Drying the body for men: a killer training program. Drying the body for girls: nutrition and training Programs for how best to dry the body for guys without a gym

Almost every modern man who is interested in sports (or even not particularly interested) has heard about drying the body. And how can you not know about it, if most women sigh languidly at the sight of men’s stone abs and sculpted biceps and triceps? But men strive to please ladies - that’s a fact.

It is also a fact that without drying the body, cubes and relief cannot be achieved. At the same time, drying the body is a more multi-stage and complex process than men who are far from professional sports imagine. And in this process you won’t get away with a simple diet and a couple of months of intense abdominal training.

How can a man achieve an ideal athletic body: what to eat, how to train and not harm himself - read the material on the site.

Basic rules for drying the body for men at home

Let's start with clarification - we're talking about not about professional body drying, with the help of which bodybuilders prepare for competitions, reducing subcutaneous fat to such a minimum percentage that muscle relief is as visible as possible.

It is impossible to achieve such results on your own at home, without the guidance of an experienced qualified trainer. In addition, pros often drink pharmacological drugs - fat burners, anabolic agents to accelerate muscle growth, etc. As you understand, this is not a healthy choice for health.

Therefore, we will focus on amateur body drying for men, which also gives excellent results at home, quite sufficient for a luxurious appearance on the beach.

The best way to start drying your body is with motivation. Be prepared for the fact that drying your body at home is a long and labor-intensive process. You will have to eat according to a strict system for several months (at least six months, or even more) and not interrupt your training schedule. Each failure throws you back and leads to a delay in the result.

Before starting drying the body, a man should make sure that two factors are present:

  • He has built up sufficient muscle mass.
  • He knows the exact percentage of fat in his body.

To achieve the first factor, you also need to first work for several months in a rocking chair or at home, carrying iron and doing strength exercises.

If the muscles are not sufficiently developed, then there is no point in drying. After all, then you will only lose weight, but your body will not become more prominent.

The second factor is easier - you just need to measure the exact percentage of body fat before you start cutting, so that you know for sure what you have to work with and what result you want to achieve. It is useful to measure the percentage of fat during the drying process in order to adjust your diet if necessary and understand whether you are on the right path. There are now many methods available to measure your body fat percentage.

Body drying for men at home is based on two main pillars:

  1. Strict nutrition (maximum proteins - minimum carbohydrates and fats)
  2. Alternate strength and fat burning training (cardio)

More important (70-80% of the key to success) is considered proper nutrition, but without training to tone your muscles, success will, of course, not be possible.

Features of the diet when drying the body for men

Proper nutrition is not only the key to a beautiful body, but also a guarantee that, along with subcutaneous fat Precious muscle mass will not be lost either.

Although drying the body for men implies a significant predominance of proteins over carbohydrates and minimization of fats, you should not completely abandon the last two components of the diet. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing ketosis or ketoacidosis, in the most severe case - diabetic coma.

The reason is that a deficiency of carbohydrates leads to the fact that while the body slowly burns nutritional reserves, ketone bodies (remnants of complex substances that, due to a lack of glucose, the body constantly does not have time to break down) gradually accumulate, although they should be eliminated. As a result, they poison the blood and the entire body as a whole.

Symptoms of diseases caused by low-carbohydrate diets

  • General weakness
  • Constant drowsiness, lethargy
  • Increased fatigue
  • Dryness and flaking of skin and lips
  • Smell of acetone from the mouth
  • Intoxication of the body

If you have overdone the strict diet and noticed two or more signs from this list, immediately consult a doctor and stop drying immediately!

Try to drink at least 2-3 liters clean water and do not exceed the daily caloric intake of more than 2500 calories (plus or minus 500 calories depending on the man’s weight and physical activity).

The basis of the diet for men drying the body is proteins

  • Boiled chicken or turkey fillet, lean beef
  • White fish
  • Boiled eggs (chicken, quail)
  • Cottage cheese with low fat content
  • Vegetables (except starchy ones - potatoes, corn, etc.)
  • Protein (if you can’t get the required amount of protein from food)

For every 200 g of pure protein in the daily diet there should be 30-40 g of healthy fats and 150 g of carbohydrates.

Of the allowed carbohydrates for drying the body in men

  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal)
  • Fruits (sour apples, citruses - especially grapefruits)
  • Unsweetened berries

Fractional meals include at least 6 meals a day, but 8-10 meals are better. Portions - no more than 200 g at a time.

It is better to reduce salt intake to a minimum so that water does not retain in the body.

It is very easy to monitor the effect of such nutrition and, if necessary, adjust it. If you haven’t lost any weight in a week, then the proportion of carbohydrates in your diet should be slightly reduced. But if you have lost more than a kilogram of weight, then on the contrary, you should add healthy carbohydrates. A weight loss of 0.5-1 kg per week is considered optimal. Then the diet is considered to be compiled correctly.

