Loading day as they call it in fitness. Cheating: an effective way to deceive excess weight

The vast majority of people losing weight know what it is fasting days and their benefits for weight loss, many have even experienced their effects on themselves. But in addition to fasting days, there are so-called “loading” days. IN Lately more and more more people learn about such a concept as cheating.

Why does weight stop while losing weight?

People who are losing weight know that often the weight, having reached a certain point, stops, and further weight loss becomes a rather difficult process.

This happens because the body is accustomed to a certain amount kilocalories consumed and physical activity that has been used recently. To push the body to further weight loss, it must be deceived. This is what cheating is, which translated means “deception.”

Chitting - what is it?

Cheating days are those days on which we allow ourselves to relax and can eat in larger quantities than usual, even forbidden foods, that is, we “load” the body with extra calories. This should not be confused with “gluttony”, because the essence of loading days is to deceive the body and force it to lose weight further. The essence of cheating is directed against the plateau effect. Using an example, we will understand how this cunning system works.

Having decided to lose weight, you first reduced the number of calories you consumed, saw the first result, and it pleased you. We added physical activity - and again joy, the weight became even less. And then, when there is very little left on the scales until the desired number, the weight freezes.

It is impossible to reduce the number of calories consumed even more, as this can affect your health and general well-being, and it is not possible to devote more time to training. This is where cheating comes to the rescue, the task of which is to awaken the metabolism, which has slowed down in the process of losing weight.

Such controlled overeating allows our body to understand that everything is fine, we are not starving, there is no need to store anything for future use, and we can continue burning fat. Our body sees that hunger has been canceled and calmly continues to break down fats that it was afraid to touch before. This is what is meant by the plateau effect.

How often should you cheat?

There is a lot of debate about how often to cheat. Some believe that a couple of days a week will be enough, while others are inclined to think that you can forget about the diet for a week.

The main condition for proper cheating is clear planning. Firstly, it will be mentally easier to endure the diet if you clearly know that, for example, once a week you can deviate from the diet menu and eat something you love, even if it’s not entirely healthy.

Secondly, follow the basic rule of cheating: the fewer days you decide to overload your body, the more forbidden foods you can eat.

If you are at the first stage of losing weight, then at this time it is recommended to cheat once every two weeks, since little time has passed and there is a high probability that the person will return to the usual diet, which led to weight gain. But in the future, when the body undergoes a restructuring and you get used to the new diet, cheating days can be arranged more often, about once a week.

Why is cheating useful?

Cheating will be useful not only for those people who are on a diet, but also for those who adhere to proper nutrition and deny themselves their favorite delicacies, since a ban on anything is stressful for our body and our mood and general vitality suffer from this.

Your body must understand that there will not always be “no”, and on a certain day it will be able to get what it wants. Also, do not forget that there is no one weight loss formula that will suit everyone, so you should adapt all methods to yourself and observe the results.

Video on the topic of the article

Probably, almost every person who has ever followed a strict diet has “broken down” and then reproached themselves for their weak willpower. Today, the days of breakdowns have been given a scientific name - cheating (load day), when you can afford to forget about the diet and eat whatever your heart desires. And the best part is that after this you don’t need to suffer from remorse, because even nutritionists approve of such days.

The word “cheating” is translated from English as fraud, scam. That is, a kind of deceptive day for the body that is on a diet. It is simply necessary for strict and monotonous diets. Eating goodies on fasting days should be perceived as a method that helps maintain fortitude and easily withstand further difficulties of food restriction. In addition, this trick allows you to “push” your metabolism and maybe even get your weight off the ground.

Pros of cheating

  • The phrase “hungry and angry” is very close to the truth. Strict diets can cause a depressed psychological state close to depression in a person. What if such a diet lasts months? To prevent such an emotional breakdown from leading to discord in the family or at work, you need to somehow replace it with a positive mood. And what can do this better than your favorite milk chocolate with nuts or a huge portion of ice cream?
  • Long-term dietary restrictions can lead to decreased thyroid hormone production thyroid gland(T3), responsible for metabolism in the body. A small amount of T3 leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. Agree that this is not the best option when you are trying to lose weight. Loading days will not allow the level of the hormone in the blood to fall. As soon as the body receives a signal that a difficult time has come and you need to put all the few calories you consume in reserve, you will deceive it by cheating.
  • Cheat days help avoid so-called “breakdowns”, because they have a positive effect on the level of leptin in the body. Leptin is produced by fat cells to maintain energy balance. When leptin levels reach a certain threshold, a signal is sent to the brain that you have received enough calories and it is time to get up from the table. Diets lead to a drop in leptin levels, which can trigger uncontrolled food consumption and overeating.
  • Monotonous diets (especially mono-diets) do not allow you to get enough nutrients from food, as well as fats. Loading Day will help solve this problem.

