In the Tikhoretsky District, an overseas poisonous spider has bitten a woman

There are several species of spider crabs on the planet: some live in the sea, others live on land. Similarity of forms is all that unites them. The name of the same name - crab spider - given to completely different animals, introduces a certain confusion. Among them there is a bright representative of crustaceans, which has a huge size. There are also miniature individuals belonging to arachnids.

History of the study of the giant Japanese crab spider

The largest crustacean in the world is recognized as a giant spider crab. Its first description was compiled by Japanese naturalists in the 17th century. Western scientists met him only in 1727, after the publication of the German biologist E. Kampfer. Somewhat later, this huge sea dweller will be given the name Macrocheira kaempferi, consonant with the name of a German naturalist who told the world about its existence.

Biological description

The Japanese spider crab is incredibly huge. The span of the stretched limbs of individuals resembling the structure of spiders is approaching 4 meters. And this is with a relatively small body. The head of the "monsters" reaches in the diameter of 37-60 centimeters. The mass of adult copies is close to 20 kilograms. Females are slightly inferior in weight to males. Crabs have the most powerful weapon - claws, growing in length up to 40 centimeters.


The Pacific waters washing the Japanese islands of Honshu and Kyushu are the abode of these fantastic arthropods. Sometimes they enter Russian Far Eastern possessions. Adult crabs spiders have mastered the upper territories of the continental slope. Here they go down to 300-400 meters. They feed on clams and fish.


The spider-crab reaches puberty by 10 years. With the onset of spring, adults begin to migrate, moving to coastal waters. There they produce their numerous offspring. Each female will sweep over 1.5 million larvae. Only a small part of them will survive. The life span of these crustaceans is 50 years. Although there are some instances that live to 100 years.


The quality of meat in adult spider crabs is low. At great depths their dead food becomes their staple food. Because of this, the meat is bitter. Adult "monsters" are caught in isolated cases. They are placed in aquariums and show visitors aquariums.

Another thing is young. The meat of young spider crabs is tender. It is counted among the delicacies. Harvesting young stock is a snap. The abode of crabs - coastal waters. Here, hunters set traps with bait, where individuals without problems that have not gained enough life experience can be caught without problems.

Thus, a significant number of young animals are exterminated, not reaching sexual maturity and not giving offspring. This causes serious concerns of specialists. They are sure that the giant spider crab is in danger. If you do not take measures to protect it, the population will quickly be reduced to a critical number, or even disappear altogether.

Characteristics of the flower crab spider

This animal has nothing to do with crustaceans. It is a representative of the arachnids of the family of bokohod, including about 2000 species. These species are so named because of the characteristic manner of movement.

Such spiders do not spin webs. Their arms are front paws and the ability to disguise. Almost all the time, the yellow crab spider spends on flowers, stalking the prey. He does not threaten the person.


Male and female individuals differ in color and size. Females are small - only 10 mm in length. And males in comparison with them at all crumbs. The length of their body is only 4 mm.

White or yellowish abdomen of males are decorated with long dark stripes. Their heads are black. The forelimbs are colored with brown and black stripes. The hind legs have the same color as the abdomen. Females "flaunt" in bright dresses of green and yellow shades. Their sides are often painted with red stripes.


A yellow spider, similar to a crab, has captured a vast area stretching from subtropics to the arctic zone. It is found on the lands of Alaska, USA, Japan and Portugal. The whole of Europe became its abode, with the exception of Iceland. He lives in open areas, covered with a large number of flowering plants.


Flower crab spider guards its victims on flowers. Depending on the color of the inflorescences, it also changes its own pigmentation. Only adults are capable of such a disguise. The eyes help them to control the coloring of the body.

These arthropods are real hunters. They feed on a variety of pollinators: butterflies, bees, wasps, hoverlings and small bugs. Often, prey is much larger than the most treacherous predator.

After waiting for the victim to lower the head into the stamens, the yellow spider attacks her, spreading her front legs wide. Seized prey, he bites the neck. Poisonous bites instantly kill the victim.

Thanks to the ability to skillfully disguise, the crab spider goes unnoticed, being in close proximity to its victim. He prefers to hunt plants with yellow or white inflorescences, so his body has the same shade. Buttercups and greenberry are his favorite flowers for hunting.

However, according to scientists, the yellow color of spiders is just a special case. In fact, colors can be any, as long as it matches the color of the plants.

Breeding features

The mating season in yellow spiders comes in the summer. Males find a suitable female and mate with her. After completing the mating, the male is removed. Females are engaged in hanging cocoons with eggs, fix them on the sides of the inflorescences. Youngs winters under the ground.

In the Krasnodar Territory, this case was the third

Photo: Archive "KP"

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The fact that living in Kuban is good, is confirmed not only by the locals, but also by the guests of the region. As it turned out, arthropods of the fauna decided to move to the fertile land - poisonous spiders. If earlier, in the region it was possible to meet one or two foreigners, but now residents are increasingly turning to a doctor with arachnoid bites.

So, on the eve, a resident of the village of Krasnooktyabrsky, Tikhoretsk district, suffered.

I have never seen such a spider. The body is yellow, and the paws are small and black. After his bite, I immediately felt dizzy, and the bite site was very swollen. That's why I decided to call an ambulance, ”a woman told the medical team.

She placed her offender in a jar and took her to the hospital with her. The doctor who took the woman was not surprised. As it turned out, this is the second bite case of exactly such a poisonous spider in the region. The first occurred just a few weeks ago in the village of Fastovetskaya - a woman also suffered from a bite. And last year Krasnodar Anatoly Manovitsky became the victim of an insect.

It turned out later that yellow sak attacked people. The poisonous spider, before they could be found only in Central and Eastern Europe (mainly in Austria or Germany), expanded its habitat and settled in the Kuban. It is small in size - about two centimeters, however, according to the victims, its bite causes dizziness and sharp pain. Biologists rush to reassure - the poison of this spider is not lethal!

