Gender aspect of women's communicative behavior. The influence of gender on the process of business communication

speech behavior of men and women, in which typical strategies and tactics, gender specific choice of lexicon units, ways to succeed in communication, that is, the specificity of male and female speaking.

Since, firstly, gender is the strengthening of gender in the language, forcing the speaking person to state it in his speech.

Gender is a component of both collective and individual consciousness. It must be studied as cognitive phenomenon, manifested in stereotypes, fixed by the language, and in speech behavior individuals who are aware, on the one hand, of their belonging to the male or female sex, on the other hand, who are under pressure from axiologically non-neutral structures of the language, reflecting the collective vision of the gender.

Being important attributes of public consciousness, the concepts of masculinity and femininity present in every culture, and at the same time include specific characteristics of a given society.. We believe that every natural language reflects a certain way of perceiving and organizing the world. Consequently, masculinity and femininity as cultural concepts public consciousness are integral part conceptual system of personality. They are part of the models of consciousness and are manifested in the language, the analysis of which, in turn, makes it possible to describe certain gender stereotypes depending on the historical and social order.

Considering the current points of view on the problem speech differentiation based on sex, we can define it, first of all, status-role characteristics of communicants. This is due to the fact that the asymmetric form of relations is the most typical in the interaction of the sexes, and the main difference between the behavior of men and women will be, from our point of view, in implementation of opposite strategies in the speech utterances of both.

So, male type statements will have such communicative priorities that will be aimed at to achieve their own goals and to maintain and maintain their high status in society.

At women communication preferences will be in the so-called "cooperative style", in the arsenal of which there will be such important elements as establishing and maintaining harmonious interaction.

Considering the gender aspect in the study of language, culture and communication, it is necessary to take into account that such unshakable concepts as "male and female - concepts are very fluid.. They have not only significant differences in certain cultures, but also evolve in accordance with the course of history, changes in politics, economics, and society. When considering them, it must be borne in mind that gender differences are not given or established by nature. They are determined by a person and are a construct of culture, changing along with it as ideas and society develop. Language takes part in this development. And since the language exists and is realized through speech, the study of the specific speaking of men and women allows us to establish the significance of the characterological speech features of both parties, which, in turn, may be essential for understanding the specifics of the manifestations of the HS in mass communication.

masculine- an individual with a characteristic predominance of male psychological characteristics over female ones;

feminine type characterizes a personality characterized by a predominance of female psychological manifestations over male ones.

Usually, feminine individuals are better oriented to color scheme names, in case of using them in your work, and masculine individuals, for the same reason, use terms related to various technical tools. In order to demonstrate their belonging to a feminine subculture, people quite often oversaturate their speech with adjectives. Masculine individuals, denoting their subculture, are prone to the use of rude, profanity.

Feminine people are characterized, in general, by a brighter emotionality, caring, sociability.

Although many studies consider women to be more prone to smiling than men, psychologists have concluded that this non-verbal behavior is also associated with gender identity. It is the high degree of femininity of the personality, the manifestation of friendliness, as well as politeness and warmth of the soul, that explains the tendency to smile. Masculine individuals, on the contrary, are more active and powerful, prone to disputes, they are distinguished by higher self-confidence, independence, determination and, in addition, purposefulness. At the same time, as the results of recent studies by some scientists have shown, despite the fact that masculinity is usually associated with high self-sufficiency, restraint of the individual, this subculture is also characterized by a number of less attractive qualities, including aggressiveness.

1. Gender features of communicative behavior

The problems associated with "misunderstanding", arising in the process of interpersonal communication between men and women, excite both the subjects of communication themselves and researchers of various specialties, united in their research by gender methodology. The activity of gender researchers, reflected in both scientific and popular science publications, finds a lively response from consumers this kind knowledge, from ordinary, communicating with each other men and women.

It should be noted that the data on male and female verbal communication cannot be considered the only true and well-established for the following reasons:

Firstly, the volume of material for each researcher is small, so it is difficult to conduct a full study of this problem and draw objective conclusions;

Secondly, the violation of gender integrity (i.e., the divergence of biological and psychological) leads to a decrease in the differentiation of male and female speech, and women may show masculine features of speech behavior, and men - feminine ones;

Thirdly, the influence of non-sex factors (communication situation, age, profession, education, level of general culture, etc.) makes it difficult to identify purely gender differences and call the results of the study unambiguous.

However, studies by many scientists confirm the existence of differences in the speech of men and women.

The style of communicative behavior is influenced by the typical features of the representatives of one or another gender. Here are the typical features of men and women:

These and other traits affect the perception of the world by members of the opposite sex.

Many men perceive the world as individual person in the hierarchy of the social order, in which he stands above or below others. In such a world, as D. Tannen notes, conversations come down to negotiations in which people try to achieve a better position, maintain it as much as possible and protect themselves from the attempts of others to belittle or push them around. Life is thus a competition, a struggle for the right to maintain one's independence and avoid failure. Women generally perceive life as a separate person in the structure of mutual relations. In their world, conversations resemble negotiations aimed at achieving even greater intimacy, in which people try to find and give each other help and support, to reach an agreement. They try to protect themselves from attempts by others to push them away. Life is thus a community, an effort to maintain close relationships and avoid loneliness. Although this world has its own hierarchies, but these are more hierarchies of friendship, rather than domination and achievement. Intimacy is the key word in the world of connections, where each person negotiates in a complex structure of friendships, trying to reach agreement, avoiding superiority. In a world dominated by social status, the key word is independence, because the main means of establishing social status is the ability to order others, and if you follow the order, then this is an indicator that you are on a lower level. Although each person needs both intimacy and independence, women tend to prioritize the former and men the latter.

Already from childhood, women learn to conduct cooperative conversations, conversation-communication, that is, they learn to be benevolent, express sympathy, and provide support. For women, conversation is a means of rapprochement and mutual understanding. In this regard, they ask more questions and express more replica-reactions.

Men, on the other hand, tend to have “one-sided” conversations, informational conversations that take the form of “talk-message”.

Their conversations focus not on feelings and relationships, but on demonstrating their knowledge, skills, awareness. From childhood, men learn to use conversations to attract attention and not lose it. Therefore, they feel comfortable in large groups consisting of people they do not know, in other words, during public speaking. For women, this is a dead end situation, they are more willing to have a conversation in a circle of close people, they prefer private conversations. Women in a conversation are trying to achieve a state of harmony, agreement between people, and men simply convey information about all significant events. For a man, when he sits at home, there is absolutely nothing to talk about. But a group of three or four people appears nearby - he experiences a surge of desire to talk about how he loves this world.

If women speak and hear conversation based on relationships of connection and intimacy, and men speak and hear conversation based on position and freedom, then communication between men and women can be considered as communication between different cultures due to the clash of conversational styles. Instead of various dialects, they speak the so-called rhodolects.

