What do white and black magic cards mean? Origin and power of the pagan tarot

Straight position:
0 - Fool (IL MATTO): New movement; trust in what is outside the parameters of our everyday existence; expansion of consciousness to the entirety of the Universe and achieving more than we are directly.

© Original meanings of the cards included with the deck.
© Lo Scarabeo. Torino.
© "Avallon". Moscow. Russian version.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Uranus/Mercury in the sense of openness of character, curiosity, spontaneity and a bit of crazy; in interaction with Neptune - a feeling of guidance from above.

The jester is our inner child. It means the spontaneous start of something new, impartiality, openness. This is a carefree game, the most elementary joy of life, a period when we enter the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any specific expectations. However, it can also mean infantilism with all its attributes - frivolity, naivety, gambling, and simply stupidity. Or - wise simplicity, modesty of requests and humility, which we usually come to only at the end of a long and difficult path. A jester can also be a cunning, mischievous person. One way or another, he lives only in the present, he is a frank, sincere, mobile person. Is this good or bad? What this card means: our stubborn reluctance to become an adult or, on the contrary, the simplicity acquired along with long experience - will have to be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The jester always warns about something completely new that is ready to burst into our lives, which causes chaos in it, and we ourselves may get a few bumps, but there is actually nothing dangerous about it.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

0 - Fool
The zero card FOOL (another name is Jester) is likened to the material Universe. But she, like a mortal human body, is nothing more than a robe, a motley suit, suitable for a jester, under whose clothing, however, there is a divine substance, of which buffoonery is just a shadow. Tarot cards were given by enlightened priests to be kept by the stupid ignorant people who made them playing cards, in many ways even an instrument of vice. Man's diabolical habits, therefore, became the unconscious guardian of his philosophical precepts.
If the FOOL is placed in the first place in the deck, and the other cards are laid out in a row from left to right, then you can find that the FOOL goes to other characters, as if passing through all the cards. He, like a neophyte spiritually blind because of a blindfold, is ready to embark on the most difficult journey leading through the gates of Divine Wisdom.

Uranus - embodies the principle of primordial movement. In the TAROT, this principle is compared with the concept of “living nature” and the picture of the Jester, symbolizing divine power before manifestation. This is a divine genius, capable of creating the Universe and destroying it, but... The Universe does not yet exist, and therefore the FOOL is only zero, nothing, absolute emptiness, which can become anything, and the absolute freedom of this becoming: in this there is nothing, in potential contains everything.
The planet Uranus says that God creates the Universe easily, accidentally and not on purpose - and such is the spontaneous Nature of human genius. Most often, the Jester is depicted holding a bundle on a stick over his shoulders and balancing with it (the bundle) on the edge of an abyss. In this bundle there is that “everything” and “nothing” that forced the Jester to set off on his journey.
In a narrow practical perspective on human life this card is interpreted as a warning against dangers and everything unexpected, fundamentally new and unknown. But behind this unknown there is a broader meaning of higher creativity - creation from scratch, from the fullness of one’s being.
And even though creation is a violation of the original order of being - and therefore there is an abyss before the Fool - but still it is dictated by the highest moral laws and therefore simply cannot be a creation if it does not carry the original principle.

IN upright position the position of the Jester card can mean the beginning of a new life cycle, any new things. There is energy, optimism, strength and happiness. The map shows unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can turn the current state of affairs upside down. It also indicates the need to make important decisions: - you are free to choose any direction, go anywhere, do whatever you want.

In an inverted position, the Jester’s position speaks of restless, impulsive activity, rash actions. Symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of energy, time and effort. The problem is not being solved. You are very careless about something important. Your choice may turn out to be bad, your decision fatal. Sometimes this card symbolizes a person who is tirelessly looking for a change in environment and activities, starting a lot of things, but not finishing anything. In addition, the card can mean thoughtlessness, whims and caprices, extravagance, lack of discipline, immaturity, irrationality in thoughts and behavior, exaltation, defenselessness, inability to calculate consequences, and in extreme cases, frenzy.

"A symbol of a blind man who has turned himself into the slavery of matter. His knapsack is overflowing with his delusions and senseless actions. A broken obelisk is the death of his deeds. The crocodile (in Papus's cards a crocodile is depicted instead of a dog) is an emblem of inexorable fatality and... inevitable atonement and retribution for what he has done , since nothing in life is done “just like that” - and you have to pay for everything.”

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series "Secrets of Predictions".
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

Pagan Tarot is a whole section of decks that have severe differences and, in most cases, belong to unusual decks that do not belong to any of the traditional Tarot schools. Despite this, some of them will become good option for beginners, but a number of pagan decks are quite difficult to interpret.