Unlike drying the body for girls, where the level of body fat below 15-18% is considered critical for women's health, it is a little easier for men in this regard - physiologically their body is designed in such a way that the fat layer in it is less than in women. Therefore, 10-13% body fat is the mark that will allow a man’s body to look perfect without causing harm to the body.

Home training system for drying the body for men

Even if you work out at home and not in the gym, you will also need some equipment for home workouts.

Basic set of equipment for practicing at home:

  • Dumbbells with different weights
  • Bench
  • Horizontal bars (they are in almost every yard or playground of any school)

Three times a week, use the circuit training method (that is, a set of five exercises of 10-30 repetitions is performed without rest, and only before the next circuit can you allow yourself a couple of minutes of rest). There should be from three to six such circles (depending on the level of physical fitness). The exercises below can be alternated in different circles.

Circuit training option for drying muscles

  • Wide grip/reverse grip pull-ups (on the horizontal bar)
  • Push ups
  • Dumbbell bench press (on a bench)/standing
  • Weighted squats (with dumbbells)
  • Hanging leg raises (on the horizontal bar)/lying torso twists

Between strength training, twice a week you need to devote time to cardio exercises - running, jumping rope, cycling, swimming (at least 40-50 minutes).

With peace of mind, you can leave a couple of days a week for rest - muscles also need rest time to recover.

Let's not hide it: drying the body for men is not an easy process, even for strong-willed and patient representatives of the stronger sex. However, a sculpted sexy body, which will definitely be a reward for effort and patience, will serve as a worthy motivation to strictly follow all the rules. We hope our tips will help with this!

There are probably a lot of questions: should I run or swing, or both? How to run correctly, and how to swing correctly while drying?
Let's start with running. You can run in 3 options:

1st) In the morning on an empty stomach. It’s familiar and familiar to everyone, because so often before summer you can see people at stadiums diligently trying to lose weight.

2nd) After strength training, when you have already run out of glycogen reserves for hard work with weights.

3rd) Before bed, i.e. after all meals.

It’s not just that, it’s all about glycogen reserves in the muscles. Muscles consume a lot of energy, and this energy accumulates in your muscles in the form of glycogen. To put it simply, glycogen is your food (carbohydrates), everything you eat. Fat does not burn while there is a lot of glycogen in the body, because... There is no need to use fat as energy as long as there is another source of energy. Glycogen is lowest in the morning after sleep, because... You didn’t eat anything during sleep, and your muscles consume quite a lot of energy even when inactive. Also after strength training, it is used as a source of energy. The same situation applies before bed, when you haven’t eaten for some time. These are the best options when you need to run.

How to run to lose weight?

Fast or slow? How many times a week? It’s best not to run, in the usual sense of the word, but walk quickly (slow jogging). The time ranges from 20 minutes to 60 minutes, although it can be longer depending on your fitness level. How often? 3-4 times a week is enough. But I’ll say right away that running is not the only thing in losing weight. It is also important to monitor the carbohydrates entering your body. To be honest, I never liked running, and I dried out mainly by cutting carbohydrates and not exhausting myself with running (I ran 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes). By the way, I already talked about nutrition in the article: I advise you to read it.

Can you use strength training to lose weight or get lean?

Of course it is possible and even necessary! Usually you hear only one thing here: shorten the rest, do more repetitions, suffocate between sets, etc. Actually this is not true. So that fat, and not muscle, would go away (this mainly applies to men, since women do not have the task of preserving muscle), MUSCLES SHOULD BE USED, but NOT exhausted by work. They need to be trained so that the body knows that you are using them and you need them, then at the end you will really get a lean, muscular body, and not a flabby body with burnt muscles.

How to train while cutting/losing weight?

I advise you to train in the same way as for weight. These are 6-10 repetitions, 2-4 exercises per muscle group, in 2-4 approaches. Why? Firstly, during cutting you have little energy reserves, and if you do 15 or more repetitions in a set, you will simply burn your muscles. Secondly, for a straight person it is much more effective to train in a small number of repetitions - in the range of 6-10 (I speak from my own experience). Don't chase weight gain, because... doing this during drying will be very difficult and traumatic. Just try to maintain the weight, or reduce it if you feel that you have less strength. Moreover, do not go to failure on your sets! Because This is a pointless exercise, especially when drying. The point is to make your muscles work, but do not suck all the glycogen out of them. By the way, you can read whether a refusal is necessary in the article: You need to lose weight gradually. If you have sudden surges, i.e. Either you sharply limited carbohydrates, or exhausted yourself with running all day, then you will not only burn extra muscles, but also harm your health, because. you need to understand that internal organs you also need energy, and if it is in sharp deficit (severe stress), then the body will not thank you, to put it mildly... What matters is the result in the long term. Don't aim to lose weight in just 1 month. Of course, you can lose weight in a month, but it would be more correct to say that you will simply “lose weight” along with your muscles and with serious consequences for your health. Expect a period of approximately 4-6 months. The slower you lose weight, the better the results will be.(i.e. after drying is completed, you will not gain weight excess weight, which, by the way, often happens to people who suddenly lose weight in just a month). The approximate amount of pure fat you can lose in a month without harming your health or burning muscles is about 3-4 kg, no more! If a person loses 5-6 kg or more in a month, then he is 100% detrimental to his health, not to mention the lost muscles.

