The house spider bite. How to treat a wound from a spider bite

Many of us spiders cause a really strong, inexplicable fear, and about 4-6% of the world's population suffer from arachnophobia - fear of spiders to the extent that it significantly interferes with life.

And this is no accident: the spiders - the oldest inhabitants of the earth, and their age is estimated hundreds of millions of years, and the number of species living on the planet is estimated to be 3-4 ten thousand kinds, with all of them are toxic in varying degrees. Poison is an integral part of their way of life, because all spiders are hunters, killing the victim with a special substance that stands out when bitten. In the world there are only 1 species of spiders, the diet of which is made up of leaves of plants, all the rest are predators, and sometimes not disdainful even by each other.

Spiders are everywhere - in forests, in meadows, in steppes and gardens, and even in houses and garages, so the chance to be bitten by imprudence is great for a person - no one is immune from this. It is possible to minimize the risk of attack by animals, Hymenoptera insects (bees and wasps), and even snakes, but spiders are creatures governed solely by instincts, and therefore are almost always unpredictable.

One thing is for sure: if in relation to their victims (creatures that feed on spider), its bite is aggression, attack, then with respect to a person bitten by a spider almost always - defense, on the principle of "the best defense - the attack." A person gets a bite when accidentally disturbed by a spider, step on it. However, bite the human skin under the power of very few of them: it is thick enough for spider fangs, because they are designed to attack mainly on insects. Only some large spiders are dangerous, and we'll talk about them today.

What is dangerous spider poison?

The main principle is this: the farther south, the more species of spiders, and the more dangerous they are. Although all spiders are poisonous, however, the strength of their poison is very different, and therefore it makes sense to pay attention only to those whose bites are painful or fraught with dangerous complications. The fact is that when bitten, the problem is not only the poison itself, but also the allergic reaction to it, which is observed in some people, as well as the infection in the wound.

What are the consequences for the body is fraught with a dangerous bite?

  • First of all, this hemolytic action (effect on the blood), the consequence of which is the death of the affected tissues - the areas where the poison (necrosis) has penetrated.
  • Secondly, many poisons act as neurotoxins, that is, affect the nervous system, violate the neuromuscular mechanisms. This is the most common among the spiders way to act on the victim, designed to paralyze it.

Symptoms and consequences

Symptoms of bites are quite different depending on the type of spider that attacked. However, we can identify a number of common features, which can be determined that bit you is a spider, and not someone else: the fact that a spider bite itself sometimes people do not notice, because it is not always characterized by tenderness, as in the stinging wasps and bees, - the symptoms begin to appear only after a while, usually within the first 20 minutes, sometimes within 24 hours.

So, the common signs of spider bites can be considered:

  • the appearance of a small, no larger than a coin, white speck in the place of the bite (in the field of poison injection) with red or pink edges;
  • speck formation of bubble-blister enclosed in swollen and reddened area in the form of a great circle (when recluse spider bite central region has a bluish tint, the first ring around it - white and outer - red);
  • edema and redness can be observed not only in the area of ​​the bite, but also on the face;
  • the place of bite is often numb and becomes dense (for example, with a bite of karakurt);
  • the bite itself is single, for a larger spider it is not technically capable, so if there are several bites, it is either someone else, or spiders were more than one (however, it is impossible to notice this and you will know for sure that they were affected by spiders);
  • the pain grows gradually, and does not burn at once, as with the bite of the Hymenoptera;
  • another local reaction is burning in the bite area;
  • there is itching as a reaction to poison, often it spreads throughout the body, there may also be a rash;
  • another common reaction to a toxin in the body can be considered the appearance of such symptoms as nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and stools;
  • often there is a general depression of the condition: drowsiness, weakness, aches in the body;
  • often, fever, chills, sweating, and increased saliva production are also noted;
  • it is possible to change the color of urine to pinkish or red;
  • hemolytic poisons affect blood and blood pressure: it falls or grows;
  • when bitten by a spider, whose poison has a neurotoxic effect, spasms, muscle pains and cramps are observed;
  • there may also be fainting or dizziness.

How spiders look: determine the type of offender

In order to correctly provide first aid and conduct treatment, it is necessary to know which spider has bitten the victim. Even if you do not have time to notice the "attacker", knowledge of the symptoms and the ability to distinguish can help in a difficult situation.

Spider's Bite

These spiders got their name because they live always near a human dwelling, or directly inside. They seem to be small gray, black or brown creatures that bite exceptionally - unless you noticed and crushed it. It happens, for example, at night, when spiders are active, and people are asleep-in a dream you can try to drive a creature traveling over you and get a bite in response.