The difference in communication styles is the result of different upbringing. Boys and girls grow up in different verbal worlds. People talk to them in different ways and expect different responses from them. In childhood, each of us was told more than once: “Good girls don’t behave like that” or “A real man doesn’t behave like that”, “Don’t be a girl”. A girl, unlike a boy, is brought up, developing in her such qualities as modesty, unobtrusiveness, emotionality, the desire to share her feelings, deliberate behavior, the ability to sympathize, the ability to help others, understand others, etc.

From childhood, boys play group games with a clear hierarchy, they constantly identify winners in their environment, spend a lot of time and effort identifying their place in the hierarchy and strive to rise in it, looking for a variety of ways to do this. Because of the place in the hierarchy, disputes and fights arise.

Girls' games run more calmly, without a rigid hierarchy and clear leaders, girls do not fight for status, find compromises more often, seek common agreement, try to agree all together, quarrel much less than boys, do not form rigid closed hierarchical groups.

All these circumstances influence the formation of differences in the styles of speech communication between men and women.

Men directly express their thoughts. Women, on the other hand, circle around the purpose of the conversation for a long time, they are less straightforward. Men, expressing their thoughts, logically build their statements step by step, unlike women who always change the sequence of their thoughts, that is, they do it illogically.

Men are goal oriented in conversation (information exchange) and women are process oriented (interaction), men like brevity, they need facts, and women like to discuss details.

The female style of communication is “soft” in character, the male one is “hard”. Women often use interrogative sentences in speech, including disjunctive questions (“Is it so?”), Use words with the meaning of uncertainty about the truth of what they are talking about. Men, on the other hand, are more straightforward, giving clear, unambiguous orders rather than asking as a question.

During conversations, women ask their interlocutor many questions. Thus, they keep the conversation going, find out what others are interested in, show their interest in the conversation. If women nevertheless interrupt, it is often to support the speaker, but not to challenge his point of view, as men do.

The male style of speech includes such features of communicative control as verbosity, control of the topic of conversation and interruption. Many studies confirm that in a conversation between a man and a woman, men talk longer. Sometimes their story resembles a lecture, and the woman becomes the listener, so men tend to take a dominant position. Interrupting, men tend to take control of the topic of conversation or the whole conversation itself.

During public conversations, men speak more often and longer. For example, Barbara and Jean Inkins, while researching connections and communication, recorded and then analyzed the course of seven faculty meetings at the university. They found that, with one exception, the men spoke more often and spoke longer. Men's performances lasted from 10.66 to 17.07 seconds, women - from 3 to 10 seconds. In other words, the women's longest performances were still shorter than the men's shortest performances. It is also noted that men are more likely to ask questions. Their duration for men is 52.7 seconds, for women - 23.1 seconds. The fact is that men often, before asking a question, make some kind of message, ask more than one question, and after the received answer ask the next question or again make their comment. Moreover, it should be noted that the questions of men are of a rather aggressive nature, being questions - challenges.

Men and women are so different from each other that when they talk about the same thing, they mean completely different things, here are a few examples.

Interpretation of the interlocutor's thought from the perspective of the influence of gender

Request for support, sympathy

Please suggest a solution

Reaction to the problem

Shows understanding, support, empathy

Trying to convince the situation is not so bad

Suggestion to do something

They say "come on"


Use words like "Ok", etc.

To show their interest, imply "Yes, I'm listening to you"

Only when they agree with the interlocutor

Apologize means...

Express sympathy, not regret

Admit defeat (which men rarely do)

When they are interrupted, he (a) ...

Offended that a man intervenes and changes the topic of conversation

He believes that he is not allowed to finish the thought himself

During a conversation...

Predominantly monitors the tone, manner of communication

Focuses more on content than form

The listening styles of the opposite sexes also differ.

Men's style, as O.A. Baeva, is characterized by the manifestation of attention to the content of the conversation. The hearing itself lasts 10-15 seconds. As soon as it becomes clear what is being said, men focus on critical remarks or interrupt the interlocutor.

Women's style is distinguished by great attention to the emotional side of the message, the very process of communication, and not to the content of the conversation.

Based on the foregoing, the male style of communication can be described as more active and objective, but at the same time, more competitive and conflict than female. At the same time, for a man, the content joint activities more important than individual sympathy for partners. Male communication is more emotional restraint. Women express their feelings and emotions more freely and more fully, they have a need to share their experiences with someone, as well as the ability to empathize. The male attitude to the world around is characterized by assertiveness, self-confidence, orientation to control. In order to separate oneself from the world, it is necessary to manipulate someone from the environment, thus making sure of one's independence. The man is convinced that standing on top of the situation - necessary condition for survival.

Thus, it becomes obvious that there are a number of differences in the speech behavior of men and women that leave their mark on the course of communication.

If we are talking about intercultural dialogue of representatives of the opposite sex, then the interaction of different cultures is assumed. Consequently, the peculiarities of the mentality and stereotypes of behavior of representatives of a particular country will leave an imprint on the style of communication between men and women. Based on the analysis of the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of intercultural communication, as well as their own observations and the results of an interview conducted at a Russian university with foreign interns, the following features of verbal (dialogical and polylogical) communication in English (American) and Russian-speaking environment as shown in the following table.

Sociocultural features of dialogic/polylogical communication in the English-speaking (American) and Russian-speaking environment

English (American) environment

Russian-speaking environment

The nature of the dialogue / polylogue


Rivalry (competitive and sometimes even aggressive)

Motivational Orientation

Creating a positive image: maintaining a conflict-free atmosphere of communication, avoiding verbal and non-verbal acts that cause negative emotions and / or reactions from the interlocutor (the phenomenon of politeness)

Creating and maintaining one's own image: the desire to win a moral and intellectual victory over the interlocutor, neutralizing, convincing, suppressing him; to impose one's will and through this to carry out one's intentions

Purpose of communication

Maintaining the Communication process by searching for common ground between interlocutors and finding a compromise, maintaining and deepening social and interpersonal relations between interlocutors and within society as a whole

“Truth is born in a dispute” - it is considered good form to have your own point of view and be able to defend it

Degree of information content

Quite often there is a commitment to uninformative secular conversation on trivial topics (small talk)

As a rule, high information content of the dialogue/polylogue




Avoiding self-disclosure and imposing one's point of view on interlocutors;

conversation on "explosive topics" (politics, nationality, religion, wages) is not encouraged

A large degree of “openness” to the interlocutor, a high norm of sincerity, which manifests itself in a more frank and emotional interpretation of personal topics (including in conversations with little-known people) and a willingness to discuss topics that are potentially fraught with conflicts (politics, religion, morality)

Attitude to someone else's point of view

High tolerance, search for a compromise;

Using verbal and non-verbal signs of support and approval, complementing the interlocutor's remarks or developing his point of view

Low tolerance;

Expressing critical remarks and advice as a manifestation of care and attention

(“Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie”)

Emotionally expressive tone

Decreased, which manifests itself in “understatement”, avoidance of a violent manifestation of emotions

Tall, fairly free expression of emotions, which is considered more of an advantage than a disadvantage, a tendency to exaggerate

Speech etiquette


The desire to avoid sharp denials and objections, categorical statements;