Here's a good example:

Let's say a person lost more than 5 kg in a month. But besides the fact that it is harmful to his health, in 90% of cases after this he will gain more than the weight from which he began to dry, because. the body will slow down the metabolism very much and will work in “emergency” mode, storing fat.

Another case:

Here the person gradually lost weight by 3-4 kg per month. The body gradually lost fat and did not adapt to a slow metabolism, because... there were no stress conditions for the body in the form of severe energy limitation. These graphs are conditional, but the main thing is to understand the essence, and this is the most important thing. Again, I repeat, on average expect 4-6 months. Yes, it is hard, but the harder the goal, the more pleasant the result will be when achieving the goal! :)

Returning to training, it is impossible to say which is better - strength work or running, because... Everywhere has its pros and cons. It is best to combine weight training and running. By the way, here I would like to add that the work of the brain consumes approximately 20% of a person’s total energy (provided, of course, that we use it) This is not a joke, friends. This is why mental work is so tiring... Therefore, try to train your brain too :))

Another important point concerns vitamins. This will be very useful during drying. You can buy a complex of vitamins at any pharmacy.

Try to feel your body, if suddenly you get sick, for example, then do not mock your body, and Until complete recovery, consume as much food as your body requires.

Thank you all for your attention! :) You can ask all questions on the forum.

Your personal trainer online

Important! If you are determined to achieve results and want to as soon as possible to achieve your goal (lose weight/reduce weight or dry out your body by properly creating a diet/meal plan, training program and daily routine), then use the services of a personal fitness trainer online ==>

Proper drying of the body for men involves an integrated approach to changing nutrition and training. This is the only thing the right way to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, maintain muscle volume and ensure the drawing of contours.

How to dry properly for muscle relief for men at home

Before switching to the drying mode, the ratio of fat and muscle is calculated for individual parameters. Depending on age, the indicators will be different. If for a 30-year-old man the norm is 16-20%, for those under 50 the numbers will be lower - 12-18%. If 25% is exceeded in the first case and 28% in the second:

  • proceeds to drying the body, creating a menu for the month by day;
  • reduce the weight of shells by 1/3;
  • increase the number of repetitions and sessions;
  • minimally reduce the rest time between sets;
  • included in drying at home and in the gym.

Nutrition program for relief for men

When drawing up a training program and diet, we proceed from the fact that body drying lasts 1.5 months, and calorie intake is calculated by week. The diet involves limited consumption of fats and carbohydrates.

BJU in men when drying is calculated according to the formula: body weight x 13.7 + height x 5 and minus years. With systematic sports loads, the final figure is multiplied by 1.6, when working in the gym 4-8 times a month - by 1.4.

To properly dry out for relief, athletes also adhere to certain dietary rules:

  1. Don't skip breakfast. Not eating in the morning slows down your metabolism.
  2. They eat every 3 hours. A fractional menu for drying the body every day increases metabolism. Moreover, frequent meals prevent hunger pangs.
  3. Completely exclude fast carbohydrates from the diet, limit the intake of slow carbohydrates to 200 - 70 g per day.
  4. 2/3 of the diet is eaten before 15 hours. In the first half of the day, digestion is more active and food is quickly absorbed.
  5. Have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.

An example of a menu for drying the body for men for every day

The program is designed in such a way that the body receives the necessary nutrients, but when “sugar” reserves are consumed, it takes energy from their fat depots and promptly removes breakdown products.


Every morning start with 1-2 glasses warm water with lemon.

  1. For breakfast, eat 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese with berries or orange.
  2. Snack on chicken breast with steamed buckwheat, wash down with unsalted tomato juice.
  3. For lunch, prepare baked or boiled veal with 100 g of brown rice, vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil.
  4. For an afternoon snack they eat 3 eggs, a fermented milk product with bran.
  5. For dinner - stew with meat and vegetables.
  6. Drink before bed.

