Project verbs in culinary recipes. Speech development

Zaporozhets Irina Viktorovna,
primary school teacher,
Honorary worker general education RF


1. To develop the ability to distinguish between business and artistic styles speech.

2. To develop the ability to use linguistic means in accordance with the task of the statement and the style of speech.

3. Develop the ability to consistently present content,

4. Develop the ability to use different verb forms in speech.

5. Introduce the text in the genre culinary recipe, with its structure and features.

6. Build positive self-esteem.

7. Strengthen the ability to carry out and name an action.

Before the lesson, students, under the guidance of the teacher, prepare sandwiches with cheese and apples.

During the classes

I.Lesson motto:“To learn is to invent. To know is to create"

II.Updating knowledge. Working with the “Speech Styles” table

- Conversational style used in conversation and in friendly letters.
- Scientific style used for accurate transmission of scientific knowledge in textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias, and scientific literature.

- Art style used in fiction to influence the reader's feelings. Creating an image.
For formal business style characteristic absence of emotionally charged words, conciseness, compactness of presentation.

III. Working with G.S. Shchegoleva’s notebook . Comparison of scientific text with fiction.

- Read the texts, compare them with each other.

1) How nice it is to find a porcini mushroom in the forest. Such a handsome man stands under the Christmas tree and covers his eyes with a leaf. Cut it and admire the strong white stem and brown velvet cap.

2) The white mushroom is more often found in oak and coniferous forests. You can recognize it by its thick white leg and dark brown cap. Among edible mushrooms it is considered the most valuable.

— Determine which text is artistic and which is scientific. PROVE

—What is said in both texts? Can we say that they are the same?

Purpose of the first text- evoke empathy, awaken the reader’s imagination, create images. The first is to show the beauty of the mushroom.

Purpose of the second text- provide information, present facts, therefore words are used in their literal meaning and accurate data are provided. In the second, provide information about him.

Conclusion: Texts about the same thing can be different depending on the task set by the author.

IV.Setting a learning task.

1. Remember N.N. Nosov’s story “Mishkina Porridge”

- Only you will have to cook dinner yourself. Can you do it?

“We can do it,” says Mishka. - What can’t you do!

- Well, cook some soup and porridge. It's easy to cook porridge.

- Let's cook some porridge. Why cook it? - says Mishka. I speak:

- Look, Mishka, what if we can’t! You haven't cooked before.

- Don't worry! I saw my mother cooking. You will be full, you will not die of hunger. I’ll cook such porridge that you’ll lick your fingers!

What style of speech does this passage belong to?

Why couldn't the boys cook the porridge? (They didn't know how to do it.)

Where can we learn how to cook porridge, scrambled eggs...?

/From cookbooks and television programs./

2. Report the topic of the lesson. Setting a learning task.

Read the topic of the lesson: “Creating a culinary recipe.” What are the goals of our lesson? (Learn to write down a recipe)

What sandwiches did you make the day before?

—Who would you like to teach to make sandwiches? (Acquaintances, younger comrades.)

— The text should be such that, according to your description, anyone could make such sandwiches. What goal will you set for your work? (Teach how to make sandwiches.)

What kind of text will it be, literary or business? (- The speech is clear, businesslike, its task is to provide accurate information about how to prepare something, what products, what actions and in what sequence to perform. A recipe is an instruction, which means formal business style)

— What will you learn in class? (Make up recipe.)

— What requirements should a text that teaches you how to do something meet? (All actions must be clearly named in the order in which they need to be performed.)

What question will we have to answer in class? (How to write a business text?)

V.Discussion of text structure.

Teacher's message:

— A culinary recipe usually has two parts: the first lists the products that will be needed and their quantity, the second tells how to prepare the dish.

Compound: 1 white loaf

100g cheese

50g butter

3 tablespoons sour cream

2 apples

— Which part of the recipe is written on the board? (COMPOUND)

What is the main ingredient for a sandwich? ( bread)

Do you think bread is healthy? ? I can briefly and accurately answer this question in the words of A.O. Parmentier (French agronomist and pharmacist) “When we get sick, we lose the taste for bread last; and as soon as it appears again, this serves as a sign of recovery.”

— During the lesson we will write a part that tells how to prepare sandwiches.

- This is part - cooking method. Cards with pictures will help us with this.