The spider bite site often swells and stains. However, yellow sak is not as dangerous as, for example, its other relatives. The three most dangerous includes karakut. A black, sleek, shiny spider with about four bright red dots on its body. His poisons are very strong and affect the entire body - explains novorossiysk biologist Veniamin Golubitchchenko.   - South Russian tarantula is also considered to be no less dangerous. It is much larger than its brother, its body is about two centimeters, and its paws can reach six centimeters. It has a brown-red color, and the abdomen is densely covered with short hairs. It usually lives in burrows, which digs in the ground. Very often it can be found on the roadsides. Another venomous spider - krestovik ( approx. auth.   - on the dorsal surface of the abdomen of a spider there is a pattern in the form of a cross). It is even larger: the body is about three centimeters, the paws reach seven centimeters. However, it is worth noting that none of them will ever attack you first. Only if you disturb or hurt - then you can easily get revenge.

As it turned out, urban dwellers may not be afraid - all these spiders live exclusively in steppes and forests. And beyond these areas do not go simply because they will be uncomfortable. They choose their homes, which definitely will not bother at least several decades. By the way, spiders are not dangerous for animals either: livestock, cats and dogs are not interested in them, because by nature they still eat small insects.

To defend against them is easy. First, you need to be careful when you walk in the forest area. Secondly, completely cover the body with clothes on an elastic band so that insects cannot penetrate inside. Taiga storm is best suited for this, advises Veniamin Golubitchenko.

Various means against spiders are very specific and you can hardly see them in the shop windows. Ordinary aerosols or insect ointments, in this case, will not work.

In general, spider venom consists of two components: a set of enzymes that decomposes living cells, from which sometimes a person feels a sharp burning pain in the area of ​​the bite; and nerve agents that temporarily immobilize the victim. You will surely not die from one bite. Usually this is due mostly to the individual intolerance of the poison. Therefore, if you are careful not to attack the spider first, you can even make friends with it, Benjamin smiles.


If you are bitten by a spider, then immediately treat the wound. Top can be sprinkled with salt or soda, a little mixed with water, and put on a sterile dressing. And then, as soon as possible, consult a doctor.

It is advisable to do this within an hour after the bite, says Veniamin Golubitchchenko. - If you are far from the hospital, then remember, the spider's poison is subject to heat treatment. The wound should be cauterized, for example, with coal for one minute after the bite. If you do this later, the effect of high temperatures may be useless.

Yellow Spider Sac (Cheiracanthium Punctorium)

Yellow (golden) spider lives mainly in European countries. These spiders are quite small (10 mm in length). Yellow spiders build pipe-type bags under things, like stones, to serve as home. Sometimes they are inside the house.

Their bites are known to be at least clinically dangerous and are often misdiagnosed as bites of a brown recluse spider.

Spider bites cause severe pain with the development of necrotic wounds (although not as intense as due to the brown recluse).

Like other spiders, they tend to bite in defense.

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer)

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. He lives in South America, does not create a network, and never stops at one place. That's why he got his name.

The size is only 10 centimeters in length, but it can kill about 225 mice with its poison.

It can hardly kill an adult, but can actually lead to a major allergic reaction. Fortunately, an antidote was found for his poison.

It mainly feeds on insects, spiders smaller than themselves, and sometimes birds or even lizards, which are much larger than it. He prefers to hide in fruit baskets, especially among bananas, and therefore he got the nickname “banana spider”.

Brown hermit spider

The brown recluse spider, or the violin spider (Loxosceles), is one of the few spiders in the world that is harmful to humans. It lives in the Midwest and in the southeastern states of the United States, especially in California.

The spider is small - from 0.6 to 2 centimeters - which makes it not quite noticeable. He is looking for warm, dry and dark places such as attics, cabinets, or old tires.

Unlike most 8-eye spiders, the brown recluse has 6 eyes in 3 pairs.

When a brown recluse bites, the symptoms often appear within the first 24 hours. At the same time, all the poison spreads throughout the human body. That is why it is important to hospitalize a patient as soon as possible. Hermits are not aggressive and bite only when they are threatened.

Black Widow

This spider is known to be very dangerous for humans because of its poison, which exceeds the venom of a rattlesnake by a factor of 15. Black widows inhabit prairies and desert places all over the world.

Females are about 2 cm in length and are more dangerous than males.

Females always kill males after mating, which is why a black widow got its name.

Attack only when they see a threat. The poison is very dangerous, and in case of a bite, the antidote must be administered within 30 seconds.

Tarantula (tarantula)

Tarantulas are a group of hairy and very large (about 3-4 cm in length) spiders, which belong to the family of tarantulas

There are many options for coloring tarantulas - from light brown to dark gray.

Tarantulas live in deep and wet burrows in steppes and deserts.

In the dark, tarantulas hunt their prey.

The poison of a tarantula is not very dangerous for humans, and some can even be kept as pets.

Water Spiders (Argyroneta)

Water spiders or underwater spiders inhabit ponds in Northern and Central Europe and Northern Asia.

Argyroneta is one of the types of airborne spiders that spend their entire lives underwater.

Float well, with a speed of 2.3-3.5 cm per second, with its length of 1.5-1.7 cm.

The aquatic spider weaves its net among aquatic plants and stocks with air from the surface that looks like a diving bell.

Argyroneta is not considered harmful to humans. They hunt for larvae, crustaceans, which are found in water bodies.

Crab spider

Crab spider includes more than 3,000 species of spider crab. They get their name from Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon.

Like crabs, they can move to the side and back.

Usually spider crabs are found in North America, and sometimes in southern Europe and Asia.

They do not weave cobwebs, they usually hunt on the ground, hiding among the vegetation, such as flowers.

Yellow Spider Sac (Cheiracanthium Punctorium)

Yellow (golden) spider lives mainly in European countries. These spiders are quite small (10 mm in length). Yellow spiders build pipe-type bags under things, like stones, to serve as home. Sometimes they are inside the house.

Their bites are known to be at least clinically dangerous and are often misdiagnosed as bites of a brown recluse spider.

Spider bites cause severe pain with the development of necrotic wounds (although not as intense as due to the brown recluse).

Like other spiders, they tend to bite in defense.

Yellow (golden) spider lives mainly in European countries. These spiders are quite small (10 mm in length). Yellow spiders build sacks, such as pipes for things like stones, to serve as home. Sometimes they are inside the house.

