When can you guess in a year? When to guess: favorable days

Some people believe that fortune telling can only be done during Christmas time, while others can quietly tell fortunes all year round. Let's see how to choose the ideal time for fortune telling and making wishes.

Experts tell fortunes all year round, 24 hours a day, regardless of signs and superstitions. Any professional works in the same way. He will not refuse fortune-telling, citing stars that have not aligned correctly, the Moon that is capricious, or a “forbidden” day. However, even professional tarot readers have superstitions that are definitely beneficial in their frame of reference.

The essence of any superstition is that it is made to work by true, deep and strong faith. Collective superstitions, or myths, have been believed by a huge number of people for a long time, and many still do. Therefore, each tarot reader and each potential client chooses for himself whether he likes this or that myth or not. And in each specific case, people’s faith has a certain basis.

Let's look at popular examples together.

Popular days for fortune telling

This is an ancient Slavic holiday, the roots of which (like other Christian holidays) go back to paganism. Where I come from - an opinion about increased activity spiritual forces these days; Those who wish can call such forces “unclean”, associating them with the appearance of the souls of dead people, that is, ghosts among the living.

Christmastide is associated with the period of the winter solstice - the pagan holiday of Yule, which later almost coincided with Christmas - and the days following it. Discovery of folk solar year- definitely best time for fortune telling, because now the future is predicted for the entire New Year.

2. Night of Ivan Kupala

This is already the summer solstice, the shortest night of the year, although it is celebrated in July - on the 7th. Christianity celebrates the birth of John the Baptist. Since ancient times, the weeks before and after the holiday have been considered favorable for fortune telling (Summer Christmastide), due to the blossoming of nature and the riot of its colors. People worshiped the powers of the Earth itself and its fertility. Hence the many rituals for this pagan holiday, including jumping over a fire, releasing wreaths into the water, etc.

3. Full moon

Emotions, intuition, the unconscious - the Moon is responsible for all this in astrology. It is obvious that the Earth's satellite has long attracted mystics of all stripes. On full moon days, the influence of the Moon on people is the strongest, so everyone rushes to touch the secrets of the universe with the help of Tarot cards or other mantic tools. And this is quite appropriate to do!

4. Days of the Lunar calendar

Lists of lucky or unlucky days for fortune telling in the Lunar calendar are a very cute myth. If anyone believes that there is favorable days for layouts, then the layouts these days will seem just as good. And vice versa. The truth here is that you can set yourself up for work in accordance with the Lunar cycles, and depending on this, you should choose your working days.

However, it is important to distinguish between fortune telling and magic. The influence of the Moon on the conduct of magical rituals needs to be discussed separately.

5. Days of the regular calendar

The same applies to superstitions associated with days of the week or numbers. Statements like “on Friday all fortune telling is wrong” are simply ridiculous. Concentration of spiritual forces on the 13th, as well as on days such as Beltane (Walpurgis Night, April 30 - May 1), Samhain (Halloween, October 31 - November 1), Imbolc (Candlemas, Groundhog Day - February 2) and etc., really higher. But in practice, this does not greatly affect the effectiveness of fortune telling.

6. Birthday

But your birthday is a very good time to predict your own destiny. It’s only better to turn to professionals for this. On this day, all your stars certainly aligned in the best possible way!

When to make a wish?

Of course, everyone is interested in those days or dates on which making a wish leads to the maximum probability of its fulfillment. Although, according to the canons, the fulfillment of a cherished dream is most influenced by its correct formulation and the absence of karmic obstacles on the path to the goal.

Look at this topic the brilliant film “Route 60”, and then we will look at popular examples.

1. Significant holidays

Of course, New Year, Birthday or, for example, a wedding day are an excellent occasion for ritualizing your desires. Come up with your own ritual or take any known one - and blow. For candles, for water, for milk, for dandelion... The more important the date being celebrated is for you, the more likely that the wish will come true. If you belong to those for whom New Year or Birthday are not favorite holidays, then there is no point in disturbing the Universe about your dreams on these days.

