First aid for an allergic reaction to a drug. What to do if an adult or child suddenly develops an allergy? What is allergic asthma

Allergy attack

Allergy attack - symptoms and consequences

Allergy symptoms

Allergy manifests itself differently in each person, depending on the severity of the disease, the characteristics of the body and the psychological state. Studies have shown that negative emotions, stress and quarrels can become provoking factors for the appearance of allergic reaction. Also, do not forget that it is more difficult for a nervous person to cope with even a simple attack of mild allergies, so you need to learn to control your emotions.

The lungs help with this physical exercise that should be done daily. Yoga and other eastern practices that teach relaxation, control of your emotions and proper breathing give good results. If you add hardening and restorative procedures to this, the attacks will begin to pass more gently. Although it is better for people to know what allergy attacks are, the symptoms and possible consequences.

Hives - This is a very common manifestation of allergies, which makes itself felt in the form of a rash all over the body. Sometimes only certain areas that are closest to the lesion may be affected. If you monitor the spread of the rash, you can find out what triggered the attack.

If your friend has an acute allergy attack, you should give him an antihistamine. Allergy sufferers always carry some medicine with them that helps in such cases. When hives are caused by food, you will have to induce vomiting so that the hives do not develop into a more severe condition. However, in any case, it is worth identifying the allergen in order to protect a person from it. If you are allergic to pollen, you should urgently move the patient to a room where medical care is already being provided. If the allergy is caused by animal fur, then you should immediately take the patient outside.

Dermatitis This is an external reaction of the skin to an irritant, which consists of dry skin, cracks and itching. Most often, dermatitis is of a contact nature, that is, a person touches this object. Household chemicals, some materials and even interior items can cause this unpleasant phenomenon. If allergic dermatitis is not treated, the process becomes chronic. At the same time, the severity of the disease increases, which over time can lead to tragedy.

It should also be noted that many girls do not like the cosmetic defect, but they do not think about the nature of the disease. Of course, the use of special antihistamine gels and ointments relieves external irritation and returns the skin to its normal state, but does not solve the problem. Only identifying the allergen allows you to avoid problems in the future.

Allergic rhinitis or cough – these signs of allergy are often mistaken for an incipient viral disease. If you add tearfulness to this, then an inexperienced doctor will quickly diagnose “ARD” and send you to be treated with powders and mixtures for colds. During this time, the symptoms will intensify, which can lead to serious consequences. Because of this, a person must listen to his own well-being, compare all the facts in order to identify the insidious enemy right away.

If the cough appears suddenly, without any prerequisites, and if it is almost continuous, you should be wary. This type of cough usually does not respond to cough syrups, and with some methods of exposure it may even get worse. If you don’t know how to relieve an allergy attack, you should consult an allergist. Until you receive recommendations, you can take any antihistamine to prevent worsening.

Quincke's edema a serious condition that requires urgent intervention. In the absence of help, the defeat spreads to internal organs, which may cause suffocation. To prevent this, you should give the patient a quick-acting allergy pill. It is also worth getting an injection of a special drug that allergy sufferers with severe disease carry with them. And you should definitely call an ambulance with a description of all the symptoms. Perhaps the patient will refuse to call the doctors, but this is how people behave when they underestimate the severity of the situation.

How to relieve an allergy attack?

In severe cases of the disease, minutes usually count. Your efficiency and resourcefulness may well save a person’s life, so it’s worth remembering the rules for allergy sufferers by heart.

Rules for saving an allergy sufferer:

  1. Isolate the patient from the source of the allergy.
  2. Give any antihistamine.
  3. Place on a hard surface.
  4. Place a warm heating pad or water bottle on your feet as a distraction.
  5. If the attack is severe, give an injection with an antihistamine.
  6. Call an ambulance if symptoms increase rapidly.
  7. In case of allergies, asthma attacks are relieved with sprays that are injected at certain intervals. If there is no spray, the person is seated on a chair, facing the back of the chair. In this position, a pillow is placed under the chest, which allows the muscles to begin forced breathing.

If you see that a person is feeling unwell, if the allergic reaction has become uncontrollable, be sure to call an ambulance. Do not listen to the patient’s objections, because sometimes the allergic person himself does not fully understand the seriousness of his situation.

Allergy attack: symptoms and first aid

The clinical signs and severity of the consequences of an inadequate protective reaction of the body are diverse. Allergic manifestations, their development and direction, the set of allergens usually have individual character. But most often the agents that cause an allergy attack are:

Food products of animal and plant origin, seafood;

Dust, animal hair, pollen from seasonally flowering plants;

Poisons of various insects;

Chemicals (cosmetics, detergents and cleaners, paints, varnishes, gasoline, technical oils and many others)

The influence of high or low temperatures.

Symptoms of an allergic attack

Stuffiness or intense watery discharge from a constantly itchy nose, frequent sneezing, loss of smell;

Sudden onset, persistent cough;

Itchy rashes and redness of the skin;

First aid for allergy attacks

It is very scary to watch how an allergic reaction begins to develop right before your eyes, whether in an adult or a small child. Sudden manifestation, rapid development, dangerous consequences - this is what is typical for allergic reactions of various origins. If first aid is not provided in a timely manner for allergy attacks, then all of its symptoms can become life-threatening.

To create a safe environment in your home, you need to limit yourself to certain whims. For example, in apartments where there are children prone to allergies, it is not recommended to grow certain types of house plants - geranium, ficus, begonia, chrysanthemums. You constantly need to ensure that the apartment is very clean and free of dust. Mold is considered a dangerous irritant. It can trigger the development of bronchial asthma. Mites can infest bedding, so be sure to iron the laundry after washing and ventilate the room more often. If you need to cover the windows, it is better to use not fabric curtains, but blinds that can be easily washed and wiped. When swimming, you should be careful about the cosmetics you use.

Allergy attack: how to survive it without harm to your health?

It is impossible to predict how an allergy attack will develop and at what point it will stop. Sometimes an allergy attack may subside, being “stuck” at the initial stage, and in another situation, the symptoms will increase, as if in a spiral, turning a person’s life into a real hell.

Basic actions during an allergy attack

Every allergy sufferer knows how sudden and severe it can be. allergy attack. But, alas, not everyone knows how best to act in this case, relying only on their own strengths and knowledge gained through experience. And sometimes they may not be enough. What should you remember?

  • First of all, during an allergy attack, you should remain calm and not panic - nervous excitement can intensify the symptoms. Loosen clothing around the neck and wrists, and try to breathe evenly and calmly. Do not hesitate to inform others that you are developing allergies. Ask them to call a doctor if you feel your symptoms are getting worse.
  • Try to eliminate the possible allergen. If it is pollen from flowering plants, move to an indoor, air-conditioned area. If there is hair or saliva from a pet, leave the room in which it is located. Dust or tobacco smoke can trigger an allergy attack - in this case, you should also move it to another place, clean and ventilated. When ingesting the allergen, gastric lavage is recommended.
  • Surely, if you are an allergy sufferer and have already experienced allergy attacks, then your doctor recommended you some antihistamines - for example, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil, etc. You should always carry them with you, for example, in your bag or have it in the glove compartment of your car. Take the medicine without waiting for the reaction to worsen. After half an hour, take a substance with sorbing properties (for example, activated carbon).
  • If your allergy attacks in the past were not limited to, for example, mild skin reactions, but caused serious complications, then it does not hurt to always have a syringe with medicine with you. Ask those around you to bring you a bag, find medicine, or give you an injection.
  • If you called an ambulance, then until the doctors arrive, try to remain calm and drink plenty of fluids - water, tea, alkaline mineral waters.

Anaphylaxis is a special case

You can cope with an allergy attack on your own only if it is not acute, such as anaphylaxis. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare reaction, but it poses a serious danger to the life of the allergy sufferer. Anaphylaxis can be recognized by the following signs - an allergy attack develops from several minutes to several hours, but the local reaction of the body area in contact with the allergen is very sharp, with pain, severe swelling, swelling, itching, spreading throughout the body. Anaphylaxis can also manifest as severe abdominal pain and vomiting when the allergen is ingested. After such a sharp and acute reaction to the allergen, laryngeal edema and bronchospasm begin to develop, causing difficulty breathing. This in turn leads to hypoxia, a decrease in blood pressure, loss of consciousness and death.

It is very difficult to help yourself with anaphylaxis. Therefore, if your symptoms develop quickly and severely, call a doctor immediately or ask those around you to do so. Take your antihistamines, go to bed, loosen your clothes, and wait for the emergency room.

Be especially attentive to yourself and vigilant if you are already familiar with the concept of an allergy attack. Try to avoid contact with possible allergens, inquire about the ingredients of dishes at a party or restaurant if you have food allergies, warn doctors about existing drug allergies and always carry the antihistamines recommended for you. And then allergy attacks will be almost not scary for you!

Allergy attack - how to provide first aid?

An allergy attack in each person can manifest itself differently depending on both the psychological state, characteristics of the body, and the severity of the disease.

