What poisonous animals live in Russia: names and photos

In the animal world, the strongest wins. And it does not have to be a representative of the fauna of gigantic force, or an animal with sharp teeth and fangs-daggers, and maybe with all the taken together virtues. It may be a plain-looking creature, but it has a powerful weapon called "poison." And no enemy can stand against this weapon, even if it is 100 times bigger and stronger.

So what kind of creatures are they? How not to be an involuntary victim of treacherous animals? It is not without reason that they say that the enemy must be known in person. Therefore, we bring to your attention the top ten most poisonous animals, meeting with which pose a great danger to life.

So, No. 1 is the cubomedusa

In the marine waters of the Asian and Australian continents, the most poisonous animal - the cubomedusa - is known, due to its shape in the form of a cube. This monster takes about a thousand human lives every 10 years.

Its poison has a nerve-paralytic effect, it penetrates well with direct contact of the victim through the skin. Toxins first paralyze the heart muscle, stopping contractions, and then the nervous system. In addition, the action of the poison causes very painful sensations, up to a shock state.

The stricken person immediately drowns, as the pain shock immobilizes him, and the subsequent stopping of the heart only speeds up the process.

But if you immediately treat the bite with vinegar or its acid, you can be saved. Although it is unlikely that each swimmer will have a vial of acetic acid with him.

Danger # 2 - the royal cobra

This reptile is not only a poisonous animal, but also the longest specimen in the serpent kingdom (5.6 meters). Inhabits the impenetrable forest thickets of the mountainous areas of the south and east of the Asian continent.

In the event that a person does not notice the menacing characteristic snake's stance, the meeting is fraught with a fatal outcome for the victim. Her poison easily kills not only the person, but also the huge elephant. The main thing is to bite him for a vulnerable place - the trunk, - where the skin is more tender, and the short way to the brain and heart, the main centers of life management of the animal's body.

Of course, the poison of the royal cobra is less dangerous than, for example, the black mamba. But here the number wins: the cobra is capable of producing it 5 times more than other kinds of snakes.

In addition, this snake is a "cannibal", because it eats its own kind.

Danger number 3 - scorpion Leiurus

Of course, not all scorpions are deadly to humans, the poison of many of them has only a local effect, for example, a tumor with pain and the consequences of anemia.

But the poison of this representative of scorpions is a strong neurotoxin, causing terrible painful shock followed by coma. The action of the poison leads to instant death.
  The habitat is the deserts of the north of the African continent, the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East.

Danger No. 4 - cruel snake or taipan

This snake lives on the Australian continent and in New Guinea, is one of the most venomous snakes on Earth.

Its poison is so toxic that one bite would be enough for 100 people to make a lethal outcome within 45 minutes.

But, fortunately, the snake is very timid, long before a person approaches a dangerous distance, she quickly hides from a person, and an antidote is found. However, not always it is at hand and it is quite problematic to introduce it within 3 minutes after the bite. If you apply the antidote later, death occurs.

This is a very rare species that lives in sparsely populated areas, but nevertheless, several people die each year after meeting this snake. It is very aggressive, at the sight of danger it is twisted by a ring and vibrates with its raised tip of the tail. Can pounce on a person at a speed of 3.5 meters per second.

Therefore, one must be very vigilant in the habitats of a dangerous reptile.

Danger No. 5 - a poisonous frog, a dartman

If you are traveling in the central or southern parts of the American continent, be vigilant! In the humid forests of this area there live small, 5-centimeter frogs of beautiful color. But they can not be touched in any way - they are very dangerous.

The skin of these animals exudes poison, the strength of which is such that it can kill up to 10 people at once.

Aborigines know this feature of frogs and use their poison for wetting arrows when they go hunting.

Danger No. 6 - Australian octopus (blue ring-shaped)

Lives in the waters of the Australian continent and in the northern coastal areas from Japan. The size of the octopus is very small, it can be compared to a golf ball.

Its color is usually a light shade with dark brown spots, in the middle of which there are blue circles. At the slightest danger, his body darkens, and the blue rings begin to emit a fluorescent glow. Thus, the marine animal warns of danger.

But if you do not heed the warning or not notice it, then the amount of poison released by the octopus can kill up to 26 people at the same time. And there is no antidote to this day.

The person loses sight, it is difficult for him to speak, he suffocates, after which he is paralyzed with a subsequent heart failure.

Danger # 7 - banana spider

It is also called the Brazilian Wandering Spider.

The tragic stories of the meeting with this spider served as an excuse for another entry in the Guinness Book of Records for 2007.

