Why dream of swimming in the cold. How dream books interpret human swimming in a dream

Water represents the energy of life, the passage of time, spiritual cleansing. Images associated with being in it, moving through it or using it quite often appear in dreams.

There are many interpretations of what dreams of swimming mean. Deciphering what you see depends on the water space and the properties of the water: color, smell, transparency. Swimming in a dream is most often considered a positive symbol, as many dream books indicate. In general terms, dreaming about swimming in water means completing things, making money and getting satisfaction from life.

Transparent water reflects the creative world of a person who had a dream with clean water. Swimming in clear water promises health, longevity and a successful life. Being in dirty water means the dreamer will become an object of envy, and gossip from the outside is possible. Swimming in dirty water means obstacles will arise in the fate of the sleeper. According to another meaning, swimming in dirty water means poor health.

According to Bolshoi universal dream book, swimming in a dream means anxiety or danger in money matters or profit making. Swimming across the body of water and successfully completing the swim anticipates the fulfillment of a desire. Don't end your journey and go back halfway - to real life predicts a repeat of the situation with unfinished business.

Swimming in a pool in a dream means that the person who is dreaming will have to make a choice between two people, and it will be quite difficult to choose. In some cases, such an image may indicate a new relationship, which will ultimately lead to quarrels and breakup. Swimming on your back means receiving useful information.

2. According to the modern dream book, swimming in clear water is a sign of good luck, and swimming in muddy water is a sign of trouble and discord.

3. Interpretation of a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book: swimming in a dream means a successful time is coming. Lovers swimming together - to passions and new erotic experiences.

4. The meaning of sleep according to Meneghetti’s Dream Book:

  • Swimming is a positive action, meaning free development and eroticism. Swimming
  • in the water element symbolizes sexuality.
  • Feeling like an excellent swimmer means believing in your own image as attractive for sexual relations.
  • Swimming towards an object reflects the intention to achieve a goal in life or to enter into a sexual relationship with that person.
  • Floating away from an object is a desire to avoid discomfort, inconvenience, or to hide from reality.

When trying to clarify the images encrypted in a dream, rely primarily on your own feelings. Feelings will not allow themselves to be deceived. If the dreams you saw were pleasant, then your life prospects will be joyful, if not entirely, you will need to overcome some difficulties along the way.

How nice it is to swim in water that is clean and transparent. Very often during sleep we perform such procedures. The more pleasure you get from this, the more success you can expect in reality. But if the water scared you or you experienced some discomfort, then in real life, most likely, some events can greatly upset you.

It happens that such a dream reflects only your strong experiences that have accumulated during the previous day. In any case, remember everything you saw and appreciate how you felt. This significantly affects the correct decoding of what is seen.

Usually water reflects our inner state. It is peace of mind or anxiety that is embodied in such dreams. Usually dream books not only give an interpretation of a dream. But they also suggest how to live further and what is worth taking control of, based on what the dreamer saw

  1. As a rule, a dream with water carries positive elements, and even more so when a person is in it and bathes. Ahead of you lies the enjoyment of your future life, success in many endeavors, fun entertainment and the arrival of unexpected financial assistance. Moreover, they will arrive in such quantities that there will be enough for everything.
  2. Fish swimming in the water will bring unexpected success into your life. Moreover, this will happen in the most unexpected areas of your life, which you may not even suspect. Your work will go smoothly, you will suddenly be visited by brilliant ideas, and you will be able to stand out among your colleagues; your superiors will also notice this. In your personal life, quarrels and troubles will be resolved, and single people will finally meet their fateful man. Usually such dreams favor women more. Water is a feminine element, therefore dreams are more favorable for women.
  3. And here according to Miller's dream book swimming in water can have different interpretations. Moments when you yourself are splashing in the water and at the same time experiencing great pleasure and joy speaks of a practical approach to many things, work colleagues will be able to see in you a good employee, and maybe a leader, and relationships in the family will become simpler and more tender.
  4. But swim with relatives or friends entails a short-term separation, and diving to depth can be explained by an increase in nervous conditions.

Features of what was seen

  1. The most unpleasant thing is swimming underwater when a person experiences mortal horror from lack of oxygen. Such a vision also predicts disturbing events in reality, concern about a serious matter.
  2. And here ordinary swimming can be interpreted as a desire to better understand oneself, one’s nature and reconsider one’s understanding of the world around us.
  3. Cloudy or dark water carries with it a background of suspicion that arose as a result of distrust of friends or colleagues. Perhaps you yourself did not act entirely honestly, and your conscience is tormenting you. In your heart you are very worried about what you have done, because in the future it will affect your plans and become an obstacle.
  4. Fall down and splash around in a dirty puddle or pond reflects your inner worldview. Perhaps you have risen too high above those around you and feel out of this world. In this situation, you should treat others more simply and not set the bar of your demands so high for them.
  5. Swim to escape from someone gives you the opportunity to realize what you have planned for a long time, finally your dream will come true.
  6. Clean and transparent source has always been a symbol of pure thoughts and ideas. And swimming in such a body of water means finally getting rid of everything negative. A wide and kind road, material success and prosperity awaits you ahead. Your thoughts are clear, and you are finally on the right path in life. Often a pure source reflects self-confidence and narcissism.
  7. Seeing yourself floating in the depths and experiencing hopelessness and fear suggests that not everything in life is so smooth and difficulties may arise ahead. But if you overcome the depth perfectly and swim to the place, reality will delight you with overcoming obstacles and success in upcoming events.

Water temperature

  • ice water calls on the night swimmer to gather his strength and mobilize all his life’s achievements so that his plans come true in your favor. It is possible that you will face a serious choice on which the fate of the people around you depends.
  • warm water is significant when the black stripe changes to white, you can finally calm down and relax a little. Things are all settled, and life goes on as usual. Alternatively, you can take a vacation and relax in all comfort.

Dreams with water never bring anything very bad. All dreams are just a hint from your subconscious on how to act in a given situation.

