A set of vitamins for babies. Vitamins for newborns in drops: which ones should be given, how to take them correctly Why do newborn babies need vitamins?

The natural source of all nutrients and vitamins for newborns is breast milk. Unfortunately, this is not always enough for the full development of the baby. In this case, doctors prescribe support in the form of poly vitamin complexes. Let's look at what vitamins are vital for newborns and how to replenish them artificially.

Indications for prescribing vitamins to newborns and infants

Newborn babies do not need additional complementary feeding, because their main food is breast milk. Mother's milk contains the entire necessary complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are needed for the full development and rapid growth of the baby. The components are easily digestible and cause allergies only in rare cases of individual intolerance.

What to do if a woman in labor does not have enough milk and the baby has to be given formula? There is a risk that he will not receive the substances necessary for his growing body. Their shortage will have to be filled from outside.

Pediatricians prescribe additional vitamin complexes for children under one year of age if:

It is not recommended to independently purchase vitamin complexes for children under 1 year of age. The younger the child, the more sensitive his body is to taking various medications. Vitamins for infants should be prescribed by a doctor who will select the right multivitamin complex depending on the purpose of the intake: recovery or prevention.

What vitamins do children under one year old need?

In the first year of life, the baby actively gains weight and grows quickly. To do this, he needs a constant supply of vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount. An overdose is just as harmful as a deficiency.

Each substance performs its own function in the development of organs and systems of the newborn. If there is a deficiency of at least one component, this can cause developmental disorders or disease.

The table provides information on the role of vitamins for children under one year of age:

No.SubstanceIndications for useContents in products
1 A (retinol)Improves the immune system, is needed for the development of the visual apparatus, and prevents skin diseases.Milk, eggs, citrus fruits, green vegetables, carrots, apricots, peaches.
2 Thiamine (B1)Needed for the development of the nervous system and carbohydrate metabolism.Pork, beef, kidneys, brain, beans, soy, spinach, beans.
3 Riboflavin (B2)Needed for hematopoiesis and development of the endocrine system. If there is a shortage, the mucous membranes are affected and vision deteriorates.Liver, eggs, mushrooms, cottage cheese, broccoli, cabbage, buckwheat, milk, rice, vegetables, pasta.
4 Nicotinamide (B3, PP)Participates in metabolism. Deficiency leads to gastrointestinal diseases and endocrine disorders.Liver, nuts, eggs, meat, fish, poultry, beans.
5 Pantothenic acid (B5)Participates in metabolism. With a deficiency, gastrointestinal ulcers, fatigue, nervousness, dysfunction of the heart, liver, and kidneys are observed.Peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, carrots, green vegetables, eggs, milk, poultry, kidneys.
6 Pyridoxine (B6)Necessary for hematopoiesis. Deficiency leads to decreased red blood cell levels, increased fatigue, muscle weakness, arthritis, and behavioral changes.Nuts, hazelnuts, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits, meat, milk, fish, eggs.
7 Folic acid (B9)Needed for hematopoiesis, growth and development of the immune system. Deficiency causes anemia and indigestion.Citrus fruits, honey, beans, liver, flour products.
8 Ascorbic acid (C)One of the most important substances for the full growth and development of a child. Deficiency causes weakness of the immune system, hair loss, hemorrhages, and slows growth.Cherry, rosehip, currant, sea buckthorn, Bell pepper, kiwi, citruses, apples, pine needles.
9 Calciferol (D)Another essential component for children's health. Deficiency leads to rickets, growth retardation, cardiac and vascular dysfunction, and deterioration of cognitive functions.Fish, dairy products, cheeses, eggs, mushrooms. Synthesized under the influence of sunlight.
10 Tocopherol (E)Improves immunity and metabolism.Sunflower, corn, soybean oil, almonds, vegetables.

