Build a house according to Russian traditions. What were the Slavic building rites, sacrifices and rituals when building a house? Oddities and patterns of European Feng Shui

Ecology of life: Building a house is an act of creation. And carpenters in Rus' were likened to priests, considered involved in the sacred sphere and endowed...

Building a house is an act of creation, creation. And carpenters in Rus' were likened to priests, considered involved in the sacred sphere and endowed with supernatural power and special knowledge about the outside world.

To legitimize the new model of the world, a world transformed by the accomplished creation, construction was accompanied by certain rituals.

Center Definition

Construction began with the identification of a ritual center. This point was recognized as the middle of the future dwelling or its red (front, holy) corner. A young tree (birch, rowan, oak, cedar, fir tree with an icon) or a cross made by carpenters, which stood until construction was completed, was planted or stuck here.

A tree or a cross was likened to a world tree, symbolizing the world order and the cosmos. In this way, relations of similarity were established between the structure of the future building and the structure of the cosmos, and the act of construction itself was mythologized.


In the center, designated by the world tree, the so-called construction sacrifice was laid. Just as the world, which in the mythological view was “unfolded” from the body of the victim, the house was also “unfolded” from the victim. In the early stages, the Slavs did not exclude human sacrifices when laying buildings, then livestock (most often a horse) and small animals (rooster, chicken) became the ritual equivalent of human sacrifice.

A passage from the Christian nomocanon reads: “When building houses they are in the habit of putting human body as a foundation. Whoever puts a person in the foundation will be punished with 12 years of church repentance and 300 bows. Place a boar, or a bull, or a goat in the foundation.”

The construction victim later became bloodless. There is a stable set of three sacrificial symbols: wool, grain, money, which correlate both with the ideas of wealth, fertility, prosperity, and with the personification of the three worlds: animal, plant and human.

Laying the first crown

The ritual of sacrifice was combined with the laying of the first crown. Special attention was paid to this operation, because the first crown is a model for the rest of the crowns that make up the log house. With the laying of the first crown, the spatial scheme of the home is realized, and now the entire space is divided into domestic and non-domestic, internal and external. Usually on this day, carpenters place only one crown, after which a “casement” (“cover”, “stack”) treat follows, during which the craftsmen say: “Good health to the owners, but the house can stand until it rots.”

If the carpenters wish the owners of the future house evil, then in this case, laying the first crown is the most appropriate moment: hitting the log crosswise with an ax and keeping the intended damage in mind, the master says: “Hack! Don’t wake up like that!” - and what he planned will come true.

Laying the matrix

The central moment of construction - laying the matitsa (timber that serves as the basis for the ceiling) - was accompanied by ritual actions, the purpose of which was to ensure warmth and prosperity in the house. One of the carpenters walked around the topmost log (“cranial crown”), scattering grain grains and hops around. The owners prayed to God all this time. The master priest stepped onto the mat, where a sheepskin coat was tied up with a bast, and in its pockets were placed bread, salt, a piece of meat, a head of cabbage and a bottle of green wine.

The bast was cut with an ax, the fur coat was picked up from below, the contents of the pockets were eaten and drunk. They could lift a mother with a pie or a loaf of bread tied to it. After installing the matitsa and the “matitsa” treat, they rode horses with songs so that the whole village could see that the matitsa had been placed. And only a day later they continued to finish building the house.

Cutting through windows and doors

Close attention was paid to the process of making door and window openings in order to regulate and secure the connection between the inner world (home) and the outside. When they inserted the door frame, they said: “Doors, doors! Be locked up by evil spirits and thieves,” and they made the sign of the cross with an ax.

The same thing happened when they installed lintels and window sills for windows, and they also turned to the windows with a request not to let thieves and evil spirits into the house.

Home covering

The sky is the roof of the earth. Hence the orderliness of the world, harmony, because everything that has an upper limit is finished, unconditionally. A house, like a picture of the world, becomes “its own,” habitable and safe, only when covered.

The last and most plentiful treat for carpenters is associated with laying the roof, which was called “locking” the roof. In the North, they organized a “salamatnik” - a ceremonial family dinner for carpenters and relatives. The main dishes were salamata of several varieties - a thick paste made from flour (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal), mixed with sour cream and seasoned with melted butter, as well as porridge made from cereals fried in butter.

Completion of construction

The rituals that complete the construction of a house seem strange. For a certain period of time (7 days, a year, etc.) the house had to remain unfinished in order to avoid the death of any family member.

For example, they could leave a piece of the wall above the icons unwhitened, or they might not build a roof over the entryway for a year, so that “all sorts of troubles would fly out into this hole.” Thus, incompleteness and incompleteness were associated with the ideas of maintaining the existing order, eternity, immortality, and the continuation of life.

