Feng Shui division into zones. Feng Shui of an apartment: attracting all the best

In this article you will learn:

If you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, the zones are responsible for 9 vital aspects. They are calculated individually for each person and displayed in the Bagua grid. In accordance with the sectors, you can decorate your apartment, then you will be able to establish happiness in life, in all its aspects.

Method for determining zones using the Bagua grid

Using the Bagua grid helps identify zones. This is a polygon that has a regular shape. Each side of a geometric figure corresponds to a trigram. According to an ancient legend, in ancient times a large turtle swam ashore. A divine message was inscribed on her back: in what form the trigrams are arranged. But not all people understood these signs. The message was deciphered by Fu Xi, a sage, and since then humanity has been using this knowledge for its well-being.

9 sectors are responsible for areas of life. Equal in size, according to Feng Shui, zones, the description and activation of which are important, help influence the flow of life. Using the Bagua map, you can track how Qi energy affects certain areas in personal and work relationships.

To design sectors in an apartment or house according to eastern teaching you need to find out where they are located. You should take a compass, a Bagua map and a scale diagram of the apartment.

Since the areas in the Bagua grid are distributed according to the cardinal directions, use a compass to determine where north is in the living space. It can be considered a starting point. The apartment layout is divided into 9 equal-sized parts. The northern area on the compass and the north on the plan need to be combined - at this point the Career sector is located. Other directions are easy to establish by looking at the Bagua and the compass.

The important point is to give places the power of activity. This way, targeting these areas will help you see the benefits. Universal methods can be considered the placement of crystalline objects that accumulate and redistribute Qi energy. These products create flows throughout the living space. But there are also subtleties taking into account each sector.

Career Zone

According to Feng Shui for the home, the Career zone is in the north. To activate it, strong lighting and wind chimes are important. The main element of this sphere is watery, the shades are dark.

The interior items that a person chooses for this sector must embody an element that corresponds to the astrological sign and Gua number. For example, those who want a promotion should put a small fountain in this area of ​​the apartment. To reinforce your success, you can use a photograph or painting depicting calmly flowing water. A souvenir of a turtle, a representative of the water element, supports people in career advancement.

You can improve the Career zone for faster career advancement thanks to office equipment and photographs of your team of employees.

Zone of Wisdom and Learning

According to Feng Shui, the zones of Wisdom and Learning are indicated by the earth element and the color beige. This sphere is located in the northeast of the living area. This is a good place to set up an office or library. This is due to the fact that the learning process takes place well in this zone.

The mind is activated in this sector. A person manages to achieve success in all endeavors. Any matters are resolved faster, and then there is time for rest.

What can interfere with the flow of the necessary energy: cutting things with sharp edges, entertainment magazines, all things that can represent troubles and problems.

Travel and Mentor Zone

The main elements of this Feng Shui zone in the apartment should be made of metal. The color of this sphere is light.

The region is in the northwest. Often, the zone that is responsible for travel, flights and trips is also called the Teacher’s sector. Because when it is activated, a Helper (Teacher) appears, capable of orienting thoughts in the right direction, especially in eventful life moments.

It is important to provide enhanced lighting in this area and place figurines of selected deities.

A personal talisman helps to activate the beneficial influence of the sector on trips and flights. In addition, it is worth adding photographs of the places and attractions that a person wants to see.

This sector requires the placement of other symbols: photographs of people, transport - ships, trains, planes, cars.

Family Zone

This area is in the east. Main element– woody, green color. This sphere symbolizes close relationships between family members and has an impact on health.

Using the octagon Bagua can be improved family ties, eliminate disagreements and disputes in the family. To do this, you need to place a family photo in this area and provide brighter lighting. It is good to choose landscape paintings, potted plants and things made of wood for this sector.

For the Family zone, metal objects, coins, photographs of deceased relatives and pets, dried flowers, and stuffed animals are contraindicated. If there are inharmonious objects or plants with thorns in the sector, this will lead to constant squabbles between family members. If there are creeping plants or bindweeds in the area, this will lead to intrigue.

Children and Creativity Zone

According to Feng Shui, for this zone of the apartment, located in the west, there are different activation techniques. For example, if there are difficulties in communicating with children, it is worth increasing the lighting and placing objects here that correspond to the sign and number of the child’s Gua.

In the Children and Creativity sector there should be figurines of deities made of bronze, small in weight. You can hang children's drawings or put up clay crafts. It's good to install pots with new plants, but be sure to avoid dried flowers or vases with fading bouquets.

