Why is a cat limping on its front leg without visible damage, what should I do? Scottish cat is limping: causes and treatment The cat began to limp its hind leg.

Lameness in a cat can be a sign not only of physical injury, but also of a number of serious diseases. A caring owner will definitely try to help the pet: provide first aid or take it to the veterinarian for examination. The article describes in detail how to behave if your cat is limping on its hind leg without visible damage, and how to help the animal so as not to cause even more harm.

Why does a cat limp on its hind leg without visible damage?

Most often, cat lameness is caused by a physical injury, but some diseases and disorders can also cause pain, causing the cat to stop walking.

Visible and invisible reasons:

  • fracture (closed or open);
  • dislocation;
  • sprained ligaments;
  • improperly formed joints;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • arthritis;
  • injury;
  • lower back injuries;
  • long claws;
  • osteosarcoma (oncology), etc.

Why might a cat shake its paw or pull it back?

Sometimes cat/cat breeders notice that the pet is shaking its paw or pulling it back.

This can happen for several reasons:

A cat's paw bruise is not uncommon, especially in young cats. During play, kittens actively run and jump, which can result in injury. The bruise does not threaten the life of the animal, but requires treatment to avoid inflammation.

Fractures in cats are a serious injury that threatens the health and life of the pet.

You cannot do without medical help here.

Fractures and bruises: how to recognize and what to do

The first sign of damage is that the animal holds the affected paw up and does not step on it. If it occurs occasionally, he tries to transfer the body weight to a healthy limb as soon as possible. A bruise can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • hematoma in the injured area;
  • swollen paw;
  • impaired gait with lameness;
  • absence of skin wounds;
  • absence of displaced joints;
  • local temperature increase;
  • constant licking of the sore spot (the animal massages the paw with its tongue, accelerating the resorption of the hematoma);
  • aggressive behavior when the owner tries to touch the damaged limb.

Fractures have their own distinctive features:

  • swollen paw along the entire length, and not just at the site of injury;
  • when palpating (feeling) the paw, a displacement of the joints or bones is felt;
  • the animal does not attempt to step on the limb;
  • due to severe pain, the pet constantly meows;
  • the structure of the paw is damaged.

If an animal is bruised, you must first calm it down by picking it up and gently stroking it for several minutes. Then apply cold to the bruised area - a cloth in which ice is wrapped or a towel soaked in cold water. You need to apply it for 1 minute, then take a break for half a minute, and then repeat the procedure again. This must be done for 15 minutes.

A couple of hours after injury, you can do an alcohol rub. You should not put too much pressure on the sore spot - this will cause anxiety and stress in the cat. An alcohol compress can be applied to a calm animal, which effectively relieves swelling and pain.

In case of a fracture, it is necessary to provide maximum rest to the animal, place it in a carrier or take it to a bed. The diseased limb must be fixed to avoid displacement of bones and joints, and then urgently taken to a veterinary clinic.

Important! Never set a broken bone yourself!

If your pet is suspected of having a spinal fracture, you should move it as carefully as possible onto a rug or blanket, take it to the car and take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Any displacement of the vertebrae can result in damage to the spinal cord. If the jaw is broken, it is necessary to put a muzzle on the cat - this will protect it from shifting bone fragments that threaten to rupture the soft tissues.

Patella luxation

Patella, or dislocation of the stifle, is uncommon in cats. The main reasons for its appearance are severe injuries or genetic abnormalities. The disease occurs suddenly: the animal experiences severe pain, cannot move normally, limps, and reacts to stroking with hissing and aggressive behavior. The pet constantly meows, he is scared. In such a situation, they act immediately - the animal is urgently hospitalized.

Diseases of the joints and bones

Joint and bone diseases appear in cats, as a rule, at 7-8 years of age - these are the first signs of aging. However, young individuals often develop ailments, many of which are transmitted genetically. Common diseases of the joints and bones of felines include arthrosis and arthritis, osteochondrosis, traumatic arthrosis, osteomyelitis, etc.


Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory chronic disease. Long time is asymptomatic - degenerative reformations in soft tissues, bones and cartilage develop gradually. One of common reasons is a congenital defect of the anatomical structure of the animal. Mostly adults are affected, but sometimes the disease also affects young pets.