Black Widow

This spider is known to be very dangerous for humans because of its poison, which exceeds the venom of a rattlesnake by a factor of 15. Black widows inhabit prairies and desert places all over the world.

Females are about 2 cm in length and are more dangerous than males.

Females always kill males after mating, which is why a black widow got its name.

Attack only when they see a threat. The poison is very dangerous, and in case of a bite, the antidote must be administered within 30 seconds.

Distributed throughout the world, in desert areas and prairies. The size of a black widow is only about 2 cm.

Females are more dangerous and smaller than males, and after mating, they always kill their male, for which they received such a name. The poison of the black widow is stronger than the poison of a rattlesnake by a multiple of 15. The antidote must be administered within 30 seconds after the bite, otherwise the consequences may be the most sad.

Brown hermit spider

The brown recluse spider, or the violin spider (Loxosceles), is one of the few spiders in the world that is harmful to humans. It lives in the Midwest and in the southeastern states of the United States, especially in California.

The spider is small - from 0.6 to 2 centimeters - which makes it not quite noticeable. He is looking for warm, dry and dark places such as attics, cabinets, or old tires.

Unlike most 8-eye spiders, the brown recluse has 6 eyes in 3 pairs.

When a brown recluse bites, the symptoms often appear within the first 24 hours. At the same time, all the poison spreads throughout the human body. That is why it is important to hospitalize a patient as soon as possible. Hermits are not aggressive and bite only when they are threatened.

The brown recluse spider, or treble spider (Loxosceles), is one of the few spiders in the world that is harmful to humans. It lives in the Midwest and in the southeastern states of the United States, especially in California.

Australian Voronkovy spider

These spiders are found on the east coast of Australia. Their size is from 1-5 centimeters and they have a dark brown or black color, with a glossy finish. They have huge and strong fangs. Toxins in the poison are not so dangerous for wild animals, but dangerous for humans. After a spider bite, death occurs within 15 minutes.

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer)

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. He lives in South America, does not create a network, and never stops at one place. That's why he got his name.

The size is only 10 centimeters in length, but it can kill about 225 mice with its poison.

It can hardly kill an adult, but can actually lead to a major allergic reaction. Fortunately, an antidote was found for his poison.

It mainly feeds on insects, spiders smaller than themselves, and sometimes birds or even lizards, which are much larger than it. He prefers to hide in fruit baskets, especially among bananas, and therefore he got the nickname “banana spider”.

this is a very nimble spider, it was called an itinerant, since, unlike other spiders, it does not sit in one place and does not spin webs in anticipation of prey, but constantly moves in search of prey. Brazilian spider likes bananas, there were many cases when the spider was found in a box with bananas. But the main food is still not fruit, but other spiders and insects, small lizards and birds.

The size of a Brazilian spider is only 10 cm. And a healthy adult will kill it with a bite, modern medicine can cope with poison easily, but if the spider bites a child or a sick person, the poison can act very quickly and medical care may not be enough.

Tarantula (tarantula)

Tarantulas are a group of hairy and very large (about 3-4 cm in length) spiders, which belong to the family of tarantulas.

There are many options for coloring tarantulas - from light brown to dark gray.

Tarantulas live in deep and wet burrows in steppes and deserts.

In the dark, tarantulas hunt their prey.

The poison of a tarantula is not very dangerous for humans, and some can even be kept as pets.

Crab spider

Crab spider includes more than 3,000 species of spider crab. They get their name from Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon.

Like crabs, they can move to the side and back.

Usually spider crabs are found in North America, and sometimes in southern Europe and Asia.

They do not weave cobwebs, they usually hunt on the ground, hiding among the vegetation, such as flowers.

Crabs Spiders are not particularly dangerous for humans, they are often confused with hermits, so they are very afraid.

Water Spiders (Argyroneta)

Water spiders or underwater spiders inhabit ponds in Northern and Central Europe and Northern Asia.

Argyroneta is one of the types of airborne spiders that spend their entire lives underwater.

Float well, with a speed of 2.3-3.5 cm per second, with its length of 1.5-1.7 cm.

The aquatic spider weaves its net among aquatic plants and stocks with air from the surface that looks like a diving bell.

Argyroneta is not considered harmful to humans. They hunt for larvae, crustaceans, which are found in water bodies.


Other related news:

The most survivable creature

Insects - the first living creatures that appeared on Earth, more than 400
  million years ago. Since then, they have experienced five mass cataclysms, and
proved to be more tenacious than tyrannosaurs.

10th place: Butterflies, like many other insects, taste the food when
  relief hind legs

9th place: To produce 500 grams of honey, one
  the bee must fly from hive to flower and back 10 million times

  a place: About a third of all insects are carnivorous.   and most
  hunt for food, and do not feed on carrion and waste.

7th place:
The weight of insects, which for a year are eaten by all spiders on Earth, is greater
the cumulative weight of all the people living on the planet

6th place: Cubs
  Amarobia-like spiders eat their mother after birth
. At the same time, they
continue the glorious family traditions: some females begin to devour
males still during mating.

5th place: Females wide
theridion sisyphium species common in Europe is fed just
hatched will be taught liquid from their own mouths
. A few days later
  spiders begin to eat with her mother what she managed to get.
Growing up, the young individuals help her to get food, throwing on the victim
  additional networks. A relationship with a mother ends when she
dies, after which the young spiders devour it.

4th place: However,
  there are less bloodthirsty relationships in the spider world
. Young spiders
pandinus imperator species can remain in their family even after
reaching maturity. Different families often cooperate for hunting.

  a place: Spider-weaved nets often catch small birds.
Caught in the path of large mammals, the web can slow them down.
motion. Some species of spiders build a special "trash line", on
which hang the remains of small birds.

2nd place: Insects are
rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Larvae
"Vitchetti" is best eaten alive, but you can also fry
them in palm oil. Ten large larvae provide adult
human all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

a place:   Desert Locust Swarmmay consist of 50 billion insects.
Because each locust can eat an amount of food equal to its
to its own weight, this swarm devours four times as much food by day
  food than all New Yorkers.

