Active and extinct volcanoes of Australia. Australia - volcanoes

There are no active volcanoes: the continent “rests” on a solid plate, so there is no geological activity in Australia for about one and a half million years - unlike in Polynesia, Australia’s closest neighbor, where the highest Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea volcanoes are located in the world.

Are there volcanoes in Australia?

Australia's active "neighbors" volcanoes pose quite a few problems - only echoes reach the mainland itself. The only thing that may affect the tectonic activity of volcanoes adjacent to the mainland is the gas production from the coastal shelf.

If they are significantly reduced, this can cause pressure on volcanoes that lie lower and lead to eruptions that can destabilize the ice caps and raise sea-level rise levels that already affect our oceans.

What we already know about the volcanoes in Antarctica

If you want to learn more about the history of Antarctica or certain species of birds, our historians and naturalists will be happy to answer your questions, as well as volcanic activity. At the moment there are only two active volcanoes in Antarctica - Mount Erebus and Deception Island. Both of these volcanoes are very unique and demonstrate why Antarctic volcanoes are different from those that exist all over the world.

If Australia is viewed not as a continent, but as a state, then it should be remembered that it includes the islands of Polynesia and Oceania. Therefore, the question “Does Australia have volcanoes?” Will be answered positively. But the list of extinct volcanoes in Australia is quite extensive; It includes 18 volcanoes, such as Atherton (on its slopes today is the city of Atherton, this volcano erupted relatively recently - only some 100 thousand years ago), Barrin and Ichem (the lakes of the same name are now in their craters), Hillsboro, Bundaberg and others.

Only behind the inactive Mount Sidley the size of Mount Erebus is the most active volcano in Antarctica. In fact, the peak of Ross Island is a record as the most southerly active volcano on the planet. Interestingly, Mount Erebus is one of the few volcanoes that have a permanent convective phonolithic lava lake - molten lava, constantly contained in the crater.

A sightseeing flight was a major breakthrough in Antarctic tourism, and this tragedy suffered greatly from the New Zealand community - still the most deadly catastrophe in the country. On the other side of the Antarctic Peninsula is Deception Island, an active volcano in the South Shetland Islands archipelago. Deception Island is a completely different type of volcano on Mount Erebus in that it sits under water, and the island is a caldera. The highest point of the island is only 576 meters, which makes it accessible to our flights.

4000 km from Australia is the volcanic island of Hurd, on which is located the basalt stratovolcano Mawson (it has another name - “Big Ben”). Mawson is an active volcano: its eruptions were recorded in 1881, 1910, 1950-1954, 1984-1985, 1993, 2000. The last to date eruption occurred from May 2006 to November 2007.

Early bird Antarctic offers are available!

We land on Deception Island and allow you to explore various objects of geological and historical value. These include whaling stations from the beginning of the 20th century, and geothermal waters in Whalers Bay. What may surprise you is that Deception Island is one of the safest harbors in Antarctica thanks to the caldera, which protects the waters from strong winds. Of course, since the volcano is still active, we can never be too careful around Deception Island!

Named Mawson in honor of the Australian geologist, Antarctic explorer Douglas Mawson. This volcano rises above sea level to a height of 2,745 m (the highest point in the state of Australia). The narrow isthmus connects Mawson with the neighboring volcano Dixon.

Underground chain of volcanoes on the continent of Australia

In 2015, Cnet published the results obtained by a research team led by Rodie Davis: Australia had the longest continental chain of volcanoes in the world, hidden in the depths of the earth's crust. The length of the chain is 2 thousand kilometers, which is almost 2 times longer than the length of the Yellowstone underground circuit.

Thanks to the discovery of 91 new volcanoes and many other potentially possible ones, Antarctica is a hot layer of volcanic activity that helps shape the landscape of this fascinating place. But some mountain lights strike even experienced geologists: safety valves, giant covers, snow and lava popcorn are a subjective choice of seven strange volcanoes in the world. The author of the column "Graf Seismo" about the mysterious phenomena of the environment.

What didn't scientists do to control volcanoes? They took samples of lava and gas, hooked up mountains of fire as patients of intensive therapy, and constantly monitored their satellites. Although the researchers have deciphered some of the signal volcanoes - but flashes cannot be accurately predicted today.