VI.Working with cards.

— What kind of assistance will they provide in composing the text? cards with pictures? (They will remind you of the necessary products and the procedure for preparing sandwiches.)

— Arrange the cards in the order in which the sandwiches are prepared and write the names of the products in the notebooks. Execution options: in pairs or independently (at the request of students).

- Check the order in which you placed the cards.

VII.Selection of verbs.

— Write the verbs that need to be used to name the actions in the recipe.

Cut, peel, grate, put, add, mix, spread.

- In what form are these verbs used? (initial)

— What form of the verb can be used instead of the infinitive?

We can use verbs 1 l., plural future tense: cut, peel, grate, put, add, mix, spread.

The verb is also possible imperative mood: cut, peel, grate, put, add, stir, spread.

VIII.Working on a plan.

What will help you imagine the future text? completely, don't miss anything? (Plan.)

— What questions need to be answered when writing a recipe? (What sandwiches, what products, what actions, what to serve)

— Why is it suggested in the notebook to indicate the order of questions in the plan? (The questions are not in order.) Indicate correct order parts in the text according to plan.


1. What kind of sandwiches will we make?

2. What products will be needed?

3. How to make sandwiches?

4. Why serve sandwiches?

Recipe- this is an instruction. Characteristics of the method of action, which means verbs are used, sentences are constructed listing actions in which commas are placed.

Homogeneous predicates.

IX.Parts of text.

What parts does the text consist of? (Introduction, main part, conclusion)

— How can I start the text? Come up with an interesting start.

— What words can be used to connect parts and sentences?

- (First, then, then, now, after.)

X.Recording text.


Extra activity: change your recipe by changing the form of the verb.

Children read the resulting recipes.

XII.Lesson summary.

— What did you learn in class?

— Why did you write on this topic? business text ? (The task was to teach how to make sandwiches.)

— Tell us how a business text differs from a literary text regarding the following questions:

1) What task is set in an artistic text, and what task is set in a business text?

2) What words are used in literary and business texts?

3) How are actions described in literary and business texts?

Optional task: write the text of the recipe on a card.

Example text:

How to make sandwiches

Do you want to please your mom? I'll teach you how to make sandwiches with cheese and apples.

For this you will need apples, a white loaf, cheese, sour cream and butter.

First you need to cut the loaf into slices. Then peel the apples and grate them coarse grater. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Place apples and cheese in a bowl, add sour cream and butter and mix everything well. Gently spread the resulting mass onto the slices.

Sandwiches can be served with tea and coffee.

Autumn has come. The basic preparations for the winter have been made: the cucumbers have been pickled, the mushrooms have been pickled, and the jam has been made. All this is prepared according to classic “Russian” recipes. What if you try to make something according to “American” recipes? For example, make pumpkin jam or bake corn. Sounds very tasty. You can look for some tempting recipe on the Internet and surprise everyone with your culinary skills. And our dictionary will certainly help you understand all the intricacies of cooking.

First you need to cut the food. In Russian, we most often use the verb “to cut” with various prefixes (to cut, to chop, to cut...). IN English language, of course, verb "cut"(“to cut”) is also often used. But besides this, you can also find “chop”, “carve”, “crush”, “mince” and “slice” in cookbooks. The difference is WHAT and HOW you cut.

✓ Verb "chop" used in the meaning of “chop, finely chop.” Usually you will be advised to “chop” vegetables or greens.

"Carve" used when you need to cut cooked meat into thin pieces. The first meaning of this word is to carve wood or bone. Apparently it is believed that skillful cutting of meat is the same jewelry work.

"Crush"- crush, crush, grind. This verb is often used together with the word “garlic”. For example, “Peel and crush the garlic” - “Peel and crush the garlic.” So if the instructions suggest something “crush” to you, then first read the sentence to the end, and don’t start joyfully smashing the kitchen. Well, if you got the verb "mash", then we will most likely talk about potatoes.

✓ Usually we rarely ourselves "mince" products. For this we have a special machine - a mincing machine. As you may have guessed, the meaning of this word is “crumb, chop, pass through a meat grinder.” Most often, together with this verb, we talk about meat. But don’t be surprised if you are offered “mince” nuts or dried fruits.

"Slice"- cut into slices. “Slice” can have almost anything. For example, slice of bread - a slice of bread, Slice of lemon - a slice of lemon.

