Spider home red with black booty. Brown Spider

Spiders, for the most part, are not poisonous, and the pain from their bites lasts less than an hour. However, there are also poisonous spiders, which can have more serious consequences when bitten. Spider venoms work on one of two basic principles: they are either neurotoxic (affecting the nervous system) or necrotic (affecting the tissues, and in some cases, organs). In this photo, a female brown hermit spider, 10 - 11 mm, is very poisonous. Crawling with the help of 8 paws on his web, or moving away from the den - she is ready to attack any victim. She skillfully spins her silk to seduce unhappy prey, and this process can not but cause admiration. Many spiders are poisonous, and some can even kill people. In this collection you will learn about the 10 most poisonous spiders on earth, taking into account not only toxicity of the poison, but also the level of their aggressiveness.

Family Hirakantida

A beautiful Yellow Bearing spider is one of the least toxic on our list - but it is still very dangerous. Yellow spiders   sacks from the family of hirakantidy, fortunately they rarely bite people. One of the dangers of their bite is the probability of entering a serious infection in the body. Lethal outcome in case of a bite of this poisonous spider is excluded.

Spider Tarantula

Fimbriated decorated spider-tarantula is a poisonous spider, the bite of which can have serious consequences. Reported cases of coma in the tropics after his bite. Not much is known about the virulence of this spider, but all tarantulas have large fangs, and even though the majority is safe, in this case the bite can cause serious damage, not to mention the severe pain!

Chinese tarantula

Chinese spider tarantula - a large tarantula with legs 20 cm long. Many studies have been conducted on the poison of this large spiderBecause this aggressive creature can kill small mammals in tiny doses. The spider inhabiting the Southeast Asia caused at least one death of the baby, which was officially registered. It was enough 0.70 mg / kg of poison to cause death in 50 percent of mice in the laboratory. This spider is definitely more dangerous than a normal tarantula.

Mouse Spider

The mouse spider of the Missulen family lives in Australia. The females are completely black, while the males have a reddish hue and red jaws. Despite its modestly sounding name, this spider is very dangerous. However, most often the mouse spider does so-called "dry" bites without releasing its venom. His poison has the potential to kill a person, although no deaths have been recorded so far. The combination of rapid emergency therapy and the habit of spider to appreciate and protect your poison did not lead to casualties among people.

Brown Spider-hermit

A brown hermit spider and its related species, a Chilean hermit, extremely poisonous. But they have small fangs and can not bite the clothes. They are also hermits, because they are very rare for a person. Some of the most dangerous signs of their bites are necrosis - the death of tissues at the site of the bite, which can spread to several dozen centimeters. The Chilean spider hermit is even more poisonous, his poison can lead to kidney failure. One study in Chile showed that 3-4 percent of all bites ended in death. The lethal dose of the poison of the Chilean hermit in tests on mice was 1.45 mg / kg. This spider definitely should be avoided.

Red Spine Spider

Red Spine Spider (Latrodectus hasseltii) belongs to the genus of black widows and is very toxic. They live in Australia and have a distinctive red strip on their back, as well as a figure in the form of an hourglass on their stomach. Before the antidote was created, 14 people died as a result of bites of the red-backed spider. Most people suffer less serious symptoms, from a localized skin infection to swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, nausea and shivering. More significant, albeit more rare, effects are breathing disorders, limb amputation and even coma. It's easy to understand why these creatures have such a bad reputation.

Black Widow

It is unlikely that there will be someone who has not heard of the Black widow - a spider, which is extremely toxic. A female black widow eats a male after the mating process. A spider bite causes a condition called latdectectism, which causes severe muscle spasms and temporary spinal, or cerebral palsy, and in rare cases death. All kinds of black widow spiders have a bright red hourglass on their stomach, while some also have other red marks on their body. Before the antidote can be introduced, 5 percent of the bitten people die. Its lethal dose is 0.002 mg / kg. This means that it is not required a large number of   poison to do their black work.

