Blue color in advertising. Color value in advertising

In selling copywriting there is no smallest things. At all. Never. Even what personally seems to you is insignificant, for the buyer can become the main motive for shopping.

However, the wrong selection of colors for the design of the selling text can easily become and the reason for the unconscious rejection of your offer.

How important is it to use the right colors when making selling texts? Very important. Incredibly important. It is the colors sometimes play a crucial role at. Scarette - the buyer will leave even from the most beautiful selling text. We will be able to create comfortable color images - the reader will forgive you even numerous flaws in the text and failures in the presentation of information.

We have recently concerned the issue of the importance of using colors in the design of selling texts. Today I would like to spend some workshop and become acquainted with the right use of colors in advertising. In our case, it will be a practice on the design of selling pages and lending.

How to use colors in selling text?

Remember that for each type of goods there are "their" colors. Your task is to determine which colors are suitable for your material. It is forced to repeat: you can create an incredible force selling text about children's diapers, but with a crash, fall only due to the fact that it allowed to use black and red shades in the design of the material.

So let's deal with each of the colors in more detail:

Red color in advertising . This is the color of energy and will, he carries a powerful sexual subtext and stands out against the background of any other colors. The red color in the selling text is practically necessary, but remember that if such a color is too much, it begins to become a source of aggression and danger. If red is too much - it is already bad.

By virtue of its test, it is often used in the sale and as in trading in goods for men (bright sexual subtext). Most often used when making the main elements of the advertising material. Perfectly combined with white.

Orange. This is a color of cheerfulness, merry, optimism. The color is positive and attractive. For registration of headlines and subtitles - indispensable. Orange color carries warmth and very much like children. Great for designing sites and texts designed to advertise children's goods, medicines, health care.

Yellow. Color of communicability, openness and good nature. Symbolizes the locality and sociability. Not so-like, like red and orange, and therefore used more often either as a background, or as a means of registration of secondary parts. It is also perfect for decorating selling texts about children's products, creativity, rest (symbol of the sun and idleness). Yellow is perfectly combined with blue and green.

Green color. Green - color of health, relaxation, freshness. Such text carries a huge charge of confidence in itself (remember the green checkboxes and the "order" buttons). It is often associated with ease and wealth. Green color somewhat visually reduces text volume. Try writing a call to action on a red background. That's right, it will only kick the reader, unconsciously causing a feeling of anxiety. And now, spend the same procedure using green. A completely different picture: such a call you already believe!

Pink color. It has long been and firmly approved as the best color to express a romantic and gentle relationship. Advertising cardan shafts or all-terrain vehicles on a pink background will look ridiculous, but selling texts with advertising of women's goods, dating sites, perfumes and cosmetics - the most! Oddly enough, but the pink color is practically not valid, but they love their children and women.

Blue. Blue - color of harmony, purity and hill. Such a color is perfectly soothing the reader, relieves the feeling of danger, convinces the buyer in the truthfulness of the said, gives the feeling of the integrity of the image. Often used to design texts about business and earnings. Used for advertising medicines, goods for children, perfumery, innovative products.

Blue colour. Blue - color clarity, concentration, rest. Attracts attention, but does not push. Does not cause a feeling of negative or aggression. Practically universal color can be used to decorate any texts. Naturally, it is necessary to ensure that the colors do not have too much.

Black color . Color mystery, saturation, complexity, elitism. As the main element of the design of the selling text is destroyed, since large quantities cause depressive associations, in addition, reading on a black background - very tiring. Perfectly combined with white, yellow and many other "light" flowers. Used when making texts, where it is necessary to emphasize the elitism, prestige and high cost of services.

White color in advertising. Associated with cleanliness, freshness, sincerity, innocence, peace. Symbolizes knowledge, openness, simplicity. Great harmonizes yellow, blue, black, red and green. As the background for the selling text is almost perfect, since it carries a completely neutral promise, offering the reader to independently make a personal choice, therefore - does not prescribe on the subconscious level. Used in selling services everywhere.

Examples of combination of colors in advertising

As you understand, the possibilities of designing selling texts are completely limitless. You can experiment infinitely, constantly achieving all new results. In order for you immediately, there was some kind of initial capital, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the combinations of colors in advertising, which have already proven themselves perfectly. Try, add, fantasize!

Red on white;

Yellow on black;

Green color on yellow.

White color on blue;

Black color on yellow;

White color on black;

Blue color on yellow;

Blue color on white.

Successes to you, friends!

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The modern market is unthinkable without advertising, thanks to which brands are becoming recognizable even on the household level. The Trade Engine contributes to an increase in sales, forming a favorable image of goods and services in the eyes of the consumer. An important role in this color design plays, so the psychology of color in advertising is one of the main factors of human preferences. To understand how the palette of shades is capable of positively influence the consumer, it is necessary first of all to allocate the main tasks solved with the help of colors in advertising.

How is the color psychology in advertising

It's no secret that the bright light encourages a person to energetic actions. The sun rays awaken us in the morning, giving energy for the entire working day. Therefore, in the psychology of advertising, the lighting plays an important role, because with its help the mood is set, and therefore the positive perception of one or another product. The game of light and shadow will help show the proposed product as attractive as possible even against the background of competitive offers.

Bright lighting of the storefronts of the store or exhibition stand helps to attract a larger number of visitors than hidden or chamber lighting. Scientific research of color psychology in advertising has shown that the darkening or twilight cause the stress of the eye nerve, which means that such a showcase will tire customers, causing the desire to leave, refusing even from the most advantageous promotional offer.

