What awaits our relationship? Online fortune telling. Schemes of tarot card layouts for relationships with a loved one

Fortune telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” free schedule Tarot for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what it is for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he is making for you.

By laying out the cards for your loved one, you will also find out how he feels about a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot Arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, and whether you will have a wedding.

Free online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of relationship development, but it is better to turn to this layout if your union has already taken shape and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this fortune telling for their partner’s plans.

Tarot cards are ready for online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. What a relationship with you means to a partner.
Card No. 2. What does your partner want from a relationship with you.
Card No. 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card No. 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His readiness to start a family.
Card No. 5. What fears and hopes does your partner have regarding marriage with you?
Card No. 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card No. 7. How your existing relationship with your loved one will affect your life.
Card No. 8. How your existing relationship will affect your partner's life.
Card No. 9. What will your union come to? How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).

If you have a desire to tell fortunes about relationships, then we can assume that these relationships are not entirely clear to you. Relationships can be different, and love doesn't always come first. To understand relationships, we will first try to understand what relationships are and what they are like.

Psychologists characterize relationships between people as a kind of connection that has developed over a certain period of communication and interaction in different life situations. As a result of this relationship, the perception and evaluation of another person occurs. It would be reasonable to assume that the desire to tell fortunes about a relationship with someone means that you already definitely relate to this person, have certain feelings and emotions for him and want to find out how, for his part, he evaluates you, how good man or bad. In order for a relationship to arise between you, his attitude towards you is not enough, but your attitude towards him is also necessary.

You can tell fortunes about attitude and love using 3 Tarot cards, which will reveal to you the secret of your relationship and tell you about the feelings that your loved one has for you. But, most importantly, you will penetrate into his world of the subconscious, which often guides all the actions and actions of a person in order to understand him and love him.

To start online fortune telling for free on relationships using three Tarot cards, click the button "TELL YOUR TELLS".

You can tell your attitude fortunes on our website in several ways: online for free and on your own

If you are in love and you just want to understand how much your partner loves you, then you can

If the relationship is not entirely clear, then it is better

If you want more detailed answers to your relationship questions, then the best option will be independent

You can tell fortunes on playing cards- this is fortune telling for your beloved man “4 Jacks”, fortune telling on playing cards for love and you can tell fortunes for the king.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards is a fortune telling Lenormand layout “Two” and a relationship layout “Short Lenormand layout”.

Fortune telling using Tarot cards is the “Pyramid of Lovers” Tarot layouts for relationships.

IN online fortune telling x you will not only learn everything about love, but you will also be able to tell fortunes in the name of your future husband and find out about the compatibility of your names online for free. A truthful fortune telling about your loved one online in verse will tell you about his attitude towards you, and the “Love Triangle” fortune telling online for free will open his secret and your eyes to his betrayal.

Fortune telling for Valentine's Day will allow you to tell fortunes for your lover using simple home remedies, and love fortune telling for Valentine's Day online for free will allow you to receive wise advice on Valentines for the development of your relationship.

For a mutual relationship to exist, there must be a relationship on both sides. Relationships are always formed from communication with each other on some basis. Even if a spark flashes between you and there is mutual sympathy for each other, but you do not communicate, a relationship will not arise between you, there is no basis for a relationship. For a relationship to occur, a common topic of communication is necessary. This topic can largely mark the beginning of communication and determine the nature of the relationship. You can communicate on the basis of business or confess your love to each other, or you can participate in a common scandal with mutual insults. It is not difficult to understand that communication based on reproaches and insults will lead to hostile relations. And, conversely, communication based on compliments will lead to friendly relations.

You can look at attitude and find out how a person treats you. But at the same time, you must remember that you will always be hostages of the relationships that you yourself have created with each other. You know very well that it is difficult not to respond to an insult when you are insulted. And, conversely, you always want to thank someone who does something good for you.