The bite itself can be painful, but not for long (no more than a day) and not very intense. In addition to minor edema, none of these common symptoms are usually observed (except that a person is allergic to a toxin). What should I do if I bite a spider living at home? The best help will be applying ice or compress with cold to the affected place.

Crosspoint bite

These spiders are very common in the territory of our country, and at least once in his life, everyone, even a convinced inhabitant of a megapolis, encountered him, never for a moment. The spider has received the name because of a light cross on a back.

He only bites a person who accidentally turns up, showing imprudence towards the spider (you can stumble upon it, for example, picking mushrooms, walking in the woods, working in the garden). These spiders grow all summer, and by September they can reach impressive sizes.

Is a spider a dangerous person? Only in part: the spider's venom (he belongs to the category of hemolytic) is slightly toxic to humans. The bite will be a bit painful, accompanied only by burning, aching, headache, which pass for a day. If you are allergic, the doctor will need help!

Tarantula bite

Although the spider has a very unpleasant appearance, it does not represent a mortal danger. In addition to poison, irritating and allergenic action is also possessed by small hairs that the spider drops on the victim after a bite: they develop pain syndrome and an itchy rash on the skin, and other allergic symptoms may also appear.

The tarantula lives in depressions in the steppe and desert, it is active only at night. It feeds only on insects, so the intensity of its poison is calculated for them, and a person can cause only soreness, redness and burning as a local reaction. Within 3-4 days, everything passes, but allergic people can have serious complications, so they should immediately go to the doctor.

Tarantula Bite

This spider is one of the subspecies of the tarantula, the most threatening in appearance: shaggy, with long legs, large size. It is interesting that this spider is a long-liver, females can live up to 40 years, and they live in dug holes in the ground. By the intensity of its effect, its poison is comparable with the poison of wasps and bees, and therefore tragic cases are possible only if there is an allergy to the bite or its infection. Usually the symptoms are standard: pain, swelling and redness.

Although many tarantulas scare their "appearance", there are quite a few people who keep these spiders in the house as exotic pets. It's funny that domestic spiders get used to the owners and even bite them without injecting poison, "dry out" - and then only with the appearance of carelessness, awkwardness when dealing with a spider.

Spider-recluse: is the bite dangerous?

It is brown with a beautiful pattern in the form of a violin on the back. This species does not differ aggressiveness, bites only when the person's actions threaten him: come, close to his home waving their arms and legs, etc. And the very habitat he chooses secluded: under the cabinet, in the crevices of walls and floors, under different boxes, etc. - so that it's really easy to miss it.

Despite its small size and not the most formidable appearance, it is this spider that has a dangerous hemolytic poison that destroys the red blood cells - red blood cells. At first you do not even notice a bite, or you will not feel a strong discomfort like a burning sensation and the formation of a small blister. However, during the semidiurn, there are much more serious reasons for anxiety: the pain becomes severe, accompanied by itching, fever and muscle pain (as if with the flu), as well as nausea and vomiting. The very place of bite hardens and thickens, it is also possible subsequent necrosis at the site of the blister and the appearance of ulcers that hard heal.

The recorded cases of death were due to a violation of the heart and kidneys. Because of the severely burdensome consequences, the bites of a hermit spider need immediate help and often in inpatient care.

The bite of karakurt

This is one of those spiders whose bite is also particularly dangerous. He lives in the south of our country - a small, black with a white mark on the abdomen. Like almost all other spiders, it bites only when it arises for its danger (for example, when it attacks). The moment of the bite is not painful, after it a small spot on the skin is formed. However, after literally 10-15 minutes a person begins to feel severe pain, not only in the area of ​​the bite, but also in the abdomen, chest and lower back. Of the above symptoms when they bite karakurt seen almost everything: headache, dizziness, and weakness, and irregular heartbeat, and shortness of breath (up to respiratory arrest), and nausea and vomiting.

The danger lies in the high toxicity of the neurotoxin poison, which provokes general intoxication, which can even lead to the death of a person. Therefore, the answer to the question "What to do with a spider bite?" Is one: immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital.

Black widow's bite

So frighteningly called a female karakurt - a black spider, young individuals of which have red spots on the abdomen. They are larger than males and more aggressive, even within the framework of their species: after mating, the males simply devour it, hence the name.

black widow bite is itself painful than in-karakurt male, and feels like a noticeable injection, after a couple of hours after which develop very serious consequences: in addition to all the above in the description bite Black Widow, evolving and complex syndrome caused by a neurotoxin: the person becomes agitated, it throws in sweat, pressure rushes, salivation increases, itching spreads all over the body, the eyelids and limbs swell and harden, the temperature rises, muscle cramps develop all over the body, pain can occur, it looks like I'm on the symptom of appendicitis, difficulty breathing. As for the site of the bite, soft tissues simply atrophy and gangrene occurs when infection occurs. In a word, in terms of consequences, the bite of a black widow is one of the most dangerous spider bites that can end even with death (although this is rare - in young children, weakened or elderly people). However, if in the first hours after a bite to have time to introduce serum, the consequences can be reduced to a minimum - the trouble is that it is not always available in hospitals.