Sydney funnel spider

Sydney funnel spiders are one of the most poisonous on earth. They have very large fangs, which, unlike some very poisonous spiders, invariably deliver a full dose of poison instead of dry bites. They are also more likely to bite repeatedly, instead of running away, or hiding. The poison of the Sydney vortex spider includes atrocotoxin, which is very dangerous for all primates - including humans. One child died within 15 minutes, but this was before the discovery of the antidote. The lethal dose is 0.16mg / kg.

Six-Eyed Sandy Spider

The six-eyed sandy spider also refers to the most poisonous in the world, but fortunately, lives in areas where few people. It is not aggressive and more similar in this respect to hermits, inhabited in Africa and South Asia, but the poison is many times stronger. There is no antidote for bite, other than the localization of necrosis. The poison can cause disseminated intravascular coagulation, which leads to lumps in the veins and other more serious consequences. Obviously, a six-eyed sand spider should be afraid.

Brazilian wandering spider

In 2010, the Brazilian wandering spider was included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most poisonous spider in the world. He is also aggressive, introducing a very powerful neurotoxin during the bite, paralyzing the breathing and causing subsequent choking. Another effect of its poison is priapism, which causes a painful erection leading to complete impotence. However, poison is being studied as a possible way of solving sexual dysfunction. There were deaths among people even after the antidote was invented.

A brown hermit spider (Loxosceles reclusa, according to the English - Fiddleback Spider, or Violin Spider) is the most poisonous representative of the family of brown hermit spiders.

Its poison can cause necrosis (necrosis of tissues) at the site of the bite.

Thus, according to the degree of its virulence, it can be put on a par with such spiders as, Australian and even.

Features of the view

What do they look like?

Despite the name of the species, the body of Loxosceles reclusa is not always colored brown - it can be dark yellow or gray. The females of this insect are somewhat larger than males (the scale of the legs is from 0.6 to 2 cm).

A bright feature of the family - a dark pattern on the back, outwardly reminiscent of a violin   (The "neck" is directed downwards). Although such a pattern can also be found in closely related forms and even in other representatives of the spider genus, it is the brown hermit sometimes called Violin Spider-spider-violin.

But what this poisonous animal really differs from its relatives is the number of eyes. Most spiders have 8, and the hermit has 6: one pair in the center and two side.

Usually the feet of the Fiddleback Spider are widely spaced, but when the danger approaches, it instantly takes a defensive position: it pulls the front paws inward, raises the pedipalps (the second pair of paws) and pulls the rear legs for the jump.


Female brown hermit spider lay eggs in white pouches and store them in secret places. In each such bag, about 7-7.5 mm in size, there are 40-50 eggs. Before growing up, numerous young brown hermit change their outfit for more spacious, dropping the chitin cover at least 5-8 times.

Discarded spider skins have a rigid structure, long retained in the ground and are often used for identification by specialists in arachnology when studying this type of insect. Life expectancy of Loxosceles reclusa is from 2 to 4 years.

What they eat

Clearly structured "lacy" trap networks, unlike other spiders, brown hermits do not weave, dispensing with randomly scattered threads. They feed exclusively on small insects trapped in traps, so the production of food does not make it difficult for the hermits. It remains a mystery, for which nature needed to give this insect such a potent poison.

Where to live

The habitat of brown hermits lies in the territory of the United States: from the middle west to the Gulf of Mexico, from the southeastern state of Nebraska, through Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and to the south of Ohio, and also from Texas via western Georgia and to the north of Virginia. Contrary to popular belief in California, this spider has never been seen - there are found only its relatives from the family loxosceles, and in the Hawaiian Islands - red loxosceles rufescens. In the 70s of the last century Loxosceles reclusa from the USA was brought to Australia.

Most of her life, a brown hermit spider hides in secluded corners: among the roots of trees, under rocks, in animal holes. But in connection with the development by people of their permanent habitats, these spiders had to change their way of life. Little by little they adapted and began to feel themselves full-fledged neighbors of people, settling in basements, garages, barns, attics and toilets, and also underground - in sewers. Often, hermits are selected to the person very close: they penetrate into apartments and houses, finding shelter in shoe boxes, under furniture, behind skirting boards. Very fond of places where there is a twilight and a tree.

What threatens a person with a meeting with Loxosceles reclusa?