In addition to vitamins, infants require minerals. Calcium is required for the growth of the musculoskeletal system. Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia. Iodine is needed for the development of cognitive abilities, brain function, and the endocrine system. Magnesium ensures smooth functioning of the heart.

Vitamin complexes for infants

If a child is deficient in a specific substance, such as retinol or vitamin D, the pediatrician will prescribe a drug that replenishes this particular component. Most often, if the baby is bottle-fed or has undergone antibiotic treatment, he needs comprehensive vitamin support. For such purposes, there are multivitamin complexes for infants, the characteristics of which are presented in the table:

As a rule, vitamin complexes for children under one year of age are available in drops or in the form of gels. Drops can be added to juices, water or dripped onto the baby’s tongue. They are sweet, the child will take them with pleasure. Gels are usually given to children from 6 months. A child can eat it from a spoon, or you can spread the drug on cookies. Some babies are sure that they do not eat medicine, and sweets.

Symptoms of vitamin overdose

You should not buy vitamin-mineral complexes for newborns on your own, although they are sold freely in pharmacies, without a prescription. The child's body is very sensitive to substances coming from outside, and an excess of vitamins is as harmful as vitamin deficiency. When choosing a medicinal complex on your own, it is easy to make a mistake and buy a drug containing those components that the baby does not need.

It is very dangerous to violate the dosage indicated in the instructions or the treatment regimen drawn up by the doctor. If the dose is reduced, the treatment simply will not give the desired effect, and exceeding it will lead to the emergence of new health problems.

Hypervitaminosis can lead to the following consequences:

  • excess retinol – loss of appetite, hair loss, seborrhea;
  • excess B vitamins – headache, sleep disturbance, increased excitability, rash, dehydration, liver dysfunction;
  • excess ascorbic acid – impaired vision, kidney and pancreas function, capillary permeability, metabolic failure;
  • excess vitamin D – calcium deposits in the body, kidney failure, digestive problems, muscle and vascular spasms.

If your baby is used to taking vitamin complexes in the form of gels or candies, you should hide the packaging away from him. A one-year-old child can independently take a plate from the table and eat several tablets.

In case of overdose, you should immediately stop taking the drug. In case of a severe reaction, you must call an ambulance. As a rule, discontinuation of the drug quickly brings the body back to normal, but if vitamins accumulate systematically in the organs, long-term treatment may be required.

Vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight. Because of geographical location our country, diet and use of sunscreens, without which children are rarely exposed to the sun, they do not receive enough vitamin D - these are disappointing statistics.

Russian doctors recommend taking vitamin D from birth until the age of 18, that is, throughout the entire period of active growth of the child. Vitamin D is of particular importance for children from birth to 1 year, as it:

  1. Promotes the formation of a healthy skeleton.
  2. Reduces the risk of rickets.
  3. Strengthens the muscular system.
  4. Prevents allergic diseases or their exacerbations.
  5. Regulates the metabolism of glucose and fats.
  6. Promotes the proper formation of the nervous system.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The role of the leading vitamins contained in complexes intended for newborns and children of the 1st year of life:

  • Vitamin A. It has a positive effect on the child’s immune system and visual functions, as well as on the functioning of many organs.
  • Vitamin C. Takes part in the processes of growth and formation of organs and systems. Has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and bone development. Increases the body's resistance.
  • Vitamin D. Participates in the formation of bones and teeth. Responsible for maintaining the required metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Prevents the development of rickets.

Top 10 best vitamins for newborns

10 Omega-3 fish oil

Natural composition
Country Russia
Average price: 265 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Biologically active organic pharmaceutical development, permitted from 1 month of life. Source of polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D. Builder and protector of vascular and heart health. Prevents the formation of blood clots and strokes. Maintains visual acuity, regulates blood pressure due to its positive effect on the vascular system. The drug has gone through several stages of purification, so it is completely safe. Does not contain foreign elements and synthetic excipients.

