The most reliable version of the tragic death of students at the Dyatlov Pass. What really happened at the Dyatlov Pass Dyatlov Pass killer one of the group

There were two security officers in the group, it was they who figured out the saboteurs, for which they were tortured and killed

More and more details are becoming known about the group of students who died at the Dyatlov Pass. We already wrote that two people were tortured with fire before death, then killed. At first, they thought that the Mansi had dealt with the Dyatlovites, who were trying to find out which of the tourists had the alcohol that they wanted to take from them. But, as it turned out, he remained lying in place - in the tent of tourists. But if these were not Mansi and not prisoners of Ivdellag, then who? There was, however, another assumption that they were killed by the military. Why did they need it?

Case materials of the Dyatlov group
The fact is that out of about a hundred versions according to which the tourists died, there was also a version about foreign saboteurs. For example, it was expressed by lawyer David Kemularia: “A man who worked at a nuclear plant and who was engaged in the development of weapons died there. In any case, this is the object that is of great interest to all the special services of the world. Why is the option that they were tortured and killed by foreign intelligence officers or saboteurs and that foreign intelligence agencies were involved in this not being considered?

According to Yury Kuntsevich, head of the Dyatlov group's memory fund, war correspondent Lugovtsov very often met with KGB veterans. And since they were friends with him, they confidentially informed him of some information. It turned out, for example, that the Dyatlov group was always considered in the KGB as the so-called “escort group”, with which KGB officers were sure to go on a campaign. And this time it included two special officers, one of whom was Georgy Krivonischenko. It turns out that he worked at a closed enterprise, where a saboteur wound up - they could not figure him out in any way. And only in the campaign, quite by accident, it became clear who he really was.

But if Krivonischenko worked at this closed secret enterprise, then a potential saboteur could well know him by sight. But if you know one employee, then calculating the second one is a matter of technology. And it was not at all difficult to go on a hike as a member of the Dyatlov group. Moreover, the group was unscheduled - for a long time they were not allowed to go to the mountains and were given the “go-ahead” only due to the fact that the guys timed their expedition to coincide with the 21st Congress of the CPSU, giving it such high title. But it is not a fact that a saboteur or a foreign intelligence officer was part of the group: Yuri Kuntsevich does not specify how exactly the saboteur was discovered. It is possible that he simply followed the group or, knowing in advance about her route, went to the mountains and followed her there - there are a lot of options. A logical question arises: who then was the second KGB officer? Judging by the fact that only two people were tortured, the second, most likely, was Yury Doroshenko.

By the way, why was the saboteur alone? There may well have been two, three, or more. Indeed, in order to inflict such injuries from which tourists died, you need to be downright a terminator or have special training. And the Dyatlovites were killed by real professionals. They acted skillfully and with knowledge of the matter. This is evidenced at least by the nature of the injuries of some students. As forensic expert Eduard Tumanov said, there was a diffuse hemorrhage from the occipital region of Georgy Krivonischenko into the soft tissues of the head. This suggests that there was a strong blow to the back of the head. The brain was biologically very strongly transformed after death. Therefore, the expert at first did not detect this hemorrhage. Based on his expert experience, Tumanov noticed that if such an extensive hemorrhage, which soaks through all the soft tissues, took place, then it is quite possible to admit the hemorrhage of the very substance of the brain.

Lyudmila Dubinina had a total of 18 fractures: her ribs from the second to the seventh were broken. The expert describes the bloody fluid in the pleural cavity. This suggests that the parietal pleura was also damaged.

Rustem Slobodin had a linear fracture of the cranial vault, hemorrhage under the dura mater and immediately lost consciousness at the time of the injury. But a small nuance - it was a blow with a hard blunt object with a flat traumatic surface. Rustem was lying on the snow, and the nearest stone was at a depth of one and a half meters under the snow. It can be assumed that he received this injury when falling on a slope - he stumbled and hit. But then he would have remained in the same place - on the slope. But his body was found at a fairly significant distance from the slope. He couldn't walk that distance with a similar injury. In addition, the object from which he received this damage was in someone's hands.