Thanks to research, doctors have found that stress, worries and negative emotions in some cases play the role of a kind of provocateur of an allergic reaction. In addition, it will be much more difficult for a person who is in a nervous state to cope with such an attack. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to relieve the main symptoms of allergies.

How can you recognize an allergy attack?

  • Convulsions;
  • Eye redness and watery eyes;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Itching and redness of the skin, rash;
  • Difficulty, interrupted breathing, or even stopping;
  • Continuous cough;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes and body.

What to do if you have an allergic attack?

First aid must be provided as quickly as possible, otherwise there is a risk of getting serious problems with health.

  • The patient should take an antihistamine tablet - Telfast, Zyrtec, Cetrin or Diphenhydramine will help adults.
  • Now you need to give an injection. Some allergy sufferers, whose disease manifests itself not only as a skin reaction, always carry with them a syringe with a potent drug that will help cope with the symptoms. Therefore, you need to ask the patient about the availability of such a drug and a syringe.
  • Anamnesis should be collected. To do this, you will need, firstly, to record the onset of the allergic reaction, examine the patient’s body and determine the area of ​​initial damage. Then the sequence of spread of the rash and other symptoms are determined. Ask the victim what he drank, ate, what places he was, what he had contact with, what medicines accepted. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the 2-3 days preceding the allergic attack.
  • If it was discovered that a certain product was the cause of the attack, you need to rinse the stomach with clean water, and then take a sorbent - either enterosgel or activated carbon.
  • Now you need to provide all the necessary conditions:

A possible allergen must be eliminated - if it is a pet, the patient leaves the room; if it is tobacco smoke or pollen from flowering plants, he goes indoors.

Where the patient is, the air should be clean and fresh. The person is put into bed (in this case, a pillow should be abandoned - it is best for blood and oxygen to the brain and blood vessels to be on a flat surface), and either bottles of hot water or a heating pad are placed next to him. You can lower your feet into a basin filled with warm water.

If suffocation occurs, it is necessary to use sprays injected at certain intervals. If there is no such spray, the person is seated on a chair facing the back, placing a pillow under the chest.

Allergic attack at night

The causes of such attacks can be different, for example:

  • Particles of fur, sweat and epidermis of pets that sleep with their owners;
  • Wool, feathers and down contained in the filling of pillows and blankets;
  • House dust;
  • Particles of conditioner, powder used to wash bed linen;
  • Microscopic mites that live in old mattresses, pillows and blankets;
  • During aromatherapy, volatile oil compounds can act as allergens.

Anaphylactic shock - first aid

Anaphylaxis is one of the most terrible and dangerous manifestations of allergies - it can be fatal, and it is impossible to cope with it without the help of a professional. However, there is a chance to relieve symptoms.

  • First of all, call an ambulance and call a medical team;
  • Seek help from relatives, neighbors or passers-by if you feel a deterioration in your health on the street;
  • Take an antihistamine;
  • Loosen the waistband, collar and belt;
  • Before the ambulance arrives, go to bed.

Allergic bronchial asthma - first aid

This reaction can be recognized by sudden shortness of breath and loss of coordination of movements.

If you find yourself near a person suffering from a similar disease at the time of an attack, follow the instructions below.

  • Reassure the patient - in order to carry out further actions this necessary condition. If this small child, pat him on the back so that he pushes the air out of his lungs, and say soothing words.
  • Place the allergic person in a chair facing the back, placing a pillow under the chest to facilitate breathing;
  • Open the window and give the patient an inhaler - it will improve the functioning of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and relieve suffocation. Terbutaline, fenoterol, and salbutamol are suitable as a bronchodilator drug.
  • After two inhalations, wait 10 minutes, and if this does not help, repeat the procedure.
  • Give the allergy sufferer an antihistamine tablet, give an injection of ephedrine or aminophylline. Such a strong remedy will help quite quickly, but if you use tablets, you will have to wait about forty minutes for the effect.
  • If your health does not improve, consult a doctor immediately.

Quincke's edema - first aid

Along with anaphylactic shock, one of the severe consequences of allergies is Quincke's edema. To get rid of its manifestation you need to:

  • Raise the patient's head;
  • Place a bag filled with ice on your chest or neck;
  • Call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

What medications can help with allergies?

Before taking medications, determine the source of the allergic reaction and stop all contact with it.

During allergy attacks, it is recommended to take medications such as Claritin, Suprastin and Tavegil. Anti-allergenic ointments are also used, which are applied to inflamed areas of the skin.

First aid for allergies

Timely first aid for allergies can save a person’s life. After all, this is a fairly serious disease, which is often accompanied by dangerous symptoms.

Therefore, if any life-threatening signs appear, you should call an ambulance and take the necessary measures before it arrives.

Forms of manifestations

Allergies can have a different course, and this has a direct impact on the symptoms of the disease.

Mild forms of allergies usually manifest themselves in the following types:

  • limited urticaria– consists of damage to the mucous membranes and skin;
  • allergic conjunctivitis– damage to the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • allergic rhinitis– damage to the nasal mucosa.

Severe forms of allergic reactions pose a real danger to human health and life and require emergency medical care.

  1. anaphylactic shock– consists of a sharp decrease in blood pressure and problems in microcirculation in organs;
  2. Quincke's edema– manifests itself in the form of a spasm of the respiratory muscles and ensuing suffocation, which poses a real danger to life;
  3. generalized urticaria– accompanied by the development of intoxication syndrome.

How the mild form manifests itself and what to do

When mild allergic reactions develop, the following symptoms usually appear:

  • slight itching on the skin in the area of ​​contact with the allergen;
  • lacrimation and slight itching in the eye area;
  • unexpressed redness of a limited area of ​​the skin;
  • slight swelling or swelling;
  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • constant sneezing;
  • the appearance of blisters in the area of ​​the insect bite.

If such symptoms occur, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. rinse thoroughly warm water zone of contact with the allergen - nose, oral cavity, skin;
  2. avoid contact with the allergen;
  3. if the allergy is associated with an insect bite and a sting remains in the affected area, it must be carefully removed;
  4. apply a cool compress to the itchy area of ​​the body;
  5. take an anti-allergy drug – loratadine, Zyrtec, Telfast.

If a person’s condition worsens, you should contact an ambulance or go to a medical facility yourself.

Common symptoms that require you to call an ambulance

There are allergy symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • breathing problems, shortness of breath;
  • spasms in the throat, a feeling of closing the airways;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • hoarseness, problems with speech;
  • swelling, redness, itching of large areas of the body;
  • weakness, dizziness, feeling of anxiety;
  • increased heart rate and palpitations;
  • loss of consciousness.

Symptoms of severe forms

In acute forms of allergies, very specific symptoms arise that require urgent medical attention.

Quincke's edema

This is a fairly common form of allergy in people, and it is most often observed in young women.

The patient experiences swelling of the subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes. When the throat is swollen, problems with breathing and swallowing appear.

If medical assistance is not provided in time, a person may die from suffocation.

The main symptoms of angioedema include the following:

  • breathing problems;
  • hoarseness and cough;
  • epileptic seizure;
  • asphyxia;
  • swelling of the skin.


With the development of urticaria, bright pink blisters appear on the skin, which are accompanied by burning and itching.

After a few hours they turn pale and then disappear completely.

Along with the development of these symptoms, headaches and fever appear.

This process can continue continuously or have a wave-like course over several days. In some cases it lasts for several months.

Anaphylactic shock

Symptoms of this condition can manifest in different ways, depending on the severity of the allergic reaction.

As a rule, anaphylaxis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • red rash accompanied by severe itching;
  • swelling around the eyes, lips and limbs;
  • narrowing, swelling, spasms of the airways;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • feeling of fear;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which can cause dizziness, weakness, and loss of consciousness.

Severe rash

Severe skin rashes can manifest as eczema.

This condition is characterized by inflammation of the upper layers of the skin. Typically, eczema is accompanied by severe itching and has a long course with periods of exacerbations.

Also, a severe rash can manifest itself in the form of atopic dermatitis.

This disease is characterized by the development of erythema with bright redness of individual areas of the skin and severe tissue swelling.

Subsequently, such dermatitis can lead to the appearance of blisters, which, after opening, leave weeping erosions.

First aid for allergies at home for:

Quincke's edema

Treatment of this disease should never be delayed, as it may precede anaphylactic shock.

First aid for allergic reactions accompanied by angioedema should include the following measures:

  1. stopping the allergen from entering the body.
  2. refusal to eat.
  3. administration of antihistamines. Loratadine or cetirizine can be used orally; suprastin or diphenhydramine is usually prescribed intramuscularly.
  4. use of sorbents. IN in this case enterosgel, activated carbon, smecta are suitable. You can also give a person a cleansing enema.


If symptoms of urticaria appear, you need to act according to the following scenario:

  1. stop taking medications;
  2. If you have an allergic reaction to food, take a sorbent - white coal or enterosgel. You can also drink a laxative and rinse your stomach;
  3. If an insect bites you, you should get rid of the source of the poison;
  4. When a contact allergy occurs, you need to remove the irritant from the surface of the skin.