Pagan Tarot, or Tarot of Snow-White and Dark Magic

Pagan Tarot - the development of a modern witch Gina Pace. This deck reflects all aspects of the life of a modern neo-pagan witch. It will especially appeal to young girls who are seriously interested in idolatry, for example, Wicca or other varieties of the modern branch of this broad religion.

Like everything related to neo-paganism, the pagan Tarot combines the knowledge and experience accumulated over centuries with the achievements of modern esotericists. This deck is capable of depicting all the realities of the life of a modern sorceress, as well as her relationship with the world of the unknown and the material side of life. They are able to both give hints regarding the knowledge of witchcraft and help resolve issues in everyday life.

All the Minor and Major Arcana have been seriously changed; their plots correspond to situations in the life of a sorceress living in our time. They correspond to pagan and occult spiritual systems and are one hundred percent consistent with the worldview of modern neo-pagans.

Like all other decks, there are four suits - Wands, Blades, Cups and Pentacles. The symbolism of the illustrations has undergone severe changes. For example, a fire in the pagan Tarot means the energy potential of a witch, a stone or crystal - ancient knowledge, a bandage on the head corresponds to the activation of the third eye. the flowers symbolize the blossoming of magical possibilities, and the censer is a sign of protection.

The court cards are represented by the Elementals, Neophytes, Initiates and Elders. They correspond to Pages, Riders, Queens and Overlords from standard decks. There is a book by Gina Pace dedicated to the pagan Tarot deck - “Tarot of Dark and Snow-White Magic”. With its help, it will be even easier to understand meanings that are also seriously different from the standards of Tarot schools. The deck also comes with a brochure with short meanings of the cards.

The pagan deck is absolutely recommended for young witches, as well as for all people interested in fortune telling and professing neo-paganism. It is well suited for both professional fortune-tellers and beginners, despite the fact that the deck is extraordinary and difficult to attribute it to one of the traditional schools of Tarot. The illustrations are simple to understand the deep meaning of the cards hidden in them, moreover, the book by the creator of the deck reveals the whole essence of their meanings.

Druid Tarot - interpretation and gallery

Working with the Druid Tarot immerses the fortuneteller into an interesting world old Ireland. Without knowing the legends and folklore of the Druids, it will not be possible to understand the meanings of these cards. The deck is recommended for people who are well versed in both the Tarot and Celtic mythology and culture. The fact is that the interpretation of the Druid Tarot affects the religious, mythological, folklore and everyday nuances of the life of the Celts. It is considered rather vague, but at the same time, reviews say that the cards are quite sociable and have a bright energy.

Druids come from tribes that lived in the first and second centuries AD in Northern Europe. There is virtually no historical data about them, but what is there has served as the basis for countless esoteric movements associated with this culture. Druids were priests or clergymen who also played the role of chroniclers. They constituted the ruling pinnacle of the tribe; its members turned to them with requests. According to legends, the Druids were capable of healing both the body and soul of a person, and they could also retain power in the tribe with the help of warlocks.

Judging by the Druid Tarot gallery, this deck combines the principles of the traditional Tarot, as well as Celtic symbolism and Druid mythology. It contains unique actions that could only take place in those times. In order to work with this deck, it is necessary to study the Celtic pantheon, their legends and legends, as well as the cultural characteristics of this people.

The major arcana are divided into genres - heroic, mythological, adventure, fantasy and historical. Arcana from zero to nine represent the times when legends were formed. They belong to the legends and legends of the Celts, at the center of which is the dispute for world domination between the Danu tribe and the Fomorian demons. From tenth to fourteenth are arcana dedicated to the time of heroes, or more precisely, to the epic cycle of the Uladu tribe. The remaining Major Arcana are dedicated to the era of the birth of the history of the Celts and the legends of the Fenian tribe.

The minor arcana depict the everyday life of the old Celts, as well as the sacred rituals of the Druids. In general, this deck is considered quite difficult to interpret. The Druid deck is a bright and pleasant fortune-telling instrument in every way, but it is only suitable for a person who is familiar with the culture and customs of the Celts. Without knowledge about this people, it will not be possible to understand the interpretations of the cards.

Celtic Tarot - deck features

The Celtic Tarot is a deck that mixes the vision of modern painters and the ancient legends of the Celts. All cards are illustrated with scenes from the history and mythology of the Celtic tribes. This deck is similar to the Druid Tarot, but there are differences.