The chain of volcanoes, which received the poetic name "Trail of fires", crosses the eastern part of the continent almost completely. It was formed as a result of the passage of the continent (during its shift) above the active volcanic point in the earth's mantle. The length is not the only interesting feature of the Trail of Bonfires: it is also located far enough from the tectonic plate on which the Australian continent rests, so the chain attracts much attention of scientists: they believe that its study can shed light on the processes of continental movement.

However, for volcanologists, the unpredictability of Merapi was normal. The apparent unpredictability has long overwhelmed the experts. They are more likely to wonder about other volcanoes: Seven mountain lights strike experts especially. Recent studies show some of the most bizarre fire mountains in the world.

For example, in Masaya in Nicaragua, residents are waiting for decades for the Big Bang. The volcano is constantly evaporating, it seems to be under high pressure. Nevertheless, there were still no big explosions. Now the expert found that the volcano has a kind of safety valve. He steadily reduces gas pressure inside a volcano, writes John Styx of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, in the June issue of Geology.

Australian Volcanic Islands

At 770 km from the volcanic island is located Lord Howe, which is the oldest volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean; it was formed by the union of two volcanic islands. At 20 km from it there is another volcanic island, Bols-Pyramid (both islands were discovered at the same time, in 1788). Bols-Pyramid - the highest of all volcanic cliffs, the height of its peak - 562 m above sea level. Today, the island is part of the Lord Howe Marine Park.

It does not roll down to the valley like normal lava, like clay, but literally stumbles off a mountain. There is no way out of Nyiragongo's lava. Five years ago, 170 people died in an outbreak. They could still live if the lava flow paths were predetermined. But only now in the journal "Eos" first appears such a study. Geological researchers led by Dario Tedesco of the University of Naples have calculated which areas are at risk at the foot of Nyiragongo in the event of renewed eruption of lava flows.

Accordingly, for example, the airport should be relocated: otherwise, in the event of a disaster, no scheduled flights will be possible, since the runway will be flooded with lava. In addition to East Africa, volcanoes threaten the shores of the Pacific. They arose because on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean due to the movements of the earth plates there are ocean diving at the depths below the continents. The rock melts in the depths, the magma rises.

"7 Volcanoes"  - this is a collection of ascents on the highest volcanoes of seven continents.
The program is very popular among foreign travelers and allows you to visit countries such as: Mexico, Chile, Hawaii (USA), Iran, Antarctica, Tanzania

Ojos Del Salado (6893m)  - the highest volcano South america. Located in Chile.
Kilimanjaro (5895m)  - the highest volcano Of africa. Located in Tanzania.
Orizaba (5700m)  - the highest volcano North America. Located in Mexico
Demavent (5671m)- the highest volcano AsiaLocated in Iran.
Elbrus (5642m)  - the highest volcano Europe. Located in Of Russia.
Sydley (4181m)  - the highest volcano Antarctica. Located in Antarctica.
Giluwe (4368 m) -  highest volcano Australia and Oceania. Located in the eastern part of the island New Guinea.
(Previously, the highest volcano in Australia and Oceania was consideredMauna Kea (4205m))

A good shield, an evil stratovolcano - and Etna is in crisis. Usually the appearance of a volcano often reveals its dangers: explosive stratovolcanoes have the steep form of the cone of Vesuvius, because each eruption alternately lays layers of lava and ash. Layered volcanoes transmit highly viscous magma upward, so gases can hardly escape. They get stuck before the explosion.

Flat shield volcanoes, however, contribute to less hard lava. It flows for dozens of miles and covers vast areas. Lava continuously pours over the crater crater, allowing gases to escape from the volcano. Therefore, shield volcanoes, such as those found in Hawaii, are rarely explosive.

One can envy those who find the strength to collect collections of conquered mountain peaks located on different continents.
For such people, we offer to take part in the project "seven highest volcanoes, seven continents." This idea came to us "from the main lover of the exotic" Vitaly Tomchik and the American scientist and mountaineer Amar Andalcar, who created the beautiful site

Even Etna in Sicily - after all, the tallest and most active volcano in Europe - was still choking on its lava, mostly softly. Therefore, it is considered the locals "good guy." In his flashes, people were rarely harmed, because most of the time they could safely escape to safety.