Zone of Wealth and Prosperity

The main element is wood, the colors are red and green. Location - southeast.

This feng shui zone is associated with abundance in life. To strengthen the sector, you need to place a money symbol, objects made of valuable metals, and stones in it. It is worth using a silver vessel filled with clean water.

Fishes are symbols of success. Therefore, you can place fish in a round aquarium - for everyone except representatives of fire signs. Other favorable items: money tree, fountain, plant in a pot.

What is the Glory Zone responsible for?

According to Feng Shui, red fire elements help activate zones that are responsible for status. The Glory Zone is in the south.

In this place you can put insignia, figurines of birds, for example, pigeons. Stones work well - all except sea ones.

Zone of love and happy marriage

According to Feng Shui, the hue of this zone is yellow, and the element is earth. Location - southwest.

In this direction you can place a photo card with your loved one, objects that evoke tender feelings, 2 candles - light and scarlet. They are designed to personify the feminine and masculine principles.

The sector is suitable for placing paired symbols: doves - for romance in a relationship, tangerines - for happiness, flying insects - for joyful relationships, geese - for fidelity in the family. Here you can also store products that add spice to the intimate side of life: erotic books and magazines, aphrodisiacs, oils and incense.

Single people should place pictures of loving couples in the sector. You cannot leave sharp objects or paintings depicting loners here.

Physical and mental health zone

The Feng Shui health sector is located in the heart of the Bagua grid. The element of this zone is earthy and the colors are orange and sunny. For those who dream of longevity, be sure to bring order to this area. It is necessary that it contains things made of wood, indoor flowers in pots, clay jugs, and green interior items. All this will help improve your health on the mental plane.

In this sector it is worth placing water landscapes, paintings that depict wildlife. Decor with boulders and stones will also fit the theme.

Objects help to activate the Health zone: pine branches, bamboo sticks, peaches in odd numbers, deer and crane figurines.

IN eastern part Eastern teachings recommend bringing bonsai to the Health sector. If there is a table in this area, it is worth placing 5 or 9 porcelain peaches, a figurine or a vase filled with fresh and juicy fruits on it.

The center of the house is also the center of luck and spiritual life. This sector should be well lit and conducive to communication between family members. It is good if in the center of the living room there is a large chandelier with crystal elements and crystals that reflect light and release favorable flows of Qi energy.

If the zone does not fit into the apartment

Feng Shui zones do not have to occupy entire rooms. Even a table is enough to decorate it with objects that activate certain aspects of life. You can decorate a table or shelf with a metal saucer or an old coin, if these items are favorable for the chosen sector.

The Bagua grid helps to carry out Feng Shui zoning not only throughout the entire space of the home, but also inside the room. You need to do it in the same way: take a compass, find the north of the room, and determine the remaining sectors in accordance with it.

It happens that some areas do not fit into the living space. This is due to modern architectural principles. Not all apartments in new buildings are square in shape. Therefore, if you attach the Bagua grid to the plan, you will see that some sectors are missing. This can be fixed this way: define mini-zones in the rooms and activate them with a little effort.

When there is a risk that sectors are not sufficiently activated, the following must be considered. The action of Bagua takes place not only on the scale of the house. The zones stretch into the distance. With this knowledge in mind, you can carefully look at the direction of each sector outside the walls of the house. For example, to find a loved one, you can often walk towards the Marriage sector. Those wishing to advance career ladder It’s worth getting up earlier in the morning and walking towards the Career sector. This will serve as additional activation.

Only at first glance can one assume that decorating an apartment according to Feng Shui is difficult. Sometimes it happens that people intuitively do everything correctly, and after analyzing the home taking into account the Bagua grid, it is enough to make small adjustments.

Each residential building has its own energy. If it is in harmony with the vital energy of the people living in the house, everything goes very well for them. The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui teaches how to get rid of bad energy and activate positive energy.

Such a problem as energy harmonization is present among residents of high-rise buildings, since these apartments are small and there are many wires and various communications in them.

Feng Shui is very important in a person’s life, because thanks to it you can change your life for the better.

If this positive energy is not enough, a person feeds on it not at home, but at work, walking with friends or just shopping. Using different screens, mirrors, paintings and bells you can call positive energy into your home.

Feng Shui zones

To divide a house into Feng Shui zones, you will need a Lo Shu square or a Bagua grid.

It is said that this square was drawn on the tortoise's shell by the gods. But only Fu Xi, the great sage, could solve this riddle. This happened almost a thousand years ago.