Most importantly, remember to pre-wash your product ( wash) and, if necessary, remove the skin ( peel).

✓ The simplest thing you can do with food is "boil"- “boil.” For example, “boil an egg” = boil an egg. By the way, this verb is used when you need to boil something, bring it to a boil. And if you are “boil with rage” because your dish doesn’t turn out well, then you are “boil with rage”. If you need to simmer something, the verb will be used "simmer".

✓ If you like to bake food, then the verb will come in handy "bake". This verb helps to bake and bake everything from vegetables to pies. And if you want to sell your baked goods, then remember the phrase “bake sale” - sale of homemade baked goods.

✓ Grilled meat lovers should remember two verbs “barbecue” And "grill". Essentially it's the same thing. But if your grill runs on gas, then it’s a grill, but if it’s on charcoal, then it’s more like a barbecue. Barbecue is often shortened to BBQ. This abbreviation is almost never used in cookbooks, but is actively used to describe various sauces for meat (BBQ sauce).

✓ You should also know two words for frying. The verb you would most often use is "fry"("fry"). When you put a piece of fish in a frying pan and check it occasionally, it’s fry. Sometimes you quickly fry small pieces of food, stirring them constantly. This is what will happen “stir fry”(stir = stir).

✓ Healthy food lovers should know the verb "steam"- “cook for steam.” Restaurants often serve steamed vegetables - steamed vegetables.

✓ Well, those who don’t have time to cook need to know just one verb “to microwave”– cook in the microwave, reheat in the microwave.

Of course, there are many more different verbs that are used to describe the steps in creating a culinary masterpiece. True, our short list will be enough for beginning chefs to get started. Happy cooking and bon appetit!

Shutikova Anna


Information boom 2018

"Verb in Russian in the topic of cooking"

Abduragimova Patimat,

MBOU "Fedorovskaya secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of individual subjects", 5th grade

Scientific adviser:

Ivanova Alena Vyacheslavovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Fedorovskaya secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of individual subjects"

Surgutsky district



The verb is an unusual part of speech. It is unusual in that it denotes an action, and therefore the verb has enormous potential for expressing countless actions that accompany a person and the diverse aspects of his activity (labor, social, economic, scientific, social, political, etc.), various natural phenomena. Therefore, the study of the verb will always be relevant.

In terms of frequency of use, the verb ranks second (after nouns). The general frequency list of 9 thousand words of verbs includes about 2500. The most frequent of them arebe able, say, talk, know, become, see, want, go, give, eat, stand, live, have, look, seem, take, understand, do, do, mean. It would be very interesting to consider how verbs are used in works of art and not only. That's why,purpose My job is to consider the role of verbs used in culinary recipes.

Based on the goal, I have identified the followingtasks :

Consider the concept of verb in educational literature;

Analyze literary sources;

Analyze and systematize the material according to the sources of culinary recipes.

Object of study: collections of culinary recipes.

Subject of study: verbs used in culinary recipes.

Research methods: literature study, observation, analysis, systematization of the results obtained.

Supposedproduct research: a mini-dictionary of verbs used in culinary recipes, which can be used in Russian language lessons while studying the topic “Verb as a part of speech.”

I . Theoretical part.

1. 1. The concept of a verb in educational literature.

My research work I wanted to start with the words of the famous Soviet writer A. Yugov: “The verb is the most fiery, most living part of speech. The scarlet, freshest, arterial blood of the tongue flows in the verb. But the purpose of the verb is to express the action itself!”

When considering the concept of a verb, you should turn to educational literature.Verb - this is an independent part of speech that describes any activity or state of an object (living being). For example:go, acquire, become, sleep, take, call, open, think and so on.

To find out whether a word is a verb, you need to ask one of the questions: “What to do?”, “What to do?”.

All verbs in our language have an infinitive (initial form orinfinitive ).

It differs from other verb forms in the following parameters:

infinitive is a verb listed in the dictionary;

initial form has formative suffixes- ti; - t; - whose. Example:bake, read, fly, etc.

indefinite form is capable of preserving only such properties as appearance, transitivity and recurrence.

Verbs are divided into perfect and imperfect forms:

Perfect verbs (SV) - give an answer to the question: “What to do?”

For example,read, write, open and so on.

