How long does Chinese New Year last? Traditions of celebrating Chinese New Year

- Traditional Chinese New Year lunar calendar, main holiday years in China.

New Year is celebrated twice in the country: on January 1 according to the solar calendar, as in most countries, and during the new moon. However, the Chinese people traditionally celebrate the Spring Festival more solemnly and with greater joy than the New Year according to the solar calendar. This is due to the fact that most of the country’s population are peasants who, by tradition, continue to live according to the lunar calendar, and that’s all. field work and holidays are closely intertwined with the lunar calendar.

Chunjie is a family holiday. Millions of Chinese return to their hometowns to welcome New Year in the family. The New Year's travel season in China is specially called "Chunyun" and is considered the world's largest migration phenomenon.

According to scientists, the history of the holiday.

It has always been rich in a variety of customs, some of which still exist today.

On the eighth day of the last month according to the lunar calendar, many homes prepare aromatic porridge - "labazhou", which includes 8 types of products: glutinous rice, chumiza, grains of willow's tears (bead), dates, lotus seeds, red beans, longyan fruits ", ginkgo seed.

The twenty-third day of the last month according to the lunar calendar is popularly called “xiaonian” (i.e. “small New Year”). People who strictly follow traditions make sacrifices to the deity of the hearth.

Before the holiday, the country literally blooms with red. There are posters everywhere with the hieroglyphs “fu” (happiness) and “si” (joy) gracefully written on them, garlands of lanterns and other decorations, and all of them are exclusively red, meaning prosperity, luck and prosperity.

In the north of China, it is customary to eat dumplings for the New Year, and in the south - “niangao” (slices made from glutinous rice). Northerners prefer dumplings because, firstly, in Chinese the word is “jiaozi”, i.e. “dumplings” is consonant with the words “seeing off the old and welcoming the new”; secondly, dumplings resemble traditional gold and silver bars in their shape and symbolize the desire for wealth. For the same reason, southerners eat "niangao", symbolizing the improvement of life every year.

A joyful festive atmosphere fills not only every home, but also reigns on every street of every city and village. During the Spring Festival, noisy folk festivals and fairs are held for several days in a row, where lion and dragon dances are performed.

The lion dance, according to legend, traces its history back to the events of the era of the Southern and Northern dynasties, when decisive battle one of the sides disguised itself as lions (which were never found in China) and won the battle, because the enemy’s war elephants were frightened by the terrible masks and ran, throwing off their riders. Since then, Chinese soldiers have performed the lion dance on special occasions. In the 14th-16th centuries, this dance spread throughout China and began to be performed during the Chunjie festival. It is designed to scare away all the evil forces that can bring misfortune in the coming year.

The dance of dragons also has a long history. It was included in festive rituals back in the 12th century and expressed people’s admiration for the dragon and requests for it to tame the wind and shed rain to obtain a good harvest. The dragon, made of paper, wire and willow twigs, can reach 8-10 meters. His body is flexible and consists of a different, but always odd number of parts (9, 11, 13). Each part is controlled by one dancer using a pole; the undulating, writhing movements of the dragon require great coordination among the participants.

The first five days of the new year are meant for meetings. Relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues visit and congratulate each other on the New Year and give gifts.

New Year's festivities end after the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiaojie or Dengjie), on the fifteenth day of the first month of the Lunar calendar. Today, lantern exhibitions and competitions organized in large city parks are very popular in the capital. Lantern exhibitions last for several days and form an integral part of the New Year's holiday.

Russia celebrates the New Year, like most countries in the world - according to the Gregorian calendar on the first of January. However, in the land of the rising sun there is a tradition of celebrating it according to the Chinese calendar. Finding out what date this happens is not so easy, because exact time This holiday is determined by the second new moon following the Winter Solstice.