Feng Shui says that everything that happens in a person’s life can be divided into nine categories. They have their own strict order and form a Bagua square. Each area is responsible for a certain part of life.

  1. First you need to put a Bagua grid on the house plan, so you can see the location and influence of zones in its parts. The very first zone to be established is the Career zone; this is done by aligning the north on the housing plan and map.
  2. Then using a compass and a Bagua square, you can easily determine the position of the remaining 8 zones.
  3. Sometimes there is no southwest and southeast feng shui zone in an apartment that has an irregular shape.

To be in harmony with the world around you, you need to follow some rules.

The first rule maintain order and cleanliness in your home. You should not put unnecessary trash, especially in front of the entrance, because such storage attracts negative energy. Dirty shoes, various rags and mops also do this. A clean front door is the key to cleanliness and safety in your home.

According to Feng Shui, large windows in a house are very good. Since through them a lot of sunlight and positive qi energy enters the room. If your windows are dusty and dirty, it means that bad energy has accumulated on them; to avoid this, wash them periodically.

Blinds, heavy curtains and bars are not welcome on windows - they do not allow light to pass through and interfere with the flow of energy into the house. And also you can’t fill the window sills with pots of flowers. You can put several beautiful and definitely healthy plants, but these should not be cacti, they should not be placed near windows at all.

Second rule there is a periodic removal of all unnecessary things from the premises. Items that you have long stopped using or that are outdated have the ability to collect negativity around them. Therefore, look more often at the mezzanine, in cabinets, tables and chests of drawers. Without regret, throw away all the things you don't need. And also check your first aid kit and your cosmetics bag, do not forget to throw away products that have expired.

Third rule- This is a rearrangement of objects. The Chinese are convinced that this will help not to stagnate energy. You don't have to move the furniture, but you must rearrange 27 items. You can swap photo frames or rearrange vases and figurines.

Fourth rule consists in the cleanliness of the bathroom and good condition of the plumbing. Because this particular zone is the most negative in the entire apartment.

If you want to make sure you have money, always close the bathroom door and lower the toilet lid.

Wealth Zone

This area is on the southeast side. Its main component is wood. Therefore, to activate this zone, you need to use various wooden objects in the interior. This corner should be kept in dark colors: black, dark blue or green.

In the wealth area there should be wooden furniture and there should be indoor plants in the interior, you can put a money tree there. If you don’t have a fresh flower, you can put up a souvenir that will imitate a tree, it can be made from coins.

The interior should also contain photographs that depict beautiful, lush landscapes. There will also be a fountain or an aquarium with goldfish.

To activate the zone, you need to purchase a small frog figurine that holds a coin in its mouth or a hieroglyph of wealth.

Feng Shui health zone in the apartment

The health zone is located in the center of the apartment. It affects your well-being and connects other zones with each other.

To activate the health zone, there must be wooden objects in the interior. This could be a large wooden table on which you need to place a figurine depicting fruit. And you can also hang a crystal ball in the center of the house. This will help keep you healthy.

Career zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

The quarry zone is located in the northern part. The element that nourishes it is metal, the element is water. Colors that will help activate the zone: black, white, gray and blue. The interior should include an aquarium or a small fountain. You can put a computer and telephone in this part of the apartment. The decoration can be a figurine of a turtle.

Family zone

According to Feng Shui, then the family area is located towards the east. The element of the zone is wood and water, the color is green. In this area you need to put gifts given by relatives, family photographs, children's drawings and fakes. It is strictly forbidden to place photographs of loved ones who have died and dried plants there.

Children and creativity zone

In the west there is a zone for children and creativity. If you can't find common language with your child or you want to reveal your talent or the talent of your child, then you need to activate this sector. To do this, you need to choose the brightest part of the living room, and put there pictures drawn by your child and beautiful, fresh flowers. And if you are just planning a baby, this zone is also suitable for you.

Wish card diagram

This card will help you attract into life what you want most. This scheme will coincide with the Bagua grid. She looks like this:

  • IN Your photo is placed in the center of the map which brings positive emotions.
  • Above the photo, at the top there are pictures depicting success.
  • Below, under the photo, there should be an image of the profession that you like.
  • Place a photo with money in the upper left corner.
  • At the bottom left you can paste an image with a diploma on it.
  • Where the family sector is, there should be photographs depicting the family.
  • In the upper right corner place photo of lovers that kiss, all sorts of hearts and intertwined hands.
  • In the children and creativity sector there should be pictures of books, drawings, and sheet music.
  • At the bottom right, place pictures of the countries you dream of visiting.

