Who is the owner of Google? Should you invest in Google shares? Services and tools

Today, many of us simply cannot imagine a world without technology industry giants such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and others. Although, of course, there were times when these companies did not exist, and their founders were ordinary people, like you and me.

Of course, the way they achieved success may become interesting story with a happy ending that will teach each of us something. It is not without reason that many ordinary Internet users are so interested in the biographies of famous companies, and at the same time the people who stand behind them. It is for such people that this article will be published.

In it we will tell the story of the formation of one of the most famous brands in the world - a search engine whose name is written with two “o” (in English). And no, it's not Yahoo. Our story will be dedicated to those who are called “the founders of Google” - two business partners, one of whom has Russian roots.

Where it all started

Surprisingly, the development of the modern Internet giant began back in 1996. Then two graduates of Stanford University - Larry Page and Sergey Brin - worked on a common project. The purpose of the latter was to systematize information in the form of a catalog and its further processing. At the time of the creation of such a product, the founders of Google, of course, did not know what all this could lead to. These were, in fact, simple graduate students who came up with an original approach. He, in turn, justified himself many times over.

At the initial stage, as is known from many sources, the developers of the Backrub project experienced a significant lack of finances. For this reason, they often had to literally cobble together functional solutions from parts of outdated computers that had fallen into disrepair. Despite this, the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, were able to show good results already in 1997. Everyone began to learn about their system for searching information on the Internet more people in the University.

Search for a buyer

Few people know, but in 1998, shortly after the start of development of their technology, the founders of Google intended to sell all the results of their work. There were several reasons for this - the guys did not want to continue working on the project; they understood that they could simply make good money on this innovation and start something new, more interesting. In order to find an interested buyer, they even created a special office. The founders of Google were able to establish some connections (in particular, with the founder of Yahoo, the largest search engine at that time). True, David Filo was not interested in the system at the level to invest in it. He advised the guys to further refine their search project (even then it was called Google), and if they succeeded, sell it ready-made.

First office

It is noteworthy that the first office space that housed three company employees was a garage. His guys rented it to Menlo Parennu (California). At this point, the service was already available on the Internet; Every day it was visited by about 10 thousand people who were looking for information of one kind or another.

The success that each Google founder achieved could be considered unlikely even at that time. This is evidenced by the fact that some reputable US publications placed the site in the “Top 100” ranking of technology portals in the world.

The dizzying growth continued. In 1999, the company processed about 500 thousand requests per day on its portal. The founders of Google, whose photos you see below, were able to attract several investments from leading funds totaling $25 million. The money was used to purchase servers and expand the capabilities of the search engine.

Larry Page

If we talk about this figure at Google, then after reading Page’s biography, you will not be surprised by his choice of profession. Larry's parents are a computer science professor and a programming teacher. He was born in 1973, and today, at 42 years old, Page is a dollar billionaire. This founder of Google is deservedly included in the top twenty of the Forbes.com ranking with his fortune.

According to media information, he is married, lives in the USA and owns his own Boeing 767.

Sergey Brin

For us, Brin’s biography is more interesting, if only for the reason that this founder of Google is Russian. According to publicly available data, at the age of 6 he left Moscow, where he lived with his parents, teachers at Moscow State University (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics). Later, Brin's father began working at Stanford, and his mother went to NASA. While studying for a master's degree at the same university, Sergei became interested in search engines, as a result of which he began the first steps to create Google back then.

On this moment Brin is married and has a son. Like Page, he ranks in the top 20 of Forbes' wealth estimates.

The basis of success

As we can see, it was no coincidence that Google founders Sergey Brin (photo below) and Larry Page found success in the field of Internet search and development of online services. In fact, such a sharp rise was preceded by long work. Both were from an intelligent family of specialists in mathematics and technology. Both grew up in the USA - a land of technological opportunity at that time. Each founder of Google worked to improve search technology, with the goal of starting a company and making money being only the last in the line of goals. This is evidenced by the fact that a private company based on this technology was created after repeated testing. Moreover, the guys wanted to sell their work and “disperse” in their own interests. There are even rumors that in the early days of working together they couldn’t even tolerate each other because their characters were too different. However, as we see, fate decided differently.