Asia - Snakehead

Amazing snakehead fish can rightfully be considered a universal soldier, a kind of survival champion among his fellows. It lives in fresh waters, its original homeland is the Far Eastern rivers of China and, of course, Russia (here the snake-head has the widest historical area). In the 1960s, a small snakehead population was brought to Central Asia, where it rapidly multiplied, and now this fish lives in all the water bodies of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

Amateur aquarists brought the snakehead to North America, some of the fish were set free, and Central Asian history repeated. "Aliens" began to multiply quickly and efficiently. What is the secret of survival of the snakehead?

First, the miracles of the nature of snakeheads are due to the fact that it can breathe atmospheric air. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary for him: in water, where there is little oxygen, he feels great, but if he does not have access to normal “human” air, he will die even in the freshest water.

Snakehead dimensions are quite impressive: length up to 1 m, weight up to 10 kg. In natural habitat, he prefers to sit in overgrown areas of water bodies (where other fish will feel uncomfortable due to lack of air).

The body of the snakehead is covered with mucus, there are organs for atmospheric breathing, located above the gills. This fish tolerates high mineralization well, that is, even in salted waters it calmly survives.

Interestingly, if the pond dries out (and in Central Asia this happens), the sly snakehead digs a camera in the mud and it quietly falls asleep until the water level returns to normal.

What is most surprising is that the snakehead lives without water for up to five days and does not suffocate; moreover, it is quietly crawling over land in search of favorable places for settlement. The distance in five days it can cover quite significant.

Another snakehead is called the most terrible predator. This, of course, is an exaggeration, but he eats really everything that lies badly (or rather, crawls badly). Our predator snacks on foodstuffs and insect larvae, loves small fish, eats frogs for dessert, and does not stop at small mammals - in general, from the point of view of the snakehead, game is any suitable living creature that didn’t manage to escape from it in time.

In some US states, snakehead has declared a real war: they poison it in ponds and prohibit keeping it in aquariums. This is explained by the fantastic voracity of our hero. Once in the freshwater reservoir, he quickly destroys the valuable fish in it, offering his own person in return. However, experts say that they make excellent burgers out of the snakehead, so the Americans in vain are hysterical.

Europe - European anglerfish

The most interesting fish of the European angler fish is differently called the European monkfish. Such an unattractive name she received for her very awesome look.

Handsome monkfish really called very difficult. Huge, one and a half meter fish with a bare, flat body without scales, but with numerous growths, bony tubercles and other warts. The “face” of the anglerfish is “decorated” with a fringe of skin patches (they play an important masking role - they move in jets of water, imitating algae ribbons). A huge mouth with a protruding lower jaw, from which sharp teeth stick out predatory too, does not add much charm to the angler fish.

However, the monkfish is a remarkably calm creature: it is unlikely that he ever dreamed of the glory of a goldfish. He lies motionless at the bottom (at a depth of 18 to 550 meters), lights his "romantic" flashlight, formed by the first ray of the dorsal fin - and, waiting for some unwary fish to float on the light, he eats it in a completely non-romantic way. A monstrous mouth works like a clock: “so what, what ugly? But well-fed! ”The angler fish tells us.

The European angler lives in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Europe. This "handsome" spawns at a depth of 180 meters, and young fish begin their predatory activities already reaching a length of 5 - 6 cm (recall, an adult angler reaches a length of 2 meters, although usually its "height" is one and a half meters).

Indonesia - Atlas - the largest butterfly in the world

Atlas is considered the largest butterfly in the world. The total area of ​​its wings is 400 square centimeters. And the scope reaches 30 centimeters.

The atlas lives in the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia. In Indonesia and Malaysia, it is common on all islands. In India and China, too, occurs, but less often.

Butterfly is valued not only for its size, but also for its silk, which is used for non-commercial purposes, but which is praised for its strength and durability. In Taiwan, Atlas cocoons are used as wallets.

The atlas is an unusual butterfly, with very beautiful wings of dark burgundy color, almost triangular in shape. Transparent eyes on both front wings ... These eyes are circled in black ...

The body of the butterfly is disproportionately small, and it visually makes the wings even larger than they are.

True, the Atlas primacy is still contested - Scoop Agripina from South America also claims to be the largest butterfly in the world.

Greece - Antlion

The ant-lion got its name thanks to its larva - a voracious predator with powerful jaws. He became famous for the original method of hunting - with the help of a sand pit.

The larva digs a hole in the sandy soil. When an insect approaches a hole, the larva throws sand or earth into it, until it hits a trap in the pit. The insect, of course, tries to get out, but the unstable ground underfoot refuses, sucks down, where the jaws are already clicking. If you almost get out, the ant-lion knocks down another portion of sand. It all ends with the insect sliding down, from the center. And then eaten by a monstrous predator

The remaining chitin is spat back.

You can see such things forever in the movie "My Enemy" or somewhere else, this way of hunting is very common in movies and computer games. But there usually types are dealing with giant "lions". But at the same time, it is quite possible to understand what the ant feels, which fell into this kind of trap.

An adult antlion is very similar to a dragonfly, but has longer antennae. According to him, lions from dragonflies and distinguished. True, you can rarely see flying lions, because they fly mostly in the middle of the night, and even that is bad. Yes, and, in general, you should not look for a meeting with them. They can bite nicely if they sit on you.

In the "dragonfly" "lion" turns after two or three years of life in the larval state. But adults become only in order to leave offspring and die.

It is found throughout Europe, except for Scandinavia, the Pyrenees and the UK. It prefers dry areas where it is full of sand. Favorite place - the Balkan Peninsula.

Brazil - Spider under the feet

Brazilian wandering spider is an aggressive and very poisonous spider from the tropical forests of South and Central America. In 2010, he entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous spider in the world.

A wandering spider has many names. Affectionately they are also called banana spider. And if with trepidation - an armed spider (as they are called in Portuguese).

So, the legs of a banana spider can blow up to 15 centimeters. And even at the length of the body can fall with almost 5 centimeters.

The wandering spiders got their name because they roam the jungle at night. They have no holes, they do not weave cobwebs. During the day, they hide under stones, under mounds of termites, among banana plants. In short, they prefer dark and wet shelters. In addition, love to roam near human habitation. Or directly inside.