Feng Shui of a studio apartment

It is difficult to follow all the tips in an apartment where there is little space, but there are some things you can do:

  1. The first thing to do is throw away all unnecessary things. All cleaning should be done when the moon is waning.
  2. It is necessary to clean the room by fumigating it. This is done after every general cleaning. After fumigation, take a cold shower, this will help get rid of bad energy.
  3. Use amulets, they should be Slavic or Eastern.
  4. Activate the areas that interest you most.
  5. To divide the apartment into zones, use a screen.
  6. The elements of fire and water in the kitchen need to be separated by a partition.
  7. You also need to ventilate the apartment every day, but make sure that there are no drafts, they can disperse positive energy.

What colors should be in the apartment?

The zones you designate in your apartment should match the colors on the bagua grid, but you need to rely on your own taste. If you don't like a color, don't use it in your wallpaper color scheme.

Choose the color of the wallpaper according to your own taste.

Feng Shui meaning of flowers:

  • Red color excites.
  • Yellow color has a positive effect on intelligence.
  • Orange color brings success and unchains people.
  • Blue color - promotes relaxation and thinking.
  • Pink color - encourages romance.
  • Purple color has the property of calming.

The teaching of Feng Shui came to us from China; it has existed for more than four thousand years and has not lost ground. And for lately It has also become very popular. I became interested in Feng Shui about 6 years ago. At first, just a little, and then, after my friend’s stories, stronger. She shared with me in an inspired voice: “So I activated the “Wealth” zone and the next day I received 5 thousand rubles, which I did not expect”. A few days later, she talked about how she activated the love zone, and a young man (who had been interesting to her for a long time) invited her to the cinema.

Magic? I became even more interested in this amazing teaching. It turned out that it really combines elements of magic. And it’s not devoid of common sense, which is what I liked about it.

Feng Shui views a home as a living organism that is either in harmony with you or in conflict. And to let vital energy To move smoothly through your home, you need to activate the main life aspects or feng shui zones. They are influenced by the color palette, the arrangement of furniture, the presence of various talismans, and the amount of light. In this article we will take a closer look at how to correctly identify these zones.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, everything that happens in our lives can be divided into nine life aspects or categories. All of them, combined together in a certain order, form the Bagua grid. In translation, “ba” means eight, “gua” means a trigram, and ba-gua means 8 trigrams.

Sometimes it is drawn simply as a table, and then it may look like this:

If this magic octagon is superimposed on the house plan, we will be able to determine where certain sectors are located.
It all sounds, of course, quite simple: take the apartment plan and apply it to the Bagua grid.

But I have some questions:

firstly, where to get an apartment plan,

secondly, how to put one on top of the other correctly?

I had to deal with this several times. The first one was when I wanted to activate the Feng Shui zones in our apartment where I live with my loved one. The second one was when I helped my mother with renovations. These two rooms are very different in their layout.

In the case of our apartment, I found its plan in the documents issued by the BTI. The reader who has recently been involved in the privatization of an apartment will easily find the location of all the rooms in the issued papers.

In the case of my mother’s apartment, this plan was drawn on my own. My close friend, an architect, was able to help me with this over a cup of tea. Take help from others.

By the way, while I was writing the article, another option came to mind. It is suitable for those who have apartments with standard layouts. For example, my mother has a standard, 2-room Khrushchev apartment. I typed “Khrushchev apartment plan” into Yandex, and all the available options were given to me. I found one that looks like the apartment I grew up in. This plan looks like this:

Great. Now you know several ways to get a floor plan for your apartment. What's next?

Next, as they write in all sources on improving Feng Shui in an apartment, we need a compass. I didn’t have a compass, and I asked friends, acquaintances and relatives for one. Friends, as always, did not leave me in trouble - as a result, I ended up with two compasses in my hands.

So, I was all armed and looked like a monkey with glasses from Krylov’s fable. I don't know how to use compasses at all. I twisted them this way and that, for some reason they showed different data. I was completely confused and decided that I couldn’t handle it on my own. If you, my readers, have the same story as mine, announce a new search for those who know how to use this miracle of technology.

I found helpers quickly. A friend, the same one who drew the diagram, helped me figure out the cardinal directions in my mother’s apartment. First, with the help of a compass, we found the west and made a corresponding entry on the plan. By the way, if you still can’t find a compass, just pay attention to which direction the sun sets.

