A mixture of grapefruit and orange name. All the most interesting things about tangerines

Evgenia V.

What hybrids of orange and tangerine exist? How are they different from each other?

Breeders have long and successfully engaged in intraspecific crossings of citrus crops, obtaining new plant hybrids. At the beginning of the 20th century, the priest Father Clement, crossing a tangerine and an orange, received a new citrus hybrid - clementine. The plant received its name in honor of this breeder. Another interesting citrus is obtained from crossing tangerine and grapefruit, it is called Mineola.

In the photo, the differences between the hybrids are quite difficult to notice, but they are there. In this article - detailed description hybrid citrus fruits.

In appearance, the fruits of this citrus, known since the beginning of the twentieth century, resemble tangerines. The pulp of the juicy fruit has a sweet taste. The rind of a clementine is tough, bright orange, but quite thin. Compared to tangerine, clementine has a more flattened fruit shape.


The leaves of the plant are dense, thick green in color and small in size. There are small serrations along the edge of the leaf blade, and short thorns in the axils of the leaves of the orange-tangerine hybrid.

There are three types of hybrid clementines, which differ in the number of seeds and the size of the fruit:

  • Corsican clementine - has a bright, rich color, orange peel. The pulp is very fragrant, the fruit has no seeds.
  • Spanish - is divided into two varieties, differing in size. Each fruit can contain up to 10 seeds.
  • Montreal clementine - cultivated mainly in Spain. The fruit contains up to 10 seeds and has delicate aromatic pulp. This species is a rare clementine hybrid.


Tangerine is a hybrid from crossing a mandarin orange and a bitter orange.

Tangerine is the most common hybrid from crossing an orange with a tangerine. The shape of this citrus is slightly elongated. The peel of the fruit has a loose structure and is very easy to clean. Tangerine skin color approaches an intense orange-red hue. The fruits are distinguished by great juiciness and aroma, but the fruits are small in size. The peel of the fruit has a peculiar strong citrus smell. Tangerine does not contain many seeds.

Tangerine was used in breeding work to develop the hybrid citrus mineola.


This hybrid got its name in honor of the port of Tangier in Morocco, from where the juicy fruits were exported to different parts of the globe.

In addition, it is worth mentioning a rare hybrid of an ordinary orange and a tangerine, called tangor. This citrus is quite rare.

Attention! All bred hybrids of tangerine and orange are distinguished by high beneficial properties. The fruits contain vitamin C, folic acid, and help in the treatment and prevention of colds.

The work of breeders to create new hybrid forms of citrus fruits is aimed at improving useful properties, as well as to increase the shelf life of healthy and tasty fruits.

Types of citrus fruits: video

Citrus plants interact well and fruitfully with each other, from a breeding point of view, which is why today you can find so many different forms and types of these fruits. Grapefruit has given the world many hybrid forms. Deserves detailed consideration hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit.

Description of tangerine

Tangerine is a citrus plant. There is no clear opinion among researchers about the place of the fruit in the classification of citrus fruits. Can be considered as independent species or as a variety of tangerine.

The birthplace of the fruit is the modern territory of Morocco. The first mentions refer to the ancient Moorish fortress of Tangier. This is where citrus got its name.

One of the great advantages of tangerine, which makes it a popular product, is its high yield.

The main value is the berry-shaped fruit, called hesperidium, characteristic of most citrus plants. Hesperidium consists of a dense skin, which has a smooth surface and contains glands with essential oil. Beneath the dense crust is a spongy layer of peel. The main part is the juicy pulp, which contains seeds.

Characteristics of Hesperidium tangerine:

  1. Size - medium or small.
  2. The rind is thin, easily separated from the pulp, and has a bright red-orange color.
  3. Not a large number of sunflower seeds
  4. The taste is sweet.
  5. Contains a large amount of sugar, vitamins, provitamins, organic acids, phytoncides. Its value surpasses many fruits - other citrus fruits or apples.
  6. They perfectly preserve vitamin C during long-term storage.
  7. The ripening period is late autumn - early winter.

