Small beautiful flowers. Interesting in the network

The rarest flowers  it is very difficult to classify, because according to scientists' estimates there are more than 270,000 species colors  (and this number does not include 10-15% of the unknown to us flowers). Today we will tell you about such flowers, about the names of which have not heard, perhaps, even the most sophisticated growers. So, we present to your attention the ten the rarest flowers  in the world.

1. or Dendrophylax Linden  (Dendrophylax lindenii)

It is not only a very rare flower, but also very interesting. For 20 years, this plant was considered extinct, but it was recently discovered again. Orchid ghosts almost do not reproduce in natural conditions, since they practically do not have leaves and do not eat by photosynthesis. Nutrition at them occurs thanks to a special kind of mushrooms feeding orchids, having attached to roots of a plant. Thin flower stalks of orchids in color do not differ from the tree trunk on which it grows. Therefore, the revealed white flowers seem to have emerged from nowhere and are suddenly suspended in the air at the level of a person's eyes, like ghosts. This plant is called the "Ghost Orchid".

2. (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The birthplace of the jade vine is the tropical forests of the Philippine Islands. It has clawed flowers of blue-green color. This plant is especially liked by bats, which pollinate it. Today the jade vine is under threat of extinction due to the cutting down of its natural environment.

3. (Silene Tomentosa)

Previously, tarning grew only on the Rock of Gibraltar, and until recently it was generally believed that the resin had disappeared from the face of the earth. But in 1994, a mountaineer discovered a specimen of a resin in the mountains. Today Smolevka is grown in the Gibraltar and Royal Botanic Gardens.

A rare flower with such an original name and the truth, is very similar to the beak of a parrot. His homeland is the Canary Islands. Today the flower is considered to have disappeared.

5. or Chocolate braid  (Cosmos atrosanguineus)

It originates from Mexico and is also considered to be nonexistent today. In 1902, a barren species of chocolate cosmos was bred, only it reached our days. Its flowers are about 4 cm in diameter and smell of vanilla.

6. (Hibiscus kokio)

Also a very rare flower. Found it in Hawaiian trees in 1860, and already in 1950 found it lost. But 20 years later, a tree of this species was found - just one! Unfortunately, and it died in 1978 from a fire. They saved one of the branches of this tree and planted it to another species.

7. (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

It is the rarest flower on the planet and it grows on the island of Sri Lanka. Kadupool's life is very short, since this plant blooms only at midnight, and a strange aroma spreads around. There is an ancient legend which says that when the bloom the flowers, down to earth Naga (snake-like mythical beings, the demigods with a snake trunk in the Buddhist and Hindu mythology), to pick a flower and present it to the Buddha on the holy mountain of Sri Pada. After flowering, the plant dies.

8. (Youtan Poluo) or Udumbara

An interesting plant that does not need land for growth. It can grow on hard surfaces. For example, on steel pipes, where it was first found by a Chinese farmer who was cleaning these pipes. "Stems thinner than human hair, and small white flowers from above." The flower is fragile, pure white, according to the legend it blossoms only once in 3000 years.

9. or Amorphophallus titanic  (Amorphophallus titanum)

He was awarded such an unpleasant name because of the smell that this plant is spreading. The flowers themselves of this plant are huge - they can reach from 1.5 to 3 meters and weigh up to 100 kilograms! The flowers of this plant are very rare, as it blooms only once every 5-10 years for 72 hours.

10., or Red Middlemyst  (Middlemist's Red)

It is by right considered the most rare flower on the planet. Only two specimens of this plant have survived - in the greenhouses of Great Britain and New Zealand. His salvation world flora is due to the English florist John Middlemyst. Once a camellia was spread in China, and traveling through the expanse of the Celestial Empire, John was struck by the beauty of an unusual rose. He brought one bush home and planted it in a royal greenhouse. How could he know that in this way he would save the last camellia representative from extinction?

Over time, in China, it completely disappeared, there were only great-grandchildren of the removed bush. There is an assumption that in private collections are also preserved specimens middlemista, because John was selling processes of ordinary people who wanted to get a wonderful rose.

People are accustomed to flowers, considering them an integral part of life. And it's hard not to agree with this. Flowers we see in the gardens, and in the woods, they are given for the holidays and decorate their homes. But not all flowers can be easily obtained, placed in a vase, and then enjoy the appearance and aromatic odor.

It turns out that strange and rare plants are hidden in different parts of the world, whose bloom most people will never see. Not surprisingly, they are under the close attention of environmentalists. After all, some types of plants and flowers have remained literally in a single specimen or live exclusively in a certain area.

Find this rare tree vine in the tropical forest in the Philippines. It belongs to the family of legumes. The vines have smooth and triple leaves, which grow with brushes. Their length can reach 3 meters. And the flower color can vary from bluish-green to mint. These plants are not cultivated by humans. A jade vine is considered an endangered species. After all, the range of its habitat is constantly narrowing, as the number of natural pollinators decreases.