The Celtic Tarot deck was published by a famous publishing house Lo Scarabeo. which is a good guarantee of its properties. It has an unusual size - 44x80 mm, which is slightly smaller than the size standard cards. The creators were Saverino Tenuta and Giacinto Gaudenzi - admirers of Celtic culture, who long time engaged in research into the mythology of this people.

Even though the annotation comes with the Celtic Tarot, it is best to familiarize yourself with the pantheon, legends and legends of the Celts. People unfamiliar with Celtic culture will have great difficulty interpreting these cards. It is also not suitable for beginners; the Celtic Tarot is considered quite complex, like most of the unusual versions of the cards.

Tarot of White and Black magic(Pagan Tarot) is an occult deck that is based on the works of the American “Witch”.

Tarot of White and Black Magic is an incredibly deep deck, although it is not distinguished by its colorful colors and bright depiction of characters. The peculiarity of these cards is that they have extraordinary power, magical signs, which give the deck a mysterious occult depth. Author Gina M. Pace and artists Luca Raimondo and Cristiano Spadoni did an incredible job. They tried to bring together the worldviews, teachings and spiritual experiences of different cultures and peoples of the world that were disparate by culture, time and location. After all, magic has one beginning, and its completely different sources invariably converge in one truth. This is where the idea came to systematize all the material into one universal information carrier, which could not only perform the functions of prediction or magic, but would also become an excellent tool for self-knowledge and meditation. We always have a desire to feel connected to other spaces and worlds. And the Tarot of White and Black Magic provides us with this opportunity.

Deck structure

Let's move on to the structure of the deck. The Tarot of White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) adheres to the traditional hierarchy of the Arcana of the Waite Tarot. The cards are distributed into 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana. Arcana Strength and Justice are located at numbers 8 and 11, respectively. Minor Arcana are illustrated and have four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. The court cards in the White and Black Magic Tarot have a slightly different hierarchy. They are modified according to the occult system and are designated as follows: Elemental, Novice, Initiate, Elder. Actually, thanks to these changes, court cards much more accurately convey the energy characteristic of a particular Arcana. Thus, the map conveys a certain stage of energy development. For example, the Elemental of Cups in the Tarot of White and Black Magic symbolizes Ondine or a person experiencing new emotions, sensations, feelings. The elemental of Wands symbolizes the Salamander or a person with fiery passions and high ambitions. The Elemental of Swords represents the Sylph - a person with great intellectual potential, artistic and thinking abilities. Finally, in the White and Black Magic Tarot, the meaning of the Elemental of Pentacles is the Dwarf, a person who has a deep, strong connection with nature, the earth and animals. The main idea of ​​the Major Arcana in the Tarot of White and Black Magic is that the Arcana are energies that influence the main processes in life, and also shape events and situations in it. These are the energies that every person must learn to manage in order to change their life for the better. The idea of ​​the Minor Arcana in the Tarot of White and Black Magic is to apply them to ordinary everyday situations, so to speak, to solving everyday issues. After all, the latter are no less important in life. The everyday situation greatly influences the degree of spiritual growth of a person.

The purpose and meaning of the deck

Speaking about the Tarot of White and Black Magic, we can say that this deck makes it possible to become truly Free and at the same time have the foresight of important events and manage your own life in general. It connects together and, at the same time, draws a clear line between White and Black, between creation and destruction. Tarot of White and Black Magic is ideally combined with both ancient traditions and knowledge, and with diversity modern world. The deck is designed for foresight, situation management and practical application occult knowledge in real life. Therefore, the Tarot of White and Black Magic will answer both questions related to everyday everyday problems, as well as questions about the multidimensionality of space and everything that has not yet been explored by this world. White and Black Magic Tarot layouts are mainly standard ones. To be honest, the White and Black Magic Tarot is not an easy deck. Therefore, it is not suitable for every beginner. But I can say with confidence that for those who understand how to tell fortunes using the White and Black Magic Tarot, the rest of the decks will be quite easy. So to study these cards you don’t have to be an Initiate or an Elder of the magicians - it’s enough to have faith in the supernatural and feel the relationship with the Universe, with its cosmic energy.

The idea of ​​creating a Tarot of Black and White Magic appeared thanks to the work of an American woman. The deck is filled with extraordinary power that can both destroy and create. She quickly found application for herself in everyday life.

Tarot of Black and White Magic - powerful tool to answer important questions

The Pagan Tarot combines unique knowledge that was accumulated over many centuries by ancient pagans. Each of the cards in this deck has its own design. It contains a special plot filled with deep meaning.

Tarot of White and Black Magic (pagan Tarot) is recommended to be used for the purpose of self-knowledge and obtaining answers to important questions.