“Life is too short to chew celery!” - nutritionist Marissa Lippert.

Cons of cheat days

The fragile boundaries of dietary freedom and self-control can break, and instead of benefit, you will only get disappointment from cheating on your diet. What dangers await you?
  • Permissiveness in food can “break the roof”, and you will not be able to return to your previous diet the next day after cheating. How to avoid this? Cultivate willpower and fortitude!
  • If you take the idea of ​​cheating incorrectly, then you can eat as many calories in 1 day as you will then lose until the next day. loading day. And this is a vicious circle! What to do? Do not confuse the period of indulgence with the day of gluttony!

Loading Rules

It would seem that you eat to your heart's content. What rules might there be? However, everything is not so simple here either. So that the loading day does not turn into a “belly festival”, after which you will have to lose 1-2 for the next week extra pounds that you earn for cheating, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You can’t spend loading days too often. No more than once a week. Nutritionists advise limiting yourself to once every 2-3 weeks.
  • It is strictly not recommended to extend cheating for more than 1 day.
  • Cheat days are only permissible during strict long-term diets with a limited diet (more than 1 month).
  • "Download" is not recommended for people who have a large number of excess weight (more than 15 kg).
  • You can't indulge in gluttony these days. You can easily increase the portion by half, but there is no need to eat 2 or 3 times more than usual.
  • Although the idea of ​​cheat days is that you have the right to indulge in everything, try to avoid foods that are too fatty, fried, or very salty. Here the point is not so much in their calorie content, but in the danger of this food for your stomach. Such a meal (especially after strict restrictions) can lead to heartburn, bloating and abdominal pain, and intestinal problems.

It is important that the cheat day does not turn into a day of “overload” of your body. Otherwise, unfortunately, you will not see a positive effect from it.

How to make cheating work for you?

  1. If during the period when you are on a diet, some festive events are expected (weddings, birthdays), when drawing up a plan for loading days, schedule them for these dates. Such planning will allow you not to feel like a black sheep at the holiday and delight yourself with delicious forbidden foods. However, do not turn pleasure into gluttony!
  2. Some nutritionists recommend combining cheating with the date of your workout. This will help you immediately burn some of the calories you eat. In addition, many people prefer not to overeat before playing sports, but after them to eat healthier foods.
  3. Drink plenty of water. This will help “deceive” hunger. After all, people often confuse hunger with thirst. Sometimes you just drink a glass of water and you don’t feel like eating anymore!
  4. It is perfectly acceptable to consume prohibited foods, but even here some sense of proportion is needed. Would you like some cake? Eat one (or maybe even 2). But you don’t have to overeat eclairs to the point of nausea.
  5. Don't load up on food. Remember to chew your food thoroughly and enjoy every bite. This will make your meal tastier and healthier. Plus, you'll likely feel full much faster.
  6. Don't give in to guilt. In no case do not scold yourself for every piece you eat on the day of cheating. “Loading” should charge you with energy for further achievements in losing weight and improving your figure, and in no way make you feel remorse.

On cheat days, enjoy your food! That's exactly what they are designed for. Only then will the loading period be beneficial.

How are stars “loaded”?

Celebrities, who are always in the public eye, very often have to limit themselves in nutrition and “sit” on strict diets in order to look stunning on TV screens and magazine covers. But they are also people with their own weaknesses and desires. What do stars prefer to “load” with?

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson, who is annually included in the ranking of the 10 most sexy women world, pleases her fans with a beautiful figure, which she has to work very carefully on. However, from time to time the actress treats herself to her favorite dish - burritos (meat, rice, avocado, tomatoes and cheese wrapped in pita bread with spicy Mexican sauce).