Entrance to the house

And now, finally, it was possible to start celebrating the housewarming party. In the old days, a person changed not only a house, but also an entire space, and in this space everything was important: is the horizon visible, sunrise and sunset, so that the road is visible, and there is water nearby, so that there is a good neighbor, it is convenient for both horses and cattle had to. And the house itself - the center of this space, the most sacred place, was checked many more times. What if during construction the wrong material was found, the carpenters were not pleased, and they placed an “evil” log, a man with an unkind look walked by and cast the evil eye, did evil spirits settle in because of someone’s envy?

The ritual actions of entering the house began a week in advance. Testing the safety of housing, on the first night they allowed a male cat into the house, if everything was fine, they carried a rooster and a chicken, on the third day a pig, and on the following days a sheep, a cow and a horse. Birds and animals are very sensitive and thereby show the owner whether the place is “good”. And only on the seventh day did people move into the house. It has long been noticed that whoever enters the house first is the first to die. The first one to enter takes upon himself all the evil that may be present in the new place, or becomes a victim for the trees cut down for construction. And if there were old people in the family who were “tired of life,” they were the first to enter. If there were no old people, they invited a stranger who did not believe in either the devil or God, and later they began to invite a German pharmacist or a German doctor, who treated such arrangements as a game. Although, in some places they limited themselves to just letting a rooster into the house. If he crowed, it was a good sign.

Bread, grains and, especially, kvashnya (a wooden tub for dough) have enormous cleansing power. That’s why the owner could sometimes enter first with a sauerkraut in his hands, followed by the hostess with a chicken, followed by the youth.

The moving in of the family was accompanied by the ritual of transferring the fire from the old home and relocating the Brownie from the old podpechya (oven) to the new one. They called the brownie and invited: “Dovmovoy! Brownie! Come with me!” Or the owner, standing at the gate and bowing on three sides, exclaimed: “Father Domovoy and Mother Domovoy, Father Dvorovoy and Mother Dvorovaya with all the family, come to our new home to live with us!” The brownie was carried with heat from the oven on a “bread shovel”, with a pot of porridge or in felt boots. Then the hostess cut off the first slice of bread from the loaf and placed it “under the stove” welcoming the Brownie.

They entered the house using a thread, rope or belt. All these objects are symbols of time, durability, life that bind relatives. They carried with them both water and a honey drink (mead), and tried to take Dolya with them from the old house to the new one. It was believed that not only a person has a Share, but also a hut. The transfer of the Share was expressed in the fact that some “symbols of habitability” were transported from the previous place to the new one: household statues of gods, amulets, hearth fire, household rubbish, and even a basket of manure from the barn. They brought the porridge undercooked and immediately put it on a new fire to finish cooking. published

The place for the construction of a new hut in the village was chosen especially carefully. It was impossible to build a house on the site of a former bathhouse, road or cemetery. Some Slavic tribes entrusted the choice of a place for a home to animals. They took the cow out of the barn and watched where she would lie down; this place was considered lucky.

Faktrum collected the most interesting rituals used in the construction of houses in Rus'.

An important ritual for choosing a place for a home

In some villages, the future owner of the house collected four stones from different places and laid them at the site of the proposed construction. If after three days the stones turned out to be untouched, then construction began on this site. The ceremony of choosing a place was sometimes carried out with the help of insects. A small cast iron pot with a spider sitting inside was brought to the place, and if it began to weave a web, then the place was chosen correctly. At the same time, our ancestors never built houses on the spot where someone’s blood was shed, even due to an accidental cut, or on the ground in which bones were found.

What did you do at the beginning of construction?

First of all, the residents of the villages of Rus' determined the center of the future home. To do this, they carried out careful calculations and measurements, and only after them they planted a young tree in the center of the house. Sometimes a cross was hammered into the center, called the red corner, and remained there until the very end of construction.

After this ritual, a construction sacrifice was made. In the most ancient times, a person was sacrificed, but over time they replaced him with a horse, goat, ram or rooster and chicken. Later, they stopped sacrificing animals, replacing them with symbolic symbols of wealth: bags of grain, wool and coins.

Next came the laying of the first crown - four hewn logs. Various objects were placed at their intersections, that is, at the corners. Coins at the corners of the house were supposed to bring prosperity to it, wool - warmth, and incense - protection from evil spirits. At the same moment, a talisman was placed under the threshold; most often these were pebbles with protective signs painted on them.

How the construction of the hut was completed

Before covering the roof, a mat was laid; in a wooden house, this was the name for the base for the ceiling. The rituals performed at the same time were supposed to bring prosperity and warmth to the house. Usually one carpenter walked around the cranial crown - the log that should become the topmost one, scattering grain and hop cones. After that, a fur coat with treats in the pockets was tied to the crown and raised. And after the construction of the mother was completed, this fur coat was removed and the contents of the pockets were eaten.

Following this, holes were cut in the walls of the house for doors and windows. During this, the carpenters read curses that protected the hut from the penetration of thieves and evil spirits. And after laying the roof covering, the owners of the house set a table for the builders and treated them to special dishes. Such gatherings were called “locking” the roof.

Decoration of a peasant hut in Rus'

What housewarming rituals were there in Rus'?