When preparing printed products or an exhibition stand, it is necessary to competently think about the advertising design, which will allow you to show your offer as attractive as possible. For this purpose, not only layout layout is used, but also the psychology of the color design, which is selected taking into account the location of the object relative to visitors and proposals of competitors.

To understand the possibilities of color psychology in visual advertising of goods and services, it is necessary first to highlight those criteria that help increase its efficiency. The color not only contributes to attracting attention and memorizing the advertising proposal, it helps competently express emphasis in the design, which advantageously emphasize the advantages of goods and services and form a favorable image in the eyes of consumers.

Scientific research: Color psychology in advertising

The first Western studies of the impact of the psychology of paints on the consumer are dated 1915, when the American Color Association (Color Association of US) was created in the United States. Professor Max Lucher, whose experiments have gained the greatest popularity in the territory of the post-Soviet space, sought to understand the mental structure of man. In this regard, he conducted a number of studies from 1941 to 1946 on the basis of the analysis of the Rorshah dough and concluded that the sensual perception of the color individually and depends on the previous experience of each person. Having revealed the color preferences of certain groups of people, it is possible to influence their assessment, forming a favorable or vice versa negative image of certain goods and services.

At the personal order of Karl Mischer, who govering the largest Chemical Concern CIBA in Basel, Lucher was able to conduct studies of the psychology of color incentives in his own laboratory, where 4500 samples of various materials (wool, paper, etc.) were conducted. The experiments launched from 1941 to 1946 showed that the color analysis is the most effective way in the psychology of diagnosing personal features.

Representing your theory of color evaluation in Lausanne at the World Congress on Psychology in 1947, Max Lucher has gained international fame at the age of 23. His work was published in the collection of the work of the Congress "Diagnostics of Character" ("La Diagnostic Du Charactère" Press Universitaire, Paris 1949), and Lucher himself became a teacher of a new discipline "Color Psychology" in Sorbonne.

Writing the dissertation "Color as a psychodiagnostic tool" (1949), Lusher acquired a scientific authority in the eyes of prominent representatives of psychiatry, philosophy and psychology. International interest in this issue by major industrialists in Germany and other countries allowed him to supplement its research by data of cross-cultural experiments and statistical analysis. Today, the name of Max Lucher has become nominative in the world theory of color psychology in advertising.

What advantages gives psychology of colors in advertising

1. Attracting attention

Even the usual announcement written from the hand is more attractive if it is made on non-ferrous paper or using pencils of different colors. The color psychology in advertising recommends adhecking the main ruler of the color circle and use only a few combined tones. A bright saturated palette will attract more attention, especially if we use the bright gamut of shades.

2. Tips

Working out the design of promotional materials, it is necessary to take into account such an important aspect of human psychology of perception as a color memory. Our brain is able to carry out parallels between the yellow tinge of the bottled soda and its lemon flavor. The psychology of man is such that by using the color memory, you can achieve activation of other types of memory, such as flavoring and even auditory. Seeing a bright orange shade of an orange in advertising, we remember his taste and juiciness. Appetizing colorful image of fruit will attract much more attention than made in black and white gamma.

3. Accents

The color helps to focus on the specific points of the advertisement. Such a selection is recommended by color psychology in advertising for visual demonstration of certain qualities and the merits of certain goods and services. Creating a favorable image from the consumer with the help of color psychology, specialists advise paying no less attention to the selection of fonts in the text of advertising. The text should not only be read well, but also harmoniously complemented with a color solution in the overall stylistry of the sentence. The most "readable" color psychology considers such combinations of tones that contrast each other for better perception. For example, black on white, blue on yellow, red on white and so on. Do not overload the image, choosing a variety of colors and shades for advertising. The most optimal gamma from 2-3 shades will be the most optimal.

4. Memory

Bright accent colors contribute to your proposal to remember the consumer in the most profitable perspective. Studies of focus groups in the field of color memory psychology show that specific shades must be applied for certain types of advertised goods or services. The most memorable are the colors of the red rainbow spectrum, cold shades are in second place.

5. Positioning

As already emphasized earlier, it is necessary to use those colors to advertise certain goods that, according to research of color psychology in advertising, most correspond to the perception of these products in the eyes of consumers. To increase sales of luxury items, the combinations of purple and gold, while for advertising cars the most winning will be shades of the cold spectrum.

6. Formation of the relationship

With the help of color, you can "play" with the perception of a person. Various shades are able to cause sadness or irritation, joy or even appetite. Depending on the end user, on which advertising is focused, designers are developing a project according to the recommendations of the theory of color psychology. The formation of a positive perception of the proposed goods or service not only contributes to memorization, but can cause the buyer a desire to acquire this product, regardless of how often his advertising appears on the air.

Color psychology in advertising: color semantics


Depending on the context, the red can cause both positive and negative emotions. If this shade is perceived as a blood color, it can contribute to the development of aggression or over-excitation. Red shade rose petal, on the contrary, is identified with affection, love, sexuality. One way or another, this color causes a tide of energy, stimulates the determination and encourages active actions. Its use is recommended in advertising psychology in advertising to promote such goods such as sports cars, women's clothing or active sports.

However, when mixing red with other shades, for example, with white, its energy is replaced. According to the theory of color psychology, all sorts of shades of pink is impossible to identify with power and passion. As a rule, such colors are used to advertise children's and adolescent goods.


