For a wish to come true, you need to ask, believe and accept. The power of the Universe: how to unleash its energy and realize your desires? Request to space - wish fulfillment

Secret knowledge has long ceased to be the property of a select few. Schools of Feng Shui and other esoteric teachings can be found in every city today. Wonderful techniques that promote it are found on most women's sites. One of the most popular ways to change your life for the better has become a letter to the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is offered by many Internet resources. Should you trust such a strange way to achieve your goal, or is it nothing more than self-hypnosis?

It works!

Skeptics are confident that only people with an unhealthy psyche can try to achieve what they want using this method. Meanwhile, experts suggest not to draw hasty conclusions. There is nothing mystical in a letter to higher powers, and a miracle message can really do a lot to realize a plan:

It helps to formulate a desire. It is impossible to build a house without a drawing. If you don't know how many floors the building will have, what materials will be used, what design is possible, construction will never begin. The same applies to your dream. Until the brain receives a clear command about what exactly the result should be, movement towards the goal will not begin. You can wait your whole life for the fulfillment of desires like “I want a lot of money.” A letter to the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire, a sample of which you will find at the end of the article, will help your dream take shape, for example: “My monthly income is 70 thousand rubles.”

It makes it possible to believe in the reality of what you want to receive. A dream voiced out loud no longer seems so fantastic. And if the desire is fixed on paper, it will bring its implementation even closer in reality.

It helps to launch proven mechanisms. A person is accustomed to the fact that in order to receive, one must ask. This has been the case since childhood, when a child saw a toy or sweet he liked and asked his parents to buy it for him. In most cases, children get what they want. Psyche little man gets used to the scheme: “If I ask, they will definitely give it to me.”

Compose a message

There are many recommendations on how to write a letter to the abundant and loving Universe for the fulfillment of a wish. The sample message includes not only the request itself, but also gratitude for help in fulfilling previous desires. You should not ask to harm other people, even if you are sure that they deserve it. Formulate the message in a positive way without the “no” particle. Write about what you want, not about what you don't want. An example might be:

Hello, dear Universe!

Thank you for everything you do for me, for your love and support. I believe that this time you will help my wish come true. Help me get a job good job close to home, so that the team is friendly and the boss is kind and fair.

I sincerely believe in your help,

Psychologists recommend writing a letter to the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is presented above, every day. The fact that the method will help is the main condition for its high effectiveness. Scientists cannot give exact scientific explanations success of the message. Many people believe that the law of attraction (“like to like”) works. The effectiveness of working on desire will also depend on your personal activity. Having made a new wish workplace, look for vacancies in newspapers and on specialized websites, submit your resume to companies that interest you, take any measures available to you, and your dream will definitely come true.

“The extent to which a person can perceive and direct the invisible energy of the Universe determines his success and well-being in life.”

Arnold Patent

All that exists in the Universe are various forms of energy. There are two main types of energy - materialized and non-materialized. Everything that surrounds us in everyday life– cars, houses, trees are examples of materialized energy. It is balanced by the non-materialized, invisible to ordinary vision, which creates an energy balance in the Universe. How does energy materialize? Surprisingly simple - using the mechanism of thought. Everything we see around us was previously a thought. In other words, reality is created by our thoughts. However, I already wrote about this in the article " " .

Since the Universe contains various forms of energy, from the smallest organisms to huge galaxies, all of them - just like the objects of our world - are the result of thought. This thought behind the Universe is called the Supreme Intelligence or God. This Mind not only once created the Universe, but also continues to constantly support its existence with the power of its thought. And this force constantly supports each of us as a part of the Universe. Thanks to her we are very strong creatures, although they are convinced of their own weakness and helplessness.

Once you realize this, you can use this energy to achieve success in life. It is important to understand that to own anything really means to “own energy.” Therefore, the secret of success lies in being as open as possible to the energy, or power of the Universe, and using it effectively.