This day usually falls in the last month of winter. According to the Chinese, it is at the junction of winter and spring that the New Year should come, as the personification of the arrival of something new. Spring best fits this definition. With its onset, nature comes to life again, everything around is filled with new energy and is born, in the full sense of the word, new life.

history of the holiday

The Chinese calendar is revered not only in the Middle Kingdom. Other Eastern countries adhere to it. The celebration of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar has deep ancient roots and symbolizes the onset of a new life.

According to ancient Chinese legend, every twelve months people were visited by the terrible monster Chun, which, crawling out of the sea, demanded tribute from people. To avoid this fate, everyone who could these days hid in the mountains. However, one day a strange thing happened. In the village, shortly before the terrible moment, an old man appeared who could not hide from Chun in the mountains due to his poor health and therefore asked one of the women to stay in her house. What a surprise the residents were when, after returning, they saw the old man safe and sound. He was dressed in a red robe, the same lanterns hung around him, and used firecrackers were on the ground. The old man was not only not afraid, but a smile was shining on his face. As the old man later said, the monster is very afraid of the color red, loud noise and fun.

From that time on, the residents of the village stopped hiding in the mountains, and once a year they dressed all in red and had noisy fun and enjoyed life. So they managed to overcome the terrible monster and drive away their fear and adversity. This tradition has been living for centuries on Chinese soil, and newly born children are told the legend of the brave old man again and again.

When does the New Year begin and end in 2019?

As noted above, Chinese New Year occurs on the second new moon after winter solstice. The last event takes place according to the Gregorian calendar, usually on December 21-22. In 2019 the picture will look like this:

On February 6, 2019, the second new moon will occur at 18:13 Moscow time, which means the start of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar also falls at this time. However, you need to take into account that the time difference between Moscow and Beijing is five hours. This means that in China the exact time of the New Year will be 23:13. Moreover, if Russia celebrates 2019, then in China it will be 4716. The symbol of the year will be the Yellow Earth Pig. This is the twelfth character in Chinese horoscope.

Celebrating New Year in China

The Chinese celebrate New Year's holidays somewhat differently than the Slavs. Despite the fact that the official holidays in China will be 02/5/19 – 02/19/19, the celebration of Chun Jie, which is what the New Year celebrations are called, will continue for fifteen whole days. The first days are completely devoted to relaxation and festivities.

It should be noted that the Chinese NG has its own characteristics:

  • Before the celebration, the houses are brought into perfect condition. Old or broken items are thrown away.
  • Housewives prepare the family's favorite dishes. Traditionally, there must be meat (not pork) and fish on the table.
  • All residents wear red clothes, which, according to the general belief, bring happiness and good luck.
  • The threshold of the house is decorated with red lanterns, and the dwellings are decorated with paired drawings. This should protect the home from troubles and adversity.
  • During the holiday, music must be played loudly, and the house must be filled with laughter and fun. It is advisable that everything be accompanied by the sound of fireworks and the sound of firecrackers.
  • Sorrow and sadness are not welcome. According to ancient beliefs, only joy and laughter can drive out the monster Chun.
  • Celebrating the “Spring Festival” (also called the New Year) does not require the presence of a Christmas tree. However, it is mandatory to have a spread with eight oranges. The fruits are laid out in a circle and there should be exactly eight of them in strict order. This number is believed to bring good luck.

If you think that Chinese Chun Jie is completely different from our New Year, then you will be deeply mistaken. Both in the Russian Federation and in the Celestial Empire, this is, by and large, a family holiday. On the eve of the holidays, the Celestial Empire turns into a real “anthill”. Everyone is going somewhere, swimming, flying. The reason is that there is an established tradition on Chun Jie to be close to your parents, in the house where you come from.

Traditional gifts

In China, it is not customary to give expensive gifts for the New Year, but everyone loves to receive presents. These may include:

  • souvenirs in the form of a New Year symbol;
  • money in red envelopes;
  • simple trinkets.

The most important thing is that everything is in duplicate or in pairs. Although, the number four is not recommended. This number is associated with death.

What's the best way to celebrate?

