the meaning of the highlighted words.

Half-forgotten words sound like music now - mercy, repentance, dignity, conscience. (V.G. Kostomarov).

3. Dictation "Guess the word!"

The teacher gives the interpretation, the children write down the word itself.

4. Lexical dictation. The teacher dictates the words, and the students must give the interpretation.

In addition to an explanatory and spelling dictionary, we also need a word-formation dictionary in the classroom. In the "School word-formation dictionary of the Russian language" A.N. Tikhonov's words are arranged in nests. Where necessary, grammatical information about words is provided.

Using several examples, we will show how, using the dictionary of A.N. Tikhonov, it is possible to develop the skill of choosing one-root words among students.

1. Find out from the dictionary which morpheme the final is in the adjectives of foxes, blue, fresh.

(fox, blue, fresh)

2. Find out from the dictionary which prefixed verbs can be formed from the verb to write.

3. From the verb to live, form three vocabulary nests. Check the correctness of the task using the word-formation dictionary.

Students face difficulties, and this makes them think, analyze.

Experience shows that orthoepic dictionaries are needed in the lessons of the Russian language and literature ("Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language" edited by R.I. Avanesov, "Russian literary pronunciation and stress" edited by R.I. Avanesov and S.I. Ozhegov, " Dictionary of Russian stresses "R.V. Krylova and others).

To develop and consolidate orthoepic skills in students, you can offer such tasks.

1. Game "Announcer". Place the stress, pronounce it correctly. Dispensary, chaos, parterre, contract, meatballs….

2. Orthoepic dictation: correct pronunciation of the words written on the board.

3. Put stress on the words below and check in the dictionary. Pamper, apostrophe, flounder, heretic, whooping cough, hunk, rust, call.

I note that the set of words with difficult pronunciation is not very large, so it does not change from lesson to lesson, and repeated repetition ensures good assimilation of pronunciation norms.

It is known that in words of a foreign language origin (coffee, scarlet, taxi ...), students often mistakenly define gender. And here the "School Dictionary of Foreign Words" by V.V. Odintsova, G.P. Smolitskaya and others. It is intended for high school students. It includes the most common borrowings. These words can be heard on radio and television, found in works of fiction that are studied at school.

1. Game "Define a dictionary!"

“Mom offered me meatballs, meatballs, vinaigrette, tea, cocoa. But I ate a sandwich, a cake and a cup of coffee with sugar. "

2. Find the following loan words in the dictionary and pay attention to their pronunciation: museum, tour, detective, decade….

3. Determine the gender of nouns in the dictionary: ranch, impresario, alibi, jury….

The “School Dictionary of Russian Synonyms”, “School Dictionary of Russian Antonyms” by M.R. Lvov, "School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language" V.P. Zhukov. The ability to use these dictionaries forms in students the desire for self-education, instills in them the desire to use words in strict accordance with their meaning and stylistic characteristics.

The following types of exercises are possible:

1. The game "Who is faster?"

Write down synonyms for the words kindness, conscience, love, authority and others from the dictionary.

2. Form a synonym for the word mercy. After completing the assignment, refer to the dictionary to independently check yourself, your active vocabulary.

3. The game "Who is more?" Give examples when antonyms are included in the title of works.

4. Copy passages from various works of art and underline antonyms.

You are rich, I am very poor.

You are a prose writer - I am a poet.

(A.S. Pushkin.)

5. In the following poetic lines, highlight the phraseological units, explaining their meaning. Check the correctness of your answers in the dictionary.

Smelling him, the road horse

Snores - and a careful traveler

It rushes up the mountain with all its might ...

(A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin".)

He has seen all kinds of

Traveled all over the province

And far and wide.

(N.A. Nekrasov. "Who lives well in Russia?")

6. What are the phraseological units that include the names of parts human body(head, eyes, nose, legs).

Head - to fool your head, ...

Feet - take your feet away, ...

Eyes - an eyesore, ...