A perfective verb means that the action has already been completed and cannot be continued. Such a verb has only two forms of tense: past and also future (“What did you do? and “What will you do ?»).

Imperfect verbs (NSV) - give an answer to the question: “What to do ?».

For example,hear, drink, travel and so on.

An imperfect verb is marked by either a continuous action or one that is constantly repeated. That is, we are not able to determine the period of completion of the action.

NSV verbs have all three tense forms: past, present and future (“What did you do?”, “What are you doing?”, “What will you do?”).

In addition to the listed properties, the verb has such an attribute as transitivity (intransitivity).

Transitive verb - is a verb indicating an action that goes to some object. From such verbs you can ask a question to a noun or pronoun in the accusative (v.p.), or in genitive case(r.p.) (without preposition).

Eg:put (what?) a pen (v.p.); didn’t bring (what?) milk (r.p.) and etc.

All other verbs that do not correspond to this parameter are named asintransitive.

Reflexive verbs - these are those verbs that have a suffix ending -Xia (xya). Example: dry, wash, swim, hold on, etc.

All those verbs that have no ending- sya (sya) are non-refundable.

Conjugation - these are transformations of the verb depending on the number and person, while the endings of the verbs change.

Verbs have 2 categories of conjugation, which differ in the following endings:

    1 - eat (eat); - y (yu); - eat (eat); - ete (yote); - ut (ut); - et (et);

    2 - look; - it; - them; - at (yat); - it.

Having correctly determined the conjugation, it will not be difficult to write the ending of the verb.

Thus, the verb is an important part of the Russian language. If we study it correctly, we will be able to skillfully express all our intentions and actions, both on paper and orally.

1.2. The role of verbs in literary works.

You can give excellent examples of the use of verbs of speech in . For example, V. Rasputin in the story “The Deadline” on three randomly selected pages uses about 20 different verbs of speech, thoughts, feelings, repeating only the word twicesay. These are the verbs:remember, ask, speak, know, explain, laugh, admit, suggest, mutter, wave, prick, get angry, become enraged, ask, complain, praise, say, advise, smack.

Having examined the works of Russian literature, we can highlight the following roles of verbs in texts:

The verb saturates the text with color;

Brings text to life;

Expresses a state, feeling, perception;

Conveys smells and tastes;

Voices the text.

Let's consider the role of verbs in the text using the example of works of Russian literature.

Color: 1.But alreadygetting dark rivers. (A. Tvardovsky)

2.And deep againturn blue heaven

Between refreshed forests. (I. Bunin)

3. Turns white lonely sail in the blue sea fog. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

4. In the gardenred rowan bonfire burns ... (S. Yesenin)

5. Alreadyblushes autumn maples. (A. Maikov)

6. All treesshine

In a multi-colored dress. (K. Balmont)

7. Red brush

The rowan tree lit up . (M. Tsvetaeva)

8. Silver frost withered field. (A. Pushkin)

9.Liquidgilded sunset sprinkled gray fields. (S. Yesenin).

Smells, taste:

1. Smells late grass. (A. Tvardovsky)

2. Triumphantlysmells lilac. (Sunday Christmas)

3.Oh, how are yousmelled fragrant then, a long time ago, in a distant place. (I. Severyanin).

4. Something warm

Something ripe

It blows from our lane. (A.T. Tvardovsky).

5.Ismells tar young

Birch leaf.


1. Smiled sleepy birch trees disheveled their silk braids. (S. Yesenin)

2.Sticky smellblows sagebrush

Sleeping bird cherry in a white cape (S. Yesenin)

3. Evening. Do you remember, blizzardangry (A.S. Pushkin)

4. The sky is already in autumnwas breathing ... (A.S. Pushkin)

5. Dissuaded golden grove

Birch cheerful language. (S. Yesenin)

6.Sun in the morning into the well of lakes

Looked – there is no month... (S. Yesenin)

7. I danced and cried spring rain,

The thunderstorm has died down. (S. Yesenin)


1.And outside the windowrustle poplars. (A.A. Akhmatova)

2. howled Terrible and lashes with its tail. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

3. He won't shout , distraught: “Resurrect” (A.A. Akhmatova)

4. Blue May. Glowing warmth.

It won't ring ring at the gate. (S. Yesenin)