Therefore, for any relationship with a person, it is necessary, first of all, to figure out for yourself what kind of relationship you want with this person. Answer yourself the question of how you feel about him and how you want him to feel about you. It is always necessary to remember that the relationship on each side is similar to each other. To develop a relationship, start treating him the way you want him to treat you. Focus not on his attitude, but on your attitude towards him. Your actions and communication will show your attitude towards him, and in return he will have to start communicating with you the way you communicate with him. Only this will ensure that you get the relationship you want.

Rule of Similarity: Your relationship is only as good as how you feel about your partner. This ironclad rule works in practice as simply as it sounds. Although not everyone and does not always want to take responsibility for the relationship and ask: “Why me?” or “Does everything depend on me?” Of course, it is impossible to force a person to do something.

The main principle of relationships and interaction: “Start with yourself” and “Do with people the way you want them to do with you.” The majority of people in love always expect to receive something, and only after that, perhaps, to give. It is not difficult to understand that you will not be able to change such a situation, and there will be no progress in the relationship if both parties have this attitude.

If you have a need to tell fortunes about relationships, then start with yourself, everything depends on you to a greater extent, no matter which side you are on - on the side of the man or on the side of the woman. It's never too late to think about the relationships you are creating now or will create again. Create relationships filled with love and affection. In return, you will receive a high-quality relationship filled with the same thing, sympathy and love. How your partner will treat you depends only on your attitude towards him. And the result of all this will be your Relationship!

What kind of relationships are there?

Relationships are as different as no two people are alike. We have already determined that you will receive the relationships that you yourself have created. Therefore, we will further talk about what relationships are like, and you will determine for yourself what suits you best and what kind of relationship you should strive for. Depending on this, you will understand how to create relationships and what kind of partner you need to look for for a long and happy life. Each relationship is unique and each couple unites their destinies, guided by certain motives. So one of the goals of relationships is to combine the satisfaction of various needs. The interweaving of motives and characters form their own unique form of partnership.

A partner is not only a loved one, but also a friend. This is a relationship that can be envied; partners do not compete with each other, but help. They understand well that their strength is in pairs, and they can always rely on each other. Men in such relationships do not like pity and do not like to feel vulnerable. They love to talk, give advice, and will always support and understand.

Italian passions in relationships. In such relationships, emotional people who cannot live without quarrels, mutual reproaches and showdowns feel good. After quarrels comes stormy reconciliation and love. There is a lull for a short time, but then everything again follows the same scenario, one of the partners begins to lack emotions. Scandals and attacks of jealousy are components of such relationships; the main thing here is not to cross the line and not descend into mutual insults.

Partnerships. These relationships are built on mutual benefit, there is no passionate love here, the partners get what they need from the relationship. There are many such people, they do not need special manifestations of tender feelings, they do not lose their heads with love, they have special partner feelings. In such relationships there are no scandals or emotions, everything is clear in advance, stable and smooth.

Relationships without mutual obligations. Men are more prone to such relationships. Women treat such relationships calmly if they are disappointed in love and are not yet ready for a new relationship. But this state will gradually pass, and the open relationship will move to the next stage: it will either fall apart or lead to a permanent relationship with obligations. Usually in such a couple, one of the partners is just waiting for the other one to mature for a serious relationship. It is better to end such relationships before you become even more attached to your fickle partner, and then the separation will be even more difficult.

If you do not want to live alone, then you will definitely find a partner with similar views on relationships as you. Whatever the relationship, you should be comfortable in it. Not only love is important here, but also trust, respect and support. Look for a partner with similar views on life and relationships. Your man in good relations- this is someone you can rely on and with whom it is easy to walk alongside through life.

Tarot fortune telling for relationships and the future with your loved one will lift the veil of secrecy, help you understand how your chosen one feels towards you, and what plans he is making for the future. Let's share ways of simple layouts.

This is fortune telling for the future of a relationship with a loved one. The cards will tell you what your chosen one is thinking about, what plans he is making for you, and how serious he is.

The layout is very simple: you need to thoroughly shuffle the deck, and then randomly take out three cards from it and place them on the table in a row.

