Tractor maintenance and repair

Justification of maintenance frequency is a complex task related to the field of multicriteria optimization. Several particular criteria have been identified by which the frequency of maintenance can be set: maximum machine performance, average time between failures, minimum unit operating costs, minimum probability of failure and a number of others.

Photo 3: Lift the tire back onto the wheel

Lift the tire using a large screwdriver. Keep this section of the tire away from the wheel and use a second screwdriver to pry up the other section. Repeat until the entire balloon goes out. Once the inner tube is in place, hold the valve stem with a spring clip. Then slide the round handle ends of two large adjustable wrenches under the bead and lift them up and back onto the wheel.

Do you have a garden tractor tire that is always low and you can't find a puncture? Most likely, you have a traffic jam caused by a rusty wheel. It's too much trouble to go back to where you started. Simply install the inner tube and put an end to your deflated tires.

Currently, the justification for the frequency of maintenance is not completely algorithmized and does not have a standard methodology. The frequency of maintenance is based on the use of the specified private criteria, taking into account the operating experience of the machines and the accumulated statistical data on their performance.

When testing and operating equipment, its failures are analyzed, grouped by frequency and complexity, average indicators for each complexity group and confidence limits for failure-free intervals are calculated. Thus, maintenance frequencies and lists of technological operations can be obtained, which are specified using the listed technical and economic criteria.

Write down the tire size and buy the same size tube. Start by cutting off the old valve stem with side snips or a knife. Then break the ball. Slide a large screwdriver or pin down the center of the wheel and clamp it in a vise. Then remove the ball from the wheel.

Rotate the inner tube so that the valve stem connects to the valve stem hole in the wheel. Insert the inner tube inside the tire and pull the valve stem through the hole. Secure the valve stem with a spring clip. Then lift the tire bar back onto the wheel and reattach.

Required tools for this project

Materials needed for this project

Avoid last-minute shopping by preparing all your materials in advance. Health and safety guidelines for farm operations in Ontario were developed to highlight specific and sometimes unique and unusual hazards to farm operations. They were jointly prepared by representatives of the farming community, the Farm Safety Association, the Ministry agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Department of Labour.

The frequency of license plate maintenance is established by GOST 20793 - 86.

The frequency of maintenance of tractors and combines is set at engine hours developments. Operating hours can be determined in other units equivalent to operating hours, for example in liters (kg) consumed fuel or conditional reference hectares (cond. fl. ha).

This maintenance system was introduced for tractors manufactured in 1982 and later. Before this, the maintenance system operated with a frequency of 60; 240 and 960 engine hours for the corresponding numbered TO-1, TO-2 and TO-3. The new system was introduced in connection with the increase in the technical level of tractors. The introduction of the new system reduces the number of times tractors need to be scheduled for maintenance by 2 times and reduces the overall labor intensity and material consumption by 20...30%.

The purpose of these guidelines is to help employers, supervisors and workers on farms recognize the hazards and determine how they can best meet their obligations under relevant regulations. The guidelines provide general information to those in the workplace to help them identify specific hazards and dangerous situations. The guidelines can also provide workplace parties with suggestions to consider when determining how to protect the health and safety of workers and prevent injuries.

Allowed actual frequency deviation(advance or lag) TO-1 and TO-2 up to 10%, TO-3 up to 5% of the set value.

The frequency and conditions of tractor maintenance are presented in the table.

Frequency and conditions of tractor maintenance

Frequency, conditions of maintenance

It is important to understand that the guidelines do not replace existing laws. Employers have a legal obligation to take all precautions reasonable in the circumstances to protect workers; and supervisors and workers must take appropriate steps to identify and eliminate all hazards in the workplace.

This is the first edition of the recommendations. They will be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis as needed and expanded as new production methods and technologies become available. Tractors are the part of the machinery most often involved in agricultural accidents. About 85% of tractor failures are collateral emissions; 14% are reverse rollovers, and 1% are front rollovers. Most rollover fatalities occur with tractors that are not equipped with rollover guards.