The culture in which we are brought up teaches us to desperately fight for life. But if we get used to literally fighting for a piece of bread, if we desperately strive to achieve some goal, then without realizing it, we constantly provoke situations where struggle and overcoming obstacles are needed. Making efforts to overcome them, a person tenses up and creates physical and energy clamps that interfere with the flow of energy and, as a result, the achievement of goals. In other words, we seem to shrink, blocking the energy channel through which the energy of the Universe enters our body and supports it.

Having lost access to the universal source, a person spends a limited supply of his own energy and becomes spiritually and physically exhausted. This is confirmed by chronic fatigue syndrome, which affects millions of people around the world.

At all physical condition is a good indicator of how efficiently we use our energy. If we do not force ourselves, then we are active and easy-going, and happily take on any task. Otherwise, we are depressed and broken, we develop an unreasonable feeling of guilt and fear. If you give up effort and completely relax, then the body will experience greater comfort than from struggle and self-affirmation; you will immediately feel a surge of physical strength. This is the flow of energy from the Universe rushing to our aid.

The concrete manifestation of the energy of the Universe in us is intuition. However, society teaches us to drown out this wise voice and rely on the calculations of the mind. And as a result, we stop trusting our instincts.

Every minute the Universe sends a person many signals, which we sometimes feel even physically, but we do not pay any attention to them. If we learn to trust our own body language, we can anticipate what is good for us and what is harmful. Relying on intuition, you can accurately move towards your goal.

There is another force that can be used to achieve success. These are our feelings. Each of us came into this world open, trusting and loving. But we are quickly convinced that in order to survive we need to abandon our own feelings or hide them away, and accept the beliefs and lifestyle of those who raised us.

By suppressing the energy of our feelings, we lose access to the powerful force that leads to success. At the same time, these feelings themselves do not disappear anywhere, and when suppressed they have the ability to either destroy our body from the inside, or break out and destroy everything from the outside. Think about uncontrollable anger. We are often afraid of this uncontrollable state, which is why we “prefer” to destroy ourselves from the inside.

It is necessary to free your feelings in order to access your inner strength. We need to learn again to express our feelings, surrender to them and manage them. There are many courses that teach this.

Thus, the energy of the Universe, our feelings and intuition are the main components of the force with which we can create the life we ​​want. Knowledge of several principles will allow you to use it consciously and effectively:

Do what you love to do

The Universe has endowed each of us - its perfect particles - with talents. Talent is a gift; it cannot be learned. If we express and realize our talent, we fulfill our Purpose, we do what we came to Earth for, and we do it naturally. We act unconsciously, and therefore as freely as possible, and at the same time we feel confidence, comfort and freedom. We open ourselves to the power of the Universe and give it the opportunity to work through us. It is an experience of freedom and joy, not thought and effort. Therefore, do only what you want to do and do not order yourself.

Be a master of your craft

When do you achieve mastery of something? Probably when you feel that what you have achieved is producing excellent results in your life. In this case, you relax and stop thinking about it. A professional pianist does not think about how to press the keys, a gymnast does not think about every movement, a sculptor does not think about every blow of the hammer, etc. etc. They are confident that their body is a perfect instrument and will do everything right.

This happens with money when we stop being attached to it, which creates tension and blocking of monetary energy, and allow money to flow freely in our lives. By trusting that the Universe will provide us with everything we need, we ensure the free and continuous flow of money, just like everything else.

Value yourself

Having achieved mastery in something, we simultaneously reach the level to which this achievement corresponds.

Our level and the assessment we receive for our skill in the eyes of society depend on how we value ourselves. Others treat us the way we want to be treated. Until we start treating our work as important and valuable, no one else will treat it that way. Within the limits of our talent, each of us is a potential superstar. Because every talent is given the tools to express it fully, we can become superstars when we are ready. Others will see superstars in us when we see them in ourselves.

Understand what you want

It's hard to believe, but everything that happens in our lives happens because we want it. If it seems to us that life is sending us something that we do not deserve at all, then we need to understand our desires and change them.

We have what we generate. The fact is that the energy that our bodies emit is similar to the wave emitted by a device. This wave is a very accurate signal. And it is accepted only by those who are tuned in to the same wavelength. As a result, we attract those people and circumstances that match the energetic signals we emit. If we radiate anger, we attract people and situations that bring anger into our lives. Conversely, if we emit signals of happiness, we attract happiness to ourselves.