Saturated yellow color is identified with the sun. Therefore, it affects the consumer, giving birth bright, juicy emotions and the desire to move forward. This is the color of awakening and change. Yellow prefer people seeking travels and adventures. Color psychology in advertising shows that this color is ideal for popularizing sportswear and travel goods, as well as for children's accessories, especially furniture for the child.

When mixing yellow with other shades, colors are born, each of which has its own characteristics and focus:

  • Greenish yellow color contrasts with the energetic yellow. It is perceived as colder and light. According to color psychology, a person who prefers such a shade uses it as a specific barrier to protect against external changes and for the internal containment of emotions and passions. Greenish-yellow color neutral when evaluating observers, he never compromises his carrier.
  • Honey-yellow is born when mixed with orange and is identified with some saturation, density and even severity. Designers try to avoid this color only if it does not apply to advertising a specific product having a honey-yellow shade.
  • Brown-yellow in color psychology is compared with the sensations of happy ballasts and fading from everyday burden. The most successful will be the use of brown-yellow in advertising upholstered furniture or recreation products.
  • According to the theory of color psychology in advertising, a compatibility of a red-yellow shade gives rise to an increase in energy and increases the level of human perception. This is the color of dynamic people who refuse to restrain the shackles of reality and are given to the power of change and spontaneous and joyful sensations. A similar "orange explosion" will be relevant in advertising of youth products, as well as food for people who prefer an active lifestyle.
  • Golden is the color of wealth and positive emotions. Polished brilliance of this shade of yellow will be most appropriate in advertising of luxury goods and accessories.

When moving from red to yellow color, the psychology of perception and sensual orientation changes. The exciting shades of red are not able to cause such energetic emotions that are born at the sight of yellow, orange and their shades. The theory of color psychology in advertising recommends considering this contrast if you need to use a combination of color data when creating a layout. It is advisable to change the percentage ratio of red and yellow depending on which emotions need to be caused from the final consumer.


Saturated blue is not in vain called "royal". According to studies of color psychology in advertising, this deep color is identified with greatness. The viewing of objects having a blue tint causes a feeling of calm even at the physiological level, normalizes the processes of respiration and the frequency of heart rhythms. Giving birth to the comparison with a deep, mounted seaside sea water, blue color is ideal for advertising of travel agencies, as well as household goods, such as bed linen.

The blurred blue causes an analogy with carefree shades of the spring sky. This color will be harmonious in food advertising that do not require long preparation and help maintain harmony, such as low-calorie yogurts or fast food.

Dark blue-green is the cold color of pride and selfish stubbornness. This tint the theory of color psychology in advertising does not recommend using as the main active accent. If it is impossible to avoid the use of dark blue-green in the design, it should be diluted with a large percentage of contrasting colors that cause opposite feelings.

The cold tone of light blue-green, as a rule, is associated with a refreshing cool, as well as with purity. Therefore, color psychology recommends using it in advertising cooled beverages, toothpaste, as well as medical supplies, as light blue-green visually looks sterile.


The heavenly shade of the blue creates a feeling of rest, the bald, the harmonious state of the soul and body, encourages a calm reflection and rethinking. However, an excessive predominance of this shade in the overall palette of the color solution for advertising can cause reverse reaction - rejection and boredom. Therefore, it is necessary to competently use the light blue-green combined with other shades. According to the theory of color psychology in advertising, it is ideal for promoting goods to create a home coat, such as bed linen, all sorts of textiles for designing a soft zone and so on.


Green is a dense and saturated color of the spring update, freshness. Choosing it people are prone to constancy, stability. The conservatism of green emphasizes confidence and hardness in the affairs and actions of a person who are not inclined to egocentricity and self-adversity. Diluted with blue, green gradually loses its attractiveness and can psychologically repel, turning into a cold spectrum of shades. Therefore, pure green is recommended to use in advertising without adding "cooling" tones. According to the theory of color psychology in advertising, this color is quite capable of cope with the role of absolute dominant, being as visualized and attracting the attention of potential spectators.

When mixed with yellow green, it becomes less static and expands the horizons of view, provoking on changes and overcoming. This hue is not recommended to be used in advertising as a basic, since it may seem overly requester. The theory of color psychology in advertising recommends dilute yellow-green tone with gray paints.

Saturated brown-green is associated with Mediterranean shades of glossy olives and dishes of Italian cuisine, acquiring the taste of sensual adhesion. Color psychology in advertising is considering brown-green as an analogue of languid pleasure, peace and new taste sensations. Such a shade will reveal as much as possible in the promotion of food, such as exotic sauces.


The contrast of the feelings of purple is born from its basics itself. This shade was created while mixing the sensual red color of the female start and volitional male blue. Purple in color psychology studies are the color of rebellion and contradictions, raging tearing feelings and extremely sexual sensations. This shade prefers homosexuals and pregnant women, as he gives rise to a clash of various feelings and natural principles, a contradiction of impulsiveness and caution. Since purple can cause different and absolutely opposite feelings in the audience, it is not recommended to do the dominant in advertising. It is best to use this color in combination with contrasting yellow.


Brown color is born from mixing the prevailing shades of the warm spectrum with a small admixture of cold tones. Despite the restraint of red in brown, this color still remains a shade of sensory feelings and knowledge of the nature of his body and their emotions. However, the muffleness of the warm tones acquires the primitive level of primitive instincts in the brown and can trigger the denial of its body or its sensations. In the color of color, brown is associated with fading and stiffness, becoming a favorite tinge for the people of the elderly age. He swells the desire to get out of tearing contradictions, drowning the desire to change the feeling of hopelessness and reconciliation with the created life circumstances. Thus, brown becomes color identified with common sense and experience. The specificity of the psychology of this shade is often ignored by designers when creating a layout of advertising.