Traumatic arthrosis

Traumatic arthrosis is caused by injuries received in youth. Bruises and dislocations that go unnoticed by the owner with age lead to incorrect alignment of bones, cartilage and soft tissues. Often the cause is damage to the lumbar region. This usually happens when landing incorrectly from a height, being hit on the back with a stick, or fighting with dogs. Pinched nerve endings at such a moment lead to severe lameness and discomfort.

First aid for a cat

If you notice lameness in your pet, immediately identify the cause of the problem. If the wound is open, you need to disinfect it by removing the hair around the injury and rinsing the lesion with a solution of furatsilin. After this, apply a sterile bandage and take it to the veterinarian.

In case of a fracture, dislocation, or sprain, immobilize the animal as much as possible, ensuring complete rest, injecting an anesthetic and urgently calling a doctor.

Avoid self-medication! At the clinic, the doctor will take an x-ray and make a diagnosis. If necessary, a fixative bandage is applied; in difficult situations, a splint or plaster cast is used. The animal is given anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

Arthritis treatment

Therapy for arthritis involves the use of antibiotics, as well as dietary supplements, such as chondroitin or glucosamine. The pet is also advised to take painkillers, fish oil. For arthritis, the doctor prescribes a light massage, the most comfortable conditions for the sick animal, and a diet.

Medications include anti-inflammatory (if necessary) and decongestant drugs. Therapy using a Minin lamp is useful for cats. Severe, neglected situations often have a disastrous outcome: the pet suffers from severe pain, and the injured limb is sometimes paralyzed.


A cat is a plastic, flexible animal and, as is commonly believed, has several lives. However, they also regularly experience limb injuries. If you notice any problems with your paws, even minor ones, contact your veterinarian immediately. Only he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

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Cats, unlike dogs, are much more flexible and graceful creatures. And therefore, even inattentive owners notice irregularities in their “gait” much faster. Lameness is especially visible in cats. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. We will try to consider those that occur most often.

This disease is not considered the most typical for cats, but... Yes, in the case of outbred “Murks” everything is exactly like that. They practically do not suffer from this pathology; cases are extremely rare. But only with purebred cats in last years things are much sadder. The problem is selection. More precisely, in poorly carried out selection: many animals end up in breeding that should not have been allowed there, as a result of which the breed acquires many “bad” genes. The characteristics of the pathology are as follows:

  • How easy it is to understand are affected forelimbs(as a rule, the pathology is well manifested only on one paw).
  • The disease is hereditary. If you do not know the breeder, and there are no people among your acquaintances who bought kittens from him, it is better not to take risks. Animals must be purchased only from trusted persons who will not allow sick pets into breeding.
  • Diagnosed "ulnar" dysplasia at the age of two or three years, or even earlier.
  • The severity of symptoms varies greatly from cat to cat. Your pet may be lucky, and then he will only be bothered by intermittent claudication, or he may be unlucky, and then without surgery he will not be able to fully move.

Therapy (full) – exclusively surgical. Anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, etc. are prescribed only in mild cases when the body’s compensatory reserves have not yet been exhausted. When the cat already noticeably falls on the sore paw, drug treatment will not give much effect.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Arthrytis () translated from Greek means “joint inflammation.” This is one of the most common pathologies that affects old cats everywhere. Arthritis that affects one joint is called in veterinary medicine monoarthritis, disease of two or three joints - oligoarthritis. If not one or two, but all joints of the limbs suffer, then the name of the diagnosis changes - polyarthritis. What is it? This is the name of an inflammatory-degenerative disease, in general outline characterized by the same pathological changes in the joints.

But its essence does not change. The joints do not hurt so much without movement, without load on them, but more so with load and active games. In this case, the cat becomes very weak, completely or partially refuses to eat, and the body temperature may rise. Arthritis affects not only the joints, but also internal organs. Among the main reasons leading to the development of the disease, veterinarians identify the following factors:

  • Heredity, about which we have already written a lot above.
  • "Recumbent" Lifestyle, that is, the pathology very often affects castrates who are prone to low activity and rapid weight gain. If a “well-fed” cat begins to constantly fall on its front paw, it should be taken to the doctor immediately.
  • Unbalanced diet. This is typical for pets whose owners “don’t bother” with choosing the right, complete diet.
  • You can also mention our ecology, which has a detrimental effect on the health of not only humans, but also their pets.
  • Various infections.