Immediately after the construction of the hut was completed, people did not move into it; it was customary to wait a week. And after the waiting stage, a magnificent housewarming party was held. In Rus', they usually let a cat or a rooster into the house first and left them there for a couple of days. If everything was in order with the animals, then the family itself moved in. When entering the house, the owners had to bring a treat for the brownie and leave it in the red corner.

After the animals, it was usually not the owner who entered the house first, but the oldest member of the family. It was believed that the one who first gets into new home, he will die the fastest. Therefore, in order to save loved ones, old men and women were the first to enter the hut. Following them, holding a rope or belt in their hands, the rest of the family came in.

At housewarmings in Rus', it was customary to organize large feasts, paying special attention to treating carpenters and builders. They invited both their beloved neighbors and the most lucky people in the village: it was believed that this would help bring good luck to the house.

In our fast-paced age, people especially need to feel protected and safe somewhere. And the natural place that gives such a feeling is one’s home. No wonder the popular saying says: “my home is my fortress.” But for a house to be a home, it must be properly built and equipped. Today everyone is hearing about the art of home improvement, Feng Shui, which came to us from China, a little fewer people knows the ancient Indian Vastu Shastra. However, our Ancestors - the Slavs - had their own art of home improvement, which developed over thousands of years and was in tune with our ancestral Spirit. In the ancient Slavic Volkhov art “VoyYarg” there was a whole section dedicated to the design and arrangement of a house, which was called “Lady House” or “House-Amulet”.

If we turn to the worldview of our Ancestors, we will see that the entire universe for them was built on the principle of similarity, where the small - Yar, reflects the great - Yarg. So the house was a likeness of the Universe, a kind of universe created by the owner and connecting him with outside world. But in order for a house to become a semblance of a living Universe, it must be filled with Life Force - Vein. To do this, it was necessary to meet a number of conditions, the first of which was choosing the right location for future housing.

There are strong, neutral and bad places. It is impossible to build housing on the latter; such places include cemeteries, places near existing temples and sanctuaries, or places where temples and sanctuaries stood and were destroyed. Also, places where one should not settle included steep bends of rivers, places where the road used to pass - it was believed that in such a place happiness and wealth would not linger in the house. The strong place is rich in underground springs, trees and bushes grow even and tall on it.

There was also a special ritual that helped determine whether the place was chosen to build a house.

The location of the house was also important; it was consistent with the cardinal points and, accordingly, with the so-called. geomagnetic network or, in the old way - Navi Lines. The house itself was built in the traditional span system of measures, which was tied to the human body. This means that it was initially friendly with its owner and was created exclusively for him. And a person in such a house felt free and comfortable. The internal layout of the house was consistent with the Kolovrat rocks generated by the elemental Streams of Heaven and Earth. The external decoration of the house was framed with protective patterns in order to attract positive elemental Currents into the house and eliminate the impact of bad Currents. In the rooms of the house special Objects of Power were placed, dedicated to the patron Gods of these parts of the house.

When building a house, a mortgage was placed under its foundation - special amulets with runic symbols and spells that were supposed to attract, attract Zhilot into the house. The same amulets and signs were placed or drawn on the floor under the top covering, placed in corners, under baseboards and under the jambs of doors and windows.

The house itself was arranged according to a certain principle and every part of it was interconnected with the Gods. Horizontally, the house was divided by Perun's cross into four sectors, correlated with the four Gods - the organizers of the home space. Moreover, each of these sectors could also be divided according to the principle of nested spaces. Vertically, the house repeated the three-part structure of the world: the lower part - the foundation and the underground or cellar - Nav, the past, the foundation; the middle part is residential - Reality, the place where the life of the household takes place; the attic and roof are the vault of heaven, Rule is the abode of higher Powers. Heavenly Streams flow through the roof into the house, which is why in the old days the roof of any house had slopes, so that the Power flowing from Heaven would not stagnate and create unnecessary tension, but would wash the house like rain. The gable roof was usually located in the east-west direction, and horse heads were carved on the skates, symbolizing the chariot or boat of Dazhbog the Sun, in which he sails across the Sky.
The southern side of the house was considered the strongest, the side in which the Strib (element) of the earth ruled along the earthly Kolovrat elements, and the Strib of solar fire ruled along the heavenly Kolovrat. It was on the southern side, along which the Sun walks, that the facade was located - the face of the house. This side usually had the most windows.