Menu for Tuesday

  1. 3 eggs, 150 g of cottage cheese, unsweetened fruit.
  2. Baked fish with brown rice, cabbage and carrot salad with flaxseed, sesame or olive oil.
  3. Fish soup, boiled shrimp + baked broccoli and cauliflower with garlic-lemon sauce.
  4. 50 g unsalted cheese, 60 g cashews.
  5. Salmon steak in the oven + 100 g baked potatoes in skins.

Homemade menu for drying on Wednesday

  1. Steamed omelette of 3 eggs, kefir with bran.
  2. Rice with spinach + half an avocado.
  3. Steamed beef cutlets or paella with mussels + salad.
  4. Smoothie with green apple, parsley, spinach, sorrel, kefir, half an avocado + 6 walnuts.
  5. Meat in foil + baked zucchini with eggplant.

Dry food for Thursday

  1. Oatmeal with berries + yogurt with 2 tablespoons of bran.
  2. White chicken meat + a portion of pasta rye flour +leaf salad+ tomato + cucumber
  3. Eggplants or zucchini stuffed with beef and rice, peppers in tomato sauce.
  4. 6 proteins + 60 g almonds + 50 g cheese.
  5. Homemade boiled veal + cabbage salad + kefir.

Menu for Friday

  1. Steamed buckwheat + kefir with bran.
  2. Avocado + 4 proteins.
  3. Brown rice risotto with seafood.
  4. Cottage cheese + 6 walnuts.
  5. Baked shrimp in milk sauce + vegetables.
  6. Sporpit.

Nutrition program for men on Saturday

  1. Unsweetened cottage cheese casserole berries and yogurt + 2 liters of bran.
  2. Baked or boiled turkey with a salad of radishes, Chinese cabbage, and green onions.
  3. Risotto with brown rice and mushrooms.
  4. 6 egg whites + a handful of pumpkin seeds + a slice of cheese.
  5. Seafood salad.
  6. Protein.


Protein day

  1. 5 proteins + granular cottage cheese with bran.
  2. Mussels in lemon sauce.
  3. Eggplant stuffed with meat or mussels.
  4. Squid stuffed with mushrooms and eggs without cream sauce.
  5. Salmon steak or hake in the oven (slow cooker) with lemon juice.

It is possible to dry a man’s body for a month only if reductions portion sizes up to 200 g and compliance with daily caloric intake. Permissible amount of slowly digestible carbohydrates per day in the first week— 2g/1kg body weight. So, with a weight of 80 kg, only 160 g are required, with 85 kg - 170 g.

Diet for a month

Menu On the second the seven-day period has more restrictions. Allowed carbohydrate intake1 g/ 1 kg weight. Products with glycemic index above 40 are allowed only before lunch. Portions of porridges and side dishes from cereals are equal to 6 tbsp. l. From the menu clean up cheeses, starchy and sweet root vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes.

How to dry properly for guys at 3 and 4 weeks

Carbohydrate intake is reduced up to 0.7 g/1 kg weight. 80% of the menu consists of proteins. The calorie content of the diet does not exceed 1500 kcal. However, there cannot be universal advice for fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes. Some need to make their body lean, others need to get into a different weight category or achieve muscle separation. Therefore, everyone adapts the proposed diet option for themselves, based on goals, metabolic characteristics, and load level.

What to do if your health deteriorates

Powerlessness, apathy, the taste of acetone in the mouth are signs of ketone poisoning. To neutralize discomfort daily carbohydrate intake bring to 200-300 g and increase the consumption of clean water. If you don't drink about 3 liters of fluid a day, your body will suffer from dehydration. So that it does not linger in the tissues, from the diet clean up salt. After stabilization of the condition, they return to a sports diet.

Useful video about cutting nutrition for men

Drying the body is a very complex process aimed at reducing fat tissue. For the sake of this process, a person drives himself into the strictest limits, which he must strictly observe. For girls, the drying phase is a particularly difficult process, since they genetically have a higher percentage of adipose tissue, which they need for a harmonious existence. Weight loss during the drying phase involves a special diet and training regimen. So, let's find out everything about drying for girls in more detail!

Why do girls need body drying?

Girls need drying to create an impeccable, or close to impeccable, shape, both for bodybuilding competitions and for personal body improvement, because a beautiful, toned body for girls is a very important component. The process not only makes you look better, but also gives you confidence and improves your psychological state.

However, when cutting for personal purposes, not for competitions, the main thing is not to overdo it, since this process is grueling and complex, and a minimal amount of fat tissue for a girl is fraught with deterioration in well-being, both in terms of emotional and physical health!

Side effects of the drying process for girls

During drying, athletes feel a loss of strength, since due to the diet, the consumption of the main source of energy - carbohydrates - is reduced to a minimum.
Also, obtaining a sufficient amount of substances useful for the body’s functioning is also reduced. There are problems with sleep, nervousness and irritability, and dizziness. Nevertheless, giving up carbohydrates can quickly reduce fat mass, however, due to the lack of an energy source - carbohydrates, and especially simple carbohydrates, the body begins to replenish energy reserves through protein molecules. If there is insufficient amount of protein received from the outside, that is, from food, the body will obtain protein by breaking down muscle fibers for energy.