These insects do not look like their relatives, who are waiting in their own web of victims. They crawl on the ground, often find themselves in human dwellings, in the clothes of a man, in his shoes. And so to notice a small spider is very problematic. This explains the large number of bitten.

He is rightfully ranked among the most dangerous and poisonous spiders of the planet. He likes to eat bananas, hence the name of the insect. However, this is not his main food. It attacks birds and other insects, which can be several times more predator.

Fortunately, residents of Russia, in view of the inappropriate climate for the spider, are spared from such an unpleasant neighborhood. But still need to have increased vigilance, looking into the banana box, and suddenly there is a dangerous "tourist" there?

Danger No. 8 - Fugu

What do you think, what poisonous animal is considered a delicious dish of Japan and Korea? It turns out that the fish is a ball, or Fugu. Her skin and certain internal organs are very poisonous, so cook and have such a delicacy is entrusted to chefs who have a special license.

The meat of this fish is extremely tasty, but if it is improperly stripped, the toxin gets into the food. It leads to paralysis of the human respiratory center, after which a fatal outcome occurs.

Danger No. 9 - marble snail-cone

Just one drop of the poison of this sweet snail can kill 20 people. In history, there are only 30 tragic cases of human encounter with this invertebrate animal.

Contact with the snail cone causes infernal pain, the place of the bite quickly swells, grows numb. The poison paralyzes the breath and the person dies of suffocation. So far, the antidote has not been found.

Danger number 10 - fish-stone

This terrible monster can not boast of its beauty, but it can successfully claim the title of "the most poisonous fish".

Her bite is so painful that a man struck by him rather agrees to amputate a limb than to endure intolerable pain. In its spine, the fish contains the strongest deadly poison, which is the most powerful weapon against predators.

If the bitten person does not receive appropriate help in time, then the necrosis of the bite and death from shock or paralysis are imminent.

Inhabits a terrible monster in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Now you are aware of what the most poisonous animals in the world are. We hope that this knowledge will help you avoid encountering the great danger that such a diverse and insidious contingent of animal world conceals in itself.

The world is full of dangers and living beings must be able to defend themselves in order to survive. From the means of protection they have claws, fangs, sharp teeth and claws. But for some, only one way to save yourself or feed yourself is poison. Poisonous creatures are afraid of everything without exception - both animals and people, but some inhabitants of the planet do not guess the properties of such individuals poison. It is important to study all the habitats of these creatures, since in seas and oceans it can be much more dangerous than on land.

It is also necessary to distinguish between concepts - poison and a poisonous substance. These words are often used as synonyms, but have different meanings. Poison is always injected, but absorbed by the body with bites or injections, the poisonous substance only acts as a chemical toxin when touched. Each animal has its own mechanism of poison injection. They do this with the help of a tail, thorns, fangs, teeth, spurs and harpoons. Below are the most poisonous animals of the planet, who have broken all records on poisonous substances, poisons and toxins. Meeting with them does not bode well and may even lead to a quick death ..

So, the 10 most poisonous animals for humans:

10 place. Scorpio (Scorpio)

How many fears are associated with this name, but are they so justified? The color of this animal has camouflage properties, it can be light brown to disguise itself as on sand or black-gray if it lives in stony terrain. He is an excellent hunter and a thoughtful "type" - this time, a terrible poisonous killer - these are two. Do not advise you to be near him. Its sting contains as many toxic neurotoxins as 25 people can kill at once. But, death can occur if he bites many timesA one-time bite kills smaller creatures than a human.

This animal lives in the African countries, Turkey, inhabits the Arabian Peninsula, India, the Middle East. It feeds mainly on insects and spiders, cockroaches. Therefore, the scorpion will always find a cozy place in the dwellings of people, there are a lot of yummy.

For self-defense, the scorpion stabs its sharp sting and injects a dose of poison. The insect perishes in 20 seconds, and the person in general can not feel a bite, he only will notice reddening on a body. How to determine that you have bitten a scorpion - dizziness, salivation and hallucinations - these are the first lesions of the nervous system. It is possible to act independently on the bite by a hot match or a hot metal object. And then consult a doctor who will inject serum antidote. But still it is not the most poisonous animal on the planet, there is much more dangerous than a scorpion.