Description of grapefruit

This fruit plant belongs to the evergreen citrus trees. Accidental hybrid of pomelo and orange. The name comes from the combination English words"grapes" and "fruit". Citrus received the name “grape fruit” for the location of hesperidia on the tree: they are grouped and resemble bunches of grapes.

There are two dozen varieties. The tree of this type of citrus fruit is characterized by medium growth.

Characteristics of Hesperidium:

  1. Size - large, 10-15 cm.
  2. The shape is round.
  3. The color of the pulp varies from light yellow to ruby ​​red.
  4. The crust is yellow, sometimes with a reddish tint.
  5. The taste is sweet and sour with a hint of bitterness.
  6. The sweetness of the fruit is directly dependent on the red pigment of the pulp. The richer it is, the sweeter the hesperidium.
  7. Long ripening period.

Grapefruit is useful as a means of normalizing blood cholesterol levels. Increases stomach acidity.

Reasons for crossing tangerine and grapefruit

Having considered the characteristics of tangerine and grapefruit, the reason for hybridization becomes clear. Tangerine has excellent properties: high yield, taste, content of nutrients, long-term preservation of vitamin C for use in winter.

But tangerine hesperidium is small in size. Grapefruit, having lower taste characteristics, is large in size. Combining the best properties of the “parent” fruits would create the ideal citrus.


The citrus hybrid of grapefruit and tangerine is called tangelo. The trees of this plant are large in size - 10-15 m in height. Compared to other citrus fruits, the plant is quite frost-resistant.

Description of Hesperidium:

  1. Size - medium, 8-12 cm.
  2. The shape is round, slightly elongated, with a slight convexity at the base. The shape resembles an apple or pear.
  3. The pulp is yellow or orange.
  4. Taste - sour or sweet and sour.
  5. The rind is orange in color and easily separates from the juicy pulp.
  6. The juicy pulp contains a small amount of seeds.
  7. Includes a whole complex of vitamins - ascorbic acid, retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, cobalamin and tacopherol.

Tangelo varieties:

  • Mineola;
  • Simenol;
  • Orlando;
  • Thornton;
  • Agli;
  • Alemoen;
  • Wikiva;
  • Nova.


A variety bred by American breeders in the 30s of the 20th century. The parent species are the Dancy variety mandarin and the Duncan grapefruit. The plant is a late-ripening citrus fruit.

Hesperidium mineola is medium sized. The shape is slightly flattened at the base and apex. The diameter of the fruit is about 80 mm, the height is about 70 mm. The crust is strong and thin. The color is like tangerine. The pulp is aromatic and melts in your mouth. The taste is sweet and sour.

The fruit is excellent for commercial cultivation - hesperidia tolerate transportation well. The largest exporters of mineola are: USA, Türkiye, China, Israel.

Mineola contains large amounts folic acid. One or two fruits completely fill the daily requirement. Folic acid is a vitamin that plays an important role in the processes of growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems. Chronic deficiency of folic acid causes the development of anemia. Use during pregnancy reduces the likelihood of developing defects.


The most common pronunciation is Seminole. The hybrid received its name in honor of the Seminole Indian tribe of North America. It is also a hybrid form of Duncan grapefruit and Dancy mandarin.

Late ripening variety. Fruiting is moderate and regular. A tree of medium growth.

The fruits are very reminiscent of Mineole and Orlando. The main difference is the taste - sour, with a specific sweetness and aftertaste.

Features of Hesperidium:

  • small size, 5-6 cm;
  • round, flattened shape;
  • the crust is orange;
  • the pulp is tender and juicy, bright orange;
  • taste - sour, with a slight sweetness and a specific aftertaste;
  • used as an ingredient for tonic sour juices.


Another tangelo obtained by pollinating Duncan grapefruit with Dancy tangerine pollen. For getting good characteristics The hesperidia are subsequently pollinated by pollen from Temple tangor or Dancy or Firechild tangerine.

Features of the fruit:

  • size - small;
  • taste - sweet, refreshing;
  • the peel is easily separated from the pulp, bright orange in color;
  • the pulp is juicy.

The advantages of this variety are early ripening and frost resistance, transportability and a long storage period.


A common type of tangelo.