Use of veiled ways of expressing disagreement;

Semi-interrogative intonations at the end of affirmative sentences;

Sharp forms of objection, elements of the dispute are brought into a conversation that does not involve debatable

Expressing your point of view

Softening one's position: softening disagreement by replacing a negative answer with a neutral one

Active expression of one's point of view, if necessary, a verbal conflict with the interlocutor is possible (the speaker can provoke a conflict himself)


To express your disagreement, you need good reasons (the severity of the situation, the importance of the problem, personal dislike for the interlocutor)

A Russian needs additional incentives not to express his disagreement (the difference in age and social status, the desire to manipulate people, personal sympathy for the interlocutor)


To strangers

To acquaintances


The courtesy of the attendants



Courtesy towards women


Topics of communication

A frank conversation


Priority (even with strangers)

Secular fellowship

positive attitude

Negative attitude

Intimacy of information requested/reported

The degree of taboo in communication


Duration of communication

Expanded dialogue / polylogue

Precedence of brevity

Deployment priority

Long pauses in communication



Nonverbal behavior

Facial expressions (smiling

They smile constantly.

It is not customary to walk with a sad look.

Smiling shows politeness

Smiling is not a sign of politeness.

Smiling is incompatible with serious work.

Don't smile at strangers

communication distance


Eye contact



Physical contact of people

Rarely used

Quite widely used

Intensity of gesticulation

below average

Thus, the results of the analysis given in this table allow us to conclude that the sociocultural differences between verbal (dialogical and polylogical) and non-verbal communication of representatives of Russian-speaking and English-speaking (American) cultures are quite obvious. They are explained by the peculiarities of the national mentality, cultural traditions, customs and, accordingly, must certainly be taken into account in the process of communication of representatives of the opposite sex.

Federal Communications Agency

federal state budgetary educational institution higher education

"Siberian State University telecommunications and informatics"

Department of Sociology, Political Science and Psychology


Gender aspects communications

Performer: Urban Ksenia Andreevna, student



1. Gender features of communicative behavior

Communication barriers

Features of male communicative behavior

Features of female communicative behavior



Joint labor of men and women -

This is a huge step forward, but at the same time

and a huge problem to be solved.

J. Gray

Issues related to the characteristics of the sex of a person and his psychological differences, in recent times are among the most actively discussed in society.

Not only representatives of different cultures speak differently, but also men and women. Communication between a man and a woman is also a kind of intercultural communication. The statement about men and women as absolutely identical people is initially incorrect. First of all, both of them are people, individuals with equal opportunities, rights and freedoms. The opposite characteristics of men and women, such as, for example, rationality, restraint of the former and emotionality, openness of the latter, are dictated not by biological affiliation, but rather spiritual, to one sex or another.

Such differences between the physiological and spiritual states are expressed respectively in the following English words sex floor and gender gender . Sex (sex) is a term that refers to those anatomical and biological features of people (mainly in the reproductive system) on the basis of which people are defined as men or women. Gender (gender) - a set of speech, behavioral, personality traits that distinguish men and women exposed to culture, spiritually.

In my work, I will try to consider the influence of the gender aspect on the communicative behavior of women and men.

1. Gender features of communicative behavior

The problems associated with "misunderstanding", arising in the process of interpersonal communication between men and women, excite both the subjects of communication themselves and researchers of various specialties, united in their research by gender methodology. The activity of gender researchers, reflected both in scientific and popular science publications, finds a lively response from the consumers of this kind of knowledge, from ordinary men and women who communicate with each other.

It should be noted that the data on male and female verbal communication cannot be considered the only true and well-established for the following reasons:

firstly, the volume of material for each researcher is small, so it is difficult to conduct a full study of this problem and draw objective conclusions;

secondly, the violation of gender integrity (i.e., the divergence of biological and psychological) leads to a decrease in the differentiation of male and female speech, and women may show masculine features of speech behavior, and men - feminine ones;

thirdly, the influence of non-sex factors (communication situation, age, profession, education, level of general culture, etc.) makes it difficult to identify purely gender differences and call the results of the study unambiguous.

However, studies by many scientists confirm the existence of differences in the speech of men and women.

The style of communicative behavior is influenced by the typical features of the representatives of one or another gender. Here are the typical features of men and women:

Typical womanTypical manCalm Aggressive Strongly in need of protection Enterprising, dominating TactfulIndependent Shows affection Hides emotions, possesses business skills Gentle Makes decisions easily Doesn't use harsh language Understands the feelings of others Talkative Emotional

These and other traits affect the perception of the world by members of the opposite sex.

Many men perceive the world as a separate person in the hierarchy of social order, in which he is above or below others. In such a world, as D. Tannen notes , conversations boil down to negotiations in which people try to achieve the best position, to keep it as far as possible, and to protect themselves from the attempts of others to belittle or push them around. Life is thus a competition, a struggle for the right to maintain one's independence and avoid failure. Women generally perceive life as a separate person in the structure of mutual relations. In their world, conversations resemble negotiations aimed at achieving even greater intimacy, in which people try to find and give each other help and support, to reach an agreement. They try to protect themselves from attempts by others to push them away. Life is thus a community, an effort to maintain close relationships and avoid loneliness. Although this world has its own hierarchies, but these are more hierarchies of friendship, rather than domination and achievement. Intimacy is the key word in the world of connections, where each person negotiates in a complex structure of friendships, trying to reach agreement, avoiding superiority. In a world dominated by social status, the key word is independence , because the main means of establishing social status is the ability to order others, and if you follow the order, then this is an indicator that you are on a lower level. Although each person needs both intimacy and independence, women tend to prioritize the former and men the latter.

Already from childhood, women learn to conduct cooperative conversations, conversation-communication, that is, they learn to be benevolent, express sympathy, and provide support. For women, conversation is a means of rapprochement and mutual understanding. In this regard, they ask more questions and express more replica-reactions.

Men tend to lead unilateral conversations, informational conversations that take the form conversation-message .

Their conversations focus not on feelings and relationships, but on demonstrating their knowledge, skills, awareness. From childhood, men learn to use conversations to attract attention and not lose it. Therefore, they feel comfortable in large groups consisting of people they do not know, in other words, during public speaking. For women, this is a dead end situation, they are more willing to have a conversation in a circle of close people, they prefer private conversations. Women in a conversation are trying to achieve a state of harmony, agreement between people, and men simply convey information about all significant events. For a man, when he sits at home, there is absolutely nothing to talk about. But a group of three or four people appears nearby - he experiences a surge of desire to talk about how he loves this world.

If women speak and hear conversation based on relationships of connection and intimacy, and men speak and hear conversation based on position and freedom, then communication between men and women can be considered as communication between different cultures due to the clash of conversational styles. Instead of various dialects, they speak the so-called rhodolects.

The difference in communication styles is the result of different upbringing. Boys and girls grow up in different verbal worlds. People talk to them in different ways and expect different responses from them. In childhood, each of us was told more than once: Good girls don't act like that or A real man doesn't do that , Don't be a girl . A girl, unlike a boy, is brought up, developing in her such qualities as modesty, unobtrusiveness, emotionality, the desire to share her feelings, deliberate behavior, the ability to sympathize, the ability to help others, understand others, etc.