In order to change something, we need a clear desire for this change and a clear idea of ​​what we want to replace it with.

Surrender to Abundance

Abundance is the natural state of the Universe, and since we are parts of it, abundance was originally given to us.

In order to have abundance in your life, you just need to realize that it is always available and open to it. In other words, if we do not have abundance, we desperately resist having it.

Besides, most of the abundance we dream of we already have, we just take it for granted and focus on what we don't have and what we think we would like to have.

Since, as I already said, energy materializes through thought, everything we think about increases. By thinking about the abundance we already have, we increase it. And vice versa.

Be rich and healthy

The feeling of wealth and poverty is strictly individual, and the same can be said about health. Under the same circumstances, one person feels rich and healthy, while another feels poor and sick. Feeling rich and healthy, you will be. Don't envy those who have more than you, because... being jealous, you tense up and block the channel of the energy of the Universe. Live in the present moment, thank the Universe for everything you have, be content with little, and you will have everything in abundance.

If you want to receive more, give

These are two sides of the same coin. Essentially, everything we give or receive is energy. By giving, by giving something, you create a certain vacuum and become ready to receive. Having received something, on the contrary, you become overwhelmed and become ready to give. This is a constantly circulating flow of energy. If you hold on to something and cannot give it away, you disrupt the smooth flow and block the reverse process of receiving.

In fact, when we give something, we ultimately give to ourselves.


Life is a game that each of us is given to win, we just need to know the rules and have the intention to win.

I have outlined the rules of the game above, but the intention is up to you. Success in life has no limits. No matter how much you have achieved so far, there is always room for improvement and the game never ends. Think about what you enjoy most and find opportunities to participate in it. By playing, you will begin to enjoy life and be happy. What else do you need?

Galina Zaitseva

Oksana Manoilo is with you and in this article I will give working techniques for making your wishes come true. With their help, any of your desires will come true. There are already many positive reviews about these techniques. Just be careful, it is very important to do everything strictly according to the instructions.

Desires are an integral part of human life. Almost all people want something and dream about something, but for some reason not all people strive to make their dreams come true. Perhaps they just don't know how to do it?

How to ask the Universe to fulfill your wishes and changes in life - super techniques

Although it was written above that all people have a dream. But, as a rule, they have a very vague idea of ​​what exactly they need. As a result, it turns out that the question: “what do you want from life?” most of them answer: “a lot of money”, or “find your love”. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the Universe doesn’t work that way. She needs specifics. Therefore, the fulfillment of a desire is usually postponed indefinitely.

It’s amazing, but almost no one thinks to sit down at the table, take a notebook or notepad and write about what kind of life they want. But it's so simple! As soon as the goal becomes visible, the path to it will find you. And all you have to do is walk along it. Therefore, before you move on and study the techniques themselves to fulfill your desire, do not be lazy and write down your ideal life on a piece of paper with a pen.

In fact, this is a very exciting activity, and believe me, you will not be able to stop smiling when you imagine your own personal paradise. Writing down your desires is in itself a very powerful technique for fulfilling desires, plus it will bring your thoughts in order and your mind and soul to harmony. These actions help to...

How to correctly formulate a desire?

When formulating, do not use the word “not” or the word “want”, and write in the present tense. Instead of “I wish I would never get sick,” write “I am in excellent health,” as if this were already the case. This way the technology works much more efficiently and quickly. And writing becomes much more enjoyable. And don’t hesitate to order in full, because the resources of the Universe are limitless, and you have every right to use them to find your own happiness. Therefore, do not deny yourself a villa by the sea with your own yacht, or a winter house in the Alps. And even if many things are not yet within your comfort zone, re-read your notes every day in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, don’t hesitate to add to them, and your comfort zone will expand over time.

Wish fulfillment technique No. 1 “Letter to the Universe”

This technique for fulfilling your desire is very similar to formulating a desire. But you formulated it more for yourself, and the letter needs to be written by the Universe, which will actually fulfill your desires.