What to do if you bite: first aid

What to do with the bite of a spider, how to help the victim and maximally ease and eliminate the effects of intoxication?

  • First, the wound needs to be cleaned with clean water and treated with an antiseptic, because, in addition to the toxin, it can be infected, and then the consequences will be caused not only by the poison, but also by contamination of the wound.
  • Secondly, carefully examine the site of the bite and observe the dynamics behind what is happening, so that by symptoms it is possible to determine who has bitten and assess the degree of danger.
  • If the spider did not escape, photograph it from afar to show the doctor.
  • With difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness (and also if the child or a pregnant woman has suffered), the ambulance should be called immediately, if the symptoms are serious, but not yet threatening - just get to the doctor as soon as possible.
  • The place of the bite is anesthetized with ice or a cold compress from pure running water to prevent infection of the wound; this same agent (cold) will slow the absorption of toxin.
  • We accept any antihistamine (anti-allergen): Suprastin, Zodak it.d.
  • If possible, move less so as not to intensify the spread of poison throughout the body.
  • Above the bite, which occurred in the limb, you can impose an elastic bandage or a not too tight bandage bandage; it would be nice to give the limb a high position.
  • Drink plenty, so that the toxin is quickly excreted in the urine.
  • Do not scratch the bite so as not to infect the infection.

All further actions in accordance with the symptoms will be made by doctors.

Take care of yourself and be well!

Most spiders are poisonous. The main diet of their food is small insects and some animals. The spider lulls the victim, injecting into her body a special toxin. This poison is dangerous for humans.

Small spiders, living near people and often building their webs right in the apartments (on the windowsills, in the corners, etc.) are completely harmless. Some of their representatives can be seen only with the help of a magnifying glass. These arachnids do not attack a person and do not pose a danger to him.

Poisonous spiders, whose body produces a specific liquid, which has a toxic effect on any animals, live mainly in tropical forests, away from human settlements. On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries are two main types of poisonous spiders - tarantulas and karakurts.

Tarantula bite: symptoms

The size of the tarantula is relatively small - an average of 3.5 cm. This representative of arachnids does not weave a web, its main habitat is small holes dug in the ground, in which the insect waits for its prey - usually a butterfly or cricket. Individual tarantulas, reaching a large size, can also hunt small birds and rodents.

The greatest danger to humans is represented by females, whose toxicity, in toxicity, exceeds the poison of males and still very young individuals. During an attack, the tarantula bites the victim's skin and injects a deadly paralyzing substance into it, then drags the paralyzed insect or animal into the hole. The collision of a person with a spider can occur outside the city, these arthropods rarely settle near human habitation.

Bites the tarantula painfully enough, it feels like a bite of a bite of a wasp or hornet. Its poison does not pose a particular danger to the human body. Until now, there has been no recorded case of a bite by this spider of a person who would have ended the lethal outcome of the latter.

A few minutes after the attack of the tarantula, at the site of the bite there is a significant swelling and a sharp pain, requiring the introduction of an anesthetic drug. Also, the victim may have symptoms of general intoxication of the body: headache, lack of appetite, nausea, lethargy, which quickly pass without any specific treatment. In children and persons with weakened immunity, such symptoms can persist for several days.

Kakurt bite: symptoms

The poison of the Karakurt is much more toxic than the poison of the tarantula and is 15 times stronger than the poison of the rattlesnake. The bite of this spider is considered fatal, but the victim can be saved if rendered to him within 48 hours from the moment the toxin enters the body, qualified medical care.

It is believed that Karakurts do not attack people first. A bite can be obtained only if you do not know how to touch a spider. It should be noted that it looks not as intimidating as a tarantula, so it may seem at first sight innocuous. The average size of the body of the Karakurt is 1, 2 cm. The females are also most dangerous, especially in the spring-summer period. The habitats of this spider are various ravines and wastelands.

Bites karakurt practically painless. The first symptoms of a bite are manifested after 2-3 hours from the moment the poison enters the blood. This is usually a significant swelling of the skin at the site of the bite, its redness and soreness. As the toxin spreads through the human body, pain can seize various parts of its body, joints and muscles. In the first hours after the bite, the victim also has severe dizziness, nausea, increased pressure and body temperature, swelling of the face and limbs, increased sweating, shortness of breath. Some of the symptoms associated with the ingestion of karakurt poison into the human blood (cardiac dysfunction, pulmonary edema) lead to a rapid lethal outcome.