Read also: Fibrosarcoma - all about tumors in cats

Predisposing factors and how to combat them

Currently, not everything is known about the causes of arthritis. It has many varieties, among which it should be noted: osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Each type has its own characteristic features, but at the same time, there is also a lot in common between them: pain when moving, severe lameness, inflammatory processes. The latter (in especially advanced cases) can lead to the development of sepsis and complete destruction of the joints.

There is also “occupational” arthritis. This type of pathology is characterized by the fact that pathological changes in the joints occur as a result of many years of repeated stress on the limbs. For example, chronic arthritis can occur (due to the specifics of the “profession”) in circus cats. But this, of course, is truly exotic. Much more often, the causes of arthritis and the lameness it causes are much more commonplace.

Often the disease is provoked colds, severe bruises and bites in the joint area, constant contact with toxic substances. Sometimes an exclusively fish or “dry” (that is, the cat is fed only dry food) diet contributes to joint disease. Rare cases of psychosomatic arthritis appearing in particularly sensitive pets against a background of serious ones (after sterilization, for example) have been described.

How does the disease manifest? The cat begins to limp heavily, every movement causes her severe pain. The joints may become noticeably swollen, and when palpated, it is easy to notice an increase in local body temperature.

As a rule, animals react aggressively to attempts to probe them: they meow hoarsely, try to scratch the owner and run away.

Prevention and therapy Plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of all forms of arthritis. proper nutrition . This pathology, first of all, is the deposition of calcium in cartilage and joints. It happens eventually excessive consumption of canned food, cereals and bakery products

Read also: . In short, this is another reason to completely reconsider the diet of your “fluffy”. The success of treating and preventing arthritis largely depends on a balanced diet. The daily diet (especially for old cats) should include boiled and pureed vegetables, but fatty meat, canned food and “handouts” should be completely excluded from the human table.

Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland in cats The main emphasis in nutrition should be on reducing the calorie content of the animal’s diet and eliminating excess calcium from it

and other elements that can potentially accumulate in the joints in the form of salts. It is better not to prevent a disease than to fight it later. This is clear to all breeders. Let us also remind you that arthritis today is largely considered an inherited pathology - carefully choose where you buy kittens. Concerning treatment . In mild cases, the cat is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. drugs. In case of an infectious etiology (at least suspected of it) of the disease, the pet is also prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs. Finally, in the most severe cases, they resort to surgical intervention, including complete replacement of the affected joint with a synthetic implant.

If arthritis affects your pet, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for a full medical examination and an accurate diagnosis. For sick cats, massage (but not for all forms of arthritis) and physiotherapy are recommended.

It is advisable to consult a specialist about drawing up the maximum balanced diet for your pet. If all this is done in time, the cat will be able to get rid of this serious illness and live a full life, active life, again delighting its owner.

Patella luxation

Let us immediately note that in cats this pathology, leading to severe lameness, quite rare, but still cases are not isolated. The following characteristics of the disease can be given:

  • It amazes, as you might guess, exclusively hind limbs.
  • Lameness appears suddenly and spontaneously: the cat begins to fall sharply on its hind paw, meowing and hissing in surprise and pain in fear.
  • Patella luxation is usually considered a genetically determined disease, but cases have been described in which serious injuries to the extremities contributed to its development.
  • Unlike dogs, in which small breeds are susceptible to this pathology, among cats, patella is most often diagnosed in “giants”, as well as in cats of ordinary breeds, beyond all measure.

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease (there are four in total). In the first two, you can successfully manage with anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, while in the third and fourth, the animal’s only chance for a full life is professionally performed surgical intervention.

The article presents general information By this issue, as well as how the problem is solved in different cases. Only after examining a four-legged patient from a veterinarian can you get accurate advice on how and what to do for treatment.

Why does a cat limp on its front leg and what to do?