The meaning of the Major Arcana

The Major Arcana, which can be seen in the gallery where the entire deck is presented, are rightfully considered the most important cards. They shape various events and situations. You need to learn to understand them correctly in order to make your own life a little better. The Major Arcana can work independently or in a group with other cards.

It is very important to correctly understand the Tarot of White and Black Magic. You should start getting to know him with the Major Arcana, which can have the following interpretation:

  • 0 The Jester (Il MATIO). The magical Arcana means a new movement to which one should strive. A person has to trust in something that goes beyond his usual existence. All fears that may arise in this case will be false. So don't pay attention to them.
  • 1 Mage (IL BAGATTO). Portends the ability to change one's own destiny. A person can learn to independently control all those events in which he is directly involved.
  • 2 The High Priestess (LA PAPESSA). The card speaks of the need to concentrate on your spiritual individuality.
  • 3 The Empress (L'IMPERATRICE). The time has come to fulfill long-standing desires. During this period, you should treat your loved ones with care and love so as not to lose the accumulated positive energy.
  • 4 The Emperor (L'IMPERATORE). The card advises you to listen to your hunch and act according to the rules and ethics. Only in this case will a person experience personal and career growth.
  • 5 Hierophant (IL PAPA). There is no need to be afraid to ask higher powers for help in understanding the main truth.
  • 6 Lovers (GLI AMANTI). The card foreshadows a difficult choice that must be made. The right decision Intuition will certainly tell you.
  • 7 Chariot (IL CARRO). Arkan predicts the end of a negative event and the beginning of a completely new period, which will bring with it a powerful flow of positive energy.
  • 8 Strength (LA FORZA). The card advises a person to begin to show his will and inner strength. This is the only way he will be able to get out of a difficult situation.
  • 9 The Hermit (L’EREMITA). It is necessary to find a quiet place for yourself where a person will have the opportunity to relax his soul and body, and also hear his inner voice, which will give a lot of useful advice.

Stars - an opportunity to see your own destiny

The acquaintance with the Major Arcana does not end there. You need to find out the meaning of other equally important cards that can predict the future:

  • 10 Wheel (LA RUOTA). The card foreshadows the emergence of new prospects in life that are worth grasping. They will help you find the right path.
  • 11 Justice (LA CIUSTIZIA). A person should not immediately try to do anything to correct an unpleasant situation. It is better to temporarily go to the side of the observer in order to be able to see the real picture of what is happening.
  • 12 The Hanged Man (L'APPESO). The card warns of the impossibility of achieving a goal due to previous mistakes.
  • 13 Death (LA MORTE). Arkan advises changing something in your life, opening yourself up to new beginnings. But before that you will have to go through a painful renunciation of old habits.
  • 14 Moderation (LA TEMPERANZA). It is necessary to learn to observe the rhythm of energy movement in the flow of life. You should take a closer look at the fateful signs that surround a person everywhere.
  • 15 The Devil (LA DIAVOLO). There is no need to sacrifice personal interests to gain the approval of another person. No one will definitely be happier from this.
  • 16 Tower (LA TORRE). The card signifies the need to give up pressure from human instincts. Otherwise, a person will not be able to avoid the influence of negative habits.
  • 17 Stars (LE STELLE). A person will be able to see his own destiny. He will be given the opportunity to easily achieve his cherished goal. And also the destructive feeling of loneliness will leave him for a long time.
  • 18 Moon (LA LUNA). The card warns of illusions that can push a person off the right path. He must learn to distinguish reality from fantasy in order to successfully complete his task.
  • 19 Sun (IL SOLE). A person will have to face serious obstacles. But he can easily get around them, since luck will accompany him at such moments.

The study of the Major Arcana is completed by two important cards, namely:

  • 20 Court (IL CIUDIZIO). The card foretells receiving a reward for all previously done work. And it depends only on the actions and deeds of a person whether it will be good or bad.
  • 21 World (IL MONDO). A person will be able to feel his significance and integrity with the world around him.

Justice - a person should not make hasty decisions

Meaning of the Minor Arcana

The Pagan Tarot would not be complete without the Minor Arcana. These cards are present in the gallery, which displays the entire deck. The Minor Arcana are well suited for solving everyday problems and health-related issues. You can understand what the pagan Tarot wants to tell the fortuneteller only after studying the meaning of its cards.

The Tarot suits correspond to the four elements, namely Water, Earth, Air and Fire.

Pentacles represent earthly energy. It manifests itself through the material side of life. For example, through everyday activities or nature.