Spider bite: treatment

When bitten by a poisonous spider, a specific immune serum is introduced into the body of the victim, capable of neutralizing a dangerous toxin. The wound is treated with a disinfectant. The poison of some arthropods, for example, a hermit spider, quickly leads to necrosis or tissue death at the site of the bite. In the event of a collision with this dangerous insect, it is necessary to consult a specialist without delay. As ancillary treatment for spider bites, analgesics, antihistamines, muscle relaxants,

On vacation or at home no one is immune from such a problem as a spider bite. The main difficulty in providing first aid is that after the incident it is difficult to determine the type of arthropod and take appropriate measures.

Spider bite

This kind of creature, in any case, allocates a certain amount of poison when bitten. This is a natural mechanism designed for both protection and obtaining food. Most spiders inject poison into the victim's body with neurotoxins, which cause paralysis of the nervous system.

Spider bite - symptoms

Immediately during the bite may be felt a slight short-term pain, as after a prick with a thin needle. A small white spot with pinkish or red edges appears immediately at the lesion site.

Subsequent symptoms of spider bite:

  • pain in the muscle, convulsive attacks;
  • edema and hyperemia of the face;
  • general weakness in the body, joint aches;
  • temperature increase.

For bites of various types of spiders, there are specific features that will be considered below in more detail.

Spider bite - bite

The name of this arthropod was obtained because of the drawing on the abdomen in the form of a cross. Its poison with epeirotokisnym not dangerous to human life and health, but can cause discomfort for several days.

The place of bite is surrounded by a spot of pink or reddish hue, in the center there is a slight swelling. As a rule, no special medical measures are required, the poison will be completely eliminated from the body in 24 hours. You can apply special ointments to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Spider's Bite

Usually such creatures do not bite, they live in hard-to-reach places and are not at all aggressive. There are several species of house spiders, but the spread is mostly black, they have a small size.

The bite of the examined arthropod can lead to a small edema and a tolerable pain syndrome, no more. To remove symptoms, it is recommended to apply something cold or compresses with cool water to the place of injury.

Bite of a Tarantula Spider

The presented type of spiders is very popular in home breeding, accordingly, its bites are not dangerous to humans, basically, it does not even release poison. The only problem may be the risk of infection by pathogenic bacteria of the injury site.

A bite of a hermit's spider

Unlike the above-described subspecies of spiders, the hermit is very dangerous. It is small in size and has a characteristic pattern on the upper part of the body in the form of a violin.

The hermit's bite is almost imperceptible, and the symptoms begin to appear noticeably only on the second day. Among them there are dense formations under the skin, which swell. Itching, seals begin to ulcerate, and the surrounding tissues - die. Necrosis develops so quickly that it affects even the muscles and deep layers of the skin. In some cases, spider venom affects the kidneys, the nervous system and can lead to death.

What should I do if I bite a hermit spider?

It should be noted that the hermit bite necessarily requires the introduction of an antidote, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Spider bite black widow

Perhaps, this is the most dangerous spider, especially females. Karakurt is painted black, on the abdomen there is a bright red mark. This arthropod is released at the bite by a strong neurotoxic poison, which quickly paralyzes the nervous system, leads to necrosis of soft tissues and gangrene.

Saving the victim is possible only in a medical institution by injecting an antidote.

Spiders are the most ancient inhabitants of the planet, according to the estimates of arachnologists, these arthropods appeared on Earth more than 400 million years ago. Today there are about 40 thousand species of spiders, but only a few of them are dangerous for humans.

Almost all 30,000 varieties of spiders are poisonous. However, the fangs of most of them are too short or fragile to bite the skin. Serious systemic reactions are most characteristic when bites of brown spiders [for example, brown hermit - a representative of the genus Loxosceles) and spiders-karakurts (Latrodectus)]. The most dangerous are the bites of Latrodectus mactans - a female of Karakurt, called the "black widow." Brown spiders are found in the Middle, Western, Southern and Central parts of the United States. They are rarely found in coastal and border states with Canada, except when they are carried with clothing and luggage. In the USA, karakurt is found everywhere. For several poisonous species (for example, Pamphobeteus, Cupiennius, Phoneutria), the US is not considered homeland, but they are imported as rare pets.

The poisons of only a few spiders have been studied in detail. The most important are the effects of poison, such as necrosis (brown and some domestic spiders) and neurotoxic effects (karakurt). It is believed that the most poisonous component of the poison of the Karakurt is the peptide, which violates the neuromuscular transmission. In the brown spider, a specific fraction of the poison that produces characteristic necrotic damage has not been identified.