5. Noisy Aragva is in front of me. (A. Pushkin)

6. Progemela storm,made a noise

Calming downrumbles . (Sunday Christmas)

7.Itdidn't beat . Didn't scream . (S. Ostrovoy)

8. Beetlebuzzed. (A. Pushkin)


1.I amI love it you, life,

II love you again and again. (K. Vanshenkin)

2.Pannacries and grieves ,

He kisses her knees. (A.S. Pushkin)

3.Only there will be ears of corn

O master of the oldgrieve. (S. Yesenin)

4. You are under the window of your little room.

You're grieving as if on an itch. (A. Pushkin)

5.And getting strongerare sad songs

To the sound of a frog squeaking in the straw. (S. Yesenin)

denote action .

The verb saturates the surrounding words with color, conveys smells, tastes, animates and gives voice to objects. Imperfective verbs denote an unfinished action, perfective verbs convey a completed, completed action. Verbs give the text dynamism. The use or non-use of verbs is one of the figurative and expressive means of speech.

II . Practical part.

Verbs accompany us in all areas of our lives. We come across verbs all the time, and therefore it would be interesting to consider the role of the verbs used in culinary recipes.

I used it for review this issue a collection of culinary recipes that we had at home:Olga Uvarova: “The Big Cookbook.” – Eksmo, 2018.

In the text of a culinary recipe, the most common names are nouns and verbs, the adjective takes third place. I looked at the use of verbs in the following sections of the cookbook:




In chapter"Bakery" I highlighted the following verbs:

1. Pie “Five Minute”:

Slice, brush, arrange, mix, add, whisk, pour, bake, serve.

2. Potato cookies:

Grind, add, pour in, mix, place, shape, lay out.

3. Cookies “Berry”:

Skip, add, stir, mold, dip, sprinkle, lay out.

In chapter"Hot" The following verbs can be distinguished:

1. “Meat with mayonnaise”:

Cut, salt, beat, pepper, fry, grease, spread, lay, sprinkle, place, lay out.

2. “Liver in sour cream”:

Cut, salt, pepper, coat, fry, transfer, pour in, stir, pour in, add, boil, serve.

3. “Zucchini stuffed with cheese”:

Peel, cut, remove, mash, add, stir, spoon, pour, bake, serve.


1. Tomato salad with mayonnaise:

Cut, salt, pepper, sprinkle, decorate, serve.

2. Sandwiches with sprats:

Cut, fry, cool, spread, place, sprinkle, serve.

Thus, in the process of carrying out this work, a study was carried out on the role of verbs in culinary recipes.

During the work, 89 recipes from one source were analyzed. 48 verbs were found in them. Most often, authors suggest certain actions to prepare a certain dish. Usually,they appear in the form of the imperative mood of the verb.

After analyzing recipes, as well as the role of verbs, I concluded that verbs make the recipe text more precise, dynamic, and also convey several actions occurring simultaneously.


About our wealth native language Much has been said and written. And yet you never cease to be amazed at how great his expressive capabilities are, how diverse the shades are and how thin the lines between them are. There are so many wonderful features in the Russian language! (And sometimes bizarre). How many advantages over other languages!..

Thus, main function verb -denote action .

- The verb saturates the surrounding words with color, conveys smells, tastes, animates and gives voice to objects.

- Imperfective verbs denote an unfinished action, perfective verbs convey a completed, completed action.

    Verbs give the text dynamism, verblessness serves to express peace. The use or non-use of verbs is one of the figurative and expressive means of speech.

    Verbs in recipes make the text of the recipe more precise, dynamic, and also convey several actions occurring simultaneously.

I was interested in working with this topic, I would like to continue to consider it. And the resulting presentation product can be used in Russian language lessons when studying the topic “Verb” and you can invite students to become researchers themselves and work with culinary recipes, as a result of which it will be possible to expand this presentation. Thank you for your attention!

Goals: Developing the ability to distinguish between business and artistic styles of speech; development of the ability to use linguistic means in accordance with the task of utterance and speech style; developing the ability to describe a sequence of actions

During the classes

I. Comparison of business text with fiction

Read the texts and compare with each other.

(Texts are written on cards.)

1. Egg is a complete dietary product with high taste. It contains almost all nutrients and biologically active substances vital for humans. The most valuable part of an egg is the yolk; it contains a lot of lecithin, a substance needed by the body.