On the south side of the house there was also a living room and a kitchen, since the south side is the side of fertility, prosperity and health. Moreover, the living room connected with the eastern side, for the eastern side carries wandering, nomadic streams - just to welcome guests. The living room was patronized by Belobog, the organizer of manifest life, and Striver, the master of space, the Father of the Winds. That’s why all important family matters were decided in the living room, family councils were held, and guests who came to the house were greeted here. The kitchen merged with the western side, since the west brings Streams of material wealth and stability. The kitchen is under the control of Chislobog - the keeper of time, numbers and the Deity of counting and calculations and Mokosha - the heavenly spinner, the patroness of women. The kitchen space from the stove to the southern wall was called the women's quarters - here the woman was a full-fledged mistress. In the kitchen there is also one of the most significant Places of Power in the house - the oven. According to ancient Slavic legends, the first thing that the heavenly forge Svarog cooked was a stove. And his first words were: “Let there be fire in this hearth!” And the light, already from the fire, appeared on its own. The first stove maker was God Svarog, that’s why all stove masters are Svarog’s brothers. The stove is the gateway to Nav - ancient world humanity. Behind every furnace lives the God of the beginning, our First Ancestor. He still lives there, but people have forgotten about it; those who are friends with the stove can see Him. He usually appears in flames as the Fireman. The female womb is designed in the image of the furnace, inside which Svarog placed the Life-giving fire. You put something raw into it, but you get it ready, with Spirit and Soul. The oven takes you from death to life, from the past to the future. The hearth in the house is life in the house. A house without a hearth is not a home at all; even a temporary home has a hearth. In modern apartments, the kitchens have gas, electric, and stoves. Fire can have any nature. Any furnace is a child of that Divine First Furnace. Any fire by which you warm yourself and on which you cook food turns your house into a temple. You need to handle the hearth with understanding, according to all the rules: keep it clean, just as you keep your body clean, wipe it down every day. If you ask for the stove well, it will protect the house from all evil spirits, and it will drive away illness and all kinds of sadness. You can burn your sadness in the oven, drive away any misfortune. You can also tell bad dreams and bad premonitions to a stove fire. The oven is almost like God, omnipotent! Prabog lives in a world called Nav, the Navyas - the Souls of the Ancestors - live there, and we will go there after death. From there new Souls come into the world. The stove is an image of Mother Earth. At the stove they pray for future children and bake the premature and sick. In the oven, wild fire turns into tame fire and serves man.

From the west to the south side there was usually an enclosure or veranda. Moreover, the entrance to the house should be from the rear side, so that Streams of material wealth and stability flow into the house. The hallway and entrance are under the control of Perun - he rules the streams flowing into the house. And standing guard over the boundary separating the space of the house from the alien world behind the house, he rules the flow of Lives in the house. From the outside on the porch above front door They usually hang potkova, which has certainly been under a horse and found independently. To attract happiness and prosperity, they hang it with its horns up. A horseshoe placed in this way also symbolizes a full cup in the house. But on the inside, under the casing, needles or a knife are usually stuck in order to interrupt the flow of bad streams and discourage those who come into the house with bad intentions. The platbands themselves above the front door and the pediment of the porch are decorated with carved signs of Perun - Gradins.
Everything should be located on the back side of the house material assets, be it money, jewelry or pantries with food supplies. Then prosperity and well-being will continuously reign in the house. In the West, you also need to develop a business place, then any business will bring tangible material results.

These are just some of the principles of arranging a Good House by our Ancestors, which can be a talisman and a real family nest for those who inhabit it. The Slavic knowledge on home improvement itself is very extensive, and includes information about the creation of home amulets that ward off misfortunes and illnesses, and bring goodness, ancient rituals that call into the house the Power and Grace of the Gods and the Elements. And much, much more.

And even if you do not live in your own house, but in a high-rise apartment, using the wisdom of our Ancestors, you can turn it from a gray typical cold crypt into a native corner that warms your Soul and Heart.

To choose a location for a future building, pieces of oak bark were laid out on the ground. After three days, they turned it over and looked: if there were only spiders and ants under the bark, it was a bad place, unsuitable for habitation. If there were earthworms there, you can build. Or they baked three small round loaves. The owner of the house carried them to the construction site in his bosom, took them out and rolled them on the ground. If they all lay down with the top crust facing up, the place was considered good and safe. If the loaf turned over and lay on the top crust, they looked for another place to build it.

If everything pointed to success, then, with God’s help, they got to work, not forgetting to put a silver coin and grains under the far right corner of the building, so that neither bread nor money would be transferred to the new house. Sometimes they added wool for good luck and incense for holiness.

In ancient times, there was a belief that a new home would only be durable when the head of the family who settled in it died and in the soul of the deceased the house would receive its own brownie.

Signs and customs for those who build a house

It does not bode well for a new building on the site of an old house, the last owner of which died without any relatives, or where the old house was destroyed as a result of a natural disaster.

It was believed that the relative who entered the house first would die first, so the eldest in the family had to enter first.

To ward off death from the owner of the house, the owners secretly came to the staging site, cut off the head of the rooster and buried it where the front corner of the house was supposed to be.

Construction of a house

They tried to appease the carpenters ahead of time. We agreed on the terms - we drank what we had. When the two lower logs were laid, the owner came and brought vodka: they drank “stack logs.” They laid the first row of main logs - they sawed the “cover”. When the prepared log house was transported and placed in the indicated place, a treat was arranged again. The matitsa (the main beam on which the roof is laid and the ceiling is strengthened) was raised in a particularly solemn atmosphere. When the house was built, measures were again taken to protect it from evil spirits: on the stove, partitions, floors, and always on the log - through it, first of all, someone could enter the house evil spirits- drew sun signs, drew crosses. To protect the house from misfortunes, skates were made on the roofs of residential buildings and grain barns.