Mariah Carey

The famous singer, who gained weight after pregnancy, is now “on a diet” again. The only dish she cannot deny herself is Italian pizza.

Jennifer Lopez

The beautiful actress, who constantly adheres to her own menu, compiled for her by a nutritionist, and devotes a lot of time to training, periodically allows herself her favorite treats - chocolates and cookies, as well as potato chips with sour cream and onions.

Britney Spears

The singer constantly struggles with excess weight through diets, sports and dancing. But it is impossible to withstand such a difficult regime without small weaknesses. That's why Britney's cheating includes cheeseburgers, chips and popsicles.

Penelope Cruz

The actress, who manages to look stunning at any age, admits that she loses a lot of energy during filming. To replenish it, she can allow herself any fatty and high-calorie foods. Penelope loves pizza and pasta.

Heidi Klum

The famous model loves fast food. That's why she often treats herself to a lunch of a Big Mac and French fries at McDonald's.

Denise Richards

The actress has a terrible sweet tooth. She knows how to limit herself to any food except chocolate. On cheat days, Denise can eat an entire box of chocolates without guilt.


To support perfect figure The singer trains a lot. But even she sometimes treats herself to fast food, which she adores. For every piece she eats, the girl then “answers” ​​in the gym.

Cheat day in bodybuilding

If we talk about gaining muscle mass, loading days are also used in bodybuilding. However, the concepts should not be confused. Cheating in sports has 2 meanings.

The first is the principle of the founder of bodybuilding, Joe Weider. It consists of deliberately violating the correct technique of performing an exercise in order to increase the number of repetitions and muscle growth. This is a special trick for advanced athletes.

However, we will talk about the second meaning of this word - “loading” with food. This technique in bodybuilding is relevant when an athlete adheres to a special diet with a certain caloric intake and the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates consumed. Of course, athletes need to take cheating more seriously than people who want to lose weight. After all, in addition to losing fat, their goal is to gain muscle mass. Bodybuilders should not load their bodies with “garbage.” On these days, they need to eat more calories, which will energize their body and help make their workouts more productive.

Cheating during a diet, its varieties. Pros and cons of the loading day, rules and menu options.

Pros and cons of cheating in losing weight

Lovers computer games They know very well what cheating means. This is the name for obtaining any advantages over other players by using appropriate programs or special actions. The word itself is borrowed from in English(cheating) and literally means “cheating, deception.”

What is cheating in weight loss? This is misinformation to your body when you allow yourself to eat a small amount of forbidden food during a diet. And such a planned violation, oddly enough, contributes to successful further weight loss.

In addition to the fact that such deception of oneself and one’s body does not violate moral standards at all, there are several more positive aspects to it:

  • Psychological comfort. Those who are on a diet often have frayed nerves due to the desire to snack on something tasty. Planned disruptions allow you to avoid such worries, because you are confident that you will relax on the weekend.
  • No deficiency of nutrients. For normal functioning, the body needs various components and microelements, including fats and carbohydrates. Long-term low-calorie diets can be harmful to health precisely because of the deficiency of such substances. Cheating is the solution to this problem.
  • Eliminating the “plateau effect”. A loading day accelerates metabolism, and it becomes possible to avoid stopping weight loss, which is not uncommon even with the strictest adherence to a diet.
  • Possibility to extend the diet. Cheating, removing the monotony of the diet, introducing variety and psychological comfort into the diet, makes it potentially longer.
There are few disadvantages to a diet with planned loading days:
  • Risk of slipping. A rather serious disadvantage of food fraud during a diet is the risk of falling off it, forgetting about your desire to lose weight. The main thing is not to lose your head and remember: permission to eat whatever you want on a cheat day does not mean that you can eat it in any quantity.
  • Risk of overeating. The portion of high-calorie goodies should be small. In general, during such a busy day you can eat no more than 2500 calories, which, by the way, may seem insufficient for athletes, and for miniature representatives of the fair sex - too filling. It is important to remember that gluttony after a low-calorie diet can be harmful to health (the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and gall bladder will be disrupted).
Cheating days should be carried out regularly, and women also need to track the phases of the menstrual cycle. The fact is that the desire to eat something tasty in women is often associated with ovulation and the influence of hormones. On special days of the cycle, when the body needs fats and carbohydrates to form the so-called corpus luteum, it’s hard to tear yourself away from a dish of cake and a bag of fries. But it is important to remember that for full functioning female body you don't need kilograms of high-calorie food. It will be enough to eat something extra nutritious in a timely manner on the right day of the cycle.

