Winter signs about the weather. Winter

Option 4

Every person has favorite time year, which is wonderful in its own way. For me, wonderful days come in winter. And for sure many will support me, and rightly so. How can one not rejoice at the white fluffy snow covering the dirty and gray asphalt, decorating everything around with wonderful whiteness. And the air is becoming cleaner. Huge snowdrifts appear in yards.

The day is getting shorter, and the winter sun is in no hurry to emerge from behind the clouds. It only comes out for a while and does not heat at all. But how beautifully the crunchy snow sparkles! The first snowfall leaves an indelible impression. Children watch with delight how snowflakes fall and rejoice at the long-awaited snow. After all, it is in winter that you can ride the slides and walk through the winter forest on skis. And fans of speed skating and desperate hockey players will now be able to spend their free time at the skating rink.

The trees covered with a heavy snow cover are especially beautiful. When you walk through the park, you can see birds landing on branches, joyfully announcing Mother Winter. You feel especially great pleasure at the moment when there is a strong frost outside the window or a blizzard is sweeping, sweeping everything around. And at this time you are sitting at home by the fireplace, wrapped in a warm blanket, and drinking aromatic tea, while reading an interesting book or listening to your favorite music. And a fluffy cat lies nearby, purring something incomprehensible. There is nothing more pleasant than these moments!

It’s especially beautiful in the village in winter! Huge snowdrifts lie everywhere, and the severe frost causes bizarre patterns to appear on the windows, depicting bizarre figures of animals and flowers. They remind us of a fairy tale.

But the most important thing is that it is in winter that each of us waits for the New Year, which brings joy and fun to the house. Streets and houses become festive, as if notifying everyone about fabulous celebrations. After all, it is on New Year's Eve that both adults and children make their deepest wish and hope that it will come true. Long holidays are coming for schoolchildren, during which they can relax to the fullest. The most pleasant moment for everyone, especially for children, is Christmas tree, where every child looks forward to the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and of course a gift. And no matter what surprises winter brings to us, it will still be the most memorable time of the year for us.

Essay 5

Winter is an amazing time that pleases many with its whiteness. The whole earth is wrapped in a white sheet. The trees fall asleep in anticipation of spring. Many writers and artists have described winter beauty in their works. Pushkin himself greatly admired the winter beauty. He dedicated many poems to this time. One of them is “Winter Mornings”.

For half of the people, winter is a time of admiration and joy, and for the other half, winter is a time of sadness and repentance. For city dwellers, winter is primarily a time of labor and work, but for rural residents, on the contrary, it is a time of rest. Since the entire harvest has been harvested, all that remains is to wait for spring to start new crops.

For a long time, people have loved to play fun game snowballs. This is an active winter game in which you need to throw snow at each other. It brings not only excitement, but also promotes physical development person. Snowballs have existed for a long time and will last just as long. This game of our childhood brought us together and gave rise to friendship.

Another winter entertainment is sledding. As children, we all loved to sled down a big steep hill. This game develops courage. Also, when hearing the word winter, many people imagine snowmen. After the first snow fell, we all gathered in the yard to make snowmen. And they all made sure to make one huge snowman together, which stood in the middle of the yard. This snowman stood all winter and reminded us of the good and fun day we spent together.

It is also worth noting that winter does not come alone, but with it comes cold weather. In winter in Russia there is no place without warm clothes and shoes. Russian winter is ideal conditions for winter sports. You can dress warmly and go skiing or skating. You can have fun in the cold. Frost is not only good for birds. It is very difficult for birds to find a warm, secluded place to wait out the frost. It is also difficult for them to find food and pull it out of the snowdrifts. It is even more difficult to find water since it is frozen. The only chance for birds to drink water in winter is to find ice holes left by fishermen on rivers. But not all birds suffer from winter. Many birds fly south to warmer climes.

Still in winter New Year, which all children are waiting for and never stop believing in the New Year's miracle. Winter brings us both joy and sadness. You need to lead an active lifestyle and not get sick, since there are already few vitamins in winter.

Winter has come - a magical time of year. All the paths were covered with a white fluffy carpet. It sparkles under the sun and is pleasing to the eye.

The winter forest is quiet and incredibly beautiful. The birds don't sing anymore. Bears and hedgehogs fell asleep before winter began.

Mini-essay about winter No. 2: “Winter has come”

Came real winter. It's freezing. The entire surrounding area is covered with a snow carpet. The river and pond are tightly frozen. As if in a fairy tale, the trees shine with silver.

We took the sled and went for a walk in the yard. There, the neighborhood kids were making a snow woman. We all started playing snowballs together. The guys suggested sledding down a slippery snowy hill. We had a lot of fun!

Then our hands froze and we ran home. It's cold in winter!

In the evening a strong blizzard began. The trees swayed and crackled. It's scary to show your nose on the street. It's good that we're home. We are warm and not afraid of any frost!

Essay about winter No. 3: “It’s good in winter”

Winter has come. It is severely frosty and a cold wind is blowing. A snowstorm came and covered all the paths. The fields and hills were covered with a fluffy white carpet. Low trees and bushes were covered with snow.