9 place. Karakurt or the Black Widow (Black Widow)

The top of the most poisonous animals continues and Karakurth is on the line. This spider is widespread everywhere: it can be found in Kyrgyzstan, the desert zone of Kazakhstan, in the steppes of the Astrakhan region, the Krasnodar region, Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, the shores of the Mediterranean, North Africa, southern Europe and southern Russia and Ukraine. It lives on all continents in warm latitudes, only the subspecies of this animal differ in color and size.   The average size of the trunk is only 3-10 mm.

He hunts on the banks of rivers, in ravines, in wastelands. A favorite time of the year, when the hunter goes on a quest for prey - a warm and even hot summer, the beginning of autumn. Naturally, the spider does not imagine a man - as a treat for himself, he only defends, if he feels himself in danger. For a man, only the Black widow of a woman is poisonous. By the way, the name "Black Widow" was received by this beautiful spider for the fact that females eat their partner after the act of fertilization, this is practiced only by some subspecies of Karakut. Some males still manage to escape from sexual cannibalism.

From the bites of karakurt can be affected and agricultural animals. After biting, a person feels pain all over the body, unbearable pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, then there may be vomiting and palpitations, shortness of breath. Around the world, about 2200 people are registered each year from the poison of the Black widow.  With properly provided medical care, people quickly recover during the day.

Without the introduction of an antidote, the symptoms of pain can last from a week to several weeks, then the pain passes and the consequences do not remain. Lethal outcomes are very rare and can only be among weak people and animals. For example, in Kazakhstan black camels kill camels from the bites of the Black widow.

8 place.   Lonomia Obliqua

Butterfly is the color of fallen leaves that dwells in the countries of South America (mainly in Brazil), would not bring harm to anyone, if it did not turn into a caterpillar. Just exactly the thorns - villi caterpillars can poison any animal or person who touched a forest beauty. Inhabitant butterfly Lonomy in damp forests and a tourist should be more circumspect.   Color poisoner gray-green in the tone of the trees, so it can be and do not notice.

The dimensions of the caterpillar are about 7 cm,  and in color it resembles lime, only prickly thorns - this is a warning, you can not eat it, and touch can lead to death. (lethal outcome was 1.7% of poisoned)

It is known that the caterpillar injects a microscopic dose of poison, a small part, but very dangerous. Sometimes it is compared to a rattlesnake by its virulence. The type of toxin that is supplied to her hairy body is called a coagulant. This substance prevents clotting of blood. Almost instantly, a person feels dizzy, because a brain hemorrhage occurs. As a result, a person can get an apoplectic blow and die.

To protect yourself from the bite of the caterpillar, you need to avoid places of congestion of butterflies, but it's best to take an adhesive plaster with you,  it will come in handy to get the spines out of the skin. Then the wound will need to be treated with a soap solution and go to the hospital. Fortunately, doctors came up with an antidote, but remember that doctors need to hurry.

7 place. Brazilian wandering spider (Brazilian wandering spider)

Wandering spiders are the most dangerous poisonous animals.  They are so named because they wander, that is, they creep around the world, do not build networks and do not cobwebs, boring waiting for when a frivolous mosquito will get there. It is a real predator, quirky and too smart for its size. Its size with legs barely reaches 5-10 cm, so it's easy to hide anywhere. So in a bunch of bananas, which are shipped from Brazil to him the comfort of everything. Therefore, he was nicknamed him a banana spider.

This spider lives, as you already understood in Brazil, and in other countries of Latin America. He hunts insects and animals-rodents. If he is hurt or hinders hunting, he will not be afraid to bite and a person may be a victim.

He can bite if he feels danger, injecting poison more than the rest of the spiders on the ground. Its poison is a deadly weapon, and it is stronger than a black widow, causes cramps and severe pain all over the body. The bite and poison of this creature is designed for smaller victims than a man, so deaths are very rare and were only among children. Nowadays, a quick-acting antidote is available.

When a spider attacks - it rises to its hind legs and jumps clear to the object. Dangerous to humans because they crawl to their houses and huddle there in secluded places. To protect yourself you need to regularly inspect things, do cleaning. To determine the spider, you need to know what it looks like - it has a small head and a cephalothorax, a larger tummy, shaggy legs, a camouflage color - brown, but of any shades. Life in other countries does not attract the spider, he most likes to live in South and Central America.

6 place. Blue-ringed octopus (Blue-ringed octopus)

Did you know that octopuses do not always grow large, there are also very tiny ones, the size of a golf ball among them. If you "were lucky" to meet such an octopus, it is better to rush off.   You can not touch it!