If you want this good-natured animal to bring you good luck, you should do the following:

  • Christmas tree decorations must certainly be golden or yellow color;
  • When decorating your home, you need to give preference to yellow and light brown shades;
  • When choosing a wardrobe for the New Year, you should pay attention to the fact that there are no sparkles or ultramarine on your clothes. Everything should be done in calm colors. Avoid miniskirts as well. There is no point in teasing the patroness of 2019 again. Medium length outfits and jewelry made of gold and amber would be appropriate. Yellow colored jewelry is also suitable;
  • The table should be decorated with meat dishes; when preparing salads, yellow vegetables and fruits can be used;
  • Dogs are group animals, so it’s better to celebrate New Year’s holidays in a noisy company;
  • If you are going to celebrate the holiday together, it doesn’t matter. The most important condition for a successful New Year's Eve is a good mood, laughter and fun.

The Yellow Earth Pig is a sensible animal. If you are persistent and go towards your goal without fuss, the patroness of 2019 will always meet you.

Our compatriots celebrate the New Year on January 1 according to the Gregorian calendar. But according to the Chinese calendar, this joyful holiday falls on a different date every year, as it depends on the new moon. This date usually falls at the end of winter, because, according to Chinese beliefs, with the arrival of spring, everything comes to life and is filled with energy, and the New Year is born.

IN eastern calendar Every year has its own animal symbol. 2018 according to the Chinese calendar will be held under the auspices of Earthy Yellow Dog. Astrologers believe that this year is good for making important decisions in life. If you make measured and informed decisions, you can achieve great success in business, advance in career ladder and create a strong family.

The Year of the Dog will be moderate and calm if you do not make hasty decisions. All people know that a dog will never bite if you treat him kindly. The element of the year is the Earth, so wisdom and intelligence will be valued. Dogs do not like betrayal and lies. In general, 2018 of the Yellow Dog will bring success and joy to people.

So when does the celebration of this event begin and end?

Chinese New Year 2018 will begin on February 16 and the Year of the Dog itself will last until February 4, 2019.

The celebration period traditionally ends on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar with the fabulously beautiful Lantern Festival (March 3, 2018).

How did the history of the celebration begin?

Not only the Celestial Empire lives according to the Chinese calendar, but also other eastern countries - Malaysia, Thailand, Korea and so on. The New Year in Eastern culture has long come with the first new moon of spring, which symbolized the beginning of a new life. The celebration of Chinese New Year goes back a long way in history.

There is a legend that a long time ago a monster named Chun lived in the sea. It appeared on the shore once every 12 months, during the New Year, and demanded donations from people. To avoid trouble, people hid in the mountains during this terrible period for them.

One day an old man appeared in the village. In the bustle and hasty preparations to leave, people did not notice the old man, and only one woman paid attention to him and called on him to go to the mountains. But the old man replied that his strength and health were not enough to go far from here. He asked to spend the night at the woman's house, and she allowed him.

What a surprise the villagers were when they returned and saw a living old man dressed in bright red outfits. Lanterns were burning around him and there were traces of firecrackers, and a smile was shining on his face. As it turned out, the monster is afraid of the color red, fun and loud sounds. Since then, people no longer hid in the mountains, but on New Year's Eve they dressed up in red clothes and had fun with all their hearts in order to drive away the monster, and with it all the sorrows and troubles. The traditions of celebrating this joyful holiday have been passed down from generation to generation for many decades.

How is New Year celebrated in Eastern culture?

Traditions of New Year celebrations in China and eastern countries differ significantly from the traditions observed by residents of Slavic states. The first day of the 2018 celebration according to the Chinese calendar falls on February 16, but the festivities and fun will last for 15 days. First week everything eastern peoples relax and celebrate the most fun holiday of the year. All firms and companies do not work for the first seven days of the new year, but family holidays and large-scale celebrations continue throughout the next week.

