Wallpaper or painting the walls - which is better? Which is better: painting walls or gluing wallpaper Painting walls or wallpaper for painting

When planning renovations in a house or apartment, you need to immediately decide on the type of wall decoration, because it plays a decisive role in the interior. Some people prefer to paint the walls, others prefer to wallpaper them. What is better, wallpaper or painting the walls? Each type of finishing work has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you will have to choose individually.

Types, advantages and disadvantages of wallpapering

Beautiful wallpaper in the living room and bedroom not only looks expensive and stylish, it gives the room a special coziness and warmth. Photo wallpapers serve as the main element of room decor, its “highlight”. Thick wallpaper acts as a way to heat and sound insulate a room.

For wall decoration, ordinary paper wallpaper is often chosen - it is the cheapest, can be glued with any wallpaper glue, and is environmentally friendly. Paper-based canvases can be thin or “triplex” - triple with a layer of wood in the middle. You can also be 100% confident in the safety of glass wallpaper (fiberglass). They contain fiberglass and other harmless components. Typically glass wallpapers have White color and are used for subsequent painting. They are ideal for offices and wet areas.

The following types of wallpaper are much more expensive:

  • vinyl;
  • fabric;
  • non-woven;
  • bamboo;
  • silk;
  • with acrylic coating;
  • decorative plaster (liquid wallpaper).

Wallpaper can be smooth and embossed, embossed and even textured - for example, in the form of brickwork. The choice of canvases is very rich, and the advantages of using this type of finishing material are indisputable:

  • preparation is carried out to a minimum, since small defects in the walls will be perfectly hidden by thick canvases;
  • wallpaper adheres perfectly to most types of substrates, even bare concrete, provided that special glue is used;
  • the shades and textures of the wallpaper are incredibly diverse, the surface is soft, delicate, giving the interior “visual warmth”;
  • wallpaper is practically not capable of causing allergies (we are talking about paper, non-woven materials), modern canvases are safe for humans;
  • a finishing layer will enhance the effect of noise insulation and reduce heat loss in corner apartments;
  • paper wallpaper is a vapor-permeable material, it does not disturb the microclimate in the room;
  • Even a non-professional can glue new wallpaper; the method is simple and accessible - you just need to learn how to combine the pattern and smooth the canvas on the wall;
  • The service life of the wallpaper is long; many can be washed with household chemicals.

This type of finish also has disadvantages:

  • in order to tear tightly glued canvases from the wall, you need to try - first you will have to moisten them with water, then scrape them off with a spatula (usually problems arise when replacing paper wallpapers; dense ones are easier to remove);
  • Dirt and stains from paper strips are difficult to remove, and scuff marks may remain on the surface (washable wallpaper can easily withstand such manipulations);
  • animals often damage wallpaper and tear it off, so if you have a pet you need to buy a roll of material in reserve;
  • paper wallpaper is not suitable for rooms with high humidity - bathroom, kitchen, they can peel off or lose appearance;
  • under the influence of mechanical factors, the material is easily torn, and thin paper wallpaper can be deformed even with a fingernail.

Types of paints, pros and cons of painting walls

Paint is an alternative to wallpapering; it can be chosen instead of traditional wall covering. When choosing a paint and varnish, you need to take into account the function of the room in which the renovation is planned. Materials may be:

  • acrylic and latex - used in rooms with high humidity, they give a very beautiful, silky finish (matte or glossy);
  • water-based (PVA based) - suitable only for dry rooms; upon contact with water and steam, they lose their properties and beautiful appearance;
  • silicone - used by allergy sufferers, since they 100% eliminate the occurrence of a reaction, but are expensive.

Oil paints, acrylates and nitro enamels are practically not used for walls. They contain many harmful substances, therefore last years they were replaced with more modern formulations.