But now Etna, apparently, is experiencing an identity crisis: in recent years, explosive lava fountains have erupted from the mountain. Studies of molten rock caused concern. Researchers report that the volcano may be fed from a new source - and in the future it threatens to erupt stronger.


Etna - decoration of the landscape of Sicily

Which continent to start from? Let's start with her, with Europe. And she is famous for two groups of volcanoes. The most famous of them are located in the south of Italy. This is the highest and most active volcano in Western Europe - Etna (3340 m). Here, across the strait is the most famous Vesuvius, more than other volcanoes noted in historical chronicles.

Volcanoes are only those natural formations that always attract thrill-seekers. However, they are located in the most inaccessible places on Earth and have a complex Antarctic climate. The ice towers and caves of Erebus are an unattainable dream for most travelers.

The southernmost active volcano in Antarctica is the second largest volcano on the continent and is located on Ross Island, where there are still three extinct volcanoes. At the top of the mountain there are numerous ice towers formed by steam emissions from volcanic activity. One of the most interesting phenomena is the ice chimneys on volcanic slopes. They are formed during the exit of warm air vapor from underground caves in the cold air of frosty Antarctica, as a result of which smoke columns are formed.

The second volcanic area refers to an amazing island - Iceland. The reserve of ice and flame, an amazing combination of elements, and even surrounded by the majestic and all-powerful ocean! However, the height of significant formations is not noted here, the most famous of the volcanoes - residually active Hekla reaches 1491 meters in height, the highest point - 2119 m. But here is one of the champions of the Guinness volcanic book - the longest lava flow, called "Lucky". The red-hot mass during its eruption in 1783 spread over a distance of 65-70 km.

In the volcanic mountains there is also a wide variety of caves. All caves have underground cavernous cavities that shine with blue light, which gives them a very scary look. The volcanic slopes are covered with snow and ice, but steam rises above the top of the volcano, which expresses heat deep inside. On the one hand, Erebus is out of the cold, and on the other, a burning heart. The crater of the volcano has a unique lava lake.

The find was named after the name of one of his ships. The ship got its name from the Greek god of primeval darkness. For the first time, on the top and edge of an active volcano, six members of the expedition of Ernest Shackleton on the Shackleton team climbed to Erebus peak on foot, taking five days and half a day to climb the mountains.

However, in all fairness and other grounds, the first place on our continent belongs to our dear heart Elbrus. Fortunately, in our time it does not remind of itself, as of a volcano. Although it is impossible to count the predictions predicting its eruption, it, like the more often predictable end of the world, is not yet in sight.
Elbrus is one of the most gentle high-mountain volcanoes. Its slopes are covered with a thick layer of ice that smoothes the steepness and irregularities of the volcanic pyramid.

On the march to the top of the mountain there was a blizzard, as a result of which the crew members in sleeping bags were blocked for 24 hours without water. The air temperature reached 34 ° below zero, one person lost consciousness of exhaustion, and the other froze the sock. Ereb volcano is located at the intersection of the crust of the Earth's crust and is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. These tears regularly produce powerful, deep gas emissions, including methane and hydrogen, which destroy ozone when it reaches the stratosphere. The minimum thickness of the ozone layer is observed above Lake Ross, where the Ereba volcano is located.

Volcano number 1: Elbrus.

The lower, Eastern peak (5621 m) has a clearly defined “horseshoe” crater, while the crater of the Western peak (5642 m) is more destroyed and implicit. Both vertices and both of their craters are considered by geologists as neoplasms inside another, large and old crater.

In September 2006, Denis Urubko ran to his western top from the Azau Glade in less than 4 hours. Who can, let it improve this time. But these figures should not relax for the first time climbers to the top. Elbrus is one of the most visited mountains in the world and, alas, one of the most deadly. Not to say that the bloody, because the absolute majority of the dead freezes. People are dying caught by sudden bad weather or lost in a fog. Elbrus is cunning and does not tolerate an easy relationship to it. We will immediately give one piece of advice for all seven volcanoes: it is better to climb them in the company of the 7 Summits Club, in a group of like-minded people and under the guidance of a guide. This is better for safety, on the one hand, and provides an opportunity to learn more and better understand the region in which the ascent is carried out.

This giant is a world of contrasts: snow and ice in the foreground and a lake of lava at the bottom. Erebus is one of the few volcanoes with a permanent lava lake. Lava in the lake is unique, and nowhere on Earth nothing like this has been found. The serenity of the volcano is deceptive, it often breaks out and throws volcanic bombs.