The ringed octopus is very beautiful, blue rings are scattered all over his body, it is very attractive, I want to touch him. Do not advise, this octopus is very poisonous! His poison is enough to kill up to 26 people at the same time.  And he will do it for 1 minute. The antidote does not exist, and the bite of the blue-ringed octopus is almost painless, it can not be felt.

The octopus's bite is toxic and during the first few seconds a person does not feel pain, but on the body feels numbness and weakness, and then difficulty breathing  and you can die if you do not make artificial ventilation of the lungs.

The most important thing is to continue to do artificial respiration. Many people think that if a person does not breathe, it means that he is no longer alive. But, it's not! With properly provided care, all the victims fully recover.

It should be remembered that visible external death, it is actually a paralysis, when it is possible and necessary to help the patient. The very first aid with an octopus bite is lung ventilation and ligation of the bite site.

The patient remains in consciousness, hears and sees everything, but can not move and give a signal,  so often people are left in this state, thinking that they are already dead. Before the device connects to the lungs, it is more necessary to do artificial respiration constantly before the arrival of doctors, so the action of the poison slows down and, in the end, is neutralized. Next, you need to quickly call an ambulance and connect the patient to the respirator. The action of the poison takes place about a week in itself. The organism copes with it.

The poison of the bright octopus is a mixture of tetrodotoxin, dopamine, histamine and other nerve agents, it acts stronger and faster than the wart. This type of poison is also found in the body of a snail - a cone and puffers. Not always the color of the octopus becomes bright, the blue-neon rings light up on it only at the moment of danger and attack. This species of octopus lives in the tides of the Pacific basin, as well as in the waters of the seas of Japan and Australia.

5 place. Stone fish

Wart or stone fish is very dangerous and not in vain got into the top five most cruel poisoners. Sure, she should be afraid and avoided, because her thorns in an excited state can pierce a diving suit and even shoes!

The fish looks very ugly, gray-brown with hills on the whole surface, and the lower jaw is pushed forward. Its poison is comparable to the poison of zebra-winged and scarpens, but stronger than theirs. Because it contains a cocktail of neurotoxins and foreign proteins.

It is impossible to stop the action of a poison. But you can weaken a strong pain sensation with a hot bandage and vinegar and consult a doctor. Vinegar can be found at all the rescue points of Australian beaches. Next, you need to call a doctor and introduce an antidote. The deaths were isolated.

The wart lives in coastal areas near coral reefs. This is the area of ​​the Pacific (shallow water) and Indian, and was also seen along the shores of the Red Sea, in the Great Barrier Reef, Indonesia, Fiji, and Samoa. This dangerous creature is almost impossible to notice, it disguises itself under a stone and almost all of it is buried in sand or mud. Where there are rocks and coral reefs you can not swim, you can accidentally meet with a poisonous fish. Here the main thing is not to hurt her and do not come! It will not attack you - poison is its defensive reaction.

4 place. Taipan McCoy   (Inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

Taipan McCoy is the most poisonous of land snakes. It can produce poison, which is 180 times stronger than cobra or mamba. 44 mg of poison taken from one snake can kill 100 people at once.  She's aiming very accurately and can make a few instantaneous bites that will lead to a quick painful death if you do not enter the antidote for 45 minutes. Taipan belongs to the family of Aspidov, and a dangerous snake inhabits the coastal regions of Australia.

Despite the exceptional virulence this kind of Taipan differs rather calm character and does not attack, if it is not provoked. Alas, provocations are possible, since snakes themselves find ways to human dwelling, especially like farmlands where there are many rodents and you can eat a bird.

Taipan's poison is an explosive mixture, a cocktail of neurotoxic substances in conjunction with myotoxin. These substances lead to suffocation, rapid heart contractions, toxins destroy tissues, cause bleeding. This snake is very cautious, and when it injects the poison, it immediately departs, so that it is not harmed if the victim is of value to it, such as a mouse, it waits until the mouse dies and can not resist the teeth.

Many believe that Taipan is the most poisonous animal on earth, but we have several more applicants.

3rd place. Frog and woodcutter ( Poison dart frog)

Who would have thought that such a bright and beautiful frog with a glossy luster would take the third place in our ranking of the most dangerous animals. Are you surprised? Yes, it is the frog dart, as well as the leaf-litter - some of the most poisonous creatures of the globe.

What is the peculiarity of the frog and where can it be found? Her skin is neurotoxic and if you hold it by hand or accidentally step on it, paralysis may occur. This will happen if you have an open wound. The poison is transmitted only through the blood.