Lameness in cats is quite common and there can be many reasons for this: trauma, dislocation, fracture, sprain. Inspect the paw and, if no injuries are found, take it to the veterinarian. If there is a wound, treat it with an antiseptic and bandage the paw. Until your pet's complete recovery, his paw should not strain.

Why does a cat limp on his hind leg after castration, an injection without visible damage, how to help

During surgery or an injection, the doctor could have touched a nerve, which is why the cat is limping. This can continue for three to five days, without outside intervention. If the lameness does not disappear, then consult a veterinarian for examination.

The cat is limping and doesn’t eat anything.

The only reason a cat doesn't eat is because her paw hurts. She may have a dislocation or even a fracture. Take him to the doctor. If this is a sprain, and the cat still does not want to eat, then force feed it through a syringe, because it will not have the strength to fully recover.

The kitten is limping and won’t let you touch its paw, won’t let out its claws, what is it and how to treat it at home

The kitten injured its paw, but won’t let it be examined only because it hurts and is afraid that you will make it even more painful. He thinks right! You can only expect an examination from the owner, and the lameness and the injury itself must be treated by a veterinarian.

The kitten has a limping paw and a swollen paw, what to do and how to fix it

Examine the paw. Treat the wound and bandage it, but not too much. In this condition, take him to the doctor, as the kitten could have broken a paw or torn ligaments.

The kitten is limping on one paw or the other after vaccination

Two options: either the doctor touched a nerve, or this side effect drug (depending on the type of vaccination).

1 comment

    poor cats that are limping

A healthy cat is an active animal; it still lives exclusively at home or goes out for a free walk. Such activity can lead to a number of injuries, for example, lameness on the front leg. Often this is not an independent disease, but a clear symptom of the presence of other hidden diseases.

How can you tell if your cat has front leg lameness?

What is it - lameness or a fracture of the front paw?

Everything greatly depends on the health status of the particular pet, the severity of the individual episode, most often the signs are as follows:

  • the animal does not step on the sore leg, tries to transfer weight to the healthy limb;
  • the cat has an uneven, slow gait;
  • does not want to perform the movements that are familiar to her;
  • the pet does not allow anyone to touch its sore paw and is in pain;
  • The cat endlessly licks the sore limb.

Causes of lameness in cats

Examination of the front paw.

When lameness is constant, present almost from birth, it can be caused by genetic abnormalities in the very development of the skeleton (dysplasia).

It happens that a cat begins to limp due to a number of metabolic disorders (for example, osteodystrophy). Less common are serious illnesses such as osteosarcoma .

When chroma appears suddenly and there are no visible injuries, its common causes are bruises, dislocations, small cracks and even ligament tears. Even an unsuccessful jump from a small height, such as a chair or sofa, can cause injury to the cat, causing it to limp. A cat with a minor cruciate ligament tear may it's enough to suddenly limp .

Help for the front paw by a veterinarian.

Another common cause of lameness in cats can be arthritis, nerve or nail disease that affects the sensitivity of the paws.

Lameness in cats and calicivirus

Lameness can also develop due to infection with feline calcivirus.

Many studies indicate that under the influence of calcivirus, a systemic infection sometimes occurs, which causes localization of the virus directly in the tissues of the joint. Thus, calcivirus is quite capable of causing temporary polyarthritis, more often in adults than in kittens.

Ulcers in the mouth are the first sign of calcivirosis.

It should be noted that lameness, directly associated with calcivirus, mainly manifests itself in kittens. In cases where lameness makes itself felt after vaccination, it is most often caused by an acquired infection. True, sometimes the reason lies in the vaccine.

Lameness syndrome

The severity of chromatosis syndrome varies quite widely, ranging from subtle inflammation, slight limping, to a severe form of polyarthritis, when the pet stubbornly refuses to move and refuses to eat on principle.

Typically, affected cats recover on their own over time.

What should the owner do?

If you notice that, the first thing to do is inspect the paw immediately . Perhaps the cause will become clear, for example, damage or a foreign body in the limb itself.

If there are no visible injuries, you need to take your cat to the vet. He will conduct a manual examination and, most likely, the pet will have to undergo x-rays. Only after a thorough diagnosis will it become clear why the lameness occurred and how serious the situation is, will a treatment strategy for the cat be proposed.

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