Volcano coordinates latitude and longitude. Geographic coordinates of the Kilimanjaro volcano and other features. Klyuchevskaya Sopka on the map

“Volcanoes of OBZh” - Volcanic Lake Pinatubo. Go into the house and spend the night, because the apartment is intact. Angles formed by internal partitions. Imagine that an earthquake occurred in your city (town). Corners formed by permanent internal walls. Topic: Volcanoes. Balconies and loggias. Work with the class: Go to the barn and take shelter there from the rain.

Recommended fate Work on the lesson. This has caused numerous complications in air transport in Europe. Many countries have closed their airspace. Using the map, evaluate the accuracy of the information about the consequences of this event. The student develops curiosity about the world through the interests of his region, Poland, Europe and the whole world.

Map - the ability to read, interpret and use a map. The student reads information from a map using various cartographic techniques. Nature - human - economic relations. The student determines the location of Europe and the main features of the natural environment on the basis of a general geographical map and thematic maps.

“Geography of Volcanoes” - The main goal of the work is the study of volcanoes and volcanism. Purpose: The vast majority of volcanoes are located in the equatorial, tropical and temperate regions. Extinct volcanoes. Geography project. In accordance with the stated goal, the following tasks are considered in the work. Volcanism. Currently, over 4 thousand have been identified around the globe. volcanoes.

With most people on our continent unable to travel quickly and conveniently, airlines and travel agencies were counting their losses, so most Europeans kept a close eye on the media. The above problem is based on source material from the press. A map posted in the online edition of a magazine was tested to see if students knew the regions of Europe and if they could read the relevant information from the map.

In the first line of the problem, you had to find the capital of Spain and Poland on the map. Finding this information was probably not a problem since the simplified map contained only the necessary information, including the name of both countries and the capital of Spain. The only difficulty was probably reading the range of dust clouds for a given day. This part of the problem was solved correctly by more than 87% of students.

"Volcanic eruption" - Fuji. The benefits of volcanoes. The source of magma is a place under earth's crust where magma collects. In ancient Roman mythology, the word “volcano” means the God of fire. Magma source. Klyuchevskaya Sopka. A volcanic eruption is accompanied by an underground roar, sometimes an earthquake, and rain. Volcanoes keep you warm. A volcanic vent is a channel through which magma rises.

The second verse turned out to be more difficult. Only just over half of the students correctly read that the dust cloud spread across some Scandinavian countries but missed Iceland entirely. Perhaps, during the solution of the third stage of the task, not everyone noticed that in addition to active airports in southern Europe, at Russian airports they also worked, for example, marking Moscow Sheremetyevo.

The results obtained were collected during task standardization. It can be assumed that the task is better suited for classroom work than for testing students' knowledge. Working under the guidance of a teacher, students can pay attention to accurate data.

“Vector coordinates” - 2. Properties of vector coordinates. 1. The coordinates of the sum of vectors are equal to the sum of the corresponding coordinates. A(3; 2). Vector coordinates. 1. Vector coordinates. 2. The coordinates of the vector difference are equal to the difference of the corresponding coordinates.

Surprises often happen on further and closer trips. When we have the opportunity to listen to stories from the expeditions of famous travelers, we really like that they always find solutions. It often turns out that these inevitable changes in travel make it even more attractive. You can also refer to the above problem in a similar way: what would you do, what would you do if you had to, for example, from France to Poland? The task could be designed to analyze train schedules in Europe using appropriate travel discounts.

“Coordinate system in space” - Listen to the sonata of the spheres with Pythagoras, Count the atoms like Democritus. The bolt is closed. M. Escher's work reflects the idea of ​​​​introducing a rectangular coordinate system in space. Coordinates of a point in space. Rectangular coordinate system in space. Height, width, depth. V. Bryusov. Ox – abscissa axis, Oy – ordinate axis, Oz – applicate axis.

The source material for the second and third problems is the “plastic” map of Iceland, also published in the press due to the volcanic eruption. However, problems based on this source do not test knowledge of volcanoes, but the ability to read geographic coordinates and directions on a map. These skills often cause problems for students, hence the proposed form of work during the lesson.

Geographical location Iceland. Select and mark the correct volcanic coordinates. Geographic coordinates Eyjafjallajokull volcano. Answer, software basis and discussion of the problem. The student may use plans, maps, photographs, drawings, graphs and statistics and source texts, as well as information and communication technologies to collect, process and present geographic information. Put your knowledge and geographic skills into practice. The student uses knowledge and geographical skills to better understand modern world and his place in it. 2.

“Coordinates” - Origin of coordinates. IV quarter (+;-). III quarter (-;-). Abscissa axis. I quarter (+;+). Cartesian coordinates. Y axis. Coordinate quarters. Coordinates of the midpoint of the segment. II quarter (-;+). Definition of Cartesian coordinates Coordinates of the middle of a segment Distance between points. Content. Determination of Cartesian coordinates.

Application of knowledge and geographical skills in practice. The student applies knowledge and geographical skills in everyday life, including rational use environmental resources. The table shows different meanings latitude and longitude. They are repeated on two lines, which should make selection easier. The first task for the student is to establish that the two lines differ only in the definitions given at the beginning.