Celebrating Chinese New Year has a number of traditions:

  1. In preparation for the holiday, all unnecessary and broken things are thrown out of the house. Housewives put the house in order, not losing sight of any corner.
  2. Women cook a lot the day before delicious dishes. On festive table served traditional dishes from meat and fish.
  3. All residents of the Middle Kingdom and other eastern countries dress in red outfits for the New Year, which bring happiness and prosperity for the entire next year.
  4. The house must be decorated with paired drawings and decorations. Red lanterns are hung on the threshold to ward off grief and misfortune from the home.
  5. The holiday is necessarily accompanied by loud music, fun, laughter, fireworks, and firecrackers.

According to Chinese beliefs, fun and noise drive away troubles, grief and bad weather, which were previously symbolized by the Chun monster. No one should be sad or sad.

There is no tradition of installing Christmas trees in the Middle Kingdom. In every home, tangerines and oranges must be placed in a circle on a tray. There should be 8 of them - no more and no less, since this number symbolizes happiness and prosperity.

New Year celebrations in China and Russia have one common tradition - to celebrate this holiday with close people. The day before, children come to their parents, and on New Year's Day the whole family gathers at the table to not only celebrate the important day of the year together, but also to congratulate those closest to them.

What do they give in China for the New Year?

Celebrating the New Year in the Middle Kingdom is necessarily accompanied by the presentation of gifts.
In China, the following gifts are traditionally given:

  1. Money in red envelopes.
  2. Souvenirs.
  3. Symbolic gifts.

In eastern countries they do not give expensive gifts. Preference is given to souvenirs and inexpensive trinkets. Appropriate gifts in 2018 according to the Chinese calendar would be dog figurines or paintings with their images.

It is important that the gift contains pairs, for example, two objects, a pair of bills in an envelope, or a pair of objects in a picture. But the number 4 should be avoided, as it is associated with death and troubles.

How should you celebrate the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog?

In order for the coming 2018, which belongs to the animal symbol of the Yellow Earth Dog, to bring you only positive emotions, happiness and prosperity, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. When decorating your home, you should give preference to yellow, brown and gold shades. When decorating the Christmas tree, choose gold and yellow balls and avoid bright, provocative colors.
  2. When choosing an outfit for the New Year's celebration, give preference to the same color scheme. Avoid bright dresses with sequins, ultramarine and miniskirts. A dog is a calm and intelligent animal, so medium-length or maxi dresses would be appropriate. Don't forget about jewelry: gold earrings and rings, pendants and chains with amber and other yellow stones.
  3. Must be present on the table meat dishes. Prepare dishes from pork or beef; there is also a place for poultry on the holiday table. You can use yellow and red vegetables to prepare light meals. All these delicacies will help you invite the symbol of the year into your home - the Dog, which will bring good luck, success in your personal life and at work.
  4. Since dogs are herd animals, you should not celebrate the New Year alone. Be in a family circle or a cheerful group of friends - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is not to be sad alone.

2018 of the Yellow Dog promises to be prosperous and productive for everyone who makes an effort and strives for their goal. Measurement and balance are the main criteria of this year.

Annually on the last Saturday of March environmental action is being carried out all over the world" Earth Hour", organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The meaning of the action is in voluntary cessation of consumption electrical energy for one hour. Thus, society realizes the importance of taking measures to reduce negative impact human activity on the environment.

This great idea was first implemented in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by the example, more and more cities began to join the Earth Hour campaign every year. It is expected that in 2020, more than 7 thousand residents will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. settlements of our planet (more than 2 billion people). Of course, among the countries participating in the action is Russia.

What date and time does the Earth Hour 2020 campaign take place:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually on the last Saturday of March, with the exception of those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday. March 28, 2020. The promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the Earth Hour 2020 campaign - what date is it held and at what time:
*Date: March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

Chinese New Year 2018 will begin on February 16, 2018 and end on February 4, 2019. Each year has its own patron - an animal that will become the rightful owner of a certain period. 2018 will be ruled by the Dog. The Chinese also choose a color and element for each year. In the coming year ruling color will be yellow, and the element will be Earth.

Where and how to celebrate Chinese New Year 2018?