All that remains is to add intermediate data.

It turned out that at the very top of the apartment diagram is the southwest. Let's now expand our Bagua grid in the same way:

Now I can easily say that in my mother’s apartment the “Children and Creativity” zone is located in the kitchen. "Career" area in the hallway. The “Helpers” zone (also known as the “Travel” zone) is located in the hallway and bathroom. The bedroom has three zones: “Glory”, “Wealth”, “Wisdom”. And I think you yourself will be able to determine which zones are located in the hall.
Mom shows very good option layout from the point of view of Feng Shui of the apartment. The room is almost square and has all the zones.

Let's consider another option. The plan below is our three-room apartment.

The floor plan of this apartment shows that the north-west direction is at the top.
Let's arrange the Bagua grid in the same way:

The zone of “wealth” South-East and the zone of “fame” South are absent, they fled to their neighbors. In this case, Feng Shui masters recommend applying a Bagua grid to the living room or kitchen. These rooms are considered the most neutral in energy. Determine the zones of “wealth” and “fame” in any of these rooms according to Feng Shui of the apartment and activate them there. By the way, an attentive reader, looking at the Bagua grid, will be able to understand that in order to activate the “fame” zone, it will be useful to add some red object to the south of the apartment. And to activate the “quarry” zone, place a vessel with water in the north.

I hope you understand that all compass directions are always the same, and we simply adapt them to our homes. If you correctly identify the sectors in your apartment or house and use Feng Shui tips, your life will begin to change. If good events follow, then you did everything right. If they don't, you still have work to do.

And we will talk in more detail about activating the feng shui zones of the apartment in
the second part, read.

Olya Yeltukova.

In order to accurately determine and activate the zones of an apartment according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of Eastern teachings, which consider housing as the main factor influencing the fate and energy potential of a person. Every house, apartment or room has an aura, which affects the health, well-being and luck of the residents.

The apartment number has a meaning

To determine the apartment number in accordance with Eastern teachings, sum up the digits of the house and apartment numbers. For example, house 35, apartment 164 is reduced to the following form: 3+5+1+6+4=19 =>1+9=10=>1+0=1. Each number has a direct impact on household members:

  • if the apartment number according to Feng Shui is one, then the energy of independence, creative energy and healthy risk soars in it;
  • the number two ensures a harmonious combination of masculine and feminine principles, determines life in love and harmony;
  • apartment number three will help open and energetic people realize their potential;
  • four helps you gain a sense of security in your home or room, improve your health, help you find a job you like and reliable friends;
  • people seeking to develop their intellect and acquire new knowledge should look for apartment number 5. Photos of Feng Shui apartments corresponding to this number are presented in purple shades, with accents in the form of historical artifacts and travel attributes;
  • in a house marked with a six, the desire for all-encompassing love reigns, passionate attitude to the profession and a caring approach to all aspects of life;
  • the atmosphere of housing corresponding to the seven is conducive to asceticism and spiritual development;
  • people living in apartment number eight enjoy success in love, any endeavors and areas of life;
  • Nine gives peace and self-sufficiency regardless of financial situation. Therefore, it is not advisable for people with ambitious plans to live in such apartments.

Apartment zoning

It is possible to determine the Feng Shui zones in an apartment (one-room or large) using the Bagua diagram, which divides the space into nine zones. To get the exact location of Feng Shui zones in a house or room, a magic diagram is applied to the house plan in accordance with the cardinal directions. Finding a photo of the circuit is not difficult and will not take much time, but the reward for creative work there will be positive changes in life.

Financial Wellness Sector

The feng shui wealth zone is located in the southeast. To attract financial flow, install in the room aquarium with fish or a small fountain. In a one-room apartment, to activate energy flows, they place money tree, pyramids made of stone or a model of a yacht with its bow oriented deep into the room. Fire symbols cannot be placed in this sector: candles and red objects.

Health sector

The health zone is located in the east and center of the Bagua circuit. The main mascots of the sector are considered paintings and photos of animals and nature, indoor plants and wood products. The center of the health zone should be illuminated as much as possible, ideally glass or crystal chandelier with an abundance of faceted crystals.

To activate the health zone, Feng Shui experts recommend placing potted plants or a bonsai tree in the eastern part of the zone. If there is a table in the health sector, then its indispensable decoration should be a vase filled with fruit.