Increasing positions

The growth of Google's presence in the Internet search market has become colossal. At that time, the undisputed leaders were Yahoo, WebAlta, AltaVista. As you know, today none of them can compete with Google in terms of capitalization. In a very short time, a little-known university project was able to bypass the “business sharks”.

Experts believe that the explanation that Google founder Sergey Brin and his partner Larry Page were able to consolidate their efforts so successfully lies in the idea. It was to develop the perfect search technology. At the same time, companies like Yahoo at that time paid attention to profits and income from other types of business. The direction of Internet search as of 98-99 was considered unprofitable and unpromising. Perhaps Page and Brin simply did not know about it.

Creation of new businesses

But today, when the Google search engine is the absolute and undisputed leader in search throughout the world, the development team is conducting completely different types of business. We can say that after a successful start in the field of searching and systematizing information, the founders of the system began to work in other areas.

In particular, this is the YouTube video blogging service (which is the leader in terms of the volume of videos posted on it); the most popular blogging platform Blogger.com, social network Google Plus, Google Drive, Google Adsense and much more. We will tell you a little more about each of these types of businesses from the search giant in separate parts of the article.

Social media

The most popular projects, as time has shown, are social networks. This is explained by the fact that people by nature are inclined to communicate, establish connections with each other, make acquaintances, and so on. One of the most famous in the world is the service launched by the search engine - it is called Google Plus. This is an identification platform that not only allows the user to find his friends and communicate with them, but also gives the opportunity to express his opinion about a particular resource on the Internet, leaving an appropriate “tag” - the so-called “plus”. This, in turn, helps to improve the mechanisms developed by Google to evaluate sites. Those that receive more “pluses” deserve a higher position in search results. As of 2013, the social network had more than 500 million registered users.

For the company, thanks to the merging of different services together, a single image is created, positions in different niches are strengthened solely due to the name. For the user, which is important, this increases convenience and comfort in work. A person, as already mentioned, does not need to switch from one account to another - for all this there is a unified authorization system. With it, there is no need to use third-party services - all tasks can be completed quickly and easily on one site, and this is Google.

Mobile platforms

Speaking about the achievements of the search giant, one cannot fail to mention the world's most popular mobile operating system. To be more precise, the history of Android began as just another startup that served as a platform for mobile devices. In 2005, it was acquired by Google. For many IT industry specialists, this was a real surprise - few could say why the search engine needed the development of a mobile OS. Today, years after that deal, everyone can say that this step was very successful. If you believe the platform's distribution statistics, in 2014 there were more than 1.6 billion devices in the world with this operating system, which accounted for about 75% of the entire market. With such indicators, even the leader in the production of mobile devices, Apple, which has its own operating system iOS, which is often pitted against Android, cannot compete for the market in this situation.

Although the site is open-sourced (some device manufacturers can create their own modifications of this OS), Google’s earnings on it are significant due to, for example, the same Google Play - a content store. In addition, producers using the platform must pay licensing fees.


It is difficult to assess the full breadth of prospects that are open to such a strong player in the IT market as Google. The company is growing every day by expanding its catalog of businesses, constantly buying up the most promising startups. It is now difficult to imagine that any other brand could beat Google in the field of Internet search. We can safely say that for now, the position of this giant remains unshakable for any of its competitors, including the popular search engines Bing, Yahoo, Aol, Yandex, Baidu and others, due to certain circumstances. All over the world, the Google brand is known as a leader, and this will not change soon.

In general, you know who the founders of Google are and how they managed to create this empire. For each of us, this story can be a good lesson that everything in this life is possible. The main thing is to strive to achieve your goals and constantly work on yourself.

Interesting facts about the creation and development of Google! Share with friends.