When starting to prepare egg dishes, you need to check their freshness. To do this, you can dip them in a salty solution - 1 tbsp. spoon of salt per 1 liter of water. If the egg floats, it is not fresh.

Eggs must be washed, as there may be bacteria on the shell.

2. Egg dishes are popular in many countries. The simplest of them is boiled eggs. When an egg is quickly boiled in boiling water, the white becomes harder and the yolk more liquid; when cooked slowly, the yolk becomes firmer and the white becomes liquid. Thanks to this, we can easily prepare soft-boiled eggs, eggs in a bag, stuffed eggs, eggs in French sauce, Swedish fried eggs and much more - no less interesting. And how skillfully you can decorate salads with eggs! It would only be a fantasy.

(Students read the texts and determine which text is business and which is literary.)

What does each text say?

Maybe they are the same?

/No. The first text talks about the benefits of eggs and how to check their freshness. And in the second - what can be prepared from them./

In which of these texts do we feel the attitude of the author?

/In the second. There are even exclamatory sentences./

Read these sentences.

Draw a conclusion about how a business text differs from a literary text.

/The business text provides accurate information and does not use figurative words or expressions. In a literary text we feel the attitude of the author./

II. Setting a learning task

The topic of our lesson is “Creating a culinary recipe.” How do you understand the expression culinary recipe? Where can I find it?

/From cookbooks and television programs./

At home, you and your mother cooked fried cheesecakes. Did you like them? Teach me how to cook them.

To do this, you will create a recipe. It should be such that it can easily be used to prepare this dish.

What kind of text will it be, literary or business?


That's right, today in lesson you will learn how to write a business text.

What should you remember when compiling it?

/It is necessary to clearly define the actions by which another person could easily cope with the preparation./

III. Planning

1. - how many parts are there usually in a recipe?

/Usually two parts./

What does each part say?

/The first part talks about what products should be taken and how much, the second tells the cooking process./

Let's put the first part of the text together.

(The teacher writes on the board, and the students write in notebooks.)

Fried cheesecakes

500 g cottage cheese,
4 eggs,
2/3 cup sour cream,
1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup flour,
1/2 cup seedless raisins


2. - You will need to independently write down the part that tells you how to prepare cheesecakes.

Remember the cooking process.

Write down on the board words-helpers that are easy to write down the text. What part of speech do you think is best written down?


(On the board: puree, mix, salt, add, stir, shape, fry, turn, serve.)

IV. Writing text by students

/Grate the cottage cheese, mix with raw eggs, sour cream, sugar, flour and salt. Add steamed raisins, mix, form round cakes from the resulting mass and fry, turning, with oil for 8-10 minutes. Serve sour cream separately./

V. Verification

VI. Lesson summary

What did you learn in the lesson?

Why did you write a business text?

/We need to teach others how to cook fried cheesecakes./

7th grade student Valeria Sokolova

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the verb in culinary recipes, the percentage of verbs to other parts of speech. During the study, we identified verbs used only in culinary recipes, as well as the significance of this part of speech.



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Slide captions:

Verb in a topic about cooking

Introduction Purpose: -) To prove how important it is to use a verb in cooking. Tasks: -) Find out which verb is most often used in recipes -) Analyze recipes from the book “Cooking for Everyone”. -) Find out the role of the verb in the language.

Theory Sort the berries, rinse in cold water; remove the seeds from the berries. Pour sugar into a bowl, add water, stir and let it boil. Place berries in hot syrup and cook until tender.

Yagoda's theory ____, ____ in cold water; ___ from seed berries. In a bowl ___ sugar, ___ water, ____ and ____. Add berries to hot syrup and ____ until done.

Theory Survey responses:

Theory Verbs inserted by the interviewee: Original list of verbs: 1. Sort through 2. Rinse Take out Pour in Pour in Stir Let boil Put in Cook

Practice Pai- Apple pie Mash the butter, mix with six tablespoons of powdered sugar and beat this mixture for about fifteen minutes with a broom or fork. Then add two yolks, flour, knead the dough and put it in the cold. After half an hour, roll out the dough into a flat cake, place it on a greased sheet and put it in the oven to brown. For the filling: peel, cut into slices and boil the apples in a small amount of water, rub through a sieve, add sugar to taste and, if you have it, two spoons of some syrup or dessert wine. Place the filling on the finished cake, Now take four egg whites and beat them into a fluffy foam, adding six tablespoons of powdered sugar. Place the whipped whites on the apple filling, put the pie back in a non-hot oven and hold until the whites are browned. It uses 115 words without taking into account the necessary ingredients and numerals. Of these, 23 are verbs, which is 20% or one fifth of the entire text. The frequency of verbs in this text shows that there is 1 verb for every 5 words.