Swim in the water interpretation of the dream book

Water is one of the most mysterious substances both on the planet and in dreams. Most often, dream books interpret swimming depending on the cleanliness and transparency of the reservoir. Thus, the cleaner the water, the better the omen. To determine what it means to dream of swimming in water, what area of ​​life the interpretation relates to, it’s worth remembering the details and looking at the dream book. Water is often a symbol of a person’s inner state, so it is important to take into account your personal attitude towards swimming, because for some it is a way to relax, while others experience panic at the thought of the open sea or great depths.

If you look at dreams philosophically, then water tells you how to correct your internal state so that things go well. It’s no wonder that a person who is in a bad mood cannot interact normally in society and his performance decreases. And a happy and active person easily achieves his plans and looks forward with optimism. Water is a feminine element, changeable and adapting to circumstances, so such dreams are especially good for them.

Briefly about the main thing

Why do you dream of swimming in water? According to most dream books - to change for the better. Financial problems will be resolved, and there will be plenty of money left for entertainment. You may also dream about bathing due to the restoration of libido and the flow of sexual energy.

Why do you dream about fish? that floats on water? Feel free to expect good luck from all sides. Improvements will take place on the financial side and will not bypass the sphere of love relationships. Those who have not been able to find a worthy man or woman for a long time will soon have such an opportunity. Your efforts at work will finally begin to bear fruit, your bosses will pay attention to your achievements and offer you a better place. Ill-wishers will stop pestering you, and gossip will be forgotten over time, without causing damage to the dreamer’s reputation.

According to Miller, why one dreams of swimming in water is not entirely clear. When interpreting this dream, the psychologist places the greatest emphasis on the emotions received in the dream. If swimming brings a lot of pleasant sensations, fun and joy, then in the future you can expect the same from real life. But experienced fear, uncertainty and fear of drowning indicate the opposite effect. If swimming took place in the company of friends, then you will meet good people. Miller's dream book regards swimming in the water with relatives as forced separation from them. Diving under water means feeling great anxiety in reality.

Discomfort and cloudy water

If you experienced panic or fear while diving and swimming underwater in a dream, it seemed that you were not safe, then in real life there will be reasons for concern. People with inexplicable attacks of fear and panic attacks often dream of this. Fortunately, medicine is already fighting these diseases of the nervous system quite successfully. The dream is probably caused by an attempt to understand oneself and come to inner harmony.

Why dream of swimming in muddy water? Interpretation largely depends on conscientiousness and the desire to admit some of your mistakes. The dream may be triggered by internal anxiety that you may be caught in unpleasant actions or words. The dream book recommends asking for forgiveness from the one who was offended, thereby clearing your conscience. If we're talking about about cheating, it's worth thinking about the reasons why you tried to find someone better. It's time to talk frankly with your soulmate and together identify the problems that prevent you from happily coexisting.

Why dream of swimming in dirty water? You are very demanding of everything that happens, or you do not want to tolerate the world as it really is. Another interpretation suggests health problems. If in Lately If you don’t feel well, but you can’t understand the reason for this condition, you need to go to the doctor. Health is not something to joke about, and many dangerous diseases need to be identified at a very early stage.

Pure water

Why dream of swimming in clear water? To serenity and joyful events in the near future. The calmer the water, the better. Sometimes a person is tormented by experiences out of nowhere; it is worth throwing them away and recognizing the groundlessness of mental tossing.

If the water in a dream turned out to be not only clean, but also comfortable, warm, and swimming was a great pleasure, you can expect only the best in the future. The moment has come when all your hard work will be duly rewarded, and things will go uphill on the love front. Another interpretation of such a plot foreshadows the fulfillment of a cherished desire and many wonderful moments.

Why do you dream of swimming in water? blue color? To moral overstrain, which will soon finally be relieved. The dream book is sure that in the near future you will have a well-deserved vacation and travel. The reality of dream interpretation depends on how confidently you were on the water. And it doesn’t matter at all how good a swimmer you are in reality.

Water temperature

Find yourself in a dream in icy water - in reality, keep your head cool, maintaining clarity of thoughts. The dream book believes that soon you will have to solve important problems, and only with the help of your own mind you will have to get out of difficult situations. Sometimes such a dream occurs before a major choice that cannot be made on emotions. It’s important to weigh everything, think it over, and maybe it’s worth turning to a more experienced person for advice.

Swimming in cold water means financial danger. Not now best time to conclude deals and meet new business partners. There is also a chance of falling for scammers or swindlers.

A dream in which you find yourself in a pleasant place speaks of an imminent and well-deserved rest. warm water. You can relax a little and start planning your vacation, taking care in advance of the availability of tickets for the dates you are interested in, a place in the hotel and any other nuances. If you plan your trip in advance, nothing can ruin it.

Why swim in a dream?

Dreams are sometimes like extravagant fantasies or incredible fairy tales in which unimaginable events occur - things that you wouldn’t imagine on purpose.

But sometimes quite adequate, simple and familiar events occur in dreams, and such dreams differ little from waking reality.

For example, in our dreams we can eat, communicate with relatives, or walk, run, or clean up the house. You never know how many more ordinary and simple actions there are!

But, however, despite their apparent simplicity and familiarity, such actions in dreams carry a very important, sacred and hidden meaning for the dreamer. After all, it’s worth understanding that dreams don’t just appear to us at night. And to regard them as a simple continuation or reflection of reality is not always correct.

Many people know how to swim and love it - it is a pleasant activity, very useful, and does not require much effort. Some people love to splash in the sea and dive into foamy waves, some like rivers in cozy villages, some enjoy swimming pools, and some even practice professional swimming in the pool.

In reality, this is a fairly common action, but here’s what it means in dreams, and what dreams of swimming mean: interest Ask, which is worth asking the interpreter. Such dreams are very deep and important, because water itself is an extremely serious symbol.

As a rule, it denotes life, especially its emotional component. And if the dreamer happened to swim in this water, then this indicates his future, without a doubt.

Exactly what it will be depends on what kind of water it is in: in muddy and dirty water, in the sea or a stormy river, in a pool or lake, in water with dolphins, or in any other circumstances you had to swim.