On the European continent. Although in the past they were considered the means of the gods to express their rage, we now know that volcanoes are one of the most impressive natural phenomena in the world. The science that studies this fact is volcanology. Travelers interested in it have several directions to choose from. In this article we will tell you about the main active volcanoes that exist in Europe, ordered from the least important. What is the most important active volcano in Europe?

The main volcanism of this largest and most massive continent lies along its eastern borders. From Kamchatka to Polynesia stretched half of the great Pacific ring of fire, hundreds of manifestations of volcanic phenomena, a huge number of different volcanoes, many of which are unique. For example, the highest of the active volcanoes in Eurasia is our Klyuchevskaya volcano (4750m). . Is it possible not to mention the sacred mountain of Japan, the beautiful Fuji 3776m. Among the volcanoes, symbols, she, perhaps, in the first place.

On the peninsula of Methane, we find about thirty volcanoes. Among them is the Methana volcano, which is one of the main tourist attractions of the Greek islands. Milo is considered a potentially active volcano. It is located on the island of Milo, one of the least tourist areas of the Aegean Sea. The crater of the volcano was covered by the sea, which led to the formation of a depression.

It is called the entrance to a circular water hole, which usually has a narrow entrance to the sea. It is smaller than a bay. Caldera Santorini is a volcanic complex that is still active. This fact caused climate change. Volcano Nisyros - the youngest of the Aegean Sea. In recent years, the temperature of this increased, so it is believed that in the near future a new eruption may occur.

One of the most famous, first of all, catastrophic, volcanoes of the world are located on the Malay Archipelago, that is, in Indonesia and its environs. The most ambitious is Tambor. Its eruption on April 5-7, 1815 led to the fact that the level of the surface of the island on which it is located fell by 1250 m (from 4100 to 2850 m). Directly as a result of this eruption and the famine that followed it, 92,000 people died. The volcano threw 150-180 cubic km of lava and ash.

This volcano is located on the east coast of Sicily and is one of the most active in the world. Nevertheless, despite the constant eruptions, around it were built some cities, whose main activity is agriculture. Therefore, we can consider it the most important active volcano in Europe. As can be seen from the following video, its eruption is quite impressive, and it is more convenient not to approach the volcano when it enters the asset, since it is dangerous.

Volcanoes and earthquakes do not affect all regions of the globe. Volcanoes and seismic surveys are concentrated in narrow and elongated zones, real unstable zones, separated by vast, much more stable areas. It extends from Chile to Alaska and Japan, continuing to Indonesia and New Zealand, and its seismicity is significant with often deadly jolts. Also called the “Fire Belt,” this place has intense volcanic activity. It shows a lot of active volcanoes, whose eruptions are often spectacular and, unfortunately, bruises.

The strongest volcanic explosion in history (possibly since the eruption of the Santorin volcano in the Aegean Sea, 95 km north of Crete, circa 1628 BC) occurred on August 27, 1883 during the eruption of the Krakatau volcano in Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The tidal wave caused by him swept away 163 villages, which led to the death of 36,380 people. Pieces of hot lava were emitted to the air to a height of 55 km, and volcanic ash blown away by the wind fell 5,330 km from the eruption site after 10 days.

In the depths of Asia there are very little studied areas, such as Central Tibet. Some researchers believe that there may be volcanic objects higher than Demavend, with its 5670 meters. But it is this regular pyramid in the Elborz Mountains in northern Iran that is considered the highest volcano in Asia and Eurasia. However, if we take the height of the TSB, then Elbrus will be higher than Elborse! Random is a mistake or an ideological point of view, who knows.

Volcano number 2: Demavend or Damavand,

The height of Demavend, according to various sources: from 5604 (TSB) to 5671 m.
The highest peak of Muslim Iran. Countries with a uniquely long and relatively consistent history. This visit to this country is very interesting. Modern life, the progress of technology and technology, is intertwined with natural oriental, almost medieval exoticism.