Tavegil, suprastin or diphenhydramine can be administered intravenously.

If large areas of skin are affected, intravenous administration of prednisolone is indicated.

Anaphylactic shock

If the necessary medications are not available, you need to rinse the stomach, do a cleansing enema, and give the patient activated charcoal.

Also, in the area of ​​contact with the allergen, you can lubricate the skin with an ointment containing hydrocortisone or prednisolone.

You should also carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. stop access of the allergen;
  2. position the person in such a way as to prevent the tongue from sticking in and swallowing vomit;
  3. apply a tourniquet above the insect bite or use a medicine;
  4. administer adrenaline, mesaton or norepinephrine intravenously or intramuscularly;
  5. administer prednisolone with glucose solution intravenously;
  6. Inject antihistamines intravenously or intramuscularly after normalization of blood pressure.

All about anaphylactic shock

Before identifying the allergen, you can resort to topical remedies to treat allergic rashes.

Therapy should be aimed at eliminating swelling and reducing the feeling of itching of the skin.

To do this, you can wet the affected areas with cold water or use a cool compress.

To avoid the spread of an allergic rash, you need to protect the affected areas of the skin from external factors.

You should also limit contact of affected areas with water. It is very important that the skin comes into contact only with natural cotton fabric.

What to do if you have a reaction

If an allergy to the sun leads to loss of consciousness, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Before doctors arrive, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim:

  1. try to bring the person to consciousness.
  2. It is important to ensure that clothing is loose and does not irritate the skin.
  3. provide sufficient water to replenish fluid deficiency in the body.
  4. if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, you need to apply a cool compress to the forehead, legs, and groin. If possible, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs - paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  5. If vomiting occurs, the person should be turned on their side.

Is it worth using Polysorb for allergies? The answer is here.

Insect bite

An allergy to a bee sting occurs in approximately 2% of people. Moreover, upon the first bite, a reaction may not appear.

If there is a tendency to allergies, a person may develop anaphylactic shock when insect bites.

In this case, an urgent call to an ambulance is necessary, and before its arrival, the following measures must be taken:

  1. lay down and cover a person;
  2. give the victim several antihistamine tablets;
  3. in the absence of swelling of the pharynx and tongue, you can give him strong sweet tea or coffee;
  4. if breathing or heartbeat stops, you need to perform artificial respiration and closed cardiac massage.

Food allergen

Guidelines for helping with food allergies depend on the severity of the reaction. If life-threatening symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In other cases you can:

  1. use sorbents– white coal, enterosgel.
  2. take an antihistamine– cetirizine, desloratadine, loratadine.
  3. in case of significant skin damage and severe itching, first generation antihistamines - suprastin - are used.
  4. for severe allergies, hormonal medications are indicated– dexamethasone, prednisolone.
  5. ointments are used to eliminate skin manifestations– fenistil, bepanten, skin-cap. In difficult cases, you can use topical hormonal drugs - hydrocortisone or prednisolone ointment.

How to help a child

First aid for allergies in a child consists of implementing the following measures:

  1. sit the baby upright - this position usually helps ease breathing. If dizziness occurs, he should be placed on the bed. If nausea is present, your head should be turned to the side.
  2. Give the child an antihistamine in any form - syrup, tablets, capsules. If the baby cannot swallow or has lost consciousness, the tablet must be crushed, mixed with water and poured into his mouth.
  3. If a child has lost consciousness, you need to constantly check his pulse, breathing, and pupils. If the child is not breathing or has no palpable pulse, you should immediately begin resuscitation measures - artificial respiration and cardiac massage.

What to do if you have a sudden reaction on your face

Immediate help for the appearance of rashes on the face is to:

  1. cleansing the affected area;
  2. then a cool compress based on a decoction of sage, calendula or chamomile should be applied to the cleansed skin;
  3. gauze needs to be changed every two minutes;
  4. the total duration of the procedure should be ten minutes;
  5. after this, the face can be dried and sprinkled with potato or rice starch - these products will help eliminate redness and swelling;
  6. the procedure must be repeated several times within an hour.

Do not neglect antihistamines either. If allergies appear on the face, you can take tavegil, suprastin, loratadine. If the reaction does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What should always be in the first aid kit

The following medications should always be present in the first aid kit of a person prone to allergic reactions:

  1. general antihistamine – cetirizine, loratadine, etc.;
  2. antiallergic agent for topical use - hydrocortisone ointment, elocom;
  3. hormonal anti-inflammatory drug for relieving acute allergy attacks - prednisolone.

For people who have experienced anaphylactic shock at least once, doctors recommend that they always carry a syringe with adrenaline with them.

This will allow others to help the person with the development of severe allergies.

What to do if you don’t have a first aid kit at hand

In case of a mild allergic reaction, it is enough to avoid contact with the allergen.

To eliminate rashes and reduce swelling, you can use folk remedies:

If you have a severe allergy, you should never self-medicate.

In such a situation, you should urgently contact an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital - any delay can result in death.

Should I prescribe nasal allergy drops? Follow the link.

What kind of ointment is there for allergies and itching? Find out more.

What is strictly forbidden to do

If anaphylactic shock and other severe allergic reactions develop, you should not:

  1. Leaving a person alone.
  2. Give him something to drink or eat.
  3. Place any objects under your head, as this can lead to increased respiratory failure.
  4. Give antipyretics for fever.

If the allergy is associated with intravenous medication, there is no need to remove the needle from the vein. In this case, it is enough to stop the administration of the drug and use the syringe in the vein to inject the allergy medicine.

Proper and timely assistance for an allergic reaction can save a person’s life.

  1. severe skin rashes;
  2. breathing problems;
  3. drop in blood pressure

You must immediately call an ambulance and take all necessary actions before it arrives.

How to recognize an allergic reaction and provide first aid

Allergies are one of the most common diseases today. Almost each of us has encountered allergies, if not in ourselves, then in our loved ones, friends or acquaintances. The manifestations of allergies can vary greatly, so even professionals cannot always accurately determine whether a certain symptom is a sign of an allergy or not.

Allergic attacks can pose a very serious threat to human health and even life. Therefore, every person needs to know the most typical signs of allergies and how to help the victim of such an attack. Perhaps this will help save a person's life.

How to recognize an allergy attack

The most serious allergic reactions usually occur when an allergen enters the bloodstream. But with severe allergies, other types of contact are often enough to trigger a violent reaction. But don’t be too scared, the first attack of an allergy is rarely very dangerous, so there will be time to get your bearings.

How to suspect an allergic attack? First, there was contact with the suspected allergen. If a person is bitten by a wasp and then unpleasant symptoms appear, one can suspect that this is an allergy to its sting.

Allergy symptoms often worsen during times of extreme stress, so a good mood can be an excellent medicine.

The second is the appearance of characteristic signs. The most common signs of allergies:

  • anxiety and sudden deterioration of condition;
  • cough and difficulty breathing;
  • pale skin;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of a characteristic rash;
  • the appearance of edema.

If several signs appear at the same time or one very pronounced one, it is necessary to immediately take the patient to the hospital, where the doctor can assess his condition and select the appropriate treatment.

What to do before meeting with a doctor?

If you are not sure that a person has an allergy, and you do not know how to help him in this situation, then all you can do is observe and try to alleviate the condition. To alleviate the patient's condition, you can lay him comfortably without pillows, provide fresh air and wait. At the same time, it is important to monitor the patient’s condition and note points that will help the doctor make the right decision more quickly.

If the patient develops a rash, it is necessary:

  • record the time of onset of the rash;
  • note its initial localization;
  • remember what the rash looks like;
  • monitor the spread of the rash throughout the body and notice the sequence of this process;
  • note if there is pigmentation and flaking on the skin;
  • if such information is available, write down all medications that the patient previously took, everything that could cause an allergic reaction.

If swelling appears it is necessary:

  • record the time of appearance of the first edema;
  • note where the first swelling appeared;
  • monitor their spread;
  • be sure to note when (if any) signs of a general reaction of the body appeared, such as nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness;
  • note if there is pain in the joints, lymph nodes, or headaches.

Drinking alcohol can worsen allergies. Often people with allergic rhinitis literally cannot breathe after drinking alcohol.

Taking any measures to treat a patient if you are not sure of his diagnosis and do not have the necessary skills is quite dangerous. If you have any suspicions that an allergic reaction was caused by one of the objects surrounding the victim, try to remove this object. You can try to warm the victim's feet and give him a sorbent if you suspect a food allergy.

What to do in case of anaphylactic shock, bronchial asthma and Quincke's edema

The most dangerous allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock. It develops literally before our eyes and in the most difficult situations can lead to death literally in minutes. Signs of anaphylactic shock are a sharp deterioration in a person’s condition, a drop in blood pressure and the appearance of a sharp heartbeat. At the same time, the person turns pale and begins to choke.