It is the quality, type, characteristics of the environment in which you find yourself (namely water) that carries meaning. For example, “swimming” dreams can be like this:

  • You swam in dreams in clean, clear, good water.
  • In very cold water, or diving into an ice hole.
  • Swimmed in dirty water, in a puddle or swamp.
  • We found ourselves in muddy water or a blooming lake or river.
  • In a stormy river.
  • At sea in a storm, in the rain.
  • You are drowning in dreams in the sea, river, pool or lake.
  • Swimming in the blue sea.
  • In a calm, picturesque river.
  • In a small transparent lake.
  • In a public or sports pool.
  • Swimming with dolphins in your dreams.
  • You control a dolphin by swimming on its back.
  • Swim against the current.
  • Sailing with your loved one in a dream.
  • Swim forward in a dream, confidently and quickly.

There are quite a few scenarios of such “water” dreams, and they occupy a special place in dream books. Because you dream about water for a reason, and you need to pay due attention to these dreams.

But the main thing is not to miss or confuse the details, so as not to misinterpret what you dream about swimming, and not make a mistake in reality because of this.

Where are you sailing to?

Of course, the first thing that is worth remembering very carefully is the quality and type of water in which you had to splash in the dream.

But besides this, in such dreams it is also important what emotions you experienced while swimming, and in what mood you woke up, as well as the general atmosphere of the dream, its energy. If you felt anxiety or fear, disgust or discomfort while swimming in the water, this is unlikely to promise any more happiness.

On the contrary, if you woke up with a feeling of vague, causeless joy and anticipation of something beautiful, know that the dream foreshadows happy events. But still, to find out exactly what you dream about swimming, you should look into the interpreter.

1. As the dream book says, swimming in clean, clear water, pleasant and good, while experiencing pleasant emotions is a very favorable sign. In this case, the dreamer in reality expects happiness, a life without worries, illnesses, failures or bad events. This dream foretells all the best, have no doubt!

2. And such a dream in which you happened to swim in very cold, icy water, for example, in the winter sea, or dive into an ice hole - this promises a quick full recovery for a sick or unwell person.

And for a healthy person - just a surge of strength, energy, good health and life until old age. Just take care of yourself, this dream is not a reason to start an unhealthy lifestyle and neglect your health!

3. As the dream book indicates, swimming in dirty water - for example, in a dirty puddle or swamp - is, as you can easily guess intuitively, not the most favorable sign. You should take care of your health, because now you are especially vulnerable and may get sick. To avoid illnesses, you just need to monitor your health more carefully.

4. Swimming in muddy water in dreams is also not very pleasant, for example, in a muddy river or even a bathtub. This is a warning - you are in danger of participating in some murky business, a dubious event or a dangerous adventure.

Try to avoid this, do not get involved in dubious activities, because later you may greatly regret it.

5. And such a dream in which you happened to swim in stormy water, in a seething stream, means a lot of work awaits you. And you have to spend a lot of effort on it, but it's worth it.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and work conscientiously, you will soon receive very rich fruits of your labors, and you will be proud of yourself.

6. As the dream book indicates, swimming in a storm, in the rain or in a thunderstorm is advice: show strength of character. Some situations or events will soon require you to have this valuable quality in reality.

7. Drowning in water while dreaming is a direct hint that you will soon fall in love. Literally “drown” in the ocean of new feelings and romance! Don't resist the bright feeling, enjoy it!

8. Swimming in a beautiful lake in your dreams is a sign of family happiness. A symbol that you will be focused on your own home and busy improving your family.

9. Swimming in the sea predicts a great future for the dreamer, a huge sea of ​​opportunities and prospects, as well as the fulfillment of desires. Don't miss your chances, act, now is the time!

10. It’s curious why you dream of swimming in a river - this dream very clearly advises you to trust your fate. Don’t be afraid of life, be calmer and feel the universal flow of which you are a part.

11. A swimming pool is a symbol of society, and swimming in it in dreams portends success in life. public life and an excellent position in society. A swimming pool with clean water in a dream also foretells a good reputation.

12. Swimming with dolphins is a great dream that foretells unconditional happiness in everything. Harmony in all areas of life, joy and fullness of every day.

13. Sailing in dreams on the back of a dolphin means being in complete control of your destiny.

14. If you were swimming against the current in your dreams, you will have to fight against circumstances and show perseverance in order to achieve your goal. Don't retreat!

15. If you swam in the water with your beloved one, know that great happiness and harmony in your relationship awaits your couple.

16. Swimming forward in a dream, confidently and swiftly, is a sign of the quick achievement of happiness, all goals, and the fulfillment of desires on your own.

Such “swimming” dreams more often speak of good things than promise adversity. In any case, believe in the best - and do not be afraid of difficulties, build your own destiny, achieve your goals, and do not expect your dreams to come true.

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What does it mean to dream that you are swimming in water?

There is hardly a person who has never had dreams in which he swims. Today you can easily find a transcript of a dream with any plot. At your disposal are ancient and modern dream books, among which one of the best is the modern online dream book of Fate.

What does it mean to sail on water in a dream - dream interpreter dream book of Fate

  1. Interpretation of the dream of swimming in clear water: this good dream, meaning prosperity and health. Fate will smile on you soon.
  2. What does it mean to swim in dirty water in a dream - to an illness that may be serious.
  3. If in a dream you are swimming in muddy water, the dream book speaks of difficult thoughts and experiences; you will face quarrels and unpleasant proceedings.
  4. In a dream, swimming in the sea means big changes, says the online dream book of Fate; events will come into your life on which your future depends.
  5. The interpretation of the dream is to see yourself in a dream in the open ocean - to experience fateful changes that will literally turn your life upside down.
  6. If you dreamed that you were sailing at night, in this case the interpretation of the dream in the dream book does not speak about the events themselves, but about their premonition, or about a secret that you will become aware of.
  7. What does it mean to dream of swimming in a river with a slow, calm current - the joy of life, well-being, upcoming triumph.
  8. Swimming in a lake in a dream - the free online dream book of Fate says: if the water in the lake is clean, such a dream signifies marriage. If the water is cloudy, this means sadness, perhaps separation from a loved one.
  9. Why dream of swimming in a clean pond in a dream - to joyful events, or to a new romantic relationship.

If you dreamed of swimming in water - free dream interpreter dream book of Fate

A dream gives us the opportunity to make otherworldly journeys during our lifetime, and you can find out what a dream means by looking modern dream book Fates. This online dream book has answers to all questions.