And what fancy patterns the frost decorated the windows of the houses with! It’s not for nothing that they came up with a riddle about him: he has no arms, no legs, but he can draw.

The children missed going for walks. They can't wait for the snowstorm to end. They beg their parents to let them go for a walk in the yard.

But the snowstorm died down. Making their way through the high snowdrifts, the children joyfully run into the street. While playing snowballs, they throw lumps of snow at each other. They dodge the hits and fall. They're laughing! Cheeks glow like pouring apples, eyelashes and eyebrows in frost.

After lunch, the children took their skis and skates and ran to the pond. The water is frozen into a thick layer of ice, which means you can skate. Kids race on sleds along a smooth snow-covered hill. Teenagers skiing. Everyone has fun!

Winter Story No. 4: “Winter Fun”

Winter came. The weather is frosty. It's cold outside. The trees stand covered with snow fringes.

But children always have fun, especially when there is a lot of snow. You can fall and roll in the snow without fear of getting dirty. You just need to dress warmly so as not to freeze.

I put on a ski tracksuit, a jacket, and put on boots. He pulled a fur hat over his head and tied a woolen scarf around his neck. I put on warm mittens. I took a new sled and ran up the hill to ride.

Many children from our yard gathered on the street. We ran up a smooth snow-covered hill, next to which there was a slippery skating rink. There we sledded and skated for a long time. The kids played snowballs.

Then everyone made a snowman together. The snow was loose, almost wet, so it wasn't difficult. The kids were very glad that they also participated in this activity.

As expected, we rolled three snowballs and placed them on top of each other. When the snowman was almost ready, I brought an old bucket from home to put on his head. A neighbor boy brought out a carrot and stuck it in place of his nose. The snowman's eyes became two coals, and his smiling mouth became a small flexible twig.

The snowman turned out wonderful! No worse than in cartoons or pictures. The guys and I took a photo next to it as a souvenir.

In the evening it started snowing again. We watched in fascination as fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. How beautiful are these fragile creations of nature! It turns out that all snowflakes are different, not similar to each other. But this is noticeable only upon careful examination.

It was already dark when I returned home. A little tired, cold and hungry, but very happy.

The day was a great success. Good winter fun!

Essay about winter No. 5: “Description of winter”

Winter is an amazing time of year. Covered with a white blanket, nature, as if in a fairy tale, plunged into a long, deep sleep. The winter sorceress enchanted and bewitched the forest. All the trees stretch bare crystal branches to the blue sky. Only the spruces and pines are green, but the oak has not shed its summer attire. Its foliage only turned yellow and darkened. The lower branches of the oak tree spread out like a tent over the clearing. Snow packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark. The thick trunk seems to be stitched with silver threads. From a distance it seems that this is a brave hero in bronze chain mail, an all-powerful guardian of the forest. The other trees respectfully parted to allow its older brother to unfold in mighty power. The winter wind will blow, the huge and majestic oak tree will ring with bronze foliage, but will not bow even before a strong storm.

In winter, familiar landscapes are colored in new ways by snow. At dusk it is blue, under the silvery rays of the moon it glows with a mysterious brilliance and plays with multi-colored sparkles. At dawn the snow turns pink from the scarlet dawn. And even the usual forest colors look different next to the changeable snowy whiteness.

Winter can be different. You just have to take a closer look. It is both cold and thawing, blizzard and dripping, snowy and sunny. A winter day can be either quiet, frosty and sunny, or gloomy and foggy, or with a howling cold wind and a snowstorm. And how beautiful a winter morning is, early, silent, with frost, sun and sparkling snow. And the evening is so long, thoughtful. Nature seems to be waiting for a fairy tale to appear.

Essay about winter No. 6: “Winter morning”

So, it has come - the long-awaited winter! It's good to run through the frost on the first winter morning! The streets, yesterday still gloomy like autumn, are completely covered with burning snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. A bizarre pattern of frost lay on shop windows and tightly closed house windows, frost covered the branches of poplars. If you look along the street, which stretches out like a smooth ribbon, or if you look close, you look around - everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow...

Occasionally a rising breeze pricks your face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! How tender and soft they swirl smoothly in the air! No matter how prickly the frost is, it is also pleasant. Isn’t that why we all love winter, because it, just like spring, fills our chests with an exciting feeling.

Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. It’s so easy to breathe and your soul feels so good that you involuntarily smile and want to say a friendly word to this wonderful winter morning: “Hello, long-awaited, cheerful winter!”

K.V. Lukashevich

She appeared wrapped up, white, cold.
- Who are you? - the children asked.
- I am the season - winter. I brought snow with me and will soon throw it on the ground. He will cover everything with a white fluffy blanket. Then my brother, Grandfather Frost, will come and freeze the fields, meadows and rivers. And if the guys start being naughty, it will freeze their hands, feet, cheeks and noses.
- Oh oh oh! What a bad winter! What a scary Santa Claus! - said the children.
- Wait, children... But I will give you a ride from the mountains, skates and sleds. And then your favorite Christmas will come with a merry Christmas tree and Grandfather Frost with gifts. Don't you love winters?

kind girl

K.V. Lukashevich

It was a harsh winter. Everything was covered with snow. It was hard for the sparrows. The poor things could not find food anywhere. Sparrows flew around the house and chirped pitifully.
The kind girl Masha took pity on the sparrows. She began to collect bread crumbs, and every day she sprinkled them on her porch. The sparrows flew in to feed and soon stopped being afraid of Masha. So the kind girl fed the poor birds until spring.


