White spider with a body in the shape of a shell. Black Thick Head

Black thick-haired is sometimes called a spider-ladybug. It really reminds this bright insect: on the red or orange background of the abdomen, it has four black spots in the white rim.

However, only the male looks so impressive. Female black thick-toothed, though larger, but less brightly colored. Usually it is velvety black, sometimes with yellow elements in front.

In Brazil, about 100 species are known, of which only three are considered dangerous. Distribution: Couple, Amapa, Tocantins and Rondônia. Spiders make up the largest number of arachnids, and about a thousand species are considered throughout the world, although, according to some authors, this number can reach almost every region of the planet, including aquatic species. Many species live nearby and even within human inhabitants, contributing to the occurrence of accidents. The poison produced by the two glands located in the chelicera region can be used to capture prey and protect.


Spiders of the ezid family live mainly in the tropics. Black thick-skinned, it's black eresus, - the only European kind. Its range covers vast areas from the Iberian Peninsula to Novosibirsk. A spider can be found in the central part, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the southern part of the Urals and in Central Asia, but everywhere it is very rare.

Few species can cause accidents with significant human poisoning. Sexual dimorphism in spiders is characterized by the presence of musculature of the bulb in males. The conjugation occurs with the man inserting the copulatory bulb containing the sperm into the sexual opening of the female. After mating, the content of spermatozoa is retained in a structure called the spermatheca. Eggs are fertilized at the moment when the female poses. To store them, a bag with silk threads, called ooteka, is made.

The woman remains at the library until the moment of hatching. Spiders, like scorpions, have a body covered with chitin, which periodically changes to maturity. Female crab spiders perform skin changes every year even after adults. They are carnivores, feeding on insects and small invertebrates. Some species of Amazonian crabs are able to hunt rodents and small birds.

The cephalothorax is both erect and male, and the female is black, velvety. The head is high above the chest and looks square from above. Eight eyes are arranged in three rows, and one pair, spaced back and sides, is much larger than the others. The body is covered with a dense layer of short pinnate hairs, which makes the spider look velvety. Legs are powerful, also black, in the male - with white rings.

Lizards, frogs, Roma, certain species of fish and birds can be considered natural enemies. They live in banana trees, under fallen logs, and also near and inside the dwelling; they do not make cobwebs and do not take defensive positions when they are in danger.

Usually they settle in ravines, piles of shingles, caves, under the bark of trees, as well as near and inside houses. They build three-dimensional canvases in the middle of plantations, the borders of ravines, among the leaves of shrubs; they usually build their shelters on door stops and window cornices.

Although they often cause accidents, their poison is not considered dangerous to humans. They have a light brown color, sometimes grayish. They reach 4-5 cm in length and have a black contour on the back of the abdomen. The abdomen is black, and the cheeks are covered with reddish or orange hair. Crab spiders: they are often feared because of their appearance and size, often up to 10 cm in the body and 30 cm in the wingspan, but in Brazil there are no known species responsible for human poisoning. Bites usually cause only pain of low intensity and short duration.


Some confuse the eresus with the deadly South American black widow, to which he, too, is a bit like. Fortunately, the poison of the fathead is not fatal to humans, although a small mammal kills in seconds. However, the bite of a spider can cause very strong pain, and then numbness and swelling. Pain and stiffness of movements in the bitten part of the body in some pass only a week.

They live, in general, in places far from a person. The tool in the vertical position reduces the efficiency of the grinding mechanism. Thus, they rarely cause accidents, mostly fluffy and large species. Hair can cause allergies with skin manifestations or problems in the upper respiratory tract. Kilypods, commonly known as cacti and centipedes, have a chitinous body, divided into a head and articulated trunk, flattened, threadlike or round, making it easy to move around.

The head has a pair of articulated antennas located at the anterior margin and a pair of forlips, which contain poison glands and terminal chitinous structures that instill the poison. Caterpillars represent a pair of legs in each segment of the trunk, which is an important characteristic to distinguish them from snake lice or mushrooms that have two pairs of legs in the trunk segments. The last segment contains female and male sexual organs, in addition to a pair of applications called anal legs. They have different colors, they have clear shades of red, yellow and blue, or wine and dark green.