  1. What does the dream of learning to swim mean - success in business and high stable income.
  2. If lovers swim together in a dream, this means separation, says the large online dream book of Fate.
  3. What does it mean to dream about swimming in a spring? This is a rare dream. According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a sign that you need help. You can get what you want.
  4. If you dreamed at night from Wednesday to Thursday that you were swimming on your back in a dream, this means pleasant changes in life, joy, well-being and material benefits.
  5. Why dream of swimming in a pool - according to the meaning of the dream book, it is a hidden indication of a difficult situation in which you will be involved by other people. These people may be nearby in your dream.
  6. Interpretation of the dream of swimming in a bathtub with dirty water - if you have such a dream at night from Thursday to Friday, it should be regarded as an indication of illness. The bathroom is an intimate area, as well as a zone of sexual relations, therefore, diseases will also concern the sexual sphere.
  7. What does it mean if you dreamed of swimming in a bath with clean warm water - this is a sign of getting rid of illnesses, anxieties, and troubles.
  8. If you dream that children are bathing in the bathtub, then according to the large free dream book of Fate, this is an indication of the relationship between the spouses.
  9. If you had a dream that you were standing in the shower, this is a harbinger of physical pleasures of various kinds.

Swimming in a dream - definition of the modern dream book of Fate: swimming in water

True, we remember some dream plots longer, but dimly and vaguely, as if we were looking through troubled water. But, you need to understand that dreams have a sacred meaning, and you need to more often turn to dream books that provide interpretation of dreams - in them you will find important clues.

  1. What does it mean to dream of swimming naked in clear, clean water - to good health and earthly pleasures, but provided that there were no negative aspects in the plot of the dream.
  2. If you dreamed that you were swimming naked, and at the same time you felt awkward, such a dream foreshadows a bad situation, annoyance or shame.
  3. Why did you have a dream that you were swimming naked in dirty water? bad sign, a dream for a serious illness, injury or accident.
  4. Swimming in clothes - the dream book speaks of conflict situations, a stormy showdown, when you will experience humiliation and shame.
  5. Why dream that you are swimming in a swamp in a dream - get ready for stagnation in business, the death of promising projects, worries and demoralization.
  6. The online dream book of Fate gives the following definition: swimming in a swamp or drowning in it - a dream foreshadows force majeure, troubles of a different nature, problems or a serious illness.
  7. For people doing business, if you dreamed that swimming in a swamp and getting stuck in it - to losses.
  8. Walking through a swamp and swimming in dirty water is defined by the modern dream book of Fate as a symbol of danger, an impending threat. This is a very serious warning.
  9. Swimming in mud in a dream from Monday to Tuesday is a bad sign in a dream, foreshadowing illness. However, an accurate online dream book says that wallowing in mud in a dream means profit, high stable income, which can cause the envy of others.
  10. If you dreamed from Friday to Saturday that you were swimming in the snow with joy and pleasure in a dream, the dream book speaks of enjoying life and prosperity. You have all earthly blessings, so take care of them.

Swimming in a dream according to the dream book of Miller, Vanga, Dr. Freud and the Islamic dream book

Various images come to us in dreams. They can disturb us, or, on the contrary, give us joy, faith and hope. Various kinds of prophecies are given by dreams in which the sleeper swims in water; different interpretations of dreams can be read in dream books. Thus, according to Freud’s dream book, such a dream predicts physical intimacy with a lover for a man, and an early pregnancy for a woman. Vanga's dream book says that the dream of swimming means positive eroticism, because... water is an archaic symbol of female genitalia. Psychologist Miller's dream book promises success in business and recognition from others. And according to Muslim dream book It turns out that swimming in cold water is associated with good health.

Why dream of Swimming according to the dream book

Why did you dream about Swimming (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

While images of small bodies of water are associated with wealth and success, the sea or ocean symbolizes inviolability. It is natural that the interpretation of what it means to dream of swimming somewhere is linked to the characteristics of the reservoir and the actions of the dreamer.

We saw in a dream a beautiful pool in which we dived and splashed with pleasure - this means moral satisfaction and financial well-being. Staying on the surface is a sign of successful completion of the task, and your behavior and the state of the water will indicate the nuances.

Did you dream of swimming in the company of your lover? Such a plot usually foreshadows a separation. If you are sailing on a calm sea in your dreams, it means that an old dream will soon come true.

High waves or a storm are an omen of trouble. The dreamed image of a cozy boat is interpreted as a coincidence of interests, and a large ship - as global changes, marriage or cohabitation.

Swimming in a calm and clean sea means good luck in any endeavor. Swimming in the warm sea means you will make a good profit.

Why you might dream of swimming in a muddy and dirty sea - people will envy you, there will be gossip about you.

Why did you dream about Swimming (according to the Psychological Interpreter)

According to interpretations of psychoanalytic sources, swimming in a dream is most often a positive symbol, although its emotional load often depends on the behavior of the dreamer. The place where you swim is also important. For example, a swimming pool is a limited body of water, which means it symbolizes a lack of freedom: splashing around in it, you seem to be choosing between two strong emotions, torn from fear of making a mistake, and in the end never come to a result.

Did you dream that you were swimming in some clear waters? This is the personification of spiritual purity and mental well-being. Such a plot can be regarded as evidence of the successful self-improvement of the sleeper.

A single swim in a dream reflects the dreamer’s dissatisfaction with everyday life and routine: if you move confidently among the waves, you will achieve success, and if you are pulled to the bottom, you will be disappointed.

What does it mean for you if you dreamed of Swimming (Romantic dream book)

Swimming, according to the interpretations of love dream books, is a two-sided sign, in which, just like in a coin, there are many different (and sometimes contradictory) symbols. For example, scenes with swimming in the river symbolize some kind of unjustified devotion, when the dreamer completely surrenders to feelings for a single person who is unlikely to deserve it.

But swimming in the azure waters, when the sea is calm and warm, is a good omen: future family life will be serene, not subject to external circumstances.

When a man feels like a swimmer, he confidently moves towards his goal and can easily win his soul mate. And the girl who swims through the dream in the company of a swimmer friend will meet love in real life.

Have you seen yourself splashing in a beautiful pool? Such a plot promises the beginning of a relationship with a rich and noble person.