Sector of love and marriage

This area of ​​the apartment is located in the southwest direction and requires activation if it is necessary to improve marital relations or make new acquaintances. The love zone should be well lit, and a joint photo with the object of your passion should be placed in the sector. The presence of paired symbols of love is required: two candles of red and white, figurines of kissing doves, as well as heart-shaped postcards and decent erotic photos.

Glory Zone

The sector is located in the south and symbolizes your achievements. If you need to reach new heights in your profession or study, place diplomas and awards, photos with your image at the time of presentation of awards, and bird figurines in the glory zone.

Career sector

According to Feng Shui, the career zone is located in the north of the apartment and is activated by enhanced lighting and wind chimes. To consolidate career success, it is advisable to place a small fountain in the center of the sector. In conditions studio apartment support will be provided by a photo or painting of a pond, as well as paired turtle figurines.

Sector of Knowledge and Wisdom

This is an ideal area for organizing intellectual activity. Activate the sector with items related to mental activity - dictionaries, textbooks, your photo against the background of a geographical map or a board with calculations.

Advice! Never leave entertaining literature, cutting or stabbing objects in the knowledge sector!

Assistant sector

The Teacher or Assistant zone is located in the northwestern sector. At fateful moments in life, activation of the zone contributes to the appearance of an assistant. Increase the lighting in this sector, place photos of people whom you consider to be your teachers and spiritual mentors.

Family zone

An important sector is located in the east, affects health and symbolizes those closest to you. To ease disagreements, stabilize your health and live in love, place in the sector objects associated with people dear to your heart, family photos, flowering plants and home crafts: weaving, embroidery, appliqués, carvings.

Sector of Creativity and Children

The zone is located in the west, and its activation is necessary in case of contradictions with the growing child, difficulties in the educational process, and also if the child does not communicate well with peers. Place figurines of protective deities, children's crafts and photos, and fresh flowers in this area.

Feng Shui in a one-room apartment

A one-room apartment or a huge house - according to Eastern teachings, the size of the home does not affect any area of ​​life! The above methods for determining sectors and methods for activating them are suitable for small one-room apartments, rooms, and even tables. It is no coincidence that people of the East decorate tables with vases of fruit, figurines or metal saucers. For proper zoning, use the Bagua grid and activate the desired zone.

Advice! Areas of a one-room apartment intended for active activities should have intense lighting and brightly decorated areas.

Secrets of activating feng shui zones

It is recommended to create Feng Shui for apartments at the stage of renovation or purchase of housing. Small city apartments, especially one-room apartments, do not allow you to take full advantage of the wisdom of your ancestors. But the influence of space on a person cannot be canceled and methods of correcting space and neutralizing negative energy come to the rescue. With the help of simple actions, try to bring prosperity and good luck into your home:

  1. Clean and freely flowing energy fuels all household members, so maintaining order should become a strong habit. Avoid clutter and dust accumulation by regularly emptying cabinets and shelves of unnecessary items.
  2. Fix all the broken appliances in your home or get rid of them without regret. Replace burnt out light bulbs in lighting fixtures.
  3. Get rid of cracked, broken dishes.
  4. Neutralize unpleasant odors and eliminate their sources.
  5. Don't keep money near water pipes or in the toilet.
  6. Flowers and pets significantly improve the Feng Shui of an apartment or house.
  7. The corners of furniture should not be directed towards rest areas. In a one-room apartment, you can neutralize the impact of negative energy flows by decorating the corners with soft drapery or climbing plants.

Advice! The Feng Shui of any apartment can always be adjusted and improved. To do this, invite a specialist who will divide the apartment into energy zones and give the only correct recommendations on zoning and improvement of the premises.

Sometimes we don’t feel comfortable in our own home, we can’t fully relax, and we often get sick. This suggests that positive energy is in a state of dormancy, it needs to be activated so that it begins to work for us. Feng Shui rules for an apartment will help with this. By following them, you can gradually improve your life.

Feng Shui apartment number

Numbers have always been given great value. Fortune telling was carried out using them; important holidays with mystical origins were tied to dates. In China, belief in numbers is especially common. Feng Shui attributes great significance to even seemingly insignificant numbers of apartments and houses. A door is a separator of external and internal space, a portal to your individual world, and apartments are extremely important. The well-being of everyone living inside largely depends on what number hangs on the door.

Lucky apartment numbers according to Feng Shui are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 . One is always the beginning of something new, a birth, which represents a happy event. Two is balance, like yin and yang. The number three in all cultures has mystical powers, and six and nine are multiples of three, therefore they also bring happiness. In addition, nine represents the culmination of the cycle and the imminent achievement of the peak. In addition, the word nine in Chinese means longevity.