2. Finding yourself between namesakes

“Vasya is on the left, Vasya is on the right. Make a wish!” - everyone says. Why? There is an esoteric reason: each person is initiated (for Christians - baptized) with a certain name, and if several such people gather, their energy intensifies. Thus, the best thing is between five or ten Vasyas at once - why waste time on trifles? It is better to select only Svet or Katya for work teams. The Russian national football team needs to recruit players with the same name, but which one is still unknown.

By the way, this myth (and you and I have already understood that not every myth is a lie) flounders if the namesakes have family ties. Relatives “extinguish” each other’s energy, so no one ever calls twins by the same name!

3. The star fell

This superstition, associated with the forces of nature, has very deep roots. Everything uncontrollable by man was previously considered supernatural or simply a miracle. People believed that the powerful forces of nature heard their requests and responded with similar signs, or simply invited them to “communicate.”

Now everyone understands that a shooting star is fragments of comets and meteorites burning in the atmosphere. But the pleasant superstition is still alive and well!

In modern tradition, any encounter with a miracle is a reason to make wishes. The four-leaf clover, for example, became a lucky bus ticket in the 20th century. Nowadays you can “guess” by credit card numbers, PIN code or mobile phone, consisting of 10 digits.

4. A lost eyelash, a coin on the road, broken dishes, etc. good omens

The most likely explanation for all non-scientific signs is good statistics. Or maybe it was some Cleopatra who made a tea set for the first time, and, having conceived what she wanted, she took it and made it come true? The legend was forgotten, but the sign remained.

So believe in good omens, but don’t believe in bad ones! Then all the good things will come true in your life, but all the bad things will not. This is such simple household magic!

Traditionally, every year, with the onset of the New Year holidays, it is time to tell fortunes about your future life, love and destiny. “When can you guess in 2016,” many young girls ask themselves, wanting to get an answer to their question about their betrothed, about their wedding and about family life.

New Year's fortune telling for 2016 will begin from the first second of the new year and will continue until January 22, 2016. There are many various types New Year's fortune telling, including New Year's fortune telling 2016 online. Online fortune telling can be performed on Tarot cards, on the Book of Fate, and on other fortune-telling objects. Fortune telling from the Book of Fate belongs to the section “Fortune telling 2016 for free”. You can also create your own horoscope for 2016. Fortune telling using the Book of Fate is carried out on several topics: love, friendship, self-knowledge, advice for every day. You ask your question and click on searching for the answer to it in the Book of Fate. The book randomly gives out one of many answers, which is intended for the fortuneteller and is an unconscious answer to his question.

The simplest fortune telling, which does not require special skills, is New Year's fortune telling on cards. On any Christmas Eve before going to bed, place four kings from a new deck of cards under your pillow, with the words: “My betrothed, my betrothed, come to me in a dream.” The betrothed should appear in the image of one of the four kings.

Also, fortune telling for Christmas with a wedding ring is interesting. Several girls gather in one room and take turns rolling each other’s wedding rings. The girl whose ring rolls right to her door will get married in the near future.

Fortune telling with wax. Prepare a saucer of water, light a wax candle and drip wax into the saucer of water. After this, look at the resulting wax figures, which will foretell the events of the coming year. After fortune telling, pour the water and wax into running water or bury it.

The most favorable, powerful and truthful time for fortune telling is considered to be the night of Epiphany on January 19th. At Epiphany, the sky opens and higher powers give us information about our future, warn about misfortunes and talk about good things. On Epiphany Christmas Eve you can’t take anything out of the house and you can’t lend money so that you have money all year round.

At this time, space opens up the opportunity to look deeply into the future and change it. It is believed that at this time the most plausible answers to questions in fortune telling come. And, in addition, it is easier for fortune tellers to carry out all their fortune-telling rituals; even the most complex fortune-telling takes place easily and without problems, regarding other days of the year. Also, during this special special time for fortune telling, many wishes made with special strength and intention, most of them come true in the most favorable way, and very soon.

Since ancient times, people have sought to know their future. It was believed that Christmastide is the best time for this. That is why people widely used various Christmas fortune-telling.

Fortune telling at Christmas is still widely used today. We suggest considering several of the most common options.

Christmas fortune telling 2016

As the New Year holidays approach, we all begin to ask questions: ? And which Christmas fortune-telling 2016 will be the most accurate and relevant?