Body drying diet rules for girls

One important aspect of the drying phase is diet. The main rule of the diet will be to reduce carbohydrate intake as much as possible. Some athletes consume 1-2 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of their body weight. The lion's share of food at the drying stage is protein products. Moreover, not all protein products are suitable for a diet, and their preparation is very unusual, for example, athletes boil chicken meat (fillet or breast) for a long time to obtain a product with a minimum fat content. This product is great building material for muscles and the only source of energy, while not being a source of deposition of new fat molecules.

Nutrition: calculation of KBZHU for drying for girls

Calculation formula: weight in kilograms * 24 kilocalories.

For example, multiply 60 kg by 24 = 1440 kcal - daily requirement.

Now we calculate the BJU

  1. Squirrels.

Protein should make up 60% of your total calorie needs.

60% of 1440 = 864 kcal from protein (1440*0.6).

864/4 kcal (4 kcalories in one gram of protein) = 216 g – the need for pure protein per day.

  1. Carbohydrates.

20% of 1440 = 288 kcal from carbohydrates (1440*0.2).

288/4 kcal (4 kcalories in one gram of carbohydrate) = 72 g – the need for net carbohydrates per day.

  1. Fats.

20% of 1440 = 288 kcal from fat (1440*0.2).

288/9 kcal (9 kcal in one gram of fat) = 32 g of fat is the norm per day.

How long does body drying last for girls?

The drying process takes from one to two months. A longer period can lead to serious deterioration in health, both physical and emotional. The risk of breaking your diet also increases, which will lead to rapid accumulation of fat.

The drying stage must be approached as seriously as possible, because the athlete’s body is subjected to severe physical and emotional stress. During a strict diet with minimal carbohydrate intake, the nervous system is depleted. Before starting this complex process you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, undergo an examination and make sure that there are no contraindications for drying.

The drying process cannot be started abruptly, as it is stressful for the body. The best option There will be a premature reduction in fats and carbohydrates; you can give up sweets, eating only complex carbohydrates. But that's not all. Until full drying mode, gradually reduce the amount complex carbohydrates and calorie intake.

  • Fatty fish.
  • Pork and lamb.
  • Smoked meats and pickles.
  • All cereals except buckwheat and unpolished rice.
  • Flour and confectionery products, sugar, fruits.
  • Vegetables that contain a lot of sugar and starch.
  • Spices and other flavor enhancers.
  • Juices and compotes, other drinks containing sugar.
  • Milk and cottage cheese, butter, yoghurts, fermented baked milk and kefir.
  • Naturally, alcohol is also prohibited.

Menu for drying the body for girls for a month by week

1 Week

The first week will be the preparatory stage of drying, during which a gradual rejection of unwanted products occurs.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal with apples or berries.
  • Meal 2 – vegetable soup for chicken broth.
  • Meal 4 – soft-boiled eggs with cucumbers and herbs.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with tomatoes or cauliflower.
  • Meal 2 – cottage cheese with fruit.
  • Meal 3 – rice with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal, 1 green apple.


  • 1st meal – rice with fruits or berries.
  • Meal 2 – fish with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with cottage cheese.
  • Meal 2 – fish soup.


  • Meal 1 – muesli, coffee with milk.
  • Meal 3 – steamed fish with vegetables.


  • 1 meal – buckwheat, 1 apple.
  • Method 2 – cottage cheese.
  • Meal 3 – rice with meat.

2 week

From the second week, fruits and dairy products are removed.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal.
  • Meal 2 – chicken broth soup.
  • Meal 3 – steamed fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – eggs with cucumbers and herbs.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with cauliflower.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat and eggs.
  • Meal 3 – rice with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – baked chicken with vegetable salad.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with baked fish.
  • Meal 3 – scrambled eggs with vegetables or seafood.
  • Meal 4 – boiled beef, cucumbers, greens.


  • 1st meal – unpolished rice, eggs.
  • Meal 2 – fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – unpolished rice with vegetables.
  • 4th reception – chicken fillet with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – omelet with herbs.
  • Meal 2 – fish soup.
  • Meal 3 – buckwheat with meat cutlets.
  • Meal 4 – boiled chicken fillet with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – oatmeal or millet with eggs.
  • Meal 2 – cabbage rolls with pepper, rice and minced chicken.
  • Meal 3 – steamed fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – squid salad, greens, vegetables.


  • 1st meal – buckwheat, chicken fillet.
  • Meal 2 – rice with meat
  • Meal 3 – beef, salad.
  • Meal 4 – boiled eggs, 1 cucumber.

