How to look for a job: tips for finding a job correctly. Advice from experts - how to find a job faster How to look for a job

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The issue of employment is one of the most painful for a huge part of the population of the entire post-Soviet space. Everyone, from a university graduate to a specialist with many years of experience, faces a situation where they need to quickly find a job that is both interesting and decently paid.

The job search process is very painstaking and very difficult, because you will need to monitor hundreds of advertisements for available vacancies, communicate with the most different people, and also try to please the future employer. It's very difficult, but if you look for a job correctly, your chances of success increase significantly. So where to start?

According to many recruitment agency specialists, one of the most common mistakes is the absence of any clear goal. Let’s say a person starts looking for work through all possible channels (friends, agencies, advertisements in the press, the Internet) and in several different industries at once. It is not uncommon for the same person to be interested in a huge number of vacancies, from a PR department employee to a loader.

Of course, if the work is needed urgently, then this explains everything. But in this case, you can’t expect good results - a person writes a universal resume and sends it out through all channels, hoping for results. The chance that this tactic will bring success is slim, so it is better to immediately clearly define for yourself in which area you want to find a new job. Moreover, if you want to find an interesting job, you must determine for yourself what you want to do.

There are several options here. You can study advertisements for vacant positions (on specialized websites, forums, in the press, etc.), or you can offer your services yourself.

In principle, you can combine these two methods. This way, the chances of finding a normal job will increase significantly, because you will have plenty to choose from. After calling the ads, make a list of potentially interesting options, noting all the pros, cons and features.

If you have been scheduled for an interview, it means you have attracted the employer's interest. It’s too early to rejoice, because this only means that they want to know more about you. You need to prepare for the first meeting with an employer not only from a professional point of view (think in advance what professional skills you have that will be of interest to a person who is looking for a new employee), but also from a psychological one.

Prepare in advance for a few tricky questions that you are likely to be asked. For example, the question about the reason for leaving a previous job has the status quo in the first conversation. Here it is better not to mention specific reasons, and answer with general phrases like “I wanted to try myself in a new field,” or something like that. Whatever it is, during the interview, behave calmly, do not be nervous, and think about what you are saying. Here every word plays its role.

It often happens that there are several good options, and deciding on a specific one is not so easy. The difficulty of choosing is that finding a job you like is not so easy, and even when the last step remains, it is the most difficult to take.

In order not to suffer when choosing, do the most basic analysis. On a piece of paper, write down the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of each of the proposals, and think about what is a higher priority for you at this stage of life. Yes, you may have to give up something that now seems very tempting to you, but in the future it will not be so important.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Finding a job is an ongoing process. Even if you are employed. Because a person is always looking for “where is better.” More attractive options and offers are considered involuntarily. And in the absence of work, all means are used to find one’s “place in the sun.”

How and where can you find a job today?

Not everyone knows that to find a job there are not only the right “tools”, but also seasons, in connection with the change of which a lot changes in the labor market:

  • From January to May – a period of high activity in the job market with numerous layoffs and many vacant jobs. Winter “hibernation” promotes a leisurely and adequate assessment of candidates, salaries, etc.
  • From May to mid-July - it's time to make decisions. Dynamic but short period. As in the case of last-minute tours, many “hot” vacancies appear during this period. And even a poorly qualified candidate can be lucky with a job if he is promising. Adaptation to a new team at this time is almost painless - you have time until the fall to integrate into the work, understand the intricacies and find a common language with everyone.
  • From July to mid-September – not the best time to look for a job. Although competition among candidates is lower, management’s attitude towards them is more loyal.
  • From mid-September The most active period in the labor market begins. There are a lot of opportunities, but the screening limits are more stringent.

Where to start looking for a job?

  • First, decide on the type of future work and the relationship between the desired vacancy and qualifications. That is, ask yourself questions: “What can I even do?” and “What would I really like?”
  • If you want to radically change your profession, it might make sense think about advanced training, additional courses or second education.
  • Carry out an analysis - what is the average salary.
  • Decide on your salary requirements, distance of work from home. And also - what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of good work.
  • Go to a professional/consultation, where, as a result of serious testing, you can get information about which professions it makes sense to choose your permanent one.
  • Having decided, use all the "tools" to find a job.
  • Don't jump at the first offer– explore all the options and highlight the ones that really interest you. But don’t forget that delaying your response to a vacancy means giving away your potential job to another candidate.

Where to look for work: revealing the secrets of where people look for work

First of all, you should remember where you shouldn't look for a job. We exclude it right away.

Good afternoon, dear friend!