We always moved to a new house at night. Of course, it is difficult to completely move your belongings at this time, so we limited ourselves to a few items that symbolize life in the house: a pillow, pots, bread, soap. The cattle were always moved at night to protect them from the evil eye. The old housewife in the old house covered the table with a tablecloth and put bread and salt on it. The owner lit a candle in front of the images and, after general prayer, put the icon in his bosom. Then he approached the cabbage and said, opening the door to the underground: “Sousedushko, brother, let's go to the new house! Just as we lived well and well in the old house, so we will live in the new one. You love my cattle and my family." After that, everyone went to a new home. The owner carried a rooster and a chicken, the hostess carried bread and salt and kneading dough, and the rest of the belongings were distributed among family members. Having opened the door, the owner first of all let the rooster and hen into the hut and waited for the rooster to crow for the housewarming. Then he entered the house, put up the icon, opened the cabbage and invited: “Come in, little brother, little brother!” The housewarming party ended with family prayer. Then the hostess set the table, lit the stove and began cooking. There was also such a custom as transferring the old sacred fire to a new house. The eldest woman housewife (mother or mother-in-law) lit the stove in the old house for the last time, shoveled the hot coals into a clean pot and covered it with a white tablecloth. In the new house, the young owners greeted her with bows and bread and salt. The brought coals were poured into the stove, the tablecloth taken from the pot was symbolically shaken in all corners, as if releasing the brownie. The pot was then broken and buried under the front corner. If the new hut was far away and it was not possible to move the sacred fire there, they moved a poker and other attributes of the hearth instead.

Signs and customs associated with housewarming and moving to a new place of residence

Happy days for housewarming The twelve Christian festivals were considered (Easter, Ascension, Trinity, Palm Sunday, Epiphany, Presentation, Annunciation, Transfiguration, Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Entry into the Temple of the Virgin Mary, Exaltation of the Cross and Nativity of Christ). The Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the temple was considered especially successful for housewarming.

The first to enter a new house should be a rooster or a cat, or an unfamiliar person, often non-Orthodox, followed by the owner with an icon and bread and salt, and then the whole family.

To your new home you should definitely take an icon, uneaten bread with a handful of salt, a kneading bowl with dissolved dough, a rooster, a chicken and a cat. When letting a cat in the door, they said: “Here, master, is a furry animal for a rich yard.”

Having placed the icon in the red corner, they cut off a piece of a loaf of bread and placed it under the stove for the brownie.

The rooster is a symbol of fire, a symbol of the hearth. It was believed that if a rooster crows when brought into a new hut, it foretells a happy life for the owners. If he is silent, it means that some kind of grief awaits them in the new home. Sometimes on the night of relocation the rooster was left in the hut until the morning so that its first cry could be heard in the new home.

In some areas, the mistress of the house before dawn (so that no one would see) tried to run around the new hut three times naked with the words: “I will put an iron fence near the yard so that no fierce beast will jump over this fence, no reptile will crawl over it, not a dashing man stepped foot, and the forest grandfather did not look over him.” To keep this castle strong, the woman at the gate also threw herself head over heels up to three times with the sentence, so that “the family and fruit in the new house will increase.”

Housewarming. How to organize a housewarming party

The new home had to be consecrated, and for this purpose a priest was invited to the house. After completing the ritual, they covered festive table, on which they placed dishes that had a symbolic meaning: pies that foreshadowed good relationship with future neighbors, some kind of chicken dish, for example, “rich” cabbage soup on chicken broth(to have money - chickens don’t peck), etc. The feast was supposed to start with vodka (pure, as a sign of wishing the owners cloudless happy life in a new place). The first toast was always raised to the long life of the owner of the house (then to the hostess and children).

It was customary to give housewarming gifts immediately before leaving. The gift must be expensive, for family use.

Signs and customs associated with housewarming

Guests invited to a housewarming party must bring bread and a full salt shaker with them - a wish for abundance and prosperity in the house.

As when choosing a place to build a house, they again rolled loaves of bread on the floor and watched how they would fall, how the owners would have to live in the new place, happily or not.

Under no circumstances should new residents be given an envelope with money.

When leaving a new home, it is good to say: “Peace to your home!”

When and how should you move to a new house or apartment?

❧ When moving to a new house or apartment, do not take with you the bed or chair on which the person died, otherwise very soon there will be a new deceased.

❧ When new furniture is brought into the house, you need to notify the owner - the brownie:

Here, master, is my new belongings,

May he not be the first and not the last!

❧ If people are marking a house, they need to put some change at three corners and say:

Peace, quiet, wealth.


Then there will be wealth in the house.

❧ You cannot bring hawthorn and white lilac branches into the house, this will bring immediate misfortune. Feather grass is also not stored in the house.