Demavend is the highest peak of the Elborz mountain system, which covers the northern regions of Iran. Of the 16 routes to its top, most do not represent technical problems. However, it would be wrong to call a mountain easy. In addition to the height, the mountain is characterized by abnormal weather phenomena, the weather is almost impossible to predict, especially the wind. And it is also important - in the region of the summit volcanic gases are very much felt. Although climbers out of habit take in any case cats, not gas masks. Shelter Takht-e Fereydoun, the starting point of the classic route, is located at an altitude of about 4100 meters. The drop is almost like on Elbrus, there is practically no difficulty either.


Volcano Cameroon - in the clouds, not in the snow ...

Hand file from Iran to the zone of the great African rift, rift, a giant geological formation, characterized by vivid manifestations of volcanism. It runs parallel to the eastern coast of the mainland from Sudan and Ethiopia in the north, to almost South Africa in the south. In many ways, it is to this anomalous region that we owe the birth of humanity. At least, here are the oldest habitats of its habitat. All of them are located near the outstanding summit, a wonderful formation of an unearthly, cosmic nature, which is Mount Kilimanjaro.

Volcanism has played a huge role in the formation of the Ethiopian Highlands, volcanic origin is also evident for such outstanding mountains as Mount Kenya and Rwenzori. In West Africa, the volcanoes of the Republic of the Congo and Cameroon stand apart. The most famous of them is Fako (Cameroon) with a height of 4,050 meters. However, in all respects, Africa is personified by Kilimanjaro.


Kilimanjaro (5895 m) is the highest lonely mountain in the world. Height difference from the foot - more than 5 km. It forms one volcanic massif with satellites from the lateral volcanic peaks of Mawenzi and Meru. The nature of the relief of the mountain made it possible to lay several equivalent and simple paths to its top. The most common and habitable, thanks to the presence of spacious stationary huts - Marangu rut. If you want to better understand the volcanic nature of this giant mountain, then for climbing it is better to choose the route of Machame, which passes through the ancient crater of Shira and along the southern, glacial slope of a large mountain.

From a photo of Hari Kikstra

When was the last eruption - is unknown. In general, the volcano formed in the Pleistocene, since then the crater of Shira had completely collapsed.


Erebus - the first volcano in Antarctica

What could be south of Africa, but mostly only Antarctica. The southern continent, from this, however, does not become the warmest. Scientists believe that there once was warm, and at that blessed time and volcanoes erupted just like now around the world. Today, almost all the volcanoes of Antarctica are sleeping under a layer of ice and determining who is from the volcano, and who is not a very volcano, is not easy, and not very relevant.

It would seem that Antarctica has a volcano-symbol, which was supposed to be one of the "seven". It is a smoking Erebus, located on the adjacent island of Queen Victoria Ross Island. This English admiral Ross, he was opened and named after one of his ships. The first ascent to it was made by the team of the Shackleton expedition in 1908, and Russian cayuras took part in it.

However, Erebus is not like us, and fair play is fair play. And the highest volcano of Antarctica is Mount Sidley mountain in the mountain range of the Earth Mary Bird. A giant volcanic massif, about 900 km long, stretches parallel to the ocean coast. They call it the weird name of the Executive Committee, for some reason it resembles a “central committee”.

Mount Sidley, Mount Sidley, 4181 m.

District: Executive Committee Range, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica The highest peak of the entire Mary Bird massif, a very rarely visited area. Perhaps the status of "one of seven" will help to organize there at least a small stream of tourists and the area will become a little more developed, as happened with Winson.
Sidley is a large massif, with a huge caldera that forms a wall 1200 meters high, the opposite slopes of the mountain are gentle and the summit itself can be easily reached on skis. A layer of ice in this region reaches three kilometers in thickness. Modern volcanic activity does not manifest itself, according to scientists, the eruption occurred about 4.7 million years ago.

South America

Cotopaxi in action

In South America, many beautiful and famous volcanoes, almost the entire range of the Andes, the whole curved spine of the continent, is colored red. The most famous of them are in Ecuador: this is Chimborazo 6310 and Cotopaxi 5897 m. Patagonia’s volcanoes, which smoke calmly and rhythmically over vast glacial expanses, are good. In Peru, the common heritage of the country is the famous El Misty, and the country's highest volcanoes, the huge massif of Koropun rises to a height of 6,377 meters.