These kinds of arthropods are usually distributed in southern regions with a warm climate, they hide in places where people rarely visit or just hide there - in woodpiles, barns, pantry, in the crevices of the earth, among the dry grass of last year. Spider bite is not an attack, but rather a defense from dangerous arthropods. For a person, the bite of a spider is a threat in the sense of directly affecting the poison, the manifestation of an allergic reaction to the introduction of a poisonous substance or infection of the wound after a bite.

Bites of poisonous spiders

It should be noted that any spider a priori is poisonous, since arachnids are predators and poison for them serves as a weapon, a way to obtain food for themselves, and also to defend themselves. The bites of poisonous spiders can be both deadly and simply unpleasant, but not a threat to trouble. Almost all spiders have glands secreting poison, which is conventionally divided into two types - hemolytic and neurotoxic. The most common spiders, which secrete neurotoxins, paralyzing the nervous system of the alleged victim. Small spiders are not dangerous, since they simply can not damage the human skin or animal skin, and the released toxic substance will be too small to cause any complications. Bites of poisonous spiders of larger sizes can really be dangerous, especially if it's a Karakurta or a brown hermit spider.

What does a spider bite look like?

How to distinguish a simple scratch, which is not uncommon in gardening or in hiking, from a bite of arthropods? First of all, you need to know how the spider bite looks and how it feels:

  1. The first sensation is like a prick with a thin needle. Quite often a person does not feel a bite at all.
  2. On the spot of damage immediately formed a small speck of white color (not exceeding the size of a five-kopeck coin). The edges of the white spots are often pink or red.
  3. A few minutes (from 5 to 20) begin to increase symptoms.
  4. There are sudden pains in the muscles, cramps are possible.
  5. The face becomes very red, may swell.

What does a spider bite look like depending on its type:

  1. The bite of the tarantula and some other species looks like a small spherical spot (swelling). The skin around the puncture is swollen in the form of a blister, the color is most often pale with reddish edges. In an hour or two the blister can burst, turning into a wound. If the blister is not treated in time, it can transform into an erosive wound within an hour, that is, into an ulcer.
  2. The bite of the brown hermit spider also looks like a blister surrounded by a bluish purple, white and red border of irregular shape. Often such a bite is called "the eye of a bull" or "a target", so much is the pattern of damage with these images. The blister rapidly increases in size, bursts and forms a wound, more like an ulcer.
  3. The bite of a karakurt is most often visually invisible. It feels like a flea or mosquito bite, a microscopic speck of red color may appear, which disappears literally before our eyes.

Bites of brown spider are most typical for the USA. Some bites are initially painless, but pain, strong and encompassing the entire limb, develops within 30-60 minutes in all cases. In the bite zone, there are erythema and ecchymosis, itching is possible. Itching can also spread throughout the body. Often surrounded by an uneven area of ​​ecchymosis, a central blister ("bull's eye") forms on the site of the bite. Damage can be similar to gangrenous pyoderma. The central blister becomes large, filled with blood, torn, and in its place remains an ulcer on which a black scab forms; he, in the final analysis, is rejected. Most bites leave a small scar, but some can leave a deep defect in which the muscles are involved. Laxoscelism (caused by the poison systemic syndrome) is only detected after 24-72 hours after the bite, but not always. All previously reported deaths are caused by a systemic effect of poison (eg, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, arthralgia, myalgia, rash, convulsions, arterial hypotension, ICE, thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, kidney failure).

Symptoms of a spider bite can be varied. If you know for sure, or even just suspect that a bite has taken place, and can not differentiate it from an insect bite, it is better to be safe and consult a doctor. Also, specialist help (most often urgent) is needed when the following symptoms of a spider bite are manifested:

  • Around the point of the bite a purple, bluish area with speckles was formed, surrounded by white, and then with a red ring. In toxicological practice, this symptom was called "red, white, blue." This is a clear sign of the attack of a poisonous hermit spider.
  • The body of the affected person is covered with a rash.
  • There are muscle spasms, right up to the cramps - both in the legs and hands.
  • There is a feeling of numbness in the place of injury. Feel the place of the bite is slightly condensed. This often indicates the attack of karakurt.
  • Symptoms of spider bite, which are manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium, is also a clear sign of a bite of karakurt. Such pains are very similar to an attack of an inflamed appendix.
  • The headache increases, the temperature rises sharply.
  • It is accompanied by an ache in the joints, a general weakness.
  • Urine can acquire an uncharacteristic color, most often pink or even red.

Black widow bites

A black widow is called a female Karakurt. The female is usually noticeably larger in size than the male, in addition to being a black widow, it was not accidentally called - after mating, the female mercilessly devoured the arachnid in love.

The bite of a black widow spider is considered one of the most dangerous, sometimes deadly, among all the injuries that a person can get from arthropods. The wound is almost invisible, it feels like an easy injection, the symptoms do not appear right away either - after a couple of hours. Bites of a black widow usually cause an immediate sensation of an acute bite.