Nose - turn up your nose, ...

You can keep students with personal thematic dictionaries. This is a small notebook that is convenient to keep in a textbook, which means it will always be at hand. The use of such a little book brings vocabulary work into some kind of system.

Words can be given in the classroom on topics: literature, theater, art, science, sports ...

Literature: essay, play, dialogue, review, prototype, epilogue ...

Science: associate professor, priority, diploma, scholarship, candidate, dean's office ...

Students write first vocabulary dictation, then there is an explanation of the meanings of new words (and according to the dictionary!), Then the students write them down in their dictionaries, come up with sentences with them. This is how new words enter the minds of students.

Vocabularies can start in grade 5 and continue until grade 9, supplementing the lists that have already begun by topic. Such a dictionary can bring tangible benefits to both the teacher and the students: they can be repeated in speech development lessons in preparation for essays.

In grades 5-9, I try to use comprehensive word analysis as one of the techniques for teaching Russian.

The meaning of this work is to find in a single word its phonetic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic and other properties and features, and then to establish its connections with other units of the language, indicating the existing single-root words, synonyms, antonyms, possible phrases, etc. .d.

Comprehensive word analysis is a qualitatively new type of parsing. Turning to such a complex task, naturally, fosters in students a broader view of the word as a living speech unit with diverse patterns. Exercises on a comprehensive analysis of the word require students to systematically repeat, the ability to keep in memory ordered information on a regular basis, to use them in relation to different didactic material and from different angles of view.

Here is an example of completing the task:

Snow - precipitation (lexical meaning) White snow.

The word snow has no synonyms.

Not used figuratively.

Snow is a monosyllabic word.

s - [s] - voiceless consonant, hard

n - [n,] - voiced consonant, unpaired, soft

e - [e] - vowel

r - [k | - voiceless consonant, solid

Snow - snowy, snowman, snowball, bullfinch, snowdrop.

The word snowdrop is formed morphologically from the combination under the snow by simultaneously attaching the prefix sub- and suffix -nik.

The word snow is neutral and can be used in any style.

Snowball - unstressed vowel is checked: snow; the stress falls on the last syllable, which means that it is necessary to write after the hissing not e, but o.

This order is subject to change. So, you can start a conversation with the grammatical characteristics of a word, then move on to indicating other qualities and properties.

When the joint work with the teacher shows that the students have mastered its principles and methods, you can offer independent, and then control tasks. The completion of this work is the story (composition) about the word.

In all cases - during training work or work on the control - students should be offered a questionnaire, which can simultaneously serve as a response plan. During training sessions, the questionnaire is useful to be completed with the students. Only on the very high level work, when the teacher expects to receive a detailed answer in the form of a story about the word, the questionnaire, in order not to restrain the independence and initiative of students, is not offered. Completion of assignments at different stages of this work can be oral and written (written analysis takes 20 to 40 minutes, so this work often cannot be done).

Not every word is convenient for a comprehensive analysis. It is necessary that students understand it and give a lot of material when explaining it,

Therefore, for such a purpose, it is better to choose independent words, and not official ones. Before offering the students a word for parsing, it is imperative that the teacher himself thoroughly parse it before the lesson. Comprehensive analysis of the word is a promising exercise that helps to systematically check the material of the program, fostering in children a more complete, “volumetric” understanding of language as a system of systems.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote that "a child who is not accustomed to delving into the meaning of a word, understands darkly or does not at all understand its real meaning, will always suffer from this fundamental defect when studying any other subject."

That is why so much attention is paid to the formation of the need and the use of reference literature. It is important to remember that carefully planned and well-organized vocabulary work helps to enrich the vocabulary of students, develop spelling literacy, develop the speech of schoolchildren, and in general contributes to an increase in language culture, the formation of a child's attention, respect and love for native language... Therefore, vocabulary work should be present in each lesson, being the main point in its structure.