Frosts have frozen the ground. Rivers and lakes froze. There is white fluffy snow everywhere. Children are happy about winter. It's nice to ski on fresh snow. Seryozha and Zhenya play snowballs. Lisa and Zoya are making a snow woman.
Only animals have a hard time in the winter cold. Birds fly closer to housing.
Guys, help our little friends in winter. Make bird feeders.

Volodya was at the Christmas tree

Daniil Kharms, 1930

Volodya was at the Christmas tree. All the children were dancing, but Volodya was so small that he couldn’t even walk yet.
They put Volodya in a chair.
Volodya saw the gun: “Give me! Give me!” - shouts. But he can’t say “give”, because he’s so small that he doesn’t know how to speak yet. But Volodya wants everything: he wants an airplane, he wants a car, he wants a green crocodile. I want everything!
"Give! Give!" - Volodya shouts.
They gave Volodya a rattle. Volodya took the rattle and calmed down. All the children are dancing around the Christmas tree, and Volodya is sitting in a chair and ringing his rattle. Volodya really liked the rattle!

Last year I was at my friends and girlfriends' Christmas tree

Vanya Mokhov

Last year I was at my friends and girlfriends' Christmas tree party. It was a lot of fun. On Yashka's Christmas tree - he played tag, on Shurka's Christmas tree - he played blind man's buff, on Ninka's Christmas tree - he looked at pictures, on Volodya's Christmas tree - he danced in a round dance, on Lizaveta's Christmas tree - he ate chocolates, on Pavlusha's Christmas tree - he ate apples and pears.
And this year I’ll go to the school Christmas tree - it will be even more fun.


Once upon a time there lived a snowman. He lived on the edge of the forest. It was filled with children who came here to play and sled. They made three lumps of snow and placed them on top of each other. Instead of eyes, they inserted two coals into the snowman, and instead of a nose, they inserted a carrot. A bucket was put on the snowman's head, and his hands were made from old brooms. One boy liked the snowman so much that he gave him a scarf.

The children were called home, but the snowman was left alone, standing in the cold winter wind. Suddenly he saw that two birds had flown to the tree under which he was standing. One big one with a long nose began to chisel the tree, and the other began to look at the snowman. The snowman got scared: “What do you want to do to me?” And the bullfinch, and it was he, replies: “I don’t want to do anything with you, I’m just going to eat a carrot.” “Oh, oh, don’t eat the carrots, it’s my nose. Look, there’s a feeder hanging on that tree, the children left a lot of food there.” The bullfinch thanked the snowman. Since then they became friends.

Hello, winter!

So, it has come, the long-awaited winter! It's good to run through the frost on the first winter morning! The streets, still gloomy like autumn yesterday, are completely covered with white snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. A bizarre pattern of frost lay on shop windows and tightly closed house windows, frost covered the branches of poplars. Whether you look along the street, which stretches out like a smooth ribbon, or whether you look around you closely, everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow. Occasionally a rising breeze pricks your face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! What gentle, soft snowflakes smoothly swirl in the air. No matter how prickly the frost is, it is also pleasant. Isn’t that why we all love winter, because it, just like spring, fills our chests with an exciting feeling. Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. It’s so easy to breathe and so good at heart that you involuntarily smile and want to say in a friendly manner to this wonderful winter morning: “Hello, winter!”

“Hello, long-awaited, cheerful winter!”

The day was mild and hazy. The reddish sun hung low above long, layered clouds that looked like snow fields. In the garden there were pink trees covered with frost. Vague shadows on the snow were saturated with the same warm light.


(From the story “Nikita’s Childhood”)