White universality is freedom, escape from the circumstances and the prerequisite waiting for future changes. Since when mixed with any tones, he gives rise to new shades that have their sensual associations, the theory of color psychology in advertising proclaims a white potential touch of an absolute start. Quite often, white becomes the main color in the advertising of cars as a symbol of the abandonment of the previous ones and anticipation of new emotional and physical experiences.

The black

Black is a counterweight of freedom and novelty of white. This is the end, meaning the completion of the colorfulness and variety of sensations. As a rule, in color psychology, black is associated with the cessation of everything, death, the border, followed by only a colorless emptiness. Such a shade choose people who have the need for an aggressive protest against circumstances imposed by the image of piousness and a standardized arrangement of the rules of approved behavior. Black color is extremely unopullen to create advertising, its use is possible only in combination with contrasting bright colors that create a balance and mood.

As the studies of color psychology, spent during interviews, when taking a job, rejected candidates chose black in most cases, while before the test starts, this color preferred only 5% of the subjects. This suggests that at the subconscious level, the choice of this shade speaks about protest against the decision taken and the feeling of some end of hope and aspirations.

Diluted with "free" white "protore" black color gives rise to absolutely neutral gray, which does not express feelings, emotions. This is a universal background, which can be painted any sensations and experiences. Choosing gray people, as showing studies of color psychology, seek to use it as a screen for protection against unnecessary attention and obsession. Gray can be a sign of stress or emotional overwork. People rejecting gray can become an excellent support for the spirit of the Spirit, because they make maximum effort to achieve the goal.

If the neutrality of gray is supplemented with white, the resulting light gray color can symbolize the return of sensual experiences similar to the emotional painted red. This is the color of energy rebirth, excitation, return "from ash". People who prefer the psychology of the light gray shade are open to new sensations, acquaintances and experiences.

The reverse transition from light gray to a more muted dark shade speaks of reducing the excitement, containing the impulses and desires. This is the color of refusal of passions, the color of the harmonious balance of feelings and emotional resistance. According to the theory of color psychology in advertising, choosing such a shade man strives for the achievement of equilibrium between the state of the internal peace and contradictions of the outside world.

All sorts of shades of gray can be an excellent background for any advertising. Assign the mood will help different accent tones that will contrast with its neutrality.

As the studies of color psychology in advertising are shown, a rather small number of people prefers white and black colors at the same time. Often, such a choice is due to the state of internal mental instability and even the strongest stress in the crisis period of exacerbation. Often, such a contrast combination is closely the psychology of children during puberty, since the unstable hormonal and emotional background provokes sharpness of judgment, maximalism in estimates and actions with the simultaneous internal desire of loneliness, closedness from the outside world and protection. As the adolescent crisis is overcome, the preferred monochromicity of black and white is replaced by a colorful vision of the surrounding world and other people.

Psychology of color and form in advertising

In addition to color, an important role in creating effective advertising also plays the form. Studies of human psychology show that the comparison of the surrounding items with simple geometric shapes is an important step in the development of the human brain. That is why people tend to show greater interest in standardized objects having easily recognizable outlines. The overload and complexity of the forms can tiring the brain, making background objects weakly distinguishable. Conversely, the psychology of simple forms allows to focus on objects located on the layout.

In psychology, simple geometric forms attract much more attention to the viewer, rather than complex multilevel objects. Square, rectangle or circle can be easily found in the natural origin of models, so they are much easier to be perceived and processed by human perception.

When creating an advertisement layout, it is important to determine the form that will help make the right accent. In psychology it is believed that the figures having a chopped angular form attract attention to objects located precisely in the corners. While smooth rounded shapes transfer the audience's interest in the composition of the composition.

That is why, in psychology, it is round-in compositions that do not have pronounced angles and broken lines play in the creation of a necessary relaxing attitude. If it is necessary to select any object, the best point of technical attention will be the protruding corner of the polygon, regardless of how it is located in space or on the plane. In a competent combination with the color composition, this form can be a visual focus of viewers.

The geometry of the lines can also have a positive impact on the audience perception when viewing advertising. Straight lines having a vertical or horizontal orientation cause a feeling of rest and stability, while smooth curved lines resemble natural forms with their grace and asymmetry. However, it is necessary to take into account that the frequency of lines can influence the psychology of advertising perception: tightly arranged contrast lines will "rich" in the eyes, provoking fatigue and irritation. Wide lines with smooth color transitions give peace and tranquility. Lines having angular bends contribute to the release of energy, create a rebellious mood of change and search for new horizons. Symmetric forms can give a feeling of rhythm and tranquility and perceived much more clearly the rest, but the excessive predominance of such uniform bends in advertising can cause overwork and rejection.

Color psychology in advertising: Examples of successful use

Color psychology in advertising will lead to him the most responsible role. It is the color design of brands that our brain often associates with a direct slogan or title. The right choice of shades and their combinations can play a decisive role in the psychology of the company's assessment by the consumer, as well as on the issue of its prevalence in the market. Create the necessary recognition of color means to popularize the brand in general and ensure a stable position in Nishev's ranking of competitors companies.