It is known that the Indians poisoned arrows in antiquity, touching the frog with a tip. The frog contains as much poison - batrachotoxin, which would be enough to kill 1500 people! Just think about this figure, the imagination is amazing. But what is the probability of meeting the most dangerous animals of the planet? They exist only in the tropical forests of southern Colombia, so the rest of the inhabitants of the planet should not be afraid for their lives.

Listolaz is also referred to as leafolaz horrible, and its predatory abilities are directed mainly at insects. It is due to the insects living in its areola of habitat, the frog also produces toxic substances. The frog can not starve, therefore dies within a few days, it is known that in captivity, if the frog feeds other insects, it ceases to be poisonous, interesting, but true!

A poisonous frog does not bite, but a poison-soaked skin affects your scratches and wounds and can instantly cause death. If a healthy person without microcracks touches a frog, everything can well do without, of course, if this person does not touch other people. She's such a terrible frog and her name is justified.

To protect yourself from the poison of this frog, you need to naturally avoid walking in damp tropical forests without equipment. Scientists suggest that from the skin of an amphibian monster, substances can be isolated and used for the preparation of medical preparations.

2nd place. Snail cone (Сone snail)

Who did not encounter beautiful snails on vacation and did not collect them for the collection? Many gathered, but by no means many managed to bring a special trophy from the sea coast - a snail in the form of a cone.

The most dangerous sight of the Cone snail is the Marble Snail cone (marbled cone snail).  The name she probably got for a color reminiscent of a marble pattern. The size of such a shell is 10 -15 cm.  The beauty of the cones beckons them to touch them. In fact, cones are predatory mollusks and every attempt to touch them can lead to tragedy. These are snail-hunters, when the victim comes in the form of a worm or other mollusk, one of the radula's teeth is placed inside, making room for the harpoon. This harpoon can hit the victim with a potent poison.

AT In 1993, 16 deaths were recorded due to the fault of these marine animals.  It is interesting that the toxins of each individual cochlea of ​​cones have different composition, this is not observed even in snakes.

It is important to remember that people do not enter the food chain of snails, so they are not after you to chase and hunt in the water. Here the main thing is not to disturb and not touch the deadly handsome man.

When a person feels a predator prick, he should immediately get medical help. Neurotoxins act instantaneously, affecting all parts of the body and internal organs. There is no antidote against them, but some local residents of Australia's coastal regions have come up with a way to get rid of the poison, you need to cut the place of the bite and make a bloodletting. What else can you say, we must avoid contact with a bright and very attractive marine population. And they inhabit all the tropical seas of the world.

1 place. Boxed Jellyfish

Kubomeduza - one of the most dangerous creatures in the marine world, is considered the most poisonous among invertebrates of marine life and inhabitants of the land.

Her body is weightless compared to the size - the biggest jellyfish weighs only 5 kg. How to distinguish the usual jellyfish from a cubic jelly? You immediately determine it by the size of the bell - 2.5 meters, it is beautiful and transparent, and it is also called sea oso. The most interesting is that their tentacles are short, while the jellyfish are in a calm state, but as soon as they feel the danger, they immediately lengthen them for a long distance - about 15, and some up to 30 meters. Just imagine such a monster!

  These beautiful monsters live in the Pacific region of India and on the coasts of the Australian continent.  The antidote is manufactured in Australia, but it is not always possible to apply it and a person dies before reaching the shore. Because of severe pain, a person can fall into a state of shock, which is extremely dangerous in the water and can be drowned.

Kubomeduzy kill hundreds of people with their tentacles every year, but man is not their diet, they sting people only feeling a danger. The jellyfish will soon float away from all "feet" seeing the diver, than will allow to make out himself. Yes, yes, just seeing, because it is these jellyfish have the ability to see, and they speed up to 6 meters per minute.

If you are stung by a jellyfish of this species, the consequences can be different. Basically, people feel pain in the lower back, abdomen, headache, vomiting begins and difficulty urinating. All symptoms are similar to strong poisoning of the body.

To reduce the effect of toxins, it is necessary to treat the burn site with acetic acid, remove the remains of tentacles, streptal tissues with the help of sand or a piece of wood. Water is not recommended for wetting, since it transfers toxins to other parts of the body, which is why it is so dangerous to get poisoned in water.

To protect yourself from the possible touch of jellyfish when diving under a diving suit, it is recommended to wear a tight fitting kapron suit.

These giant jellyfish are most dangerous because they are difficult to discern, they are almost transparent!