The wide yard was completely covered with shining, white, soft snow. There were deep human and frequent dog tracks in it. The air, frosty and thin, stung my nose and pricked my cheeks with needles. The carriage house, barns and cattle yards stood squat, covered with white caps, as if they had grown into the snow. The tracks of the runners ran like glass from the house across the entire yard.
Nikita ran down the porch along the crunchy steps. Below there was a brand new pine bench with a twisted rope. Nikita examined it - it was made firmly, tried it - it glides well, put the bench on his shoulder, grabbed a shovel, thinking that he would need it, and ran along the road along the garden, to the dam. There stood huge, wide willows, almost reaching to the sky, covered with frost - each branch looked like it was made of snow.
Nikita turned right, towards the river, and tried to follow the road, in the footsteps of others...
During these days, large fluffy snowdrifts have accumulated on the steep banks of the Chagry River. In other places they hung like capes over the river. Just stand on such a cape - and it will groan, sit down, and a mountain of snow will roll down in a cloud of snow dust.
To the right, the river meandered like a bluish shadow between white and fluffy fields. To the left, just above the steep slope, were the black huts and the cranes of the village of Sosnovki sticking out. Blue high smoke rose above the roofs and melted. On the snowy cliff, where spots and stripes were yellow from the ash that had been raked out of the stoves today, small figures were moving. These were Nikitin’s friends - boys from “our end” of the village. And further, where the river curved, other boys, “Kon-chansky”, very dangerous, were barely visible.
Nikita threw the shovel, lowered the bench onto the snow, sat astride it, grabbed the rope tightly, pushed off with his feet twice, and the bench itself went down the mountain. The wind whistled in my ears, snow dust rose from both sides. Down, down, like an arrow. And suddenly, where the snow ended above the steep slope, the bench flew through the air and slid onto the ice. She went quieter, quieter, and became quieter.
Nikita laughed, got off the bench and dragged her up the mountain, getting stuck up to his knees. When he climbed onto the bank, not far away, on a snowy field, he saw a black figure of Arkady Ivanovich, taller than a man, as it seemed. Nikita grabbed a shovel, rushed onto the bench, flew down and ran across the ice to the place where the snowdrifts hung over the river.
Having climbed under the very cape, Nikita began to dig a cave. The work was easy - the snow was cut with a shovel. Having dug out a cave, Nikita climbed into it, dragged in a bench and began to fill it with clods from the inside. When the wall was laid, a blue half-light spilled into the cave - it was cozy and pleasant. Nikita sat and thought that none of the boys had such a wonderful bench...
- Nikita! Where have you gone? - he heard Arkady Ivanovich’s voice.
Nikita... looked into the gap between the clods. Below, on the ice, Arkady Ivanovich stood with his head raised.
-Where are you, robber?
Arkady Ivanovich adjusted his glasses and climbed towards the cave, but immediately got stuck up to his waist;
“Get out, I’ll get you out of there anyway.” Nikita was silent. Arkady Ivanovich tried to climb
higher, but got stuck again, put his hands in his pockets and said:
- If you don’t want to, don’t. Stay. The fact is that mom received a letter from Samara... However, goodbye, I'm leaving...
- Which letter? - Nikita asked.
- Yeah! So you're here after all.
- Tell me, who is the letter from?
— A letter about the arrival of some people for the holidays.
Lumps of snow immediately flew from above. Nikita's head poked out of the cave. Arkady Ivanovich laughed cheerfully.


A snowy white cloud, as huge as the sky, covered the entire horizon and quickly covered the last light of the red, burnt evening dawn with a thick veil. Suddenly night came... the storm came with all its fury, with all its horrors. A desert wind blew up in the open air, blew up the snowy steppes like swan's fluff, and threw them up to the skies... Everything was covered in white darkness, impenetrable, like the darkness of the darkest autumn night!

Everything merged, everything was mixed up: the earth, the air, the sky turned into an abyss of boiling snow dust, which blinded the eyes, took up one’s breath, roared, whistled, howled, moaned, beat, ruffled, spit on all sides, wrapped itself above and below like a snake, and strangled everything he came across.

The heart of the most timid person sinks, the blood freezes, stops from fear, and not from cold, for the cold during snowstorms is significantly reduced. The sight of the disturbance of winter northern nature is so terrible...

The storm raged hour by hour. It raged all night and all the next day, so there was no driving. Deep ravines were made into high mounds...

Finally, the excitement of the snowy ocean began to subside little by little, which still continues even then, when the sky already shines with a cloudless blue.

Another night passed. The violent wind died down and the snow settled. The steppes presented the appearance of a stormy sea, suddenly frozen over... The sun rolled out into a clear sky; its rays began to play on the wavy snow...


Real winter has already arrived. The ground was covered with a snow-white carpet. Not a single dark spot remained. Even the bare birches, alders and rowan trees were covered with frost, like silvery fluff. They stood covered in snow, as if they were wearing an expensive, warm fur coat...

The first snow was falling

It was about eleven o'clock in the evening, the first snow had recently fallen, and everything in nature was under the power of this young snow. There was a smell of snow in the air, and the snow crunched softly underfoot. The ground, the roofs, the trees, the benches on the boulevards - everything was soft, white, young, and this made the houses look different than yesterday. The lights burned brighter, the air was clearer...