And intuition will tell the teacher at what stage of the lesson and how much time (at least 5 - 7 minutes) to devote to vocabulary work. Only such training can give positive results.

I believe that thanks to the systematic vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, my students have an increased interest in vocabulary work and in the Russian language in general. They love and know how to work with dictionaries and reference books.


A.A. Kosolapkova. Generalizing lesson "Visiting dictionaries". - Russian language at school, 1992, No. 2, p.19-21.

T.M. Kashkarov. Vocabulary work at the lessons of the Russian language. - Russian language at school, 1991, No. 2, pp. 41-44.

V.V. Rogozinsky. Spelling vigilance. - Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions Ukrainian SSR, 1991, No. 5. p.49-50.

PER. Potiha, D.E. Rosenthal. Ligvinistic dictionaries and work with them at school. - Moscow: "Education", 1987.

Vocabulary work on the reading lessons

Annotation: This article reveals techniques for working with words in reading lessons, which contributes to the development of speech and increasing spelling literacy among students.

Annotation: This article reveals techniques for working with words in the reading lessons, which contributes to the development of speech and spelling to improve literacy among students.

Keywords: reading lesson, vocabulary work, vocabulary, word analysis

The keywords: reading lesson, vocabulary work, vocabulary, analysis of words

One of the main tasks in the reading lessons of a primary school teacher is the development of students' speech. Working on a group of words from the text will help learners understand the text and enrich their vocabulary; cleansing the speech of schoolchildren from non-literary words.

When preparing for a reading lesson, the teacher must analyze the text under study in advance from the point of view of its lexical features, write out from it all the words that may make it difficult for students to understand, as well as non-literary words and expressions, if any. When choosing words for vocabulary work in a reading lesson, it should be established which of them are just enough to fluently explain in order to facilitate the perception of the text, and which ones should be thoroughly worked on in order for these words to enter the active vocabulary of schoolchildren.

The teacher needs to think over the features of the methodology for working on words, namely, to develop techniques for explaining incomprehensible words and vocabulary exercises. As a result lexical analysis the text, the teacher makes a list of difficult words and develops a methodology for their study.

The existing forms and methods of vocabulary work are varied and their choice is determined by specific conditions; the nature of the material, the level of preparedness of the class, the presence of dictionaries and reference books.

To reveal the lexical meaning of words, it is advisable to use such, for example, techniques as replacing a word with a synonym, replacing words with a descriptive turnover, parsing a word by composition.

The most common technique for explaining the meaning of a word is the selection of synonyms. It is more economical than other techniques and more effectively contributes to the enrichment of students' vocabulary.

However, not in all cases the technique of choosing synonyms can be used. So when explaining a word of a terminological nature, it is unacceptable, so here you have to use another technique - replacing the word with a descriptive turn. The use of this technique in explaining the meaning of words contributes to teaching children the logic of speech, develops their thinking and speech.

An equally effective technique for explaining the lexical meaning of a word is parsing the word by composition. This technique helps to consolidate knowledge of morphology and improve spelling skills.

In order to more economically explain difficult words in reading lessons, it is possible to recommend the use of wall tables - dictionaries prepared in advance by the teacher.

It should not be forgotten that when explaining words, the teacher must take into account the peculiarities of the context and give such an interpretation of new words that will reveal their meaning in this particular text.

Assimilation vocabulary- a long and laborious process that requires constant and painstaking work on words that are difficult in lexical and spelling terms.

It can be summed up that the most rational types of tasks in this case are the following:

1) replacement of these words with synonyms or descriptive phrases;

2) the inclusion of new words in sentences;

3) drawing up phrases or sentences with these words;

4) composing short stories using these words;

5) the inclusion of new words in dictations.

Based on the principle of linking reading lessons with grammar and spelling lessons, the teacher should work on all difficult words encountered in the textbook.

Thoughtful and well-organized vocabulary work contributes to the development of speech and the improvement of spelling literacy among students.

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