The benefits of painting indoor walls are as follows:

  • surface preparation necessarily includes priming with antiseptics, which significantly “heals” the room;
  • if there are stains or small defects, local repairs can be easily carried out - this will not lead to large costs;
  • painted walls can be washed, their appearance will not be affected, dirt, traces of markers, food debris, stains from drinks can be easily washed off from the paint;
  • animals do not tear at painted walls or sharpen their claws on them;
  • The colors of the paints are varied; you can order tinting in any, even the rarest, shade at a hardware store.

Painting also has disadvantages. Preparing walls is always labor-intensive, because otherwise even the smallest defects will be clearly visible. If a non-professional takes on the job, the result may not be good enough. It's also difficult to do an initial paint job, as opposed to doing a minor refinish. It is better to study the application technique so that unsightly strokes are not noticeable on the wall. Matte coatings have another drawback - their pores become clogged with dust that penetrates from the air, so you will need to wash the walls regularly.

The most spectacular paints are expensive, and repairs will cost a decent amount. The work of applying stencils and textured designs will be very labor-intensive. If you leave the walls plain, it may seem boring for an apartment, although it is an ideal option for an office.

Comparison of criteria

Painting walls or wallpapering is a matter of taste. To choose an option, you need to compare all the parameters, choosing a solution that is suitable for yourself in terms of price and labor costs.

Cost of materials

Such a comparison is only valid when considering materials of similar quality. Thus, there are very expensive wallpapers (for example, made from natural fabric, bamboo) and no less expensive paints (based on square meter area). Budget options for water-based wallpaper and paper wallpaper will be approximately the same in price. If you compare high-quality latex paint and non-woven wallpaper, the cost of the work will also be approximately the same.

In terms of the cost of additional tools, coloring loses. You will need to buy a roller, brush, paint tray, paint container, and also pay for tinting. To apply wallpaper you only need a regular bucket, glue and a roller.

Surface cost calculation

All wall finishing work begins with surface preparation. This is often the largest and most expensive stage, which takes a lot of effort and time.

Before staining

If you decide to paint the walls of a living space or office, without preliminary preparation not enough. If the walls are not leveled, the defects will be very noticeable, which will spoil the quality of the repair. In addition, without preparation, the adhesion of the base will remain low, so cracks, dents or bulges will quickly appear on the walls. The main stages of preparing walls for painting:

  1. Dismantling the old covering. This stage is skipped only in new houses where the walls are concrete or have minimal thin plaster.
  2. Alignment of walls. The use of putties (cement, gypsum and others) helps to get rid of cracks, holes and chips. Depending on the quality of the original coating, sometimes it is necessary to make several layers of putty and use reinforcing mesh.
  3. Final putty. This must be done before subsequent painting; it allows you to achieve a smooth, snow-white surface. Finishing is especially important for painting with light paints and varnishes.
  4. Grinding. This stage of work is needed to give the base perfect evenness.
  5. Primer in 1-3 layers. The primer helps reduce surface absorption and improves the adhesion of the finish to the wall.

The preparation of the plasterboard surface is much faster. Here only the seams (joints) of the gypsum board sheets are puttied, after which the material is primed 2 times. This will seriously reduce the cost of time and money.

Particular attention should be paid to preparing the walls in the bathroom and kitchen. Such rooms are regularly exposed to moisture, so wall materials often deteriorate. In such rooms, you should use only special moisture-resistant antiseptic primers and putties, which are much more expensive.

Before wallpapering

The cost of preparing walls for subsequent wallpapering can vary greatly depending on the initial smoothness of the walls and the type of wallpaper. If the walls are smooth and the wallpaper is thick and textured, all you need to do is dismantle the old covering and prime the walls. This preparation is quick, inexpensive, and easy to do yourself.

The standard option is the most common. It involves dismantling, applying putty in one layer to seal cracks, holes and chips in the existing plaster. Afterwards the wall is primed. The “from scratch” option is used when there are bare concrete walls or a very uneven surface with many defects. The walls have to be completely cleared of coating, the surface must be primed twice, then puttyed, sanded and primed again. The cost of such preparation is approximately the same as the price of preliminary measures before staining.

Is thorough preparation necessary?