3 week

This week, cereals with a high glycemic index are excluded, and proteins predominate in the diet.


  • Meal 1 – brown rice, 2 eggs.


  • Meal 3 – fish with vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – rice, eggs.


  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with vegetables.


  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 4 – pollock with cucumber.



  • 1st meal – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 2 – tuna with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – rice with chicken.

4 week

The fourth week on the list of products repeats the third; dishes, like products, can be changed by day and adjusted to your own preferences.


  • Meal 1 – brown rice, 2 eggs.
  • Meal 2 – rice, boiled beef.
  • Meal 3 – chicken fillet with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 - boiled squid, cucumbers, greens.


  • Meal 1 – omelette with seafood.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with fish cutlets for a couple.
  • Meal 3 – fish with vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – chicken or egg whites, cucumbers.


  • Meal 1 – rice, eggs.
  • Meal 2 – rice, baked turkey.
  • Meal 3 – seafood salad.
  • Meal 4 – baked turkey, cucumbers, greens.


  • Meal 1 – rice with seafood.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – hake with steamed vegetables.
  • Meal 4 – boiled veal or chicken, vegetables.


  • Meal 1 – fish chops with rice.
  • Meal 2 – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 3 – salad with egg, tuna and Chinese cabbage.
  • Meal 4 – pollock with cucumber.


  • Meal 1 – omelette with rice and seafood.
  • Meal 2 – cabbage, cucumber and chicken salad.
  • Meal 3 – buckwheat with baked chicken or turkey.
  • Meal 4 – baked meat with fresh vegetables.


  • 1st meal – buckwheat with meat.
  • Meal 2 – tuna with vegetables.
  • Meal 3 – rice with chicken.
  • Meal 4 – eggs, cucumber, Chinese cabbage.

If you want and need to continue drying, you can repeat the diet of the fourth week, swapping foods in places until the menu is not so varied, and the foods are repeated for several days in a row. At the end of drying, gradually return to the diet of the second, then the first week. This way, both the entry and exit of the diet will be safe. To maintain results, it is better to eat approximately according to the principle of the first week.

Exit from drying

This is also an important stage. Drying is a diet. Take your time to introduce familiar foods and ingredients into your diet. Increase the amount of carbohydrates gradually. In the first week after drying, gradually increase your carbohydrate intake to thirty percent of the total amount of food consumed. During this period, it is important to add to the diet not a large number of fruits with low content Sahara. Gradually increase the variety of meats and fish products, as well as their fat content.

After drying is complete, you should add low-fat dairy products and increase your intake of complex carbohydrates to forty percent. To maintain good physical shape and appearance for a long time, do not consume simple sugars, such as confectionery and flour products.

A set of exercises for drying the body for girls at home

To train dry at home, you need to perform a cycle of exercises. As an example, let's take a complex that must be repeated four times.

  • Exercises should be performed in the shortest possible time, that is, reducing the intervals between exercises to a minimum.
  • There should be three or four of these a week.
  • Each exercise is performed for twenty to twenty-five repetitions.
  • Between cycles you can rest for no more than three minutes.
  • The athlete must first warm up his muscles and joints.

So, here is a list of exercises for one cycle:

  1. Jumping.

  • 2. Jumping

  • 3. Plie squats

  • 4. Squats on one leg alternately

  • 5. Push-ups

  • 6. Boat exercise

  • 7. Reverse push-ups

  • 8. Fold

  • 9. Lying leg raises

  • 10. Oblique crunches

Body drying program for girls in the gym

Perform 3-4 sets of each for 20-25 repetitions.

Day 1

First triset:

  1. Jumping to higher ground.

  • 1. Squats

Second superset:

Third superset:

Fourth superset:
  1. Lying leg raises or.

Day 2

First triset:

  1. Pulling the leg back in the simulator.
  2. Aerial lunges.

Second superset:

  1. Push ups.
  2. Reverse push-ups from a bench.

Among the many ways to make your figure ideal, one of the most proven and guaranteed stands out - drying the body. If the fair sex does not have the opportunity to visit for this Gym and hire an individual trainer, don’t worry. This method is quite suitable for implementation at home.

What is body drying?

Drying the body for girls at home means losing weight in order to keep the body toned and create the desired elastic shape. In this case, the percentage of body fat is brought to ideal levels.

If you want to dry your body at home, you need to follow the rules and constantly work on yourself.

A set of exercises designed to normalize muscles, and proper nutrition will help provide the body with the necessary elements. To do this, you will need to calculate the carbohydrates, proteins and fats you consume at home.


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When drying the body, it is necessary to consume carbohydrates - approximately 120 g, fats - a maximum of 30 g, and proteins up to 130 g.