Nicholas Thibault-Brignolle had a depressed multi-comminuted fracture of the bones of the vault and base of the skull from a blow with a hard blunt object with a limited traumatic surface. And here's what's amazing: none of them had any leg injuries. “Those who were at the pass will confirm that the slope there is quite steep, but there is no snow - it is blown out by a strong wind that blows there all the time,” the forensic expert said. - Multiple rock outcroppings with rather sharp edges. And at night, in socks, and even more so barefoot, it is very difficult not to get injured there. But no one has any bruises or lacerations. All socks are intact - how so?

Igor Dyatlov has a cut wound across the palmar surface. But not about the snow, he cut himself! Such wounds are typical in cases where there is self-defense, a seizure for some kind of cutting object that they are trying to take away from the enemy. He also has circular abrasions in the ankle joint. This suggests that he was tied with a rope or handcuffed, plus he has a hemorrhage on his knuckles. This means that he strongly beat someone or something with his hands clenched into a fist, that is, he desperately defended himself. But from whom? Perhaps from those same saboteurs. Well-trained professionals who are able to kill with their bare hands and with skill.

This case is not completed. And it seems that the investigation is just beginning, if we are only now beginning to learn bit by bit the plausible information and new versions. And how I would like to know the whole truth ... But, as they say, it is not harmful to dream.

The mystery of the Dyatlov Pass again became the focus of public attention, after the Ural tourists, following the New Year holidays in the Northern Urals, found human remains near the pass. The death of the hermit Oleg at the Dyatlov Pass in the Northern Urals is the first such incident in the region in half a century, since the death of the Dyatlov tourist group in 1959, Yury Kuntsevich, head of the Dyatlov group’s memory fund, told reporters.

Perhaps, in the case of the mysterious death of the Dyatlov group in 1959, they will put an end to it. At least, this could be facilitated by a new version, which was put forward by one of the residents of Verkhoturye.

72-year-old hunter Alexander Stepochkin came to the attention of law enforcement officers when, unraveling the case of armed extortion, they got on the trail of the owner of the old TOZ-34 gun, which appeared in the materials.

As it turned out, Stepochkin was not the only owner of the weapon. He also told the police some details that might soon help solve the mystery of the death of Igor Dyatlov's tourist group, writes the online newspaper

Alexander Stepochkin, who revealed the secret of the death of the Dyatlov group. Screenshot

According to Stepochkin, in 1981 he traded a gun from an old hunter, who, by his own admission, participated in the massacre of tourists.

Khanty - the local people of Verkhoturye, who considered themselves the "owners" of the surrounding territory and zealously protected the pass from strangers as a sacred place. When the students, led by Igor Dyatlov, laid a route here, they accidentally stumbled upon a cave where the Khanty made sacrifices. Gold, platinum, furs were piled there - all this, as a representative of the indigenous people told Stepochkin, and uninvited guests took their hands.

Dyatlov group. Latest photos. Open sources

But the Dyatlov group could not go far - the Khanty tracked them down and decided to kill them.

At night they made a hole in the tent, and the shamans put some kind of dope into it. And the hunters and I surrounded it all, and when they got sick there, they began to jump out of these tents. We caught them all and killed them all there, ”-

Stepochkin retold the revelations of a participant in the massacre of the Dyatlov group to the Sverdlovsk police.

This version is supported by the comments of law enforcement officers: in the Dyatlov case there are indications that representatives of one of the shamanic families refused to look for the group. In addition, these Khanty were confused in their testimony and could not explain where they were.

However, this story also has inconsistencies. So, it is not clear where the stolen sacred items went? After all, nothing was found with the dead students. In addition, their acquaintances talked about the high moral principles of tourists: they would not just covet someone else's good.

An interesting detail about the "sacred place". Presumably, the tourists stumbled upon the Ushminskaya cave, which was indeed revered by the Khanty. Archaeologists have found and still find religious objects and animal remains there. But in order to go down there, you need special equipment, which, of course, the Dyatlov group did not have.