From childhood, boys play group games with a clear hierarchy, they constantly identify winners in their environment, spend a lot of time and effort identifying their place in the hierarchy and strive to rise in it, looking for a variety of ways to do this. Because of the place in the hierarchy, disputes and fights arise.

Girls' games run more calmly, without a rigid hierarchy and clear leaders, girls do not fight for status, find compromises more often, seek common agreement, try to agree all together, quarrel much less than boys, do not form rigid closed hierarchical groups.

All these circumstances influence the formation of differences in the styles of speech communication between men and women.

Men directly express their thoughts. Women, on the other hand, circle around the purpose of the conversation for a long time, they are less straightforward. Men, expressing their thoughts, logically build their statements step by step, unlike women who always change the sequence of their thoughts, that is, they do it illogically.

Men are goal oriented in conversation (information exchange) and women are process oriented (interaction), men like brevity, they need facts, and women like to discuss details.

Women's style of communication soft by nature, masculine hard . Women often use interrogative sentences in speech, including disjunctive questions. (He is it?), use words that mean insecure the truth of what they say. Men, on the other hand, are more straightforward, giving clear, unambiguous orders rather than asking as a question.

During conversations, women ask their interlocutor many questions. Thus, they keep the conversation going, find out what others are interested in, show their interest in the conversation. If women nevertheless interrupt, it is often to support the speaker, but not to challenge his point of view, as men do.

The male style of speech includes such features of communicative control as verbosity, control of the topic of conversation and interruption. Many studies confirm that in a conversation between a man and a woman, men talk longer. Sometimes their story resembles a lecture, and the woman becomes the listener, so men tend to take a dominant position. Interrupting, men tend to take control of the topic of conversation or the whole conversation itself.

During public conversations, men speak more often and longer. For example, Barbara and Jean Inkins, while researching connections and communication, recorded and then analyzed the course of seven faculty meetings at the university. They found that, with one exception, the men spoke more often and spoke longer. Men's performances lasted from 10.66 to 17.07 seconds, women - from 3 to 10 seconds. In other words, the women's longest performances were still shorter than the men's shortest performances. It is also noted that men are more likely to ask questions. Their duration for men is 52.7 seconds, for women - 23.1 seconds. The fact is that men often, before asking a question, make some kind of message, ask more than one question, and after the received answer ask the next question or again make their comment. Moreover, it should be noted that the questions of men are of a rather aggressive nature, being questions - challenges.

Men and women are so different from each other that when they talk about the same thing, they mean completely different things, here are a few examples.

Interpretation of the interlocutor's thought from the perspective of the influence of gender

Woman Man Complaint Asking for support, sympathy Asking for a solution Reacting to a problem Shows understanding, support, sympathy Trying to convince that the situation is not so bad Offer to do something Say: “Come on” Order Use words like “OK”, etc. To show their interest, they mean “Yes , I'm listening to you "Only when they agree with the interlocutor Apologizing means ... Expressing sympathy, not regret Admitting defeat (which men do very rarely) When they are interrupted, he (a) ... Offended that a man intervenes and changes the subject of the conversation Believes that he does not let him finish the thought himselfDuring a conversation ... Mainly follows the tone, manner of communication Pays more attention to content, not form

The listening styles of the opposite sexes also differ.

Men's style, as O.A. Baeva, is characterized by the manifestation of attention to the content of the conversation. The hearing itself lasts 10-15 seconds. As soon as it becomes clear what is being said, men focus on critical remarks or interrupt the interlocutor.

Women's style is distinguished by great attention to the emotional side of the message, the very process of communication, and not to the content of the conversation.

Based on the foregoing, the male style of communication can be described as more active and objective, but at the same time, more competitive and conflict than female. At the same time, for a man, the content of joint activity is more important than individual sympathy for partners. Male communication is more emotional restraint. Women express their feelings and emotions more freely and more fully, they have a need to share their experiences with someone, as well as the ability to empathize. The male attitude to the world around is characterized by assertiveness, self-confidence, orientation to control. In order to separate oneself from the world, it is necessary to manipulate someone from the environment, thus making sure of one's independence. The man is convinced that standing on top of the situation is a necessary condition for survival.

Thus, it becomes obvious that there are a number of differences in the speech behavior of men and women that leave their mark on the course of communication.

If we are talking about intercultural dialogue of representatives of the opposite sex, then the interaction of different cultures is assumed. Consequently, the peculiarities of the mentality and stereotypes of behavior of representatives of a particular country will leave an imprint on the style of communication between men and women. Based on the analysis of the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of intercultural communication, as well as their own observations and the results of an interview conducted at a Russian university with foreign interns, the following features of verbal (dialogical and polylogical) communication in English (American) and Russian-speaking environment as shown in the following table.

Sociocultural features of dialogic/polylogical communication in the English-speaking (American) and Russian-speaking environment

Male culture "dictates" requirements and restrictions, thereby determining the specifically complex nature of the formation of male gender identity. Specific Features male cultures influence the formation of a man’s personality, the formation of his value orientations, forms the consciousness of a man (“gender lenses” according to S. Bem) and the norms of behavior that a “real man” should be guided by in his life.

"Women's culture" defines the socio-cultural specifics of behavioral, image and psychological prescriptions that should be obeyed by representatives of the female gender group. Let us consider the main concepts regarding the content of "women's culture", which are presented in the most famous works on gender issues.

Psychoanalysis postulated "universal male properties", but these properties are not biologically set, but are formed in the process of individual development (as a result of the interaction of the child with parents), and if for a typical male behavior, from the point of view of orthodox psychoanalysis, aggressiveness, decisiveness, striving for competition are characteristic, then for the female - passivity, indecision, comfort, lack of logical thinking, etc. penis", "Electra complex", castration complex, etc.

K. Horney, a prominent representative of modern psychoanalysis, for the first time among psychoanalysts drew attention to discrimination against women in society, the impossibility for a woman to openly express her feelings and sexuality; society's view of a woman as a mundane being, which reduces her self-confidence; gives rise to economic dependence on men and other problems.

Male and female cultures become the basis, the content of the gender socialization of boys and girls, men and women, thus the "contradiction" of cultures - male and female - is, as it were, projected onto the problems of interaction between men and women as representatives of different gender groups.

We present the following as the main communication barriersin interpersonal communication between men and women who represent micro level :

1. Barriers of "emotional mismatch" in communication

From birth, boys and girls are given different developmental paths. If girls in the process of gender socialization are taught to be gentle, affectionate, allowed to openly express their emotions, then the male gender role is subject to requirements characterized by “emotional hardness”: “boys don’t cry”, “learn to endure”. In the future, many men find it difficult to express their feelings, they have a meager repertoire in expressing their emotions. It is not customary for those representing “male culture” to talk about their experiences, to express their feelings (for example, love and gratitude) to others, including relatives. At the same time, many women are actually trained to talk about their experiences and feelings and want to be listened to and expressed empathy for their problems. Consequently, socially constructed emotional barriers between men and women can provoke conflicts in the process of communication.