This variety of licnis is quite rare, because it is found only on the rocks of the Strait of Gibraltar. Even before 1980, the scientific community believed that this flower had died out. And only the botanists of Gibraltar claimed that there were still several specimens. In 1994, one climber discovered the only flower of this kind. This gave the plant a second life. Since then, it has been cultivated not only in the botanical gardens of Gibraltar itself, but in the royal botanical gardens of London.

This tree belongs to the Tea family. But in its way this is the only plant, besides it is rarely blooming. Franklinia in natural conditions grew in the valley of the Alatamaha River, which is in Georgia. But for about 200 years it has not been found there. Only thanks to the family Bartam managed to keep a unique plant. These inveterate gardeners began to cultivate and breed the franklinium even before it disappeared in the natural environment. The plant has elegant white flowers, and its green leaves in autumn acquire a bright red color. Today, all copies of the franklinia originated from those who once lived in the Bartam family.

Already in 1844 this beautiful flower was officially recognized as a vanishing species. It grows in the Canary Islands. Scientists believed that the rarity of the flower is due to its natural pollinator - nectaries, which have long been extinct. Even experiments were conducted to recreate another natural pollinator, but since 2008, not a single fruit has appeared. The flower is still growing in captivity, waiting for people to give him a second life.

This dark red flower is growing in Mexico. But in the wild it has not been found for more than a hundred years. Today, scientists support the life of an infertile clone of a plant, created back in 1902. And the flowers of the plant are dense red, in diameter they are 3-4 centimeters. In summer they smell nice vanilla.

This rare tree can be found in Hawaii. Scientists discovered it as far back as 1860, but could only find a copy. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to cultivate coca. In 1950, the last tree sprouted and he was recognized as extinct. But in 1970 another tree was discovered that burned down after 8 years. It was possible to save only 1 branch, from which patient botanists could grow as many as 23 new trees. Even today they are growing in different parts of these islands. And the kokio itself is a small tree 10-11 meters high. During the flowering period, it literally explodes with hundreds of red bright flowers.

Under this name is known a rare species of wild orchid growing in Europe. In greenhouse conditions the plant practically does not live, which causes its rarity and high cost of the flower. So, in England it costs about 5 thousand dollars. And the orchid lives in symbiosis with a special kind of mushrooms. He gives food to his neighbor, until his adult leaves learn how to get his own food.

This amazing plant was also considered extinct for 20 years. It is also intolerant to greenhouse conditions. Leaves in orchids also do not, it does not use photosynthesis, producing nutritious juices in another way. Like a shoe, this plant also needs specific mushrooms for its food. For years, a ghostly orchid can grow underground, but it is extremely rare and only under the most favorable conditions.

These plants are rightly considered the rarest on Earth. There are only 2 known specimens of camellia. One grows in a garden in New Zealand, and the other grows in a London greenhouse. And the flower came to England back in 1804 thanks to John Middlesmist, who brought him here from China. Years passed, in the Celestial flower almost disappeared. In England, however, the plant did not yield fruit for a long time, only recently flowers began to appear on it. Although the camellia is called red, its flowers still have a bright pink color, resembling roses. It is believed that in private gardens there are several more copies of such a plant. After all, in his time John Middlemist sold the sprouts of a unique plant to the most ordinary people.

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In this list we'll take a look at some amazing flowers that you, probably, in nature will soon not see again. The reason for their disappearance in most cases is that people can not exist in harmony with nature. So, here is a list of the ten most rare flowers in the world.

Strongylodon large-plant - a rare perennial plant from the family of legumes. In the wild, it grows only in the humid tropical forests of the Philippine Islands. This large liana, reaching a length of up to 20 m or more, is extremely difficult to spread, and is considered an endangered species, due to the destruction of their natural habitat and the reduction of natural pollinators.

Rafflesia Arnold

In the eighth place in the ranking of the rarest flowers in the world is "Smile Gibraltar". It is found only on the high cliffs of Gibraltar. This plant was declared extinct in 1992, but fortunately, in 1994, one specimen was accidentally found by an alpinist. Now Smolevka is grown in the botanical garden of Gibraltar and the Royal Botanic Gardens in the UK. Seeds of this plant are placed in the seed fund of the millennium.

Franklinia alatamaha species of plants from the family of tea. It is a tree, reaching a height of up to 6 meters. Since 1803, in the wild, it is considered extinct. The main factors of extinction were deforestation and subsequent plowing of these territories. Franklinia is grown only in botanical gardens and parks. Prefers sandy, acidic soil. Does not tolerate clay, excessive moisture, or any irregularities in their roots.


The sixth place in the list of the rarest flowers in the world is "Kliantus" - a plant from the family of legumes. Red flowers, which resemble the beak of the Kaka parrot, from here in the homeland of the plant in New Zealand, it is called "Beak of Kaka". It is believed that completely disappeared in the wild, but there is a version that several plants could have survived. Clyanthus is more popular in greenhouses and as a houseplant.

Chocolate braid

This incredible beauty flower  originally from Mexico. Unfortunately, in the wild it is considered extinct for more than a hundred years. Today this species represents a fertile clone that was created in 1902 by vegetative reproduction. Flowers have a pleasant aroma of vanillin, which makes it an excellent decorative plant.