Swords relate to air energy. Cards on which this suit is applied influence intellectual and mental aspects, culture and education. Wands are fiery energy. They are correlated with a person’s spirituality, his capabilities and abilities. The bowls symbolize water energy. It affects the emotional world of people and influences their personal growth.

The Minor Arcana are divided into two large sections. The first includes numerical cards. They have the following meaning:

  • Ace. The card represents something new, which will certainly enter a person’s life and force him to start a useful business and take on a number of obligations. He will be ready to take an unexpected action, avoiding unnecessary doubts about the correctness of the decision made.
  • Two. The card means peace. It helps a person find harmony in life and find his purpose.
  • Troika. An old stage in a person’s life comes to an end. After this, something new awaits him. He will be able to abandon the past without much difficulty, as he is attracted by the possibilities of the future.
  • Four. Arkan advises starting active actions. Right now a person has the necessary support on which he will be able to build a successful business. Stability will be observed in his life in the near future.
  • Five. The problems that have bothered people for so long will finally end. All negativity will remain in the past. Hope will be found, which will push you to new achievements and victories.
  • Six. The time has come to free yourself from the oppression of old things and events. If something no longer satisfies a person, then it’s time for him to get rid of it. In return, he found something more valuable and necessary. It also doesn’t hurt to forget all grievances and get rid of negative emotions that deplete spiritual strength and energy.
  • Seven. One of the most positive cards, the fall of which promises good luck. An interesting undertaking awaits a person. And it will certainly lead to success. If there is such a desire, then you can call on higher powers to help you quickly realize your cherished dream. But in in this case even faith in yourself will be enough.
  • Eight. This card means overcoming something. No difficulties or obstacles can break the spirit of a person who persistently pursues his cherished goal. If he continues to move in the right direction, then only success will await him in the near future. The map also points to good relationship with loved ones.
  • Nine. The map marks several cycles that have come to their logical conclusion. Ahead of a person is the entry into a new stage of life. If he begins to move towards his destiny, he will eventually be able to defeat his own demons, which constantly drag him into the abyss. But before that, you should learn a few important life lessons taught in various situations.
  • Ten. The lasso indicates the obligatory summing up. A person has to rethink previously committed actions in order to find out whether he has achieved success in anything. During this period, it is very important to analyze the experience gained and draw a number of conclusions that will affect the future. If a person is dissatisfied with the result of his actions, then he should begin to correct the mistakes made in the process of learning life lessons. Only after this will harmony and peace appear in his soul.

Two symbolizes harmony

The most interesting cards in the deck are the court cards. They are also called persons. They accurately convey the energy of the Tarot and reflect the current stage of its development. Court cards must be interpreted this way:

  • Elemental (ELEMENTALE). This card represents a primordial form of energy. She has the capabilities of the element to which she belongs. The Arkan itself means limitless inspiration and the creation of something new. The appearance of a card foreshadows the taking of the first step towards the realization of your plans.
  • Newbie (NOVIZIO). Arcanum also has another name - neophyte. She is an alternative to the knight in the traditional tarot deck. The newcomer indicates an area in which a person can show his energy. He is able to freely navigate the actions he takes and work to achieve previously outlined goals. The person will be completely concentrated on the matter that fascinates him so much. But he will not lose sight of other events in his life that are of less importance to him at the moment.
  • Initiated (INIZIATO). The Arcanum is also called the Initiate. It falls in the layout on a person who by that time had already managed to achieve something significant and important. But you shouldn’t stop personal growth at this stage. You need to keep moving, no matter how difficult it is. In fact, there are still many important events ahead of a person that he must face. If he has the strength to continue working hard, he will soon receive a well-deserved reward. And also the person will forget what laziness is, thanks to which he will be able to achieve new victories.
  • Senior (ANZIANO). The second name of the Arcana is pastfor. He points to a person who has already realized most of the opportunities provided. He managed to do this without much difficulty. A person can continue to move forward. But to do this, he definitely needs to transfer part of his accumulated knowledge and experience to someone who is just beginning to realize himself in life. If a person does not teach another, he will miss his chance to gain new strength that will fill his body and soul with positive energy.

In order to correctly understand what information the pagan Tarot wants to convey to the fortuneteller, it is not enough to simply memorize the basic meanings of its cards. After all, in different scenarios they have different meanings.

The owner of the deck should develop a special connection with it. To do this, it is necessary to conduct solitary meditations along with cards. It is also worth trying to connect the emotions that arise when looking at a particular Arcana with the events that it may indicate. All this will allow you to get the most accurate answer to the question asked during the Tarot reading.

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