In relation to a person, a hermit spider is not aggressive. These insects never ever put on a larger object than they do, but only apply bites for self-defense. Most often this poisonous insect affects people who committed carelessness and disturbed a spider in its "mink", for example in bed, in a closet, in shoes or somewhere among the old rubbish. The spider regards the invasion as an attempt on his territory and attacks. As a rule, the hands, neck or lower abdomen are bitten.

What should I do if I bite?

Immediately after the bite, it is necessary to quickly prevent the spread of the poison: treat the wound with an antiseptic, apply ice and immediately go to the hospital. If the limb is affected, it needs to be elevated. It is desirable to catch a spider, put it in a tightly closed container and present it to the doctor for identification.

In case of timely treatment, antivenom whey is also used.

There are many other ways to treat bites of varying degrees of effectiveness: dapsone, antihistamine drugs, nitroglycerin, vasodilators, heparin and even electric shock. None of these methods have been subjected to special studies to determine its effectiveness. In most cases, the effects of bites of a brown hermit spider are cured by traditional medication.

Consequences of a bite

The consequences of a bite directly depend on the volume of the poison that the spider manages to release into the body of its victim. If the amount is small, a person may not even notice a bite, and there will be no unpleasant consequences.

It's another matter if the hermit has time to do his "black work". The bite itself will not be very painful, like a weak needle prick, but after, within 2-8 hours, the pain will increase. The poison is a spider violin of hemolytic action, causing tissue destruction and necrosis sometimes even with penetration into internal organs. For children, sick or elderly people, a bite can be fatal.

After a bite, a gangrenous scab appears on the site of the lesion. The condition is aggravated:

  • nausea,
  • fever,
  • malaise,
  • thrombocytopenia,
  • hemolysis.

The totality of these features is known as loxoscelism.

When a large amount of poison gets into the tissue, necrotic ulcers are formed, which grow to 20-25 cm in diameter, destroying soft tissues.

After healing, which usually lasts from 4 to 6 months, a scar remains on the body. Look at the bed before going to bed;

  • do not keep empty boxes under the bed and various trash;
  • regularly clean the web;
  • seal cracks and cracks through which insects can enter the house.
  • Science knows only a few species of spiders, the poison of which can cause tissue necrosis. These include, in particular, Tegeraniaagrestis - the American wandering spider and Cheiracanthiumpunctorium - a souvenir spider. But, unlike the brown hermit spider, they never cause such serious injuries to a person. This suggests that Loxosceles reclusa is extremely dangerous.

    American scientists of the Institute of Geology and Biological Diversity are trying to develop a method of so-called. modeling an ecological niche that will help predict the spread of this type of insect and improve the technique of treating bites.

    For 5% of the inhabitants of the Earth, suffering from arachnophobia, spiders are the most terrible creatures on the planet, however, in some cases meeting with the most dangerous spiders will end badly for insects and small animals, and for humans. It is worthwhile to carefully look at the presented photos, so as to know the danger "face-to-face".

    Scary spiders are not outward looking, although some of them really look unpleasant, but poison, which is sacrificed when bitten. And although of the 40,000 species of spiders, only a small percentage of eight-legged animals are dangerous to humans, yet fatal cases sometimes occur. According to statistics for the last century, a hundred people died from spider bites - and this is only officially.

    10 most dangerous spiders in the world

    Pike wolf.   By this name is meant a whole family consisting of hundreds of varieties of spiders. Virtually none of them weave the net or sit in ambush, waiting for the victim - these fast insects are aggressive and attack the victim themselves, paralyzing it with a bite.

    The most famous of them are tarantulas. They are found all over the world and are known for the poisonous bite - poison causes dizziness, headaches, deaths are also possible.

    Spiders with such remarkable external data are found in some parts of Florida.

    Arachnids are not aggressive, but they can protect themselves - even a small amount of poison is enough to cause cramps, muscle aches and nausea. Especially strongly on the bite of a widow, children react, cases of lethal outcomes are known.

    This representative type of arthropod is found in many parts of the world. The danger of meeting with him is that this predator can bite a person even suddenly.

    For an adult male, the poison does not pose a mortal danger, but pain and a tumor are guaranteed.

    This owner of six eyes and eight legs lives in the African desert.