Within an hour, poisoning can cause local pain, sweating, erythema and piloerection at the bite site. Pain can be either dull or acute, may not correspond to clinical signs. Latrodectism is a systemic syndrome caused by neurotoxic components of the poison, manifested by agitation, anxiety, sweating, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, hypertension, hypersalivation, general weakness, common erythematous rash, itching, ptosis, edema of the eyelids and extremities, difficulty breathing, increased skin temperature in the affected area, as well as painful spasms and muscle tension of the abdomen, shoulders, chest and back. Pain in the abdomen can be strong and similar to that of appendicitis. Latrodectism is rare and often develops in children or elderly patients with chronic diseases. Lethal outcomes are very rare. Symptoms subside within 1-3 days, but residual convulsions, paresthesia, anxiety and weakness can persist for several weeks and months.

The most effective way to neutralize the bite of a spider is a black widow, a special serum is considered, which is not always available, especially in the first hours after the attack.

Bites of a tarantula

Tarantula strongly associated with poisonous spiders, but this view is somewhat exaggerated. Indeed, the bite of a tarantula spider can cause some painful symptoms, but deaths are extremely rare and are most often associated with a combination with other internal pathologies.

Tarantula is a spider of steppes and deserts, which lives in depressions, sometimes reaching up to one meter. Day of the tarantula to meet is almost impossible, since it is a purely night predator. The notorious danger of the tarantula, first of all, concerns insects, which the spider prefers to feed on. In humans, the bite of a tarantula spider causes pain and burning at the site of injury. Tarantula bites are extremely rare and not poisonous, but an angry spider can discard needle-like hairs that enter the skin or eyes as foreign bodies and can cause degranulation of mast cells and a pseudo-anaphylactic reaction (eg urticaria, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, arterial hypotension) in sensitive people, usually the owners of spiders who contact them daily.

Local swelling develops, a small rash can form around the wound. The bite of a large tarantula is accompanied by hyperthermia, paresthesia headache, general weakness. Lethal outcome is extremely rare and is associated with a general allergic reaction to toxins and anaphylactic shock. A simple bite of a tarantula spider disappears without a trace within 3-5 days.

Tarantula Bite

The bite of a spider of a tarantula does not carry a mortal danger for a person. Given that the new fashion for breeding as domestic pets of these spiders acquires a massive nature, the attack of the tarantula has already been "tested" by many owners, all were alive and well. Appealing to a doctor after a bite is rather associated with a precautionary measure or ignorance of the properties and abilities of your pet. A tarantula spider is dangerous for small animals in the wild. The bird-catcher hunts frogs, lizards and small birds. The spider venom does not kill the victim, but only paralyzes it, because it refers to neurotoxic substances. The bite of a tarantula spider is also possible as a self-defense, which is the reason for the attack on a person. Home pet tarantula most often bites the owner in a "dry" way, that is, does not release poison, but only damages the skin. Mechanical damage to the skin is a relative risk in terms of infection with bacteria. This danger can be easily eliminated by treating the wound with an antiseptic.

Spider bite of the karakurt

The spider's bite of a karakurt can be deadly for both humans and animals. In natural conditions, the karakurt feeds mainly on small insects. Self-attack man karakurt will not, he bites only in cases when it is disturbed, or attacked. The most poisonous are the females of karakurt, who throw out a strong poison that causes atrophy and gangrene of soft tissues.

Also, the bite of a spider of karakurt can be accompanied by a general intoxication of the body with a fatal outcome. The most characteristic symptoms are severe diffuse pain that spreads throughout the body, chills and cold sweat, cyanosis of the skin, cramps, choking, paresthesia, possible coma. The reaction develops within a few hours, less often during the day. The spider's bite of a karakurt is dangerous because of its neurotoxic effect, which paralyzes the human central nervous system.

A bite of a spider

Spider-spiders are found everywhere, it is one of the most common species of arthropods in the world. The name of the spider was due to the characteristic mark on the body - on the abdomen the figure in the form of a cross is clearly visible. The color of the spider can vary depending on the environment - so the spider masks, waiting for its prey. The spider's spider bite can be dangerous for many animals, since the poison contains a temperature-resistant hemolysin (a substance that completely damages the red blood cells). However, not all animals are susceptible to this poison, large dogs, sheep, cows, horses are stable.

The bite of a spider for a person does not represent a mortal threat, but the appearance of a headache, aches in the joints, burning can bring a lot of trouble to the bitten. Epeirotoksin, which the spider releases, dissolves and is removed from the human body in 24 hours, the bite site can retain some swelling for several days.