Features of Hesperidium:

  • size - medium;
  • crust - light orange, medium thickness;
  • pulp of a similar color.


A blend of tangerine, grapefruit and sour orange. Agli is found under the names Jamaican tangelo or uglifruit. The fruit got its name from its appearance; from English “agli” can be translated as ugly. Grown in Jamaica, where the trade name “uglyfruit” is patented. Also grown in the USA.

Properties of hesperidium:

  • size - medium or large, from 10 to 15 cm;
  • shape - pear-shaped, irregular;
  • crust - thick, wrinkled;
  • surface color is yellow-orange, often green or yellow-green, reminiscent of lime;
  • the pulp is juicy, aromatic, with thick veins between the slices, orange in color;
  • taste - sweet with sourness, combines the sweetness of tangerine with a small splash of grapefruit acid.


The rarest tangelo. It is practically not grown or used for commercial use.


A hybrid of Canadian origin, obtained by re-crossing tangelo with grapefruit. The rind and pulp are pale yellow-greenish in color.


The species was created by crossing the clementine and the Orlando tangelo. Clementine is a mixture of tangerine and king orange, and Orlando is a classic tangelo. Similar in appearance to tangelo, but less rich and bright color peel and pulp.

Sweetie is the most famous green grapefruit hybrid, resulting from crossing with pomelo. Another name is oroblanco.

Characteristics of Hesperidium:

  • size - medium or large;
  • shape - round;
  • crust - thick;
  • peel color - green;
  • the pulp is pale yellow-green;
  • taste - sweet;
  • a small number of small seeds.

Sweetie is distinguished by its sweet taste and large size. The disadvantages include a thick crust and a large amount of waste.

1. Dancy tangerine is just a type of tangerine native to Morocco, Sicily, China and the United States. As a rule, tangerines are red-orange bright tangerines, sweet, with an easily peeled thin skin.
2. Orlando. The result of pollination of the Duncan grapefruit with pollen from the same Dancy tangerine.
3. Tangelo Nova is a hybrid of clementine and tangelo Orlando.
4. Thornton - a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit.
5. Uglifruit - this drop-dead beauty happened by accident. In 1917, one J. J. R. Sharp, owner of Trout Hall Ltd. (now, as far as I understand, Cabel Hall Citrus Ltd.), Jamaica, found this gnarly crap in a pasture. Recognizing it as a likely hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit, he took a cutting from it, grafted it onto a sour orange and continued to regraft the offspring, choosing fruits with the fewest seeds. In 1934, for the first time, he gave the country so much uglifruit that he was even able to begin exporting it to England and Canada.
6. Tangelo Wekiwa, Canadian, light-skinned, the result of a repeated cross between a tangelo and a grapefruit.

7. Tangor is the result of crossing tangerine and sweet orange. Or rather, that is what is commonly believed. In fact, everything is a little more complicated. The most famous tangor is Temple (Temple, Temple, Temple). Its origin is not entirely clear.
8. Clementine. And this is a hybrid of a mandarin and a king orange, created by the French missionary and breeder Father Clement Rodier in Algeria in 1902. Actually, if you buy a tangerine, and it is somehow too sweet for a tangerine, it is quite possible that it is actually a clementine.
9. Natural tangor of the East - tankan. This culture has been cultivated since time immemorial in southern China, on the island of Formosa (Taiwan) and in the Japanese prefecture of Kagoshima. The tree on which the tankan grows is indistinguishable from a tangerine, but the fruits make one suspect that this citrus is a hybrid with an orange.
10. Ortanique – also probably a natural tangor. It was also found in Jamaica, but already in 1920. Since tangerine and orange trees grew nearby, they decided that it was a hybrid of them. The name was collected from the world along a thread - or (ange) + tan (gerine) + (un) ique.
11. Royal mandarin (Citrus nobilis, kunenbo, Kampuchean mandarin). His appearance is quite memorable, it rarely happens in our stores and is sold simply like a tangerine
12. Markot is also a famous tangor. And also of unknown origin. Florida tangors are called marcottes, the parent varieties/species of which are not known for certain. The first tree was found in 1922 and built in good hands.