Please note! During a cheat diet, any type of physical activity is not contraindicated.

Types of cheating

There are different approaches to how exactly and in what diet cheating days should be introduced. Here is a list of the most famous versions of cheating:
  • . The concept of cheating was introduced into dietetics in 2005 by the American Paul Rivas, who described its principles in his book “The Cheating Diet.” He developed a metabolic swing: a diet followed by days when you can indulge in excess. According to Rivas, for five days the diet should be low-calorie, with a reduced amount of carbohydrates (something like the Mediterranean diet). On the weekend you can eat whatever you want, cheese, ice cream, nuts, pizza, but within reasonable limits.
  • Bodybuilder cheating. In 2008, athlete Joel Marion described the carbohydrate slides he personally tried. According to Marion, supported by big amount interesting medical facts he mentioned in his book Cheat to Lose Weight, six days a week you should follow a low-calorie diet and eat a variety of healthy foods. At the same time, you need to increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet a little bit every day. The last day of the week you should relax, allowing yourself everything you love and delicious. Exercising with such a diet is mandatory. In 16 weeks you can turn from a chubby person into the owner of a magnificent athletic figure.
  • Classic cycle. It was developed by fitness trainers and nutritionists Heidi and Chris Powell. Their plan lasts for 3 months, during which you need to carefully count the calories you eat. The diet begins with a cheat day, when you can allow yourself anything for 2500 kcal. Then for six days in a row you need to alternate protein and carbohydrate days at 1200 and 1500 kcal, respectively. The seventh day is a loading day, 2000 kcal, after which the cycle repeats.
  • Hedonic approach. This cheating option was proposed by New York food blogger Marissa Lippert. In her opinion, you shouldn’t devote your life to eating celery. Her 8-week diet consists of low-calorie, but varied and tasty foods. Two days a week you can “sin” by allowing yourself something high in calories. But with one condition: don’t eat nasty things like chips, forbidden food should please both the eye and the palate: a wonderful dessert fits perfectly into her concept.

Basic rules for a loading day

Cheating has rules, following which you will be able to restrain yourself and not go wild, relaxing and forgetting about your desire to lose excess weight.

You can eat whatever you want, but remember that half of your daily diet should be vegetables, a quarter - proteins (eggs, seafood, fish or meat), the rest - carbohydrates (potatoes, cereals, bakery products etc.). A prerequisite is to drink a lot, at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

The amount of food is within reasonable limits. If you want to eat a cake, then allow yourself not the whole cake, but one piece. During the day you should consume no more than 2500 kcal.

Terms - 48 hours, no more. This is exactly the period reserved for loading days in all main types of cheating. Usually the “belly celebration” is planned on the weekend.

Frequency - one or two cheating days a week, it depends on which diet option you have chosen. If the diet is short, then loading days should be arranged less frequently.

Sometimes it is difficult for those losing weight to stick to a diet, even if they have a cheat day ahead of them. And it happens that it becomes the cause of an unplanned breakdown. To avoid such problems, follow these tips:

  • Drink a lot. If you feel the urge to snack, drink water first; you may be confusing thirst with hunger.
  • Remove temptations. There should be no sweets, cookies, cakes or other forbidden joys left in your home. Buy goodies strictly according to plan on the day of cheating. Don’t go to the store on an empty stomach; try to plan your route so as not to encounter pastry shops, stalls with fresh baked goods, etc. along the way.
  • Brush your teeth often. After every meal and when you suddenly want something tasty - and purely psychologically you don’t want to stain your clean mouth with food.

Menu and examples of dishes for cheating

Undoubtedly, everyone’s taste preferences and forbidden foods that they crave on a diet are different. But having ready-made option cheating the menu, it’s easier to navigate exactly how to organize meals on a busy day.