Kubomeduza The main prize of our top belongs to Kubomeduz (Chironex fleckeri), which received such a name because of its cubic form. Over the past 60 years, this cute girl has killed about 6,000 lives. Its poison is considered the most fatal in the world, toxins affect the heart, nervous system and skin cells.

And, even worse, all this is accompanied by such hellish pain that the victims enter a state of shock and either sink or die from cardiac arrest. If you immediately treat the wound with vinegar or acetic acid solution, the victim has a chance, but as a rule, in vinegar water is not found. Kubomeduzu can be found in the waters of Asia and Australia.

Royal Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) The Royal Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the longest poisonous snake in the world, reaching 5.6 meters in length. Ophiophagus, literally translated as "eater snake", because it eats other snakes. One single bite of this deadly snake can easily kill a person. It can kill even an adult Asian elephant within 3 hours if the animal is bitten in a vulnerable area, such as a trunk. Among the representatives of snakes there are also more poisonous than the Royal Cobra, but it is capable of isolating the poison much more than others. For example, 5 times more than the Black Mamba. The royal cobra is widespread in the dense mountain forests of South and South-East Asia.

Scorpio Leurus quinckstriatus Contrary to popular belief, most scorpions are relatively safe for humans, since bites only have local effects (pain, anemia, swelling). Nevertheless, the Leiruses are a very dangerous form of scorpions, because its poison is a strong cocktail of neurotoxins that causes intense and unbearable pain, then fever accompanied by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. The Leyruses are common in North Africa and the Middle East.

Taipan or Brutal Snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) Just one tusk bite contains enough venom to kill 100 adults or an army of 250,000 mice. Its extremely neurotoxic poison is at least 200-400 times more toxic than the common cobra's poison. Only 45 minutes after a bite an adult can die. But fortunately, there is an antidote, besides this snake is very timid and immediately creeps away at the slightest danger. Occurs in Australia.

Dartworms or Poisonous Frogs If you ever manage to visit the rainy forests of Central and South America, never touch the small beautiful frogs - they can be extremely poisonous. For example, the size of a Golden Dwarf is only 5 cm, and the poison in it is enough to kill 10 adults. In the old days, local tribes used the poison of these frogs to lubricate the tips of their arrows.

Blue Ringed Octopus (Octopus) The blue ringed Octopus is small, the size of a golf ball, but an extremely poisonous creature that lives in the coastal waters around Australia and slightly north towards Japan. The blue-ringed octopus is usually light in color, with dark brown groups along its eight legs and body, with blue circles added along the top of these dark brown bands. When the octopus is disturbed or taken out of the water, it becomes darker, and the rings become shiny and assume the color of an electrician, and it is this color change that gives the animal its name.

Its poison is strong enough to kill a person. In fact, the octopus carries enough poison in it to kill 26 adults in a couple of minutes, and there is no antidote. If you do not take measures and do not start treatment, then the person begins to feel numbness, difficulty in speaking, seeing, there are problems with breathing, then there is complete paralysis and death due to cardiac arrest and lack of oxygen.

Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or Banana Spider This abomination hit the Guinness Book of Records 2007 for guilt in the largest number of human deaths caused by spider bites. Not least, these spiders are dangerous not only for their poison, but also for their behavior: they do not sit still and do not make a web, they wander the earth, hide in buildings, clothes, boots, cars, anywhere; which significantly increases the risk of unexpectedly meeting them and being bitten.

Fish-bowl or Fugu. Fish-ball is the second most poisonous vertebrate on earth (the first is the Golden Dwarven from item 5). Meat of some subspecies, for example, Fugu is a delicacy in Japan and Korea, but the problem is that the surface of the fish and certain of its organs are very poisonous. Poison fugue causes paralysis, which results in suffocation and death from lack of oxygen. Therefore, only licensed cooks are allowed to cook such fish in Japan.

Marble Cone Snail In appearance, the marble snail-cone looks beautiful and very cute, however it can be as deadly as any other animal on this list. A drop of its poison can kill 20 people. Signs of bite: severe pain, swelling, numbness, in serious cases paralysis and respiratory failure occur. The antidote does not exist.

Nevertheless, for all time registered about 30 cases of human deaths from the poison of this snail, which is not very much compared to other representatives of our list

Fish-stone Perhaps a stone fish will never win a beauty contest, but it will definitely receive the "Most Poisonous Fish" prize. The poison causes such unbearable pain that in search of rescue from torment, the victims want to amputate the affected area. It is believed that the bite of fish-stone provokes the most severe pain known to man. The pain is accompanied by shock, paralysis, and tissue dying.