Swimming along the Maly Velesov dream book

Joy, success in business, profit // for worse, you will be drunk, the road is long, misfortune is in a hurry, anxiety; swim ashore - end of work; swim in muddy water - you will receive unpleasant news on the road; in rapids - danger, illness; swimming with someone means separation from him.

We analyze the vision in which I dreamed of Swimming (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

An image of positive action related to free development and positive eroticism. You can only swim in water, and water is a symbol of female genitalia and desires for sexual interaction. A person who sees himself as an excellent swimmer reflects his belief in sexual attractiveness and competence. If a person sees that he is swimming towards something or someone, this reflects his desire to achieve a specific goal. It can also be an expression of sexual desire towards that person. If a person floats away from someone or something, this shows his desire to avoid an uncomfortable, more comfortable situation or to escape from the realities of life in general. Sometimes this reflects a desire to remove (to film another person's sexual conquests), or a feeling that people are asking too much of him and that he is unable to meet their expectations. It is important to answer the questions: who swims? Why? what is the relationship between the characters? what are the actions of others? What objects appear more often?

What does the Swimmer symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

I dreamed of swimming - Positive eroticism, desire for sexual relations. An excellent swimmer. Belief in your sexual attractiveness. Swim towards something. The desire to achieve a goal. Drown. Dive into the unconscious.

Interpretation of the medium Miss Hasse

In clean water - life without worries; in muddy water - obstacles; drowning is a misfortune; in raging water - you will be even more active; to see people floating - your aspirations will come true; in running water - a difficult path in life.

What does what you see symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Swim (float) - “Swim like a fish in water” - navigate the situation well; “swim” (pleasure). “swim against the tide” - enter into conflict with others, internal disagreements. “it just floats into your hands” – easy success. “swimming shallow” – inability to accomplish something significant. “go with the flow” - agreement with others or lack of will, laziness, this is how what you are dreaming about is deciphered.

Why does a woman dream of swimming (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

Swimming in calm water in a dream foreshadows serene joy, protection from destructive events and poverty. If you are sailing on a small boat, your desires will exceed your capabilities and you are unlikely to be able to satisfy them. Traveling by sea sometimes foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance. If while swimming you witness an accident on the water, in reality there is a high probability of meeting an insincere person who, for selfish purposes, pretends to be in love with you, this is the interpretation of what this dream means.

Why do you dream about Swimming (21st century Dream Book)

Swimming in a dream means success in business. In a boat - to a long journey. If the water is cloudy, you will receive unpleasant news on the road. Swimming with someone means separation from him. Swimming and suddenly starting to sink means serious obstacles. Swimming on land is a sign that success will come to you with great difficulty. Being at a swimming competition means that a large influx of intense work will not allow you to relax.

Why do you dream about Swimming (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

Swimming – dreams of swimming mean different things, depending on the details. To dream of swimming on calm water promises you serene joy and protection from poverty and everything that can lead to it. If you are sailing on a small boat in a dream, it means that your desires will exceed your capabilities and cannot be satisfied.

To dream about swimming, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Swimming in calm waters is a symbol of improving things. Rough water and wind represent problems. Starting to drown is a serious obstacle. Go with the flow - surrender to feelings, emotions, circumstances. Swim against the tide - manage your circumstances yourself, overcome them. Sea travel - see Ship, Boats.

Why see Swimming in a dream (according to the English dream book)

Scuba diving - Anything that helps us breathe underwater while being in direct contact with the elements symbolizes control over emotional reactions in response to situations that arise in real life. Why the dream: Whether you realize it or not, you can easily cope with your feelings and are most likely able to express yourself calmly, without excessive expression.

The meaning of the dream about Diving (Star Dream Book)

You dreamed of Swimming - in water - to sexual relations. Water.

What does a dreamed image mean (according to the British Dream Book)

Swimming – In general, swimming and dreams about it represent your life, personal circumstances and your ability to cope with them. However, the meaning of the dream partly depends on whether you actually know how to swim, and on the circumstances in which you swam in the dream. Why do you have a dream: Have you been in a swimming pool or at the mercy of nature in the sea or river? Did you feel good in the water or did you have to fight the waves and current? If in real life you know how to swim, but in a dream you could not, then perhaps you are trying to cope with problems, floundering, trying to stay afloat, or feeling that you are being carried adrift? On the other hand, if in real life you cannot swim, but in a dream you were an excellent swimmer, this means that you are in control of your life, even if the waters around you are rough and unsafe. If you are swimming underwater, then perhaps you are trying to dive into your own feelings and soul. If you are experiencing difficulties - you cannot get to the surface, you do not have enough air - do you really feel that you are drowning, that you are being swallowed up by circumstances and responsibility? What can you do to solve this problem? See also Swimming Pool; Sea, ; other water areas – NATURE.

The meaning of a dream about Bathing (Creative dream book)

You dreamed of Swimming, what is it for 1. Freud believed that swimming in a dream is associated with sexuality, but it is even more connected with the unconscious need for freedom. In general, we open up to energies far beyond our conscious Being, then ascend beyond our desire. We are in a state of complete relaxation and allow events to simply carry us along with the flow. 2. Since we cannot control our direction, we cannot decide anything. We may need to think more carefully about our actions and relationships with others. Sailing against the wind means creating difficulties for yourself. If we sail with the wind, it means we are using everything we can. 3. Being outside the body, feeling spiritual freedom.

Interpretation by days of the week

Information about why a particular dream occurs depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day it occurred. You can find out about this by reading the interpretations of the dream book by day of the week:

The article was written based on materials from the sites: tayniymir.com, www.i-sonnik.ru, www.grc-eka.ru, www.sudba.info, www.astromeridian.ru.

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Swimming in a dream represents the flow of life, water represents a person’s emotional state. If swimming brought you pleasure and many pleasant sensations, then in reality you can expect the arrival of good luck, success, and harmony in the family. Fear of bathing and discomfort are interpreted as a warning or a state of the sleeper, who is very often in negative emotions. So, Why do you dream of swimming in water?? Let's figure this out with the most popular and authoritative dream books.