Farewell to summer


One night I woke up with a strange feeling. It seemed to me that I had gone deaf in my sleep. I lay with my eyes open, listened for a long time and finally realized that I had not gone deaf, but that there was simply an extraordinary silence outside the walls of the house. This kind of silence is called “dead”. The rain died, the wind died, the noisy, restless garden died. You could only hear the cat snoring in its sleep.
I opened my eyes. White and even light filled the room. I got up and went to the window - everything was snowy and silent outside the glass. A lonely moon stood at a dizzying height in the foggy sky, and a yellowish circle shimmered around it.
When did the first snow fall? I approached the walkers. It was so light that the arrows showed clearly. They showed two o'clock. I fell asleep at midnight. This means that in two hours the earth changed so unusually, in two short hours the fields, forests and gardens were bewitched by the cold.
Through the window I saw a large gray bird land on a maple branch in the garden. The branch swayed and snow fell from it. The bird slowly rose and flew away, and the snow kept falling like glass rain falling from a Christmas tree. Then everything became quiet again.
Reuben woke up. He looked outside the window for a long time, sighed and said:
— The first snow suits the earth very well.
The earth was elegant, looking like a shy bride.
And in the morning everything crunched around: frozen roads, leaves on the porch, black nettle stems sticking out from under the snow.
Grandfather Mitriy came to visit for tea and congratulated him on his first trip.
“So the earth was washed,” he said, “with snow water from a silver trough.”
- Where did you get these words from, Mitrich? - Reuben asked.
- Is there anything wrong? - the grandfather grinned. “My mother, the deceased, told me that in ancient times, beauties washed themselves with the first snow from a silver jug ​​and therefore their beauty never faded.
It was difficult to stay at home on the first winter day. We went to the forest lakes. Grandfather walked us to the edge of the forest. He also wanted to visit the lakes, but “the ache in his bones did not let him go.”
It was solemn, light and quiet in the forests.
The day seemed to be dozing. Lonely snowflakes occasionally fell from the cloudy high sky. We carefully breathed on them, and they turned into pure drops of water, then became cloudy, froze and rolled to the ground like beads.
We wandered through the forests until dusk, going around familiar places. Flocks of bullfinches sat, ruffled, on snow-covered rowan trees... Here and there in the clearings birds flew and squeaked pitifully. The sky above was very light, white, and towards the horizon it thickened, and its color resembled lead. Slow snow clouds were coming from there.
The forests became increasingly gloomy, quieter, and finally thick snow began to fall. It melted in the black water of the lake, tickled my face, and powdered the forest with gray smoke. Winter has begun to rule the earth...

Winter night

Night has fallen in the forest.

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of thick trees, and light silver frost falls in flakes. In the dark high sky, bright winter stars were scattered, apparently and invisibly...

But even on a frosty winter night, hidden life in the forest continues. A frozen branch crunched and broke. It was a white hare running under the trees, bouncing softly. Something hooted and suddenly laughed terribly: somewhere an eagle owl screamed, weasels howled and fell silent, ferrets hunted for mice, owls silently flew over the snowdrifts. Like a fairy-tale sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat down on a bare branch. In the darkness of the night, he alone hears and sees how life goes on in the winter forest, hidden from people.


The aspen forest is beautiful even in winter. Against a background of dark spruce trees, a thin lace of bare aspen branches intertwines.

Night and daytime birds nest in the hollows of old thick aspens, and mischievous squirrels store their supplies for the winter. People hollowed out light shuttle boats from thick logs and made troughs. Snowshoe hares feed on the bark of young aspen trees in winter. The bitter bark of aspens is gnawed by moose.

It used to be that you were walking through the forest, and suddenly, out of the blue, a heavy black grouse would break loose with a noise and fly. A white hare will jump out and run almost from under your feet.

Silver flashes

It's a short, gloomy December day. Snowy twilight is level with the windows, a cloudy dawn at ten o'clock in the morning. During the day, a flock of children returning from school chirps, drowning in snowdrifts, a cart with firewood or hay creaks - and it’s evening! In the frosty sky behind the village, silver flashes—the northern lights—begin to dance and shimmer.

At a sparrow's hop

Not much - just a sparrow's jump added a day after the New Year. And the sun had not yet warmed up - like a bear, on all fours, it crawled along the spruce tops across the river.

Stories for primary schoolchildren. Stories about the behavior of birds and animals in winter. Stories about winter life in the forest. Stories by Sladkov and Skrebitsky.

Nikolai Sladkov. Under the snow

Snow poured out and covered the ground. The various small fry were happy that no one would find them under the snow now. One animal even boasted:

- Guess who I am? Looks like a mouse, not a mouse. The size of a rat, not a rat. I live in the forest, and I’m called Vole. I am a water vole, or simply a water rat. Even though I am a merman, I am not sitting in the water, but under the snow. Because in winter all the water froze. I’m not the only one sitting under the snow now; many have become snowdrops for the winter. We've waited for carefree days. Now I’ll run to my pantry and pick out the biggest potato...

Here, from above, a black beak pokes through the snow: in front, behind, on the side! Vole bit her tongue, shrank and closed her eyes.

It was the Raven who heard the Vole and began to poke his beak into the snow. He walked above, poked, and listened.

- Did you hear it, or what? - muttered. And he flew away.

The vole took a breath and whispered to herself:

- Phew, how nice it smells like mouse meat!

Vole rushed backwards with all her short legs. I barely escaped. I caught my breath and thought: “I’ll be silent - the Raven won’t find me. What about Lisa? Maybe roll out in the grass dust to fight off the mouse spirit? I will do so. And I’ll live in peace, no one will find me.”

And from the snout - Weasel!

“I found you,” he says. He says this affectionately, and her eyes shoot out green sparkles. And the little white teeth shine. - I found you, Vole!

A vole in a hole - Weasel follows it. Vole in the snow - and Weasel in the snow, Vole in the snow - and Weasel in the snow. I barely escaped.

Only in the evening - without breathing! - Vole crept into her pantry and there - looking around, listening and sniffing! — I chewed a potato from the edge. And I was glad about that. And she no longer boasted that her life under the snow was carefree. And keep your ears open under the snow, and there they will hear and smell you.