13. Satsumas (inshiu, Citrus unshiu) Moroccan. All satsumas according to one version are a hybrid of citron and lime; the second is a hybrid of orange and lime.
14. Yemeni citron is an independent species.
15. Citron “Fingers (hand) of Buddha” looks like Cthulhu;)
16. Corsican citron. Please note - all these varieties have almost no pulp - only zest.

17. Kaffir lime (kaffir lime, kaffir lime, Citrus hystrix, Kaffir lime, porcupine citrus)
18. Etrog (efrog, Greek citron, tsedrat-citron, Jewish citron)
19. Persian (Tahitian) lime
20. Limetta (limetta, Citrus limetta, Italian lime, sweet lime)
21. Mexican lime (West Indian lime, sour lime). It is the Mexican lime that is usually painted on bottles and cans of all sorts of lime drinks.
22. Indian lime (aka Palestine, Palestinian sweet lime, Colombian lime) has long been considered a hybrid of lime and lime, but attempts to cross these plants did not result in anything similar.

23. Australian finger lime. It is also called citrus caviar.
24. Same. There are many varieties of them, with pulp different colors. The origin is also unclear. The fruits look like multi-colored cucumbers. Australian chefs use the pulp of finger limes as a garnish, add it to salads and soups, and decorate fish and meat dishes
25. Limandarins (limonias) - the results of crossing tangerines with limes or lemons. Limandarins have been bred in China since time immemorial. It is believed that the first Limandarin was the result of crossing a Cantonese lemon and a Cantonese mandarin. The Chinese red lemons that appear on our shelves are typical lemons.
26. Rangpur - Indian hybrid of tangerine and lime

27. Otaheite (sweet rangpur, Otaheite rangpur, Tahitian orange). This is also limandarine, also believed to be native to India. Discovered in 1813 in Tahiti, from where Europeans took it around the world.
28. Rough lemon or citronella. Comes from North India and is a hybrid of mandarin and citron.
29. Pomelo. It is also Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, pummela and sheddock - in honor of Captain Shaddock, who brought pomelo seeds to the West Indies (Barbados) from the Malay Archipelago in the 17th century. Huge round or pear-shaped fruits with a rather thick zest, big amount juicy pulp, rough, easily separated membranes. One of the original citrus fruits, from which all their diversity comes. The pomelo peel is yellow, green, and the pulp is yellow, green, and red.
30. Pomelo with lime.
31. Hybrid – Duncan grapefruit, variety bred in Florida, in 1830.
32. Also a hybrid - Hudson grapefruit

33. A very famous hybrid of pomelo - oroblanco. This is the result of crossing the Siamese sweet pomelo and the Marsh grapefruit.
34. Sweetie - grapefruit hybrid from Israel
35. New Zealand grapefruit. It is called grapefruit, but it is believed to be either a natural tangelo or a hybrid of pomelo and grapefruit. The place of origin is also unclear - either China or Australia. Considerably sweeter than most grapefruits.
36. Chironha is a citrus whose fruits are the size of grapefruits and taste more like oranges.

37. Calamondin (aka golden lime, Panamanian orange, calamansi, musk lime), the result of crossing a tangerine (sunkey) and a kumquat
38. Yuzu (ichandrin, young) - the result of crossing sunka and ichang-papeda (ichang lime)
39. Kumquat. These are small, yellow or orange fruits, about the size of the outer phalanx of an adult man’s thumb, similar in shape to miniature lemons. They are usually sold in large grocery stores, in laminated foam trays. They appeared in Russia relatively recently, just a few years ago. At first they were hellishly expensive, but today they have become cheaper. Now, if you haven’t tried them yet, you’ve probably seen them
40. Limequat Eustis (hybrid of Mexican lime and round kumquat)
41. Mandarinquat Indio
42. Lemonquats (lemon + kumquat) and orangequats (orange or trifoliate + kumquat). But, pay attention, faustrime is a hybrid of the Eustis limequat and the Australian finger lime.