Menu for loading day for 1 day

A cheat day menu might look like this:
  1. Breakfast. Porridge that you love. Fruits or berries (apple, pear, orange, banana, kiwi, strawberry, grapes).
  2. Lunch. A piece of chocolate, preferably dark.
  3. Dinner. Green borscht, meat baked with vegetables.
  4. Afternoon snack. A piece of cupcake or cake or a serving of ice cream.
  5. Dinner. Fish baked with lemon and herbs. Vegetable salad with feta cheese (can be seasoned with olive oil).
  6. Before bedtime. A glass of yogurt or kefir.

Remember! During the diet, drinking regular tea and coffee is not recommended; it is better to drink green or herbal tea. On a cheat day, you can treat yourself to your favorite drink, even a glass of good wine is allowed.

Cheating menu for the weekend

Here is an example of a cheat menu for the weekend.


  • For breakfast - oatmeal, flavored with nuts, seeds and pieces of fresh or dried fruit, a glass of yogurt.
  • For second breakfast you can eat candy.
  • For lunch - vegetable soup with meatballs and a piece of fish baked with vegetables.
  • In the afternoon, treat yourself to a serving of coffee with milk and a piece of your favorite pastry.
  • For dinner - chicken breast with light vegetable salad.
  • Before bedtime - green tea.
  • For breakfast - buckwheat, fruit salad, a glass of yogurt.
  • For second breakfast - a serving of ice cream.
  • For lunch - vegetable puree soup with garlic croutons, seafood salad, juice.
  • In the afternoon - cake.
  • For dinner - fish and mashed potatoes, fresh cucumber.
  • Before bed - an apple.
When developing a menu for yourself, keep in mind that during a busy day you can eat no more than 2500 kcal. That is, all planned products cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. Calculate how much candy you can have in the morning so that you don’t end up with a piece of chicken the size of a match head for dinner, so as not to break your caloric intake.

Menu for the loading day for the week

This is a variant of the classic cycle menu, when protein and carbohydrate days of 1200 and 1500 kcal alternate for six days, and on the seventh day you can pamper yourself and increase the number of calories to 2500 kcal.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday (proteins, 1500 kcal):

  1. For breakfast - buckwheat, rice or oatmeal (100 g) with nuts and dried fruits, a glass of kefir.
  2. For second breakfast - any 2 fruits or a handful of nuts (or rye crackers prepared at home), green tea without sugar.
  3. For lunch - fish (hake, cod, pollock) or meat (chicken, beef) fillet, steamed, boiled or baked, vegetable side dish without potatoes.
  4. Afternoon snack - any fresh fruit or a vegetable, or a piece of bread with a piece of cheese and green tea without sugar.
  5. For dinner - cottage cheese or boiled eggs or a piece boiled meat.
  6. Before bed - kefir or yogurt.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (carbs, 1200 kcal):
  • For breakfast - muesli with honey, milk and dried fruits.
  • For second breakfast - an apple.
  • For lunch - buckwheat or rice porrige, vegetable salad, rye bread, optional pasta seasoned with tomato sauce.
  • For an afternoon snack - any fruit.
  • For dinner - meat or fish, leaf salad.
  • Before bed - kefir or fermented baked milk.
Sunday, cheating (2500 kcal):
  1. For breakfast - 2 pancakes with syrup and a piece of butter, 2 pieces of bacon.
  2. For second breakfast - oatmeal with banana.
  3. For lunch - 100 g of turkey with a vegetable salad of tomatoes, avocado, lettuce, bagel, cheese, mustard.
  4. For an afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt, half a glass of raspberries, 30 g of salted crackers.
  5. For dinner - chicken fillet(100 g) with rice and mushrooms, soy sauce, boiled egg, sweet pepper and onion salad, seasoned with olive oil.
  6. Before bed - yogurt.

Know! Medicine says the Mediterranean approach to eating (promoted by Paul Rivas's "Trickster Diet") prevents cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Cheat diet results

What will the person who decides to follow a cheating diet get as a result:
  • . Moreover, it is significant, because you can follow a cheating diet for a long time, it is easily tolerated.
  • Diet variety. Whatever the fasting days of your diet, on cheating days you will get all the substances, vitamins and microelements your body needs.
  • Psychological comfort. The cheating diet allows you to lose weight without psychological discomfort, because on the weekend the cheater will have the desired busy day.
  • Metabolic swing. They deceive the body, and it does not give the command to make reserves. They also help to avoid the “plateau effect”, when weight, despite continuing dieting, does not decrease.
What is cheating when losing weight - watch the video:

Cheating in a diet is a planned failure when a person losing weight pampers himself, thereby allowing him to extend the diet longer, diversify his diet and significantly reduce weight without psychological discomfort.