There are a lot of confusions here. The accuracy of altitude measurements in this area has always been a problem. At least, there is no single opinion, as, for example, in Africa. It seems to be officially considered that Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world. Its height is 6887 meters. However, there are also other opinions, both on the height of this peak, and on the height of its competitors, first of all, Mount Pissis. Now the height of this brother Ohoosa, with a non-vocal name, is recognized for 6882 meters. Agree that for such unstable formations as volcanoes, this difference is insignificant. A little blows, a little lava props - and now the relationships have changed.

Ojos del Salado 6885 m,
Ojos del Salado (translation - "the source of the salt river")

Ojos del Salado is considered the highest active volcano in the world. The freshest lava flows on its surface are about 1500 years old. In 1993, emissions of ash and gases were recorded. Ochohos is a gigantic complex of craters and lava flows, the complex structure of education is constantly puzzling scientists and climbers: which peak is higher and what is its height in reality.

The first ascent was made by climbers from the Polish expedition in 1937 (February 26), while the summits reached Justin Voišnis and Jan Alfred Schepanski.

It is better to plan the ascent of Ojos del Salado in December or later, since before the end of November there may be snow on the approaches to the mountain, which makes it difficult to reach and much of the way will have to be on foot.

On the way to the top two shelters were built. The first shelter of Andino (Refugio Andino) or Atacama (altitude 5200 m) belongs to the University of Atacama. The second - Refugio Tejos, height 5900 m, donated by Chile by an Anglo-American company (mining) in memory of the death of two employees of the company by helicopter on Ojos in April 1984

North America

Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica

North America begins at the top, i.e. northern, part of the chain of volcanic Aleutian Islands. And further along the entire arc of the Cordillera, volcanic massifs of different ages and activities are scattered here and there. If the names of the numerous volcanoes of Alaska are not known to anyone, then Rainier and Shasta are the peaks that define the landscapes of the coastal territories of the American states.

In Latin America, south of Mexico, there are volcanoes in almost every country. The most famous of these is Tahumulco, reaching a height of 4,220 meters in Guatemala. The most active volcanoes are Costa Rica. Among them - handsome Arenal.

However, in North America, volcano primacy still belongs to Mexico.
This country in itself is so beautiful that volcanic massifs seem to be a natural decoration, and not mountain climbing objects. They go to them not as often as it might seem, and the infrastructure for climbers is rather weak.

The names of two of the most famous Mexican volcanoes are so complex, as if specially created for breaking the tongue. This, in particular, Popocatepetl 5465 m - the most famous volcano in Mexico, it is considered one of the symbols of the country. For a long time, Popo was considered extinct, and ski resorts were located on its slopes. However, in the mid-90s, Popocatepetl began to show signs of activity. The snow cap melted, covered with ash and lava emissions. A security zone was established around the volcano, from which all residents were evacuated, and the slopes of the volcano were closed for tourists. The second in complexity of pronunciation and the third in height is Istaxiuatl, 5286 m; in Aztec, it seems to mean "white woman". Since they are standing next to Popo, they are considered the bride and daughter-in-law. There is even a legend, like "Romeo and Juliet."

Volcano orisaba
Pico de Orizaba 5611 meters.
One of the "seven" volcanoes in our collection.
This peak is located on the south-eastern outskirts of the Mexican Highlands, in the Transverse Volcanic Sierra, it also has an Aztec name. Sitlaltepetl. Fortunately, it is not required to remember. Orizaba - the highest peak of the country. This volcano was very active in the 16th-17th centuries. The last eruption was in 1848. On the slopes of up to 4000 m - forests, above - alpine meadows, from 4500 m - eternal snow and ice.

Orizaba is located not in the most popular tourist region, we can say that the infrastructure is rather weak. Maybe this is for the better, there is an opportunity to be closer to nature. The correct shape of the summit facilitates orientation, but the steepness of the classic route exceeds the steepness of other volcanoes from our collection. The assault on the summit is carried out from the uncomfortable orphanage Piedra Grande, at an altitude of 4,200 meters.


If we talk about the continent or the mainland, we mean a large area of ​​isolated land. Then there are no volcanoes in Australia. Only ancient footprints. But if we talk about a part of the world, that is, to join Oceania, then immediately get the most volcanic region in the world. The islands of Oceania and Polynesia are divided into volcanic and coral, a huge number of volcanoes, but they are all undersized.

Giluve (4368 m) - the highest volcano in Australia and Oceania. Located in the eastern part of the island of New Guinea.