Take a piece of paper and a pen. First, re-read your already written desires. Then write differently on a piece of paper, telling the universe how you want to live. The rules of writing remain the same: without the “not” part, and in the present tense, as if everything has already been accomplished.

How to design and send a letter to the universe?

The form of the letter should also be observed.Buy an envelope and fill it out.

  • To whom – My beloved Universe.
  • From whom - the name will be enough.

Believe me, those up there will be able to figure out who exactly the news came from. Once the letter is ready, send it to the recipient. This can be done in many ways, for example, put it in a bottle and send it along the river, or simply send it to any address. Everything is limited by your imagination, but the main thing is that you have no doubt that the letter will reach its goal. And it will get there for sure. It is recommended to send letters to the universe once a month. This is a powerful technique for making a wish come true.

Technique for fulfilling a wish No. 2 “Glass of water”

The following technique for making a wish come true is quite well-known and very effective. Vadim Zeland has something similar. The technique uses water, known for its unique properties. allows her to store information she has received from external sources, whether positive or negative. Therefore, tap water is not suitable for our purposes. Passing through many pipes of the water supply system, it absorbs a large amount of negative energy. Therefore, it is best to use distilled or melt water.

If difficulties may arise with distilled water, then you can easily prepare melt water yourself. To do this, place the container of water in the freezer until completely frozen, and then defrost until only ice remains on top. Throw it away, and the remaining water can be used. Thanks to the change state of aggregation, the structure of the water was destroyed and all negative information disappeared. And now it's almost clean.

Pour melted water into a glass and write down your wish on a piece of paper. The wording should also be in the present tense. Place the sheet with the written wish under the glass. Next, bring your palms towards each other, but do not join them. Imagine how a powerful clot of energy forms between them. Pump up your energy ball for some time, compacting it, and thinking about your desire written on a piece of paper. After this, place your palms so that the glass of water is between them, but do not touch its walls, and transfer the energy of your desire into the water. Next, drink it. You can repeat this practice daily.

What other techniques exist to make a wish come true?

Wish fulfillment technique No. 3 “Wish Card”

Also impressive in its simplicity and at the same time powerful, effective technique for fulfilling desires. Its essence is to select pictures depicting what you want.

They can depict anything: the country you want to visit, a beautiful car, good place jobs if you are looking for employment. Happy newlyweds, if you have not yet found family happiness, and so on. All these pictures need to be pasted on one large sheet, or stand, or just on the wall, so that your map is always before your eyes.

If you have the opportunity, the wish card can be divided into certain sections, such as love, career, family, wealth, travel, self-development, etc. And select photographs that correspond to the section of the card. Spend at least a few minutes a day contemplating your creation. And you will see, thanks to this technique, the fulfillment of your desire will become a reality!

Wish fulfillment technique No. 4 “Notebook of 100 days”

This ritual can be combined with formulation and mantras. It also requires you to write all your goals and desires in a notebook, but not on the first page, but on the hundredth. On the previous pages, starting from the first, every day write down your steps that bring you closer to. One page for one day. You need to write down even if nothing special happened that will help you achieve your goal. You can simply write down everything that happened that day. It is important to know that you are on the way to your goal. On the hundredth day, you will be able to fully feel how close you are to your goal, or maybe you have already achieved it. If not all of your planned goals come true, the technique of fulfilling desires can be repeated, adding as necessary.

Powerful technique for fulfilling desires No. 5 “Visualization”

This wish fulfillment technique is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, but a little more complex, and involves. With the help of this wish fulfillment technique, many people have made their dreams come true. Its essence follows from the name, in a visual representation of your life after your dreams and goals come true. It is very important to do this consciously. You need to fully concentrate, and try not to be distracted, direct the power of thought to what you want. After all, the more attention you pay to your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it. It is necessary to fill the images with energy. Do it so strongly and powerfully that the pictures come to life.

Your attention acts as a ray of light to the Universe. With its help, you highlight your dream for her. And she moves you towards her. Show her how you drive your brand new car to your cool office. Or lie on a beach chair under a palm tree on a tropical island, sipping a fruit cocktail.

Imagine yourself sitting in a rocking chair by the fireplace, inside your country villa. How wonderful you are. How happy and successful you are. And believe me, then all this will become a reality.