In general, preparing walls for wallpaper is much easier than preparing walls for painting. In the first case, minor defects are not of particular importance; they will be covered with thick fabrics. Even more serious differences will not be noticeable. Before painting, thorough preparation is of great importance. All defects will be clearly visible, so to seal them you need to use gypsum and acrylic putty, followed by priming.

Difficulty of work

Difficulties in wallpapering can arise only when purchasing low-quality material, which, after the glue dries, will shrink or become deformed when applied to the wall.

It is also somewhat more difficult to work with colored wallpaper with a pattern or original details - they must be combined correctly. In addition, the consumption of canvas will be high.

Painting also has its own difficulties: careless application of strokes, slow work can lead to a negative result - the appearance of spots and streaks. When finishing putty, the slightest scratch will also dramatically reduce the quality of the coating, which will greatly complicate the repair.

Environmental friendliness

Wallpaper made from natural materials - glass, wood, paper, fabric - can boast of being environmentally friendly. Many of them, unfortunately, are impractical or lack beauty and are used only in offices. Vinyl wallpaper production involves the use of formaldehyde. Despite the manufacturers' assurances that the substance is released only with strong heating, an unpleasant odor will be present in the apartment for several months.

Wall paints are, for the most part, environmentally friendly. This applies to latex, acrylic, and water-based materials. Only alkyd enamels are dangerous to the body, but they are almost never used for finishing residential premises.

The safest paper and textile wallpapers do not last long. They get dirty quickly, but cannot be washed and are not resistant to abrasion. Normal scratching may cause a hole in the paper. Vinyl wallpaper, like fiberglass and non-woven fabric, lasts much longer, is easy to clean, and you can remove any stains from it without losing its external gloss.

Paint gets dirty faster and more strongly than durable wallpaper, but cleaning painted walls is much easier. But we must remember that intense friction will make the area lighten against the general background, so the wall will have to be tinted.


After reviewing various design projects, we can conclude that the premises contain rooms with both wallpaper and painted walls. Both types of finishing materials are presented in a wide range of colors and types. However, experts advise using wallpaper for the bedroom - they are more comfortable and provide a feeling of calm and tranquility.

Paints are considered more boring, but they can be greatly enlivened by applying beautiful prints.

If it is difficult to make a choice in favor of paint or wallpaper, you can make a compromise - do both types of finishes in different rooms. There are also alternative options - liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster, panels or even wood trim. They will allow you to diversify the design of the room, making it to your taste.

  • During the repair process, many issues arise that require a clear solution. These include the choice of interior decoration for the room. You can decide what is more practical and economical - wallpaper or painting the walls - after comparing all the advantages and disadvantages of these interior design options. The following criteria should be taken into account:
  • purpose and versatility;
  • safety;
  • quality;
  • color palette;
  • difficulty in preparing walls;
  • scope of work;


Safety of finishing material

  • Before you start decorating the walls in the interior, you should make sure that the chosen coating is safe and will not cause harm to health. When considering wallpaper, you should take into account the base material and the composition with which the pattern was applied. The most common types of wallpaper for walls are:
  • paper - made from cellulose composition, which is completely safe for humans; textile - manufacturers can add synthetic substances to their composition that increase the strength of the finished fabric. Their number does not exceed acceptable standards
  • non-woven - if water-based paints were used to apply the design, then these wallpapers are not harmful to health (there should be a label on the packaging about the dyes used);
  • vinyl - unscrupulous manufacturers may use harmful volatile substances in their production, which, with prolonged contact, negatively affect well-being. Therefore, when choosing vinyl wallpaper, you must definitely study their label to see if the manufacturer has the appropriate certificates of quality and product safety.

Wall paint can also be dangerous. Finishing materials containing ammonia and drying oil should be avoided. They have a pronounced, pungent odor, causing headaches and nausea. You can paint the walls in your apartment instead of wallpaper using the following safe paints:

  • alkyd;
  • latex.