Important: while working with the Tarot, when shuffling the arcana, mentally imagine your lover and ask the question: “How does he feel about me?”

Arcana meanings:

  1. In the first place are the man’s expectations from a relationship with you. What does he want to receive from you, what is he ready to give. His ideas about what kind of person you are, how you relate to him
  2. In second place is a card that personifies your partner’s idea of ​​your union. How does he see the relationship in present moment. What are you for him: a temporary hobby or a woman with whom he dreams of connecting his life
  3. The third lasso is the most curious: it will indicate the man’s plans for you. How does he see your union in the future, is he planning a wedding or is he ready to break up?

Even if the Tarot forecast is unfavorable, do not despair. You can change everything: to do this, pay attention to the advice of each lasso that is given in the interpretation and follow it.

Fortune telling with Tarot Manara

This alignment helps determine what awaits you in your relationship with your chosen one. Suitable for people who have just started being together. You can also use fortune telling if you don’t have official couple status yet, but everything is moving towards this.

Alignment goals:

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the union in order to further develop them
  • Find out how you will treat each other in the near and distant future
  • Reveal the emotional side of the union and understand what it will ultimately lead to

To tell fortunes, carefully shuffle the deck and then lay out the cards on the table as shown in the picture.

Then start deciphering your tarot reading. To do this, you can use any interpreter. What do the arcana say by position:

  1. The first card will indicate what your relationship is based on and why it arose. What is it - a spiritual connection, passion or, for example, a marriage of convenience
  2. The second one reflects your personal feelings and emotions that currently prevail. What you expect from a relationship, what you hope for, how you look at the future with your partner
  3. The third card is the emotions and feelings of your chosen one, which prevail at the moment. His plans for you, view of relationships, desires, dreams and fears
  4. The fourth lasso will tell about the near future of the union. What events should you expect, what to prepare for, will the prognosis be favorable?
  5. The fifth lasso is your mental well-being in the union in the future. The cards will tell you whether you will feel happy or, conversely, you will have to suffer
  6. The sixth lasso is how your man will feel in a relationship with you in the future. Is his condition comfortable, or are there any possible disagreements?
  7. The seventh card will indicate the result of the union, what it will lead to, what consequences will come for you: favorable or not so
  8. The eighth is the same, but for a man
  9. The ninth is the fate of relationships in the distant future. Will it all end in a breakup or lead to marriage and children?

Read the description of the meanings of the arcana very carefully; in each sentence you can find the answer to the question that concerns you. But remember that regardless of the Tarot forecast, you are the creator of your own destiny, and there is always a chance to change everything in better side.

Watch the video from simple layout for love and relationships:

Layout "Love horseshoe"

This classic way love fortune telling on the Tarot, which helps to reflect the exact picture of relationships in the smallest detail.

Lay out the cards on the table as shown in the picture.

The meaning of the arcana by position is as follows:

  • 1- past, how the relationship began, what caused the formation of your union, what they are based on
  • 2 - your ideas about your chosen one in the present
  • 3 - your expectations. What do you hope for, what do you fear, what do you dream about? Get ready for surprises - cards can tell you about what has long been and deeply hidden in your subconscious
  • 4 - acute moments of relationships, reasons why conflicts and disagreements with a partner may arise. The Arcana will tell you what to pay attention to: the financial side, the emotional component, or something else
  • 5 - how external circumstances affect your union. This could be public opinion, the influence of children from previous marriages, former partners, friends, colleagues, parents
  • 6 - Tarot advice on how you need to act in order to create and maintain harmony and happiness in a couple. What depends only on you
  • 7 - the result of relationships in the future, what they will lead to if you take the advice of the lasso located in the sixth position

At the end of the fortune telling, you can get another, eighth lasso. He will tell you how the relationship in your couple will develop if you do nothing and do not follow the advice of the sixth card.