According to consumer reviews, the supplement has a significant number of side effects and a considerable list of contraindications. However, this should not provoke false fears and concerns if you strictly and without deviations follow the doctor’s prescriptions. In addition, many people pay attention to short term storage after opening the package. Which means it has a completely natural composition.


Best price. The most popular
Country: Poland
Average price: 195 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

“Aquadetrim” is the most popular vitamin D in drops. This product is available in the form of a water rather than an oil solution, which, according to the manufacturer, provides better absorption. "Aquadetrim" is included in the clinical recommendations of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists, as well as in the new national program of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

The drug is intended for children from 4 weeks. The daily dosage for newborns and infants up to 1 year is 1-2 drops. For an older child, the recommended dose is 2-3 drops per day. The smell of the product is specific, medicinal. Reviews note that the bottle is equipped with a drop-drop dispenser, which often misfires - double or triple the drop may fall at a time. Despite this, the consumption is very economical, and the cost is reasonable.

8 Actiferrin

Quickly and effectively compensates for iron deficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 299 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Prescribed to various age categories of patients. Including newborn children in the form of drops. High speed of action and effectiveness are achieved due to the additional substance included in the composition - serine. It helps iron to be absorbed and quickly enter the blood. Increases oxygen saturation and eliminates manifestations of anemia (visual and diagnostic). However, before use, it is important to identify the cause of the microelement deficiency and act strictly in accordance with the doctor’s prescription.

It has a large number of positive feedback. There is a pleasant raspberry-creamy taste, a convenient dropper dispenser, and a rapid onset of positive effects from use. In case of adverse gastroenterological conditions, to improve the situation, it is advised, first of all, to try to reduce the dosage.

7 Vigantol

The most effective synthetic source of vitamin D drops
Country: Germany
Average price: 189 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

It has an oil base, due to which substances accumulate and remain in the body longer, unlike water-based drops, where the elimination period is quite short. Helps optimize the production of calcium and phosphorus, saturates with vitamin D. Helps with the proper formation of the bone skeleton, teeth, the harmonious development and functioning of the nervous system, and immunity. It is odorless and tasteless, which makes its use comfortable for a child, and does not require “masking” with juices and other food products.

A bottle with a convenient dropper-stopper, with strict dosage control to prevent overdose. Can be used for newborns (including premature babies) and adults. User reviews indicate high effectiveness of use. However, it is advised to strictly follow the recommendations and dosages of your doctor and maintain a drinking regime to avoid negative consequences.


For the little ones. Oil solution
Country: Finland
Average price: 306 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Vitamin D3 drops "Minisan" goes on sale in the form of an oil solution in a 10 ml bottle. A special feature of the drug is the absence of alcohol and allergenic additives (lactose, gluten, yeast, sugar and preservatives), due to which the drops do not require taste masking. The vitamin can be added to a child’s food or drink, which is very convenient for the little ones.

This is an original drug that acts as a source of vitamin D, so necessary for newborns. For children under 1 year of age, the dosage is 5 drops per day. In addition, this remedy, taking into account increasing dosage, can also be used for adults and elderly people. Reviews say that Minisan does not cause side effects and is easily absorbed.


The best combination of price and quality
Country: Türkiye
Average price: 413 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Multi-Tabs Baby vitamins in drops are intended for children from birth to 1 year. Doctors recommend them as a preventative measure for vitamin A, C and D3 deficiency in newborns. The complex is included in the list of drugs for the prevention of rickets compiled by the Union of Pediatricians and the National Association of Dietetics and Nutritionists. The composition tastes pleasant, sweetish, and children, judging by the reviews, use the product willingly.

The daily dosage for a child is 25 drops (1 ml each). Even despite the convenient and accurate dispenser included in the set, many parents are dissatisfied with the process of counting such a number of drops. Vitamins should be taken simultaneously with meals or immediately after them. The instructions emphasize that the product is used seasonally - drink for a course of 2-3 months. At the same time, in summer period the dosage is reduced to 0.5 ml per day. In some cases, the attending physician may adjust the duration of vitamin intake and daily dosage.