Today we will talk specifically about fortune telling for Christmas. There are various Christmas fortune-telling 2016. Fortune-telling on a thread is quite widespread. For this fortune telling we will need threads. Girls must cut the threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whose thread burns out faster, the girl will be the first to get married.

Fortune telling with a ring or needle (to determine the sex of a child)

The ring is tied to a thread and immersed in a glass of water, and the woolen fabric is pierced with a needle (with thread). Next, take the end of the thread into your hand. If the ring (or needle) makes circular movements, then you will have a girl. If the ring or needle begins to swing like a pendulum, then this sure sign birth of a boy. If the ring or needle remains motionless, then you will not have children.

Fortune telling about the future groom

Placed in the boot various items: sugar, ring, onion, glass, gold ring, rag, scarf, coin. The girls take turns pulling one object from the boot. \

Sugar means sweet life, a ring means marriage, an onion means tears, a glass means bad life, gold ring - rich life, rag - poor husband, scarf - handsome husband, coin – rich husband.

Fortune telling with a rooster

Place grains (or coins) and water in separate containers, and place a mirror. If the rooster approached the mirror, then the future husband will be a womanizer and a reveler; if the rooster preferred grain (or coins), then you will marry a rich man; if the rooster approached the water, then your future husband will be a drunkard.

Fortune telling with matches

This Christmas fortune telling is intended for couples in love. Place two matches on the sides of the matchbox and light them. If the burnt heads are facing each other, then the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling by dreams

Write the name of the intended groom on a piece of paper. Apply lipstick to your lips and kiss the leaf. Place a piece of paper with your name and a mirror under your pillow. If the prospective groom comes to you in a dream, then you will be together.

Christmas fortune telling 2016 by dreams (from Monday to Tuesday):

Take three bay leaves. Write something different on each one. male name. Cast a spell: From Monday to Tuesday I looked from the windowsill, who dreams about me, let him dream about me. Place bay leaves under your pillow and go to bed.

Fortune telling for Christmas using spruce

On the night from Monday to Tuesday, take a spruce (fir, pine) twig and place it under your pillow. Say the words: when I go to bed on Monday, I put a spruce tree under my pillow. May I dream of someone who dreams of me.

Christmas fortune-telling 2016 using a brownie is quite widespread. Drip wax into one mug, pour milk into another. Place both mugs at the doorstep. Say the following words: Master of the house, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.

Simultaneously with the spoken words, milk is poured into the melted wax. And then they carefully watch what happens. If as a result you see a cross, then this means illness and funeral, a flower - love and marriage, a beast - an enemy. If the wax shows stripes or stars, then you should expect success at work or in school. If you see an image of a human figure, then it is to a friend.

Christmas fortune telling 2016 for kings

Before going to bed, put four kings under your pillow and say: who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will have a dream, and I will have him.

If you dream about the king of spades, it will mean that your groom will be old and jealous; if the king of hearts, then the groom will be young and rich; if the king of the cross is the king, expect matchmaking from a military man or businessman; if the king of diamonds, then the groom will be handsome and secured.

Fortune telling with bulbs

The girls take several bulbs, mark them and plant them in the ground. The girl whose bulb sprouts first will be the first to get married.

Christmas fortune telling on a ring

Take the ring and throw it on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, then the girl will soon marry a man who will often travel on business trips. In addition, this can also be interpreted as leaving one’s home.

Also one of the popular fortune telling at Christmas is listening under the window. The girl takes a spoon and knocks on the window with it. If she hears a man's voice in response, then she will get married this year. If it is female, then you should not count on marriage in the coming year.

If you want to know the name of your future husband, then go out into the street and ask the name of the first man passing by.

Each of these things has a specific meaning:

  • Salt - tears
  • Sugar – sweet life, good luck in the coming year
  • Coins - for money
  • Bread - the coming year will be full
  • Ring - this year you will get married
  • Ball - for the birth of a child.