Red and "Coca-Cola"

Orange and Fanta

Yellow and "Lipton"

Green and "Ahmad"

Blue and "Aqua Minerale"

Blue and "Pepsi"

Purple and Milka

Black and "Carte Noire"

How to make the psychology of light, colors and forms in advertising worked for you

Of course, this information can be applied in your advertising to increase its efficiency and awareness of your company's brand and its products on the market. However, the theory of color psychology in advertising does not recommend to get involved in an excessive "game" of colors, making its offer with all possible color varieties. This may reverse effect: instead of attracting attention, such a proposal will "rich" in the eyes, tiring the potential viewer and will force to stop viewing quickly. So, the riot of paints can push away your future customers and even contribute to an increase in sales of competitors, if the clarity of their advertising offer is more attractive.

The unprofessional is often in practice it becomes clear how difficult with the help of the psychology of the color to allocate the features and advantages of their products to present it as profitable as possible. This is not news, and many people are really puzzled by the fact that they cannot properly connect the advantages of flowers, shapes, lights and many other factors into a single memorable image. The task of competent color decoration is better to entrust qualified professionals who will help create recognizable advertising.

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When red, when green, and when and blue.

Remember when you picked up the colors for your - what are you guided? If the old grandfather rule is needed a color that attracts attention is just half an end.

In this article, we will tell you about the general practice of the values \u200b\u200bof different colors that are used in advertising.

Red color in advertising

Because his brightness and saturation attracts attention and immediately striking. Just do not need to "sculpt" everywhere, first, we first understand the properties of the impact of this color and think about how appropriate in your promotional messages.

This is the color of love and passion. Very bold and daring - if you use it, you need to be confident.

Remember how from everyday life do you associate a red color?

  1. Pomade
  2. Prohibiting signs
  3. Blood
  4. Color of title advertising

And think if your product can be the specificity of the company's activity to cause the necessary associations with red. For example, I was amazed when I saw advertising a dental clinic in red tones ... Association with blood ... Not the most pleasant association for such a sphere of activity.

Blue color in advertising

I confess - this is my favorite color. I do not even know why, I like it - and that's it.

It is strict color with a very important philosophy that is associated with the following business qualities:

  • decency
  • responsibility
  • reliability
  • influential
  • severity

This is a calm color that does not "delete", he simply says - before you decency and responsibility, we do not need to scream about it, it is felt at a distance.

What do you think, why in business suits dark blue prevails? You already know the answer.

It is said that blue is a favorite color in the USA. Although I am not an American, but I share such love.

Green in advertising

Green color causes two associations - life and money.

Remember how I talked about the dental clinic and red? So, in this case, the green color would look more appropriate in such advertising. Red - pain, green - life.

Given the widespread love of ecology - the value of green in advertising in recent years has significantly risen.

If you sell success and wealth - take a look at this color. Not in vain "dollars" is called "green" or "greens".

Yellow in advertising

The main hero of yellow color is the sun. Associations - Heat, joy and happiness.

However, it refers to the colors that shove their eyes. Examples:

  • ads on the columns
  • stickers on sites and printed advertising type "Hit Sales"
  • price tags for the product

It is often found on various packages. Yellow is not so aggressive and provoking, like red, nevertheless attracts the eye he is not worse than her more passionate fellow.

Agree that the yellow background is not so annoying the eyes like red.

Yellow has a very close friend - golden shade. He has another meaning - this is wealth, high cost, as well as sophistication.

Get the "Gold Card" is considered prestigious - thanks to the gold for the Association.

Orange color in advertising

It is also a shade that is designed to attract attention.

This is the color of the benefits, fertility, prosperity and yield.

Also this is the color of fun and joy, not in vain from the Teiff group there is even such a song "Orange mood."

Orange is often used as a color of new products.

The ideal option for the field of entertainment, for strict business and the product is not suitable, for, with all its brightness, it does not form the impression of high costs, maturity and seriousness.

Pink color in advertising

The color of tenderness and innocence, as well as riddles.

His target audience is young people, predominantly girls.

Let him relate to calm colors, but he always has a feeling of intimacy. One of the popular colors of women's clothing, including underwear.

Pink color also love children, so many packaging and wrappers of sweets often contain pink color. Do you remember children's chewing gum? There, too, we often notice pink colors.

Black and white classic

But do not need to associate them with good and evil. If white is a color of purity and start, then black is a color for the top segment, which speaks about the status, high cost, and even a certain official.

Remember, Premium and Suite Cars - What are their most popular colors? True - black and white.

I hope this information was useful for you. Pick the desired colors.

Color is one of the most powerful tools in the designer toolkit. With it, you can attract attention, create a certain mood, affect emotions, perception and behavior.

Do you know that among the reasons that prompted buyers acquire a certain product, 90% account for color? Or what to color advertising in magazines pay attention to 26% more often than black and white?

The conclusion is obvious: the use of the right color will help achieve success. But immediately there is a natural question: how to choose the right color? To answer it will have to analyze several important aspects:

  • color Associations
  • differences in the perception of color in men and women
  • problems associated with violation of color perception.

The color not only helps to get more objective information about the product, it is also able to provide a powerful psychological impact. Some and the same colors can act differently - in particular, it depends on the nationality and place of human residence. Let us dwell on the color associations in people of the Western world.

Red in psychology: danger, importance, passion

Red is the color of fire and blood. One of the most powerful colors on the strength of the impact, which is associated simultaneously with love and war. The famous expression to See Red (in the literal translation from English. "Watch on Red") means to come into rage, leaving yourself.

This color has a strong emotional effect. From it can rise pressure or increase the respiratory frequency.