If you do not get an ambulance, the outcome can be fatal. It is widely distributed in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, from the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.

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1. Kubomedusa

The main prize of our top belongs to Kubomeduz (Chironex fleckeri), which received such a name because of its cubic form. Over the past 60 years, this cute girl has killed about 6,000 lives. Its poison is considered the most fatal in the world, toxins affect the heart, nervous system and skin cells.

And, even worse, all this is accompanied by such hellish pain that the victims enter a state of shock and either sink or die from cardiac arrest. If you immediately treat the wound with vinegar or a solution of acetic acid, the victim has a chance, but as a rule, vinegar is not found in water

Kubomeduzu can be found in the waters of Asia and Australia.

2. The Royal Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)

The Royal Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the longest poisonous snake in the world, reaching 5.6 meters in length. Ophiophagus, literally translated as "eater snake", because it eats other snakes. One single bite of this deadly snake can easily kill a person. It can kill even an adult Asian elephant within 3 hours if the animal is bitten in a vulnerable area, such as a trunk.

Among the representatives of snakes there are also more poisonous than the Royal Cobra, but it is capable of isolating the poison much more than others. For example, 5 times more than the Black Mamba.
  The royal cobra is widespread in the dense mountain forests of South and South-East Asia.

3. Scorpio Leurous quinckstriatus

Contrary to popular belief, most scorpions are relatively safe for humans, since bites have only a local effect (pain, anemia, swelling). Nevertheless, the Leiruses are a very dangerous form of scorpions, because its poison is a strong cocktail of neurotoxins that causes intense and unbearable pain, then fever accompanied by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death.
  The Leyruses are common in North Africa and the Middle East.

4. Taipan or the Cruel Serpent (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

Just one tusk bite contains enough venom to kill 100 adults or an army of 250,000 mice. Its extremely neurotoxic poison is at least 200-400 times more toxic than the common cobra's poison. Only 45 minutes after a bite an adult can die. But fortunately, there is an antidote, besides this snake is very timid and immediately creeps away at the slightest danger.
  Occurs in Australia.

5. Woodcocks or Poisonous Frogs

If you ever manage to visit the rainy forests of Central and South America, never touch the small beautiful frogs - they can be extremely poisonous. For example, the size of a Golden Dwarf is only 5 cm, and the poison in it is enough to kill 10 adults.
  In the old days, local tribes used the poison of these frogs to lubricate the tips of their arrows.

6. Blue Ringed Octopus (Australian Octopus)

The blue ringed Octopus is small, the size of a golf ball, but an extremely poisonous creature that lives in the coastal waters around Australia and slightly north towards Japan. The blue-ringed octopus is usually light in color, with dark brown groups along its eight legs and body, with blue circles added along the top of these dark brown bands. When the octopus is disturbed or taken out of the water, it becomes darker, and the rings become shiny and assume the color of an electrician, and it is this color change that gives the animal its name.

Its poison is strong enough to kill a person. In fact, the octopus carries enough poison in it to kill 26 adults in a couple of minutes, and there is no antidote. If you do not take measures and do not start treatment, then the person begins to feel numbness, difficulty in speaking, seeing, there are problems with breathing, then there is complete paralysis and death due to cardiac arrest and lack of oxygen.

7. Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or banana spider

This abomination fell into the 2007 Guinness Book of Records for blaming the largest number of human deaths caused by spider bites. Not least, these spiders are dangerous not only for their poison, but also for their behavior: they do not sit still and do not make a web, they wander the earth, hide in buildings, clothes, boots, cars, anywhere; which significantly increases the risk of unexpectedly meeting them and being bitten.

8. Fish-bowl or Fugu

The fish-ball is the second most poisonous vertebrate animal on earth (the first is the Golden Dwarven from item 5). Meat of some subspecies, for example, Fugu is a delicacy in Japan and Korea, but the problem is that the surface of the fish and certain of its organs are very poisonous. Poison fugue causes paralysis, which results in suffocation and death from lack of oxygen.
  Therefore, only licensed cooks are allowed to cook such fish in Japan.

9. Marble Snail-cone

In appearance, the marble snail-cone looks beautiful and very cute, but it can be as deadly as any other animal on this list. A drop of its poison can kill 20 people. Signs of bite: severe pain, swelling, numbness, in serious cases paralysis and respiratory failure occur. The antidote does not exist.

Nevertheless, for all time registered about 30 cases of human deaths from the poison of this snail, which is not very much compared to other representatives of our list.