When a spider meets a person, it often takes on a defensive posture. It looks like this. The body assumes a vertical position. And the front paws rise up - to demonstrate the black-striped pattern to the enemy, which nature marked this dangerous creature.

An armed spider is the most poisonous spider in the world and in general is one of the most poisonous creatures. Its poison contains a powerful neurotoxin, which causes loss of muscle control and difficulty breathing, which can lead to suffocation. In addition, the poison causes severe inflammation and pain.

It's funny, but poison in humans sometimes leads to priapism - prolonged erection. It will last several hours and ends, in some cases, with impotence.

Brazilian wandering spider - one of the few spiders that represent the danger of man. And this danger is increased because the spider loves human habitation so much. And not only housing. A banana spider can lay low in a car, in a shoe, somewhere in a box, under any deck. So be careful to open the parcels that your aunt sends you from Brazil, where there are a lot of wild spiders.

However, do not particularly panic. Of the people dying, only 2.3% of the bitten. And these are mostly children.

China - Crocodile Shinizavr

Despite the awesome name, the crocodile shinizavr is just a lizard, albeit a rather large one. But for a lizard, it behaves quite unusual: it swims in mountain streams, does not lay eggs.

Its name is like a dinosaur, but there is nothing surprising in this, “bailout” just means “lizard”. And the dinosaur is a terrible lizard. Shinizavr, although it is large enough for a lizard - about 50 centimeters - still not very good at dinosaurs. A crocodile it is called because of the scales accreted on the tail, like a crocodile.

With sad ancestors of Shinizavr, only one sad detail is related - to him, as once a giant reptile, it may be threatened with extinction. Extremely rare Shinizavr is found only in China, in the province of Guangxi. A population has recently been found on the northern border of Taiwan. He lives near mountain rivers and leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle: he can sit in the water where he is small, he can swim rapidly, hunting, but he spends a lot of time on the branches above the water.

It is believed that in China Shinizavrov remains less than a thousand. Living in a limited area, shinizavry little studied. About their lifestyle almost nothing is known. It is clear only that these lizards are viviparous. However, the lack of information and a sufficiently large size did not prevent shinizavram from becoming pets. Shinizavrika is quite possible to settle at home, you only need to organize for him a spacious pool with clean water and correctly maintain the temperature.

Tanzania - Black Mamba

The black mamba is the longest of all the poisonous snakes of Africa. On average, its length is 2.5 meters. But some instances grow to 4.3. In addition, it is one of the deadliest snakes in the world, one of the worst in Africa. The black mamba is huge, it has a strong poison, it is swift in attacks.

The black mamba was nicknamed because of the fact that it has an internal cavity of the mouth - black. The color of the rest of the body is varied. These snakes are from yellowish-green to metallic-gray.

You can meet the black mamba on the territory of the southeastern coast of Africa (and at the southern end of the continent, starting with the latitude of Lake Titicaca, lives everywhere except South Africa and Namibia). The snake has managed to adapt to different climatic zones, starting with savannas and forests and ending with rocks and marshes.

But, no matter how we treat this, a person has captured most of the space for the needs of agriculture. Therefore, the snake is often forced to settle in the fields - for example, among the thickets of sugar cane. Snakes sometimes climb to the top of the reed and bask in the sun there.

By the way, yes, most of the attacks on a person are precisely committed on farmland, among deep thickets. This is aggravated by the fact that the fields in Africa are mainly processed by hand. 20 thousand people die every year from the bite of a black mamba. But killing a black mambo out of revenge won't just happen.

It is the fastest snake in the world, it is able to move in space at a speed of up to 23 km / h (this is 6.4 meters per second!) But the snake uses its speed not for chases (it hunts in ambush), but for rescue from threats. As soon as the mamba sees the slightest danger, it immediately evaporates.

Most of all, the black mamba is afraid of mongooses. These animals hunt snakes, and the poison does not affect them. True, mongooses are mostly killed by young black mambas, and they prefer not to get involved with adults and strong ones. But wild boars, devouring those and others.

Regardless of whether you are allergic to bites or not, you should consult with your doctor if bites occur in places like the face, nose, mouth, or throat, as these places are most susceptible to an allergic reaction.

With a weak local reaction to the bite, a little treatment is enough; you can do without it. However, in case of allergic or toxic reactions, it is necessary to provide medical assistance.

Here are the main points when helping with an insect bite:

1. If the sting remains in the wound, remove it with a blunt knife or fingernail. But do not squeeze it, because when squeezing into the wound, additional poison is released. Wasps, bumblebees and hornets stings do not leave, since those do not have chipping. There were no flies and mosquitoes.

2. Wash the bite well with soap and water. When a fly or spider bites need to be treated with an antiseptic wound.

3. In order to alleviate the pain, apply ice or moisten the bitten area with an aqueous solution of baking soda.

4. Place your bitten arm or leg higher to reduce swelling and swelling.

5. Be careful not to overlook the symptoms of the general reaction of the body or a tumor that may spread further from the site of the bite. If the reaction to the bite seems extremely serious, immediately rush to the doctor in the hospital.

6. Emergency medical care requires the bites of spiders such as karakurt ("black widow") or tarantula. The injured person must be taken to hospital immediately, regardless of the symptoms.

7. In no case, do not impose a braid, do not suck the poison out of the wound and do not make cuts at the site of the bite.

8. If possible, take a dead insect with you to the doctor to identify it.

Unusual animals

1. Devil's leaf-like gecko, which was seen during a 1998 Madagascar exploration. This species was first described in 1888, and is a frequent inhabitant of the virgin forests of Madagascar. In 2004, the World Wildlife Fund brought all leaf-like geckos to the “Most Exterminated” list, because they were “caught and sold in large quantities”.

2. Alien guest.
This "alien salamander" was found during the PBO expedition to Ecuador in 2009. This species of salamander has webbed feet that help them climb trees in tropical forests. They also have no lungs. This new species was found in tropical rain forests in southern Ecuador.

3. Toad Pinocchio.
This frog was discovered in 2008 during the PBO expedition to the Foya mountains in the Indonesian province of Papua. This frog has a long, like Pinocchio, protrusion on the nose, which is raised up when the male is looking for a female, or down when it is less active. His discovery was a happy coincidence: herpetologist Paul Oliver noticed him sitting on a bag of rice at a campsite.