Igor Dyatlov. Photo: open sources

It is also doubtful that the peace-loving Khanty will attack tourists. Perhaps even the Dyatlov group accidentally stumbled upon the cave, but they would hardly have taken what belongs to the locals (considering how attentive they were to the cultural values ​​of the indigenous peoples, the students even learned the local language).

Experts assumed that the murder of the Dyatlov group was ritual - the nature of the injuries of one of the students spoke in favor of this, some had their faces disfigured, parts of their bodies were cut out, etc. But there is no official explanation for these strange details.

Previously, there was already a version about the attack of residents on tourists. When in 1959 nine people with signs of violent death were found on the pass, the shamans were interrogated, but they all refused to testify. True, the investigators were embarrassed that the tourists were found at a distance from each other. It turns out that they were not killed in the tent.

The search for the Dyatlov group. Photo: open sources

In the meantime, the main version remains that on the night of February 1-2, 1959, an avalanche descended in the Ural Mountains, which covered the tent and killed several people. The rest in the dark and in the cold dispersed throughout the territory and died from frostbite and animal attacks.

However, the official conclusion says that the death of the Dyatlov group occurred due to the influence of "elemental force, which people were not able to overcome." So the version told by the hunter must pass the test and get a chance to exist.

Recall that in January 2016, another corpse was found at the Dyatlov Pass. The hermit who traveled died of hypothermia. It took several days to get the body of the deceased - there were low temperatures and a snowstorm in the area.

The death of the hermit Oleg on the Dyatlov Pass in the Northern Urals is the first such incident in the region in half a century, since the death of the Dyatlov tourist group in 1959, Yury Kuntsevich, head of the Dyatlov group’s memory fund, told reporters on Tuesday.

Recall that on January 8 at 0.10 the police of the city of Ivdel received a message from rescuers about the discovery by tourists of the body of an unknown person behind the Dyatlov Pass. On January thirteenth, the body was found by investigators. According to the UK, who died 47 years old, he is from Chelyabinsk region, a native of Kazakhstan. No injuries were found in the deceased, but obvious signs of hypothermia were found.

The investigation does not name the name and surname of the man. A law enforcement source told RIA Novosti that the name of the deceased was Oleg. The son of the hermit Oleg confirmed to RIA Novosti that his father died near the pass. According to the hermit's acquaintances, Oleg lived there for a long time. According to the investigation, last time the hermit Oleg was seen by local residents of the Mansi on December 28-29.

“This is the only case in half a century,” Kuntsevich told reporters.

Valery Kudinov, head of the Ural search and rescue team of the EMERCOM of Russia, confirmed that there were practically no accidents there.

“I would not say that the Dyatlov Pass is traumatic,” Kudinov said. The Dyatlov Pass itself is not difficult for tourists, the representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations believes.

in detail


CNN, citing sources in the administration of US President Donald Trump, spoke about the evacuation of her spy from Russia in 2017. The Americans allegedly managed to recruit a high-ranking Russian official. The decision to urgently end the spy mission in Russia, in the United States, was made after Trump's meeting with our diplomats Lavrov and Kislyak. Then in May 2017, Trump warned Lavrov about terrorists' intentions to blow up a civilian flight to the United States with a laptop bomb.

Radio amateur Valentin Degterev found new version the death of the Dyatlov group. In his opinion, one of the tourists, Semyon Zolotarev, was a German agent and was mistakenly killed by the KGB. One of the convicted servicemen, who was part of the fascist troops, admitted that on January 25, 1959, that is, a few days before the death of the Dyatlovites, he saw his former comrade in Ivdel. It was Semyon Zolotarev.

After the convict's story, the KGB special unit began to conduct reconnaissance in search of a German saboteur. Having received documents about the Dyatlov tourist group, experts identified the traitor in the person of Zolotarev and began hunting for him.

After the death of all the tourists in the apartment, searches were carried out and a photograph was found in which Semyon is standing in the form of the Wehrmacht. At the same time, it is recorded in the biography that Zolotarev served from October 1941 in the 1570 battalion as part of the 24th sapper brigade, however, according to the documents, he was formed only in April 1942. Within a few months, the battalion was almost completely destroyed by the Germans.