In China, the main holiday is celebrated differently than in Europe. The New Year celebration lasts 15 days. So, in 2018 it will last from February 16 to March 3 inclusive. Of course not all holidays will be considered official holidays. But this will not prevent people from following traditions every day, performing certain rites and rituals.

Chinese New Year is a wonderful occasion not only to please loved ones with gifts and pleasant surprises, but also to get the whole family together for a festive evening meal. And if you consider that the mistress of the year - the Dog - teaches to honor traditions, to be the keeper of the family hearth, and the element of the Earth symbolizes abundance, fertility and rebirth, the best option New Year's Eve will be spent at home.

If the traditional version of celebrating the New Year (on the night of January 1st) involves a more grandiose celebration, then on February 16, 2018 it is better to be exclusively in the circle of your closest people. The Chinese identify this day with the unity of all relatives and the reunification of the family. In order for the year to be successful, you need to follow this tradition. Then the yellow earth Dog will protect you from troubles throughout the entire period of its reign, giving you happy moments.

On February 16th, you shouldn’t have a luxurious, hours-long feast with loud chants and dancing until you drop. Ideally, this should be a relaxed family dinner with the presentation of small gifts and the exchange of pleasantries. Don’t forget to once again tell your relatives that you love and appreciate them. In other words, the holiday should take place almost according to the classic scenario of the traditional New Year, only in miniature.

Rules for preparing for Chinese New Year

The Chinese begin preparing for the upcoming celebration a few days in advance. Literally everywhere - in homes, work offices, on city streets - total order is being restored. Unnecessary, broken and old things are thrown away. To neutralize stagnant energy, literally everything in the house/apartment is washed out - from the attic with its most secluded places to the entrance gate located on the plot. In this way, the Chinese clear the way for renewed vital energy to flow.

Instead of the traditional New Year tree, the Chinese use Light Tree. All rooms of the home are decorated with garlands, images, figurines and figurines of the animal that rules the coming year. Multi-colored ribbons must be hung on the front door. There should be 5 of them. They symbolize success in five main areas of life: family; business; financial; love; in the field of health.

In the evening, every Chinese family sets a festive table. Central dishes without which not a single Chinese person will sit down to eat New Year's table, are all kinds of sweets, slices of rice seasoned with spices, as well as national dumplings. Rice represents material well-being. Dumplings are also considered a symbol of abundance and wealth. They must be in the shape of real gold bars. And sweets are the personification of the fact that each family member will live a very “sweet” life in the new year, that is, good luck will accompany him in everything.

The table for the Chinese New Year is set taking into account the allocation of seats even for those family members who, for some reason, were unable to join the joint festive meal. Plates and cutlery are set out for them, glasses with drinks are placed, and napkins are placed nearby. The Chinese custom of celebrating the New Year strictly within the family circle is very important and is rarely violated.

After celebrating the New Year with the whole family, many Chinese go to visit friends during the subsequent holidays.

History of Chinese New Year

The origins of this holiday go back to the Middle Ages. There are 3 legends explaining its origin.

First legend

In ancient times, there lived a childless woman who grieved over her inability to conceive a child. But a miracle happened! She was able to get pregnant after her husband had a prophetic dream. The man dreamed that a Phoenix bird flew to him and brought a grain of rice in its beak. The husband ate the grain. Nine months later the woman had a son. The guy's fate was difficult. The mother died immediately after giving birth, the father married for the second time. Stepmother turned out an evil person. An insidious plan was brewing in her soul: to drive the boy from the world. She managed to persuade her husband to kill her son. But the idea failed, the guy found out about the insidious plans and ran away from home. The boy ended up in the service of the emperor, who was captivated by his youthful wisdom and kindness. As a sign of recognition, the emperor gave his two daughters in marriage to the guy, and also gave the throne to the young man instead of his son. The imperial crown touched the guy's head on the first day of the new moon. After this, 10 “suns” lit up in the sky - this was a sign that the young man was chosen by the Gods themselves. When the guy got old and the time came to hand over the reins of power, he, just like his predecessor ruler, handed over the crown not to his son, but to a completely stranger, who was also crowned on the first day of the new moon. This is how the tradition arose of celebrating the New Year in memory of all the emperors, thanks to whose wisdom the Celestial Empire flourished for many centuries. This holiday has always personified hopes for new achievements and victories, both throughout the country and in the life of an individual.