Number four is best avoided as it is considered unlucky. It sounds like the word death in Chinese. The number seven is also unlucky. Five is simply neutral, bringing neither happiness nor unhappiness. When the apartment number consists of one digit, it is easy to judge. If you have a two-, three- or four-digit number, you need to add all the numbers and continue adding until you get a number from 1 to 9. Example: for apartment number 156 you need to add 1+5+6=12 , then perform the following action 1+2=3. And by the number three you can judge the energy in the apartment.

Feng Shui zones in the apartment

Inside the home, it is extremely important to correctly configure the energy in order to achieve the desired effect in one or another area of ​​life. According to the Ba Gua map, the Feng Shui of an apartment consists of 8 sectors or zones. They are located according to the cardinal directions, and on the map the cardinal directions are mirrored. To correctly distribute the zones, the map must be turned over, and only then applied to the apartment plan. The size of the home does not matter at all. So, the Feng Shui of a one-room apartment or a spacious penthouse is determined in a similar way.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

The main element of this zone is wood. Colors – green, violet, lilac. The talisman is water. Therefore, when approaching the question of how to furnish an apartment according to the style, first of all you need to take care of the presence of a water feature here - an aquarium, an indoor fountain, or at least an image of water. You can put a beautiful vessel filled with water.

To increase the family's wealth and attract money to the house, in the wealth sector it is necessary to increase lighting and remove all trash, which in general Feng Shui does not accept in an apartment. You can place a model of a sailboat here, the bow of which will be directed into the room. It would be good if the sailboat was made of wood, and coins could be placed inside it. It is also customary to place symbols of wealth here - Chinese coins, money tree, money toad.

Feng Shui love zone in the apartment

The main element of the love zone is earth. Colors – red, pink, brown, terracotta. The most common talismans that decorate the Feng Shui love sector in an apartment are paired figurines of birds and animals. These could be swans, mandarin ducks, pigeons, dolphins. Also symbolic in in this case images and figures of hearts. You can complement the love corner with a couple of scented candles, fresh flowers, and heart-shaped pillows.

It is logical that this zone is responsible for romantic relationships with the opposite sex, a strong marital bond. In addition, with the activation of this zone, you can strengthen relationships with family and close friends. Post photos with your loved ones here. But sharp objects, thorny plants, images of sad and lonely people are extremely unacceptable here.

Feng Shui health zone in the apartment

The main element is earth. Colors – yellow, orange, terracotta, beige. Apartment Feng Shui offers the following talismans for activating the health zone - turtle, bamboo, monkeys, cranes, depicted against a background of pine trees. This zone is located in the very heart of the apartment, in its center. And it is also a spiritual center, responsible for the well-being and health of not only the body, but also the soul. This zone unites all other zones and influences them, so you should always keep order here so that other areas of your life do not suffer.

Activation of energy in the apartment occurs when this sector is well lit. It is advisable to hang a crystal chandelier in the center of your home, the crystals of which will direct positive energy to all corners of the apartment. You can also activate the zone using clay jugs, wooden objects, fresh indoor flowers, an odd number of fruits, bamboo branches, seascapes and pebbles.

Career zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

The main element is water. Colors – blue, blue, black, white. Talismans - Chinese turtles, mirrors, coins, wind chimes. Additionally, this zone is a sector life path. She is responsible for everything that will help you earn money, as well as for what will lead to spiritual development. In dreams of career growth, the activation of Feng Shui zones in the apartment should be accompanied by the installation of turtle figurines and a small fountain. If the goal is to consolidate the achieved effect, then you need to hang an image of calm water. Aquariums, sailboats and other water talismans have a good influence.

Children's zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

At the same time, this zone is a creative zone. The main element is metal. Colors – white, silver, gold, yellow, gray. , which can be used to diversify the design of an apartment according to Feng Shui in this sector - figurines of children, bells, wind chimes, shells, horseshoes, plants with round leaves. Since the apartment sector according to Feng Shui is responsible for creative success, new projects and the birth and raising of children, your and your child’s self-expression, the method of activating this zone depends on the needs.

If you want to achieve creative success, place items and images related to your hobbies here. For a seamstress, this could be a machine and spools of thread. For the artist - an easel and brushes with paints. For a musician - the instrument he plays and music books. If you can’t cope with raising children, you can’t find a common language with them, place objects related to their astrological signs in this zone. Also arrange and hang children's drawings, crafts, indoor plants, photos with children.