Coating quality

An equally important criterion in choosing which is better - wallpaper or painting the walls is the quality of the coating, its durability and resistance to external factors. Wallpaper is made from materials that do not form cracks; chips also do not occur on their surface. But the disadvantages of this finish include:

  • low level of moisture resistance;
  • lack of protective properties against mold and mildew;
  • difficulties in care, for example, walls in the kitchen covered with wallpaper are prone to getting dirty, but it is almost impossible to wash them from greasy stains;
  • vulnerability to sunlight - under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the color of the coating may turn yellow or fade.

Painted surfaces are easier to care for, as most paints are moisture-resistant and can be washed. In addition, they tolerate temperature changes and sunlight well.

Also, for example, acrylic paints prevent the formation of mold, the development of fungus and have fire-resistant properties, which is important in residential areas. The disadvantages of painted surfaces include the risk of cracks and chips as a result of shrinkage of the building walls or mechanical damage.

Paint and wallpaper have an equally long service life. High-quality finishing materials will delight you with a neat appearance for 10-15 years.

Purpose and versatility

The big disadvantage of wallpaper is the need to glue it to a wall that has been previously plastered and putty. Even the strongest and highest quality glue will not provide the necessary adhesion to a wooden or brick surface. But thanks to textured wallpaper, you can hide some minor imperfections on the wall. They mask the unevenness of the plaster well, creating an attractive coating.

Painting walls instead of wallpaper can be done on the following surfaces:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • putty;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • brick;
  • a natural stone;
  • glass.

The main thing is to choose the right coloring composition to ensure the required level of adhesion.

Wallpaper is also less versatile in its purpose. Usually they are used only for finishing living rooms. At the same time, walls are also painted in domestic premises, kitchens, and bathrooms.

Preparing the walls

Regardless of whether paint or wallpaper will be applied to the surface, it must be carefully prepared. This stage is especially important, since it is it that ensures the necessary adhesion of the materials.

First, the wall to be wallpapered or painted must first be cleaned of the remnants of the previous coating. To do this, you can use special solutions that are applied to the wall using a roller. Without using a solvent, removing old wallpaper can cause a lot of problems and inconveniences. You can remove paint from the surface using coarse sanding.

Then the cleaned wall is treated with primer and all visible irregularities are eliminated with plaster or putty. Painting requires the elimination of all defects, since this affects not only the appearance, but also the performance properties (in areas of existing irregularities, the risk of cracks is increased).

If you need to simply update and refresh the paint layer, you don’t need to carry out preliminary puttying. In this case, it will be enough to simply apply the new finishing material in two layers.

Scope and complexity of work

Wallpapering requires much more effort and time. This is due to the fact that you must first dilute the glue and cut the roll into pieces of the required size. After that, you need to choose a wallpaper suitable friend to a friend according to the drawing and then just start gluing them.

Even if there is no particular print on the wallpaper, you still need to carefully monitor the joints so that there are no gaps. This kind of work is difficult and inconvenient to do on your own. Therefore, when gluing yourself, it is better to immediately get an assistant.

Walls without wallpaper are painted in two layers. Depending on the size of the surface, you can use brushes or a roller for this. The last of them is convenient for distributing paint over a large area. Brushes will help to treat corners and hard-to-reach areas. The paint is applied evenly in one direction to avoid drips.

Color palette

Thanks to modern construction technologies, finishing materials are not inferior to each other in the variety of colors. You can buy wallpaper with a ready-made pattern or order any vinyl-based print from specialists. The stores also offer a wide selection of textured coatings. And if you need to create a monochromatic surface, you can choose wallpaper for painting.

The advantage of wall paint is that manufacturers provide the opportunity to independently tint the composition. This way you can create any desired shade. If necessary, a drawing is applied to the surface. This is done using special acrylic interior paints and a variety of tools. Read more about it in a special article.

You can also find it on store shelves, for example, with plaster or sand. Thanks to them, you can create a relief, textured surface. And if you apply it to the walls, you can even paint on such a coating.