Fortune telling specialists, or more simply put, fortune tellers, can engage in this practice without regard to prohibited or permitted days. The only thing that matters is the mood of the cards and other fortune telling tools. And if they fall, this is a sure sign that fortune telling should be postponed to a more favorable moment. We can advise beginners to start guessing on Monday or Friday. These days, intuition is more developed, and interpretation will be much easier for you. The lunar fortune telling calendar for 2016 can also help you well. The lunar day will tell you what can be done and what is not advisable.

Each item corresponds to a lunar day in order:

  1. Most often, fortune telling becomes deceptive, and the future at this time is uncertain.
  2. You can ask about what will happen in the next lunar month.
  3. In order not to disrupt the favorable moments of the future, it is not recommended to guess.
  4. An excellent choice would be fortune telling by wish, and asking questions whose answer is yes or no.
  5. Today we need to ask about love.
  6. An ideal day for ANY fortune telling with ANY instrument.
  7. Don't ask about love - they might lie. And any other questions that relate to relationships with others will be answered with the truth.
  8. A great day to learn how your past affects your present.
  9. You can't guess.
  10. Ideal for guessing about family relationships.
  11. Fortune telling with fire, any questions.
  12. On this day, you can ask precise questions that you consider important and relevant.
  13. Don't guess at other people. You can guess at the events that will happen during the week.
  14. Today the Universe can answer you what your true purpose and spiritual path is, and how not to make mistakes.
  15. You can guess any questions.
  16. Today will be an excellent option for fortune telling on financial topics.
  17. It is preferable to guess on questions related to love and marriage.
  18. Refrain from guessing, pay attention to the signs from Above.
  19. An extremely unfavorable and dangerous day for fortune telling.
  20. On this day you will be answered questions related to your environment.
  21. Today you can ask where and in what profession you can expect success.
  22. You can guess at all material values.
  23. It is not advisable to guess.
  24. They will answer questions related to the prospects for the future. For example, a long-term project, building a house, and so on.
  25. You can't guess, but you can ask questions.
  26. An extremely unfavorable day for fortune telling.
  27. You can ask questions about travel and finances.
  28. You will receive truthful answers to all questions.
  29. You need to ask about what you want to free yourself from (break off a love relationship, about illness and consequences, and so on).
  30. This day is quite rare for lunar days, so ask the most important questions.

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The night on the border of the old and new years is completely different from three and a half hundred others. And the reason is not that bright hopes, new beginnings, dreams of the future and, ultimately, the start of a new round of life are associated with it. In fact, it is a time transition between the past and the future. On the night when old year leaves, and a new one comes to replace it, the boundary between them is erased, and the ideal time comes to get rid of old things and painful thoughts.

You can leave them in the dying year and enter the new one as a completely different person. In principle, not only the night from December 31 to 1 is considered special. The period from Christmas Eve to the Old New Year inclusive is considered transitional. And it was at this time that people (mostly young girls) in the old days were engaged in finding out the details of their lives in the coming year and performing rituals to attract good luck.

The last night of the passing year is the best time to see the future

Fortune telling for the New Year of the Monkey 2016

So, this period was considered sacred and its qualities could be used to at least glance into tomorrow and find out whether the year would be prosperous, whether cherished desires would come true and whether the other half would enter the house. We learned how to get answers to all these questions! The secrets of the New Year's “dialogue” with the future turned out to be carefully preserved by grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and modern girls and women can use them.