Second legend

The ancestors of modern Chinese believed that the awakening of nature and all life on Earth after a long winter sleep begins after the first new moon. Due to the fact that the New Year has always been considered a symbol of rebirth and renewal, the beginning of this holiday was timed to coincide with the day of the first new moon. They say that this period is the source of the new annual cycle.

Third legend

This version of the origin of the New Year is most popular among the Chinese. However, it is considered the most mythical of all existing options. They say that at the bottom of the sea there lives a bloodthirsty monster that can come onto land only once a year - on the new moon. Having escaped from the depths of the sea, the creature begins to devour all living things that come its way: animals, fruits of trees and shrubs, vegetables, and even people and children. One day a monster knocked on the door of one of the residential buildings. The door was opened a little boy, who was wearing bright red pajamas. The boy's mother saw that a monster was on the doorstep and began banging on the walls with a stick. As a result, the monster got scared and ran away. Then people realized that the creature was afraid of the color red and loud sounds. This is where the tradition of making New Year's decorations with a predominance of red began. Also on New Year's Day, people covered the windows and front doors of their houses with red cloth and threw bamboo sticks into the fireplace, which emit a loud, characteristic crack when burned.

What and how to give for Chinese New Year?

In China, it is not customary to give grandiose New Year's gifts. As a rule, parents give their children money enclosed in red envelopes. These envelopes are called the “lucky sum”, which is intended to bring prosperity in the new year. Small gifts in the form of:

  • all kinds of souvenirs;
  • amulets, talismans, amulets;
  • sets of sweets;
  • figurines of the owner of the year (in the coming 2018 these are figurines of Dogs and puppies);
  • cards with congratulatory words and New Year wishes.

But when giving gifts for Chinese New Year, you should remember some rules:

  • In China, it is not customary to give gifts wrapped in paper or in a blue and blue box. white flowers. These colors are considered a symbol of mourning.
  • Also, the number “4” should not be present anywhere during the New Year celebration - it represents death.
  • It is unacceptable to present a gift to the recipient in the presence of others. This process is very personal and should happen in private. In this case, the gift is transmitted not with one, but with two hands.
  • Any gift should be in the form of paired items. For example, if you give a figurine of the symbol of the year, there should be two of them.
  • Gifts should be given according to seniority. The one who is the oldest in age receives his gift first. The last gift to be given is to the youngest recipient.

Chinese New Year Traditions for Every Holiday

1 day. At midnight the whole family sits down at the table, which includes traditional dishes - rice, sweets, dumplings, fish and meat products. Families living in the southern regions of the country feast on lobster, duck, dried meat and Chinese sausage. After the family feast, people go to visit with gifts. Many Chinese give each other two tangerines - a symbol of happiness, love and prosperity. Mass celebrations are held on the streets with explosions of firecrackers, fireworks, and the lighting of bamboo sticks and sparklers.

Day 2. The most important tradition of this day is morning prayer, addressed to the Gods. Everyone asks for what they dream of most. Then the Chinese continue to visit friends and relatives, giving and receiving gifts. If on this day next to front door When the Chinese see poor people in their homes, they always help them to the best of their ability. Some bring food, some bring clothes, and some give money.

Day 3. On this day it is not customary to visit or invite guests to your home. They do not present gifts, do not make congratulatory speeches and do not set the festive table. The third day of the New Year is called “red dog” or “red mouth”. All family members should be at home in a calm and comfortable environment.

Day 4. The Chinese continue to visit their friends, colleagues, acquaintances and distant relatives, presenting them with gifts. This day becomes the finale for employees largest corporations, since in such organizations only 2-4 days are allocated for New Year celebrations. The work process is returning to its usual course.