The summit is quite easily reachable from the city of Mount Hagen (36 thousand people, the third largest in the country) located in the central part of the state. It comes to him from both the north and the south coast is a pretty good road. The volcanic cone of the Giluwe mountain is destroyed quite strongly and the ascent is a pedestrian walk. The main difficulty is in obtaining a visa from the state of Papua New Guinea, since their embassies in Russia do not exist, and the Australian embassy is working in this direction without enthusiasm.

Of particular interest in Papua - New Guinea are places associated with the activities of our famous compatriot Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay. The so-called, “Maclay Coast” is the northeast coast of the country. There he is remembered.

The mountain is Giluwe Volcano and Mario Trimeri, the first man to climb six volcanoes.

Rupehu Volcano

Oceania is all located on volcanoes, inside and around the edges of a large Pacific ring of fire. People and fire elements coexist normally here, or rather people have become accustomed to such a state. New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands, the most interesting objects of this part of the Earth, are so far apart that it is difficult to unite them into a common continent. It is difficult, but what to do ...

There are many unique volcanic formations in New Zealand, they are mainly concentrated on the North, warmer island. The symbol of volcanism here are two objects: a very active volcano Ruapehu, 2,796 meters high and larger in volume, and a more perfect in shape Egmont volcano.

Here in New Zealand, scientists have calculated the most powerful of all documented volcanic eruptions. It occurred in New Zealand around 130 AD. According to scientists, the Taupo volcano has discharged 30 billion tons of rock. The speed of its eruption reached 700 km / h. It covered an area of ​​16,000 square meters. km If only now this would be demonstrated, the tourists would be glad.

And so, in the very conclusion of our article, we finally get to the most unique volcanic formation in the world. This is Hawaii, a chain of islands three thousand kilometers long, from a depth of 5 thousand meters these mountainous formations rise over the ocean by another 4 thousand meters, and it turns out that their absolute height is 9 thousand meters and they are higher than Everest.

The most interesting is on the Main or Big Island, which is actually called the island of Hawaii. This island is actually divided into zones belonging to the territories occupied by the three main volcanoes of the islands. This is, firstly, the most active active volcano of the planet - Kilauea, every second it spews 5 cubic meters of lava. Secondly, it is the largest active volcano in the world - Mauna Loa (“the great mountain”), its dome has an altitude of 4170 m, 120 km long and 50 km wide. Its volume is 42,500 km3, and 84.2% of them fall on the underwater part of the volcano.

And this, finally, a member of the "Seven Volcanoes" - Mauna Kea, the highest in Oceania, and the highest peak of the world, if considered from its foundation.

Mauna kea
4205 m, "White Mountain", so named by the Polynesians due to the fact that in winter it is always crowned with a snow cap. If you measure its height from the bottom of the ocean, it will “outgrow” Jomolungma by almost 400 meters. This is a huge massif with gentle slopes, entirely formed by fairly fresh lava flows.

At the top of Mauna Kea is located one of the main astrophysical observatories of the world, with unique telescopes and, if so, then there, of course, paved the highway. So the path of ascent by great originality or complexity will not differ. Mainly tourists get to the top by car, as part of the excursions officially organized by the observatory. You can independently rent a car and drive under its own power. If the road is cut in places, then this could be an “off-road” version of climbing. From Kona airport, it’s standard about 2 hours by road leading through the saddle between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea. The road sometimes very steeply slopes up to 15 degrees.

Map of the Big Island

There is the option of climbing a bike. There is also the option of lifting on foot. However, only units dare to fully pedestrian. After all, it is about 80 km of a uniform path, with a rise from sea level to a four-kilometer height. At the top it is often cold, windy and snowy. And most importantly, a sharp climb on the car, often leads to manifestations of mountain sickness.

Hawaii was incorporated into the United States as the 50th state in 1959. Before that, they were considered just a colony. These wonderful creations of nature have long been turned into a paradise for tourists, mostly from the United States of America. But there are only a few indigenous people left on the islands, about 1%. The most popular active forms of recreation here are diving and surfing.

By themselves, visiting this place, Hawaii, is a unique journey that should be included in your “life list”. Such an expression has now appeared in the lexicon. That is, a person makes a list of what he should have time to do, where to go during his life. "Seven Volcanoes" is a program worthy of being included entirely in the "life list", turn on.

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