Find it on Google, Google it, Google will help you - these and many other modern idioms came into our lives thanks to the fact that almost 20 years ago two graduate students at Stanford University decided to defend a scientific project by creating a search engine.

The history of the creation of Google is truly unusual, but even more interesting are the fathers of this corporation, who brought their brainchild to the top.

Google or what happened before its birth?

Researchers believe that Google company began its rapid progress in 1995, when an American of Russian origin, Sergei Brin, a student at Stanford University, decided to give a tour of its territory for a group of students.

Another talented American, Larry Page, accidentally got into this group.

The dispute that began over a trifle turned first into a strong friendship, and then into fruitful cooperation.

A year later, two friends, part-time young ambitious graduate students, decided to conquer the teachers with their research project– search engine PageRank.

The search engines that existed before did an extremely poor job of bringing texts that contained the most keywords to first place.

Often, absolutely useless texts, thanks to spam (a bunch of keywords thrown in at the right place and out of place) were given out as the first number in the search engine...

P.S. I know that many will not understand what “keywords” are, so I strongly recommend opening a Google search engine and writing “what are keywords”! 🙂

Larry Page decided that he needed to act differently and took as an analogy the acquisition of authority in academia.

The better the scientist, the more unique scientific texts he has written, the more often his colleagues use his articles in their works, that is, they refer to them.

The PageRank search engine acted the same way: ranking was done not due to the number of keywords, but due to the quality of the texts themselves and the number of links to them as the primary source.

This approach was a revolution: users could find information using a qualitative rather than quantitative algorithm.

Google Company - a brilliant history of creation

There was already an excellent search engine, but we needed to come up with a short and memorable name for it.

After going through about fifty options, Page and Brin chose the modified term “googol” (a huge number: 1 with a hundred zeros).

In 1997, all Stanford students and teachers already used the new search system, appreciating its convenience.

Original and much loved design home page(multi-colored letters on a white background) is not the result of long-term work by a team of designers, but a product of the lack of money of future... 😎

They really didn’t have the money to hire even a bad designer, so they did it on their own, making it “simple and tasteful.”

The history of the creation of Google was coming to its logical conclusion.

But the newborn search engine’s ascent to the top was just beginning.

The further history of the development of Google...

1998 was a pretty good year for Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

They registered Google Inc., rented their first office (so what if it was a garage!), hired 3 employees and received a check for $100 thousand from Andy Bechtolsteim.

  • Winter 1999 - moving to Palo Alto and hiring 8 employees.
  • Fall 1999 – Purchase of our own office space in Mountain View.
  • 2000 – signing of an agreement with the largest American corporation specializing in Internet services Yahoo.
  • 2001 – conquest of South America.
  • 2002 – conquest of Sydney (I remind you for the poor students that this is Australia).
  • 2003 – acquisition of the well-known US publishing service Blogger.

But the most important year in the history of the creation of Google was 2004, when the shares of an actively developing company were floated on the stock market for the first time, making its creators billionaires.

How is Google doing today?

Despite the fact that Larry Page and Sergey Brin became billionaires in the early 2000s, they were not going to rest on their laurels.

The programmers decided not to limit the activities of their corporation to one search engine, introducing more and more new products.

Today we enjoy using such services as Email Gmail, social network Google+, Google Docs (a program for convenient work with documents), service for processing and publishing photos on the Internet Picasa and many others.

Google Company is an English-language service, however, thanks to specially written algorithms, it searches in living and living languages, and in dead ones (Latin), and in artificial ones (such as Esperanto).

This search engine is used by residents of all countries without exception.

His popularity breaks all records.

And on major national holidays and birthdays of famous personalities, the design of the Google logo is updated: pictures and animation appear.

And if you hover over the logo, you can read what date is celebrated today, and if you also click on it, the search will return links with information.

By the way, an excellent opportunity for self-education.

A few words about the creators of Google...

Sergey Brin (08/21/1973, Moscow, USSR) was born into a family of mathematicians of Jewish nationality.