It turned out that Semyon was sent as an agent of the USSR to the Nazis in 1941, and only after 3 years he returned to his homeland.

"The Dyatlov group was simply beaten with rifle butts on the slope of a snow-covered mountain. All other actions were taken in order to remove suspicion from themselves. Apparently, then the Chekists realized that there was no saboteur there. So a legend appeared about a certain group of illegal intelligence agents that killed the tourists," - says Degterev.

Realizing their mistake, the KGB destroyed important documents of this case and fabricated new ones.

Thus, the tourists, according to the radio amateur, became victims of an accidental mistake by the special forces, who did not understand the situation and recorded Zolotarev as traitors to the country.

The pass is named after Igor Dyatlov, the leader of an expedition of tourists who planned to climb to a height of 1,79 m in the Subpolar Urals. On the night of February 2, Dyatlov and eight other members of his group died under unclear circumstances.

Experienced young people who climbed the mountain not for the first time, for some reason turned out to be half-dressed, some without shoes and almost all without outerwear. It is also strange that the tent was cut up - the guys got out of it hastily, also for an unknown reason. The injuries of the dead also raise many questions: traces of nosebleeds as in barotrauma, injuries internal organs, numerous fractures of bones, and all this in the absence of traces of external influence.

Many researchers patiently waited for the statute of limitations to expire and the case of the death of students from the Ural Polytechnic Institute to be declassified. Here is what Gennady Kizilov writes (Death of Tourists - 1959, "The case was declassified in 1989, but, according to the journalists who leafed through it (these include Stanislav Bogomolov, Anatoly Gushchin and Anna Matveev), many important documents were seized from it. Probably, these documents migrated from a secret volume to a "top secret" one, which is unlikely to be shown to citizens or selected journalists over the next decades.
Amateur and professional investigations continued. In 2005, I participated in a discussion of the death of the Dyatlov group on the forum of the Ural Television Agency website - This topic still exists and has taken almost 2000 pages in six incomplete years - .
I wrote under the name Sameh and the host was Loreline. Despite the fact that there were very naive and illiterate opinions *, in general, the forum clarified many incomprehensible details. Then we tried to find patterns that could become a clue. One of the main non-anomalous versions was an attack by a group of unknown people:

1. Runaway convicts;
2. Military;
3. Special Forces;
4. local residents(Mansi).

Patterns could suggest how the group of tourists was divided in the attack. Despite the possible numerical superiority of the attackers, a group of nine tourists could be divided into parts. So during the wars, captured officers were separated from the rank and file, and the commander was separated from his unit. If young and athletic students were able to escape from the encircled camp, their own division into groups could occur - according to the situation**, kinship, friendly and authoritative relations.

And after studying the available materials on the case in the press and the Internet, I decided to mention all the matches found, even if they sound anecdotal:

1. Dyatlov and Kolmogorova knew each other well from past campaigns - they crawled together to the tent.
2. Below, by the cedar and by the stream, there were three injured and three healthy ***.
3. Both dead near the cedar had Ukrainian surnames.
4. Both dead at the cedar were no longer students, but engineers.
5. From the case file: “In the winter of 1958, many of the guys (Kolevatov, Dubinina, Doroshenko) were on campaigns in the Sayans” - it was this trio that was found below at the foot of the mountain.
6. Worst of all were dressed those who remained by the fire. The best dressed (except shoes) were the returning
into the tent.
7. Kolevatov is the only one of the “four by the stream” who did not have serious injuries. According to
many researchers - was the last to die. It is his diary that is missing from the file.
8. Dubinina is the only woman from the “four by the stream”. Found head down against
currents. While the other three men lay with their heads downstream.
9. Three with the most severe injuries (and Kolevatov) were found under the deepest layer of snow.
10. All three returning to the tent were without shoes - Kolmogorova and Dyatlov, Slobodin was in one felt boot.
11. Studying the autopsy, here's what I noticed: Three were injured in the right side of the body: Kolevatov - two wounds: the right cheek and behind the right ear. Zolotarev - a fracture of the ribs on the right along the parathoracic and midclavicular lines. Thibaut - an extensive hemorrhage in the right temporal muscle, respectively - a depressed fracture of the skull bones. It is unlikely that all these injuries were caused by one left-hander, while facing the victims. Injuries were inflicted by right-handers, behind and on the right side. This happens when they caught up and caught up with the victim.
12. From the case file: "The fire was the strongest guys - Krivonischenko and Doroshenko."(A. Matveeva. Dyatlov Pass). The corpses of the strongest guys were stripped.
13. From the case file: “The strongest and most experienced Dyatlov and Zolotarev lie down, as always, from the edges, in the coldest and most uncomfortable places. Dyatlov at the far end of the four-meter tent, Zolotarev at the entrance. I think that Lyuda Dubinina lay next to Zolotarev, then Kolya Thibault-Brignolles, Rustic Slobodin. Who was in the center and beyond, I don’t know, but the four guys at the entrance, in my opinion, lay exactly like that. Everyone fell asleep"(Axelrod). All three lying at the entrance to the tent (Zolotarev, Dubinina and Thibault) were found together by the stream.
14. Zolotarev, Dubinina, Thibault and Slobodin - all those who were lying at the entrance to the tent - were severely injured.
Doubtful matches:
The three crawling back to the tent are all students.
Four at the stream - two students and two non-students.

There are two most mysterious circumstances of the tragedy:
1. If three people (Dubinina, Zolotarev and Thibaut-Brignolles) were seriously injured on a slope in a tent, how were they brought down? Without a stretcher and at dusk, on a snowy and rocky slope?
2. Why two people at the cedar (Doroshenko and Krivonischenko) that have the strength to climb on tall tree ripping off the skin and tearing the muscles?

The answers to these questions are quite simple. If we assume that the tourists were attacked by an unknown group of people, then a fight ensued at the entrance to the tent. The Dyatlov group was simply not allowed to leave it. Then those who were captured inside cut the tent open with knives**** and ran down the slope.
It is known that being below the guys tried to keep warm and lit a fire. The attackers found them by the firelight and attacked a second time. Then serious injuries were inflicted - the wounded at the entrance to the tent were simply finished off already at the mountainside.
It was assumed that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko began to freeze. Therefore, they climbed the cedar for its lower dry branches. But many small trees and bushes grew nearby - there was plenty of fuel for the fire. Then they put forward an insane hypothesis that the engineers were blinded by UFOs or rocket fuel. But everything is again simpler - tourists were in mortal danger. Unknown people attacked Doroshenko and Krivonischenko, and they, crippling their hands, tried to escape on a tree.
Prosecutor Ivanov wrote: "When we looked around the scene of the incident, we found that some young fir trees on the border of the forest were, as it were, burnt."
I have often observed the drying of the tips of the branches near the fir trees and pines. They were brown and looked like burns. So dry branches could be found. Why, then, was it necessary to cripple your limbs and climb the high trunk of a cedar?
Here is an excerpt from the site "Mysterious crimes of the past" - Its authors are distinguished by a very serious approach to the analysis of crimes: " The bodies of the dead tourists lay in such a way that the fire was between them and the cedar. It seemed that the fire had gone out not because the firewood had run out, but because they had stopped adding it. There are recollections according to which the body of Georgy Krivonischenko lay on dry branches, crushing them with his mass, as if the deceased had fallen onto prepared brushwood from a certain height and did not rise again. But the official protocol of the crime scene inspection does not say anything about this; there are no photographs that can shed light on this very important nuance. Again, from the memoirs of the participants in the search operation, it is known that there was a lot of dead wood around the fire, which it was logical to use to build and maintain fire. However, for some reason, the dead climbed the cedar, breaking its branches, peeling off the skin from their hands and leaving traces of blood on the bark of the tree.
On the forum I had a controversy with the famous ufologist and writer Mikhail Gershtein. I leaned towards the version of an attack by an unknown group of people, focusing on the case near the cedar. Mikhail Borisovich replied that "during cold accidents, there is a period of clouding of consciousness, when a person is deprived of the ability to soberly evaluate his actions."
Then I had a conversation with a specialist in psychiatry of our research institute. He said that it was unlikely that two people with a clouded mind would commit one action at a time*****. AT this case- furiously climbed the cedar.
M. Gerstein replied that "both dead by the fire could not perform one action at the same time in a clouded state of consciousness - this is not true, they helped each other as best they could, and not just sat and froze. In addition, cloudiness does not occur immediately, as from a blow to the head, they started more or less common sense and only then, losing strength due to bad weather and cold, gradually "failed".
But there is a contradiction in this statement. If engineers have not completely lost their critical analysis and thinking - even helped each other... then why did they climb a tree together at all? Why make such an effort, tearing the skin and muscles, if you can move a little away from the cedar and cut the branches of young trees? In other words, their consciousness became dim so much that, crippling their hands, they climbed onto the cedar for branches, not paying attention to the nearby deadwood ... And at the same time, their consciousness did not become dim much - Doroshenko and Krivonischenko began to help each other in an insane desire get to the cedar branches. Too complicated and contradictory. The version with the attack, when the victims fled from fear on a tree, is more plausible. This scenario is well known in forensic science.