We have said more than once that sending a resume through HR departments can turn into such a hassle that it’s time to stock up on liters of validol.How to quickly find a job? Actimmediatelyand directly. Without intermediaries.

If everything goes well, you can arrange an interview with a decision maker(decision maker) in one call.

If it's bad, it will take some time. But compared to the traditional method of sending a resume to HR departments or through a work website, it is still many times faster.

When searching directly, the following options are possible:

  1. You have found out the direct number of the decision maker and call him.
  2. You don’t have a decision maker’s phone number and you call the secretary, assistant or call center.

Today we will analyze the second option in detail and consider several legend scenarios.

The sequence of your actions might be something like this:

  • You find a posted vacancy on a job site that interests you. Submit your resume and cover letter.
  • Click on the company name and go to the company website.
  • There you see a phone number.

Call? Wait... first, take a sheet of paper or open a file on your computer. We write it down on a tablet. Here we will write the results of our calls and company numbers. Otherwise, you will simply get confused, because most likely the matter will not be limited to one call.

Before you start a calling campaign, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself mentally.

1. Firstly, have a positive attitude towards the person you are talking to . If you think that the secretary or call center employee is an overdressed dropout, your attitude will have to change. Your attitude, God knows in what ways, is transmitted to your interlocutor. Even on the phone.

2 . Second - readiness for unexpected and sometimes unpleasant turns . No one can predict what direction your conversation may take, so you need to be prepared for anything.

In essence, you are using the same methods as sales managers, who are as boring as a bitter radish. They will “send” you often. And that's okay. Yes, yes, it is important to understand that the direct calling method brings success according to the principle “the more fishing rods, the more fish.”

3. Calmness and confidence . First of all, confidence in the correctness of your actions. A calm and confident tone works flawlessly.


So, dial the company number.Your task is to find out the name of the manager of the vacancy and get someone to connect with him. Or they gave me a contact phone number.

The result of your communication largely depends on the characteristics of the interlocutor and his instructions. Sometimes they will immediately connect you with the manager you are interested in, sometimes they will immediately firmly refuse.

However, most often the result depends on your communication style and the legends you use.Be energetic and persistent. Many people simply give in to such things.


No, not the Karakalpak legends of Ukum Bukiev :) Legends in our case, - short stories, which will help you overcome the “secretary barrier” and reach the leader you need.

1. “I forgot my name”

“The manager from your company called me, a man... It seems the head of the department... the marketing department, he introduced himself, but I forgot - I think Ivan, I didn’t remember exactly... please remind me of his first name and middle name.”

“And if you don’t mind, how to contact him, we haven’t agreed...”

2. “I want to write a letter”

You ask for the geographic address of the company, then the zip code, then the middle name of the person you need and to whom you supposedly want to write. Then specify your last name.

3. "Magazine employee." Pretend to be a journalist. You are writing an article on a specialized topic and want to get an expert opinion. The opinion of the leader you need.

4. “Continuing contacts”. Say that you have already collaborated with this person, but subsequently lost contact. You would like to resume the dialogue and ask for the manager’s contact information or to connect with him.

5. “Interruption of communication”. Say that you communicated with the person on the phone, but as luck would have it, the connection was interrupted in the middle of the conversation. You didn’t have time to say the main thing and even write down his phone number.

“On a crooked goat”

This general name combines several more ways to get to the head of the vacancy. They are even simpler, because legends may not be required at all.

a) Through company departments

They usually connect you with the personnel or selection department without any questions. Ask the secretary to connect with the HR department. For example, for some vacancy. They connect you, then say that you just made a mistake or that you were connected by mistake. You need such and such a person.

Department employees, unlike secretaries, are not used to “fighting back” and will easily share contacts.

b) Through another employee of the company

Find the contact of any employee of this company. Call and ask: “Is this the marketing department?” They tell you “No”. You apologize and ask for the number of the marketing department. Along the way, you will find out the name of the manager you need (if you don’t know) and his phone number.

c) Calling after hours . For example at 8.00 or 21.00. Some managers are already in place or still in place, while Mitka was “spinning” the secretary.

Use your brains andyou can easily come up with your own legends and ways to find out the name of the person you need and get to the “body”.

The next stage is communication with the decision maker himself (the head of the vacancy). We discussed how to communicate with him in this article . Let's return to this issue later. Follow the news.

In conclusion:

The ability to call anywhere and confidently communicate with anyone cannot be overestimated. The people I consulted who used the direct calling method said that they completely got rid of various complexes associated with telephone communication. And not only by telephone.