His parents took him to the USA at the age of five, for which Sergei is very grateful to them (he said this in more than one interview).

He graduated from school, then entered Stanford, where he and Larry Page began creating their own.

In 2006, he married a talented scientist and biologist Anna Wojcicki, with whom he had two children: a boy and a girl.

Larry Page (03/26/1973, Lansing, Michigan, USA) was born into a family of programming teachers. He received his bachelor's degree from higher educational institution Michigan, and a master's degree at Stanford.

One of (14th line on the Forbes list). Married to the smart (bioinformatics PhD student) and beautiful (gorgeous blonde) Lucy Southworth.

Both lead a fairly modest lifestyle, despite the billions in their accounts.

interesting facts about the creation and development of Google.

...feed our brain only with useful things!

As you can see, History of creation Google quite interesting and, like all unique discoveries, full of surprises.

We are certainly grateful to Larry Page and Sergey Brin for such a wonderful search engine.

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Sergey Brin is an American entrepreneur and computer scientist. information technologies and economics. Together with Larry Page, he became the founder of the Google search engine.

Sergei was born in Moscow into a family of graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Mikhail Brin and Evgenia Krasnokutskaya, Jews by nationality. Sergei's family belonged to hereditary scientists. His paternal grandfather also studied mathematics, and his grandmother studied philology.

When the boy was five years old, the family immigrated to the United States under the resettlement program. Brin's father becomes an honorary professor at the University of Maryland, and his mother collaborates with serious companies NASA and HIAS.

Young Seryozha, like his parents, turned out to be a promising mathematician. In elementary school, the boy studied under the Montessori program. Sergei went to a school for gifted children and even at this level stood out for his abilities. On a computer donated by his father, the boy created the first programs, printed out the completed homework, which surprised the teachers. The grandmother of the future genius lamented that Sergei had only computers in his head.

In high school, Brin visited the Soviet Union as part of an experience exchange program. After the young man saw life in his former homeland, Sergei thanked his father for taking him away from Russia.

Later, the young man will once again express an anti-Russian position, calling the development of this country “Nigeria in the snow,” and the government “a gang of bandits.” Seeing the resonance of such words, Sergey Brin abandoned these phrases and began to insist that he meant something else, and these sayings were twisted by journalists.

Business and technology

After school, the young man enters the University of Maryland and receives a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Systems. Brin completed his master's degree at the prestigious Stanford University in California. There Sergei became seriously interested in Internet technologies and began developing a search engine new system.

At the university, Sergey Brin met graduate student Larry Page, which became a decisive moment in the biography of both computer geniuses.

At first, the young people were constant opponents in discussions, but gradually became friends and even wrote a joint scientific work, “Anatomy of a large-scale hypertext Internet search system,” in which they proposed new principle data processing to search for information on the global Internet. This work eventually became the 10th most popular of all Stanford scientific papers.

In 1994, a young experimenter created a program that automatically searched for new images on the Playboy website and uploaded photographs to Brin’s computer memory.

But gifted mathematicians decided not to leave scientific work solely on paper. On its basis, programmers created the student search engine Back Rub, which proved the validity of this idea. Sergey and Larry came up with the idea of ​​not just displaying the result of processing a search request, but ranking the received data according to demand among other users. Now this is the norm for all systems.

In 1998, as graduate students at the university, young people decided to sell their own idea, but no one dared to make such an acquisition. Then, after creating a business plan, which showed that an amount of $1 million was needed for initial capital, the young people decided to open a business themselves. Money had to be borrowed from relatives, friends and colleagues. Both Brin and Page left graduate school.

Having improved some aspects of their brainchild, the programmers turned university development into a large-scale business. The new system was named “Googol”, which means “one with one hundred zeros”.

Well, the name known throughout the world today was due to a mistake. When young people were looking for investors, only the head of Sun Microsystems, Andy Bechtolsheim, responded to their call. The businessman believed the young geniuses and wrote a check for a tidy sum, but not in the name of the registered “Googol”, but in the name of the non-existent “Google Inc”.