Seeing in a dream how you swim in water

The correct interpretation of a dream in which you happened to swim in water depends on how positive a person is in reality about swimming and water in general. For some people, a river or any body of water evokes positive emotions, for others it evokes fear. This is what we should start from first of all. Great importance has also the one who had the dream.

To the girl

A good sign for a young girl is to swim in a pond in her night visions. Soon she will meet a person who will become a good friend.

She will also be able to establish a good position for herself in society. There are pleasant changes and joyful events ahead.

To a woman

Did the dream of swimming in water bring pleasure to the woman? Then in life she will experience prosperity and excellent relationships with loved ones, family, and family harmony. All wishes will come true with ease in the near future. If you had a chance to swim in a dream with by a stranger, then in reality there will be a need to help your best friend.

Attention: a dream about swimming with a strange man indicates that good man, your friend needs your help and support. Provide it immediately!


A pregnant lady can expect very pleasant events in life after dreaming about swimming in water. A woman who is just preparing to conceive a baby must reconsider her life, making the necessary adjustments. This will allow you to quickly conceive a healthy, strong child.

To a man

Among the stronger sex, dreams about swimming most often represent sex life. According to the dream book, such a vision prophesies a quick meeting with a bright woman and a stormy love affair.

The most favorable sign for men is a dream in which they had to swim in the water and see fish. The dreamer is guaranteed sexual success and a rich intimate life!

Why dream of swimming in water?

The correct interpretation of sleep depends on many factors accompanying the vision. The condition of the water surface, the method of swimming and the strangers who took part in the bathing play a big role.


Swimming in clean, clear water is considered a good dream. All worries and anxieties will dissolve, and a prosperous, pleasant period of life awaits ahead. Even if something causes unrest, know that they are completely groundless. Night vision can actually be your reflection of confidence in your uniqueness and narcissism.


Swimming in muddy water indicates roughness in life. Not everything is as smooth as it seems for you, and in the near future you will have to sort things out, bring someone or the existing state of affairs to the “clean water”. It's unavoidable!

6 out of 8 such dreams are not good

Perhaps you are tormented and worried about the current situation, which has become a big obstacle to achieving your goal. Try to become an initiator and take your own life into your own hands!


A dream reflects your worldview. Maybe you are too picky about others or yourself, or maybe, on the contrary, you consider yourself too good for this world? If in a dream you were saved and swam out of dirty water, then in reality the time has come to change your situation or lifestyle.

Attention: often a dream indicates poor health. So as not to arise serious problems with your health, take care of yourself immediately!


Very Great chance The sleeper faces material losses after a night story about swimming in cold water. The dream prophesies danger, although not on a global scale. In the near future you will be offered participation in a dubious transaction or project. Do not fall for tricks, there will be no luck for you in this matter, only losses and damages.


The dream signals that the time has come to take all your will into your fist. Try to be collected and mobilize all your strength - they will be very useful to you in the near future. There are difficulties, obstacles, difficult choices ahead, on which a lot will depend, in particular the well-being of other people.

In a dream about swimming in icy water, did you strive for a specific goal? In reality, it is your sense of purpose that hinders you, burdens you and prevents you from reacting more flexibly to situations in life.


The time has come for you to truly relax and unwind if you swam in a dream in warm, body-pleasant water. Leave all your worries and affairs behind, change your surroundings if possible, and indulge in bliss with your soul and body.


Transparent water and swimming in it promise the dreamer delightful pleasures with many unforgettable moments. Sleep is important when the water temperature is pleasant and comfortable for the body. Soon your wishes will come true, and joy will not keep you waiting!


Swimming confidently in blue water in a dream symbolizes an unambiguous life position. Try to behave confidently and continue to control your own life!


Swimming in raging water in night dreams indicates the active activity of the dreamer. If you had to swim in running water, in a river, then in reality your path in life will be difficult. But you chose him yourself.

With fishes

Swimming in any body of water with fish is considered a very favorable omen. You will enjoy happy mutual love and a harmonious relationship with your other half. If in your night dreams you happen to see a school of fish, then the interpretation depends on the size of the fish. Large fish promises material well-being, while small fish symbolize minor disappointments.

Swim in a dream with big amount Pisces - make new acquaintances and enjoy a pleasant, positive period in life. Unpleasant sensations in a dream signal that the dreamer is tired of the people and publicity. He wants to be alone.

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With turtles

A dream in which you had to swim in a pond with turtles promises great success in work, business and in your career. Any original, even complex projects, new ideas can now be implemented, which will be appreciated by management.

With dolphins

Favorable events await you after a dream where you had the opportunity to swim with dolphins. There are very good people around you, so in a difficult situation you can always count on their help and support.

When interpreting a dream, also consider the smallest details:

  • you held on to a dolphin’s fin while swimming - you will receive invaluable support from a friend in time;
  • riding a dolphin means having a huge influence on someone around you;
  • falling off a dolphin that was swimming quickly means facing an unexpected problem.

Swimming with dolphins in a dream can signal your readiness to be in a subordinate position!

With crocodiles or snakes

Swimming in a dream with snakes or crocodiles is not a good dream, because they symbolize dangerous enemies who have already developed a plan to attack you. Be extremely careful with ill-wishers!

With a loved man

Swimming with a loved one or significant other in night dreams indicates a happy family and harmonious relationships without offense or quarrels.

Scuba diving

Hopes for success in previously planned plans will not come true. An unfavorable dream, promising minor disappointments.

On the boat

A dream about sailing in a boat indicates the dreamer's originality.

75% of such dreams are favorable

You are capable of unexpected actions and decisions. Spiritual kinship and a huge probability of success family life symbolizes a vision in which you were on a boat with a specific person.

Go with the flow - the dreamer is an inert person who does not know how to deal with the blows of fate.

Without clothing

Did a woman dream that she was swimming naked in a pond and could not get out because of those on the shore? Then in reality she will have to face a choice between debt obligations and personal motivation. Men swimming without clothes are a depressing dream. However, this is not worth serious worries and worries.

Why might you dream that you are swimming in water?

Sensations are the most important thing to consider when interpreting a dream about swimming in water. If they were pleasant, then amazing events await you in the future. Were there night visions with discomfort and tears? A difficult period lies ahead. However, do not despair, because the smallest details and details also affect the interpretation of the dream.