Nikolai Sladkov. December trial

Birds and animals gathered on the lake.

December to judge.

Everyone has suffered a lot from him.

“December has shortened the day for us, and made the night very, very long.” It's dark now and you won't have time to kill a worm. Who is in favor of condemning December for such arbitrariness?

- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouted.

And Owl suddenly says:

- I'm against! I work the night shift, and the longer the night, the more satisfying I am.

- In December there is boredom in the forest - nothing fun happens. Just look, you'll die of melancholy. Who is in favor of condemning December for boredom?

- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouted again.

And Burbot suddenly pops out of the hole and gurgles:

- I'm against! What kind of melancholy is there if I’m preparing for a wedding? Both my mood and my appetite. I don't agree with you!

— The snow in December is very bad: it doesn’t stay on top and you can’t reach the ground. Everyone was exhausted and emaciated. Who is in favor of kicking December out of the forest along with the bad snows?

- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouts.

But Teterev and Capercaillie are against it. They stuck their heads out from under the snow and muttered:

“We sleep great in the loose snow: hidden, warm, soft.” Let December remain.

The raven just spread its wings.

“They judged him, they punished him,” he says, “but it’s unknown what to do with December.” Leave or kick out?

Everyone shouted again:

“If you don’t do anything about it, it will end on its own.” You can't remove a month from the year. Let it stretch!

Raven rubbed his nose on the ice and croaked:

- So be it, go ahead, December, on your own! Yes, very much, look, don’t drag your feet!..

Nikolai Sladkov. Complaints about the snowdrift

Tra-ta-ta-ta! What I saw, what I heard! Guys, the birds have a wonderful canteen - large, free, self-service! - they arranged it, and they, ungrateful ones, write complaints about them on the next snowdrift! They are picky and capricious.

The tap dancers followed with their paws in the snow: “The seeds and hemp in the dining room are recent. Your beak will go crazy while you bite through them! This kind of food gives us calluses on our tongues!” The great tit tapped with its nose: “Lard and lard are different! They could hang out unsalted food too, salty stuff makes our stomachs hurt!” Puffy scribbled with his claw: “Disgrace! I arrived for a snack, and the dining room was covered in snow! Until the evening I dug up hemp. At least they made a canopy, or something!” The oatmeal jumped:

“I was left hungry, lunch was blown away by the wind! Who made a feeder without sides? The wind is in his head!

The bullfinch drew with its tail: “Where are the weed seeds? Where are the rowan, viburnum and elderberry? Where are the watermelon and melon seeds? »

Tra-ta-ta-ta! Oh, something will happen, oh, someone will get angry!

Georgy Skrebitsky. White fur coat

That winter there was no snow for a long time. The rivers and lakes have long been covered with ice, but there is still no snow. A winter forest without snow seemed gloomy and dull. All the leaves from the trees have long fallen, migratory birds have flown south, not a single bird squeaks anywhere; only the cold wind whistles among the bare, icy branches.

Once I was walking through the forest with the guys, we were returning from a neighboring village. We went out into a forest clearing. Suddenly we see crows circling in the middle of a clearing above a large bush. They croak, fly around him, then fly up, then sit on the ground. Probably, I think they found some food for themselves there.

They began to come closer. The crows noticed us - some flew away and settled in the trees, while others didn’t want to fly away, so they circled overhead.

We approached the bush, we looked - something was white under it, but we couldn’t make out what through the dense branches.

I parted the branches, and I saw a hare, white-white like snow. Huddled under the bush, pressed to the ground, lying there and not moving. Everything around is gray - both the earth and fallen leaves, and the hare among them turns white.

That’s why he caught the eye of the crows - he was dressed in a white fur coat, but there was no snow, which means he, the white one, had nowhere to hide. Let's try to catch him alive!

I stuck my hand under the branches, quietly, carefully, and immediately grabbed him by the ears - and pulled him out from under the bush!

The hare is struggling in his hands, trying to escape. Just look - one of his legs is dangling strangely. They touched her, but she was broken! This means that the crows beat him up a lot. If we hadn’t arrived on time, we probably would have completely scored.

I brought the hare home. Dad took a bandage and cotton wool from the first aid kit, bandaged the hare's broken leg and put it in a box. Mom put hay, carrots there, and a bowl of water. So our bunny stayed to live. I lived for a whole month. His leg was completely grown together, he even started jumping out of the box and wasn’t afraid of me at all. He’ll jump out, run around the room, and when one of the guys comes in, he’ll hide under the bed.

While the hare lived at our house, the snow fell, white, fluffy, like a hare’s fur coat. It is easy for a hare to hide in it. You won't notice it soon in the snow.

“Well, now we can release him back into the forest,” dad told us one day.

That's what we did - we took the hare to the nearest forest, said goodbye to him and released him into the wild.

The morning was quiet; the night before there had been a lot of snow. The forest became white and shaggy.

In an instant, our little bunny disappeared in the snowy bushes.

That's when his white fur coat came in handy!