Most often, patients with this diagnosis are aware of their disease and carry with them medications that can stop an anaphylactic reaction. If such a medicine is not available, you can try to take any antihistamine while the person is still able to swallow. Warm drinks are also not contraindicated if a person can drink.

One of the dangerous types of allergic reactions is bronchial asthma. It is expressed in difficulty breathing due to spasm of the bronchial muscles, swelling of the mucous membrane and excess mucus. If the patient knows about his disease, he most likely has a special inhaler. If it is not there, then it is necessary to call doctors and try to alleviate the condition of the victim. To do this, you need to calm him down and give him any antihistamine. You can sit him on a chair facing the back and place a pillow under his chest. This will help make breathing easier.

According to statistics, older children in the family suffer from allergies much more often than others. Scientists have not yet found an explanation for this fact.

Quincke's edema is also very dangerous - sudden swelling of the skin, tissue and mucous membranes. It develops very quickly and is most often observed on the lips, eyelids, chest, upper and lower extremities, genitals. It can also affect the stomach, intestines, and esophagus. The size of the edema can vary from a pea to a large apple, and its level of danger depends on this. Large swelling in the throat area can lead to suffocation. It lasts from several hours to several days.

In case of swelling, it is also important to take the medicine on time. If it is not there, and the swelling is dangerously close to the throat, it is necessary to raise the victim’s head and place an ice pack on his head and chest. This will slightly slow down the development of edema and allow you to wait for the doctors.

How to prevent an allergic attack

If an allergic person has already come into contact with the allergen, then it is almost impossible to prevent the development of an allergic reaction. You can try to reduce its intensity. If it is a food allergy, you can try to induce vomiting and get rid of the allergen in the stomach. If the allergen gets on your skin, you can try to wash it off and leave the room where the allergen is located.

The best prevention of allergies is to avoid any contact with the allergen. If a person is allergic to dust, then his living space should be wet cleaned daily, and the number of dust accumulators in it should be minimal. Dust collectors include carpets and all kinds of knick-knacks on shelves, soft toys and textile curtains. Those who are allergic to certain animals should avoid contact with them and their waste products in every possible way.

Contrary to popular myth, it is not cat hair that is a strong allergen, but the saliva that gets on the fur during the licking process.

Those who have already had severe allergic reactions need to carry medications with them that will help relieve the attack. These can be special inhalers, strong antihistamines and other drugs approved by medicine.

How to quickly relieve an allergy attack

Although antihistamines and other drugs that relieve allergy symptoms are now quite available for allergy sufferers, it is even safer to resort to natural remedies, alleviating allergy symptoms. Pills can have negative side effects, using natural remedies does not expose our body to harmful substances that can lead to negative consequences and poor health. So what should you do to relieve allergy symptoms?

Shower or bath

Taking hot shower or hot bath You can relieve allergy symptoms and clear your sinuses. This method is of particular importance during spring, when pollen concentrations are especially high. Upon returning from a walk in the fresh air, it is advisable to change clothes, because dirt, dust and pollen settle on clothes. Since allergens can also be deposited on the skin and hair, it is recommended to take a shower or bath.

Inhaling steam can relieve a runny nose, and if the nasal passages are clogged, the procedure will help clear them. If you suffer from allergy attacks, pour boiled water into a large bowl, lean over it and inhale the steam. To increase the concentration of steam, take a large towel and cover your head with it. You can also add a drop of eucalyptus oil to the water, which has a calming effect. This type of oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which also helps fight allergy symptoms.

Safety glasses

Eyes are very sensitive to allergens; therefore, wearing glasses or sunglasses may help limit exposure to irritants. Best views glasses are those that have side covers, as they allow even fewer allergens to pass through.

Herbal tea

If you suffer from allergies, drink a glass of hot, soothing herbal tea. This type of drink can help combat irritation of the nasal mucosa. Peppermint tea is especially recommended, which, like peppermint oil, has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Washing pets

Dogs and cats often cause allergy attacks, especially when kept indoors. Pet dander is one of the most common allergens. Cats and dogs can also bring dust, pollen and other irritants home on their fur. Therefore, regular grooming of animals is highly recommended. Those with allergy problems should wash their hands after handling their dogs or cats.

Apple cider vinegar

Application apple cider vinegar has been known for a long time and has been used for many years to improve overall health. Recent studies have also proven its effectiveness in relieving allergy symptoms due to the reduction in mucus production. Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Consume the prepared mixture 3 times a day to strengthen your immune system and you will be less vulnerable to allergy attacks.

Fighting moisture

A humid environment is an ideal breeding ground for mold and other allergens. Combating it is an important task, especially when your family members are prone to allergic reactions.

Wooden floors

For people prone to allergies, carpets or rugs are not advisable because they are an ideal breeding ground for mites, dust and other irritants. If you can't clean and launder your flooring regularly, it would be more practical if you replace it with wood, laminate or tile.

First aid for allergies and anaphylactic shock

Hello friends! Vladimir Raichev is with you again and we continue to analyze various situations in which a person needs to quickly provide first aid even before the ambulance arrives. First aid for allergies, in my opinion, should be provided without fail.

As one doctor I know says, everyone has allergies, just not everyone knows what exactly. My sister, for example, did not have any problems at all until she was 18-20 years old, and then they suddenly appeared. Every year we vacationed with my grandparents in the village; they had a large farm.

There were chickens, pigs, a cow, and at one time there were even sheep. In addition to this, they always had a lot growing in their garden. various vegetables- tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, etc. And my sister is allergic to sheep wool, weeds, and melons. Do you know what I mean?

For almost 20 years, a man ate watermelons and melons and did not know that he was allergic to them. Now you should see what happens if she eats a slice of watermelon. But she wants it so much, this is the taste of childhood. So understand how this allergy occurs. And it’s good if during an acute attack there is a person nearby who knows what to do. I think that today you will learn how and how to help an allergy sufferer.

What is an allergy and types of allergens

The result of an excessive reaction of the immune system to the penetration of a foreign substance into the body is an allergy. In response to this substance, antibodies are produced that try to neutralize and destroy it by affecting special cells.

This type of cell is designed to produce substances (for example, histamine) that cause allergic reactions and are highly individual for each person, just like various types allergens.

Main types of allergens:

  • medicines;
  • food;
  • animal hair, plant pollen or dust;
  • substances entering the body during an insect bite;
  • substances chemical structure(cosmetics, paint, powder, etc.);
  • temperature effects environment.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

  • red itchy eyes, profuse tears;
  • sneezing, swelling, congestion, or severe nasal discharge accompanied by itching;
  • sudden onset and persistent cough;
  • redness with rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching;
  • the appearance of swelling of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • elevated body temperature.

These signs in most cases appear temporarily and disappear without any consequences when the allergen is eliminated. To do this, it is sometimes necessary to take antiallergic medications.

But there are people who suffer from constant allergic manifestations that haunt them throughout their lives, and they are simply forced to always take special medications that relieve this uncomfortable condition.

Acute allergy attack: symptoms and help

This type of allergy is especially dangerous because it is unexpected. In an instant, its main manifestations increase with great speed:

  • convulsions;
  • suffocation;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • state of shock.

Such a violent reaction of the body requires immediate measures to be taken for the victim. You should immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, the main thing is to quickly and correctly help the patient.

The first step is to identify and eliminate the allergen. If it turns out to be food, then it is necessary to rinse the stomach with a large amount warm water and inducing vomiting. Then apply a laxative, activated carbon or any sorbent available on the at the moment. These remedies will help to quickly remove the substance that caused the serious condition from the body.

After minimizing the presence of the allergen in the body, the victim should be given an antiallergic drug that is currently available (Zyrtec, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc.).

After all actions, you need to ventilate the room - this will help the victim breathe easier. It is important to provide him with a calm environment and continue to monitor his well-being until the doctor arrives.

Upon arrival of medical assistance, be sure to report the time when the attack began and tell about its causes, if any were identified. Notify medical personnel about how quickly allergic symptoms grew, their sequence, and where the rashes spread.

Help with Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock

Particularly life-threatening for the patient is Quincke's edema and acute laryngeal edema; they are localized on the mucous membranes of the mouth and soft palate. A sudden cough and a bursting sensation at the site of swelling can instantly turn into suffocation.

In this case, you need to urgently call for medical help. Immediately give the victim an antiallergic drug, ensure air flow into the room, elevate the head and turn it to one side.

It is quite rare that anaphylactic shock occurs during an allergy attack; it is most often caused by an insect bite (wasps, bees, bumblebees). While the ambulance is traveling, you need to remove the sting from the bite site and apply a tourniquet a little higher from it.

Give the victim the maximum possible dose of an antiallergic drug (usually two tablets). It is necessary to carry out resuscitation actions if breathing and heartbeat stop, and continue them continuously until the ambulance arrives.

Every allergy sufferer who has knowledge about allergens and avoids all contact with them can prevent an acute allergic attack. The development of such an attack can be caused by substances that are completely harmless at first glance, but very dangerous for a particular person.