Red color - energetic and impulsive. It is associated with speed and strength. That is why Netflix and YouTube use it as a dominant color.

It is well known about the ability of red color to draw attention. In design it is often used as a powerful colors accent. Like the red carpet tracks at the awards ceremony, you can use a red color to highlight particularly important parts on the site page.

Orange color in psychology: confidence, energy, optimism

Orange is very energetic color - like the red, it excites, but to a lesser extent. It has an energy aura, but without aggressiveness inherent in red. Can create a joyful atmosphere.

On the main page of the Hipmunk site, the search engine of flights - an orange search button immediately attracts attention.

Like the red color, orange is capable of attracting attention, so it can be used for an accent of important details, such as the call button (CTA). Some consider it too simple, but many applications and sites often use this "cheap" in a good way of reception.

Yellow in psychology: sun, happiness, attention

Oddly enough, yellow color is associated simultaneously and with joy, and alarmer. It is often used to focus attention. An example is warning signs. Yellow can be associated with danger, but to a lesser extent than red.

Yellow immediately draws attention to a contrasting combination with black. Breitling clock brands used this property when developing its official site.

A combination of yellow with black works especially efficiently. Bright example - New York taxi.

Green in psychology: nature, development, success

Green color is naturally associated with nature. It is associated with vitality and growth, since most plants on the ground of green.

Green call button to action.

In design, this color is often used to create a balance and harmony. However, to achieve balanced, designers should take into account the saturation of the color.

Saturated green shades attract attention due to the energetic excitement. That is why they are often used for the call button to action.

Blue color in psychology: Comfort, relaxation, trust

Blue is the color of the sea and the sky. One of the most significant and frequently used colors when developing a user interface. At the same time, the visual perception of design developments will largely depend on the proper choice of the shade:

  • Light blue shade is associated with cool, freedom and tranquility. Calm can grow into confidence, which is why this shade is often used in banks.
  • Dark blue shades are perfectly suitable for projects where stability and reliability are very important.

Blue color is often associated with stability.

Purple color in psychology: luxury, spirituality, creativity

Natural violet color is rarely found in nature, so a special role in design is given for him.

Historically connected with royal power, purple color and today is associated with luxury. It subtly hints at the high quality of the product or website (even if it is not so).

Purple color Most young people consider the color of happiness.

Interestingly, 75% of children prefer purple color to all other shades.

Black color in psychology: power, grace, refinement

Black is the strongest of all colors. He immediately attracts attention, that is why it is most often used for texts and accents.

The black button "Get Started" One of the first striking when you enter the site of the Squarespace.

When used as a dominant color - for example, to create a background - black can cause original associations. With it, it is easier to achieve the feeling of sophistication and mysteriousness in design.

White color in psychology: health, cleanliness, chastity

White color is often associated with impossible, cleanliness and virtue. Using white-colored associations with health or innovation, it is possible to emphasize the safety of the progressable product from the field of medicine or high technologies.

White areas create space around design elements, helping to emphasize them or separate from each other.

In design, white excellent shadows the color-adjacent colors, which makes it popular as a secondary color. Proper use of the White Field is a powerful designer tool. Recall, for example, Google Search page. White color gives more expressiveness to other shades.

Gray: Official, Neutrality, Professionalism

Gray is a symbol of neutrality. It is easily combined with other colors. As the main background, the gray color creates the feeling of the official, which is not always bad. Like white, the gray background is well selected by other colors.

Gray is usually combined with brighter flower accents. On the Dropbox site, gray is used to highlight the call buttons to action.

Paul and color

So far, there are no certain norms, what colors are purely female, and what are men. There are only research results conducted over the past eight decades that make some generalizations. And although the data is ambiguous, one conclusion is indisputable: men and women are different color addictions.

The most favorite colors
The least favorite colors
  • Blue is the most popular color both among men and among women. At the same time, men are much more often than women, use variations on the theme of blue.
  • The most unpopular colors in men and women are brown, orange and yellow. Gray - the least favorite color for women, and purple - for men.
  • As for shades and tones, men usually prefer bold colors, while women often choose softer shades.
  • Most people believe that pink is a color adorable by all women, but it is not. The number of his fans is a small percentage. Thus, although in psychology, the pink color is associated with femininity, it is not at all attractive for all women.

Color Marketing and Business

Color role when creating corporate identity

When developing the brand philosophy, the color occupies a central place among other factors. Each color that we see is directly or indirectly something implies, and it helps to influence the perception of a trademark. Some colors go beyond the framework of individual brands, symbolizing whole industries, for example, blue for tourist business, green for healthy diet, red for fast food.

There are no clear rules for choosing a colors in the development of corporate identity. Some use color shades familiar to their industry, while others, on the contrary, prefer to go against traditions, believing that it helps more effectively attract attention. For example, Virgin America decided to change the traditional concept when developing his site and application. And although, perhaps, it is not exactly what users are expected from the airline site, he, however, attracts attention.

In the Virgin America application for iOS, there is not even a hint of blue shades.

Thus, an unexpected color choice can be an effective technique that will help attract the attention of users to your company.

Color and optimization of conversion level

How can you use knowledge in the field of color and psychology theory to encourage people to press the button? The choice of color for the call button to action (CTA) is one of the oldest aspects of the dispute regarding conversion and optimization. For each claiming that the best for the button is red, since it attracts the most attention, there is an opponent, confident that the best choice is green, because it is associated with safety and encourages action.

The Hubspot service presented the results of the marketing research (A / B test), which show how the choice of color for the call button to action affects the number of registered users.