A bite of a hermit's spider

The bite of a hermit's spider is extremely dangerous for both humans and animals. Hermit hermetic spiders are distributed mainly in the US states, as well as in Australia, where they were imported from the United States with transport cargo. A distinctive visual mark of the hermit is the figure on the back, resembling a violin. These spiders are small in size, so people often do not even notice them in the house or in nature. Spiders prefer to hide in old boxes under cabinets, in crevices of walls, floors.

He is dangerous because he is practically invisible and does not cause even the slightest sensations of pain. Symptoms of damage develop only on the second day, when the poison is already spreading throughout the body. There is a strong itching, densities and visible swelling. Then the tumor becomes ulcerated, soft tissues begin to necrotize (die off). Ulcer is difficult to treat, necrosis affects very deep layers of the skin. In addition to external manifestations, the bite of a hermit's spider is accompanied by typical flu-like symptoms - fever, aching joints, runny nose, cough and general weakness. Separate cases of severe intoxication can disrupt the work of the kidneys, the heart and lead to death.

House Spider Bites

Home spider is divided into several types - black, gray, brown and others. Most often in everyday life there is a kind of black house spider - Badumna insignis, who prefers to live both inside the dwelling and outside - in window frames, walls of the building, in logs or trunks of trees, that is wherever he will not be prevented from spinning his web. Bites of a house spider are extremely rare, a person needs to try very hard to get such a trauma. If the trouble happened, then the place of the bite really hurts, but the pain is tolerable.

Also in the microdamage zone, a slight swelling may develop, symptoms of dizziness, nausea and fever are extremely rare. Strong intoxication of the bites of a house spider does not cause, it is enough to apply ice or a cold compress to the puncture site, within 24 hours usually all traces disappear.

Diagnosis of spider bites

Patients often suspect a spider bite erroneously. The diagnosis is usually based on the patient's story and physical signs, but is rarely confirmed, as it requires witnesses to bite, identify the spider and exclude other causes. There are the following states that simulate a spider bite:

  • bites of ants, fleas, bedbugs, ticks, flies and beetles;
  • damage to the skin [eg, toxic epidermal necrolysis, chronic migraine of erythema, nodular erythema (nodosa), sporotrichosis, simple chronic herpes or nodular periarteritis];
  • infectious diseases (eg, common gonorrhea infection, septic embolism with endocarditis or intravenous drug addiction, skin anthrax, skin abscess with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus);
  • trauma (eg, subcutaneous injection, self-inflicted wounds);
  • panic attack.

Severe cases of latrodectism may be similar to appendicitis, rabies or tetanus. The spider is identified by location and appearance. Caracurts live outdoors in sheltered places (for example, piles of stones, bundles of firewood, a haystack, buildings) and have a red or orange hourglass figure on their abdomen. Brown spiders live in enclosed spaces in sheltered places (for example, in clothes, behind furniture, under skirting boards), on the dorsal side of the cephalothorax there is a figure in the form of a violin.

Consequences of a bite of a spider

The most dangerous consequences after a spider bite are necrosis of tissues, wound infection and arachnosis or loxoscelism, which most often develops after the bites of hermit spiders. Arachnosis is characterized by rapidly developing necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and nearby soft tissues. Also, the consequences can manifest as a deadly systemic syndrome, which begins as a fever, accompanied by diffuse myalgia, arthralgia, convulsions, a sharp drop in blood pressure, hemolysis and heart failure.

Syndrome giperkoagulyatsii platelets - DVS (disseminated intravascular coagulation) - this is also quite frequent consequences of the attack of the karakurt or hermit. Summarizing the consequences can be as follows:

Weak, non-threatening consequences:

  • Tolerable pain in the place of injury.
  • Hyperemia of the skin.
  • A small tumor in the puncture zone.
  • Itching, burning.

The consequences that are felt during the week:

  • Pain.
  • Edema and swelling, not transient for 3-5 days.
  • Itching and redness.
  • Indigestion disorder.
  • Transient convulsions.
  • Drowsiness and general malaise.

Consequences that are considered threatening:

  • A sharp pain, intensely spreading throughout the body.
  • Rapidly developing tumor.
  • Generalized convulsions.
  • Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract, indomitable diarrhea.
  • Constant drowsiness, weakness, explainable by a steady decrease in blood pressure.
  • Renal failure.

The consequences of a spider bite can be significantly less dangerous if timely adequate help is provided.

First aid with spider bites

Help with spider bites should correspond to the type of poison and symptomatology. It is not always possible to consider arachnid, for example, karakurt, because signs of a puncture appear after several hours, when the spider has already traced a trace. However, having determined the appearance of the puncture by the appearance of the skin, it is possible to provide necessary, adequate help with spider bites.