You should always carry with you special antihistamines (anti-allergic) medications that are effective against a specific type of allergen. And the main thing is to be able to correctly and competently provide first aid, which will save a person’s life and protect him from dangerous complications. Read this article about the main rule of first aid.

Well, that’s all for me, be healthy and don’t get sick. Subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss our next meetings. Share the link to the article with your friends on social networks I'm sure everyone should have this information. Until we meet again, bye-bye.

How to relieve an allergy attack

It is very scary to watch how an allergic reaction begins to develop right before your eyes, whether in an adult or a small child. Sudden manifestation, rapid development, dangerous consequences - this is what is typical for allergic reactions of various origins. If first aid is not provided in a timely manner for allergy attacks, then all of its symptoms can become life-threatening.

Allergies can be caused by various reasons. This could be the bite of a bee, wasp or other insect, the use of medications and certain food products that contain components and substances that cause individual intolerance. During allergy attacks, first mild, and then increasingly increasing anxiety and anxiety appear, the general condition worsens in a matter of seconds, breathing becomes difficult or even becomes impossible due to spasmodic processes in the larynx. The heartbeat increases sharply, and blood pressure begins to drop. A rash, swelling, and joint pain may appear on the human skin. During allergy attacks, it is advisable to record exactly when their manifestation began. It is necessary to examine the entire body and notice where exactly the rash began and how it spreads, in what sequence. This will need to be mentioned when calling the ambulance station in order to explain what happened and understand how first aid should be provided. Next, you need to monitor how the rash spreads. Try to remember what the child ate and what medications he took. It is possible that the effect of medications that were taken just an hour ago has manifested itself, or it is possible that some pills were taken several days ago.

It is very important to monitor whether swelling has appeared on the body. They can be very dangerous. Swelling of the lymph nodes can lead to an inflammatory process; swelling of the respiratory tract can cause respiratory arrest and even suffocation. To prevent this, you need to carefully monitor your condition, try to feel whether the lymph nodes are painful to the touch and when pressed.

Anaphylactic shock is considered the most dangerous phenomenon during allergy attacks. As soon as the allergen enters the body, the condition immediately begins to deteriorate, which can lead to death. Be careful: if your skin turns pale, your blood pressure drops sharply, or you feel faint, call a doctor immediately. If an adult is at home alone, it is necessary to call an ambulance at the first symptoms indicating a deterioration in health. During allergy attacks in a young child, the situation can develop much faster, so you cannot let down your guard. Call an ambulance, and while it arrives, take measures to save the life of a child or other adult who is next to you.

The first thing you need to do is give the victim any anti-allergenic drug and offer to wash it down a large number warm water. In the room you need to open the windows so that there is a good flow of air saturated with oxygen. If you have a fever, you should not give antipyretics. The victim is placed in bed without a pillow. This will improve blood access to the brain and blood vessels. You can place several heating pads or bottles of warm water near the patient. If an allergic reaction is caused by a food product or medicine, you need to urgently rinse the stomach, inducing vomiting.

A dangerous condition is also one that is associated with difficulty breathing. During allergy attacks, a narrowing of the bronchial muscles may occur, which will impede the passage of air. For this symptom, it is recommended to use special antiallergic aerosols that relieve swelling and relax the muscles of the bronchi. Special inhalers should be present in every family's home medicine cabinet. This is a means by which first aid can be provided for many conditions.

In addition to the fact that the human body can be affected by an allergen contained in food or manifested in insect bites, people also suffer from their environment. For some, the presence of pets is unbearable, for some, woolen clothes, for others, feather pillows. Many people cannot tolerate the composition of household chemicals or cosmetics. It is very important to identify the cause of the allergy in order to be able to recognize its manifestation in time and provide emergency assistance.

To create a safe environment in your home, you need to limit yourself to certain whims. For example, in apartments where there are children prone to allergies, it is not recommended to grow certain types of house plants - geranium, ficus, begonia, chrysanthemums. You constantly need to ensure that the apartment is very clean and free of dust. Mold is considered a dangerous irritant. It can trigger the development of bronchial asthma. Mites can infest bedding, so be sure to iron the laundry after washing and ventilate the room more often. If you need to cover the windows, it is better to use not fabric curtains, but blinds that can be easily washed and wiped. When swimming, you should be careful about the cosmetics you use.

If a child has ever had attacks of allergic reactions, then you need to contact an allergist to find out the real reason the appearance of allergies. The success and effectiveness of measures to save a person depends only on how aware the people living next to him are of the ways and methods of saving a person. This is especially true for parents who have children prone to allergies.

What is allergic asthma

Allergic asthma is airway inflammation, in particular, the bronchi, caused by exposure to allergens. Let us remember that the latter are substances that are absolutely harmless for most people, but in some people they cause an abnormal reaction of the immune system.

Allergens, as a rule, enter the inhaled air, then enter the bronchi through the nose, mouth and trachea, and then into the body tissues. In some cases, very rarely, allergens may be introduced with food.

Allergic asthma It manifests itself mainly in childhood and persists until the age of twenty, but can appear, very rarely, even in adulthood. It is a type of asthma that is more common (affecting more than 100,000,000 people worldwide) and its prevalence has been steadily increasing over the past 20 years.

Allergy development processes

Allergic asthma, like any other allergy, is complex process, consisting of a cascade of events, which, with a great deal of simplification, can be summarized as follows.

The bronchi are shaped like an inverted tree and consist of many small tubes, at the end of which there are small sacs (alveoli), in which gas exchange with the blood occurs, which allows the body to breathe.

Under normal physiological conditions, the smooth muscles surrounding the respiratory tree are relaxed and the flow of incoming air can move freely.

However, when allergens come into contact with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, they cause immune system reaction, which mistakenly takes them for harmful substances and unleashes a “war” against them with the goal of destruction. To do this, the immune system produces proteins called IgE antibodies specific for a given allergen.

IgE binds to receptors that are located on the surface membrane of immune cells known as spar cells. Thus, they receive information about “enemies” that should be destroyed.

Among the various substances that cause inflammation, two are of particular importance:

  • Histamine. Determines the expansion of blood vessels and increases the permeability of vessel walls, stimulating the transition of fluid from the blood into the intracellular space, where it accumulates, causing trophic edema.
  • Leukotriene. They determine the contraction of smooth muscles and, consequently, bronchospasm, which reduces the lumen of the airways and makes it difficult for air to pass through.

Causes of allergic asthma

Causes of allergic asthma, as stated, are allergens that can be divided into:

Allergens of open space:

  • from plants such as birch, cypress, etc.
  • from herbs, such as millet, ragweed, etc.

In both cases, the allergens consist of pollen, and, consequently, allergic asthma rages in the spring during the flowering period of these plants.

Food allergens, are found, fortunately, in limited quantities in food. The most common foods that cause allergies are shellfish, eggs, peanuts, milk, and some fruits (bananas, strawberries), as they contain antigens related to pollen.

It should be said that allergic asthma caused by food is quite rare, but can have very severe symptoms, often requiring hospitalization due to respiratory failure, and in some cases putting the patient's life at risk.

The reasons why only some people are sensitive to certain allergens are unknown. Most likely this is a combination genetic and environmental factors.


Allergy is a very complex and serious disease, so being able to provide timely and correct help is very valuable. By learning first aid, you can not only help yourself, but also those around you. In some cases, a person’s life depends on timely assistance; anaphylactic shock can result in death.

Forms of manifestation

Easy. As a rule, this is ordinary urticaria, conjunctivitis, rhinitis.

Heavy. Such manifestations can already result in death. For example, anaphylactic shock, which is characterized by a strong decrease in blood pressure and problems with microcirculation in the internal organs.

Quincke's edema is characterized by spasms of the respiratory system, and urticaria can develop into complete intoxication of the body.

First aid rules

Mild allergy symptoms can be easily relieved: immediately wash the immediate area of ​​contact with the allergen. If it is the nose or oral cavity, the skin, then they should be rinsed with water.

In cases where you are allergic to insect bites, the bite site must be washed and the sting removed, then apply a cold compress. In case of severe consequences of the bite, you will need to apply a tourniquet above the point of contact with the insects and administer the medicine intravenously. It is imperative to protect the bite sites from external factors, especially to prevent new insect bites.

The same urticaria can be treated with the help of folk remedies, the main thing is that they stimulate the removal of swelling and redness.

If a patient is allergic to the sun and has lost consciousness, then the person should be protected from direct sunlight. Bring the person to consciousness and give large number water. If the body temperature is high, more than 38 degrees, you will need to apply a cold compress and give the allergy sufferer antipyretic drugs.

After all urgent measures, it is necessary to take antihistamines. The main condition is the complete exclusion of any contact with the allergen. If there is a drug allergy, then you will have to immediately abandon the drug; if you have hay fever, you will have to protect the patient from the source of the bloom. You will have to rinse your stomach if the allergy is caused by a food product. For mild allergy symptoms, hospitalization is not required.