The mechanism of action of the venom of eresus has not yet been fully studied. It is known that it has the properties of myor-laxant - it relaxes muscles. The poisons of many spiders are already used in pharmacology. Perhaps, someday, fatheads will serve medicine.


Black eresus settles in sunny, dry places, in forests, in the steppe zone, on the outskirts of moors, on dry pastures, alpine meadows and even in deserts and solonchaks. The favorite food of these spiders is beetles, but the black thick-haired person does not disdain flies, butterflies and mosquitoes, if they are caught in the net.

Its size ranges from 1, 5 cm to 26, 0 cm in length. Carnivorous animals, most of their diet consists of worms, worms and small arthropods such as crickets, cockroaches, etc. Cacti are common all over the world in temperate and tropical regions. Caches provide protection not only from possible predators, but also from dehydration. From night habits, they go out to find food or new homes, settling under rocks, bark of trees, leaves on the ground and decaying trunks, or they build a system of galleries containing the camera where the animal hides.

Hunting thick-forged with a trap of cobwebs. The lower part of this cunning design is a burrow about 1 cm in diameter, sometimes quite deep, up to 10 cm. The spider lives there. As a rule, he tears it up in the ground or under large stones, but often instead learns the moves of rodents. Noru eresus braided with cobwebs so that a tube is obtained. Not far from it, on the ground or low grass, the thick-forged hulk constructs a nimble network in the form of a canopy. There are no sticky threads, but it is made of a special hyperfine disordered web, in which it is easy to get lost. The thick-walled net is so strong that it can even hold large beetles - darkling beetles and dung beetles. It is connected to the arachnoid tube by several signal threads, the oscillations of which inform the spider that the victim has fallen into the trap. He quickly jumps out, grabs the prey and paralyzes the poison. The remains of the food are ejected from the burrow or stored in a special way.

They also represent habits related to suburban and domestic customs, found in: gardens, garden beds, vases, hexins, debris, bricks or any apartment in a house where there is no sunlight and no humidity. Cacti, which usually cause accidents, most often refer to the 3rd gnart with a wide distribution throughout the Greater Sao Paulo: Cryptopam, Oostigmus and Scolopendra.

Prevention of accidents against spiders and scorpions

The main preventive measures are. Keep the gardens and yards clean. Avoid disposal of garbage, dry leaves, household waste and building materials near houses. Avoid dense foliage near walls and walls of houses; keep the grass well trimmed.


Most of the life of thickheads takes place in their underground shelters. Only young spiders lead a stray lifestyle, who still have to find a site for life, as well as males who wander in search of mature females. In the way they go in the spring, after changing the wintering after a black color for their bright outfit. After a long search, the male finally finds a suitable partner and begins courtship at the entrance to the burrow. It is very peculiar and resembles a bizarre dance, which can take several hours. The spider circled around his lady of the heart, sometimes touching her front legs. Finally, it gives off a whitish liquid, from which the female falls for 40 minutes into catalepsy, which allows the spider to safely mate with it. After this, the male remains to live in a hole with his chosen one.

Periodically clean adjacent free areas, observing the strip, at least 1 to 2 meters from the living area. Wear clothes and shoes before you dress them. Do not place unprotected hands in openings, under stones and rotten logs. Using leather shaved gloves and gloves helps prevent accidents.

Seal the doors and windows at dusk. Sealing gaps and openings in walls and floors; repair sloppy sled; Put the screens on the windows and bags of sand on the doorstep. Use screens in drains, sinks and tanks. Move the beds from the walls; Avoid counting bed sheets and mosquito nets on the floor.

About a month later the female makes a spider's cocoon 9 x 3 mm in size and lays eggs there. She shows a touching concern for children: she looks for the most comfortable place in the cocoon, makes it warm in the sun. After 10-20 days, spiders come out of the eggs. Before the sexual maturity of the female, 10 moults pass, and males - 5. After the first of these young spiders begin to feed on the hemolymph of the mother: this is necessary for successful development. By the end of summer, after three lines, they begin to creep out of their native burrow to find a place for wintering. And the lives of their parents are coming to an end.

Fight the spread of insects, especially cockroaches. Dispose of household waste in plastic bags or containers that can be stored in a closed condition. Keep the natural enemies of scorpions. In the event of an accident, seek medical help and do not perform procedures for home use.