My respect, dear ladies and gentlemen! This article will not contain any nutritious recipes or abstruse theoretical foundations on muscle anatomy. Today we’ll talk about a technical trick called cheating, which has helped many Mr. Olympias build their impressive figures. Since it helped them, it will easily help you too, the main thing is to figure it out from A to Z.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we are starting.

Cheating in bodybuilding

I would like to say right away that if you have never heard of such a concept as, but you have had to deal with it unofficially. Usually beginners master this perfectly, without even knowing it. Now I’ll explain what I’m ranting about here.

Very often in any gym you can observe the following picture. Newcomers come to the gym for the first time and see a depressing picture - there are a lot of hefty guys around who lift enormous weights. If the coach does not turn his attention to this “yellow mouth” in time, then we can say - it’s a disaster :). Due to his inexperience, he begins to look at his fellow athletes and try to lift exactly the same weights. How else? After all, everyone makes a lot of noise about me being a redhead or what? ... and even the girls from the fitness room are watching, I can’t lose face in front of them.

This is a common mistake 99% newcomers coming to Gym: someone will think about how it looks from the outside, we need to keep up, etc. This is where unofficial acquaintance with cheating comes from. Unofficial, because no one introduced you to this technique, but you apply it perfectly in practice, lifting weights that are disproportionate to your muscles.

Usually it looks quite funny - a person with arms like whips begins to do barbell curls with half his own weight. That’s when the fun begins, he helps himself with everything he can: he makes frictional movements with his pelvis, helps with his body, grunts and puffs non-illusively and still continues to perform the exercise. Do you think this is all fiction? Nothing like that, look around, these people are next to you in the hall.

I won’t lie and say that I had the same thing, and I immediately started lifting some huge weights. Yes, at first it was uncomfortable when you can’t really lift anything useful, but I quickly got rid of the feeling of pleasing someone, making a lasting impression on them and simply didn’t think about it. I was confused (as I am now) about who and what would think of me, the main thing is to work technically competently, and not to show off in front of girls and boys :). Well, yes, we went a little aside, let’s continue on the merits.

Types of cheating

So, cheating (cheating, deception) is a set of activities performed by an athlete and leading to a conscious violation of the correct exercise technique. Please note - this is a deliberate deception, i.e. when you initially know how to perform a movement correctly, but by taking on more weight, you violate the standard execution.


For most beginners, the principle of doing it incorrectly out of ignorance usually works, so we can say that they are familiar with cheating unofficially.

The essence of this process is as follows: the athlete purposefully involves non-target muscle groups in performing the movement, thereby “spreading” the load across all assistants. This technique allows you to work with very large weights. Usually in addition to the assistant muscles (which are turned on, as a rule, in the positive phase of movement - lifting the projectile) the force of inertia is used.

There are three types of cheating:

  1. Extending – used at the end of the exercise, after a positive refusal. They achieve an increase in the number of repetitions and working sets;
  2. Fast – moderate-heavy weight is used, which does not allow you to perform the exercise correctly. The main idea is to maintain maximum speed(tempo) of execution throughout the entire exercise;
  3. Heavy is a telling name. From the very beginning, a maximum weight is selected that physically does not allow you to “cleanly” perform the exercise. Assistants and the force of inertia come to the rescue.

Cheating is a rather traumatic technique, so it is highly undesirable for beginners (up to a year of experience) to use it. Use this method only after mastering the correct technique for most exercises.

To avoid injury, you should always be aware of the risks:

  • cheating seriously overloads the ligaments, so you should use this technique no more than 1-2 once per workout (usually at the end of the last set, after “clean” movements);
  • (especially for beginners) only a slight push is allowed (help with legs and body) Otherwise, injury may occur;
  • if you are more 30 If you have injuries to your knees and lower back, it is better to avoid cheating.