In preparation for sale by dealerships (1 time per service life)

During operational run-in

During preparation, conduct and completion of the run-in

After 8... 10 engine hours

Factors to consider when operating the tractor

This section covers the following topics. Note. In this document, where the term "tractor" is used, it also refers to other self-propelled agricultural equipment. The employer must provide information, instructions and supervision on how to operate the tractor safely. The tractor and all accessories used with it must be maintained in good condition. Damaged or missing safety signs should be replaced with new ones if available. If the tractor has a training area, the seat should be used exclusively for this purpose. Children and other observers should be kept away from tractors during operation.

  • This includes ensuring that all safety devices are operational.
  • Only the operator should ride the tractor while it is in use.
The information in the rest of this section describes the various hazards associated with using the tractor and recommends taking certain precautions and preventive measures.

After 125 engine hours

After 500 engine hours

After 1,000 engine hours

At a steady average daily ambient temperature above 5 °C

Protective structures

The employer must ensure that the employee operating the tractor is competent to do so. The employer must ensure that the operator: understands and can apply the instructions in the operator's manual before using the tractor for the first time, is able to recognize the associated hazards and knows how to control them. Show the operator how to safely start the tractor and use each of the controls; with instructions at a safe distance while the tractor is operating. On a daily basis, the operator must carry out a wheel check before starting the tractor. On a regular basis, the operator should perform the following maintenance checks before starting the tractor. Workers must report any defects that they are aware of to their employer or supervisor. Extreme care should be used if the level must be checked when the radiator is hot. Tire pressure. Hydraulic leaks. Fittings - tighten any loose ones. Lights - make sure everything is working and visible. Follow the instructions printed on the protective stickers attached to the tractor; Keep protective stickers clean and free of obstructing material. That the wheel steps are installed as widely as they are used for work; there is clear visibility from all sides; there is nothing in the tractor's sights, there are no hazards or obstructions such as overhead wires to ensure that the brakes work properly and that, where applicable, the brake pedals are locked together before driving on the road. This includes situations where ground clearance is low, such as gardens, farmhouses, greenhouses and other places where a specific task requires low-profile tractors.

  • Lubricants and fuel levels.
  • Radiator fluid level - this should be done when the tractor is cold.
  • Particular care should be taken when operating the tractor in these situations.
A number of factors can contribute to tractor overflow, including uneven ground, operating on a slope, excessive speed, or operating with a front loader or with raised mounts.

At a steady average daily ambient temperature below 5 °C

IN special conditions operation

When used in desert conditions and sandy soils; at prolonged low and elevated temperatures; on rocky soils; on marshy soils

By following the steps below, you can prevent your tractor from slipping. The tractor will tip sideways much more easily if the wheels are close to each other. When wheels must be moved for high-volume farming, use extra precautions, especially when driving at high speeds on roads. Whenever possible, the operator should avoid driving the tractor near ditches, embankments, holes and steep slopes. The operator should reduce speed before turning, when operating on slopes, when using a loader, and on rough, slippery or dirty surfaces. A tilt of more than 30 degrees may change the tractor's center of gravity. When working on a slope, to ensure greater stability, the operator should move straight up or down the slope rather than diagonally across it. When driving on a slope, the operator should: shift to the lowest gear and hold the tractor in gear to avoid freewheeling and excessive braking; never the shore; Take special care when carrying heavy, high, swinging or unstable loads. Make sure the center of gravity remains in front of the point of contact between rear wheels tractor and earth; try this backup, if necessary, stand up; If necessary, use a scale on the front of the tractor. Never jump from a moving tractor or leave a running tractor unattended. Loose clothing may catch moving parts or levers and cause an accident. If you get stuck in the mud, try backing away. If that doesn't work, get another tractor to pull you out. When a tractor is used to pull loads, the pull point on the tractor must be the point specified in the manufacturer's instructions and the weight of the load being pulled must not exceed the load specified by the manufacturer. to the drawbar and to the manufacturer's recommended height. When using a three-point hitch, front weights must be added if necessary to maintain stability and prevent steering problems. Any chain or cable used to pull an object must be in good condition and suitable for its intended use, in particular it must be able to withstand the load to be pulled without breaking it. When a chain or cable is used to tension a load, any slack should be picked up slowly and there should be no loose chains. Equipment should not be operated without screens or guards. The operator must turn off the engine and ensure that movement has stopped before making any adjustments or maintenance. The operator should raise any rear attachments and move slowly when making sharp turns. The operator must slowly and smoothly raise and lower the attachments.