There are special fortune telling, which are best done on or during the Old New Year. But we have put together for you several ways that you can use on New Year's Eve. Some of them are dangerous, so strictly follow all requirements. Also, don’t forget that thoughts materialize. If fortune telling tells you that a fiasco awaits you in some matter, do not consider this as a prohibition. Take the prediction as an opportunity to see your weaknesses and improve the situation.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Even splashes of water on New Year's Eve can predict your fate!
  1. Spilled drops. For fortune telling you need two glasses. Leave one empty, and fill the second with water to the very edges. Place the glasses on a flat and completely dry surface. Make a wish. Immediately after this, take a full glass and pour the water from it into an empty one. Then count how many drops spilled on the table. If there are three or fewer of them, most likely the wish will come true. If it’s more, focus on other plans; these are not destined to come true yet.
  2. Water in a glass. This fortune telling is carried out late in the evening, before going to bed. Take a glass and pour water exactly to the middle. Look at your reflection on the surface and clearly say your cherished desire to yourself. After this, go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, look at how much liquid is left in the glass. If there is less of it, the plan will most likely not come true. And if the level has risen, fate is preparing to please you.
  3. Even or odd. You will need a container - a jar, a glass, a small plate. Pour grains of rice into it and place the palm of your left hand on top. Drive away other thoughts and clearly formulate your desire to yourself. In addition, you can prepare an important question for fate. It should be such that it can be answered either “yes” or “no”. When the desire or question is formulated, squeeze your palm. Carefully place the rice that fell into a handful on the table and count how many grains were taken out. An even number means that the wish is destined to come true, and if you asked a question, then the answer to it is “yes”. If the number of grains of rice is odd, the wish will not come true, and the answer is negative.
  4. Hints from the cat. Having a pet can help you look into the future and find out what will happen to your most cherished aspirations. Cats are considered sacred animals in many cultures for a reason. This quality, combined with the peculiarity of New Year's Eve, can serve you well and help you find answers to important questions. During fortune telling, the cat must be in another room. Close your eyes and clearly formulate a question to yourself. The possible answer to it should be either positive or negative - about time, place, name, etc. You can't ask. When you say the question, call your pet and carefully watch how he enters the room. If the floor in the room is the first thing your left paw touches, fate is favorable to you - the answer is “yes”. If it is on the right, the dream is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling for the future

The main thing in New Year's fortune-telling is the ability to interpret what you see
  1. Wax patterns. You will need a wax candle, two deep plates and a saucer. Fill one of the deep plates with cold water and the other with hot water. Place the saucer in a plate of hot water and melt the candle. When the wax becomes liquid, pour it into cold water in a stream. The results of fortune telling lie in the symbols. To interpret them, you will have to strain your attention. Carefully examine the figures made from wax that has cooled in water. What are they like? If there is a horseshoe in the “sculptures”, it promises good luck. The ring means marriage, the coin means profit, the key foreshadows the purchase or construction of your own home.
  2. Brownie's help. You can tell fortunes with wax using not only water, but also milk. This is done so that the brownie helps the owners of the house. You will need a wax candle, a mug, a plate filled with hot water, and a saucer of milk. Place the candle in a mug and give it a steam bath. Place the cup in a plate of water and wait until the wax becomes liquid. Keep it warm so it doesn't freeze or harden. Place a saucer of milk on your doorstep or front door and say the spell: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” As soon as the last word is said, pour the wax into the milk in a thin stream. The figures it forms when it hardens are interpreted as in the case described above. Thin stripes are a symbol of the road, the silhouette of a person is to see a new friend, the cross promises illness, and the stars promise good luck.
  3. Shell boats. For fortune telling, you will need a large bowl of water, empty halves of a nut shell and several small objects related to the questions you want to ask Fate. For example, about whether you will get married (ring), whether you will be lucky in your studies (eraser), whether financial affairs will be successful (coin), etc. You need to guess in a company. Lower the shell “boats” into the water and place an object in each. Stand on one side of the bowl and ask someone who is telling fortunes with you to blow on the “boats.” The one that lands first on your “shore” will point to an area in which you can demonstrate all your skills and achieve the long-awaited result.
  4. The future is in the mirror. You will need a transparent container with water (for example, a glass, vase, decanter), three candles and a mirror. Place the mirror on an empty table. Place three candles around it and light them. Place a bowl of water in front of the mirror. Sit at the table and try to look through it in the mirror. There you can see events that will happen in your life very soon, as well as people who will come into your destiny for a long time and bring changes with them.
  5. Blind selection. You will need four glasses. Each of them should be half filled with water. You need to add sugar to the first glass, salt to the second, and put a slice of bread and a ring into the third and fourth. Then the one who is telling fortunes must close his eyes. Even better is to blindfold. The second participant in the fortune telling swaps the glasses several times. Then the fortuneteller must blindly choose one of the glasses. Depending on what will be in the container he chooses, his fate is interpreted. next year. Sweet water promises prosperity and good luck, salty water promises illness, bread promises prosperity, and the ring promises success on the personal front.