Serum is distributed free of charge by the Ministry of Health to hospitals and counseling centers that participate in small animal bites in each country. Department of Cultural Development: prof. Reproduction is allowed when quoting the author and source.

Among the eresid there are social spiders living in large groups with a common nest.


Class: arachnids.
  Order: spiders.
  Family: Eresid.
  Genus: eresus.
  View: black eresus, black thick-headed, spider - ladybug, erizide collars.
  Latin name: Eresus niger, Eresus cinnaberinus, Eresus kollari.
  Size: length of male - 9-11 mm, females - up to 20 mm.
  Color: black, males have a red orange abdomen with four black dots.
  Life expectancy: male - about a year, females - about 2 years.

Data for bibliographic references. Spiders have different sizes and colors. The black and white spider just slipped out of the garden and walked by your side, and you wonder if you should not worry. Of the thousands of spider species found in Brazil, only a few are dangerous to humans. However, one of them, a black widow, sometimes has white spots on a black body. Many other harmless spiders have black bodies with white spots, so it's useful to know them in different ways.

Most of the black spiders with white spots that you encounter will be a kind of jumping spider. Although the name sounds scary, these spiders are not dangerous to humans. She has this name because she is after or waiting for her prey, and then jumps to catch food. The jumping spider has a diffuse appearance. The black body has different signs depending on the species, but often has white stripes on the legs and white spots on the back. The jumping spiders are small, with short, squat feet.

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Among all the inhabitants of the earth, spiders have an unusual, even frightening appearance, and can live in different conditions: from deserts to tropical forests.

Nature has endowed spiders with a large number of legs, with which they quickly move, the ability to weave a spider's web, and some of them are endowed with the strongest poison, capable of even killing a person. Here we will present today the 10 most poisonous spiders inhabiting our planet, and find out where the most poisonous spider in the world lives.

Often when we talk about a black widow, we think about the form of the red hourglass on her body, but men and younger spiders can have white spots. Signs run through the sides of the body of the spider and back. The bite of both men and women is dangerous. An important feature of identifying a black widow is clearly identified marks on the large abdomen.

Spider's Garden Spider

The spider's garden spider has white spots on its dark back. Stamps can range from white to cream and yellow, and her body is scattered black, and not a black black widow. The legs have black and white stripes, and the abdomen has an oval or leafy shape.


Opens our top ten Heyrakantium, who chose to live in South Africa and some areas of Asia. This dangerous spider can be found in Europe.

Spider of small size, only 5-10 mm has a pale color with yellow, and sometimes beige tinge of the abdomen.

Dangerous animals in Martinique

Wolf spiders are like jumping spiders, since both have scattered dark bodies, and some have white marks. Nevertheless, the color patterns of most species are shades of gray, not black and white. They sting, and the stinger should be evaluated by a doctor, even if the poison is not fatal. Let's be realistic, in Martinique, it's easier to die from cirrhosis by drinking too much rum than dying after meeting any creature.

Centipede: it looks like a small centipede, which we see in the south of France, except that it is large and can reach 40 cm, it is also one of the largest in the world. The name of the centipede is feminine, we are talking centipede. You must be careful because it is very poisonous, it lives in the middle of nature, in warm, humid places, like a pile of wood, high grass, under rocks and in the cracks of walls. Unfortunately, the interior of the house is not spared, it can reside there, it can happen that it will quickly pass on the full screen of the TV, which is not devoid of any family panic.

The bite of a spider is not fatal, but causes severe pain at the bite site, redness and swelling. Sometimes, to get rid of the painful sensations, it is enough to rinse the bite with cold water.

Chinese tarantula

The bog poison is strong, the bites are very painful, painful, but not often dangerous. In general, pain disappears in a few hours, and the bite does not leave any side effects. However, cases of fatal bites can not be ruled out, they can occur especially in very young children bitten in very sensitive places, such as the neck or head, as well as in persons with severe allergy to poison. Symptoms appear in the local form, redness with swelling and sensory disturbances. In most cases, there are no complications.

But there may be skin necrosis, causing tissue death. Common signs of complications are very rare and usually moderate. In case of bite, clean with soap and water, and then use an antiseptic, if you have, you can also apply cold compresses. If a bite affects a child, a person with an allergy to an anamnesis, if serious symptoms occur or if the pain lasts more than 12 hours, you should consult a doctor, he will decide the appropriate treatment. To try to prevent a small risk, before going to bed, check the shoes, towels in the bathroom, your sheets and pillows.

