What will the year of the red rooster be like? What will the Year of the Rooster be like? Love and family

Dear readers of my blog! We are all waiting for our favorite holiday - New Year! We dream, we make plans, we hope for the best! What is it like, 2017 Year of the Red Fire Rooster?

The rooster is a brave, independent bird

The symbol of the coming year will be the Rooster. This is a domestic, even if sometimes pugnacious, bird.

The Rooster is distinguished by courage, cheerfulness, and a light, cheerful disposition.

He is a symbol of everything new, since every day he rises at dawn, when a new day is just beginning. Another symbol of the year is the Sun, which also rises in the morning.

People born in the year of the fiery Rooster are extremely emotional, passionate, straightforward, extravagant, and capable of unexpected actions.

They have good taste, are well versed in fashion, have creative abilities, are honest, and are very independent.

Those born this year must calm their temper a little, but going towards their goal, perseverance, and efficiency will certainly lead to success.

Getting ready to meet the Fire Rooster

Some believe, some don’t, but every eastern symbol, from somewhere above, influences the fate of people of a certain sign. Characteristics of the coming year. The element of next year is Fire, and the color is red.

What do these indicators mean?

  • Fire is forward movement, unsurpassed vital energy, the desire for success in all areas.
  • And red is the color of ardent passion, love, therefore, fire and color are a harmonious combination of the coming year.

This means that 2017 will be both romantic and successful. Single people will find a mate, and married people will rekindle their love. In the new year, do not be afraid of changes, boldly go towards everything new.

What awaits people according to their zodiac signs?

The horoscope for 2017 advises everyone, without exception, to restrain their violent emotions, watch their words so as not to say too much, but everyone can, even needs, to stand out from the crowd in some way.

Many this year will be able to advance in career ladder, but you will have to rely only on your own strength.

Good luck will favor persistent careerists and those who do what they love. They will have money, prestige, independence. The Rooster will help active, enterprising people achieve success. Let's see what the year brings according to the zodiac signs.


In the New Year, Aries will strive to improve their lives; nothing will be impossible for you. You will be satisfied with every victory in a new business.

But once you achieve victory, boredom may set in. Then you will set out in search of new projects and again achieve excellent results. This also applies to the love sphere.
The trouble with Aries is that they cannot be cunning, therefore, do not try to say everything you think, so as not to make ill-wishers.

But they will surround loved ones with care so that they feel good. Do not indulge in financial transactions, they will only bring losses.

The professional sphere will be constant, no obstacles are foreseen. When it comes to health, strengthen your immune system.


In 2017, Taurus will also be confident and calm. They will try to do everything for their family and experience happiness, knowing that the family does not need anything.

If your path is blocked by closed doors, you will not be confused; you will knock on other doors.

You will be confident that you will win in any situation. In the middle of the year, even gambling will bring valuable winnings.

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus will be drawn to nature, perhaps becoming addicted to fishing.

Taurus will not get good results in their career, especially at the beginning of the year. The financial sector will also not please many Taurus.

The second half of the year predicts changes in the financial situation in better side, just don’t miss a single opportunity, try to show perseverance and determination, then your financial situation will improve several times.

In the love sphere do not hide your feelings, then they will reciprocate you. The health of Taurus will be unstable throughout the year. The joints will be bothered, so a trip to the doctor is inevitable.


In 2017, Gemini will achieve success if they connect their intellectual potential. You can gain fame through your creativity.

Unforgettable trips await you, meetings with bright people who will bring you even more success. You will experience true happiness.

Some representatives of this sign will want to change their place of work or even their place of residence. Be careful in the middle of the year, you may encounter difficulties in your profession. Don't take on too many things at once to avoid depression. From this, your plans can collapse in one second.

At the end of the year, perhaps the beginning of a new life and career, businessmen will overcome all inaccessible mountains. If you take the right steps, your financial situation will be stable. By the end of the year, your financial situation will improve even more.

In the love sphere it is necessary to clarify the relationship. Don't allow yourself to get carried away on the side, which can lead to a break in the relationship.