Days 5 and 6. Today we are preparing a national New Year's dish called "Bobo". Visually it resembles Ukrainian dumplings, but its taste is more similar to the taste of dumplings. IN ancient China Bobo was eaten for 5 days. But modern Chinese eat it only for two days. Gradually, people begin to integrate into everyday life, many go to their workplaces. But the first day of work is always marked by a beautiful fireworks display.

Day 7. For many centuries, the 7th day of the New Year holidays has been considered the day humanity appeared on Earth. All Chinese celebrate this event, order prayer services, and send words of gratitude to God for the creation of people. In the evening there is a festive meal. A dish such as “Yusheng” (raw fish) is always present on the table. If you eat a piece of this dish, the whole year will be successful and profitable.

Day 8. It is believed that it was on the 8th day of New Year that the world's first grain of rice was born. The Chinese believe that the weather on this day can be used to judge the quality and quantity of the future harvest. If the weather is good, the harvest will be rich; if it rains, windy and cold, the harvest will be poor. Also on this day, the stars are glorified; in their honor, people go to temples and light smoking aromatic candles. In the evening, the family awaits another feast, where the main dish is national “koloboks”.

Day 9. Today, most of the Chinese are already at their workplace. Those who continue to rest pray and light incense all day. This day commemorates the liberation of the Chinese people from Japanese pirate invaders. Even today, the Chinese celebrate the day of heaven and the birth of the Jade Emperor. On this occasion, they visit temples, ask for well-being and present sacrificial food to the Gods. Officially, the 9th day is the beginning of the New Year. At dinner they eat pork, vegetarians are served tea, fruits, and sweets.

Day 10 In all temples, candles and incense are burned in the name of the day of the stone. Today, none of the Chinese use objects for which stone was used. People continue to visit and receive guests at home. Time is spent mainly playing games (chess, checkers, dice, etc.).

Day 11. Day of sons-in-law. All fathers-in-law organize a real celebration in honor of their daughters' spouses. All rules are followed: congratulatory words are spoken, gifts are presented, and the table is set in the evening.

Day 12. Cleansing day, when the body should be freed from eating excess food. After all, in previous days people consumed a lot of fatty and high-calorie foods. It is customary to eat only vegetarian food. Entrepreneurs go to the temple and pray to the Gods, asking them for success in business, protection from competitors and victory over them.

13 and 14 days. These days are the preparatory period for the last New Year's day - the Lantern Festival. The Chinese purchase and independently make various decorations, lanterns and canopies for them. Paper, clay, fabric, and living plants are used. Cleansing the body continues, so people eat mainly vegetarian food.

Day 15. The final day of the New Year is the Lantern Festival. It is considered family friendly. In the evening, all household members gather in the large living room and make lanterns with their own hands. Then a dinner is held to celebrate the end of the holiday. Dishes such as dumplings, rice sweet porridge, as well as rice flour balls with a sweet filling inside. After the gala dinner, the whole family goes outside, holding the made lanterns in their hands. On street stages they give funny performances and concerts.

What do the Chinese expect from 2018?

In China, it is believed that each year is endowed with the characteristics of an animal that ascends to the throne. Due to the fact that the coming year will be ruled by the yellow earth Dog, the year promises to be a controversial period in many areas. Despite the fact that this animal has the most noble character traits - friendliness, justice, honesty, loyalty - sometimes it has such traits as unpredictable behavior and laziness. But the Chinese believe that the non-leap year 2018, enhanced by the elements of the Earth and the color yellow, will be predominantly calm and stable. This period should bring harmony and peace to every family. Professional Chinese astrologers are confident that this year the economic situation in the world will improve, violent confrontations and wars will end, and many people will be able to improve their quality of life. And 2018 is considered the most favorable period for starting a family and serious relationships, getting married, conceiving and having children. The Chinese also believe that if you feed all the dogs you meet on the street on the holiday, the year will bring unprecedented luck, good health and success in love.

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