Uncertainty and tightness are a thing of the past. A skill has appeared. The skill of opening those doors that most people timidly knock on, or even avoid altogether. And they continue to “chew cacti.”

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Are you getting fired? Got laid off? Have you decided to change your profession or place of work? Now you will learn how to find a new job without risking your own well-being.

Part-time work

Situations can be different, for example, you want to increase your income and are looking for additional source earnings. Let's figure out how to find a new job while still in your old place.

There are professions and positions in which part-time work is prohibited by law. You were probably warned about this at the hiring stage, so think a hundred times before looking for outside work. Please note that part-time work is not a one-time job, but regular work in your free time from the main rate. It is regulated by labor laws.

A situation is possible when the ban on part-time work is the whim of the employer. Usually this point is fixed in the employment contract, but has no legal force. Most often, the employer knows about the illegality of this restriction and turns a blind eye to part-time workers, because in the event of a summons to court, the truth will not be on his side.

The only thing that threatens you if you are exposed is a damaged relationship with your superiors. Weigh the pros and cons. Think about how much you value this place and whether it is worth holding on to if the employer violates your rights.

Internal and external part-time work

So where to find a new job? There are two options for you: open, when the employer is aware of your plans, and secret, when you decide to hide the fact that you have a second job from your bosses.

In the first case, an excellent part-time option could be working in your own company - this is called internal part-time work. Voice your desire to management, perhaps they will accommodate you.

If you decide not to advertise your search for a second job, none of your employees should know about your intentions; the likelihood that the information will reach your superiors is almost one hundred percent.

Change of profession

At any age, with any position and income level, a person can decide to change his profession. According to statistics, about 40% of Russians are ready for such drastic changes.

The first thing you must be sure of is that this is not a momentary impulse caused by fatigue or disagreements with your superiors, but a balanced and deliberate decision. Abrupt change of profession - difficult process, and if you have a lot of experience in a certain field, then it’s doubly difficult.

The main mistake of most job seekers is that they don’t know what they really want. Forums are littered with posts where people who have worked for decades in some field ask for advice on changing direction. Can anyone know better than you yourself what your calling is? Let’s not discuss the technology for identifying hidden talents now; there is a lot of good material about this on the Internet. Let's talk better about the pitfalls.

You must understand: any field of activity is a rut. The longer you drive along it, the deeper it is and the more difficult it is to get out of it. Have you gained a certain professional weight, built up a reputation and client base? Maybe you should think about your own business?

In a new place, you will have to start everything from scratch, perhaps from the lowest paid position. It is possible that you will learn the basics from young colleagues, and your manager will be much younger than you. Are you able to adapt in such conditions? Will you be able to initial stage to feed a family?


If you are not afraid of difficulties, you have realized the risks and are ready for change, try to realize your plans with the least loss for the family budget and nervous system. Maybe, good option There will be a search for work in related fields. This way you can use your accumulated knowledge and experience.

An excellent option would be to work part-time in your desired field or do a part-time job. When the position in the new place is strengthened, you can quit your main job and completely devote yourself to what you love.

It will be useful to attend seminars and undergo additional training, especially if your current job has nothing to do with the activity you plan to do.

Dismissal due to staff reduction

Yes, this happens. Even successful specialists are being laid off. The first thing every employee thinks about after receiving a warning from the employer and recovering from the blow is: “Will I find a new job?”

The main thing is not to become discouraged. The first place to look for a job is your field of activity and related areas. At the same time, notify all your family and friends that you are searching.

If, despite the dismissal, the relationship with the employer is good, agree with him about the opportunity to be absent for interviews during working hours. More often than not, management will accommodate the employee halfway. In some companies, this point is stipulated in the employment contract.

It’s a good idea to think about an action plan in case you don’t succeed in getting a job in your specialty. Remember your hobbies and talents. Perhaps it's time to turn your hobby into a profession? Prepare several resume options in areas in which you could realize yourself.

Dismissal at your own request

If you are not satisfied with the working conditions, you should start looking for a new place, but there is no need to quit until you have found a suitable option. You could jeopardize your financial well-being if the search takes longer than you planned.

Safety precautions

Some try to blackmail management, hinting at their possible departure and thereby trying to achieve improved working conditions or a promotion. wages. This can work if you are a truly valuable and irreplaceable employee. Otherwise, they may immediately show you the door behind which applicants for your position are already waiting. Start your search without informing company employees and attending interviews on your own time.

If you decide to “burn your bridges,” then create a small financial reserve that will allow you to hold out during the job search process.