This extremely rare, small tree, growing to 10-11 meters in height, lives only in the Hawaiian Islands. The plant was first discovered in 1860, and since then only three samples have been found in the wild. By 1950, after the death of all trees, this species was declared extinct. But in 1970, another single specimen found in the wild was discovered, but it was also destroyed in a fire in 1978. Fortunately, one of the branches of this last remaining tree was saved, and grafted to the 23 trees that exist today. They can be found in different places in Hawaii.

A yellow and purple slipper is an extremely rare species of wild orchids common throughout Europe. The only specimen of this wild orchid is in Britain. The plant can be found on the golf course, which is under strict police protection since 1917. The shoots of this orchid cost not less than 5000 US dollars. The plant is very difficult to reproduce. His seeds can not eat independently, so he lives in symbiosis with a certain kind of fungus, which provides nutrition until the plant grows up.

The spirit of the orchid is an amazingly rare plant that is considered extinct for more than 20 years. The plant is rare, because it is practically unable to multiply. It has no leaves, does not depend on photosynthesis, and can not feed itself. Like the shoe (third place), the spirit of the orchid needs the help of a specific type of fungus, which is in close contact with the root system of the flower, thereby feeding it. A flower can live underground for many years without showing any external signs of life, and will bloom only when the conditions for this are optimal.

This is the rarest blooming plant in the world. Only 2 known instances are registered. One can be found in a garden in New Zealand, the second is located in a greenhouse in the UK. The plant was originally brought to England from China, by John Middlemist (after whom it was named) in 1804. Since then, no one of this plant has been found in China. Middlemyst red in the UK, for many years remained barren and only recently began to appear flowers. Flowers, in spite of their name, have a bright pink color and appearance are very similar to a rose.

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This smolka grows only on the high rocks of Gibraltar and for a long time was considered a completely extinct species. But in 1994, one specimen of this plant was accidentally discovered by a mountaineer. Now the seeds of this plant are in the seed bank of the millennium, and the resin itself is grown in the Gibraltar Botanical Garden and in the Royal Botanical Garden in London.

Jade Vine

Its fame for the jade vine due to its impressive blue-green clawed flowers. Pollinating the flower is "produced" by bats who love to drink its nectar. Due to climatic changes and systematic cutting of the natural habitat of such rare flowers - jade vines are under threat of extinction.

Beak of a parrot

A very rare plant, this flower, like two drops of water, is like a parrot's beak, which is why it got its name. Many consider it disappeared, although there are also enthusiasts who think otherwise. The native land of this plant is the Canary Islands. Their only pollinators were the nectarists, who had long ago disappeared.

Chocolate Cosmos

The birthplace of this flower is Mexico, for 100 years it was considered to have disappeared from the wild. In our time, you can find only the barren species of this plant, which was bred in 1902. His flowers are 3-4 cm in diameter and in summer they smell of vanilla.


Kokio is one of the rarest species of flowers that blossom on a certain kind of Hawaiian trees. These trees were discovered in 1860 and already in 1950 they were recognized as extinct. However, 20 years later, one tree of this species was found, which, unfortunately, was lost during a natural disaster - fires in 1978. Nevertheless, one of the branches of the tree was saved and even planted in other Hawaiian trees.

Flower caducele

This flower is considered very rare because it rarely blooms, although it is easily grown. He grows on the islands of Sri Lanka, and blooms only at midnight and immediately after flowering perishes. There is a belief that when a flower blooms, Nagi (semi-mythical characters) descend from heaven to earth to give this flower to the Buddha.

Ghost Orchid

Orchid-ghost is a very interesting and rare plant. For 20 years it was considered extinct, but more recently reappeared. In connection with their rare nature, their natural reproduction is almost impossible. Eat orchid-ghosts do not like all plants, i.e. not from the process of photosynthesis, because they do not have leaves. Feed the roots of the plant a special kind of fungus, which is attached to the roots.

Yellow and purple Venus shoe

Widely distributed throughout Europe, the view of this flower, at the moment is a rare species of orchids. In 1917, several specimens were found on the golf course in the UK. They are very expensive and the price for one of its processes reaches 5000 dollars. The initial development of the slipper orchids like the development ghost: first sprout, sprouting through the seed needs special fungus, with which it feeds. And only after a while the plants begin to grow their own leaves.

Yutan Poluo

A unique discovery and discovery of a Chinese farmer. This happened when he was cleaning steel pipes. Yutan Poluo is a flower that does not need soil and grows on any hard surface. For a long time there was such an opinion that it grows only in Buddhist temples on gold-covered Buddha statues.

Cadaverous flower

The smell of this flower is so disgusting as the appearance of this Sumatran flower is. The height of the flowers of this plant reaches up to 2 meters. This is a very vulnerable flower, its growth depends entirely on the particular liana that feeds the plant. Pollinators of this plant are flies and beetles, attracted by the smell of rotting flesh.

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