  • Tractor wheels should be kept as far apart as possible.
  • A protective shield must be installed while the equipment is in use.
  • The tractor may start to roll, move and run over you.
  • Do not wear loose clothing while operating the tractor.
  • Excessive loads may cause the tractor to tip over backwards.
  • Safety clamps and pins designed for interlocking should be used.
  • All shields and fences must be in place and in working order.
  • For some applications, counterweights should be used for stability.
The following steps reduce the risk of fire or explosion when refueling your tractor.

In preparation for long-term storage During long-term storage

When removed from long-term storage

No later than 10 days after the end of use

1 time per month - when stored in open areas and under a canopy; Once every 2 months - when stored indoors 15 days before use

Tractors are special equipment that serves thousands of urban and rural facilities all year round. Only this machine is capable of multitasking: spring plowing of the land for planting crops, autumn harvesting and transportation of crops, winter snow removal and much more. In addition, the tractor is an almost absolute all-terrain vehicle, which is capable of not only crossing rough terrain, but also pulling stuck cars out of the mud. Of course, such a load obliges owners to constantly maintain tractors.

The KLIN-TRANS company offers a full range of services for diagnostics, maintenance and repair of tractors, both physical and legal entities with the possibility of long-term cooperation. A repair team goes to the site of a breakdown of special equipment. Repairs that can be carried out on site are carried out immediately. We repair complex breakdowns at a specially equipped repair base, where we tow your tractor for free, and offer replacement equipment during the repair.

Tractor diagnostics (VTZ, T-25, T-40, MTZ and other models) are carried out by our certified specialists using the latest equipment in order to identify the causes of an existing breakdown or to prevent possible breakdowns with further replacement of worn-out spare parts. Preventive diagnostics can be included either as part of a routine maintenance package or carried out independently of major repairs.

Further repairs (Amkodor, T-40, VTZ, T-25, T-40, MTZ, etc.) include services for replacing worn out spare parts - hydraulic, brake and fuel systems, gearbox and clutch, engine, and Also attachments. In exceptional cases, when the condition of the tractor components and assemblies is not subject to partial repair and replacement of individual parts, we carry out major repairs.

KLIN-TRANS employees, specialists and repair teams have many years of experience, as well as recommendations regular customers. For more than 5 years we have been successfully working on an ongoing basis with construction, road and other organizations.

Maintenance and repair of special equipment (Moscow and region)

The KLIN-TRANS company offers a full range of services for diagnostics and repair of municipal equipment (excavator, loader, tractor, etc.) to both individuals and legal entities with the possibility of long-term cooperation. Our repair team promptly goes to the site of a vehicle breakdown in Moscow and the Moscow region. Short-term repairs and replacement of some parts are carried out immediately. We repair complex breakdowns of components and assemblies at a specially equipped repair base, where we evacuate your equipment free of charge, and offer replacement equipment during the repair.

We service and repair Peugeot Boxer, Partner, Renault Kangoo, excavators and mini-excavators, forklifts and front-end loaders, as well as tractors and other special equipment. We also offer front loader bucket repairs, including quick blade replacement on rock buckets (RB).

The scope of application of loaders is quite wide and despite the high-quality design of the buckets, they often require maintenance and repair. Therefore, we offer our clients periodic inspection of special equipment in order to timely replace individual parts in order to avoid equipment downtime and loss of work as much as possible.

KLIN-TRANS employees and craftsmen have many years of experience and numerous recommendations from regular customers. For more than 5 years, our company has been successfully servicing special equipment of trade, industrial, construction, road and other organizations on terms of long-term cooperation.

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