Job search

Speed ​​is one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of your efforts. The more active you are, the faster you will find a job. Often people left without work plunge headlong into household chores, taking on the responsibilities of housewives. You may like this at first, but in the end it can lead to serious psychological problems, this is especially true for men.

Don't panic or get discouraged if you are left out of work. You can find a new job at 40. How you set yourself up will be the way your search will go.

Below are some tips on how to find a new job safely and quickly.

Applicant's cheat sheet

  1. Try to increase your chances of success by notifying all your friends and family that you are searching. This simple measure can save you from further hassle; perhaps one of your close friends or relatives will help you find a new job.
  2. If you are already unemployed, register with the employment center at your place of residence. This will provide you with little while searching and useful information about new jobs in your region. A center staff member will regularly inform you about job fairs and meetings with employers. Along the way, at the center you will be able to take free advanced training courses or learn a new profession.
  3. Don't relax, keep your work routine: get up at the same time, plan your day and try to strictly follow the schedule. Realize that finding a new place is your job now.
  4. Don't waste time communicating on social networks, computer games and reading articles like “How to find a new job using Feng Shui” or “How to attract work?” Planting rutabaga in a wealth zone and shamanic rituals will not increase your chances of success.
  5. Create your own version of a resume for each area of ​​activity that you consider possible. Post them on every job portal you can find.
  6. If necessary, limit viewing the resume of the company you work for this moment. This will not provide a 100% guarantee of safety, but there is a chance of remaining undetected. You don’t have to include your last name and last place of work in your resume; just indicate your field of activity and length of service.
  7. Do not search for work from your work computer and do not use your work e-mail for mailing. In many companies, the security service regularly checks what employees do during working hours: they control outgoing files and the history of visits to third-party sites.
  8. Learn to filter out offers from fraudulent companies. If, after reading the text of the vacancy, you could not understand what the organization does and you are also promised fabulous profits, do not waste your time. As a rule, such companies position themselves as transnational corporations that, on the eve of establishing world domination, allow you to jump on the last car and grab your piece of the pie.
  9. Train, gain experience. Try to go to all interviews that are assigned to you. You will learn to communicate correctly and confidently with representatives of HR services, answer awkward questions, take tests, accept refusals and refuse yourself - this increases your self-esteem.
  10. Is it tempting to accept the employer's first offer? Agree if it really meets your requirements. Otherwise, you will miss the chance to find Good work. You will lose mobility and will not be able to go to interviews during working hours, each time you will have to explain to a potential employer why, having recently got a job, you are looking for a job again.

There was a time in my life when I was sitting at home without work. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t find my niche. On one of the forums I came across tips for a successful job search. It was they who subsequently helped me cope with my search.

Tip #1. Act in all directions.

I was somehow fixated on searching through online newspapers. Taking advantage of the advice, I involved relatives, friends and acquaintances in the search. Notified everyone! Suddenly they hear somewhere or accidentally stumble upon a job offer. I bought local newspapers, called, sent out resumes. I went to company websites and looked at vacancies.

Tip #2. Determine the scope of activity.

Initially, when I was looking for a job, I didn’t think about anything specific. I thought, well, I’ll find something and it’ll be good. It turned out that searching for “I don’t know what” is very difficult and almost impossible.

I thought about it. Then, based on my life experience, the specialty obtained at the institute and my own preferences, I finally decided on the direction of my job search. This really made my task a lot easier!

Tip #3. Don't rush, but prepare well.

When I found a potential employer, I was not always confident in my abilities, but I always went for an interview. Sometimes, even very quickly, I agreed to the terms of the meeting time that were assigned to me.

One day, I called one company and they gave me an appointment in 2 hours. Do I need to tell you how I was going?! Naturally, I didn’t look very good, and they didn’t offer me a job. At least they took my resume.

After this incident, I thoroughly prepare for the interview. I decided that I should have at least a day to prepare for the interview.

Tip #4. If the employer is not very interested, continue searching!

I realized that it is not worth wasting time and going to interviews if there is no true interest in the proposed job. Especially if it takes time. And since I wanted to find a permanent, well-paid job, I carefully chose my employer.

Tip #5. We are looking not “for a while”, but “forever”!

This is another motivation. I subconsciously thought that I had to go to all the interviews and take on what was offered. After all, if you don’t like something, you can always go searching new job. And this was one of my main mistakes. You need to look for a permanent job, a job “forever”!

And, you know, when I started following these tips, I was able to find “my” job in a short period of time. I am very glad that I came across these tips in time.

What advice can you give so that your job search doesn’t take too long?

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