4. What huge eyes!
a tree frog with huge eyes, 6 inches long, was discovered near a mountain river during a PUB expedition to the mountain desert in Papua New Guinea in 2008. It belongs to a group of frogs with an unusual venous pattern on the eyelids.

5. Inca Heritage.
The Chinchilla-like tree rat was discovered in 1997 during the PBO expedition to the Vilkabama mountain range in Peru, which is in close proximity to the famous ruins of Machu Picchu. This pale gray animal has a stocky build, has long claws and is distinguished by a white stripe along its head.

6. Fruit bat with a tub-like nose.
The fruit bat with a pipe-like nose, originally from the Mueller mountain range in Papua New Guinea, does not yet have a name, but it has also been seen in other parts of New Guinea. This bat was found in 1999 by PBO researchers.

7. Smoky honey sucker.
a new type of smoky honey locomotive was discovered in 2005 during the PBO expedition to the Foya mountains in the Indonesian province on the island of New Guinea.

8. African traveler.
a species of birds was discovered in the forests of southeastern Guinea during the 2003 TSS survey. This species was previously seen in eastern Sierra Leone, Liberia and western Côte d’Ivoire.

9. Walking shark.
A walking shark was discovered during the PBO expedition to the Indonesian Gulf of Canderavash in 2006. Despite its name, this shark can swim. But, she prefers to walk along gentle reefs with the help of her fins and eat shrimps, crabs, snails and small fish.

10. What a color!
This flashing wrasse was discovered during a 2006 expedition to the western part of Papua, Indonesia. The males go through an amazing ritual of courtship, in which they light up with electric pulses of different colors at the sight of passing by females.

11. Sponge catfish.
This species of catfish was discovered during the PBO expedition in Suriname in 2005. The flat mouth of the fish allows it to attach itself to other fish and thus swim in their direction.

12. Crafty grasshopper.
This peacock-like grasshopper was discovered during the 2006 expedition to the mountains of Guyana Akarai. This large rainforest insect uses two effective strategies to protect itself: first, it looks like a fallen leaf, and if it is in danger, it raises a pair of wings with an eye pattern and starts jumping in such a way that its opponent accepts him behind the head of a giant bird.

13. Meet this PBO.
The PBO Grasshopper was discovered during a 2002 study in Ghana and Guinea. It was named after the PBO program because it lives in the most dangerous habitats of West Africa, and the PBO program is designed to protect this species.

14. Debut of dragonflies.
This new species of dragonfly was discovered during a study in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The males of this species have a unique combination of colors that distinguish it from other species, namely, yellow belly and red-white legs.

15. Cleaning after bats.
This insect species lives only in one cave of the Simandoa mountain range, Guinea, where they were discovered in 2002. They feed on the guano giant fruit bats that inhabit the cave.

16. Ants with hooks.
Scientists, like any predators, mammals or birds, will think twice before approaching a hook-like ant that lives in the forests of Cambodia. The curved, hook-like paws of an ant easily dig into the skin. Ants were discovered during an expedition to Cambodia in Virashi National Park in 2007.

17. A tiny ant with a giant bite.
A tiger ant may not be as big as a tiger, but it is also fierce and dangerous for small invertebrate creatures caught in the fallen leaves of the rainforest. It was found during the PBO expedition to the Mueller mountain range in Papua - New Guinea in 2009.

18. Scorpion of unusual color.
This 8 inch emperor scorpion is one of the largest scorpions in the world. Some species from India are only marginally longer. This scorpion was found during a 2006 study in Ghana. Despite its enormous size, scorpions feed mainly on termites and other small invertebrates, and its poison is not particularly harmful to humans.

19. The hardest spider in the world.
The tarantula Goliath, is the most massive spider in the world, weighing 6 ounces (170 grams). This sample was discovered by the PBO research team in 2006 in Guyana. Despite their name, they feed mostly on invertebrates, but also eat small mammals, lizards and even venomous snakes.

20. Old ... and new.
The prehistoric spider Ateva was discovered during the 2006 expedition to Ghana in the Ateva Forest Reserve. This new species belongs to a number of animals that have not changed since prehistoric times. Its age is more than 300 million years. Currently they are found only in Central and South America and in West Africa.

On the talismans of magicians, one can often see images of insects and reptiles, moreover, poisonous ones.

Egyptian Scarab(big beetle of golden color) - one of the most common images used for magic talismans. This is one of the most remarkable insect figures. The scarab symbolized the strength of the body and the resurrection of the spirit, the eternal and incomprehensible creator - the ruler of the sun (god Ra).

The Egyptians often used the body of a scarab for the manufacture of various talismans, for which special inscriptions with sacral meaning were applied to it. Often, talismans in the shape of a scarab were made by Egyptians from ordinary or precious stones, as well as from baked clay covered with glaze. Many small scarabs were used as beads. Egyptian warriors wore scarabs as a special symbol of fertility, considering that these insects were only males.

The Egyptians also used scarabs as talismans to decorate ancient pyramids and sarcophagi. Since this beetle symbolized the resurrection of the soul, it was inserted instead of a cut out heart during the mummification of the dead. The tradition of the Egyptians to use the scarab figure for talismans was eagerly adopted by subsequent generations, in particular, people engaged in magic and witchcraft.

Scorpio, a figure that has long been attributed to a large magical value. Scorpio named one of the major constellations, so it is present among the signs of the zodiac. His image is often placed on the objects of antiquity and the Middle Ages, which were endowed with magical properties.

Many ancient rituals and medieval mysteries were carried out only at the time when the constellation Scorpio appeared in the sky.

Scorpio is a poisonous insect stinging its tail. That is why it was considered a slanderer and deceiver. His talisman figure often symbolizes maliciousness, treachery, persecution. According to the Egyptian mysteries, the scorpion was considered a symbol of spinal fire, which, reaching the base of the back, destroys a person. But it is also a sign of wisdom, because the fire it controls can both emit and absorb energy.