The inhabitant of Southeast Asia has a toxic poison capable of immobilizing and even killing a small mammal. In history, even the death of an infant from the bite of this large tarantula is recorded.

Adult individuals reach rather large sizes with paw length up to 20 cm. To develop an antidote, scientists conducted experiments, and found that a small dose of poison led to the death of most of the laboratory mice.

Goliath aviary

In size, it is the largest spider in the world. Its size and poison allow hunting for toads, frogs, some species of lizards, and sometimes small snakes become its victims.

The torso of the Goliath tarantula, as this species is also called, reaches 9 cm. In the middle of the twentieth century a specimen was caught in South America, its feet reaching 28 cm.

The poison is not fatal to humans, but the Bird of Goliath (Terafosa Blondi) bites only in case of extreme danger. It prefers to dwell in the humid tropics of Brazil, so it is not possible to meet it in our latitudes.

Chilean hermit spider

Extremely poisonous spider, whose poison after a bite causes necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The most dangerous thing is that the bite is painless, like a needle prick.

This dangerous arthropod is relatively small from 0.6 to 2 cm. It is characterized not by aggressive behavior, but encounter with it is undesirable.

Different species live in a temperate climate and perfectly adapted to a human-altered environment.

The English call this species of spiders "mouse spiders", mistakenly believing that they, like mice, can dig holes in the ground.

The size of Missouli is from 1 to 3 cm, because of which small spiders eat mainly insects, catching them in their intricate web.

The mouse spider lives in Australia, and with the beauty of its appearance, it is considered one of the most poisonous on earth. The bite leads to painful sensations, a tumor and the development of the wound at the site of the bite. Therefore, with a bite, it is better to seek qualified help.

Specialists agreed that this spider is one of the most beautiful. But with its beauty, it is also a most dangerous representative of the fauna.

It belongs to the genus of Spider-Spiders, of which Australia is the birthplace. From the Green continent, they settled all over the planet, and they can be found in different parts of the world, except Antarctica.

The poison of the most beautiful arthropod belongs to the category of neurotoxic, and paresis occurs when the bite occurs, and then, without medical assistance, death.

The most poisonous spider in Russia, karakurt usually lives in the steppes and desert zones. The name is translated as "black worm", but the Latin name conveys the main morphological features.

Males are much smaller than females. Adult female individuals grow to 2 cm. The most dangerous females with red spots on the black body. After a bite, there comes a sharp pain, which eventually spreads throughout the body.

But we note that the karakurt attacks and bites with the release of poison only at a time when it feels threatened.

It is difficult to find on Earth a man who did not hear about the most dangerous spider - the Black widow. Poison causes the strongest muscle spasms, paralysis, and sometimes death.

Among these spiders, sexual cannibalism is common. After mating, the female eats its partner. Note that the poison released by this spider is several times more deadly than the poison of the rattlesnake.

A black widow can be easily distinguished by characteristic red spots in the form of an hourglass on a black back.

One of the few representatives of the family of migalomorphic spiders, which can cause great harm to human health, and sometimes lead to death.

Adult individuals are relatively small, growing from 2 to 5 cm. They have a characteristic black color with a shiny head.

They live in Australia, but the subspecies of Atrax robustus settled around the world: from New Zealand to the Mediterranean coast.

Brazilian Runner Spider

The most poisonous spider on the planet has chosen for life the tropical forests of South America. But often it can be found in the city, where a spider-runner is a frequent visitor to the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro.

Growing the most dangerous arthropod at the expense of its hairy legs up to 15 cm never weaves a cobweb, but constantly moves, which is why it received such an unusual nickname.


Here you also learned what the most poisonous spiders in the world are. These arthropods by phenotype are determined by zoologists in a separate class. Meeting with them always causes ambiguous feelings and emotions, and some people develop a fear of spiders - arachnophobia. This is not surprising, because some representatives carry a real danger to a person, and those who are not dangerous have an awesome appearance.

Scientists for many species have developed an antidote, but, it will be blown to say that many antidotes are also toxic to the human body.

On our planet there are hundreds of species of spiders, and some of them, even poisonous, people even keep as pets. But it is better to avoid meeting these most dangerous representatives of the terrestrial fauna.

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