Pricing for finishing materials depends on their quality and manufacturers. Typically, the more popular a brand is, the higher its value. In general, you can find inexpensive paints or wallpaper to suit any budget, but it is important to understand that cheap materials are more difficult to work with and have more short term operation.

Relative to each other, paints and wallpapers have approximately the same cost in terms of consumption per square meter of surface. Even if you buy wallpaper cheaper than paint, you will have to spend money on glue and the tools necessary for the job.

In general, the choice of finishing materials must be approached responsibly and taking into account all the features of the surface and individual needs. In the end, the overall appearance of the room and the mood of its inhabitants depend on what paint to paint the walls in the apartment or what wallpaper to glue.

When finishing work, a dilemma often arises: which is better: wallpapering or painting the walls. The fact is that both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The decorative properties of materials, when properly selected and applied, are almost identical. It is this similarity that complicates the choice, although you can always use the combination method.

Wallpaper and paint are some of the most popular types of coatings that have been used for a long time. This is explained by the fact that both products have an excellent decorative component, especially now when the market building materials flooded different types products. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what each option represents.

  1. Painting is carried out using various paint and varnish compositions, which are produced mainly in finished form. By mixing or adding special colors, the desired shade is obtained. The solution is applied to the prepared surface using a brush, roller or spray gun. Using different methods, you can get an unusual visual effect. There are also special types of decorative textured solutions for painting walls.
  2. Wallpapering is the process of covering a surface. various types roll materials. Depending on the chosen variety, you can get the desired result. Wallpapers are divided by base, texture and texture; the most popular are paper, non-woven and vinyl products. Currently, there are liquid wallpapers that differ from roll wallpapers.

The process of applying paint and wallpapering to walls

Thus, both methods have significant differences in structure and application method. Therefore, without more detailed consideration It is impossible to say unequivocally what you should choose: painting the walls or wallpaper.

Positive and negative sides

Naturally, each method has its positive and negative sides, which help you choose the most suitable solution.


This material has the following advantages:

  • No careful preparation of the walls is required; minor imperfections are hidden by almost all modern varieties. With the correct choice of adhesive composition, the coating will be securely fixed.
  • Textured options create not only a visual effect, but also give the surface a pleasant tactile sensation.
  • The material is applied to the walls without much difficulty; there is no need to use a special tool or have professional skills.
  • Almost all products allow the walls to breathe, which helps create the right microclimate in the apartment.

But there are also significant disadvantages:

  1. The decorative layer is damaged quite easily. This is especially true for houses and apartments where there are pets.
  2. It must be borne in mind that even washable options cannot always be cleaned of heavy dirt.
  3. It is recommended to choose the appropriate type for each room. For example, vinyl sheets are not vapor permeable, which makes them impossible to use in a children's room.

On a note! Roll material has excellent decorative properties. To achieve the best visual effect, the wallpaper combination method is used.


Often paint is applied to the wall instead of wallpaper. This option has the following positive aspects:

  • Paint is much easier to combine. The created borders do not require thoughtfulness or additional moldings.
  • Painted surfaces can be subjected to almost any mechanical impact, dirt can be easily removed. A layer of varnish is applied for additional protection.
  • Restoration is not particularly difficult if a complex shade is not used for the work. It is enough to clean the damaged area and paint it again. Of course, this method is not suitable for coatings whose color has changed over time.

Negative points:

  1. The need for careful preparation of the base; all existing defects will be visible on the painted surface. Even a few coats won't fix this problem.
  2. To create beautiful combinations or work with some compositions, sufficient experience is required.
  3. Possibility of changing shade. It should be borne in mind that choosing the right tone is difficult; the visual spectrum of perception depends on numerous factors. Therefore, after application, the result may not meet expectations.

A correct assessment of all the pros and cons allows you to choose the appropriate option.


To finally decide which is better: painting the walls or gluing wallpaper, you should compare the main characteristics of the materials.