43. Sevillano, Seville bitter orange. In Seville they produce 17 thousand tons per year. Bitter oranges are not eaten fresh, they are not used to make juice, but they are used in the hybridization of citrus fruits, used to make orange bitters, to add orange flavor to liqueurs, and also as a seasoning for fish and as a raw material for the production of aromatic oils.
44. Citrangequat is a hybrid of citrange (which in turn is a hybrid of orange and trifoliata, also known as poncirus) and kumquat.
45. Bitter orange kikudaidai (Japanese citrus, canaliculata) – pure ornamental plant. In Japan it is grown to admire
46. ​​Bergamot (bergamot lemon, Bergamasco sour orange) - a type of bitter orange with a very bright, recognizable smell - used in perfumery
47. Sweet orange Citrus sinensis - Chinese citrus.
48. Hybrid of sour orange and pomelo - natsudaidai or natsumikan

49. Citrus sinensis - from the inside.
50. Blood oranges. Their Russian name is kings. Americans call them blood oranges. The bloodiest sanguinelli...
51. ...and sanguinelli

52. Fruit of papeda ichang. Use papeds for hybridization
53. Poncirus is an independent genus of the subfamily of the orange family Rutaceae, which includes one single species - trifoliata or poncirus trifoliata.
54. Citremon – a hybrid of trifoliate and lemon
55. Kabusu (kabosu) - a Chinese, but especially popular in Japan, hybrid of papeda and orange

56. Eremocitrus or Australian dessert limes. This is also a separate subgenus of citrus fruits. Eremocitrus has a stunning shaggy tree and small green fruits
57. Murrayi is a separate genus of the rue family, not citrus. But their fruits are similar to citrus fruits, and therefore everyone who is involved in breeding, studying and hybridizing citrus fruits is also interested in Murrays. Murraya is also called orange jasmine.

58. Severinia is also close to citrus fruits
59. Afrocitruses or citropsis. They are African cherry oranges. These are trees with small edible fruits that vaguely resemble citrus fruits.
60. Lemon feronia, sour limonia or Indian wood apple. Indian wild rue with very sour (although they say there are also sweet) edible fruits with an almost wooden peel.
61. Ceylon Orangester. Orangester fruits are very bitter, but the leaves, when rubbed and broken, have a strong lemon aroma.

Citrus is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs of the Rutaceae family. The most famous representatives of this genus are lemon, tangerine, orange, lime and grapefruit. Everyone knows their appearance and taste. But few people know that citrus species have many varieties and are parents for unusual hybrids. Here are some of the most interesting citrus varieties.

Tangelo – a hybrid of tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit. The juicy fruit is the size of an adult's fist and has a mild and sweet taste reminiscent of a tangerine. The orange peel is easy to peel. Tangelos are sometimes called “honey bells” for their unusual shape - the round fruit has a characteristic “handle”.

Mineola- a type of tangelo. A hybrid of the Bowen grapefruit and the Dancy mandarin, it is named after the city of Minneola in Florida. The Mineola fruit has a slightly flattened shape. The skin of the mineola is thin, bright red-orange in color, and the flesh is sweet and sour.

Clementine- a hybrid of a tangerine and a king orange. This citrus received official status as a variety in 1902. The hybrid received its name in honor of the French missionary Clément Rodier. As the story goes, Clément made the unique discovery of the hybrid mandarin in the garden of his orphanage in Algeria. However, there is an assumption that the hybrid appeared earlier, in Asia, and subsequently spread to the Mediterranean region. The glossy, deep orange clementine has a deliciously sweet flavor, is nearly seedless, and is easy to peel.

Coals- a variety of tangelo native to Jamaica. Plump, greenish-orange fruits with lumpy skin are the result of the joint work of nature and man. Ugli was found by chance in a pasture and was identified presumably as a “cross between” a tangerine and a grapefruit. Subsequently, a sour orange was grafted onto its cuttings and the offspring with the least number of seeds were selected. As a result, the coals acquired a delicate taste and aroma, retaining a light spicy bitterness.

Rangpur- an Indian hybrid of tangerine and lemon with a very sour taste and orange zest and pulp.