"Gap" layout

This method is worth choosing if you and your loved one are on the verge of breaking up. Shuffle the deck and place the cards on the table as shown in the picture.

Explanation of the layout:

  • 1 - is there a possibility that the breakup can be avoided, possible chances of restoring the relationship
  • 2 - the real state of affairs at the moment
  • 3 - the reasons that led to the breakup, who is to blame, what actions provoked the conflict
  • 4 - what lesson should you learn from the situation, what will it bring you?
  • 5 - how a breakup will affect your feelings and emotions
  • 6 - what will change in your life after breaking up with a man, in a favorable direction
  • 7 - the probable outcome of the situation, how the matter will end if nothing is done

Pay special attention to the advice of the seventh card: it will tell you what can be done to correct the situation and renew the relationship, if possible.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Imagine the light, pleasant flickering of red candles in a cozy dark or bright room, where you are next to that person who has special meaning to you. You can close your eyes or just see someone who is interesting. His face, hands, smile, or what you like and remember about him. Perhaps his voice and touch or his smell. What is it about this person that attracts, excites you, or maybe worries or attracts you?


Enter your names

Click on the candles to light them

Click on the candles to light them

Enter your names and tune in before lighting the candles. You will receive a forecast that you can use as additional source knowledge about yourself and your partner. This is an opportunity to observe the behavior of red candles that represent you and another person, and by the nature of the candles to determine the meanings that are important to you. at the moment in your relationships, which create trends for the future. Your candle is always in your hands.

Fortune telling by candles has a couple of secrets. Pay attention to the candles on the table. The candle symbolizes life. The material from which it is created is the body of the candle. It is important that it is natural wax, a living material. The wick is the path along which the life force of the candle moves. The fire of a burning candle shows how power is revealed. Red color is associated with energy, feelings, passion, vitality (full and harmonious disclosure of power).

Sometimes just looking at a burning candle is enough to clear your mind, calm down, and fill yourself up. The life-affirming power of fire found in candles is inside everyone. With your energy you are able to illuminate a huge city. You can imagine how everything that prevents you from being happy right now dissolves and disappears in the flame of a candle and you can simply find access to energy and strength in any situation...

    A very convenient online option for fortune telling, the most important thing is that everything fell out as it was, I knew it myself, but was afraid to admit it. And how things are now (you can verify that they are correct), and how they will be in the near future, and in half a year. I visited a fortune teller and she told me for many years in advance that something had already come true. So I believe in fortune telling with cards.

    I didn’t get what I wanted (the cards say that I won’t be with him in the future. But I love him and I can’t imagine life without him. I also believe in online fortune-telling, I think that online non-online doesn’t matter, what happened is it fell out. Maybe try to bewitch him and then check again? Or wait, try to fix everything yourself and then check again?

    Certainly a cool option, I remember I had a situation that I couldn’t figure out. I met a guy, broke up with him, and then a new boyfriend appeared... But after some time, the one with whom I broke up began to pursue me... And I couldn’t decide between the two of them, it seemed that I had cooled down on the old one, but the new one was very he looked after me beautifully...I called Tarot cards for advice and spent a lot of money. It’s definitely more convenient and profitable here, thank you!

    They say that such fortune telling can change your life. My now ex-boyfriend asked me to tell fortunes on the Tarot, quite persistently. As a result, we separated from him and no longer communicate, although we were very close and were planning to get married) We dated for more than 3 years. Well, actually, that’s how the cards read their fortunes, so I really believe in such fortune-telling.

    They told me fortunes about 5 years ago. At first I didn’t believe it, but everything began to come true. Although at that time it seemed to me that it was all nonsense and absurd, that this would not happen. But everything came true. In fact, events happened that were completely out of my control. The fortune was told by a woman with extensive experience, now she is no longer alive, I would gladly turn to her again, but alas. Now online is an excellent option for me, because I won’t go to unverified scammers.