Important point!

The only thing you need to remember is that this practice must be performed regularly and systematically. At least thirty minutes once a day. Otherwise it won't work. But don’t turn visualization into a burdensome and boring task. After all, the brighter and happier the emotions in the process, the faster and more efficiently it works.

In order for this process not to cause you discomfort, it needs to be turned into a habit. And for this on initial stages When performing this technique, it will take some volitional effort to make your wish come true. But believe me, it's worth it. After all, this technique is perhaps the most powerful and effective of all the above. With her help, almost everyone's wishes come true.

The importance of motivation and techniques for fulfilling desires

I think we've added a lot to your knowledge. I hope I have given you motivation to achieve your goals. And the fulfillment of your desires with the help of these techniques is just around the corner. After all, motivation is one of the main qualities what a person needs on .

All these techniques for fulfilling desires are long-term and universal for any situation. For more individual cases, or if necessary more, I recommend you take my course"" or contact me for . Good luck to you and good luck in realizing your goals using any wish fulfillment technique!

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Desire is born with a person. From the first minute of life, we constantly need something, strive for something, dream about something. Who fulfills our desires - ourselves or some force? Is it possible to fulfill desires with the help of the universe, the universal mind? What is the universal mind, and how is it connected to us? Many people ask themselves these questions.

Universe. Everyone associates this word with space, eternity and infinite space. There are many interpretations of the word “universe”, sometimes they contradict each other. But one fact remains: when we ask the universe to fulfill our desires, very often this request receives a response. For example, New Year's wishes come true for everyone who remembers to make them!

So what is the universe and man in it? Physicists claim that man and the universe are one being. This is difficult for us to understand, but we need to take it into account. Man is a piece of the universe, and not some kind of autonomous being. Therefore, our wishes addressed to the universal mind come true if they are made realistically and correctly.

How to ask the universe?

People feel in the depths of their souls that the universe is no longer such an alien being. All more people in our age they begin to turn to her with their requests. But how to do it right? What words do you need to beg or convince the universe to respond? Let's consider the question of how to ask the universe.

Esotericists say that only those requests are fulfilled in which a person sincerely believes. Faith is the main component of this event. If a person does not believe or doubts that what he wants will be achieved, nothing will work out. A person can doubt the depths of his heart, it is not necessary to express doubts out loud!

The next rule for fulfilling desires through the universe is to have a friendly attitude towards it. The universal mind cannot be viewed as a source of evil or cold indifference. Since we are all parts of the universe, we must address it sincerely and friendly.

True and false desire

Few people know about this point, but desires are divided into two types:

♦ false;
♦ true.

You may ask, how can a desire be false? It is called false because it does not come from the depths of our nature and is not our true need. A false desire can be a request for something that our friend or stranger has. He has a dacha - and I need it, he went to the Canaries - and I need it. Is this necessary at all, and why is it necessary? Everyone must answer this question themselves, without lying to themselves. Cunning is not perceived by the universe as a true desire.

How to check the truth of your desires?

There is one simple technique. Write down on a piece of paper all your desires that you dream of realizing. Now start working through each desire.

What needs to be done? Just imagine what will happen if this wish comes true? You have expended energy to achieve a goal, you have received this goal - and what next? Will you feel happy? If you doubt even one iota the necessity of fulfilling this desire, cross it off the list - it is false!

Work on this list as long as necessary to check all your wishes. In the end, you will find that you only have two or three wishes left out of twenty, or even just one!

Do not rush to send a request to the universe until you have worked through all your dreams and aspirations in this way. First of all, you won't get an answer to them. Secondly, the universe knows better than us which desire is true!

How she knows this, we don’t know for sure. We can only see facts - not all desires come true. Esotericists have spent a lot of time in this direction. research work and came to the conclusion: only true desires are fulfilled.

Therefore, the request “I want to have a super house so that the whole neighborhood will burn with envy” will never be fulfilled! But the formulation “I want a house so that everyone in it feels comfortable and cozy” will certainly come true. Of course, not tomorrow - but it will come true.