  • Requires constant drinking of water, in an amount of at least two liters per day.
  • It is not recommended to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  • It is necessary to reduce your coffee consumption.
  • We use only clean mineral water or boiled, chilled water.

A balanced diet, drinking the required amount of water and having a special set of exercises will help you achieve ideal shapes at home.

It should be noted that many perceive drying the body as a method for losing weight. Of course, there is a weight loss effect, but at the same time it is necessary not only to remove fat folds or sagging skin, but also save normal condition muscles.

When sitting down to dry their body at home, girls need abstain from large amounts of food. It immediately loads the stomach, and all processes in the gastrointestinal tract are inhibited. There is also no effect of skin tightening.

For girls, drying the body at home means:

  • burning subcutaneous fat;
  • weight loss;
  • maintaining muscle tone.

The process of losing weight at home is complex and responsible. To achieve the desired result, you need adhere to recommendations.

Drying the body at home for girls consists of a number of instructions:

  • A combined and properly designed nutrition program at home. More than 70% of the successful result will depend on it;
  • Selection of exercises and a set of loads at home;
  • Necessary equipment for physical exercise. If this is not available and it is not possible to ask for temporary use, you should not be upset. Everything can be replaced with improvised materials. For use at home, any dumbbells or self-made weights are suitable.

Proper drying of the body at home helps lose minus 10-15 kg.

To lose weight at home, you need apply 10 basic principles:

  • Conducting preparations. To do this, you need to remove one every day for about a week. harmful product from your diet. This will reduce your calorie intake;
  • We are gradually starting to play sports at home. Morning work-out will do too. It helps to tone the core muscles;
  • The two previous points give stressful situation, both for the woman and for her body. Compensate for it with rest, full sleep (at least 8 hours per day), and avoid neurosis;
  • Eliminate carbohydrates. A large amount of them is found in sweets and fast food products;
  • Start introducing whole grain cereals and bread into your menu;
  • Choose foods with a low glycemic index;
  • Stock up on easily digestible protein (dietary meat, fish, legumes, nuts);
  • Reduce salt intake;
  • Eat 4 meals a day. Don't overeat;
  • Do not engage in physical activity after eating for 2 hours.

How does drying the body affect weight loss?

The benefits of drying for the body have already been said many times. Its benefits lie in acquiring elastic forms and improving the functioning of the entire body.

Drying the body has a number of contraindications. Categorically It is prohibited to dry the body:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • For problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • For gynecological diseases;
  • In case of kidney failure or serious intestinal diseases.

Nutrition program for girls when drying their bodies

Drying the body for girls at home implies a proper, balanced diet. Food products should be healthy and low-calorie.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumed. Next, it is important to increase the intake of raw fruits and vegetables, as well as include lean varieties of meat, fish and dairy products(low calorie).

Nutrition and diet

Drying the body at home involves using a certain amount calories during the day. Daily total calories per day should not exceed 1700 kcal.

In this case, carbohydrates are approximately 120 g, fats are a maximum of 30 g, and proteins are up to 130 g. These calculations were made for a girl whose weight is approximately 65 kg and age from 25 to 35 years.

If your data exceeds the age category, then the amount of carbohydrates decreases. And vice versa. If you are younger than this age, the amount of carbohydrates should be increased.

  • When drying the body, fasting is excluded. If you want to eat, you can allow yourself light snacks between main meals.
  • Alcohol is prohibited, even in small doses.
  • Important eat protein. They promote satiety and supply the human body with important substances.
  • During the procedure you should eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  • Taking water should be more than 2 liters. This speeds up the process of cleansing the body of harmful substances.

An approximate diet for drying the body at home:

  1. The morning begins with drinking clean water. After half an hour, you can eat porridge and egg whites. All this is washed down with juice. (Can be replaced with fruit).
  2. After half an hour we repeat the meal. Replace the porridge with another type and add chicken and vegetables;
  3. At your next meal: porridge with added olive oil + chicken breast+ vegetables;
  4. After two hours: porridge + breast or fish + banana;
  5. We make a snack with cottage cheese with the addition of flaxseed oil;
  6. The next meal will be only 2 hours after exercise. Somewhere in the middle of your workout, you can drink a protein shake and water. At the end, we replenish the protein supply again with a cocktail;
  7. After physical exertion, you can eat according to the same principle as before lunch. Before going to bed, drink low-fat kefir.

Portions should be small!

Authorized Products

When drying the body, the consumption of dairy products is encouraged. Low-fat kefir improves digestion and removes toxins. Cottage cheese saturates the body with the necessary amount of calcium.

Allowed products for girls when drying their bodies:

  • dietary steamed meats;
  • cereals (oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat);
  • seafood;
  • fish (salmon, trout);
  • dairy products;
  • from vegetables (tomatoes, sweet peppers, cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes);
  • greens (parsley, dill, spinach);
  • fruits;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oil.