4 California Gold Nutrition DHA

Made from wild cod liver
Country: USA
Average price: 980 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The production uses raw materials from Norway - Arctic cod living in natural conditions. Designed and safe for newborns from the first days of life, thanks to the hypoallergenic natural composition. Helps form a healthy nervous system, bones, brain, vision, improves mental state, increases muscle tone, and has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of the body as a whole. Source of omega 3 fatty acids. Does not contain heavy metals, soy, toxins and other harmful and potentially dangerous elements, as during the production process it undergoes thorough cleaning in modern traditions. It has a short shelf life after the bottle is printed.

Recommended by users for its high-quality, environmentally friendly composition. The disadvantages include the lack of Russified instructions and the presence of a fishy smell. But taste sensations do not bring severe discomfort, but detailed description and recommendations for use can be found on the manufacturer’s official website.

3 Natures Plus Baby

Leader in the content of microelements of group B
Country: USA
Average price: 905 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The best liquid complex on a water-glycerin basis, approved from infancy. The drug contains the following vitamins: C, A, D3, B6, E, B12, B1, B2. There is practically no sugar. Available in drops, in two forms: for adults and children. The only difference is in the taste: children's - with a sour orange taste, similar to ascorbic acid. In order to develop a habit of use and to prevent the child from refusing to take it due to sourness, it is recommended to introduce Baby plex into the diet at an early age, before the child reaches 1 year.

It helps strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viruses (including during the season of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections), supports the proper development of vision, bone, nervous, cardiovascular systems, and muscle tissue. Improves intestinal function. Helps cope with emotional stress and adds energy. Prevents rickets. Stimulates a healthy appetite in the baby. Rarely causes allergic reactions.

2 Zarbee's naturals baby

Powerful protector and good support for a growing body
Country: USA
Average price: 1,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Multivitamin supplement for babies from two months of age. Starting from 1 year, the dose is adjusted, taking into account the instructions for the drug. Contains a mixture of vitamins A, ascorbic acid, E, D3 and zinc. Agave replaces sugar, is a source of iron, improves digestion, and accelerates tissue regeneration. Zinc – restores immunity. Contains no alcohol, artificial flavors or colors, and boasts a minimal amount of calories.

It is recommended for use when the body’s protective functions are reduced and during a child’s illness with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. Not declared by the manufacturer for regular course use. Available in a small dark glass bottle, complete with a syringe dispenser. Mothers who give the complex to their children recommend the medication, talk about its effectiveness during the baby’s illness and its pleasant taste.

1 ChildLife

Best quality and efficiency
Country: USA
Average price: 1,560 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

For babies from birth and over one year. Natural organic complex based on olive oil. Does not contain alcohol, gluten, GMOs. Complies with kashrut requirements. Created specifically for newborn babies. Certified product that is not a drug. One drop contains 400 IU of vitamin D3, as well as a natural antioxidant (vitamin E). Modern research, including in America, have repeatedly confirmed the need to take an additional source of vitamin for the proper development of human bones and nervous system. Especially during periods of active growth.

Those who are already familiar with the drug talk about the pleasant natural berry aroma, the mild effect of the additive, the absence allergic reactions. And also about comfortable use due to the oily consistency and a convenient dropper with divisions. To avoid overdose, it is important to consult with a supervising specialist and obtain his recommendations.

In this article:

When asked whether vitamins should be given to infants, the answer is that it all depends on the circumstances. Indeed, properly selected vitamins will help strengthen the immune system of infants and compensate for the lack of nutrients.

Does the baby experience a lack of these substances while being breastfed or bottle-fed? Infants who are deprived of mother's milk early need vitamins more often than those babies who continue to receive protection from their mother at least during the first six months after birth. Therefore, it would be useful to consult with a doctor to understand whether taking vitamins for infants is necessary in a particular case.