The desire “I want a car to drive around the city at high speed” will never come true. This can cause harm both to the person who wishes it and to those around him. Therefore, approach responsibly this issue and don't put your life on the line to achieve instant gratification.

Clear Intent

In order for a wish to come true correctly, you need to note all the details in it. If you don’t discuss these details, your wish may come true “crookedly” - just the way you wanted. Therefore, think over the wording and indicate all the points in it.

For example:
♦ I want to receive high paying job;
♦ it should be close to home;
♦ I should not work overtime if I don’t want to;
♦ and other items at your discretion.

The universe is not humorous, but sometimes it looks that way. For example, the desire to ride a car can be fulfilled in the form of a taxi ride. You didn’t specify that the car should belong to you personally and you should be driving? Your wish came true, but not in the way you needed. You only have yourself to blame, not the universe.

Time for wish fulfillment

How long does it take for the universe to respond to our desires? New Year's wishes are fulfilled within a year, this has already been verified many times. You can check it out too by making a wish list. Seal it in an envelope and put it in the closet. Next New Year's Eve, print out the list and you will see which wishes have come true. Usually they are all fulfilled if they were conceived correctly.

There is another opinion on this matter: a wish will come true as soon as it is important to you. This can be verified empirically if you keep a wish diary. Write down in it your dream and the date when you asked the universe to come true. After fulfilling your wishes, mark the date of implementation. Over time, this diary will become a powerful artifact: it will be filled with the energy of dreams come true.

Are desires harmful?

This is another question that worries many people. Be afraid of your wishes - they will come true! Confucius said this, and he was right. Because fulfilling some desires can lead to disaster. For example, you can get rich, but your close relatives will die. What use will their inheritance be to you?

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Some facts about the “endless ocean of energy”

According to the idealistic public, the Universe is ABUNDANT and should direct its resources to satisfy human needs, feeding our endless selfishness. But is this true?

The entire history of the Universe since the Big Bang is a history of competition and struggle for energy. In our society there are many enthusiastic and romantic esotericists, and therefore the frivolous statement is very popular, supposedly we live in an ocean of energy of the material Universe, and the Universe is abundant - you just have to want it, and the happiness of endless satisfaction will fall on you. For a novice user of various personal growth trainings, the main task is to find that one button by clicking on which he will receive an ocean of well-being.

Agree, we have all fallen for this bait of coaches who promise happiness immediately, quickly and very expensively. We all read “secrets” and various “keys to success”, but for some reason nothing globally happened. We are all looking for the secret to instant abundance, happiness and relief from suffering. Even Buddha once went in search of this very thing, and everyone knows how successful he was, but few need such a path of renunciation. We want everything, immediately and effortlessly. We are of little interest to spiritual growth in itself; it’s a different matter in the context of prosperity. We want to be more cunning, “to eat the fish and...”: we want to remain identified with our mortal bodies, and our main task as biological objects in search of happiness and relief from suffering comes down to getting some kind of magic button or energy of the Universe. We want to learn how to control it, at least in small quantities, so that the “faucet” flows at least a little more in our direction.

Well, let's turn to the history of the creation of the Universe and consider the facts that prove the limited amount of energy in it. This will encourage intelligent readers to further research into matter and a sober understanding of how to actually use the “faucet” and where to look for it. Imagine that ALL the energy in the Universe was created during the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. What physicists have discovered is true: our vast material Universe was created in one second from a small atom, a big explosion occurred, and an ocean of primordial energy appeared to fill the Universe. In Hinduism, this ocean of primordial energy of matter is called Prakriti.

The amount of all created energy that rotates in the material Universe is initially limited: energy has not increased since the Big Bang.

Only all this enormous energy, in the process of evolution of material forms, took the forms of various energies and objects: from microscopic to huge. Our entire material world is created from it, from gross physical forms to the most subtle structures of the mental plane (thought is also a form of existence of energy). Over time, this initial energy accumulated unevenly: somewhere there is more of it, somewhere less. For example, more energy is hidden behind forms, and where there are fewer forms, there is less energy (it’s like comparing the number of objects in a metropolis and in a desert). But the total amount of initial energy remains unchanged.