Soon the media started talking about the new search engine. Google raised its head even further when it survived the “dot-com crash” of the early 2000s, when hundreds of Internet companies went bankrupt one after another.

In 2007, David Wise and Mark Malseed created a book about the unique search engine Google. A Breakthrough in the Zeitgeist,” which described the success story of each of the co-founders of the search engine and their achievements.

Sergey Brin believes that the Apple and Facebook organizations undermine the main idea of ​​the Internet as a free Network and free access to any information. The businessman also categorically disagrees with the idea of ​​fighting against Internet piracy and closing free access to books, music, and films.

Personal life

For a long time, Sergei Brin’s personal life was in the background. Already famous and incredibly wealthy, Sergey Brin started a family. The programmer’s wife was Anna Wojcicki, a Yale University graduate in Biology and the founder of her own company 23andMe. The wedding took place in 2007 in the Bahamas, and a year later the couple had a son, Benji. In 2011, the family expanded again: they now had a daughter.

Unfortunately, the birth of a girl did not strengthen the marital relationship. Two years later, because of Sergei’s affair with corporate employee Amanda Rosenberg, Brin and Wojcicki separated, and in 2015 they officially filed for divorce.

Sergey Brin is engaged in gigantic charitable investments. Among other things, the entrepreneur donated $500 thousand to support the Wikipedia project, which, according to the American entrepreneur, exactly meets the principles of free access to information.

Together with Larry Page, Sergei is involved in the fight against aging and finances a number of projects in this area. After Brin's mother fell ill with Parkinson's disease, and a genetic analysis showed that he himself had a predisposition to this disease, the businessman ordered a biological corporation to calculate how the gene changes in this disease. The mathematician is confident that correcting an error in genetics is no more difficult than in computer code. It is only important to know what to fix.

Since Brin and Page launched the development of interactive glasses-video camera “Google Glass”, Sergey has not parted with them either at home, or on the street, or at work. And in all photographs since 2013 he appears with this “wearable computer” on his face.

Sergey Brin in Everyday life far from kitsch and luxury. But the creator of Google eventually decided to change his home to a more comfortable one. In New Jersey, a programmer purchased a house worth $49 million. The mansion consists of 42 rooms, most of which are bedrooms and bathrooms. In addition to living quarters, the house has a swimming pool, fitness center, basketball court, wine cellars and bars.

Sergey Brin is interested in innovation and technological projects, as can be seen from the photo from his official Instagram. A young man maintains a healthy lifestyle and sports. Sergei's hobbies include piloting an aircraft.

The extreme hobby began with the purchase of a Boeing 767-200 aircraft, which was called the “Google Jet,” together with Page. Its cost was $25 million. But, of course, the programmer trusts the flights to professionals, being content with rare flights on a training ship.

Sergey Brin now

The company of Sergey Brin and Larry Page continues to develop. The main office is located in the center of Silicon Valley. The democratic attitude towards employees amazes even seasoned observers.

Employees are allowed 20% of their working time to do personal business, come to work with their four-legged pets, and play sport games on Saturdays. The corporation's canteen is served only by chefs with the highest category. Both co-founders of Google never completed graduate school, so Eric Schmidt, a doctor of technical sciences, was invited to replace the CEO, and they themselves limited themselves to the positions of presidents.

Condition assessment

In 2016, the popular Forbes magazine ranked Brin 13th in its ranking of the richest people in the world. The financial growth of Google Inc began in 2004, and soon both Google co-founders began calling themselves billionaires. In 2018, according to financier estimates, Sergey Brin’s fortune was $47.2 billion. Larry Page is ahead of his colleague by $1.3 billion.

The founder of Google, Sergey Mikhailovich Brin, was born in Moscow on August twenty-first, 1973. His father, Mikhail Izrailevich, worked at the Moscow Institute of Mathematical Economics, and his mother, Evgenia Brin, held the position of engineer at one of the capital’s research institutes. Due to anti-Semitic sentiments that flourished in scientific circles former USSR, the family was forced to emigrate to the USA. There, Brin's father began working at the University of Maryland, and his mother at NASA.