Don't joke with your health. Excessive emotional stress can lead to a nervous breakdown, even a stroke. Take everything that happens calmly, do not forget about rest.


In 2017, Cancers will behave too cautiously, so they will often remain in the shadows, indulge in dreams, and deep thoughts.

But if necessary, they will become purposeful, find a way out of the most critical situation.

If your opponent is ahead of you, then you will make every effort to leave him behind. You always have money that you don’t tell anyone about.

In the coming year you will meet people who will positively influence your career.

In a new professional activity Cancers will be able to prove themselves worthily, thanks to perseverance and zeal.

Just don’t count on luck, put in your own efforts. You can safely plan new things that you will certainly complete, even those that stood still and did not develop at all.

Cancers' finances are stable, especially those who have their own business. In the second half of the year, you can invest money in new projects and enter into long-term agreements.

But be careful about the safety of your staff. Check everything well, do not endanger the lives of people and your enterprise.

At the very beginning of 2017 Cancers have to learn what true passion and love are. You will be irresistible! In the middle of the year, single Cancers can meet their soul mate.

The health of Cancers in 2017 will be very good. Only at the end of the year can Cancers feel emotional fatigue.


In 2017, Leos will try to occupy a high leadership position and become a real authority.

Leo will also try to help all people. The beginning and end of the year will be very favorable.

The only negative is that in mid-2017 there may be difficulties at work, which the King of Beasts will easily overcome.

Charming in love The king of beasts will be successful. Perhaps he will meet a person with whom he wants to move forward in life.

What should Leo expect in his professional activities? The main thing is that you have to put aside laziness, show your leadership qualities, admit your mistakes, try to avoid them, then your career will go uphill.

At the end of the year, be especially careful not to make mistakes. In the middle of the year, Leos will be lucky in material terms; businessmen can expand their business.

Health will not let you down, especially at the beginning of the year. Mid-2017 threatens a slight deterioration, especially for people with heart disease.


In 2017, Virgos will follow in the right direction, conquer new heights professionally, which will give a good increase in financial resources.

Businessmen must be very careful with their partners. Virgo will resolve family issues related to real estate, which will take a lot of time and money.

A representative of this sign can start building a house, buy an apartment, or make good repairs.

Virgo's health will not fail if this sign treats it with due attention.


2017 will be very favorable for Libra, your most secret dreams will come true. You just have to focus on one goal, and all the peaks will be conquered. Your career will move to a new level.

Thanks to their excellent physical shape, Libra will attract the attention of the opposite sex. A whirlwind romance is possible, turning into a serious relationship.

No problems are expected in business; Virgo will have new opportunities. Health will not let you down either, but in December you should pay close attention to it.


For Scorpio, 2017 the year of the red fire rooster will be ambiguous, the beginning of the year will be especially nervous.

You should be tolerant and not push your friends away. Don't wait for career growth, keep what you have.

Finances will require careful handling. New acquaintances will bring profit.

If acquaintances or friends ask for a loan, do not refuse, provide help.

In your personal life, you should not expect a calm relationship; there will be strong emotions when sorting out the relationship. Free Scorpios will reciprocate.

Scorpio should pay attention to their health in order to avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Very favorable year for the development of business as well as love relationships. In general, the whole of 2017 will pass in a positive way, new acquaintances will be made, and there will be many business trips.

But Sagittarius should not throw themselves into work; they need to think about rest, so as not to work to the point of a nervous breakdown. But the work of Sagittarius will be appreciated by senior management, which means a good reward or promotion up the career ladder is possible.

The financial situation will be stable, and additional profit is possible at the end of the year. To avoid losing money, you should not spend your saved funds.

Misunderstandings and quarrels are possible in the family; you need to restrain your emotions. Free Sagittarians need to behave more carefully with the opposite sex.

If Sagittarius gets rid of bad habits, then his health will not fail him.

Capricorn will have an interesting, active year, with many acquaintances.

Finally, he will figure out who his real friend is and who is scheming.

Business partners They may let you down again, you have to be very careful.

Profit growth is expected in the second half of the year as a reward for hard work.