Our Universe is evolving in accordance with the Plan: the original energy after the Big Bang was compacted, under the influence of temperatures and pressure, chemical elements and the world visible to us were created.

All energy in the Universe is in continuous movement and development, it is transformed into various gross and subtle forms of the material world, creates energy, flows, moves and exists. And we people, as a part of this material nature, move with it, in accordance with its flows. Until man awakens as a self-aware spiritual consciousness, he remains a part of matter, a mere material object in the stream of evolution. Material energy gives us the opportunity to live, gives us bodies, nourishes, creates conditions for existence, then eliminates us, and we, being in the unconscious state of a person identified with our body, simple biological objects, are completely dependent on how much it gives us. And she gives us very sparingly: only what is useful for development and no more than we are entitled to at our stage of evolution, so that, God forbid, we are not spoiled and deprived of the incentive for spiritual growth. The Material Universe gives us the experience of material existence, but its main task is to grow us through trials and push us back as self-aware individuals into the spiritual world from which we once came, driven down by the desire to Live and Exist in the mother.

Until we realize our spiritual nature, we joyfully manipulate the world, survive and tumble in the endless wheel of reincarnation. And, if you look at our role as unconscious, ambitious consumers, convinced of their own importance, then it will probably become a little clear why the Universe is not at all abundant, as we are promised.

If everyone drives a Rolls-Royce, then there will be no incentive for growth and movement, everyone will stop growing together, and will endlessly satisfy their physical senses and emotional bodies.

The primordial energy of our Universe has a special name, type or variety, if you like, and it is the energy of Love! It operates according to its own laws, but this is not at all the emotional energy we know. human love, to which we are accustomed. This is the energy of Cosmic Love, and there we are not talking about sentiment at all. So it is on this special energy of Love that our Universe was created. The previous Universe, for example, was created on the energy of Active Action, and the next Universe (after the destruction of the existing one) will be created from the energy of Will, but we’ll talk about this another time.

Let's return to the evolution of our Universe. After the Big Bang, stars were formed in an ocean of energy: through acceleration, gravity and compaction, hydrogen atoms were created from the primordial energy, then helium, and these first elements combined into stars. And imagine that there was a moment when in the Universe there were only stars and no planets, there was only space filled with energy and centers of energy condensed into stars. The process of evolution continued, and inside the stars, as if in thermonuclear laboratories, the original energy under pressure and high temperatures continued to create chemical elements from hydrogen and helium. But, unfortunately, only 26 more elements could be synthesized inside stars, and coarser elements such as uranium, gold and iron were needed to create planets, planetary systems and life. Therefore, victims were needed, and these were some of the first stars that exploded as supernovae. At these enormous temperatures, the heavy elements necessary for the construction of planets and the emergence of life on planets were formed.

Therefore, you and I, all the atoms inside us, all the objects that we see - everything consists of star dust and the materialized energy of the Big Bang. All particles are a product of the action of energy inside the “stellar laboratories” and the result of supernova explosions, which, sacrificing themselves, created elements that today act as parts of our houses, cars, blood, hair, trees - everything. For example, our etheric bodies are essentially electromagnetic vortices. They attract atoms and molecules into us from particles of stars created and destroyed billions of years ago. This is how those heaps of dust are created, our visible, physical bodies with which we identify ourselves.

There was more matter in our Universe, but the amount of initial energy remained the same. The energy within every particle of matter is its architect and creator, and, in fact, in every atom there is only energy. The energy involved did not become larger, it only changed its forms and structure.

Energy creates, attracts, repels, transforms and is conscious.

The law of conservation of energy is a reality that must be remembered and lived with. We really live in an ocean of energy, which, under the influence of various circumstances, depending on the needs of evolution, takes on different forms. This energy is huge, but limited in quantity. While changing the form of its existence, it remains unchanged in its essence.

Like billions of years ago, it is concentrated in stars, and a special energy exchange takes place inside them. Stars create their own planetary systems, give energy to the planets and their inhabitants - this is how a continuous cycle of energy and matter occurs, its creation and destruction (energy - matter - energy).