We have collected for you interesting materials about winter, which may be needed by schoolchildren when compiling stories and reports about this time of year, and by primary school teachers to familiarize students with the topic “Winter. Winter months. Winter natural phenomena. Winter signs about the weather.”, in which case the story can be presented like a presentation. It would make a wonderful lesson or extracurricular activity.

What is winter?

When the last colorful leaves finish falling and envelop the earth with their motley carpet, and gray raindrops give way to chilly cold and the first sparkling snowflakes, winter comes into its own. She reigns for three whole months: timid frosty December, snowy and festive January and, of course, February, famous for its severe cold. In winter, nature sleeps sweetly, wrapped in a blanket of snow and calmed by the discordant but melodic tune of the blizzard. However, this exciting time of year announces itself not only with a lush cap of snow-white snowdrifts and transparent icicles hanging from the roofs of houses, but also with a temperature that does not rise above zero degrees Celsius, and makes you chilly to wrap yourself in warm clothes.

Changes in nature in winter


December, which marks the arrival of winter, unlike the mild autumn of November, very rarely pampers nature with its thaws. He carefully and gradually prepares for the onset of cold weather and frosts, lowering the temperature on the thermometer and wrapping everything around with a warm blanket of snow. Thanks to such care, many small animals and plants can survive the coming cold, because it is warmer under the snow than outside. Sparkling snowdrifts often reach 30 cm and no longer surrender to the mercy of the timid rays of the sun. The lower the air temperature, the harder the snow and the more sonorous its melodic crunch becomes.

Gradually, the day begins to lose its ground, and the cold December nights become longer and longer. Short-term frosts are already beginning to show their harsh character and a thin crust of ice hinders the movement of winding rivers. Sometimes December indulges in slight thaws and a pleasant increase in temperature, but it can remind itself of sharp frosts, and the Arctic winds gradually bring more and more cold and freshness.

In the northern hemisphere, the night of December 22 is the longest of the year, and the day of December 22 is the shortest of the year. In a day winter solstice On December 22, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon all year.

With the onset of December, there are many folk signs about the weather. Here are some of them:

  • If in December the sky is cloudy and the clouds hang low, then it’s worth waiting for next year big harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles often this month, then in January there will be very severe frosts.
  • The lack of rain means that spring and summer will also be dry.
  • Lots of snow, frost and frozen ground signify a good fall harvest.
  • If bullfinches arrived this month, then winter will be frosty.

In Rus', at the beginning of December, they already began to make sleigh tracks and organized troika rides. From December 9, in the evening it was worth staying close to houses, as the wolves began to approach closer to the village.

However, December marks not only the beginning of winter, but also the eager anticipation of the New Year. This holiday, celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, is one of the most wonderful days, because it symbolizes not only the beginning of a new year, but also a time of finding new hopes and aspirations, faith in positive changes and magical events. Every person on this holiday becomes a child and looks forward to the advent of a bewitching fairy tale and the fulfillment of all dreams. Smell pine needles and the unique taste of tangerines awaken warm memories and make the heart beat faster in anticipation of miracles.


In January, winter fully comes into its own. She serenely reigns over nature and continues her snowy and frosty march. Epiphany cold and unique snow crystals create a magical winter fairy tale from intricate patterns on the windows, sing about it, whirling in a blizzard whirlpool, and boldly look into the cloudless blue sky. The bitter cold makes itself felt with clouds of steam from the mouth and a pleasant tingling sensation on the cheeks and nose. All this magic is supported by a temperature already established within -10-30 degrees Celsius. The days are gradually becoming longer, and the impenetrable darkness of frosty nights is gradually losing its position. However, the piercing light of the bright sun does not have time to warm the earth, so the stubborn cold asserts its rights even more firmly and makes the air piercingly frosty. Thanks to this, at night you can admire the clear sky and sparkling diamonds of the stars. The wind is not as strong as in December and does not shake the trees dressed in snow, but only lovingly strokes their tops.

January is famous not only for its mesmerizing beauty, but also for the onset of the most important event in the life of Christians - the Nativity of Christ. This bright holiday, celebrated on January 7, is solemnly celebrated by all believers, and their congratulations to each other merge together to the sound of bells.

The days from January 7 to January 19 are called Christmastide. They are illuminated by the light of the Nativity of Christ and are perfect for various games, fortune telling and carols. Most often fortune telling occurred on the night of January 13-14. Young girls wanted to find out who their betrothed would be, and married women wanted to find out what the weather would be like in the summer and whether they should expect a big harvest. Christmastide was also a period of noisy weddings. In Rus' these days they organized sleigh rides and all kinds of snow fun.

According to folk signs about the weather:

  • if the south wind blows on January 21, then the summer will be stormy, and if there is frost on the stacks on the 23rd, then the summer will be cool and rainy.


With the onset of February, the thick gray sky, which continues to cover the sleeping earth with a soft cap of a blanket of snow, gradually becomes a little kinder and allows the bright rays of the sun to often peek through the dense clouds. Winter still reminds us of itself with the discordant tune of a blizzard and a cheerful carousel of snowflakes swirling in a blizzard, but the premonition of spring is gradually beginning to revive everything around. Cheeks pink from the biting frost gradually begin to warm up with the timid warmth of the sun. The snow becomes covered with a thin crust and begins to slowly give way, anticipating the approach of spring. The days are getting longer, and the clear sky is increasingly pleasing the eye with its unique blue.