If the allergy sufferer’s condition worsens, it is better to go to the hospital yourself, or call an ambulance. Before arrival

assistance, the patient should be placed on a firm and level place, always on his back. Turn your head to the side so that in case of vomiting, the person does not choke, and the vomit does not block breathing. If the allergy sufferer’s breathing has stopped, then resuscitation measures should be started.

If a patient has experienced anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema at least once, he is recommended to have medications with him.

Typically, adrenaline, mesaton or norepinephrine is administered to eliminate the consequences of anaphylactic shock. Prednisolone, which is diluted with glucose, is also administered intravenously in a stream or drip.

It also requires the administration of a drug that will increase blood pressure. Prednisolone is also administered if the patient has angioedema. In severe forms, it is effective to take sorbents in large doses to quickly remove the allergen from the body. In some cases, laxatives and cleansing enemas are effective.

Every allergy sufferer should monitor their health, protect themselves from contact with the allergen and carry medications that can quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Alergino 387

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Allergy is a chameleon disease. Either it will appear on the skin as a plaque or rash, or it will begin its march with a banal itch. Seasonal runny nose? Also about her. And these are just minor pranks. And sometimes an allergy turns into a real evil monster: if it wants, it will start to choke, but if it wants, it will turn off the light of consciousness. How to resist this scourge?

It is not always possible to pacify such a chameleon; sometimes we do not even have time to administer drugs to save a person, death occurs in a matter of minutes...

Anaphylaxis in my practice

More than ten years ago, a man with a duodenal ulcer was treated in the therapeutic department of our hospital. On the first day they administered Kvamatel - there seemed to be no reaction. And on the second day the patient died, literally, as they say, on the needle. And no amount of resuscitation could save him.

And about five years ago, a guy came on my shift with a blunt abdominal injury. An ultrasound revealed that he had a ruptured spleen and fluid in his abdomen, a condition that required immediate surgery. With some technical difficulties, the spleen was removed; blood loss amounted to more than a liter. We decided to give him three doses of fresh frozen plasma.

The operation was successful, the surgeons took off their gowns and left... All that remained were the operating nurses, me and the anesthetist. They called a gurney and were already preparing to transfer the patient to the intensive care unit. They shifted the guy who had not yet woken up, and I was about to disconnect him from the ventilator and connect him to a breathing bag, when I suddenly noticed that his skin had become an unusually bluish color. They measured my blood pressure and it dropped to 80/40. We tried it again - 60/0. Pulse 48 per minute.

The patient was dying. Why? There is no blood through the drainage from the abdominal cavity, his breathing is not affected - he is on a ventilator. What's happened? - thoughts rushed through my head like bullets. The sisters, hardly hiding their horror, waited for decisions from me.

Lifting the sheet, I saw red plaques on my stomach.
- Adrenaline cube quickly!
Blood pressure is 40/0, ​​pulse has become arrhythmic. Solutions flowed into the veins into two rivers.
- Another cube of adrenaline! - at that moment my own adrenaline was going through the roof, the guy was not even twenty years old. - Prednisolone, all that we have, quickly into a vein!

Then a total of twenty ampoules of prednisolone were administered! Five cubes of adrenaline!

The pressure was finally stabilized at one hundred and forty, provided that it was maintained by constant administration of adrenaline. The guy's body was completely covered with red plaques.

The next day the patient was weaned off the respirator. Everything ended well, he survived without any negative consequences.

Why did this happen? He had no previous symptoms of allergies. We sinned on plasma, but who knows, after all, anesthetics, hemostatic agents, and other drugs were administered during the operation. Very often the allergen is never detected, even in allergy tests.

Who's to blame?

So what is an allergy? This is a complex of symptoms (itching, redness, swelling, loss of consciousness and many others) caused by the pathologically high sensitivity of the body's immune system, previously sensitized by a foreign substance (allergen). Sometimes an allergy to the body's own tissues occurs, which causes severe autoimmune diseases (glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, etc.).

It is interesting that the allergy itself appeared and is developing in parallel with our progress, development chemical industry, improving the quality of life. The immune system began to malfunction and incorrectly determine what is good and what is bad.

For the development of a true allergy, it is necessary for the human body to encounter and become familiar with a certain substance (later the allergen). The first meeting will be harmless, but in response, the body will produce antibodies, and at the next contact, these antibodies will rush to the place of contact with the allergen (antigen) and form an antigen-antibody union. There will be a release of aggressive substances (histamine, cytokines, etc.) from special cells. This will manifest itself as a runny nose, lacrimation, itching, redness, etc.

Moreover, allergens often have not only a local effect, but also affect the body as a whole. That's when trouble can happen - Quincke's edema (swelling of the upper half of the body) with suffocation (as a result of swelling of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx), anaphylactic shock, a sharp drop in blood pressure and death.

I won’t go into the details of the pathogenesis, but there is also an anaphylactoid reaction. It is very similar to the classical reaction, but in pathogenesis there is a stage when antibodies are formed in response to the initial meeting of the allergen and the person. Here, immediately in response to contact, there is a release of biological substances that trigger the body’s reaction, or excess histamine comes from food (honey, fish), which is manifested by a certain reaction of the body. But clinically everything happens identically, and the treatment is the same. Therefore, we, clinicians, do not bother with such subtleties.

Allergies are so diverse that a separate specialist, an allergist, was appointed to treat this condition. And, of course, it is impossible to describe all the diversity of this disease in one article. People who are familiar with this scourge first-hand, I think, even without me, can already imagine what and how. Therefore, with your permission, I will omit such common and non-threatening symptoms as hay fever and lacrimation. And I will continue to write for those who have not yet properly understood allergies, but with the obligatory amendment that if necessary, you will immediately contact a specialist to determine the allergen and undergo a specialized course of treatment.

...and what to do?

How to independently understand that you have an allergy? After all, sometimes there is no specialist nearby, but we go to the doctor when the whole body is already covered with plaques or it has become completely bad.

Most often, allergies begin to manifest themselves with minor symptoms, and if you start treatment at this stage, then it may not come to an emergency. But it can come - because, starting with ordinary diathesis, allergies sometimes develop into more formidable forms: bronchial asthma and even anaphylactic shock.

But again, I repeat - definitely see an allergist! Only he will help you so that in the future you will not suffer from this misfortune. In particular, the allergist will explain what to do with the diet, because life when you can’t eat either spicy or smoked foods, and you can only eat porridge, is not life!

How does an allergy begin? First of all - with itching. They scratched there, they scratched here, more often under the armpits, in the groin. Itching, of course, is not a 100% indicator. It can also itch from being unwashed, scabies, liver disease, and a lot of other things. For example, if it itches often and in one place, look at the place where you scratched, maybe you will find the entry and exit points of the scabies mite. But if you find a rash or plaques and notice that under certain circumstances they disappear (appear at home, disappear at work), then it is most likely an allergy to something. Take an antihistamine (for example, Zyrtec), if the itching decreases and the plaque disappears, it means you definitely have an allergy.

Needs treatment. How? First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen. And if it is not known, then you will have to go on a strict diet (the diet is posted on many sites, so I will not repeat it). In general, during an exacerbation of allergies, the body reacts to many possible allergens. Therefore, a diet is mandatory!

If the allergen is plant pollen, then windows should not be opened during flowering. Ventilate the apartment after rain. After washing, you cannot hang things outside. The cleanliness of the house should be perfect.

Allergies to medications usually manifest themselves immediately and quite violently, so the new drug, a possible allergen, should be immediately discontinued.

To relieve symptoms, take an antihistamine(it is histamines that are released from mast cells in response to the introduction of an allergen), better than second or third generation. These drugs are convenient, taken once a day and do not have a hypnotic effect.

You need to drink a lot of water, but always bottled, purified water.(You can’t use it from the tap - there are too many nasty chemicals, which can also cause a reaction.) Histamine and other biologically active substances responsible for allergies will be eliminated through the kidneys in the urine. This way you will be doing a home detox. Sorbents are also good in this case (activated carbon).

At night, you can give an injection of suprastin (allergists recommend suprastin, not chloropyramine, but if suprastin is not available, then chloropyramine will do).

If after a day or two nothing helps, be sure to go to the doctor, don’t risk it! Anaphylactic shock is no joke!

Allergy sufferers should have adrenaline along with a syringe in their home medicine cabinet. At the moment, adrenaline is the most powerful and effective means for anaphylactic shock, combining antihistamine, anti-shock (stimulating the work of the heart and blood vessels) effects, it is a first-line drug for this life-threatening condition. However, if used rashly, it can lead to hypertensive crisis or arrhythmia. It is administered during anaphylactic shock, when the victim experiences dizziness, loss of consciousness, and a sharp drop in blood pressure. Subcutaneous routes of administration are questionable: necrosis may appear at the injection site, and, given the impaired microcirculation, the drug is unlikely to act properly. Therefore, the intravenous route is optimal - probably someone from your environment is able to give you an injection. Adrenaline is administered slowly, 0.3 milliliters at a time, constantly measuring blood pressure and pulse.