Any planetary system is living creature, having a body that consists of planets and their inhabitants. And each star supports life in every cell of its body, slowly releasing the energy accumulated after the Big Bang. Slowly but surely it takes on various forms of energetic and material existence (electricity, radiation, waves, rays, fire, ether, quanta, time, etc.).

Our Sun was formed about 5 billion years ago, and since at that time there were many free chemical elements after supernova deaths, formation solar system occurred quite quickly from free chemical elements. About 4.8 billion years ago the Earth was already formed. An important fact is that to ensure the balance of life on Earth, a collision with a large asteroid the size of Mercury was envisaged, from the remains of which the Moon was formed in near-Earth orbit, which helped tilt the Earth’s axis and equalize its rhythm of rotation around its axis from 6 to 24 hours, which in further allowed the creation of atmosphere and oxygen. And after a billion years, life arose on Earth in the form of bacteria in the oceans. From the point of view of the Universe, which is about 14 billion years old, the Solar System is a teenager.

So whose energy do we consume: the Sun or the Earth? The Earth is part of the body of the Solar System; it lives, moves and exists. Due to its proximity to the sun, the Earth receives a huge amount of solar energy. This energy then passes through the Earth, and within and on the surface of the Earth the energies and elements necessary for the evolution and transformation of all forms of life that live on it as integral parts of its matter are produced.

Then the energy comes to people in the form of food energy, calories, fire, prana, electricity, radiation, microwave waves. All these near-Earth energies and matter, in essence, are also a materialized part of that single energy that arose at the moment of the Big Bang. Only these forms of energy are transformed and brought closer by the Earth to matter that we understand, and are practically noticeable by us on the physical level.

People have the opportunity to receive two types of primordial energy: on the one hand, from the Sun, on the other, a huge variety of adapted solar energies from the Earth.

The energy of the Sun is highly saturated for us, and we cannot be simply prana-eaters at the level of astral matter. The energy of the Sun penetrates into us in the form of life energy - jiva. Only a few know how to use it consciously, and very few of us have a sufficient degree of purity to simply receive energy directly from the Sun.

Due to our underdevelopment, we are still almost completely dependent on Mother Earth, and we, like newborns, need physical and energetic nutrition adapted to our low level of evolution. Therefore, in our consumption, we rely more on the energies that the Earth adapts for us. Thus, the single initial energy of the Big Bang, which passed through the Sun and passed through earthly filters, flows to people: it warms in the form of fire, comes in the form of oxygen, produces joules from physical calories, provides ethereal energy for the work of the physical body and much more, imperceptible and beyond our control.

Having traveled such a long way, the original energy of the Big Bang became the energy of every breath you take, but in essence remained the same original energy that filled the Universe 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, it has been spinning “under different sauces” in the eternal cycle of energy and matter.

Every atom and particle contains the original energy of the Great Mother. Each of us is a piece of the material Universe, and from Her point of view, we are the same material objects as any atom, which absorbs part of the energy necessary for its existence and development, but nothing more.

Each of us can really change our significance and Her opinion of us, ceasing to be a material object and becoming a Spiritual object that has realized its nature. That is, to become an object that has fulfilled its purpose in the material world. After this, the Great Mother will release her grip of training and open the true channels of abundance. While a person continues to be a material object that requires special treatment and even greater satisfaction of already satisfied needs, he cannot globally change the quantity and quality of energy that is allocated for the development and maintenance of life. And let's be fair: we all live well anyway, all our needs are already met. As unconscious atoms, as much energy is spent on us as is necessary for our existence and development, if any.

Now try to outwit Her with mental tricks or by pressing some “magic” points on the body, visualization or connecting to cosmic channels, directing non-existent flows from heaven to yourself or rituals with a non-existent money egregor, imagining your future Ferrari or other mental-imaginary technologies self-deception. Try with this set of magical means to outwit a huge, smart, wise machine, our loving and caring Mother, who creates conditions and destroys for the sake of our spiritual growth and liberation, but not for the sake of our stupid consumption and enjoyment of matter. Although, no matter what the child amuses himself with...

Nadezhda Vesti

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