Especially often used scorpion as a talisman in the Middle Ages. The hieroglyphic Arachna, according to belief, could cure many diseases (it was made from different metals and made under the influence of certain planetary configurations). And Paracelsus advised to wear such a talisman to those who suffer from diseases of the sexual sphere.

Butterfly, depicted on the talisman, has long symbolized the human soul and the stages it goes through in order to deploy its forces for flight. These stages resemble human life (which is treated in detail in the Mystery School). Thus, a non-regenerated and helpless person is symbolized by the stage between the egg and the larva.

A man who seeks the truth and is lost in thought takes the stage between the larva and the pupa. The third stage (from the pupa to the adult individual), from which the perfect butterfly emerges, is a symbol of a person with an enlightened soul — his wings and the ability to soar into heaven.

As for the image   the spiderthen its values ​​are interpreted differently. The shape of the spider makes it the appropriate symbol for the ganglion in the human body. Often the mascot-spider has a demonic meaning, because it is more terrible than other insects, and it is poisonous. Paracelsus believed that the spider is endowed with great, but evil forces used only by black magicians in their unclean enterprises.

Mascot with a picture bees (hive)   - a sign that happiness and prosperity can only be found on the path of diligence and hard work. The bee is also a symbol of wisdom: just as a bee collects nectar from flowers, so a person extracts wisdom from the experience of everyday life. That was the importance attached to talismans with bees from masons,

In the ancient Indian magical rituals, the bee was given a slightly different meaning. Here, it was considered a symbol of generating and reproducing power - because of its role in pollination.

  Flyon the talisman means spiritual agony due to the torment that it inflicts on animals. But beyond that, she is given a different meaning. Such an image is often viewed as having divine power due to the ability of the fly to destroy waste and decay products and thereby positively affect health.

On the mascot you can also find an image   locust. This insect, gathering in huge flocks, eclipsing the sun, destroys
everything is green and is considered a symbol of passion, disease, hatred and struggle, because these emotions destroy everything good in the soul of a person and devastate it, the Locust on the talisman is a symbol of desperate struggle, revenge, destruction. Such a talisman can be used by a magician in a variety of actions, for example, to cure diseases that are caused by damage, etc.

The subject of the mascot can be ladybug   - a symbol of grace, kindness, forgiveness. This talisman will serve to deliver a person from spiritual torment, from sins (pride, envy, vengeance, and others).

Some facts about music

Spiders, if you play on the violin in front of him, crawl out of their hiding places. Although, of course, not to listen to music: the cobweb from the sounds of a violin fluctuates, and the spider thinks that she has caught prey.

Whistling is considered in Islamic countries "devil's music".

A unique case in the history of music. In 1792, at the premiere of the opera The Secret Marriage of the composer Chimaroz, the audience clapped so loudly that the artists were forced to perform an encore ... the whole opera entirely.

Once Caruso came to the bank without any documents and he had to sing to the cashier to make sure that he really was Caruso. After listening to the aria from "Tosca", the cashier agreed that this would prove the identity of the recipient and paid the money, and Caruso later admitted that he had never tried that again.

Shalyapin and Gorky almost at the same time tried out to the choir. Gorky took, Chaliapin not.

The first phonogram appeared at the end of the 19th century: one Italian composer took a phonograph with him, on which the piano part of his works was recorded.

Nicholas I did not like the composer Glinka. And so much that he ordered to replace the guardhouse for the guilty officers by visiting the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

The most popular wedding music in the United States is the Whitney Houston song "I will always love yоu". By a strange coincidence of circumstances, it is also the most popular funeral music in the UK.

Listening to loud music is detrimental to the central nervous system. So loud music in a car is not only a threat to traffic safety, but also a potential threat to health. Therefore, in each area of ​​New York there is a certain noise limit, the excess of which imposes a penalty. And in the English city of Birmingham, the police went further - for listening in the car loud music relies confiscation of the car itself. However, high-quality music in the car is a great way to pass the time on the road and make the road more pleasant.

Analysis of the reality and the current state of the women's community allowed us to identify the following classes of women:

Catwoman. Graceful, sexy, mysterious. Desired. In reality, it is rare, in the virtual - through one.

Woman Horse The most common type of women in modern reality. She is harnessed - she plows. He really wants to become a catwoman, but he doesn’t cut his hooves to the state of his paws. From time to time, on Monday, she changes her rut: she goes on a diet, teaches belly dancing, and rehearses a purple haze. By Friday, the whim of a horse's head is knocked out by a whip of circumstances and it habitually returns to fieldwork.

Spider Woman He lives in the network, puts the larvae on dating sites. Some individuals eat enticed males immediately after mating.

Koala woman The meaning of existence is to hang on a branch and wait for sex to happen. Particularly lucky koalam come across males, randomly crawling on the same tree. Males rarely crawl, therefore, in the intervals, the koala woman complains about her fate and learns to bake yeast pies waiting for a miracle.

Wolf Woman. Motherland - Tambov, credo - "friend". And in drunkenness, and in tears, and, if necessary, in men. You can always rely on it and put it - she will understand, she is a friend!

Woman canary. Creates a sound background, without stopping broadcasting the most important information about his manicure, the sale at the Podium, the new gossip about the Star Factory. Sometimes it bears fatty eggs - it expresses its own thoughts and judgments. Like a regular canary, she wants to roll her neck in a fairly short time.

Woman Cow. Variety of Woman-Horse, received Soviet education. Gives milk to everyone, if you do not milk it, it begins to wither. She can live in a barn and eat hay, but she and her husband will be fed with cream.

Vamp Woman Sucks blood, plunges into complexes, does the first with well-to-do men, second with all the remaining women, habitat - where you can live and live well. Unlike real vampires, he likes bright light reflected by pebbles and the fur of other animals.

Female Guinea pig. Neither the sea nor the pigs. A body with a breast, and a brain - with a member. Often found in the urban jungle, has a high position and a difficult female share.

Swan Woman. The Queen of Lakes, a migratory bird. Arrives home when it is warm and there is something to eat, flies to the right place when there is no need.

Snake Woman Swallows the male entirely and digests during the rest of his family life.

Female protoplasm. Yulia Tymoshenko.