2) Status and hierarchical barriers related to gender roles

In a patriarchal society, those who represent the dominant - male - group are in a more attractive position. The norms of male culture require constant competition between men, evidence of greater masculinity, which is reflected in the competitive nature of interactions between men.

However, the hierarchy and "competitiveness" between men is also transferred to communication with women as representatives of a "subordinate" gender group. Particularly striking contradictions in communication with women arise in those men who are not sure of their advantages, in their superiority in competition with other men, the phenomenon of “compensatory masculinity” arises. In such situations, "insecure men", according to socio-psychological studies, are not only more aggressive and dominant with women, but also prone to various forms of violence against women - mainly sexual, physical and psychological violence.

In turn, women, as representatives of a less resourceful gender group, try to manipulate representatives of a more status male group in order to gain power and influence in society.

3) Intelligent self-presentation

For many men, according to gender norms, it is important to look knowledgeable and competent in the eyes of others, therefore, in the process of communication, it is more difficult for men to admit their intellectual defeat. To maintain gender norms, sometimes men try to appear competent even in stereotypically “feminine” matters. Overinflated intellectual self-presentation can also make communication difficult, creating misunderstandings or tension.

4) "Male" and "female" language

Currently, gender linguistics is developing quite actively, which demonstrates differences in the language that boys and girls are taught to speak. These differences concern both non-verbal representation (for example, in every culture there are male and female postures, male and female manual gestures, male and female gait, etc.) and verbal.

3. Features of male communicative behavior

gender communicative behavior man woman

1. Male communication is almost always result-oriented, decision-making. A man tries to see the end result of the conversation and tries to clarify this result for himself. So, the question "So what do you actually want?" - a purely male question, and it is addressed most often to a woman.

A man is more rigid than a woman, controls the topic of conversation, he is very annoyed by deviation from the topic and jumping from one to another.

For a man, it is important that communication be separated from business. A woman can watch TV, talk on the phone and cook at the same time, but a man cannot combine work with a conversation. The need to do this annoys him. A man cannot be said "by the hand."

Men love the “essence” and demand to start a conversation with the main thing, to do without details and numerous details.

In a dialogue, men are more likely to challenge the partner's statements and statements, and more often express disagreement.

Men are more likely than women to ignore their partner's remarks during the dialogue.

Men interrupt women twice as often as women interrupt men.

Men are satisfied with much less communication than women. They are laconic and more silent.

Compared to women, men are two to three times less likely to ask questions to their interlocutor.

Men don't like being asked a lot of questions.

Men love to listen to themselves.

Men love to argue more than women, to demonstrate their competence, to prove their case, to give convincing arguments from their point of view.

When discussing any issue, a man is inclined to give ready-made advice, not particularly listening to the interlocutor and not asking him additional questions.

A man moderately expresses an assessment, does not like extreme assessments, very emotional assessments and exclamations.

A man prefers brief assessments and almost does not know how to give detailed ones. Question to the man “What did you especially like?” usually confuses him and he replies "I liked everything."

Men do not like emotional conversations and try their best to avoid them.

It is difficult for a man to express emotions in words, and he does not try to learn this, since he considers unemotionality as an important component of male behavior.

A man is worse than a woman in coherent speech skills. He is prone to dialogism in communication and does not like to make long coherent speeches.

In a dispute, a man tries to transfer the conversation from the level of feelings to the level of intellect, logic.

If a man has difficulties at work, professional problems, etc., he begins to avoid communication with a woman, often in a rather rude way, rejecting her attempts to find out what is wrong with him.

In a conversation with a woman, a man is afraid that communication will be long and emotional, and likes to have a conversation time frame.

It's hard for a man to apologize. Men are especially reluctant to apologize to women.

Men do not like to consult, they are more skeptical about learning. This is due to the fact that men do not like to ask for help, because it means for them to admit their incompetence and failure.

Men speak by lowering the intonation at the end of the phrase, which gives their speech signs of confidence, persuasiveness and peremptoryness.

Phrases spoken by men are, on average, two to three words shorter than those of women.

Men more than women use nouns and words with an abstract meaning.

Men, as a rule, do not consider the disagreements revealed in the dialogue as an ongoing quarrel with the interlocutor, and women often tend to perceive such a situation as an ongoing quarrel.

A man is much slower than a woman to respond to questions and demands addressed to him, he does not like to answer quickly and generally respond quickly.

A man thinks silently, he tries to verbalize the already finished result of thinking and does not like to talk aloud like a woman.

Men understand a written text better than an oral one. Worse than women distinguish the nuances of intonation.

Men poorly understand subtext, hints, they tend to take a lot of things literally.

Men pay relatively little attention to the form of speech, and more to its content.

A man perceives any emotional speech ironically and skeptically, with some caution.

Men have fewer associations to the interlocutor's words than women, men's associative series are shorter and more rational.

A man perceives advice addressed to him as criticism, a doubt about his competence.

A man cannot stand irony in his address, especially if it comes from a woman.

He prefers a verbal demonstration of feelings, he does not require a verbal demonstration of feelings for himself.

Men are extremely ironic about verbosity in which they are forced to be present.

. Features of female communicative behavior

1. Women are much easier than men to change their plans, make adjustments, sometimes very significant, up to the rapid adoption of a completely opposite plan of action.

Women are less persistent than men in the implementation of their strategic plans.

Women are less restrained in the manifestations of emotions, more men tend to show their emotions to others.

When perceiving and evaluating a person or a situation, a woman tends to perceive both the situation and the specific person in detail, unlike a man who perceives both the person and the situation as a whole.

In women, the concrete-figurative nature of thinking prevails, while in men, abstract-logical thinking is more developed.

Women's self-esteem is associated primarily with the woman's marital status, while men's self-esteem directly depends on his professional achievements.

Compared to men, women are extremely easy to switch from thoughts to feelings, for men it is difficult.

Women are much faster than men make decisions.

Women have a very high mental contagion, the ability to succumb to the general emotional mood.

Women often tend to see small problems as big ones, dramatizing minor events; men are able to simply ignore such events.

In an emotionally stressful state, women tend to choose a strategy of behavior according to the principle "the worse, the better."

In reasoning, women often skip logical links. Which is not typical for male reasoning.

Women love to improve and perfect everything.

Women feel more confident in a male team, love male leaders and have the gift of persuasion in a male environment. A woman usually believes that a conflict with a female leader cannot be resolved.

Women are more competitive than men over wages.

Women love to study more than men.

A woman needs communication more than a man.

Women assert themselves through relationships, the most important element of which is always communication; a man asserts himself through professional activity.

Women love to consult with men. Men, on the other hand, do not feel like consulting with women.

A woman easily addresses the most different people, including to the authorities with requests and questions, as he perceives his question as a means of obtaining information.