In the Capricorn family, grievances may arise due to lack of attention. Free Capricorns will definitely find their other half, and without much effort.

In terms of health, you need to play sports and be wary of colds.


For Aquarius, 2017 will be spent meeting old acquaintances. Most likely, they will bring positive results.

Changes await Aquarius, but if he wants it himself, otherwise, he will go with the flow.

Finances will be stable, but you should be wary of losses and thefts. Money must be spent sparingly and wisely.

Family Aquarius They will devote a lot of time to children. If there is an affair on the side, then it will open up, which will bring discord and scandals to the family.
Health will not cause any particular trouble, but you should be wary of ailments of the genitourinary system.


Pisces will have a year full of events, meetings with friends, and new acquaintances are possible. Pisces will want to change their appearance, find another job, new friends. Sometimes their behavior will shock others.

No career growth is expected, nor is there any increase in finances. Therefore, you will have to spend money only on the things you need.

So that there is harmony in the family, you need to restrain your emotions, then you may be able to save family relationships. In terms of health, you need to strengthen your immune system, find a good massage therapist, and play sports.

Accurate horoscope from Pavel Globa

Pavel Glob's most detailed horoscope for 2017 will lift the veil of the future for each zodiac sign

Dear friends! Should you trust horoscopes? To believe or not to believe is your personal choice, but it is simply necessary to heed the warnings!

The rooster symbolizes the beginning of something new, because it is one of the first to wake up at dawn and notify people that a new day has arrived. The Fire Rooster is energetic and very temperamental, demanding from others as much effort as he can give himself. He is a born leader and can be authoritarian, hot-tempered and intolerant.

To catch the Fire Rooster by the tail, you need to understand his character and become the same active and assertive, then success in business and plans will not bypass you. The Fire Rooster will especially reward those who do not look for easy ways, do not break the law, and stubbornly create the foundation for their well-being, grain by grain. It is characterized by determination, vigilance and insight. The Fire Rooster is difficult to mislead or deceive. This is a brave sign, possessing courage and willpower, always ready to stand up for friends and family. One of the most important characteristics of the Fire Rooster of 2017 is justice.

But there is also negative traits The character of the Fire Rooster that should be feared is vanity, selfishness and pugnacity. And even some of him good qualities under unfavorable circumstances they can turn into their opposite. For example, passion for a particular cause can turn into fanaticism. Straightforwardness can become tactlessness, and pride and dignity can become arrogance. The Fire Rooster's desire for perfection can imperceptibly turn into perfectionism.

The closest impacts on people from the year of the Fire Rooster were 120 years ago - in 1897 and 60 years ago - in 1957.

In 1897, the first football match was held in Russia, Sunday was declared an official day off, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko decided to create a folk theater, Austria and Russia agreed to respect the status quo in the Balkans. The monetary reform of 1897, initiated by Witte, was the locomotive that pulled Russian industry, thereby accelerating the modernization of the state, and the convertibility of the ruble contributed to the influx of foreign investment and economic development countries.

During these years, important scientific developments were made. In 1897, aspirin was invented and the electron was discovered. In October 1957 Soviet Union The first Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched, followed by Sputnik 2 in November. The laser was invented by Gorden Gould in 1957.

However, given the unpredictability and negative character traits of the Fire Rooster, there were also tragic events. In February 1957, a gas explosion in a Virginia coal mine killed 37 people. In May, a 42,000-pound hydrogen bomb accidentally fell from a bomber near Albuquerque. In Russia in September there was nuclear disaster at the Mayak NPP. There were also many accidents in 1957: in September, 175 people were killed in a train accident in Jamaica, in October two trains collided in Turkey, and in December there was also a train accident in London.

It should be noted that the Fire Rooster is famous for its desire for loud and noisy victories. This fact is confirmed by the character of people born this year, who are considered lovers of bright words, ambitious projects and enchanting hype. Famous people born this year include Yoko Ono, Yuri Nikulin, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Giuseppe Verdi, Catherine the Great II, Queen Victoria, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Mark Zakharov.