A / B Testing is the most efficient and frequently used marketing research method.

Although initially it was assumed that the green button would work more efficiently, the test results showed that the red button is 21% more clicks. At the same time, Hubspot warned its users that the test results are somewhat subjective to some extent - perhaps the audience chose red, because it was the only rich color on the site page.

By itself, the color of the button does not affect its absolute efficiency - what works well on one site may be ineffective on the other. The statement that one color converts is better than the other - erroneous, because there is no universal best color. However, at the same time, there are still some rules based on practical experience that help effectively use color in their own interests. One of them is the use of a psychological principle known as the "isolation effect". According to this principle, people have better remember the object that stands out against the background of the other "like Belmo to the eye".

For example, if in the design of your site or the application a lot of green, users will most likely not pay attention to the green button, despite the fact that the test data A / B confirmed its effectiveness in another company.

Evernote web service. Their calling button to the action "IT's FREE" is simply buried, because the color merges with the background. It is lost on the page, and users do not notice her.

Sometimes it is necessary to change the visual hierarchy of the color range on the page to highlight the call button to action. Contrast plays a very important role - if the color of the button does not attract the attention of the potential client, it means that there will be no registration / sales.

The call button (CTA) is really attracting the attention of users when contrasting the color with the other page elements.

Color and usability

Design implies not only beautiful design, but also functionality and usability are perhaps the two most important principles for working any UX designer.

Color is a tool that helps guide the desired objects. The correct choice of color when developing the interface not only attracts users, but also improves the efficiency of the user interface.

Limiting the number of colors

Applying different colors in design, you should strive for balance. The more colors you use, the harder to achieve balancedness. Using too much colors is a common developer error. Perhaps they try to have a maximum impact on users and convey to them as much information as possible, but it can strongly confuse people coming to the site.

Whatever color shades you use, too much colors creates an unsuccessful visual effect.

Interior designers adhere to simple rule 60-30-10, which works well and when developing sites. This technique will help to choose a balanced color gamut: 60% should be on the dominant color, 30% on the secondary color and 10% on the color accent. This ratio guarantees a color equilibrium and a comfortable way to look from one object to another.

Formula 60% + 30% + 10% is the key to balanced colors used.

Availability of color perception

People perceive the colors in different ways. Approximately 8% of all men and 0.5% of all women suffer from daltonism to one degree or another. From the violation of color perception, the combination of red with green is most suffering. The only way to avoid problems is to try not to use this color combination.

Many Dongtonians are difficult to distinguish red from green.

Take for example a common situation. Have you ever received a message about misinterpretation of the form - something like "Fields marked with red, mandatory for filling"? Although for users with normal vision, there is no big problem, people suffering from daltonism, such a message can upset.

Site developers for filling operations are used only two colors: red and green. But dalconics do not distinguish the fields allocated by these flowers.

As stated in the recommendations of the W3C organization, the colors should not be used as the only visual instrument for the following purposes: information transmission, motivating to action and response, highlighting the visual element. Following these recommendations, site developers should pay attention to some points: the error response must be more informative, for example, such: "Email address that you entered is not available"; Or, perhaps, you should add an icon next to the filling field to attract the user's attention.

Additional visual tips and built-in error checks help to highlight an incorrectly filled field.

There are several ways to help test your user interface accessibility?

  • WebAim service will help with a check of color combinations.
  • Using Adobe Photoshop Graphic Editor will help correct images using Color Universal Design. This will ensure the availability of graphic information for people with violation of color perception, including color blindness.


We reviewed several color-related factors that can affect the user interface of your site or application. But we never managed to answer the question: "How to find the right color?". But you may have already guessed that the "best" color does not exist for conversion. One color is not capable of much. The most important thing: what color you choose and how they combine them among themselves.

If your goal is to increase the level of conversion, then you can not do without a serious analysis of information: What do you really need users, what formulation or style of speech is most accessible to them, what method of buying goods they prefer. Properly designed site is a website that suits users.

You have never thought about what each color means and causes certain reactions in people. You can even notice this, but when you see yellow, red, blue, or any other color, the various zones are activated in the brain, which make you react to the fact that you see.

Very often, the "right" colors are used in advertising to achieve the effect. If you want to pay attention to the potential buyer, then use a bright red color if you want to relax, then blue or green. There is even a whole science - the psychology of color, which determines the influence of certain colors and their shades on the perception of a person of reality.

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In this article we will tell about how to apply colors in advertising, and how to make it, advertising, as efficient as possible using the game of words, sounds and all kinds of color schemes.

Correct color in advertising can increase your sales at times.

Red color in advertising Adjusts the buyer for decisive actions. We are sure you noticed that red colors are used during the discounts season and sales, as well as to bring some urgent and very important information to the buyer. As psychologists noted, the red color causes a strong desire to make some action. This color is better than everyone else attracts attention, fixes it on the desired subject.

The psychology of the color argues that the semantics of the red seems to say: "Do not pass by, pay attention. Act in order to act: thoughtlessly, quickly, decisively, boldly. "

The red also has some sexy fluids, and is often used in advertising with erotic character. It is also worth using a red color in that advertising, the target audience of which are men. For them, he was always a sign. Apparently, the male brain is particularly clearly perceived and concentrated on this spectrum of colors.

But it is not necessary to overestimate the possibilities of red: it will be effective if used in moderation. Highlight a small inscription, or part of the ad, and this will be enough to attract attention. At the same time, if the red will be much, it can cause some disgust, irritation, or even aggression.