Women in the process of communication follow mainly the manner, tone, style of communication.

For women, the very fact of a conversation is more important than its effectiveness.

When a woman complains about something, she expects, first of all, sympathy in her address.

When women discuss a problem in their circle, they do it in a circle, returning to it again and again.

Women ask a lot of specific questions in order to show their participation and interest; a man usually avoids asking questions, respecting the independence of the interlocutor.

If a man gives a complaining woman advice on what to do, she sees it as a lack of empathy.

It is much easier for a woman to say “I don’t know” than a man.

Women usually better than men are able to explain.

Women are more active in private conversations, while men are more active in public speaking.

A woman is an active, interested listener.

Speaking with public messages, arguing something, women more often than men use examples from their personal lives and the lives of their acquaintances.

Women love details and details.

The communicative goal of a woman is to establish and maintain relationships, so she is prone to compromise, looking for consent, reconciliation.

A woman receives a significant part of the information in the process of communication non-verbally, which is why it is so important for her to be close to the interlocutor.

Women sit down closer friend to a friend than men, look the interlocutor in the eye. Men, on the other hand, do not like to look the interlocutor in the eye and usually do not sit close, they try to sit at an angle to the interlocutor.

Women are easier than men to perceive critical remarks addressed to them. This is due to the fact that a woman is used to improving everything, so she is attentive to ideas aimed at improving the situation.

Communication in women's team more often acquires a conflict character than communication in a male team.

Women's speech is more redundant than men's, since a third of the time a woman collects her thoughts and restores the interrupted course of the conversation.

Women have a habit of "thinking out loud".

At the end of a phrase, a woman often raises her intonation. Which often makes her statement look like a question or a complaint.

A woman often refers to the interlocutor in a conversation. Calling him by his first name or patronymic.

A woman is more likely than a man to comment on the words of those people whose opinion she retells.

A woman, compared to a man, puts forward 3 times more ideas in a conversation.

A woman says more exclamatory sentences than a man.

In speech, women use more than men proper names, pronouns, adjectives.

A typical feature of female communication is the habit of starting a conversation with details, and not with the main thing.

Women better understand and perceive oral information.

Women understand the subtext better than men.

In a conversation with a man, women tend to dramatize the emerging differences of opinion, viewing them as a quarrel. Men, on the other hand, don't usually think so.

Women are more touchy in conversation than men.

The next time you happen to feel frustrated or outraged by the behavior of a person of the opposite sex, take a few minutes to reflect on what we discussed today. Remembering how different men and women are from each other, and that this order of things is natural, you will get the opportunity to free yourself from excessive suspiciousness and be imbued with a deep understanding, respect and love for people.


So, having considered the influence of the gender aspect on the communicative behavior of women and men, we can make the following conclusions:

1) In order to overcome communication barriers between gender groups, it is necessary to revise the system of gender education, directing efforts to form a benevolent attitude towards the individual manifestations of the child and to weaken gender stereotypes, model equal gender role relations and ensure that children do not adopt gender stereotypes depicted in the media.

) It is very important to articulate "differences", to discuss the differences between "male" and "female" cultures so that representatives of gender groups have information about "different languages" of communication, which will allow the subjects of communication to be aware of communication barriers.

) Researchers - psychologists, sociologists, linguists, culturologists, etc. - it is necessary to promote awareness of the need to change the rigid standards of male and female culture, abandoning destructive gender stereotypes and rigid role models of behavior.


1.Bern Sh. Gender psychology. SPb., 2004. 316 S.

Goroshko E.I. Peculiarities of male and female verbal associations (Qualitative interpretation experience) // Gender: language, culture, communication / Reports of the Second international conference. M., 2002. S. 77 - 86.

Kon I.S. Changing Men in a Changing World // Gender Kaleidoscope / Ed. MM. Malysheva. M., 2002. S. 189-209.

Radina N.K. On the question of the "multilayered" cultural content of society: the role of gender culture in the development of personality // Materials of the 2nd All-Russian. scientific and practical. conference "Psychology of individuality". Moscow: GU HSE Publishing House, 2008, pp. 82 - 83.

Radina N.K. Gender psychology: textbook. N. Novgorod, 2010. 86 p.

Skazhenik E.N. BUSINESS CONVERSATION. Tutorial. Taganrog: TSURE Publishing House, 2006.

VSU VESTNIK, Series Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, 2005, No. 2

B. V. Matsuta


Based on the results of the study of internal communication, the author describes its content, structural and typological features. Data on the gender characteristics of internal communication are given. Some gender and gender differences and similarities in the parameters of certain internal communication are considered. The social determination of internal communication is emphasized.

Keywords: internal communication; structure and content of internal communication; gender features.

Internal communication is understood as communication, closed on one subject, acting simultaneously as a communicator and recipient. The need to study it is due to the ongoing transformation of the inner world under the influence of social processes. A person faces the tasks of self-determination and self-realization, for the implementation of which it is necessary to use and develop internal communication resources. In addition, a person has a social origin, therefore, the richer the structure of a person’s life, the wider the circle of his social affiliations, the more complex and differentiated is the content of his inner world. In personality, various social roles and “images of the Self” are combined and may conflict, which, in turn, can lead to personal problems. In this regard, the study of internal communication as a process in which self-identification and self-determination (including gender ones) are carried out seems relevant.

The theoretical and empirical study of internal communication is also important because this phenomenon belongs to a little-studied area of ​​psychology. In most works, internal communication is not considered as an independent phenomenon, it is only mentioned that such a phenomenon exists, moreover, in connection with some other phenomena (consciousness, reflection, internal dialogue), but again without any description of the nature and structure of internal communication. communications.

In order to study the content, structure and typology of internal communication, we conducted an empirical study, theoretical basis which served as the concept of the communicative world of V.I. Kabrin, theories of social interactionism J.G. Mida, T. Shibutani, G. Blumer, K. Jaspers' concept of existential communication, K.R. Rogers, the theory of self-actualization A.G. Maslow.

For studying gender differences internal communication, we relied on the theory of the sociocultural approach to gender and gender differences, which implies the social determination of gender characteristics and differences between the sexes. Thus, at the first stage of the study, the content, structural and typological features of internal communication were studied. At the next stage, these features were studied in relation to the gender and gender of the respondents.

The study involved 325 people: 171 women and 154 men - representatives of social

al professions. The research methods were the method of modeling the communicative world, the method of personal differential, the self-actualization test, the method of diagnosing communicative and characterological features of the personality, the method of determining the type of gender identity and the projective graphic test "Self-portrait". The materials of the study were reflective self-reports and spontaneous diary entries of the respondents.

For quantitative analysis data were used: content analysis, cluster analysis according to the Euclidean metric and Ward's method, correlation analysis according to the Pearson criterion, analysis of variance according to the Fisher criterion, as well as analysis of the significance of differences according to the Student's t-test. For qualitative analysis, the method of content analysis and the method of interpreting projective tests were used. Processing and analysis of research materials was carried out using the computer statistical program "Statistical) 6.O. The data of statistical and qualitative types of analysis are consistent with each other, so the results of the study are presented in a comprehensive manner.