❧ To ensure that your new home is never infested with Prussians (cockroaches), two-tailed bugs, bedbugs and other insects, you need to take care of this when laying the house. Ask the carpenters to drive a nail between the first and second log. Before you give this nail to the carpenters, say this to it:

I will trim a tree with a nail.

Let them lie next to each other

Let them diligently produce: purity, health and wealth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

❧ If carpenters, when making a log house, lay a log with a protruding knot, then the residents of the house may develop tumors. If you notice this, it is better to have a carpenter remove this build-up.

❧ It has been noticed that if three windows in a house face north, then the owner’s feelings for his wife grow cold.

❧ When moving from an old home to a new one, do not forget to take the owner with you to the new mansion. They do it this way: they take an old broom, tap it on the threshold and say:

Housewife-housewife, sit on the sled,

Take a ride to a new place,

And get along in the new place.

The broom is being taken to a new home.

❧ If a housewife wipes her hands on the tablecloth, she can thereby bring poverty or lack of money to her home. This is how they fix it. Shout out the window as if calling out to someone. But you only need to shout your name, that is, if the hostess’s name is Tatyana, then she should shout out the window: “Tanya.”

❧ When you light a new stove for the first time, cross yourself and say:

How will your smoke leave my house?

So let all troubles leave my house.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

❧ When a house is built from wood, no one can know whether the tree on which the person was crushed will be included in the construction. After all, timber goes on sale from all over the world.

To protect yourself from this and ward off trouble, you should collect the first shavings from the logs and burn them with the words of the amulet:

The roots are in the ground, and the amulet is on me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

❧ You should not put a log with a knot that grows from the middle of the tree trunk at the crown of the house, otherwise everyone in the new house will die within seven years.

You can't start the starter at night. If you do this, then there will be no money in the house for three years.

❧ To avoid quarrels in the house, change bed linen only from Saturday to Sunday.

❧ Anyone who mortgages a house on the 13th builds it to the devil.

❧ Whoever washes the floor at night washes happiness out of the house.

❧ It is believed that lightning will never strike the house where a black cat or black dog lives.

Vedic principles of construction according to Vastu Shastra or how to build a house in harmony with the world:

Vaastu - This is an ancient Indian system of knowledge about how to organize a living environment in full accordance with the laws of nature. The science of Vaastu Shastra has its roots in the Vedas, which are seven thousand years old; it is also closely related to mathematics. Knowledge of Vaastu will help you choose the right site for construction, correctly design the building and decorate the premises in it.

Vaastu establishes harmony between our life and nature. Allowing us to maximize our energy potential.

Most of the time in the house human life and vastu aims to save a person from additional worries, giving him the opportunity to focus on the main thing.

Vastu principles are effective for the organization of both villages, cities and entire states, as they are based on the laws of harmony common to the entire universe.

The beneficial effects of Vastu are manifold:

  • On physical level - a comfortable and convenient environment filled with space and light;
  • On a psychological level- this is an aesthetic effect and a feeling of calm, lack of fatigue and harmonization of relationships with others;
  • On a spiritual level- a feeling of harmony with the world, an increasing desire for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

The science of vastu comes from different parts the original Vedic scriptures.

  • Skanda - Purana. City planning
  • Agni - purana. Residences
  • Vayu - purana. Temples
  • Garuda - Purana. Residences and temples
  • Narada - purana. The orientation of the walls in the house, the location of the water supply system, lakes, temples.
  • Manasara. City walls, palaces, monuments.
  • Vishvakarma-prokash. Residences, palaces

Brihat Samhita. Plantations. Chapters 53 and 56 in the Brihat Samhita are entirely devoted to the topic of residential and temple architecture, finding water and constructing water reservoirs. The technology for preparing “diamond glue” (an analogue of modern cement mortar) and its use in the construction of residential buildings and churches is described in detail.

Matsya Purana. Eighteen sages, experts in vastu, are mentioned.

Vastu, like Feng Shui, is based on Vedic astrology.

So, the Indian analogue of Feng Shui is known under different names: Vastu Shastra, Vastu Jnana, Vastu Vidya or simply Vastu. The Sanskrit word Vastu means "place", "house, dwelling" or "room". Sastra is a "science" as well as a "treatise". Vidya and jnana - "knowledge".

Thus Vastu is the science of houses.

Indian masters claim that the Vastu principles listed in classical texts have universal application; there are no religious or geographical restrictions imposed on them. These principles can easily be adapted to modern conditions life.

Vastu practice is aimed at achieving not only material prosperity, but also peace of mind, happiness and harmony in the family and at work.

The science of vastu primarily takes into account the energies emitted by the four cardinal directions: north, east, south and west.

She explains on in simple language principles of choosing a site for development, building a house and arranging different rooms in it that will help improve life.

For example, the dining room should stimulate a person’s feeling of hunger, the living room should stimulate sociability, the office should stimulate mental alertness, and the bedroom should promote relaxation.

When a person's home is built strictly according to Vastu principles, a person becomes stronger when facing life's problems.