To cheat correctly, you must follow a number of important rules:

  1. a good warm-up - and especially - leading approaches with light weights on the working muscle, joints and lower back;
  2. correct technique - thoroughly study all phases of the exercise in which you want to cheat. Cheat in the last set, no more 4-5 repetitions;
  3. cheating with free weights - exercise machines and blocks are not used in cheating, because restrict body movement;
  4. choosing the right exercises – cheating is not suitable for all exercises with free weights;
  5. cheating after failure - first do “clean” repetitions, and then finish off the muscle with cheating repetitions until failure;
  6. no cheating in a low-rep set - the number of repetitions in sets should be more 10 , otherwise you may get injured;

Follow these rules and cheating will not cause you any trouble.

Cheating technique

So, let's summarize and derive the correct “circuitry” for performing cheating. The goal is to perform several failure repetitions of the exercise without the help of a partner.

Stage No. 1.

Set the required weight (selected intuitively to perform “clean” repetitions first)

Stage No. 2.

After performing “clean” repetitions (about 7-8 ), after the muscle has reached the limit of its capabilities, we turn on cheating. The most difficult thing to overcome is the “dead” zone (where the muscle is maximally stretched and relaxed), This is where cheating comes to the rescue.

Well, now let’s move on to the most delicious part of the article - practice, tips, etc.

Cheating: best exercises, application practice

Any chip has its most effective area of ​​application. Cheating also has the top five best exercises, These include .

Leg Curl

Dead amplitude segment (when the hamstrings are stretched) can be overcome by lifting the pelvis through the work of the muscles of the buttocks and back.

Calf raises

Rising up from the bottom position will facilitate the springing movement of the legs.

Side raises with dumbbells

At the beginning of the movement, the arms lift the small muscles that “fail” first. Lean your body slightly forward and then quickly back (with springing movement), the momentum of the dumbbells will push them upward. Then the deltas come into play.

Top link on block

Having tilted the body slightly back, we help ourselves with a powerful jerk. As soon as the handle begins to move, we pull it up with the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Alternating dumbbell raises

By tilting your shoulder towards the hand with the dumbbell, we make it easier for the biceps to begin the lifting movement.

Cheating is strictly contraindicated in the following exercises.

So, now let's look at several exercises in practice, first we will consider the option of performing them in a “clean” manner, and then using cheating.

The first exercise to come is...

Dumbbell lateral raises

The correct execution technique is as follows.

After you complete 8-10 repetitions with the correct technique, it’s time to do some cheating - use a jerk with your whole body to spread your arms to an angle 45 degrees, then transfer the load to the deltoid muscles and finish the movement exclusively with them.

Standing biceps curl

Perhaps this is the most favorite cheating exercise of all time. Most often, this is where athletes try to “deceive” their biceps. The correct technique is as follows: (see image).

After you complete 8-10 repetitions with the correct technique, use cheating - with a jerking effort of the whole body, lift your forearms to an angle 45 degrees and then follow the movement with your biceps.


If the weight on the barbell when lifting biceps is significant, then do not cheat by jerking the body; it is better to bend your knees slightly and then sharply straighten them, giving the projectile a forward impulse of movement.

Actually, we sorted out the theory and practice, but for dessert there was a secret interview, which the iron Arnie kindly agreed to give us regarding cheating. To get it, I had to go to a distant 1973 year and ask him your questions.

I bring to your attention that same secret interview, I don’t feel sorry for anything for you!

I think you have received answers to all your questions regarding such a method as cheating.

That's all for me, let's say goodbye.


Today I tried my best (and from all sides) highlight one of the main methodological principles of professional athletes and Mr. Olympia. I have no doubt that it will be useful to you at a certain stage of the training process. I was glad to write for you, come back often and bring your brothers in mind :).

See you soon, bye!

PS. I’m always happy to answer questions, write, we’ll be curious.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Almost every woman at least once in her life has faced the problem of regaining lost kilograms after a diet failure. The cheating diet for weight loss, or the deceiver's diet, is designed specifically for such people, because it allows you to deceive the body.

The main advantage of cheating (“cheating” - translated from English is deception, fraud) in losing weight is the following: on some days of the diet, you are allowed to eat a small amount of your favorite product or dish.