    Until now, there is no reliable information about the danger of his bite - presumably, poison destroys tissues and blood vessels, so it's better to bypass the dangerous animal side.

    Animals from the family of funnels from East Australia are known for aggressive temper. Extremely dangerous are males, the poison of which affects the muscles much more.

    The bite of such poisonous spiders is fatal if no antidote is introduced within 15 minutes. By the way, the antidote was invented only in 1980, since that time no more toxic cases of intoxication have been observed.

    Such terrible spiders, known mainly through American popular science literature and comics, do not pose any danger, and they attack only for self-defense.

    "Ladies" are aggressive and kill the male after the "night of love", but the bite of animal problems does not bring - a person feels cramps, muscle pains, possible problems with breathing. A fatal meeting with a black widow will only be for a child or an elderly person whose immunity is much weaker than that of adults.

    Another common type of widows, such "ladies" are bigger and more dangerous. The venom of brown widows is stronger than that of other genus species, but its small portions are not capable of causing serious problems to the body of an adult.

    The maximum that can be expected is temporary paralysis and muscle pain. True, children and elderly people will suffer more seriously, but the lethal outcome is unlikely.

    The hermit's poison, which is found in the United States, is one of the most dangerous in the world. This animal is easy to recognize by its characteristic mark - a dark figure spot resembles the outlines of a violin.

    The victims of the brown hermit feel strong pains - poison corrodes tissues and causes fever. Regeneration slows down, which causes sepsis and death or limb amputation. Most of the victims who died from the venomous bite of a hermit are children.

    This native of Australia with a red stripe on his black back looks like his close cousin - a black widow. A spider-like animal is not distinguished by increased aggression, but will bite, protecting itself or posterity.

    When bitten by a spider, injects a small amount of poison and provokes tachycardia, muscle pains, nausea, colic in the abdomen, increased sweating. For people with cardiovascular disease or weak immunity, a bite can become fatal.

    The traveler is extremely poisonous and even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Such an unusual name for animals is due to the ability to appear in unexpected places.

    The traveler has a strong poison, capable of providing paralysis and even killing an adult person, not to mention children who are more likely to suffer from intoxication.

    The most dangerous spiders in Russia

    In Russia, there are also poisonous representatives of arachnids, but deaths are extremely rare.

    He occupies a leading position in terms of danger among spiders in the central strip of Russia.

    Heyracantiums are not aggressive and hide under the foliage, but when attacked, they attack, providing the aggressor with vomiting, weakness, fever and burning pain in the wound area. After 2-3 days the condition of a person is normalized.

    This poisonous Central Asian spider occurs in the south of Russia, in the Crimea. If the victim does not help in time to bite, the outcome will be lethal.

    A special serum has been developed against the poison of Karakurts, so immediately after the attack it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Another inhabitant of the southern regions of Russia is different in the night way of life and speed of movements. Aggressive saltpot only becomes dangerous and can bite a person - poison provokes sepsis, so that if it does not immediately suck, the wound will be suppurated. The bite should be cleaned and treated with an antiseptic.

    Climate warming provokes the migration of southern species of poisonous spiders that already occur in the middle zone of Russia and even in Belarus - photos of such "newcomers" often get into regional news.

    Some time ago a lot of noise was caused by a story about the invasion of spiders on the house of residents of Missouri (USA). An unpleasant neighbor was a brown spider hermit - a creature impudent and deadly dangerous. What circumstances preceded the invasion of almost 6,000 small monsters, remains a mystery, but he won this battle by evicting a man from his own home. How to identify a poisonous representative of arachnids and what threatens to encounter him, we will tell in more detail.

    The brown spider resembles a harmless haymaker, from which it differs in that it carries a mortal threat

    Let's get to know each other

      Describing the meeting, eyewitnesses are often called his big brown spider. But, as is known, in fear, eyes are large. In fact, the hermit or Loxosceles reclusa does not differ in size - even taking into account the swing of the legs, its length is 2 cm. The parameters of the body itself are 5-7 mm.

    Why the hermit?