  • Durability. In general, each of the options has a fairly long service life, but many parameters influence how long the quality is preserved. So, painted areas fade faster in the sun, but paper wallpaper has the same drawback. At the same time, in hallways, paint retains its appearance longer than any wallpaper.
  • Installation. Gluing roll materials is much easier than painting the surface. For cladding, a minimal set of tools is used, and non-woven varieties do not require the application of glue to the strips. Working with paint is much more difficult; streaks and unpainted fragments must not be allowed; at least two layers must be applied.

  • Reliability. To obtain a reliable coating, it is better to use paint instead of wallpaper. This is due to the properties of the material and the installation method. The composition is firmly fixed to the surface; it is more difficult to damage the decorative layer of paint than wallpaper. But many coatings do not allow walls to breathe, which leads to mold and mildew.

  • Price. What is cheaper: wallpapering or painting the walls? This question is probably of paramount importance. In fact, in terms of this parameter, both options are almost the same, given the equivalent product classes. Although inexpensive paper products for covering the walls in a room will cost less than the required amount of paint.

There are other parameters, but the ones listed are the main ones.

When starting to decorate the premises of a new home or starting major renovation, almost everyone thinks: what is better - to hang wallpaper on the walls or paint them?

  • Painting walls is quite simple, and the choice of shades is limitless; the paint does not collect dust; Painted surfaces are easy to wash, and the surface treated in this way can be easily repainted in a different color.
  • Roll and liquid wallpaper, in turn, are considered environmentally friendly; the industry offers a colossal amount of wallpaper designs and patterns; some types of wallpaper are more durable than paint; they better hide wall defects.

Thus, both wallpapering and painting have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to analyze them.

Evaluation of criteria

Cost of materials

Before creating an estimate for finishing work, determine what you are comparing. The cost of quality wallpaper and good paint? Expensive wallpaper and “budget” paint? We will assume that the walls will not be painted with the most expensive, but high-quality latex paint, and the wallpaper will be practical to use and attractive in appearance. Comparing these wall coverings, you will be convinced that covering or painting 20-30 meters of surface with decent materials costs approximately the same. The tools needed for the job do not vary in cost either.

Difficulty of preparation and work

  • Preparing walls for wallpaper is much easier than preparing walls for painting. After removing the old coating, it is enough to putty, plaster and prime them. It is better if the walls are smooth, but minor flaws are not of particular importance, and thick wallpaper can hide more serious defects.
  • The preparation of surfaces for painting is done much more carefully. Cracks, dents and recesses are sealed with plaster or acrylic putty, and the cracks are filled with a special solution. The paint will not hide even small irregularities or dents (2-3 layers will not help). Moreover, on a rough surface, the paint will lie unevenly, and over time it will begin to crack and peel. Therefore, during finishing sanding, not the slightest scratches are allowed.

Painting also has its own difficulties: careless application of strokes, slow work can lead to a negative result - the appearance of spots and streaks. When finishing putty, the slightest scratch will also dramatically reduce the quality of the coating, which will greatly complicate the repair.

Now we need to say goodbye to the myth about the environmental friendliness of wallpaper. Those types that are considered “breathable and environmentally friendly” are very impractical: they are either expensive textile materials or ordinary paper ones. They get dirty easily, are afraid of moisture and are not resistant to abrasion.

Wall paints are, for the most part, environmentally friendly. This applies to latex, acrylic, and water-based materials. Only alkyd enamels are dangerous to the body, but they are almost never used for finishing residential premises.

Paint gets dirty faster than wallpaper, but it also cleans better. However, if you put a stain on a painted wall a year after painting and try to clean it, you will be in for an unpleasant surprise. A clean spot will stand out strongly against the general background. Therefore, you will have to wash the entire wall. On wallpaper (especially textured ones), a small stain may not be noticed at all.

Painting walls or wallpaper is an important issue of interest to many who have started renovations in an apartment. When buying a home, the owner begins to think about how to save on renovations, but at the same time do it efficiently. Some people find it more profitable to hang wallpaper, others decide to paint the walls. Everyone chooses the option for themselves, because both the first and second are a great way to change the interior. When the decision comes to change the interior, a number of questions come. What will be more economical? How to make repairs easier? And most importantly, what will the room look like after renovation? That is why you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Wallpaper or painting: which is better in terms of finances?