What is cheating in weight loss ^

The process of losing weight using a cheat diet is based on speeding up metabolism and preventing the onset of the plateau effect, when a person loses a certain weight and more kilograms do not go away, the weight loss process stops.

The author of the idea of ​​using cheating in diets is Joel Marion, a nutritionist and author of the book “Trick Yourself to Lose Weight.” The author of the weight loss technique suggests that those losing weight should organize not the usual fasting days, but periods of so-called loading.

He draws attention to the fact that grueling mono-diets cannot promote effective weight loss, because reducing calories in the diet and heavy physical activity only trigger the accumulation of fat in the body.

Marion put forward the proposal of using a deliberate increase in caloric intake to deceive metabolic processes. This idea in dietetics allows you to encourage someone who is losing weight and prepare their body for the next five days of a strict diet.

The cheating diet will only be effective if it is followed in combination with weight loss. physical exercise, take natural dietary supplements that promote weight loss, and also use sugar substitutes instead of sugar.

A cheating diet for weight loss without breakdowns has many advantages:

  • the diet is based on healthy foods;
  • the program is very good psychologically, as it does not force you to give up your favorite treats forever;
  • You can stick to this diet for quite a long time without harm to your health;
  • any types physical activity are welcome.

But, like many dietary methods, losing weight through cheating has certain disadvantages:

  • calories need to be counted;
  • sweeteners and sugar substitutes such as Aspartame and Splenda are considered harmful;
  • Cheating weight loss is not suitable for those people who do not know how to control the amount of food they eat and overeat during fasting days.

The basic rules for using diet cheating for weight loss do not promote gluttony, but, on the contrary, teach how to intelligently deceive the body:

  • On “loading” days, you are allowed to eat your favorite foods. Eating cakes and pastries, of course, is not prohibited during the weight loss cheating period, but preference should be given to healthy and nutritious foods such as cereals, vegetables, and dried fruits.
  • You need to feel in moderation. For a 1-2-day cheating, you are allowed to increase your calorie intake by 1000 - 2000 kcal compared to the calorie content of your chosen weight loss diet.
  • What is the ideal duration of “loading” the body? It is better to pamper yourself for no more than two days, but if you really want to, you can extend it a little and constantly monitor the caloric content of your diet.
  • The recommended daily intake of water during cheating, as with any diet for weight loss, is at least two liters.
  • Coffee and alcohol should be replaced with teas brewed with herbs.
  • Loading days are recommended once every week or two, depending on the duration of the main diet.

Cheating rules for weight loss and loading days menu ^

There is no need to create a working day menu, because on cheat days you are allowed to eat anything. The following foods are allowed to be included in the diet of a planned breakdown: cereals, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, seafood, fish and meat, wine, peanut butter and chocolate, nuts and milkshakes, ice cream and cheese.

Naturally, common sense must be present. After all, the goal of cheating is not to overeat, but to enjoy the food and prepare for the upcoming strict diet days.

While using the cheating weight loss method, you don’t have to refuse treats on holidays and birthdays. The calculation of calorie content and the number of loading days depends entirely on the duration of the diet used.

  • When using a 2-week diet, you can only fit 1-2 loading days. In this case, the number of calories consumed is increased by 1000 - 2000.
  • If the diet lasts from one to five months, cheating is done every 7 days. These days, the calorie content of the daily diet can only increase by 800 - 1000 kcal. It is necessary to adhere to the regime. If you manage to lose pounds easily, try to hold out without a breakdown for a couple of weeks to achieve greater weight loss success.
  • During a diet lasting up to a year, cheating should be carried out once every 5 days for 24 hours with an increase in caloric intake by only 400 - 600 kcal. You can also do 2-day downloads every 7 days.

An approximate loading day menu for the diet is suggested as follows:

  • Breakfast: favorite porridge and fruit.
  • Snack: chocolate, preferably dark.
  • Lunch: soup or borscht, fried, baked or boiled meat, stewed vegetables.
  • Snack: Some kind of treat, such as ice cream or a piece of cake.
  • Dinner: oven-baked fish, vegetable salad.
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir.

While losing weight on a cheating diet, you are also allowed to drink herbal teas along with sweets, but in small quantities. The consumption of foods rich in animal fat in the diet menu should be limited or eliminated as much as possible.

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