Apparently, on the forum we have come close to unraveling the long-standing tragedy near the mountain of the Dead. After some time, the most active participants in the forum began to insult. Email threats poured in. Someone left the forum, someone returned... But riddles and questions still remain.

*For example, one of the forum participants claimed that in 1959 helicopters did not yet exist in the Soviet Union. But upon careful examination of the circumstances of the case, one can find evidence from rescuers that the helicopter pilot refused to transport the bodies of the dead tourists. Without the use of special hermetic bags, contamination of the helicopter compartment with decomposition products could occur.
**During the panic and in conditions of poor visibility (twilight), everyone could not run in one direction.
*** It is possible that each of the healthy ones helped to move one wounded man.
****The fact that the tent was cut from the inside is considered absolutely proven.
***** In the case of temporary insanity, each person's behavior becomes purely individual. In other words, everyone has "his own Hell" in his head.

P.S. I received a letter (05.05.2010) from the authors of the site
I presented the information received on the forum

"How to explain the fact that Krivonischenko's underpants burned down on his shin (the length of the burn was 31 cm), but at the same time the SOCK DIDN'T BURNED a little lower? In what position do you need to sit by the fire to burn the trouser leg like that? was dressed later... even postmorally?
How to explain the origin of the gray foam at the nose and mouth of Doroshenko? It's very s serious clinical sign , indicating that the pressure in the lungs exceeds atmospheric pressure. Similar rapid development of pulmonary edemaonly occurs in a few cases:

- drowning;
- epileptic seizure;
- gradual compression of the chest.
It is completely frivolous to think that Doroshenko was an epileptic, this assumption can be refuted by a number of indirect considerations (at least by the fact that he did not have a white ticket and studied at the military department, well, and from five others).
Foam may also appear during agony. But only for divers and climbers,because at normal atmospheric pressure of the external environment, this is excluded.
In reality, only the case of chest compression during intensive interrogation is suitable for Doroshenko's case. This is carried out in the field in the position of the interrogated "on the back", and the interrogator sits on his chest. For pulmonary edema and the appearance of foam in such a frost, it is enough for a person weighing 90-100 kg to sit on his chest for a short time. And this is the normal weight of a healthy man IN WINTER ROUTINES.
Message from the Yellow Wolf from the "Forum on the study of the death of the tourist group I. Dyatlov",
The SME (forensic medical examination) of Slobodin is of interest. He (the only one) has truly knocked down knuckles (metacarpal joints) and phalanges of the fingers. He is the only one who tried to fight hand to hand. The dryness of these wounds should not be embarrassing - in the cold, skin deposits will be covered with a crust and at the corpse. No falls into a snowdrift and blows on the ground cannot explain such wounds. Try it for yourself and you will immediately see the difference! On his head he has hemorrhages in both temporal muscles - both right and left. But at the same time, the skin was not knocked down, not cut, which means that the injury was blunt, from a fist. Two injuries on the left shin in the lower third - they knocked out the leg with kicks of the leg, shod in a boot, so they brought the skin. Slobodin tried (the only one) to provide physical resistance - he was beaten, knocked down and survived a knockout.