Many of the great temples and palaces of India are masterpieces of Vastu and testify to the effectiveness of this ancient science of architecture.

The science of vastu originated in the period preceding the era of the creation of the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

These epic poems describe cities with multi-story buildings, spacious balconies and porticos. It is said that the general layout of the city of Ayodhya was similar to the plan found in the ancient book on architecture - Manasara. The Mahabharata talks about what kind of houses were built for the kings invited to Yudhishthira.

In Buddhist literature one can also find stories about buildings built taking into account the principles of vastu. In the Jatakas there are fragmentary references to buildings built according to individual designs.

It is said that the Buddha gave speeches on architectural topics, and even instructed his disciples that supervising the construction of buildings was considered one of the duties of monks.

Manasara is an extensive treatise on architecture and iconography. According to experts, this book was the source of all architectural ideas presented in the Puranas and Agamas, as well as in such specialized texts as the Brihat Samhita and Mayamata. This treatise is "Vastu Shastra" in the narrow sense - "Treatise on Dwelling". This work is considered a generally accepted authoritative source throughout India.

Builders in traditional India had several main professions: chief architect (sthapati), designer (sutragrahi), artist (vardhanthi), mason (vardhaki) and carpenter (sutradhara).

The architect had to have extraordinary thinking and a desire to acquire knowledge; he had to be a good writer, a skilled draftsman, versed in geometry and optics, know natural philosophy and ethics, be knowledgeable in the fields of law and physics, and, most importantly, he must be well versed in astronomy, astrology and mathematics.

"Samarangana Sutradhara" was written by King Bhoja, who reigned from 1018 to 1060. n. e. He patronized poets and writers. In addition to the Samarangana Sutradhara, thirty-three more works on such topics are attributed to his authorship. various subjects as astronomy, theory of poetry, philosophy, politics, religious law, drama, architecture, grammar, medicine, etc.

The Samarangana Sutradhara deals not only with residential architecture, urban planning and temple architecture, but also with a discussion of the canons of painting and the principles of constructing mechanical devices called yantras. This work consists of 83 chapters.

From these works we learn that everything on earth is influenced by nine planets

  • The East is under the influence of the Sun.
  • Southeast - Venus.
  • South - Mars.
  • Southwest - Rahu.
  • West - Saturn.
  • North-west of the Moon.
  • North - Mercury.
  • Northeast - Jupiter.

Directions and sectors.

Vastu uses the energy of 8 cardinal directions, which are taken into account already at the stage of choosing a land plot.

In the treatise “Mayamata” two schemes are given: Pitha and Pechaka.

The Sthapatya Veda emphasizes that the entrance to the house should be located on the east side, because it is at sunrise that the energy of the sun is most powerful and beneficial for life.

The eastern entrance promotes good health, energy, mental clarity and success for the inhabitants of the house.

Entry from the south is considered inauspicious, since it interferes with the support of natural laws in people's lives and has a detrimental effect on health. Sthapatya Veda recommends against using any kind of south entrances in residential or business buildings.

Orientation to the cardinal directions affects brain function. As shown scientific research, the functioning of our brain neurons changes depending on the direction in which we look.

In addition, the brain has “orientation” neurons that send signals about the location of the body in a room and in space. Thus, the direction in which we look has a direct impact on the functioning of our brain and body as a whole.

When we live or work in buildings with incorrect orientation or distorted proportions, the functioning of brain neurons becomes abnormal, and this can cause anxiety, illness, loss of creativity, troubles in family and professional life, antisocial behavior and even criminal tendencies.

Building orientation.

Only two out of eight directions give favorable results.

As stated by Sthapatya Veda, in every city on earth, approximately 75% of all buildings have an unfavorable orientation of the main entrance.

Buildings facing any direction other than strictly east or north do not protect their owners and occupants from negative external influences.

This dangerous situation is further aggravated by the unfavorable characteristics of the entire site, such as its shape, direction of the slope, features of the surrounding area, location of reservoirs (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc.) in and around the site itself, and many other factors, including unfavorable entrances to locality and irregular road patterns.

The results of these violations of the laws of nature accumulate day after day, year after year in the lives of millions of people and create social tensions that darken the fate of entire cities and countries.

Selecting a site for development.

Main 4 rules:

  1. correctly oriented land plot;
  2. correct shape of the land (square and rectangle);
  3. quiet place;
  4. testing the soil for suitability for construction;

The choice of land should be treated as carefully as the choice of a bride or groom.