    I was so excited, I was so carried away by these layouts and now I’m waiting for what they told me... I hope that they will really come true, and the fact that I already know about them and expect them to appear in my life only slightly prepares me for their arrival . I don’t want to tell any of my friends and relatives, I’m afraid that it won’t come true, so I’m writing here out of a flurry of emotions, happiness and love are just around the corner, I’m waiting!)

    Girls, everything is spelled correctly, you just need to correctly interpret and accept what the cards say! I’m saying this because my childhood friend was simply overwhelmed by life’s difficulties and changes, she didn’t know how to help her, she decided to turn to cards, and at least some hope appeared for her. The cards gave a positive alignment, we, of course, didn’t believe it at first, but within 2 years such unrealistic changes took place and everything ultimately turned out exactly as it was predicted then. Thank you for the information and detailed description, how and what to do.) I believe and will use it in difficult situations!

    I did fortune telling online six months ago; I wasn’t married yet. And it happened to me that he was thinking about marriage, that we would get married in the next six months - a year. Then I didn’t believe it and doubted the correctness of online fortune telling. But in vain. 3 months passed and he asked me to become his wife) The wedding was 2 weeks ago. I didn’t write earlier, I was afraid to jinx it.

    I can say with confidence that this fortune telling works. I was reading fortunes on cards and it came out that my husband would not be with me in the future. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried for him, no matter how good I was, nothing helped. I just want to say it in two words - not fate. So the cards see everything in advance, they prepare us for upcoming events

    And my current situation in my relationship with my loved one completely coincided. And I was completely satisfied with how relationships will change in the near and distant future) I unconditionally believe in fortune telling, they have never let me down. I will just reinforce what I have predicted with actions and everything will be fine. Guess only with positive thoughts

    I live with my boyfriend in different cities, 140 kilometers from each other. It is possible to see each other only on weekends, and even then not every time. At one point I thought, do I need this? coming home, being alone, seeing each other several times a month... but how to give birth and raise children? In general, I thought I’d finish it, but according to fortune telling, it turned out that we could expect rapprochement soon. I put my thoughts aside, I'm waiting

    I spent more than 4 classes at school with one boy, we were strong friends, and he was generally in love with me. And once a friend and I were doing fortune telling for boys, I decided to tell my neighbor at my desk... and it turned out that he loved me and wanted to be together. my eyes opened, I began to notice that he really treats me very warmly and sweetly compared to his attitude towards other girls... I graduated from school a couple of years ago, and sometimes I still think about him, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, we lost contact after graduation schools.

    But it always seemed to me that what matters more is who is doing the fortune-telling and how well a person can interpret the meanings of the cards. For example, I remember my grandmother in the village had a fortune teller, to whom everyone went for advice and predictions, and for everyone what she said came true. And now I see that there are so many charlatans on the Internet... just to rip off money... it’s really easier to make a layout without the human factor.

    I also wondered; on the contrary, it happened to me that my husband did not want to be with me. At first I didn’t believe it either, but after a couple of months he admitted that he wanted to leave, fell in love deeply and wanted to be with another woman. to say that I was shocked is to say nothing. It's been a while, I'm not mad at him. and even then, as a human being, I understood that this was better than I would tolerate his infidelities... but I was shocked that the cards predicted our fate for our friendly family... I didn’t believe it before.

    A handy and quick method to find out what the future holds for your significant other. It’s very convenient, and what’s important is that according to the interpretation, everything turned out as in real life actually at the current moment. I hope that what was predicted for the future is all true and everything will come true. I'm crossing my fingers so I don't jinx it)

    I believe in the cards, but when I didn’t receive exactly what I wanted to hear from them, I doubted and decided that this was not for the person I was guessing for. In general, I trust a real deck of cards more; when you touch them, they feel you too. Online is a more modern option for me, now everything is going online, you don’t even have to leave your home.

    I had difficulty choosing men. At the same time, relationships began with two people; I did not understand in favor of whom to choose. And, you know, I was afraid and didn’t want to chase two hares. And I liked both one and the second. I was at a loss until he gave me a website for relationships with them. I hope everything will be fine and everything will come true with the one with whom I ended up staying.