In a river

Swimming in the river can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the plot itself:

  • the swimming was pleasant, and the force of the current was not felt at all, then only favorable events await you and happy life in family;
  • swimming in a raging river predicts active human activity;
  • swimming across a river that had a strong current means doing exhausting, difficult work, but its results will be a good reward;
  • a shallow river promises a difficult life period. It is also worth saying here that the dreamer does not have the moral strength and energy to easily overcome the situation;
  • a man dreamed of a girl swimming in the river - then he will soon meet his future betrothed.

In the lake

Swimming in the lake alone means preparing for big life changes. Seeing your reflection in water means not being alone in life. New impressions, exciting events and many good people around will surround you in the near future.

Lonely dreamers, after dreaming about swimming in any body of water, can count on meeting their soul mate. If the lake had muddy, polluted water, then you should not count on a long-term relationship. As a rule, they lead to great disappointments, the consequences of which will be nervous breakdowns.

Don’t forget to remember the general condition of the lake:

  • a good dream, predicting success in personal and business spheres, where the water and shore of the reservoir were clean, and it was very pleasant to go into the water;
  • while swimming, I had to see the bottom of the lake through the clear water - a symbol of the virtue and decency of the sleeper;
  • while swimming I had to observe the beautiful landscape around - expect joyful events and pleasant meetings;
  • to see the sun’s reflections on the surface of the water - family happiness lies ahead in reality.

In the sea

Most often, swimming in the sea dreams of big life changes, because the sea symbolizes eternity and inviolability.

What the water surface was like is also worth considering:

  • a quiet and calm sea prophesies the fulfillment of all desires;
  • slight disturbance of water - to small, easily overcome problems;
  • rough sea surface - the path to happiness will be complicated by all sorts of obstacles.

In the ocean

A dream in which you had to swim in the ocean can be interpreted similarly to the interpretation of the sea. The state of the water surface also matters, only on a larger scale.

So, a calm, endless ocean portends a very calm life. Raging - the dreamer will need a lot of effort and time to achieve his goals. The more the ocean raged, the more obstacles would appear on the way.

In a swimming pool

Swimming alone in the pool indicates your fatigue and the need to take a break from everyday life. It’s worth asking your household members to help you come to your senses. Parting with a loved one awaits the dreamer after a dream about swimming in the pool with him.

You should also think about how you swam - this affects the interpretation of the dream:

  • confidently, without fear - a good period in life, a bright streak;
  • with difficulty - disappointment. Perhaps you are a very insecure person, hence the problems.

Serious tests await the dreamer if he had to swim in clean, cold water in a pool. But they will benefit you and allow you to gain invaluable experience for the future.

In a puddle or swamp

An unpleasant dream that does not promise anything good. Advice from the dream book - take care of your own health; perhaps a disease that you don’t even know about is progressing.

In the storm

A difficult life situation will soon manifest itself in your life path, which will force you to show determination and activity. In general, you are a very soft and uninitiative person, so you need to develop these qualities in yourself.

With the flow

Did you go with the flow in a dream? There is a good period ahead, where everything planned will easily come true. It's time to realize your plans and dreams, luck is on your side!

Against the stream

You persistently move towards your goal, fighting against others and circumstances that prevent you from achieving what you want. This interpretation refers to a dream where you were swimming in clear water against the current. But if the current was too strong, then in reality the obstacles may turn out to be significant, and you will not be able to overcome them on your own.

For most people, thoughts about bathing and swimming in a body of water evoke positive emotions. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than the refreshing touch of water on a hot day. But what does it mean when a person dreams that he is swimming? Let's talk about this in the article.

The meaning of the image of swimming in a dream

The image of water and bathing in it in dreams is one of the first somnological symbols thoroughly studied by dream researchers. At the same time, in modern somnology there are 2 ways of interpreting dreams: from the point of view of psychoanalysis and esotericism.

Psychoanalysts are sure that if a person swims in a dream, the reasons for this may be the following:

Popular articles:

  • The dream is a subconscious reflection of a dream about a vacation and a trip to a pond;
  • The dream reflects fear of water and swimming in it;
  • The dream warns of kidney disease or incontinence;
  • The image is a projection of life problems of a different nature - from corporate to sexual.

In turn, dream researchers from an esoteric point of view believe that swimming in a dream warns of some future events. In any case, to decipher the dream you will need to consider the main nuances of its plot, namely:

  • The pond in which the dreamer swims;
  • Type of swimming and human actions in a dream.

Let us consider in more detail the meaning of the image of swimming in a dream, depending on the criteria presented above.

Depending on the reservoir

First of all, when analyzing a dream about swimming, you should clarify which body of water was featured in it:

  • If you dream that you swimming in the river, expect good news from old acquaintances in the near future. However, if the water in the river is muddy, the dream may foretell illness or confusion of a loved one;
  • Sailing on the open sea if the current is warm, it means making a significant profit in reality. If the sea water is cold, expect huge unexpected expenses. In some cases, such a dream symbolizes a difficult period in the dreamer’s life. The dream foreshadows stressful situations and mental anguish, as well as problems in communicating with loved ones;
  • Swimming in the ocean dreams of big changes that will not necessarily be pleasant;
  • Swimming in the pool dreams of a difficult choice between two people, it is also possible that a new love relationship awaits you, but the ending will not be very pleasant;
  • Flounder in a muddy puddle in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, from which it will be difficult to get out without a stain on your reputation;
  • Swim in a lake or pond in a dream means that new acquaintances with unusual people and interesting events await you. If you happen to in a dream swim in clear lake water, it means success awaits you in all your endeavors. You will achieve your desired goal and realize all your ideas. If in this moment If you have any health problems, they will soon go away. Joyful changes await you, your life will improve and be filled with pleasant events.

Swim in a muddy pond or swamp in a dream means that in reality you are experiencing seizures panic attack, so it is best to consult a doctor immediately. Splashing in dirty and muddy water symbolizes fear of being accused of lying. It is also possible that you undeservedly offended another person and are now worried about this.