Like dexamethasone or prednisolone, you can also keep it in your medicine cabinet. They do not act immediately, but after 4-6 hours, but these drugs will help stabilize blood pressure by releasing their own endogenous adrenaline.

Be sure to inform others about your allergy and explain to them what to do if your condition becomes dangerous. Take care of yourself!

Vladimir Shpinev


Help with allergies starts with identifying symptoms. It is necessary to distinguish between mild and severe manifestations of allergic reactions. So, with a mild manifestation, it is enough to take an antihistamine and schedule a visit to an immunologist. In severe cases, emergency medical attention for allergies is required, as anaphylactic shock caused by such a reaction can be fatal.

  • First of all, if an allergic reaction occurs, any contact of the patient with the allergen should be eliminated. If, for example, the allergy is caused by a medicine, cancel it; if it is caused by plant pollen, remove the patient from the source of flowering. If the allergen is a food product, rinse the stomach. In other cases, gastric lavage is a useless procedure, since an allergy is not poisoning.

  • But it is recommended to drink plenty of water - water, tea, alkaline mineral waters.

  • For a skin allergic reaction, use hormonal ointments, as well as lotions made from green tea, infusion peppermint or lemon balm. Under no circumstances should you try to soothe irritated skin with alcohol or diluted vinegar. When an insect bites you, putting an ice pack on the bite area can relieve discomfort.

  • Before the ambulance arrives or a visit to the doctor, you can take Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil or another antihistamine in the required dosage, and after half an hour, when the medicine begins to act, a sorbent (for example, activated carbon) - this will help remove from the digestive tract substances that could provoke an allergic reaction.

Emergency care for allergies and anaphylactic shock

Anaphylaxis, a severe and fast-acting form of an allergic reaction, poses a serious threat to the life and health of the patient. Its main symptoms are itching, chills, swelling of the face, body and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, fever, vomiting, rash, puffiness of the face. The development of symptoms can cause breathing problems and cessation, convulsions, and low blood pressure, which in turn can lead to death. If you experience any severe allergic reaction, you should call emergency services. But what to do if the patient is getting worse and the doctors have not yet arrived? You will have to provide help for allergies yourself.

  • As in any other case of an allergic reaction, you must first find out what caused anaphylaxis and eliminate the allergen.

  • If you cannot find the culprit, you need to isolate the patient as much as possible from all possible allergens, ventilate the room, undress the patient or change into different clothes, provide a flow of fresh air, put him to bed and warm him with hot tea.

  • If the reaction occurs after administering or taking medicine or food, then induce vomiting, rinse the stomach, and give the patient an enema.

  • In parallel with all these procedures, call an ambulance and wait for the doctor to arrive.

  • Be prepared for the fact that anaphylaxis can cause respiratory or cardiac arrest, so the patient may need artificial respiration or chest compressions.

Help for allergies involves eliminating the possible culprits of the reaction and contacting a doctor - regardless of the severity of the allergic reaction. Remember that the reaction can also be expressed in a delayed form, in which symptoms do not appear immediately, but over time can develop into a severe reaction.

Who among us has not encountered allergies, this insidious disease that, if not treated correctly, can cause irreparable harm to health. There are many different allergens in the environment that cause various reactions in our body. Next we will tell you how to treat allergies right and get rid of it once and for all.

The first stage - we understand the concept of allergies

What is an allergy? This is a response of the body's immune system to the penetration of foreign chemical allergens. The disease does not appear immediately; usually it is necessary to deal with the root cause more than once. Only after this does the immune system begin to produce antibodies to the allergen.

In the classical interpretation, the definition of allergy sounds like the body’s production of immunoglobulin (IgE), which is an antibody to various antigens. Normally, there is almost no immunoglobulin in the blood, but with an allergic disease its content increases significantly.

Anyone can get sick. The disease spares neither infants nor the elderly. Only the manifestation of allergies can be different. For some, it manifests itself in a mild form, disappearing when contact with the allergen is stopped; for others, it occurs in a severe form, where medical intervention cannot be avoided.

What causes allergies

Before how to treat allergies, you need to understand what causes it. Allergens, that is, pathogens, can be anything. The main ones:

  • Pollen: pollen from flowering plants and trees.
  • Household: dust, household chemicals.
  • Fungal: mold and various fungal manifestations.
  • Food: cow's milk, seafood, berries, eggs, etc.
  • Epidermal: fur, fluff, saliva.
  • Medicinal: various types of medications
  • Helminths: pinworms, roundworms, etc.

However, sadly, new causes of allergies are constantly being added to this list. According to statistics, about 90% of the world's population suffers from some form of allergy. Most of the patients fall in highly developed countries, where progress is moving forward. Many people do not even realize that they have a predisposition to the disease. A confluence of many circumstances is necessary for the disease to manifest itself.

For this reason, when certain symptoms appear, people do not even assume that it could be an allergic reaction. Since the symptoms are similar to various diseases, the treatment is carried out incorrectly. As a result, chronic forms of the disease develop.

Forms and types of allergies

Back in 1906, the doctor Clemens von Pirquet drew attention to the fact that patients were experiencing various reactions to the same allergens. For some, it all starts with a common runny nose and watery eyes; for others, the allergy occurs with colic in the stomach. Others report skin rashes. Thus, the main groups of manifestations of this type of disease were identified:

  • Respiratory.
  • Food.
  • Skin.


The most common is the respiratory form, which affects the respiratory system. Occurs when mucous membranes come into contact with an allergen. This is characterized by rhinitis, wheezing, cough, shortness of breath, bronchospasm. In the most severe cases, Quincke's edema occurs. The symptoms are similar to colds. In this case, it is important to make the correct diagnosis.


Food allergies are in the nature of poisoning and intestinal disorders. Manifested by nausea, bloating, vomiting. In particularly severe cases, diarrhea occurs, which may continue long time and has similar symptoms to other intestinal diseases. Basically, such symptoms occur with food allergies. How to treat allergies for groceries? You will need a strict diet that excludes allergenic foods.


Many have had to deal with skin allergies. It occurs when an allergen acts on the skin: sun exposure, insect bites, contact with chemicals, etc. Skin rashes, blisters, itching in the affected areas, and peeling appear. Naturally, tissue swelling and skin redness appear. If treated incorrectly, against the background of these symptoms, eczema may develop, which is a complication of this disease.

Hypotheses why allergies have become so common

According to WHO, allergy treatment is one of the ten most pressing medical problems. Scientists dealing with this problem note that since approximately the middle of the last century, this disease has been accelerating in its development and affecting various segments of the population. There are several hypotheses about the reasons for the increase in the number of allergy sufferers:

  • hygienic.
  • nutritional
  • environmental.


Various hypotheses have been put forward for the increase in the number of allergy patients. Among them there is a hypothesis of hygiene, or rather, its negative influence on the immune system of the human body. Improving living conditions and living standards turns out to lead to an imbalance between the endogenous threat and the strength of the immune system.

Getting used to living in greenhouse conditions, a person’s immune system stops fighting antibodies that enter his body from the environment. Washing out all beneficial and harmful microorganisms with household chemicals, the use of modern hygienic body care products (shower gels, body lotions, etc.), which contain petroleum products, all this leads to a change in the gene pool of the body.


Look at what we eat: these are genetically modified products, where the presence of a huge amount of chemical additives is simply off the charts. Food products are made available to the population; naturally, the content of natural components in them decreases. All this leads to a weakening of the protective properties of the human body.


Ecology plays a huge role in our lives. It has been noted that an increase in allergic reactions is acutely observed in industrial regions. Large emissions of harmful substances from industrial enterprises lead to intoxication of the body, which is manifested by allergies and other diseases.

Diagnosis of allergies is the first stage of its treatment

To properly treat a disease, you need to diagnose it correctly. Manifestations of an allergic reaction often have very similar symptoms to other diseases. Therefore, before how to treat allergies, it is necessary to urgently contact an immunologist and identify the causes of the disease.

For diagnostics use:

  • skin (scarification) tests;
  • monitoring of immunoglobulins in the blood;
  • immunofluorescence method.

Skin (scarification) tests

Skin testing is the most common type of diagnosis. Several skin incisions are made on the back of the hand and an extract of the suspected allergens is dripped into them. After a few hours, based on the reaction that occurs, a diagnosis is made. When there is a visible change in the wound, the allergen is determined. However, this is a risky form of determining the root cause of the disease, since an acute allergic reaction may occur during the tests.

Monitoring immunoglobulins in the blood

An immunological test is carried out in a laboratory without the presence of the patient. The patient donates blood from a vein, which is mixed with extracts of suspected allergens and the reaction of basophils is studied under a microscope. This diagnostic method is the most reliable and safe, but also more expensive.