The future founder of Google graduated primary school in the small town of Adelphi. He received his secondary education in another city - Greenbelt. His father noticed young Brin's inclination towards mathematical sciences and at the age of nine gave him his first Personal Computer. After graduation high school Google founder Sergei Brin becomes a student at the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Maryland (in 1990). In 1993 he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science.

After completing his studies at the university, Sergei becomes a fellow of the National Science Foundation. In the same year he tries to enter a school where he is rejected. But the future founder of Google does not despair and continues his studies, where two years later he receives and continues his scientific career.

While writing, Sergei Brin meets Larry Page. The future founders of Google quickly became friends based on common interests, one of which was the problem of searching, organizing and presenting information on the Web, as well as the principle of building search engines. Young people began to work together on these issues. As a result, Brin developed link mass and ranking algorithms, Page outlined the concept of network search. Scientists were unable to sell the latest fundamentals and principles of the device. Therefore, they decide to independently implement their own developments. So, in September 1997, the domain name “google.com” was registered, and a new company was launched.

Google placed its first data center in a rented garage. Friends, acquaintances and relatives of the company’s founders invested in the ambitious project. In 1998, Google founder Sergey Brin officially registered the Google company. In the same year, a joint work was published that described the basic principles of the new search engine engine. Even now, this work is considered one of the most deeply revealing of this topic.

High search results contributed to the popularization of the new system. In 1999, the company began to attract large investors. The founder of Google noted that the main advantage of his search engine is its focus on quality search, and not on advertising. It was Sergei who came up with the company’s credo: “Have no evil intentions!” Initially, his project was not intended to be commercial. Nevertheless, the system that regulated the selection of advertising in accordance with the result of the request began to generate more than decent income. In 2001, Google founder Sergey Brin took over as the company's president of technology affairs.

Currently, Google is not only the most popular search engine, but also an innovator in the field of technology and business.

The Google story begins in 1995 at Stanford University. Larry Page was considering Stanford for grad school and Sergey Brin, a student there, was assigned to show him around.

By some accounts, they disagreed about nearly everything during that first meeting, but by the following year they struck a partnership. Working from their dorm rooms, they built a search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the World Wide Web. They called this search engine Backrub.

Soon after, Backrub was renamed by Google (phew). The name was a play on the mathematical expression for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros and aptly reflected Larry and Sergey"s mission “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

Over the next few years, Google caught the attention of not only the academic community, but Silicon Valley investors as well. In August 1998, Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote Larry and Sergey a check for $100,000, and Google Inc. was officially born. With this investment, the newly incorporated team made the upgrade from the dorms to their first office: a garage in suburban Menlo Park, California, owned by Susan Wojcicki (employee #16 and now CEO of YouTube). Clunky desktop computers, a ping pong table, and bright blue carpet set the scene for those early days and late nights. (The tradition of keeping things continues to this day.)

Even in the beginning, things were unconventional: from Google’s initial server (made of Lego) to the first “Doodle” in 1998: a stick figure in the logo announcing to site visitors that the entire staff was playing hooky at the Burning Man Festival. “Don't be evil” and “ The ten things we know to be true” captured the spirit of our intentionally unconventional methods. In the years that followed, the company expanded rapidly - hiring engineers, building a sales team, and introducing the first company dog, Yoshka. Google outgrew the garage and eventually moved to its current headquarters (a.k.a. “The Googleplex”) in Mountain View, California. The spirit of doing things differently made the move. So did Yoshka.

The relentless search for better answers continues to be at the core of everything we do. Today, with more than 60,000 employees in 50 different countries, Google makes hundreds of products used by billions of people across the globe, from YouTube and Android to Smartbox and, of course, Google Search. Although we’ve ditched the Lego servers and added just a few more company dogs, our passion for building technology for everyone has stayed with us - from the dorm room, to the garage, and to this very day.

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