What do infants especially need?

It is important to understand that up to a year the baby will actively grow and develop, and these processes cannot be imagined without the proper set of vitamins and microelements. Vitamin deficiency in infants is most often associated with:

  • history of pregnancy or childbirth;
  • poor living conditions;
  • location of the settlement;
  • mother's diet;
  • nutritional imbalance.

Organism infant should receive vitamins regularly. Which ones exactly? More on this below.

Important elements for the growth and development of babies

Let's list the main
vital elements for infants:

  1. Retinol (vitamin A);
  2. B vitamins;
  3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  4. Vitamin D;
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E).

So, about each of them in order.

Retinol is necessary to normalize a child's vision. In addition, the element will contribute to the correct formation of the skeleton, maintaining normal condition skin that will better recover in case of damage. Vitamin A is responsible for growth, takes part in improving the functioning of the digestive tract and lungs.

Group vitamins
They are necessary for the body to normalize metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. So, for example, it is B1 that will become the baby’s source of energy and will improve the process of its development. Elements of this group are responsible for the growth and condition of nails and hair, and have a positive effect on the immune system. Folic acid (B9) prevents the development of anemia and improves appetite, while B12 will contribute to the development of the baby’s nervous system.

Ascorbic acid serves as protection for infants against a number of allergies and infections, helping the body to withstand the fight against them.

Vitamin D is prescribed to infants in the autumn-winter period, when they lack exposure to the sun, which, in turn, in some cases can cause the development of rickets.

And finally, tocopherol is needed for the normal functioning of the circulatory, nervous and muscular systems.

All listed
components included breast milk, and some of them are artificially enriched with infant formula. In addition, it should be taken into account that from four months onwards, additional foods are introduced into the baby’s diet, which will also become a source of vitamins. This is necessary primarily because breast milk cannot be the only source of vitamins for the baby for a long time.

To enrich the child’s body with the required amount of vitamins, complementary foods and, if necessary, additional special vitamin complexes for infants are introduced into the diet.

What indicates a vitamin deficiency in a child’s body?

An acute deficiency of vitamins in the body of an infant can lead to a number of problems, many of which pose a serious health hazard. Vitamin deficiencies can vary in severity.

So for example this There may be a mild vitamin deficiency, which is preclinical in nature. This state of the body is characterized by a violation of certain physiological and metabolic reactions, where certain types of vitamins play a role. When we're talking about about infants, then the problem in their case can easily be solved by special additional vitamins, both synthetic and natural.

A more serious stage is considered hypovitaminosis. During vitamin deficiency at this stage, some clinical symptoms can be recorded. Usually this is increased irritability, fatigue, low appetite, which is quite easy to diagnose in infants.

The most dangerous degree of vitamin deficiency in the body is vitamin deficiency. It is worth noting that infants suffer from this degree of deficiency of nutrients only in exceptional cases, and especially rarely if they are breastfed.

Vitamin deficiency is accompanied complete depletion of vitamin resources in the baby’s body, which leads to the development of dangerous diseases that require long-term treatment, such as pellagra or scurvy. That is why the entire responsibility for preventing such an acute vitamin deficiency in the baby lies with the parents and the pediatrician observing the baby.

When choosing vitamins for infants, you need to understand that they must receive them in combination.

What you should pay attention to?

Vitamin complexes for infants should be selected with a suitable release form that will simplify their administration. These are most often drops, suspensions, gels or powders that can be diluted with milk, juice, or water. In serious cases, acute vitamin deficiency in infants may be a reason to administer vitamins intramuscularly.

Any vitamins
for babies under one year old should not be included in the composition nutritional supplements, which can cause allergies and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. Even insignificant, at first glance, side effects should be a signal to immediately stop taking vitamins and replace them with safer analogues.

Top vitamin preparations for infants

Today, almost every pharmaceutical company produces vitamins suitable for infants. Here is a list of the main manufacturers and their products.