The monetary costs of repairs are directly related to whether specialists will do it, or whether your own strength and knowledge is enough. In addition to the fact that you will need to purchase materials, you will also need to pay those who will do this work. Therefore, you need to decide who exactly will do the repairs.

The next step will be purchasing wallpaper or paint. All materials may have different cost, ranging from those that are cheaper and ending with expensive ones.

That is why you need to prepare an expected list of expenses in advance and select wallpaper or paint according to it.

What is the advantage of using wallpaper? Gluing will not require much effort, since minor defects can be hidden under the paper. In addition, they can be maintained without preliminary wall treatments.

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Wallpaper and paint have different prices, depending on the quality of the material

If you purchase wallpaper with a soft surface, you can visually change the room into a soft and cozy one. For children, you can choose wallpaper with the image fairy tale characters or animals. There are also wallpapers that can visually enlarge a room, or, conversely, reduce it. It all depends on the owner’s imagination.

As for paint, a high-quality coating can be much more expensive than regular wallpaper. In addition, if the wallpaper can hide some of the imperfections of the walls under its layer, then before painting all the unevenness should be carefully puttied and sanded.

Despite the minor difficulties, painting is a very popular method of organizing an interior. Walls that are painted different colors have an attractive appearance. The owner chooses this finish, as well as the wallpaper, solely based on his preferences.

Which is better, wallpaper or paint: the advantages of paper coverings

The most important advantage of wallpaper is that it is absolutely safe for people and animals. Most often they are made of paper or non-woven fabric. This base is not capable of causing allergies, and is also not a source of toxic vapor.

Due to the fact that the paint is applied using the printing method, it is safe for health. That is why wallpaper has a significant advantage over paint.

You don't need to be a professional to start wallpapering. It is enough to read the instructions for preparing glue, become familiar with the procedure, and prepare the necessary equipment. The most important thing is to make sure that the pattern matches, in this case gluing will become easier.

Wallpaper is completely safe for human life

Since wallpaper is made of paper, it has the ability to “breathe”, so mold or mildew does not form on the walls.

If you use photo wallpaper in a children's room, this will help solve the problem of frequent stains, since this option is waterproof.

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As you can see, this option has a lot of advantages.

Paint the walls in the room instead of wallpaper: pros and cons

Recently, it has become fashionable to paint the walls in the apartment in bright or multi-colored colors. Such an organization gets an attractive appearance. Depending on the type of room, the walls can be painted green, yellow, pink or blue. It all depends on your wishes. If you wish, you can see photos of the finished rooms.

However, you need to consider:

  • The money that will be used to purchase materials is quite large;
  • It will be necessary to pay the workers, as they will be able to organize the perfect painting;
  • When dyeing, chemicals can negatively affect the body;
  • You need to decide exactly what you want the room to look like, because the result does not always meet expectations.

The first difficulty you will have to face is preparing the walls for painting. Unlike wallpaper, paint is not able to hide imperfections on the walls. Therefore, all cracks or rough elements will need to be eliminated. In this case, you will need to make additional expenses and purchase necessary materials for finishing. Otherwise, the wall will not look aesthetically pleasing.

Painting the walls will cost more than wallpapering a room

However, if all the work is done correctly, you will forget about problems with the walls for a long time, and the room itself will become fresh and new. If necessary, you can only touch up the desired areas. It won’t take much time, and the costs will be reduced.

The main advantage of paint, which is why this method is preferred, is that regardless of the situation, painted walls can be washed without fear that they will deteriorate or lose their appearance. And this is especially true for those who have a small child.

Paint wallpaper or paint walls

What can be said about these methods? If you are going to paint walls, then you must know how to plaster, sand and screed. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of these skills. .

Painting wallpaper may take a little longer, but the result will be better.

You can paint wallpaper or walls - both options have their positive and negative sides

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