The next step should be to determine which direction symbols we use for lengths and which for latitudes. It should also be recalled to divide the globe into hemispheres, preferably using a globe. When solving this problem in class, it is good to remind students that length and width apply to the Mediterranean, which is "long", largely parallel and therefore we are talking about latitudes read on meridians, and its width is measured from north to south , on parallels.

And although there are more outstanding giants, the Cotopaxi volcano is rightfully recognized as the highest among those active around the world. It enchants not only with its unpredictable behavior, but also with the unusual beauty of the peak shimmering with ice. This is also notable because of the location of the stratovolcano, as snow is a very rare occurrence in the tropics of Ecuador.

Values ​​are deliberately chosen so that students consider the location of points and the change in angular values ​​on meridians and parallels. For better understanding, it is best to use a globe at this stage. Based on this problem, you can learn to eliminate incorrect answers when troubleshooting problems. Solving randomly will not produce results, but motivating a student to solve a specific problem creates the conditions for learning through curiosity.

The task is not suitable for testing the ability to determine geographic coordinates for a test or examination because, without the ability to carry out a mental process, many students have shown a tendency to choose a random event. Choose the correct answer and its rationale.

Geographical information about the Cotopaxi volcano

Cotopaxi is classified as a stratovolcano, like its counterpart in Southeast Asia- Krakatoa. This type of rock formation has a layered structure formed from ash, solidified lava and tephra. Most often, their shape resembles a regular cone; due to their relatively porous composition, they often change their height and area during strong eruptions.

Latitude three peaks in one complex

The correct set of directions on the map. The geographical location of Iceland is designated as. “square” B. the main directions coincide with the cartographic grid. “square” N. meridians indicate the east-west direction. Some maps have a southern orientation. The student may use plans, maps, photographs, drawings, diagrams and statistics and source texts, as well as information and communication technologies, to collect, process and present geographic information. The student determines the geographical and mathematical-geographical location of points and areas on the map.

Cotopaxi is the highest peak of the Cordillera Real mountain range: it rises above sea level at 5897 m. For Ecuador, the country in which it is located active volcano, is the second largest peak, but it is precisely this peak that is known as the most striking attraction and heritage of the state. The area of ​​the crater is approximately 0.45 square meters. km, and its depth reaches 450 m. If it is necessary to determine geographical coordinates, you should focus on highest point. Its latitude and longitude in degrees are 0° 41′ 3″ S. latitude, 78° 26′ 14″w. d.

Using the above task, we can test whether students have mastered the skill of map orientation. This choice was made by 57% of students from the surveyed secondary schools. In the second part of the task, the student must justify his earlier choice. If he previously selected the correct answer, he should have no problem choosing the correct answer in the second part of the task and indicating that the main directions intersect with the map grid. However, only 35% of students made this choice.

Supporting information about directions on a map, such an example, will improve the effectiveness of teaching content in geography that is most important as it relates to reading the source of geographic information. Since most of the volcanoes on this island are volcanoes with a fairly calm type of eruption, there was no disaster, which we often hear about in the media. Instead, almost all of Europe was shrouded in a cloud of fine pyroclastic material ejected by the volcano, immobilizing aircraft at many airports.

The giant has become the center national park with the same name, here you can find unique flora and fauna. But its main feature is considered to be snow-capped peaks, which in itself is unusual for the tropics. Cotopaxi Peak is covered with a thick layer of ice that reflects the glare from the sun and shimmers like gem. Ecuadorians are proud of their landmark, despite the fact that many tragic events are associated with it.

Stratovolcano eruptions

For those who do not yet know whether the current or extinct volcano Cotopaxi, it is worth saying that it is active, but in present moment is in hibernation. Predict exact time Its awakening is very difficult, since during its existence it has manifested its “explosive” character with varying degrees of power.

So, awakening occurred in 2015. On August 15, a five-kilometer column of smoke mixed with ash flew into the sky. There were five such outbreaks, after which the volcano calmed down again. But this does not mean that his awakening will not be the beginning strong eruption lava months or years later.

Over the past 300 years, the volcano has erupted about 50 times. Before the recent outbursts, Cotopaxi had not shown significant signs of activity for more than 140 years. The first documented eruption is believed to have occurred in 1534. The most tragic event is considered to have happened in April 1768. Then, in addition to emissions of sulfur and lava, a strong earthquake occurred in the area of ​​the giant’s explosion, which destroyed the entire city and nearby settlements.

Since most of the time the volcano shows no signs of activity, it is a popular tourist destination. Walking along the paved paths, you can come across llamas and deer, see hummingbirds fluttering or admire Andean lapwings.

The Cotopaxi volcano is of great interest to brave climbers who dream of conquering the top of this mountain range. The first ascent occurred on November 28, 1872; Wilhelm Rice performed this extraordinary act.

Today, all interested and, most importantly, trained climbers can perform a similar act. The ascent to the peak begins at night, so that by dawn you can return to the starting point. This is due to the fact that the peak is covered with a thick layer of ice, which begins to melt during the daytime, making it simply impossible to climb it.

However, even an ordinary walk at the foot of Cotopaxi will bring a lot of impressions, because in this part of Ecuador you can enjoy picturesque views. It is not for nothing that according to one version the name is translated not as “smoking mountain”, but as “brilliant mountain”.

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