About the benefits of vitamin complexes for infants

Every person needs vitamins, and young children especially, because their processes growth and development proceed more actively than anyone else. Vitamins are used by the child's body for the development of a number of systems, organs, and tissues. Moreover, being exogenous regulators of physiological and biochemical processes, they form the basis of vital functions.

Vitamins play an important role in the formation of immunity - the infant’s body’s resistance to infections.

D3 - meaning in the life of an infant

Infants need to receive a whole range of vitamins, but one of the most important for them is vitamin D3, which, as noted above, can
prevent the development of rickets and improve the process of development and strengthening of the children's skeleton.

Rickets has been known since ancient times, but it was only in the 17th century that it was made scientific description. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became clear that the disease could be treated by changing the diet of children, adding certain foods to it - the most effective means was considered fish fat. Over time, the turn came to understanding the effectiveness of exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin for the treatment and prevention of rickets or pre-rickets in young children.

Introducing vitamin D3 into the diet of infants for prevention makes sense in case of a lack of sunlight, for example in the autumn-winter period, or during protracted illnesses when the child is at home.

Vitamin D3 -
an important element necessary for the normal development of the child’s skeleton. It helps prevent the development of not only rickets, but also such a serious disease as osteoporosis. Moreover, a sufficient amount of vitamin D3 in the body allows you to establish mineral metabolism with the deposition of the required amount of calcium in bone tissue.

In the first months and years of a child’s life, it is D3 in the required quantity that will establish the process of formation of organs and tissues, strengthen the immune system, and help improve the social, intellectual and emotional capabilities of the little person.

The first year of a child’s life is characterized by a period of active development and growth (we recommend reading:). For full development, a child needs a variety of nutrients, including vitamins. Where can a baby get them from? Is it worth using additional sources of vitamin substances, such as special complexes sold in pharmacies?

A child under one year old is actively growing and developing, so a certain set of vitamins is extremely necessary for him.

Vitamins for newborns

Some mothers are convinced that for active growth and good health, their child must be given vitamins for newborns. In this case, it is important to remind all mothers: although minerals and vitamins are an integral part of the successful development of the baby’s body, you should not go too far. Do not rush to supply your baby with synthetic additives. Children of the first month of life, however, like all childhood, should receive only natural beneficial substances and products, and not “chemicals”.

Infants in the first year of life who eat mother's milk or suck on a bottle of formula do not need any additional sources of vitamins and minerals. Their diet is very balanced.

Vitamin D

Pediatricians often prescribe preventive vitamin D supplementation, starting at one month of age and even at birth. Moreover, very often you can hear the following advice: start as early as possible. It should be remembered that the prescription of any vitamin for children, and in particular vitamin D, must be due to a number of compelling reasons.

The uniqueness of vitamin D is that it is independently formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. It's no secret that walking on a sunny day - the best remedy from rickets. To do this, there is absolutely no need to expose the baby to direct sunlight. A nursing mother “produces” this element herself during walks, and then transfers it to the baby through breast milk. The baby, lying in the stroller, also feeds on the sun’s rays and produces its own vitamin “charge”, so the prevention of rickets is already squared.

Vitamin D enters the child's body thanks to proper diet mom and her walks in the sun

For walks, choose daylight hours while the sun is still shining in the sky. Open areas under the scorching sun are not the best the best option, but a light shadow from the trees will be very useful. 20 minutes of such a leisurely walk, exposing your hands and face to the rays, will allow you to develop a sufficient amount of a useful element.

Insufficient Vitamin D

Let us describe situations when vitamin D will not be synthesized:

  • when the mother is completely covered (warm jacket, hat with a visor, gloves), and the child is completely covered with a hood;
  • when a child “walks” on a glassed-in balcony;
  • when walking in the dark;
  • when the sun hid behind thick clouds - in in this case Vitamin D will be produced in insufficient quantities; therefore, doctors recommend that in the autumn-winter period this deficiency in children be compensated for by preventive intake of vitamin D (usually oil- or water-based drops are prescribed).