Calamondin, or citrofortunella,- the offspring of kumquat and sour tangerine. Calamondin inherited the edible peel from the kumquat, and the appearance and aroma from the mandarin. Calamondin Chinese origin, but has long been widespread in the East, including Indonesia and the Philippines, where the earliest descriptions of this fruit were made. It is curious that the kumquat has nothing to do with the genus of citrus fruits: this plant belongs to the genus Fortunella ( Fortunella). Kumquat fruits are small, golden-yellow, and have an edible, sweet skin and slightly sour flesh. These fruits make excellent jam, marmalade and jelly. Sometimes kumquat is used when serving martinis as a substitute for olives. Some kumquat-citrus hybrids, such as limequats and orangequats, can often be purchased dried.

Oroblanco,or sweetie, is a variety bred from a traditional hybrid of sweet pomelo with white grapefruit. Translated from Spanish, the name of this hybrid means “white gold.” The pulp of the fruit is tender, juicy, sweet, seedless, pale yellow in color. Oroblanco lacks the signature tartness of grapefruit, but the fleshy white membranes are bitter and therefore not used as food. When ripe, its thick skin turns bright green or golden in color.

Etrog- one of the varieties of citron. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, citron was used mainly for medicinal purposes, for which it received the Latin name Citrus medica. Citron fruits served as a cure for seasickness, intestinal diseases and lung problems. Citron juice with wine was considered an effective antidote. The etrog is a Jewish religious symbol and is used in rituals during the holiday of Sukkot.

Another special variety of citron is "Buddha's hand". This fruit, which resembles fused fingers, sometimes consists of only the zest and is an excellent flavoring agent.

Kira Stoletova

Most people know the following types of citrus fruits: lemon, tangerine, orange. But there are often citrus hybrids that are distinguished by their unusual appearance and taste.

What is species modification

Despite the widespread fear of people about GMOs and hybrids, they are not at all dangerous. The species obtained by crossing are resistant to weather conditions or have an unusual appearance or shape of the fruit. In such selection they are not used dangerous to humans substances.

A seedless fruit is an artificially produced citrus.

Types of crossed citrus fruits

There are about 60 varieties of citrus fruits. The main ones are obtained by crossing pomelo, lemon and lime with regular citrus fruits. The list of species is extensive and still growing.


The variety is a cross of Tangerine and grapefruit. It was given the name "honey bell" for its mild sweet taste and the handle on the fruit. Fruit with well-separable and juicy slices.


A hybrid of grapefruit and pomelo is called Sweetie. Gave him a broom large sizes fruits, it is free from bitterness and cleans well.


A hybrid of orange and tangerine is called Clementine.

The variety was named after the breeder who bred it. External differences:

  • red-orange skin color
  • medium or small fruit size;
  • they are juicy and soft;
  • sweet taste with sourness;

This tangerine is distinguished by the bright red color of its peel and pulp and its sweet and sour taste. The fruit usually ripens from December to March. The degree of brightness depends on the conditions in which the fruit was grown: temperature, humidity, care.


Minnenola is considered a hybrid of tangerine. These fruits are a mixture of Tangerine and grapefruit. Its fruits are:

  1. Elongated with a characteristic neck at the top.
  2. The color is red-orange.
  3. They can be both small and large.
  4. There are few seeds inside.
  5. The pulp has a tart taste and a powerful aroma.

Minneola ripens in December-February.


Limandarin is a hybrid lemon (a mixture of lemon and tangerine or mandarin and lime). The foreign name is Rangpur. It has an orange skin and a sour taste.


The hybrid of orange and lemon is called limonadzhi. Outwardly, it looks like an orange lemon because it has an elongated shape. The taste is also like lemons, and the appearance is similar to a pale orange. Based on the fruit, various juice drinks are created, where the fruit juice is mixed with other citrus fruits.


One hybrid of tangerine and orange is called Tangor. Sweet varieties were chosen for selection. Usually ripens in winter. Description of fruits:

  • slightly flattened;
  • juicy and sweet pulp;
  • the peel is lumpy and thick;
  • there are many pores on the skin.

It also peels easily.

Truth and deception about crossing

Often artificially bred citrus fruits are passed off as completely unusual fruits. Sellers offer a mixture of orange and pomegranate, although this is basically impossible. An ordinary red citrus variety with a rich hue or a red grapefruit is passed off as a non-existent fruit.

Publications on the topic