The fight apparently took place near the tent. Of all the dead men, the corpse of Rustem Slobodin was closest to the tent. And injuries, as a result of a fierce fight, he had one of the most severe (a crack in the calvaria).
If there are doubters that nine innocent people could hardly have been killed, then I will give a real case:
“But the most terrible crime of 1989 can be considered what happened on the night of August 13-14 at the Kyzylet station of the Krasnoyarsk railway. There, having missed the last train, seven vocational school students decided to stop the freight train and with the help of a wire closed the rails in front of the traffic light, and as a result of this, a red light was lit. To troubleshoot the scene, a team of track workers and a policeman went to the scene, who met the teenagers who were waiting for the train. Upon learning what, in fact, the matter was, the policeman became furious and decided to punish the "criminals". pistol, he inflicted several blows on the head to one teenager, which turned out to be fatal for the boy. Seeing this, the policeman decided not to leave witnesses and, having called for the help of four track workers, killed the rest of the teenagers. Then, loading the bodies of the dead on a cart, the killers took them to railroad tracks, where they were left to lie in the middle of the rails, in the expectation that the person leaving from behind Turning the composition will not have time to slow down and mutilate the corpses beyond recognition. That's how it all happened. The investigative team that investigated this case wrote it off as an accident. For three years this was the case. But in the fall of 1992, one of the railroad workers who took part in the murder, while drunk, blabbed to the inhabitants of his village about this crime. In retaliation for this, another participant in the murder, the brother of the one who blabbed, took and killed his relative. So the crime committed three years ago was solved "(F. Razzakov. "Bandits of the times of socialism". Chronicle of Russian crime 1917-1991. - M., 1996)
Most likely, no one was going to kill a group of tourists at first. But apparently, that's the way it was.

Brief scenario of what happened, with possible adjustments in the future:

(There may be minor errors in the description of the scenario that do not affect the overall picture of what happened)

1. The Dyatlov group set up camp on the slope of the Dead Mountain.
2. Judging by the products found in the tent, the tourists were going to have dinner.
3. Judging by the footprints found at the tent, one of the men went out for a small need.
4. It is possible that it was Slobodin, who entered into hand-to-hand combat with the attackers, and thus covered the retreat of his group.
5. The entrance and exit to the tent was blocked by the attackers, then the Dyatlovites cut the tent from the inside and rushed down the slope at dusk.
6. Many were poorly dressed and were forced to kindle a fire downstairs in order not to freeze ... with a faint hope that they would not be attacked again.
7. An unknown paramilitary group of attackers finds the Dyatlovites by the light of a fire and attacks a second time (This explains the ambiguity of how the Dyatlovites were able to transport the seriously wounded down the slope. Severe injuries were already received below, during the second attack).
8. Tourists are divided into groups by the attackers. The interrogation at the fire of two engineers with Ukrainian surnames begins.
9. Doroshenko and Krivonischenko try to escape on a high cedar. But to no avail.
10. The officer/s proceed to interrogation. Krivonischenko's leg is burned in a fire, an interrogator sits on Doroshenko's chest. The main questions are: the composition of the group, is there another group following them (The goal of the leader of the paramilitary group is to identify all possible witnesses to the crime and destroy them).
11. Having ascertained the death of all the tourists, the paramilitary group performs some manipulations with the corpses. In particular, they put a whole sock on Krivonischenko's burned shin. The goal is to stage an accident (Some rescuers who visited the site of the death of the Dyatlovites noted that they had a feeling of inept staging ... As if the criminals were in a hurry or did everything in almost complete darkness).