The unanimous opinion of doctors is that the most optimal and at the same time safe option obtaining a valuable element from mother's milk. It is important for a nursing woman to monitor the quality and variety of her diet. It may be worth drinking vitamin and mineral complexes recommended during lactation.

The baby gets the required amount of vitamin D from mother’s milk.


The absence of any abnormalities in the development and health of the baby does not require the prescription of additional vitamins. Having diagnosed anemia in a child, the pediatrician will prescribe iron-based supplements, and if the baby does not gain weight well, the doctor will prescribe vitamins E, A and ascorbic acid. Give up the idea of ​​self-medicating your children. Begin all therapeutic procedures only after consultation with a specialist. Excessive saturation of a child’s body with vitamins and minerals can trigger allergies.

Vitamins for children from 1 month

Babies in their first year of life need the following vitamins:

Vitamin Impact on the child's body Required quantity up to a year
AActive growth, good vision, condition of mucous membranes, strong immunity1250 IU
DCalcium-phosphorus metabolism, strong teeth and bones, tooth growth300 IU
WITHStrong immune system, healthy connective tissue, elastic vascular walls30 mg
IN 1Metabolism, strong nervous system, intestinal function0.3 mg
AT 2Energy conversion processes, protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, health of skin and mucous membranes, keen eyes0.4 mg
AT 5Metabolism of fats, synthesis of antibodies and hormones2 mg
AT 6Hematopoiesis process, strong immune system0.5 mg
AT 9Formation of new cells25 mcg
AT 12The process of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the nervous system0.4 mcg
RRHealthy skin, comfortable digestion5 mg
NHealthy hair, nails, skin, metabolic processes, liver function15 mcg
EClear myocardial function, strong vessel walls, assistance in the absorption of other vitamins3 mg
TOBlood clotting10 mcg

Vitamin A helps develop sharp vision

Vitamins in breast milk

To the untrained eye, it may seem that the amount of vitamins and minerals contained in breast milk is insufficient compared to those found in infant formula. In fact, the composition of mother's milk completely satisfies all the existing needs of the child's body. Thanks to the unique combination of all elements with special proteins, breast milk is almost completely absorbed by the child, while the adapted formula, and therefore part of its nutrients, is absorbed in a smaller percentage.

Let's take iron absorption as an example. The child absorbs almost 70% of this substance from mother's milk, while the adapted formula supplies the body with only 10%.

Hence the conclusion is that infants who eat their mother’s breasts have at their disposal a much larger amount of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, we note that a mother during lactation, on the contrary, has a lot of problems, ranging from hair and teeth, ending with fatigue and lethargy. That is why it is extremely important to carefully monitor the diet of a nursing woman. It should be varied and balanced.

The body of a nursing mother is completely rebuilt to meet the needs of the child.

What vitamins does mom give?

Let's consider vitamin composition mother's milk:

  • Vitamin A. For premature babies, this element is especially important. In this case, in addition to being underweight, the baby has a number of intestinal problems. A nursing woman should eat more animal products (egg yolk, liver, butter), as well as carrots and parsley.
  • Vitamin E is an extremely necessary element for newborns, as it helps the functioning of most metabolic processes (we recommend reading:). The highest concentration of this element was found in colostrum.
  • B vitamins. This group of vitamin elements is mostly found in foods of animal origin. A vegetarian woman should seek help pharmaceuticals to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement.
  • Vitamin C. Also extremely necessary for newborn babies. A sufficient amount in breast milk must be supplemented with a new portion of vegetables from time to time.

Vitamins in an adapted mixture

The formula, as an alternative to breast milk, should contain the following microelements: iodine, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, chlorides, manganese, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, copper, phosphorus. There are also mixtures that additionally contain fluorine, selenium, chromium and molybdenum.