Feng Shui travel zone in the apartment

She is also responsible for the assistant, mentor, Teacher. The main element is metal. Colors – gold, silver, white. Talismans - photos of parents and other people you respect, a horseshoe, metal bells, images of exotic corners of the planet. The arrangement of this zone predetermines the appearance of people who can help you in difficult situations, instruct you, and patronize you. Placing figurines of the deities Ganesha and Guin here will help strengthen the influence of this sector.

How to arrange an apartment according to Feng Shui if your goal is travel? First of all, post photos of places where you would like to go, as well as images of travelers and various vehicles. Increase lighting, remove all broken objects and images with erotic overtones. All kinds of firearms are also undesirable here.

Apartment according to Feng Shui - rules

There are several basic rules that must be followed if you want to improve the atmosphere in your home and activate beneficial energy:

  1. Get rid of clutter. Everything that has long ceased to be useful to you, has lost its original appearance, is broken, cracked, or does not function should be removed from the house without regret. By doing this, you will make way and space for new energy that will fill your home and bring prosperity.
  2. Protect the entrance to your apartment using Feng Shui. So that she can’t get to you negative energy people coming to you, hang a mirror above the front door. It will reflect and return negativity to the one who came with it. This method is good in the fight against damage and curses.
  3. Provide free space and light in the hallway and living room. Do not keep clothes and shoes that are out of season. Keep these two rooms clean and tidy.
  4. Keep an eye on the head of the furniture. There should not be empty space behind the bed, sofa, or armchairs; they should be placed against a wall or partition, which serve as a symbol of support and confidence in different life situations.
  5. Pay attention to the location of windows and doors. Feng Shui of an apartment is important in the details. If the door in the room is located opposite the window, energy flies out of the house. You can correct the situation with the help of a tall living plant on the windowsill. The plant should have round leaves that will retain the energy of the house.

Feng Shui paintings for an apartment

Paintings that complement your apartment design can act both positively and negatively according to Feng Shui. To avoid the second, you need to make sure that the images on them evoke positive emotions, and not feelings of anxiety or worry. It is better not to bring aggressive and hostile paintings into the house. You should also avoid posting portraits of deceased relatives and celebrities who are no longer alive. Abstract and incomprehensible paintings are also undesirable. They do not carry any message, and sometimes contain a hidden negative meaning that you are not even aware of.

Arranging furniture in an apartment according to Feng Shui

Furniture should not interfere with the movement of Qi energy, therefore the question of how to furnish an apartment according to Feng Shui is very important. So, the main points:

  • place tall cabinets against solid walls and preferably away from doors;
  • Doors and stairs should not be reflected in mirrored furniture doors;
  • High backs of chairs and armchairs are preferred; their seats should be turned towards the window;
  • It is better to choose round tables - it is more friendly;
  • the TV does not need to be installed with the screen facing the window or door;
  • the bed must be placed with its head against the wall, and the door to the room should be visible from it;
  • in the kitchen you need to zone the room, separating the elements of fire and water with a table, shelf, cabinet.

Feng Shui aquarium in the apartment

According to Feng Shui, water features such as an aquarium or a fountain in an apartment are simply irreplaceable. The energy of water activates three important zones at once, so Feng Shui rules in an apartment require the presence of at least one such object. At the same time, its size should correspond to the room in order to facilitate the accumulation of energy of money, career and family, and not wash away what is there. At the same time, the aquarium must have constant water movement and good lighting. The number of fish in it must be odd.

Indoor plants according to Feng Shui in the apartment

They bring a certain energy. Their correct choice and arrangement will help harmonize the atmosphere in the house. These should be plants that stretch upward and preferably have rounded leaves. Flowers with masculine energy are dracaena, lemon, asparagus, chlorophytum, etc. Flowers with feminine energy are violet, crassula, begonia, cyclamen. For a harmonious distribution of energy, it is advisable to have plants with both energies in the house. To ensure that the energy field of a flower is always active, take good care of it, show it love and care.

Mirrors in the apartment according to Feng Shui

When starting to study how to arrange an apartment according to Feng Shui, people are certainly faced with the issue of placing mirrors. This powerful magical item is capable of attracting and repelling energy depending on its location. The mirrors of your home should not reflect front door, bed, unpleasant landscape outside the window. But the dining table reflected in the mirror promises an increase in wealth. The reflection of the picturesque landscape also has a positive effect - this way additional beauty will enter your home every day.

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