  1. A cold compress should be applied to the puncture site, ice is better.
  2. Children under 16 and elderly people are subject to immediate hospitalization.
  3. When attacking karakurt, a specific serum is injected intravenously. Before the introduction of the funds, a skin test or a fractional sensitization is carried out for a more adequate perception of the serum by the body.
  4. It is desirable to conduct antihistamine therapy.
  5. In severe cases, accompanied by cardiac or renal insufficiency, cardiac drugs are administered, usually intravenously, respiratory analeptics, myelorelaxants and glucocorticosteroids.
  6. Carrying out detoxification. It is performed with the help of infusion therapy (drip injection of saline solutions, glucose to maintain electrolyte balance).
  7. Necrotized tissues after a bite of a hermit-spider are treated and removed. Treatment of necrotic ulcers is quite long and, as a rule, is done on an outpatient basis.

Help with spider bites, first of all, should be timely, in choosing a method or sequence of actions depends on which spider has bitten a person.

Treatment of spider bite

Treatment is the same for bites of all kinds of spiders, includes wound sanitation, analgesia, limb elevation, tetanus prophylaxis and dynamic observation. These measures can successfully cope with the majority of local reactions. Ulceration should be treated daily, antibiotic ointments can be used (eg, polymyxin B, bacitracin + neomycin). Ulceration is treated with antihistamine medications, topical glucocorticoids, or a combination of these. Necrotic lesions observed with bites of brown spiders, sanitize and bandage. In some cases, when necrotic areas\u003e 2 cm in diameter, 100 mg of dapsone is administered orally once a day until the inflammation subsides, but its effectiveness is not fully proved. Local injection of glucocorticoids is useless. If necessary, surgical excision should be postponed until the zone of necrosis is completely delimited (a process that can take weeks).

Systemic manifestations of bites of karakurt are first treated symptomatically. Myalgia and muscle spasms from black widow bites react weakly to muscle relaxants and narcotic analgesics. Slow introduction of 2-3 ml of 10% calcium gluconate solution intravenously can quickly reduce pain, but you need constant cardiac monitoring. Patients younger than 16 years of age or older than 60 years with hypertension and signs of severe poisoning should be hospitalized. A horse antidote is used in patients with severe latodecticism. It should be administered within 30 minutes; the reaction can have dramatic consequences. The dose for children and adults - the contents of 1 bottle (6000 units) in 10-50 ml of a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride is administered intravenously for 3-15 minutes. The manufacturer recommends conducting skin tests before prescribing an antidote, but these tests do not always predict adverse reactions (eg, acute anaphylaxis).

If a bite caused by a karakurt, a hermit spider, timely inspected and subjected to specific therapy, as a rule, rehabilitation after this is not required. However, due to strong general intoxication and weakened organism, it will not be superfluous to strengthen immunity and to slightly support the organs and systems with vitamin therapy. In addition, sometimes there is gastrointestinal symptoms and diarrhea. In this case, it takes two to three weeks to observe a sparing diet, eliminating protein foods. If the attack of the arachnid causes an allergic reaction, after a bite of the spider it is necessary to conduct a course of antihistamine therapy. Neurotoxic poison, which can cause functional disorders from the central nervous system, is removed with the help of drug therapy, as an independent action is shown abundant drinking and bed rest is desirable. All actions aimed at eliminating the consequences should be adequate to the main symptomatology.

If a spider has bitten a child or an adult, and from this no one is insured, timely rendered first aid can save not only health, but sometimes the life of a bitten person. Therefore, remember the proposed algorithm to know what to do with spider bites:

  1. If the bite is characterized as not too dangerous, the injury site should be rinsed with running water, preferably with soap, to avoid possible infection of the wound.
  2. The bitten limb should be immobilized (immobilized) to reduce the spread of poison.
  3. The leg or arm can be tightened with an elastic bandage or material just above the bite. Thus, the zone of poison spread is localized. The dressing should not be excessively tight so as not to disturb the overall blood supply to the limb.
  4. A cold compress should be applied to the puncture site, ice is better.
  5. What to do with a spider bite, knowing that it is an intoxication of the body? Of course, a generous drink will help, which will speed up the elimination of toxins.
  6. With mild symptoms in the form of a headache and a slight increase in temperature, you can take paracetamol.
  7. When a slightly allergic reaction appears, you can take an OTC antihistamine - Allergostop, Loratadin, Agistam.

What to do when bitten by a spider, if symptoms cause fear? The answer is unambiguous - first aid or self-referral immediately to a doctor. Especially it is necessary to hurry up in such cases:

  • If the spider has bitten the child (age to 16 years).
  • Symptoms of bite develop rapidly, the condition deteriorates sharply.

If you know (or suspect) that the bite was produced by a caracurter or a spider of a brown hermit. Treatment of these bites requires the introduction of serum (antidote).

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