Immunofluorescence method

The immunofluorescence method can identify the causative agent of an allergy with an accuracy of 98%. For now, this type of diagnosis is most common in Europe, but there is hope that in the future in each of our clinics it will be possible to undergo a test using the ImmunoCAP device, which will most accurately identify the allergen. So, the diagnosis has been established, you need to start treatment.

Unfortunately, many people ignore the manifestations of allergies and do not resort to treatment. Maybe it will go away on its own. This is a big mistake, because... the disease can lead not only to chronic forms, but in some cases to death. Indeed, with each subsequent relapse, the disease manifests itself in more severe forms.

Allergies can catch you at the most inopportune moment and time. That is why, if you know that you have a predisposition to one or another form of an allergic reaction, you need to inform all your relatives and friends. Sometimes these precautions save lives.

Having discovered certain signs of illness in yourself or your loved ones, you need to take urgent measures, i.e. provide first aid:

  • limit contact with the allergen.
  • Rinse the area of ​​contact with the irritant with clean water.
  • Apply a cold compress to the reddened area of ​​skin (if the reaction is of a skin type).
  • take an antihistamine (this is a prerequisite).
  • warm and plenty of drink.
  • horizontal position.
  • If there is swelling of the larynx, take a drug that relieves spasms and makes breathing easier.

If all of the above methods are not effective and the patient’s condition appears to be worsening, it is necessary to call an ambulance or contact the medical institutions. One of the complications of allergy symptoms may be Quincke's edema, which cannot be treated at home, which can lead to the death of the patient.

Almost always, timely assistance in the event of an allergic reaction speeds up the process of treating the disease.

How to treat allergies: all ways

There is an opinion that there is no treatment for allergies as such. But with the right approach to this disease, you can prevent relapses of this disease and, in some cases, get rid of it completely. For this purpose, complex treatment is used. One way to get rid of allergies is almost impossible. The main stages of treatment include:

  • use of medications;
  • hyposensitization;
  • treatment of allergies with folk remedies;
  • prevention.

At the moment, many scientists around the world are struggling to create a universal serum in the laboratory, with the help of which people will be vaccinated against allergic reactions of various types.

While developments are underway, it remains to use traditional methods of preventing and treating the disease in almost 90% of the population of our planet.


Without medical intervention, it is almost impossible to remove the manifestations of an allergic reaction. There are several groups of medications that are used to treat and relieve the first signs of the disease. These include:

  • antihistamines;
  • decongestants;
  • steroid sprays;
  • leukotriene inhibitors.

First of all, in case of allergic manifestations, it is necessary to stop the body’s production of histamine. The production of histamine is caused by the entry of an allergen (chemicals, food, dust, etc.) into the human body from the external environment. For this purpose, antihistamines are used, the effect of which is expressed in the deactivation of histamine.

Antihistamines are prescribed for classic allergies, for example, allergic rhinitis, pollen conjunctivitis, and household allergic reactions. Antihistamines are definitely prescribed for skin lesions: itching, dermatitis, sunburn, urticaria. Severe manifestations of allergies, such as angioedema and anaphylactic shock, also require antihistamines.

Currently, pharmacies sell third-generation antihistamines. In the last century, first-generation drugs were sold that caused side effects: apathy, drowsiness, lethargy.

The second generation had an effect on the heart muscle, which led to either tachycardia or bradycardia. All these side effects are completely absent in third-generation drugs, and the effect of their use lasts for a long period of time.

These drugs include:

  • Ebastine - the effect of the drug lasts up to 48 hours.
  • Claritin - the effect is observed within 24 hours, the visible effect is observed after an hour
  • Telfast - the effect begins in an hour and lasts throughout the day. However, it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.
  • Cetrin - helps well with skin allergies, but is also recommended for the respiratory form of the disease
  • Vertex - the effect is observed within a few minutes and lasts up to 24 hours
  • Hydrocortisone ointment for external use. Prescribed for skin types of allergic manifestations.

For respiratory allergies, accompanied by nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, and sinusitis, decongestants are used - drugs for the common cold. Their action is based on reducing swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and reducing blood circulation in the tissues of the nasopharynx. It should be noted that many of the decongestant medications are addictive. Therefore, it is recommended not to use them for a long time.

These include:

  • Oxinemetazoline.
  • Naphazoline.
  • Xylometazoline.
  • Tetrizoline.

Steroid sprays have the same effect. How to treat allergies sprays? Basically, they are prescribed to people for whom the use of decongestants is contraindicated. Sprays have fewer side effects and can therefore be used by pregnant and nursing mothers.

Leukotriene inhibitors have also been used successfully. Leukotrienes are chemicals that cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. It is leukotrienes that cause swelling of the mucous membrane, bronchospasms, which can lead to bronchial asthma and Quincke's edema.

This type of drug can be taken together with other medications due to the lack of interaction with them. Known drugs are Montelukast and Zafirlukast, which relieve the symptoms of hay fever and seasonal allergies.

If you know about your tendency to allergic diseases, you simply need to have all of the above groups of medications in your first aid kit.

Hyposensitization - a method of treating allergies

Hyposensitization is an immunotherapy that is used along with drug treatment. It consists in introducing allergens into the patient’s body, starting with small doses and gradually increasing them. Subsequently, immunity to this type of allergen is developed.

Hyposensitization is carried out in cases where it is almost impossible to prevent the patient’s contact with the irritant. This is contact with house dust, pollen, germs, etc. This treatment includes the ASIT method. With its help, the body's sensitivity to irritants is reduced and the resistance of the immune system is increased. Hyposensitization is carried out during remission, because the effect is achieved within 4-6 months.

During the period of hyposensitization, symptomatic treatment methods are also used, which together helps to “prepare” the body to resist the allergen and not lead to a relapse of the disease.

But there are also contraindications for treatment with this method. Allergens should not be administered to patients with bronchial asthma, pregnant women, mental illness and malignant neoplasms, circulatory disorders and diabetes mellitus. In such diseases, the introduction of even small doses of allergens can lead to irreversible consequences.

Traditional methods of treating allergies

Folk remedies can only be used along with medications and immunotherapy. How to treat allergies with the help of decoctions, ointments, recipes - the attending physician will tell you all this. Since ancient times, healers have relieved the main manifestations of allergies with the help of their potions, both from the inside and the outside.

There are many recipes for treating allergies using various decoctions, lotions, ointments, balms, which are prepared from the gifts of nature. It turns out that the plants around us can both cause disease and cure it. It has been proven that treatment of allergies with folk remedies is highly effective and gentle on the body, because All drugs are made from natural ingredients that do not cause serious complications.

When using baths with decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, string, mint, etc.) can get rid of itchy skin and speed up the healing of scratching wounds, if any. For these purposes, they use alcohol tinctures on herbs. Regularly rubbing the affected areas can reduce the symptoms of skin allergies.

For internal use, freshly squeezed juices from fruits, vegetables and even the medicinal plants. Celery root, carrots, dandelion leaves, beets, cucumbers and many other vegetables are used for healing juices. Juices help strengthen the immune system and increase the chance of fighting allergies.

It is good to take decoctions and infusions of herbs. A huge variety of herbs are used to prepare such decoctions: celandine, calendula, hawthorn, valerian, mint and lemon balm. The variety of herbs used to treat allergies is so great that the list of them is simply endless.

There are many natural remedies for treatment.

Folk remedies for allergies include both mumiyo and propolis. But all of the above components should be used only after consultation with your doctor, because Often the medicine itself can be an allergen for the body. The greatest effect is achieved by a combined treatment method, when traditional medicine is used in combination with medication.

Prevention of allergic diseases

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. It's about about prevention, which plays a very important role in the fight against allergies. Prevention is based on preventing contact with the allergen, the cause of the disease itself. Let's consider the basic measures to protect your body, then how to treat allergies, or rather, warn her.

Of course, it is very difficult to completely isolate yourself from the cause of the disease. After all, if allergies are caused by seasonal flowering of plants, you should not go outside at this time. It's practically impossible. If the body’s reaction is caused by medications, you need to choose the right medications when treating various diseases, and almost everyone gets sick.

People who react sharply to pets can only give one piece of advice: it’s sad, but you’ll have to give your charges to good hands, completely isolating yourself from contact with fur and saliva. If an allergic reaction occurs to dust, you need to wet clean the apartment every day.

In case of food allergies, a diet is drawn up, which must be followed almost constantly. Violation of the diet and consumption of allergenic foods can lead to relapse and even chronic diseases.

If you are going on vacation, be sure to take anti-allergy medications with you. Typically, countries with warm climates have a very low solstice, which seems quite harmless. However, a reaction to the sun can ruin your entire vacation. Sunburn are one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction to the environment.

Another cause of allergies can be insect bites, especially wasps and bees. After a bite, you must remove the sting if it remains in the skin. Emergency help is to take antihistamines, which help reduce the risk of developing anaphylactic shock and angioedema.

So what happens? Does an allergy sufferer need to carry a whole first aid kit with the most necessary first aid medications? Yes! And again yes! It's better to be safe than to end up in a hospital bed for an extended period of time. Take care of yourself and be healthy.

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