    A recluse he is called for the desire for solitude and a nocturnal lifestyle. You will not see its web on the ceiling or between plants. He builds a nest in secluded, inaccessible places, likes to be dark and dry. These are single spiders who can live in groups, but do not need it at all. In addition, he is not attached to his path, going for prey, goes far from the nest.

    Distinctive features of the "portrait"

    The hermit's brown spider is easy to identify in appearance, although in the photo it resembles a haymaker - a harmless and scary creature.

    The arthropod is dirty brown or dark yellow in color, almost monotonous on the cephalothorax, abdomen, legs. A distinctive feature is the figure on the outside of the cephalothorax, reminiscent of a violin. The spider has long, widely spaced paws. Taurus is covered with short dense hairs.

    There are several other features that distinguish the hermit's brown spider from the numerous arachnids.

    1. In addition to the recognizable figure, he has 3 pairs of eyes, and not 4, as with other relatives.
    2. If you look closely, you see lighter spots on the legs in the joints.
    3. The web is disorderly, sticky, whitish in color, does not have the usual radial pattern.
    4. If the hermit is disturbed, instinctively takes a threatening pose - rests on the hind legs, the front - pulls, the second pair (pedipalps) - raises.

      Features for recognizing the hermit's spider

    Where does it occur?

    The homeland and the traditional distribution area of ​​the brown hermit spider are the eastern regions of the USA, hence it migrates in the south and south-west direction of the continent. There is evidence that Loxosceles reclusa was brought to Australia. According to climatic conditions, suitable regions are the Mediterranean, the subtropical belt of Eurasia. Fortunately, there has not been a dangerous arthropod, here.

    How do you hunt?

    The hermit is small, does not weave the snare networks, so uses the only possible way of hunting - kills the victim with the help of poison. In search of prey, he leaves at night. Finding an insect or other spider, he attacks and quickly injects poison, immobilizing the victim. Death comes instantly, since its poison is one of the most toxic substances, the nature of which is not fully understood.

    Note! The poison of the spider Loxosceles reclusa is transparent and viscous. It contains dangerous enzymes, which, falling under the skin, destroy cellular bonds, trigger the process of dying of soft tissues, cause multiple inflammations.

    Life cycle

    Brown spiders of the genus Loksostseles belong to long-livers. The average life expectancy is 2-4 years, some specimens live up to 6 years. The female, before laying eggs, weaves a dense cocoon. Number of eggs in the masonry - 40-50 pcs. The future offspring of the spider safely guard, practically without leaving the nest, until juvenile spiders appear. Until the sexually mature form is attained, the calf molts up to 8 times, while dumping the dense chitinous membrane.

    Probability of meeting a person

    Not only does man tame nature, but our smaller brothers adapt to coexistence with civilization. So, the brown spider hermit with pleasure climbs into the dry, warm, or even better, abandoned room. Probable meeting places with dangerous arthropods are sheds, lofts, empty summer houses, cellars, piles. In the house it penetrates through open windows, doors. It hides from the person's eyes behind batteries, skirting boards, paintings, between a wall and tightly-moved furniture.

    Attacks arthropods when they feel threatened - crushed, attacked. It shows aggression, if you destroy the nest, suddenly invade the shelter.

    Note! In the States, the bite of this spider is not uncommon. From the representatives of the genus Loxosceles reclusa, up to 7 thousand people suffer each year. A third of them have a bite that leads to serious consequences. At an adverse coincidence of circumstances, a lethal outcome is possible.

      The hermit's web is sticky and disorderly

    Consequences of a bite

    Those who are unlucky describe the bite of a hermit's spider as a sudden sudden prick, the pain of which quickly passes. On initial sensations it is easy to confuse with a mosquito bite. It is rare when the victim immediately appeals for help, since the consequences come only after 6-8 hours. What are the symptoms?

    • Initially painless, after a few hours the bite begins to pulsate with acute pain.
    • The area of ​​damage swells, turns red, becomes hot.
    • Gradually the redness and swelling intensifies, creeps away - this under the influence of toxin the focus of defeat grows.
    • The head starts to hurt, there is weakness, nausea, the temperature can rise - symptoms of intoxication of the body.
    • In the place of puncture of the skin appears a blister, which then bursts, forming an ulcer.