10. Fish-stone

Perhaps the stone fish will never win a beauty contest, but it will definitely receive the "Most Poisonous Fish" prize. The poison causes such unbearable pain that in search of rescue from torment, the victims want to amputate the affected area. It is believed that the bite of fish-stone provokes the most severe pain known to man. The pain is accompanied by shock, paralysis, and tissue dying.

If you do not get an ambulance, the outcome can be fatal.

The stone fish stores its toxins in the terrible spines, which are designed to protect against predators.
  It is widely distributed in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, from the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.

Poisonous are those animals in whose bodies substances that are dangerous to human life or health or any other living beings are produced. These substances allow animals to protect themselves and their territory, and also to immobilize and kill prey during hunting.

The main groups of poisonous animals

Some animals throughout life accumulate in the body of harmful elements,  feeding on poisonous plants or living in conditions of severe environmental pollution. So the animals themselves become poisonous. You can not eat them for food, otherwise you can get poisoned.

Other animals have in the body of the gland, in which the poison is produced.  To the poison acted, he must get on the body or into the blood of the victim. To do this, in some animals poisonous substances through special channels are excreted from the glands to the skin. For example, the body of a poisonous frog is so arranged. If you touch the surface of her skin, you can experience severe pain and get burned.

The rest of the animals were armed with injuring devices: sharp teeth, stings, spines or thorns.

With their help on the body of the oil, small damage appears, into which the poison is injected, which subsequently falls into the blood.

Poisonous species are found among arthropods, reptiles, and even among mammals.

Dangerous representatives of the fauna of Russia

In Russia, as in the whole world, dangerous animals are also found, including poisonous ones. This report will deal only with a few of them.

1. The Viper

Almost everywhere in the vastness of our country, with the exception of the Arctic, it is possible. It feeds on rodents, small reptiles and birds. The Viper is not capable of pursuing prey, because it is not so quick. Snake hunts down and bites his victim,  which, because of the rapid action of the poison, loses its ability to resist.

2. Scorpio

In the southern regions of Russia in a fairly warm climate live scorpions. They hunt at night on insects, spiders and small mammals, killing them with the help of a sharp poisonous needle at the end of the tail. Scorpions they grab their prey with their front claws, raise and stab the sting.  The extraction in this case dies instantly.

3. Spider of the Karakurt

Karakurt - medium sized black spider with bright red spots on the top of the abdomen. The poison of the Karakurt is stronger than that of the rattlesnake. but bite only females,  males are completely harmless. Spiders of Karakurts dwell in those regions of Russia, where the hot dry summer and long warm autumn.

4. Frog the frog

Poisonous frogs frogs are found near small ponds in the steppe and forest zones of the European part of Russia and the Far East. From the other frogs, they are distinguished by a warning bright color - dark red and yellow spots on the abdomen.

  Slime on the skin of the toad is poisonous  and causes burning and acute pain when touched. Poison does not need a frog to hunt worms, beetles and snails with which it feeds. Poisonous skin protects the fox from attacking predators.

5. The Black Sea Ruff

This fish lives in the Black and Azov Seas. Its meat does not contain poison and can be eaten. Nevertheless, the body of the Black Sea ruff is present poisonous thorns and thorns.

6. Bees and wasps

These flying insects use a poisonous sting to protect their home from ruin. The Wasp can use its stinging device repeatedly, but after the sting of a person or animal dies.

If the bee or wasp feels the smell of the poison of his fellow men, it becomes for her a signal to attack the object,  threatening the well-being of her family. And so often the bites of bees and wasps are numerous, which is most dangerous for a person or beast.

Are mosquitoes and houseflies poisonous?

Many mistakenly rank well all familiar and to the number of poisonous insects. Allegedly, when bitten by mosquitoes and flies injected into the body of a bitten poisonous saliva. but this is not true.  The substances contained in the saliva are not at all poisonous. They do not allow blood to curdle before the insect is saturated. A bite is bitten because the human body perceives the saliva of an insect as a foreign substance, antibodies are produced, an allergy occurs.

Birds and mammals

Among the poisonous animals of Russia there are no mammals and birds. And in general, in the world of poisonous birds and animals is not enough. They dwell mainly in, and.

The most famous poisonous mammals are shrews. From poisonous birds, you can call a thrush flycatcher, whose skin and feathers are very dangerous.

Any poisonous animal can harm a person, but will do it only for the purpose of self-defense. Therefore, it is always necessary to observe safety measures: do not approach the wild animals or their homes and do not lose their vigilance.

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