As the results of theoretical and empirical analysis show, internal communication is an internalized form of social relations. Therefore, its structure is similar to the structure of interpersonal communication. The composition of the communicative situation of internal communication includes: the subject, topics that reflect the intentions and goals of the subject, partners, forms, means and functions. In general, the structure of internal communication was determined on the basis of content analysis data.

The subject of communication is the generator of the communicative situation. The content of internal communication are topics that express the main values ​​and meanings of the subject, his interests and problems in various spheres of life. In the thematic content of internal communication, the intentions and goals of the subject are expressed.

Internal communication is initiated when a person has a specific need. The need-motivational side of internal communication is reflected in the intention. It determines what, why and why a person wants to tell himself, although he himself may not be aware of it. A person, entering into internal communication, as a rule, does not set himself a specific goal and achieve a result, in contrast to external, interpersonal communication, where he outlines a program of action and expects to get a certain result. However, in some situations, internal communication is recognized by a person. For example, when it comes to deciding

specific problem, relieve stress. In this sense, intention can be used to judge the needs, motives, and functions of internal communication. For example, from the need to provide self-support in difficult situations, such a function of internal communication as therapeutic follows. Since the functions of internal communication depend on the needs of the subject, it can solve a wide variety of tasks.

The main intentions can be divided into four groups. The first group consists of compensation, self-isolation, avoidance, and emotive-expressive intention. The second group includes social perception, social differentiation, elimination of cognitive dissonance and autopsychotherapy. The third group of intentions is communicative anticipation, social reflection, moral regulation, epistemological and intellectual-analytical intentions. The fourth group includes introspection, self-determination, personal growth, understanding, the formation of a worldview, creative, spiritual and existential intentions.

Intentions are divided into groups, since each group corresponds to certain types and types of internal communication. The types of internal communication are: incentive, informative, constructive and emotional. The types of internal communication include: impulsive, normative, role-playing and spiritual. Compensation, self-isolation, avoidance, and emotive-expressive intention refer to motivating and impulsive internal communication. Social perception, social differentiation, elimination of cognitive dissonance and autopsychotherapy - towards informative and normative. Communicative anticipation, social reflection, moral regulation, epistemological and intellectual-analytical intentions are related to constructive and role-playing internal communication. Self-analysis, self-determination, personal growth, understanding, the formation of a worldview, creative, mental-spiritual and existential intentions - to the emotional and spiritual.

Incentive internal communication is self-motivation, self-influence. Informative involves self-information, the expression of ideas without creating a specific program of action. Constructive consists in solving any problems and tasks, building plans and programs. Emotional involves the expression of any feelings for any reason and the desire of a person to understand their own emotional experiences. Moreover, types of internal communication can also be phases of this process. Then its beginning may be an impulse that unfolds further into a more reflective internal communication.

Impulsive internal communication is the uncontrolled transmission or exchange of aspirations, plans, thoughts and feelings. Normative consists in the desire of a person and "inside" to behave in accordance with generally accepted norms and rules. Role play speaks of a person's desire to act in accordance with their own social role, its rights, obligations and expectations. There is also a

spiritual internal communication in which a person tries to maintain and develop spiritual values. Types of internal communication can be its levels. Then it unfolds as a transition from the impulsive to a more developed spiritual level.

An important parameter of internal communication is a communication partner. Communication partners play a significant role in any communication model. A partner is a person who is involved in the semantic space of another subject. Partners can be images of real people (the most significant for the subject) and fictitious interlocutors. Following the tradition of interactionism, it should be noted that internal communication is carried out in the mind of a person as a process of communication and interaction of the "elements" of his "I", the result of which is the formation of an integrated personality. Fictional interlocutors, being "elements" of the subject's personality, express his own ideas and meanings. Internal communication is possible because partners have different meanings - psychologically they are not identical. It is the difference in meanings that can lead to the emergence of intra-personal conflicts. The result of internal communication can be either a complete distinction between semantic positions and, as a result, a “conflict” of interlocutors, or the appearance of a resulting meaning. Thus, a change in the personality itself can serve as a constructive outcome of internal communication.

The presence of a particular partner indicates a form of internal communication. For example, the image of a real person or a fictional interlocutor indicate a dialogic form. A polylogue is also possible, implying interaction more interlocutors. Dialogue and polylogue are of the greatest importance for the development of the personality, since their result is often the emergence of a new meaning.

Since internal communication is the result of the transition of interpersonal communication to the intrapersonal plane, it plays an important role in the formation of the inner world. A personality can be considered as a subject of the "external" interpersonal communicative world and the "internal" spiritual communicative world, in which it maintains and develops the communicative and mental structures of its "I".

Since internal communication includes both psychological and physiological processes, its subjects use both verbal (speech) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures) means of communication. As the results of an empirical study show, internal communication is most clearly manifested in facial expressions, especially in women and feminine respondents (M&t = 0.40 and MtaS = 0.01, p = 0.03; Mg = 2.69 and Mt = 0, 75, Ma=1.64, p=0.03).

Based on the analysis and interpretation of the results of the study of the gender characteristics of internal communication, it can be concluded that the internal communication of women and men, respondents of different types of gender identity, differs in some features.

The results of the analysis of variance show that belonging to a certain gender and gender affects the following parameters of internal communication: satisfaction with oneself as a partner, desire for self-development, selectivity, sociability and self-disclosure, propensity for various experiences, certain communicative intentions, openness or closeness of topics, dialogue with image of a real other, external expression in facial expressions.

Satisfaction with oneself as a partner, openness to topics, modeling, “working on mistakes”, expression in facial expressions, a tendency to various experiences are most pronounced in women (4.18, 0.75, 0.40, 4.95, 0.09, 4 .52) and feminine respondents (4.22, 2.37, 2.35, 4.52, 0.1, 4.32). Closeness of topics, dialogue with the image of a real other is most pronounced in men (1.00, 0.04) and masculine type respondents (1.80, 0.04). Sociability is most pronounced in women (1.99), respondents of feminine (2.95) and androgynous types (1.94).

Women and respondents of the feminine type are distinguished by the openness of internal communication in topics (M(-em = 5.80 and MtaS = 4.20, p = 0.00; Mg = 0.54 and Mt = 0.04, p = 0 .04 and Ma = 0.29, p = 0.00) They are prone to different experiences in the course of communication (M&m = 5.69 and Mma8C = 1.25, p = 0.00; Mg = 6.38 and Mt = 6.06; Ma = 5.31; 28) Therefore, satisfaction with oneself as a communication partner is the most pronounced (M&t = 4.24 and MtaSS = 2.34, p = 0.00; Mg = 3.95 and Mt = 2.87, p = 0.00 and Ma = 5.43; 32 - for women, r = 0.35 - for respondents of the feminine type).