  • All hillocks, rocks, embankments and spreading massive trees should be located from it to the South and West.
  • Let the earth slope down towards the North and East. This is the basic principle of Vastu. The Northeast sector should be lower and the Southwestern sector higher.
  • The next basic principle is that the water should be closer to the North-East. If a stream flows in the North, East or North-East of your site, then the deal can be considered profitable.
  • The next rule is that the site must be aligned with the cardinal points.
  • The next rule is that the area must be square!!!
  • If it is rectangular, then its width should be related to the length as 1 to 1.25 or 1.5.
  • If the length of the site exceeds the width by more than 2 times, it is less favorable.
  • Avoid areas in the form of: triangles, circles, ovals and other irregular geometric shapes.
  • Of the trapezoidal sections, the one with the acute angle in the northeast is considered good. If the corner is in another part, then it is better to get rid of it by leveling the area to a square. The southwest corner must be straight.
  • The same applies to areas with protrusions. The projection is allowed only in the NE.
  • If you get the wrong plot: select a square or rectangle on it, surround it with a wall, and use the remaining land for a garden. This will reduce the usable area, but there will be more use in a small square than in a large triangle.

Slope of the site.

A tilt towards C and B brings health, wealth, success.

Ground level on the site.

  • According to “Manasara”, temples and houses of saints should be built on land that slopes gently to the north.
  • Shalas (dwellings of ordinary people) in areas gently sloping towards the East.
  • If the site is elevated to the north or east, there is financial loss and harms the future of male children.
  • If the level is lowered to the SE - financial losses, deterioration of health, shortening of life, losses and casualties in a fire.
  • Decline in the South - diseases and decreased life expectancy.
  • Depression in the SW - losses from thefts and extortions, illness and early death.
  • Tilt towards the West - sorrows, misfortunes, financial losses, slander, has a bad effect on the health and development of a male child.
  • A decrease in NW means financial losses and restless thoughts.
  • The pit and hump in the center are not favorable.

The main influence of the slope of the land.

Intermediate directions.

Direction Southwest Southeast Northwest
Highest part

Shared Prosperity and Health

If the level is higher. Financial stability is achieved than in the NW and NE, but lower than in the SW

If the level is higher than in the NE, but lower than in the SW and SE, prosperity and satisfaction come

Lowest part

The owner, his wife or eldest son become weaker physically, mentally and financially

If the maximum decrease, there will be fires, deceptions and disagreements

Do not buy plots near cemeteries, plants and factories.
Do not buy a plot of land located between two other plots if its area is smaller than that of its neighbors.
It's bad to live in a house that is sandwiched between two taller buildings.
If you are planning to expand the plot, then buy land to the N, E, or NE.

Soil research.

The Brihat Samhita states that the soil should be soft, pleasant in smell and taste, and without internal voids.

Checking the ground.

At sunrise, dig a hole in the area.
The next morning, fill the soil back at the same time.
If all the earth doesn't fit, it's good.
If it’s like it was, it’s mediocre.
If there is not enough land, you cannot build.


  • To maintain a constant and positively charged energy balance, the house (foundation) must be strengthened on clay.
  • To check the correct choice of site, you need to know that if water is poured into a recess or hole to the brim, it is better when the process of absorption occurs within an hour, in this case the land is suitable for both construction and plants. If cracks appear in the ground after absorption, then it is better not to build a house here; under unfavorable conditions it will leak, which is very expensive to repair.
  • When buying a house, find out who lived in it before you and if lately for some reason there were 2 or 3 deaths within a month or 2 of each other or there was a suicide - you should not buy this house.
  • If on the site where you want to buy a house there is black soil, from 3 to 4 meters, and deeper there is clay, then the land is fertile.
  • Soil that is whitish in color is the best, followed by reddish soil in terms of quality. Favorable yellow.
  • If the soil smells (like oil) at a depth of 1 pound, the soil is good.
  • There shouldn't be any power to the northeast, but a phone line won't do any harm.
  • If the 4 main directions are located exactly in the 4 corners of the house, such a house is called Vidish. This placement can cause harm.
  • If the soil is crumbly, there will be monetary wealth in the house; its yellow color will improve business and relationships if the owner is a businessman.
  • The situation in the house will be better if the water supply system is located in the northeastern part.
  • Flowers should be planted on the north side of the house.
  • To the east, to the north, and also around this place there should not be tall trees, the sun's rays will be unavailable to them.
  • It is advisable that there is no valley, depression, or ravine around or near the house.
  • Opposite the house there should be no shops selling metal products, linen, shoes, meat, or hiring offices.
  • It is unacceptable to locate workshops behind the house, especially for knife repair, as well as waste containers.
  • There shouldn't be a cemetery nearby.
  • The water supply system is from the northeast (or from this side in the house itself). Bad impact on the house if this system is from the southeast.
  • Electricity installation - southeast, but never from the north.

In which part of the city or village should I buy a house?


This is a road that abuts a plot of land or a house - like a spear (shula).
The road should not run into the middle of the site, but should approach its corner.
The road should approach the NE corner from the N or E.
Or to the NW corner from the W, or to the SE - from the S.

Corner land plots.

Open space on both sides gives both pros and cons.
Northeastern ones are the only good ones: general health and well-being.
SE - tension and money problems.
SZ - bad habits and bad thoughts.
SW - weakness of the mind.

When a plot of land is purchased, it must be thoroughly plowed with a plow and, if necessary, leveled. Try to clear the ground of nails. Stones, bones and debris. Which neutralizes the old karma of the site.

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