A good mixture should contain a set of vitamins and minerals.

An adapted infant formula must contain at least 15 vitamins: folic acid, choline, niacin, biotin, inositol, essential vitamins for infants A, B, C, D, E, K. For children on an artificial type of feeding, doctors rarely prescribe additional vitamin complexes, including vitamin D3 for newborns.

Sometimes artificial babies need ascorbic acid more than other babies. This deficiency can be compensated for by introducing complementary foods into the diet in the form of vegetable and fruit purees.

Brands of vitamins for children under 1 year

The information discussed above gives us the idea that the prescription of vitamin complexes is justified in very rare cases. As a rule, it is more common to prescribe a course of individual vitamins or their combinations if any disease or pathology has been identified. This decision is due to the fact that children receive all the necessary elements from mother’s milk or an adapted formula. It’s not so easy to find vitamins for children under one year old in pharmacies today, but they still exist. We list them below.

Vitamin D solution. Dosage is 1-2 drops. If the child was born prematurely, the single dose can be increased according to the doctor’s recommendation and will be 2-10 drops. The doctor will assess the baby's condition and determine the exact dosage. For prophylactic use in summer time the dose of the drug can be reduced to 1 drop. Violation of the dosage is not allowed.

Vitamins for children under one year old can be found in this complex. Here you will find vitamins A, D and C. The dosage is measured in drops. 1 ml of solution contains the necessary norm to meet the needs of the baby’s body for these substances. It is often prescribed by doctors to prevent rickets, as well as to strengthen the body’s defenses against viruses and infections.

Polivit Baby

The product is a solution. The composition contains vitamins A, C, PP, D, E, group B, which are necessary for children under one year old. This drug has proven itself well as a preventative against hypovitaminosis, as well as an assistant in its elimination. The solution can be taken along with feeding. It is allowed to mix it with food or drink.

Kinder biovital gel

Prescribed to children older than 1 month with a dosage of 0.5 teaspoon (2.5 ml) 2 times a day. Vitamin and mineral composition of the drug: vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, B6, B12, C, D3, E, lecithin, sodium, manganese, calcium. The instructions for use state that the drug will be effective in cases of stunted growth, unbalanced nutrition, exhaustion, during the convalescent period, and also as a prevention of rickets (we recommend reading:). It’s a stretch to call this complex a vitamin-mineral complex, since the amount of minerals in it is extremely small. The name “multivitamin” is more suitable for this product.

Of the products we are considering for children in the first year of life, Biovital gel is the richest in composition. It is allowed to be taken by children of other age categories, but with a change in dosage.

  • Taking vitamins and complexes for children under 1 year of age should be started only after consultation with a pediatrician. Based on the available data, the doctor will be able to give an adequate assessment of the baby’s health condition and select the most suitable option for the drug and its dosage.
  • When buying a drug, do not forget to double-check whether it can be given to children under 1 year of age. An incorrectly selected product can cause intoxication of the child’s body.
  • Buy products from trusted pharmacies, choosing responsible and trustworthy manufacturers.
  • Remember that most vitamin D enters the body from sunlight, synthesized in our skin. Don't forget about the benefits of walking in winter and spring when the sun is shining.
  • When making a choice, pay attention to vitamin and mineral complexes, since iron, iodine and calcium will be important substances for children of the first year.
  • The best time to take vitamins is in the morning. It is advisable to take it before or during meals.
  • Up to 6 months, the baby has enough vitamins coming from breast milk or formula, and after this age - from introduced complementary foods.

Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky, beloved by mothers, does not deny the enormous benefits of vitamins for the growth and development of a child, but at the same time, he does not recommend taking them unless absolutely necessary, but only if there is hypovitaminosis. As for vitamin D, Komarovsky advises not to avoid taking it for children under one year of age in the autumn-winter period to prevent rickets, because there is little sun at this time. For more detailed information watch the video material from the doctor's program.

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