Basically, the gender features of internal communication relate to the characteristics associated with interpersonal communication. In particular, since women and respondents of a feminine type are more focused on other people, the content of internal communication, first of all, is the topics and problems associated with interpersonal communication. They use internal communication to realize social perception and differentiation, communicative anticipation and social reflection. The request for internal communication is positively correlated with planning (r = 0.36), modeling (r = 0.32), social comparison (r = 0.28).

Women and feminine respondents use internal communication as an escape from negative communication in order to analyze its problems and autotherapy. The request for internal communication is associated with avoidance of contacts (r = 0.37), conflicts (r = 0.24), analysis (r = 0.25) and support (r = 0.31). For women and respondents of the feminine type, a dialogic form of internal communication is characteristic. At the same time, they often turn to fictitious interlocutors.

They are more sensitive to conscience (M(-em = 0.09 and Mta8C = 0.04, p = 0.00; Mg = 0.04 and Mm = 0.01, Ma = 0.01, p = 0.00 ), so in the course of internal communication

there is a formation and development of value orientations and personal characteristics. Internal dialogue is connected with conscience, inner voice (r = 0.35, r = 0.27). Conscience is positively correlated with development (r = 0.31). Internal communication is necessary for moral regulation (r = 0.31).

Despite the fact that women and respondents of the feminine type experience negative feelings when the “real self” and the “ideal self” disagree, they do not refuse internal communication, but, on the contrary, tend to use their characteristics as a development resource. Negative experiences in topics and partners are positively correlated with development (r = 0.24 and r = 0.21).

The communicative intentions characteristic of men and masculine type respondents indicate a greater self-orientation. They are not inclined to “talk” to themselves about significant problems and interests (MtaSS = 2.34 and M&t = 0.58, p = 0.01; Mt = 2.25 and Mg = 1.63, p = 0.01 and Ma = 1.62, p = 0.00). This confirms the notions existing in society about less openness and more restraint of men. They avoid internal communication (MtaSC = 2.32 and M&t = 1.56, p = 0.00; Mt = 4.08 and Mg = 1.89, p = 0.00 and Ma = 2.72, p = 0 .04). Especially if it forces you to pay attention to internal problems. Problems are associated with negative experiences and stress (r = 0.34; r = 0.31).

To maintain high self-esteem, they use the elimination of cognitive dissonance. The request for internal communication is positively correlated with cognitive dissonance (r = 0.27). This gives protection from resentment and failure, allows you to feel your potential, not depending on the opinions of others. However, this can lead to problems in relationships, as well as closeness in communication (MtaSS = 2.34 and M&t = 0.58, p = 0.01; Mt = 5.88 and Mg = 5.38, p = 0.04 and Ma = 4.77, p = 0.00), as well as orientation towards one’s own interests (MtaSC = 4.11 and MtSm = 3.98, p = 0.00; Mt = 2.69 and Mt = 0 .75, Ma = 2.09, p = 0.00).

In addition, men may consider self-disclosure and the discovery of personality problems as a sign of weakness (self-disclosure and problems associated with weakness: r = 0.25 and r = 0.24). This is contrary to notions of their traditional strength and superiority. Probably because men are afraid of loneliness, internal communication is realized as a dialogue with the image of a real other.

Since men and representatives of the masculine type are regulated by society regarding the demonstration of emotions, internal communication makes it possible to express emotions (MtaSC = 0.88 and M&t = 0.15, p = 0.00; Mm = 3.08 and Mg = 0 .69, p = 0.02 and Ma = 1.64, p = 0.03), relieve emotional stress (MtaS = 2.12 and M(-et = 0.51, p = 0.00; Mt = 2 .00 and Mg = 1.50, p = 0.04 and Ma = 1.38, p = 0.00) 0.00; Mt = 2.00 and Mg = 0.85, p = 0.00 and Ma = 0.45, p = 0.01) and self-control (Mta8C = 5.39 and M&t = 4.96, p = 0.01; Mt = 6.00 and Mg = 4.85, p = 0.00 and Ma = 5.45, p = 0.01).

(r = 0.15), stress relief (r = 0.23), self-regulation (r = 0.31) and self-control (r = 0.34).

Summing up the analysis of the results of the study, it is important to note that the identified gender differences and similarities mainly relate to the content and functional priorities of internal communication.

In addition, our study revealed the coincidence of the influence of gender on the characteristics of internal communication with the influence of gender. Confirmation of the theories of the sociocultural approach to gender and sex differences is found. It is likely that the gender characteristics of internal communication, as well as gender identity, are formed as a result of the assimilation of ideas about female and male roles that exist in society. Features of the androgynous type are that women of this type are characterized by pronounced indicators for the main feminine features and some masculine ones. Androgynous men are characterized by pronounced indicators of the main masculine traits and some feminine ones. It may

serve as confirmation of concepts that consider the possession of predominantly masculine traits in men and feminine traits in women as an indispensable condition for the psychological adaptation of the individual.

Thus, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that internal communication is largely socially determined.

In conclusion, it should be noted that women and men, respondents of different types of gender identity, have similarities in the so-called "existential" characteristics of internal communication. Probably, introspection and self-determination, personal growth, understanding, spiritual development, the search for meaning and the "true Self" can be understood as the basic characteristics of internal communication. These characteristics allow us to consider it the main intrapersonal process that determines, changes, develops and supports a person throughout life path and having a significant impact on interpersonal communication.


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10. Cross S.E., Madson L. Models of the self: self-construals and gender // Psychological bulletin. 1997 Vol. 122, No. 1. P. 5-37.

11. Bendas T.V. Gender psychology: Proc. allowance. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2006. 431 p.

12. Kletsina I.S. Gender socialization. SPb., 1998. 120 p.

13. Kabrin V.I. The communicative world and the transcommunicative potential of a person's life: theory, methods, research. M.: Meaning, 2005. 248 p.

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Women often complain that men do not understand them. For men, women's conversations seem illogical and empty. Why do such disagreements arise between people who sincerely want to understand each other?

Science, which is called gender psychology, explores the differences in the psychology of men and women. She revealed about 300 differences between the characteristics of thinking and behavior of representatives of different sexes. The priority direction of its study is the gender characteristics of communication.

A man thinks in verbs and nouns, and a woman thinks in adjectives.
Oleg Roy.

Which of us has the greatest need for communication?

Already from early childhood Girls have a greater need for communication than boys. This trend has continued over the years. The fair sex is superior to men in verbal abilities. They have a richer vocabulary and a higher speed of speech.

The main thing in communication for men is to achieve results as quickly as possible. That is why in a conversation they tend to speak to the point, starting the conversation with important points. For representatives of the stronger sex, logic, consistency and reasoning of statements are important. They do not like long discussions and abstract conversations. Women, on the other hand, prefer to have a long conversation, with a large number of examples. They like to find out the truth in the course of a conversation, asking a large number of questions.

A very important point, which quite often leads to conflict situations, is that when a man is busy with some business, he will not keep up the conversation. It is natural for women to do several things at the same time and discuss last news. Men, on the other hand, always focus on performing one type of activity, they cannot distribute their attention. Women need to take this into account. If a man is busy, then it is better to postpone the conversation with him.

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