In the southern regions of Russia, buds appear on willows - the first harbingers of spring, and thawed patches, like messengers, carry the news of its approach. The frosty wind pleasantly pricks the face with small snowflakes, and the chilly frost alternates with long-awaited thaws. However, the mesmerizing snowstorms and stubborn cold will not soon surrender to the mercy of the beautiful spring.

There are many folk superstitions about the weather associated with February.

  • If the weather is very cold and frosty this month, then summer will be hot.
  • Little snow in February threatens a poor harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles, then you should expect strong winds.
  • Rainy February indicates the same spring and summer.
  • Bright stars predict frost, and dim stars predict thaw.
  • If the frosts in February are very severe, then the winter will be short.

Signs of winter

One of the first signs of winter is the appearance of dense, low-hanging clouds. They, like a fur blanket, envelop the sky and do not allow the sun's rays to break through their curtain and delight the earth with their warmth, and the sun is low and does not warm up so much. Such clouds are very different from summer, light and cirrus. The winter sky does not please with its colors, but it compensates for this with sparkling snowflakes, neatly covering everything around, as if sparkling silver.

Thick blanket of snow is also an important sign of winter. Only at this time of year fluffy snowflakes do not melt under the timid rays of the sun, but, gradually adding to them, create a reliable snow cover.

Winter is also famous for its frosts. It's gradually getting colder. The thin needles of the first frosty winds begin to tingle your cheeks and nose and force you to wrap yourself more tightly in winter clothes. A warm jacket is complemented by its permanent companions - a hat and mittens.

Plants and animals are also actively preparing for the onset of winter. Trees and shrubs in anticipation of cold weather and cloudy days shed their leaves. However, this will not last long and in the spring the first small leaves will appear on the branches. Only coniferous trees they don’t want to part with their green needles and continue to delight them even in winter.

IN winter time there is little food, so some animals hibernate, and those that continue to stay awake grow fluffy and thick fur. The hare, for example, turns white, and the hedgehog and bear hibernate.

It is also not easy for birds to tolerate cold and lack of abundant food, so many of them fly away to warmer climes, and the rest adapt to different types stern.

Natural phenomena in winter

At this time of year there are such interesting and unusual natural phenomena as:

  • Blizzard
  • Black ice
  • Icicles
  • Frost patterns

A blizzard appears with the first gusts of wind and, boldly picking up the snow cover, carries it away into a mysterious winter dance. This is very harsh a natural phenomenon, which it is better not to meet on the way. The blizzard boldly controls the snowy landscape and arranges fluffy snowdrifts at will. Most often this happens in the middle of winter, when frost and cold reign supreme.

Black ice, like a sweet winter dream, binds water bodies and covers not only the continuous flow of rivers, but also all roads with a thin crust of ice. This happens if, after rain or sleet, the temperature drops below zero. Ice on the rivers prevents navigation, but provides ample scope for all kinds of winter activities, such as sledding, skating or skiing.

One more interesting phenomenon winters are icicles. They, like ice daggers, fall into the ground and crumble into hundreds of sparkling fragments. Icicles form when snow on roofs or other flat objects begins to melt, and the resulting water freezes at low temperatures at night.

Frosty patterns, like frost, are an incredible lace creation of winter. Their whimsical design and mesmerizing beauty leave a lot of room for imagination and immerse you in a snowy fairy tale. This becomes possible due to the formation of ice crystals settling on the irregularities of the glass. They overlap each other and create pictures of incredible beauty.

Winter is not only a beautiful time of year, but also a very unusual one. She is like a big mystery that has yet to be solved. For example:

  • snow is a real work of art and there are no two identical snowflakes in the world.
  • Snowflakes are 95% air, which is why they fall to the ground so slowly.
  • In Antarctica you can find purple, pink or red snow.
  • IN different countries Ice has different temperatures in different parts of the world. For example, the coldest ice is found in Antarctic glaciers and reaches -60 degrees Celsius, and the warmest (0 degrees) is on the tops of the Scandinavian mountains and the Alps.
  • More than half of the world's inhabitants have never seen real snow.
  • On February 18, 1979, snowfall was recorded in the Sahara Desert, which is one of the hottest places on the planet.
  • You can enjoy the warmest winter in Northern Sudan. There at this time of year the temperature rarely drops below +40 degrees.
  • One of the coldest and most uninhabitable places is Antarctica. In winter, the air temperature there averages -70 degrees. And at Vostok station, which is located in Antarctica, a temperature of -89.2 degrees was recorded.

Winter is a wonderful and fabulous time of year, when, despite the short days and frosty air, life does not freeze, but is filled with new light and sound. The snow-white blanket of snow and snowflakes sparkling in the sun, the unique patterns on the glass and the ice crust that binds rivers and lakes are endlessly pleasing to the eye. The prickly frost, lovingly touching your cheeks, reminds you of how many outdoor games this time of year conceals and makes you freeze in anticipation of the New Year holidays.

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