    So it turns out that everything is not difficult at all. Everything is clearly described here, how and what to do, which card means what. You need to do fortune telling without being distracted by anything around you, completely concentrating your internal energy on thoughts about the person you are telling fortunes about. And it is advisable to also be in a good mood, so that nothing is burdensome and there is no negativity in your thoughts.

    Good afternoon, please tell me what does “The values ​​indicated in the decoding are not an axiom, you can set your own time frame” mean? that is, can I somehow vary the timing and value of the cards drawn? and to what extent, in this case, will fortune telling be true? I want to do fortune telling online, but I don’t understand the meaning of this phrase.

    How did this article come across to me now! With my husband lately continuous quarrels, and I don’t even understand why. Sometimes I just don’t have the strength anymore and I regret that I ever married him. Maybe he has someone and is just looking for a reason to leave? I’ll do this fortune-telling, but, to be honest, I’m afraid to find out the truth

    Tell me, please, is it possible for a man to use this fortune-telling for his relationship with a woman? I am very inquisitive and I wonder what the silent cards will say about our union. I came across your site - here, of course, you can find out and check a lot. It’s cool that they talk about the real thing. Based on this, I can draw conclusions about the reliability of fortune telling about the future

    The option with online fortune telling is generally best for the lazy (that is, for me, for example). Now you can guess on the spot) The coolest thing is that in fortune telling you are given an option for the near and more distant future. As I understand it, the immediate is unlikely to be changed, but the distant can somehow be adjusted?) Naturally, for the better

    And all I can do is online fortune-telling) Because I don’t have a single whole deck of cards, all my nephews took it away and lost it when they come to visit. And I have a question: are online and real fortune telling equivalent to each other? Or is the real one still more reliable? (I think so, but I decided to clarify how right I am)

    According to fortune telling, it turned out that now there are difficulties in the relationship with my mysterious man due to the intervention of a third party. In the near future, it turns out that everything is slowly returning to normal. It turned out to be interesting, it’s really a difficult period in my relationship with my young man, because his daughter from his first marriage came to live with us temporarily, and for me she is an extra irritant.

    And such fortune-telling has helped me more than once with guys, I try to ask simple questions and perceive what the cards give out as a probability of events developing in this way. I’m interested in how someone treats me, I ask if it’s worth seeing someone, in general everything is simple, so far I’m satisfied with the answers from the cards.

    Dear girls, treat men more simply, there are almost seven billion of us on earth, you shouldn’t get caught up and worry about just one thing. Don’t forget that only our thoughts and actions create our lives, so no matter what the cards tell you, don’t set yourself up for the bad, try to think positively and expect the best. And if the person is not yours (well, your soul doesn’t belong to him), then you won’t fall in love with him over time, cut him off at the root, so to speak.

    Oh, how often has this happened to me: I met someone, everything seemed beautiful, sweet, romantic... A little time passed, I began to look not only at the outer shell, it turns out he’s still a goat... And that’s it, I lose interest, the person just becomes what something second-rate. It is far from a fact that a relationship will develop after even 2-3 weeks of courtship. You can play it safe with cards, but there may still be a butterfly effect)

    According to my fortune-telling, everything comes true 50/50, some are true, some don’t match at all. Regarding relationships, I used to often wonder about my husband, it always seemed to me that he didn’t really love me, there were suspicions of cheating. According to the cards, it turned out that he had no one except me. I eventually calmed down and family relationships returned to normal. When I told fortunes about some other men, the relationship really didn’t work out at all after the fortune telling.

    Do you know what I can tell you about fortune telling? Here self-hypnosis also plays a big role! So you made a layout, read the interpretation, it promises you love and peace in the family (for example, they were telling fortunes about your husband). And you set yourself up this way, you yourself try to make sure everything is fine, somehow avoid quarrels and quarrels. So it works completely as a placebo) Psychological adjustment, so to speak.)

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