    It is at this stage that the victims, as a rule, seek medical help. If it is delayed, local necrosis (death of tissues) may occur. The site of the bite changes radically, turning into a wound, after two days.

    Note! Necrosis is a heavy, ugly external wound, when under the influence of poison the flesh actually rot. More precisely, the poison provokes a secondary infection, multiple inflammations that disable vital body systems. The treatment of such complications after a bite of the hermit spider leaves from 3-6 months to 3 years. At the site of damage remains a noticeable scar.

    According to doctors, this poison is so strong that death does not occur only because of a tiny dose of toxin. But if he gets into the body of an allergic person, a child, a person with weak immunity, the outcome is unpredictable.

      Ulcer at the site of the bite after 2 days

    Urgent care

    What if I was bitten by brown or any other poisonous spider?

    1. The wound should be washed with soap and cold water, disinfected with an antiseptic.
    2. Try to squeeze out the puncture of the skin with poison.
    3. To slow the spread of toxin, from time to time apply ice to the bite.
    4. Above the affected area it is recommended to apply a tight bandage or tourniquet.
    5. You can take an antibiotic, drink an antiallergic drug.

    These are just emergency measures that do not cancel a visit to a doctor. At least for a safety net.

    Precautions against potential hazards

    The possibility of a brown spider bite can be minimized if you follow the precautionary measures.

    • Inspect clothing, shoes before you put on, bed - before going to bed.
    • While cleaning the room, when working in the yard, in the garden, wear gloves.
    • Do not litter the residential, utility rooms with empty boxes, unnecessary things, paper, rags.
    • On the windows, install mosquito nets, keep the doors closed.
    • "Do not breed" in the house flies, mosquitoes and other insects that attract arachnid hunters.

    And finally. Before you go to a strange country, ask her poisonous fauna.

    Features of the hermit's spider, help with bite:

    One of the smallest, and one of the most poisonous, perhaps, so briefly, you can describe a brown hermit spider, often called a single spider. If not at the time and in the wrong place to meet this baby, you can pay for it, because his bite for a man is incredibly dangerous.

    Where does he live?

    From the middle west of the United States to the Mexican Gulf itself, and its relative, the red hermit spider is common in Hawaii. Are located in cracks under stones, in small holes under roots of trees, and other places in which there are crevices, weaving there a soft bed from a web. I really like the brown spider where there is wood and twilight. It is increasingly found in cellars, sheds, sewer hatches, perfectly adapts to the environment, a changed person.

    How does it look?

    Incredible crumbs - the size of the spider along with the swing of the paws can be only 5-25 millimeters!

    Females, as often happens, are larger than males. For the forest of camouflage nature has awarded them not only a small size, but also a suitable color - brown, gray, dark yellow, so that the spider can not be seen immediately. On the cephalothorax, you can see a drawing that looks something like a violin.

    However, this is not a distinctive sign of this type of spider, such marks are also found among its other brethren. Brown lone spiders have 6 eyes, that is, only 3 pairs, and not 4, as is the case with most spiders.

    Life and adventures of a small spider

    A brown hermit spider is hunting mostly at night. Males willingly leave their "home", and can wander anywhere in search of prey, flesh to a human dwelling. Females leave the place of reluctance reluctantly, prefer to hunt near the house, sometimes not departing and a dozen meters.

    The lifespan of these spiders is on average 2-4 years. Their eggs, similar to bags of white color, the female keeps in very carefully selected, hidden places. Kids during the growing up time molt up to 10 times.

    Brown spider and man

    The brown spider for man is incredibly dangerous. Due to the fact that a spider can wander into a person's house, climb into a clothes scattered on the floor or even go to bed, sit down in a carpet, the probability of an unpleasant meeting increases at times.

    And the tiny size of a brown spider makes it difficult to detect. The brown spider never attacks first, does it only as a self-defense. Bites people in the event that they, without noticing it, sit down on it, or start to specifically alarm. You can never take spiders in your hands, it is better to give him the opportunity to escape unhindered, because curiosity can be very expensive.

    The poison of the brown spider has a slightly different effect than that of or. Nevertheless - it is extremely toxic and dangerous.

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