Meat use only dietary food. For example, rabbit, turkey, chicken fillet. Fried and smoked meat is prohibited.

Menu for the week

Drying the body for girls at home involves a balanced and healthy menu. The menu for girls includes a set of special products that will help maintain muscle tone and reduce subcutaneous fat.

The menu for a week when drying the body for beginners at home is low calorie foods. The menu for the week must include meat and fish.

The diet for girls when drying their body should include consumption of dairy products, separately from cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and kefir.

We remind you:

  • Portions should be small but filling.
  • A diet when drying the body eliminates starvation.
  • Food intake - 5-6 servings per day.
  • All this must be accompanied exercise, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the desired forms.

Menu for drying girls' bodies at home for a week:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal on water and 2 boiled egg whites, unsweetened green tea;
  2. Snack: 1 banana;
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup, 150 g of boiled brisket with boiled vegetables;
  4. Snack: low-fat yogurt;
  5. Dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  1. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, 2 egg whites, black bread with a low-fat slice of cheese;
  2. Snack: fruit;
  3. Lunch: puree soup, fish with steamed vegetables;
  4. Snack: low-fat cottage cheese;
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad and a slice of black bread.
  1. oatmeal with dried fruits, 2 egg whites;
  2. smoothie;
  3. vegetable soup, mashed potatoes and steamed fish;
  4. 1 low-fat yogurt;
  5. vegetable salad, steamed chicken fillet.
  1. 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  2. 1 cottage cheese (low-fat);
  3. soup with peas and rice, steamed vegetables and meat;
  4. fruit salad;
  5. 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. at night - kefir.
  1. oatmeal, 2 egg whites and 1 slice of low-fat cheese;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. puree soup, baked fish and 150 g of rice;
  4. apples;
  5. steamed fish with vegetables.
  1. low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  2. fruit curd;
  3. vegetable soup, steamed meat, boiled buckwheat;
  4. smoothie;
  5. vegetable salad and boiled brisket.
  1. yogurt with dried fruits and oatmeal;
  2. 2 boiled whites and 1 slice of low-fat cheese;
  3. cabbage soup on vegetables, boiled vegetables and steamed fish;
  4. banana;
  5. vegetable salad, boiled buckwheat and a small piece of steamed brisket.

You can dry your body carry out for a month(it’s called “fast”), or stick to the regular deadline. It is 10-12 weeks. For beginners, the fast option is more suitable. But after the third time, you can dry your body as expected - 12 weeks.

The daily menu for the month is similar to the above. We eat only approved foods. We eat according to the same principle. We choose our own vegetable dishes and fruits.

Healthy recipes

Drying the body at home can be presented as useful and delicious recipes that girls will like.

The basis of cooking at home should include healthy foods: low-fat dairy products, eggs, low-calorie meats and fish, plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Salad recipe fresh vegetables and chicken fillet:


  • 150-200 g fillet;
  • hard cheese (minimal fat content) – 35 g;
  • celery and green salad (100/250 g);\
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • For dressing we choose olive oil.

All ingredients are cut into small cubes, the cheese can be grated coarse grater. Before dressing, you need to crush it with your hands to release the juice. Consume immediately after preparation.

An excellent recipe for girls would be one prepared at home - protein salad.


  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • 1 soft-boiled egg;
  • squid (can be combined with shrimp);

Take chicken fillet and boil it. Cut into small pieces, add squid and egg. Salt. Mix everything. Salad ready!

This version of the salad will be especially beneficial when drying the body. It contains a lot of protein, which is especially important during such a diet.

Steamed omelette:


  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk;
  • you can add greens;
  • spices to taste.

Beat two eggs, add milk and spices (you can add herbs). Whisk everything together. Pour the resulting consistency into a container. Take a pan of water and put it on gas. Then, put a container with an egg consistency (up to half) in it and steam it until completely cooked.

While drying the body, girls with a sweet tooth are allowed to treat themselves to a delicious dietary dish.

Curd jelly recipe:


  • gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp water;
  • 150 g cottage cheese (low-fat);
  • vanillin (you can also use cocoa);

We dilute the gelatin with one glass of water and let it swell. After this, boil the resulting mixture over fire. Let cool. Next, add the curd mass and vanilla to the cooled gelatin. Mix everything with a blender. Add fruit if desired. Place in plates and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

Exercises for girls when drying their bodies at home

Drying your body at home will only bring results with active physical activity. When you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can safely do exercises in home conditions. The main thing is to work on yourself and your body every day.

You need to choose the most convenient time for yourself physical activity. Some people find it convenient to study in the morning, while others find it convenient to study in the evening.

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