Practice Cloudberry jam Rinse one kilogram of cloudberries in a bowl, place in a sieve, then under running cold water, turning the sieve, rinse all the berries and let the water drain. Pour water into sugar (one kilogram), stir, put on fire, stirring until the syrup boils; after that, add the berries and cook for thirty minutes. Then rub the berries through a hair sieve, place in a basin and cook for ten minutes. This recipe has only 54 words, excluding numerals. Of these, 14 are verbs, which is about 25% or about one fifth of the text. The frequency of verbs in it is approximately 1 verb per 3 words.

Practice Mushrooms in sour cream Peel the mushrooms, rinse and scald with hot water. Throw them into a sieve, drain, cut into slices, add salt and fry in oil. Before finishing frying, add a teaspoon of flour to the mushrooms and stir; then add sour cream, boil, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake. When serving, sprinkle the mushrooms with parsley or dill. You can also bake canned mushrooms in sour cream. To do this, drain the brine, wash the mushrooms, chop and fry. For the rest, do the same as with fresh mushrooms. This recipe has only 81 words, excluding ingredients and numerals. Of these, 22 are verbs, which is about 30% or about one fifth of the entire text. The frequency of verbs in it is approximately 1 verb per 3 words.

Practice Pilaf with pumpkin and fruit Peel fresh apples and quinces, remove seeds, cut into small cubes and mix with washed raisins. Melt some of the butter in a saucepan, cover the bottom with slices of pumpkin, cleared of grains and skin, pour one third of the washed rice onto the pumpkin, put a layer of the fruit mixture, cover with rice, put fruit again and cover with the rest of the rice. Pour all this over with the remaining oil and add enough salted water to cover the top layer of rice with water. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pilaf over low heat for an hour. This recipe has only 79 words, excluding ingredients and numerals. Of these, 16 are verbs, which is about 20% or about one fifth of the entire text. The frequency of verbs in it is approximately 1 verb per 4 words.

Practice Shortbread pie with berries Sift the flour through a fine sieve, collect in a mound, make a well in the middle where to put the sour cream, a raw egg, sugar, softened butter, vanillin and, after kneading the dough, put it in a cold place for a while. Roll out the dough on a floured board to a thickness of one-half centimeter and place it on an iron sheet. Place a large plate on top of the dough upside down, leaving the dough on the sheet. Combine the cut pieces of dough, roll out again and cut into strips two centimeters wide. Place these strips along the side of the circle, greased with egg, pinching them in the form of a scallop. After this, brush the pie with egg yolk and place in a hot oven for fifteen to twenty minutes. As soon as the dough is browned, reduce the heat, and after another five to seven minutes, remove the pie from the oven and, without removing it from the sheet, cool. Place sorted strawberries on a cooled circle and pour apple or apricot marmalade over them. After this, transfer the pie from the sheet to a plate, sprinkle the edges of the pie with powdered sugar and serve. You can also make pies with various fresh and canned berries and fruits.

Practice There are 165 words of various parts of speech in the recipe. Of these: 25 verbs, 59 nouns. 15 adjectives, 5 participles, 4 gerunds, 5 adverbs, 21 prepositions, 8 numerals, 9 conjunctions. Of these, only 15% or one fifth of the entire text are verbs. The frequency of verbs is approximately 1 verb per 6 words.

Practice sift (1 time) collect (1 time) make (1 time) put (3 times) place (1 time) roll out (2 times) connect (1 time) cut (1 time) lay (2 times) grease (1 time) put on (1 time) brown (1 time) reduce (1 time) remove (1 time) without removing (1 time) cool (1 time) pour (1 time) transfer (1 time) sprinkle (1 time) serve (1 time ) cook (1 time).

The work was completed by V.R. Sokolova under the supervision of L.V. Lyalla Thank you for watching!

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