As before, the question of the reason for the attack on peaceful tourists remains open. My personal guess is that there is a secret underground facility in the Mountain of the Dead. Here are the arguments:
A. There is a case when two geologists spent the night on a hill, deep in the Taiga. In the middle of the night they heard a train going underground. The most important strategic objects are located deep underground. If this is a plant, then a multi-kilometer underground "metro" is brought to it. But even without underground railway lines, there were enough secret underground facilities on the territory of the USSR.
B. The Mansi Mountain of the Dead is an obvious taboo, a forbidden and dangerous zone.
Q. Compasses in the Dead Mountain area often deviate. Perhaps due to the fact that a massive structure made of iron and concrete is located underground.
G. The reason why the tourists were attacked is clear - they went into the restricted area. For some reason, the security of the facility attacked the Dyatlovites. It is possible that even earlier, the guards somehow discovered themselves. I had to "clean up" the place in order to keep the secret of the location of an important object.
D. Previously, the question arose, how did the attackers find a group of tourists? They did not look for her - the Dyatlovites themselves came.
E. Now the reason for such secrecy around the death of the Dyatlov group is clear - an important strategic object is involved here.

But I repeat - secret underground facility is just my guess. This version does not explain why the staging was not then brought to perfection ... or why the corpses and ammunition were not hidden and taken away at all. After all, there was enough time ... And the dead and their camp were under the very nose - at the top of the object.
It is possible that the Dyatlovites stumbled upon something secret even earlier, before approaching the Mountain of the Dead. Most likely there are no artificial objects inside the hill itself.
To cut the tent from the inside and run down into the chilling twilight half-dressed - could only be forced by a serious (mortal) danger. My opinion - a group of people armed with firearms, against which hand-to-hand combat did not make sense. Slobodin fought out of desperation, subconsciously covering the retreat of the group.

P.S. contains the most complete analytical analysis of the tragedy. Previously unpublished photographs from the case are presented.
But the political accents have been changed ... Western intelligence agents-saboteurs are called murderers))).

The actor, who starred in the films and TV series "Battle for Sevastopol", "Method", "Demons", posted on Instagram a photo from the filming of the television series "Dyatlov Pass"

Pictured Oleg Vasilkov captured with partners in the picture Petr Fedorov(the role of a KGB major investigating) and Andrey Dobrovolsky, who also played a representative of the authorities.

Vasilkov himself got the role Boris Slobtsov- the head of the search group, which was the first to stumble upon a tent abandoned by skiers. We got through to the actor: how does he work there, in the harsh Ural Mountains?

And we were not in the Urals - in Altai. And this photo was taken two months ago. So, I decided to remember, - Oleg Maratovich orientated us. - The atmosphere in the Urals is too mystical. Therefore, apparently, the directors decided to move away. In addition, in October there was already a two-meter layer of snow here.

- In the film, what version of the death of the Dyatlovites is being worked out? It is still unclear what happened to them.

The most probable reason - came down from the mountain snow avalanche. In the Urals, there is such a specificity: avalanches are a crust half a meter thick, which rushes along the slope at great speed, literally ironing everything under it. This is exactly what happened to the Dyatlov group. And all other versions, including aliens, are fiction. Another thing is what brought people to those places - this is not clear.

- Was it scary?

The story we filmed - I don’t want to tell it ahead of time - has a distant relation to the Dyatlov Pass. There were difficulties. For example, it took 15 km to get to the set by tractor or snowmobile. And out of stupidity, I literally came to those parts in shorts. I looked on the Internet - plus three to five, it seems not cold, but I did not think that the filming location would be so far away and there would be no conditions. Once again I was convinced: selfless people work in the cinema. Launch them to Mars - they will pitch tents and begin to build a frame.

By the way

  • Almost all the characters in Dyatlov Pass are real people. The picture is being taken Valery Fedorovich and Evgeny Nikishov. Project writer Ilya Kulikov studied the closed materials of the criminal case opened on February 6, 1959, and the additional investigation conducted in the 2000s. The authors of the film promise to reveal the official conclusions reached by the investigation. The film will hit the screens in 2020.

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