Orange color in advertising Helps the buyer to get a tide of vitality, sets up optimism and joy. Our ancestors believed that orange color gives health, and develops creative abilities. Experts note that this color is best used in advertising medicines, goods for children, as well as various services related to the health sector.

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Color psychology notes that orange gives cheerfulness and activity, but at the same time leaves a person in a calm state. In this, his characteristic distinctive feature from red, which also gives strength, but at the same time excites and excites.

Yellow in advertisingconfigures communication and sociability. Psychologists note that the yellow is very sociable and open, therefore, it is best to use it in advertising a similar type of goods. He also betray the calm and equilibious emotions, calm the excitement, causes a person to feel calm and comfortable. Yellow color is associated with warm and joy, passing the same emotions to those who look at him. Amazing Fact: This color is able to "endow" many objects by intelligence. Therefore, advertising of modern gadgets is performed in yellow colors, or all sorts of shades.

This color is perfectly combined with red, creating an interesting merger that attracts a person to him for a long time. A good example is the Shell logo, and all their advertising products are made in these colors.

But do not forget that yellow is also used in a completely different interpretation. This is the color of risky and dangerous situations. It is on gas services and rescuers, on the signs of radiation and all sorts of warnings about the threats. Tractors, bulldozers, heavy working technician is also marked with yellow colors. If your advertisement is associated with something like that, then we boldly take exactly the exact color.

Green in advertising Relaxes and softens, relieves sharpness and soothes a person. Green is associated with nature. It is very good in advertising of various natural food, medicine, skin care products. Often green is used in advertising hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, health centers, etc.

What else do we have green except nature? That's right, dollars. Therefore, this color can be used in advertising various financial institutions, affiliate programs, sales and earnings methods. In addition to the fact that he is not intrusive and relaxing, green also provokes a desire to try something new, to experience what she had not previously knew. No wonder dark green colors use bank companies - Privat Bank (Ukraine), Sberbank (Russia), Rosselkhozbank (Russia), etc.

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Great combined with blue and white. It was the palette of these flowers that is used in advertising all sorts of natural origin products.

Pink color in advertisingassociate with romance and relationships. It is the advertisement of products of this direction that should be accompanied by pink flowers and its shades. Color psychology notes that pink enhances feelings, making us more gentle and affectionate. The advertising spectrum, where you can use this color, very wide: from beauty salons, perfume advertising and cosmetics, to marriage agencies and family centers.

Blue color in advertising Also configures on feelings. Of course, it acts not as pink, and sent more on Platonic, spiritual relationships. This color is associated with heaven and water, with cleanliness, calm, smooth movement and development. Very good and neat color, the correct use of which can bring a lot of benefit.

Also, blue color is associated with spiritual development. Therefore, it will be appropriate to use it in advertising various centers of spiritual development, yoga courses, some esoteric lectures and meetings.

Blue colour - The most optimal option in advertising. First, he is not irritable. This is the color of water, and you can watch for hours. The most visited sites on the Internet (the same social networks) are based on blue color. It attracts attention as red, but unlike the second will never cause irritation and anger. Very loyal color. Even hard to outset the specific areas where you can use blue colors. They are ideal for advertising goods that must be associated with reliability and authority. Many companies use blue in their logos and corporate colors. Best blue color and its shades to use airlocks engaged in airports, airports, air conditioners and fan manufacturers, breathing fresheners, mineral water, seaports and travel firms.

Blue is perfectly combined with white, and this is perhaps the win-win. If you want to combine blue and some other color in your advertising, then you need to be very neat, so as not to create a repulsive effect. A good version of the union of blue and red is the US flag. But this, as it seems to us, the exclusion from the rules rather than regularity. Blue is good in itself, and his skillful use will bring a lot of benefits.

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Purple color in advertising It is not used often, but it needs to pay due attention. Color psychology tells us that purple carries inner harmony and focus. He helps to go deep into himself, abstracting from all unnecessary and disturbing for you at the moment. Another important detail is purple stimulates those sections of the brain that is responsible for creative potential and development. And absolutely not accidentally creative people choose the purple color as the basis. Experienced marketers advise using this color in advertising of goods, where you need to emphasize novelty and creativity, or in cases where advertising is aimed at creative people. There are several violet elements, and your promise will be perceived in the right key.

Black color in advertising It is necessary to meet not very often, and this is quite a logical explanation. All people with a normal psyche, black associated with something dark, sullen, sad. He makes dive with himself, testing not quite joyful feelings. So try not to do your advertisement dark, do not overshadow it with black flowers. Of course, there are world-famous brands that use this color in their logos and commercials, but it is most likely an exception to the rules. Yes, and if the brand is known for the whole world, he can afford non-standard solutions.

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White color is the opposite of black. He carries openness, light, purity. But do not forget that this is completely neutral. Though he will never cause irritation or negative emotions, but also the necessary promise with the help of white will be very difficult to convey. As a rule, on a white background, pictures are depicted, drawings that are aimed at the usual familiarization, without further active actions. Using white color in advertising, you will not be able to focus on something specific, put the priorities correctly. Although in combination with red, white gives an excellent effect and an incredible result. Many inscriptions about discounts, promotions and sales are made precisely on a white background with red letters, or vice versa.

Here, perhaps, all that we wanted to tell. Now you know more about color psychology, and you can correctly use the necessary shades in your advertising. Always experiment, combine colors, look for optimal solutions, and follow the reactions of people. Good luck!

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