Fortune telling about the betrothed and marriage

It is better to guess about your betrothed with a cheerful group of girls!
  1. Three beans. Bean fortune telling is usually done by unmarried girls. This method allows you to determine how much income the groom will have. Fortune telling is done using three beans. You should remove all the peel from the first of them, part of it from the second, and leave the third whole. Place the beans in three bags and put them under your pillow when you get ready to sleep. In the morning, take out the first one you come across. If you come across a peeled bean, the groom will be so rich that you can roll around like cheese in butter, lightly peeled - there will be wealth, but average. A whole bean means that the groom will not be able to boast of wealth, so both husband and wife will have to take care of the well-being of the family.
  2. Fortune teller ring. For fortune telling you will need a plate or bowl with grain and several rings. They must be made of different metals. Stones and other decor, if any, should also vary. The main thing is that the set includes both expensive and very modest rings. Place the decorations in the container with the grain and mix thoroughly. Then close your eyes, dip your hand into the bowl and take out a handful of grains. By which ring is in your palm, you can predict how rich the groom will be. The more luxurious the jewelry, the greater the man’s fortune, and vice versa.
  3. Roll and roll, little ring. With the help of rings, a group of girls can also determine which of them will start a family first. It is believed that this fortune telling is best done with at least six people. Each girl should prepare a smooth ring without protruding elements - it should roll. You will also need a piece of black velvet and chalk. Lay the velvet on a flat surface. Place the ring on the edge and gently push it so that it rolls along the fabric. While the ring is rolling, say the spell: “I will swing the ring around the city. I’ll go get that ring myself and get to my dear one.” When the decoration stops, use chalk to make a mark on the fabric. After this, the same actions must be carried out by other participants in fortune telling. Based on how far or close the jewelry stopped, it is determined when its owner will meet her betrothed. The less the ring rolls, the closer the joyful event.
  4. Whether it's long or short. Unmarried girls can find out how long to wait for the cherished event in this way. For fortune telling you will need a ring made of gold and hair from the fortune teller’s own hair, as well as a glass glass. Thread the hair into the ring. Lower it into the glass and, while it oscillates and touches the walls, count the number of strokes. This number will mean the number of years that separates you from the wedding.
  5. Book news. A book and a key will also help you tell which girl in the group should be the first to wait for a proposal from her lover. In addition to them, stock up on strong rope. Open the folio to any page and insert the key into it so that the main part is between the pages, and the ring or bow is on the outside. Close the book and secure it tightly. For example, using a rope or elastic band. Thread a cord into a ring or bow and hang it. Wait until the book stops moving. And then start calling the names of the girls present. Take your time, speak slowly and pause. The girl on whose name the book begins to spin will find her soul mate in the new year.

New Year's fortune telling with a mirror

Rituals with mirrors are the most dangerous, but at the same time effective

Fortune telling in which mirrors are used is perhaps the most terrible and dangerous. Reflective surfaces seem to open portals to other dimensions and let entities from the “other” side into the world. If you treat them incorrectly, tragedy can occur. But at the same time, such fortune-telling is said to be the most truthful. Fortune telling in this way should be done in a room where no one lives. A basement, attic or non-residential room is suitable. The girl gets down to business, dressed in a nightgown. The hair is loose.

Fortune telling is also allowed late in the evening, but it is better to do it closer to midnight. For the ritual you will need two mirrors different sizes, a towel and two candles. Mirrors should be placed opposite each other. The small should be reflected in the large - it turns out something like a corridor. On the sides of the small mirror there are two candles. The fortuneteller sits on the same side, behind a smaller mirror. Before the ceremony begins, you should say the spell: “Betrothed-mummer! Come and have dinner with me!”

Light the candles. Apart from them, there should be no lighting in the room. As soon as you cast the spell, begin to peer into the corridor formed by the mirrors. The fact that the betrothed is approaching will be indicated by the movement of the candle light (it will begin to sway) and the sudden fogging of the mirror. Immediately grab a towel, wipe the mirror and try to see your face. But don’t hesitate - as soon as you see it, shout: “Forget me!” The main thing is not to let the vision come out of the mirror. This is fraught with big trouble.

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