Yellow Spider Sac (Cheiracanthium Punctorium)

Yellow (golden) spider lives mainly in European countries. These spiders are quite small (10 mm in length). Yellow spiders build pipe-type bags under things, like stones, to serve as home. Sometimes they are inside the house.
  Their bites are known to be at least clinically dangerous and are often misdiagnosed as bites of a brown recluse spider.

Spider bites cause severe pain with the development of necrotic wounds (although not as intense as due to the brown recluse). Like other spiders, they tend to bite in defense.

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer)

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. He lives in South America, does not create a network, and never stops at one place. That's why he got his name.

The size is only 10 centimeters in length, but it can kill about 225 mice with its poison.

It can hardly kill an adult, but can actually lead to a major allergic reaction. Fortunately, an antidote was found for his poison.
  It mainly feeds on insects, spiders smaller than themselves, and sometimes birds or even lizards, which are much larger than it. He prefers to hide in fruit baskets, especially among bananas, and therefore he got the nickname “banana spider”.

Brown hermit spider

The brown recluse spider, or the violin spider (Loxosceles), is one of the few spiders in the world that is harmful to humans. It lives in the Midwest and in the southeastern states of the United States, especially in California.

The spider is small - from 0.6 to 2 centimeters - which makes it not quite noticeable. He is looking for warm, dry and dark places such as attics, cabinets, or old tires.

Unlike most 8-eye spiders, the brown recluse has 6 eyes in 3 pairs. When a brown recluse bites, the symptoms often appear within the first 24 hours. At the same time, all the poison spreads throughout the human body. That is why it is important to hospitalize a patient as soon as possible. Hermits are not aggressive and bite only when they are threatened.

This spider is known to be very dangerous for humans because of its poison, which exceeds the poison of a rattlesnake by a factor of 15. Black widows inhabit prairies and desert places around the world. Females are about 2 cm in length and are more dangerous than males .

Females always kill males after mating, which is why a black widow got its name. They fall only when they see a threat. The poison is very dangerous, and in case of a bite, the antidote must be administered within 30 seconds.

Tarantula (tarantula)

Tarantulas are a group of hairy and very large (about 3-4 cm in length) spiders, which belong to the family of tarantulas. There are many options for coloring tarantulas from light brown to dark gray.

Tarantulas live in deep and wet burrows in steppes and deserts. In the dark, tarantulas hunt their prey.

The poison of a tarantula is not very dangerous for humans, and some can even be kept as pets.

Water Spiders (Argyroneta)

Water spiders or underwater spiders inhabit ponds in northern and central Europe and northern Asia. Argyroneta is one of the types of airborne spiders that spend their entire lives underwater.

Float well, with a speed of 2.3-3.5 cm per second, with its length of 1.5-1.7 cm.

The aquatic spider weaves its net among aquatic plants and stocks with air from the surface that looks like a diving bell. Argyroneta is not considered harmful to humans. They hunt for larvae, crustaceans, which are found in water bodies.

Crab spider includes more than 3,000 species of spider crab. They get their name from Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon. Like crabs, they can move to the side and back.

Spiders crabs are usually found in North America and sometimes in southern Europe and Asia. They do not weave cobwebs, they usually hunt on the ground, hiding among vegetation, such as flowers.

Crabs Spiders are not particularly dangerous for humans, they are often confused with hermits, so they are very afraid.

And these are the biggest spiders in the world.

Birdworm Theraphosis Blond

The biggest spiders are tarantulas. For the first time they were found and described by the French entomologist Latreil back in 1804. In 1965, in Venezuela, the expedition of Pablo San Martín discovered the largest tarantula. His furry paws in a span of exactly 28 centimeters. It is quite enough to cover the usual dinner plate. It is this individual, the bird-eating goliath, and got into the Guinness Book of Records. However, later, experts found an even larger spider.

This species of spider is found in the rainforests of Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, but isolated specimens have been reported in Brazil and Venezuela. The name "tarantula" animal does not justify. Because of their frightening size and habitat, in the trees, it was believed that the spider eats birds. But the tarantula feeds only on frogs, small rodents, fledgling birds, lizards and small snakes. The tropics are a paradise for the largest spider. Photos show that they live in deep holes, crevices of rocks, hollows of trees, and the entrance is covered with cobwebs. The tarantula does not weave a trap for his victim, but catches them himself. Besides the nets, they have another weapon — strong jaws. It is worth noting that spiders eat only liquid food. They, as a rule, suck up the victim and leave only a dry shell from it.

These are the biggest spiders that weave cobwebs. They are also called banana spiders, giant tree spiders. And they are the real thunderstorm of birds. The size of the calf of this spider is from 1 to 4 centimeters, and the leg span can be up to 12 centimeters.

It should be noted that female nephil spiders are much larger than males. The gutter of this giant fossil spider has reached 15 centimeters. Among their victims there are even small birds. By the way, you can find such an animal in Australia, Africa, Asia, America and Madagascar.

Now in the fossil known 6 species of the genus Nefil. Five of them are from Neogene (Dominican Amber, 16 million years old), one from the Eocene (USA, 34 million years old) and the Jurassic period (165 million years old).

The poison of these spiders is stronger, but not for humans. He has a neurotoxic effect, like karakurt. Bite does not hurt the whole body, but only amazed place. After that, blisters appear and disappear within 24 hours. Sometimes allergic reactions to a nephil bite are possible, and asthmatics have difficulty breathing. This genus of spiders has strong chelicerae, so a small scar on a thin skin (for example, on the fingers) may remain from the bite.

This species of spider is even smaller tarantula. The size of the female is from 1.7 to 2.6 centimeters. The male is even less. They live mainly in Europe. You can meet them in Russia, for example, in the Astrakhan, Smolensk, Rostov regions, as well as in the Altai.

The spider is waiting for its victim on the web. He sits or in the center or next to the signal thread. The main food is mosquitoes and flies. But if something poisonous falls into the net, then the dagger cuts the threads and releases its nets. Usually, the spider's web can be seen on the crowns of trees, between the branches. You can immediately see the threads when visiting a forest, a neglected grove or a garden. The poison of spider-jog is toxic for vertebrates and invertebrates. Thermolabile hemolysin, which is part of the poison, acts on the red blood cells of a rabbit, mouse, rat, and even humans.

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