By type of swimming and human actions

  • Float on the surface of the water means that joy, serene feelings and complete satisfaction with the current situation await you;
  • Swim underwater dreams about worries about a difficult and tense situation that has developed in reality. The dreamer will try to hide and get away from problems, but this is impossible to do; he will have to answer for his actions. Just get together and mobilize all your strength to overcome difficulties;
  • Sailing b in a boat with another personindicates that in reality your interests will coincide. However, if the boat simply moves with the flow, without any effort on your part, then you have been consumed by laziness and reluctance to take the initiative;
  • Diving in a dream with friends- For a man, such a dream foreshadows conflicts at work. A woman has a dream in which she dives, portends a difficult relationship with a husband or loved one;
  • Sailing in the sea on a ship dreams of change. For unmarried people, this dream promises marriage, and for married people it promises happiness in family life;
  • Sailing in a boat on a stormy river means in reality to overcome life's obstacle course;
  • Fall through the ice on the river and go to the bottom indicates that achieving what you want will be very difficult; an insurmountable obstacle constantly appears on your way.

At the same time, attention should be paid to nuances and emotional coloring of human actions in a dream about swimming:

  • With pleasure swim in warm water and feel comfortable this means that you will receive a decent reward for your work;
  • If you dream that you you swim in your sleep and feel anxious, the dream symbolizes your fear and uncertainty about the future. You need to relax and learn to enjoy life;
  • Immerse yourself in cold, clean water– for a pregnant woman, such a dream foretells a successful birth and a strong healthy baby. TOfall in dirty cold wateror finding yourself in an icy, dirty hole - to emotional distress and torment;
  • Confidently cross a body of water in a dream anticipates joy and success;
  • If in a dream you swimming alone in reality, worries and troubles await you;
  • Difficulty crossing the water- to near disappointment;
  • Seeing a blue mirror surface in a dream and immersing yourself in it means that perhaps you will soon go on a trip or simply have a good vacation;
  • Seeing yourself in clothes in the middle of the ocean means unpreparedness and confusion in the face of life's adversities.

The image of dirt in dreams always has a negative meaning. If in a dream you are swimming in a muddy and dirty river or see yourself in the mud, expect losses and conflict situations. It is possible that some chronic diseases will appear.

Interpretation of swimming in a dream according to different dream books

Interpretation of dreams by different dream books may vary significantly. The reason for this is the different worldview of researchers of dreams about swimming and water. However, in order to determine the interpretation of the dream in which the dreamer saw himself floating, one should study both esoteric and psychoanalytic publications.

  • Freud's Dream Book. The author of the dictionary of dream interpretations examines the image of swimming in water from the point of view of sexology;
  • Miller's Dream Book. The famous psychoanalyst is of the opinion that the human subconscious is capable of generating images that warn of future events;
  • Dream book Meneghetti. From the point of view of the eminent psychologist, the image of swimming in a dream refers to positive symbols and means the rapid development and positive sexuality of the dreamer.
  • Dream book of Astromeridian. A publication recommended for people with developed intuition;
  • Dream book of the 21st century. A modern dictionary of dream interpretation, revealing all the nuances of the dreamed image;
  • Creative dream book. Recommended for people with creative thinking and developed imagination.

To make the most accurate interpretation of a dream, study several dream books at once, and then compare what you read with your personal feelings. Your physical and emotional state on the eve of sleep is also of great importance.

Did you dream last night that you were swimming? Have you plunged into the water, which took you into its refreshing and unusually invigorating embrace? Or maybe it was a huge sea or an ocean without end and edge?

Yes? Then we can only envy you. You actually had a good dream. A dream that can bring many positive events, meetings, acquaintances into your future life, and even fulfill your deepest desires.

So, swimming in a dream...

This dream is considered very positive in all respects. Even the most complete pessimists, ready to leaf through hundreds of various dream books and interpreters, are unlikely to be able to find many negative aspects in them regarding this dream.

Firstly, if you are lucky enough to swim in a dream, this indicates that your creative (and, according to some sources, sexual) needs will soon be satisfied.

Secondly, a lot depends on your behavior in the water and on the general impression that the dream left. Swimming confidently and beautifully indicates the right path in life and the successful achievement of your goals. If the water surrounding you was calm and clean, it means that you are guaranteed a measured and harmonious pastime, a peaceful way of life and good health. True, muddy and stormy water, on the contrary, does not bode well. In this case, you most likely should be wary of illness and nervous shock. If you even dare to swim in a storm, try to show more determination and strength of character in reality.

It means an increased likelihood of injury in reality, sometimes even with a risk to life, therefore, having seen such a dream, try to be on the alert for some time, showing extreme vigilance to what is happening around.

What you see or the ocean will not only bring you, but also fulfill your desires. And sometimes it is even believed that swimming in the sea dreams of receiving an inheritance or great mutual love. Great, right? You only need to beware of a dream in which you dive headfirst into the depths of the sea - in reality a very risky undertaking awaits you.

A dream in which the sleeper swims not alone, but, say, with his chosen one or soulmate, is considered especially successful. In reality, this dream promises joyful events, indicates the right choice of a couple, as well as a possible wedding in the near future.

Swimming in a dream confidently and towards a specific goal means successfully achieving your goals, but if you strive, on the contrary, to sail away from something, it means that in real life you will probably be able to avoid an unpleasant situation and meeting.

Dream Interpretations - interpretation passed on to us through many generations. For centuries, people have paid attention to the mysterious implications of night dreams. And modern scientists are not far behind them. For example, the science of dreams - oneirology - also carefully studies the signs seen in dreams. And according to the latest data, swimming across a river or lake in a dream in clothes means the need to find shelter with strong patrons, and if you swim naked, this indicates your firmness of will, unshakable desire to win and peace of conscience.

If in a dream you decide to go on a trip on a small and fragile boat, think about it: perhaps in real life your desires greatly exceed your capabilities, which means that it will be quite difficult to fulfill them.

Another sign that should alert the sleeper is observing an accident on the water. Be careful, most likely you will meet a very insincere person who pretends to be your lover or friend only in the name of achieving his own selfish goals.

So, let's summarize... In general, swimming in a dream is a good and positive dream, according to most interpreters. He comes to us to protect, warn, help and give confidence in our actions and actions. Of course, there are exceptions, but in most cases they are associated with unfavorable circumstances, the elements of nature, or, not surprisingly, muddy or dirty water.

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