Characteristics of the 2017 Year of the Rooster: color, element

According to the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, each year has its own patron - one of the twelve animals. Oddly enough, but every year, a certain eastern sign influences the destinies of people at a super-level. Therefore, it is extremely important to know under whose protection the next year in order to be well prepared for his meeting. Knowing the characteristics of a particular sign, it is easy to try to appease the owner of the year from the very beginning. Then all twelve months until the next New Year will pass cheerfully, at ease, generously presenting you with gifts of fate. Last year, the Year of the Goat was replaced by the Year of the Monkey.

Coming 2017 – it's the year of the Rooster. January 28, 2017 Fire Monkey will transfer his powers to the Rooster. The tenth sign of the Chinese twelve-year horoscope is almost the most interesting animal in the entire eastern calendar. He is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable. However, in addition to the animal itself, you also need to know the color and element of the patron sign of 2017. The element, like the color of the Rooster, directly affects what 2017 will be like for each person.

The mystery of the appearance of the eastern calendar

The most widespread and beautiful of the existing legends about the appearance eastern horoscope says: before leaving the Earth, Buddha invited all animals to come to him. And the first twelve little animals who came to say goodbye to him, Buddha promised to give them the opportunity to lead a whole year, every twelve years.

The first to run to the Buddha was a nimble rat, then the hard worker Ox came, followed by the brave Tiger, followed by the quiet Rabbit, softly moving his paws, immediately after him a mighty Dragon appeared and a wise Snake crawled, then a graceful Horse galloped up and arrived on thin legs of a virtuoso Goat, followed by a savvy Monkey, followed by a motley Rooster, walking proudly, then a faithful Dog came and, finally, a cheerful Pig ran out to the sacred gathering place. Immediately after each year he became attached to the animals, he acquired their character, qualities, emotionality and some distinctive features. Needless to say, people born under one or another sign of the Chinese horoscope also copied these features.

Element and color of 2017 Rooster

The coming 2017 will be the year of the Bright or Fire Rooster, and its color is red. Since ancient times, sages believed that the element of Fire personifies continuous upward movement and has unrivaled vital energy, is distinguished by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

The red color is closely intertwined with the fire element and this is very good, because such a mixture means complete harmony in all matters. Red is the color of love, infatuation, ardor, passion. So we can say with confidence that 2017 will be a busy year in terms of romance. The coming year promises a possible wedding for strong couples, family people will revive the former love passion, and the lonely will find their soul mates. The red fiery color displays strength, confidence, as well as good luck. Therefore, in the coming year, you need to boldly cast aside all doubt and rush towards the new with abandon, not be afraid of changes and all kinds of changes.

Characteristics of the symbol

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. The Rooster is incredibly insightful, meticulous, organized, scrupulous, decisive, demanding, conservative, vigilant, responsible and practical. In his affairs, the Rooster strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He also simply adores attention and literally basks in compliments and praise.

Despite his positive qualities, the Rooster is stubborn and arrogant. His selfishness and pickiness do not add to his advantages, and his penchant for empty bravado sometimes turns the decent Rooster into a real windbag. It is extremely rare for the Rooster to show interest in anyone other than himself. Despite this, the opposite sex is unable to resist the charm of the charming Rooster and completely surrenders to his power. Despite his callousness, the Rooster is extremely lucky in love. However, he will still put himself above family values, and if the Rooster does not “take his head” in time, then everything may end in a sad outcome. The Rooster is adored for his ardent temperament and his ability to play a beautiful love game. A certain mystery allows the Rooster to subtly feel the edges of romance and skillfully play on the strings of love. The Rooster loves his bachelor life, however, if he meets “the one,” he will, without a twinge of conscience, rush into the pond of a new passionate relationship, which will subsequently lead to the conclusion of a strong family union.

Most Compatible Partners: Snake and Ox

All is well with the Rooster in the business field. Due to his sharp mind and brilliant intelligence, he holds his business tightly with both hands. Despite some extravagance in small things, the Rooster is very thrifty, which once again proves his thriftiness.

People born in the year of the Rooster are extremely difficult to fool. Their intelligence is often above average, and their natural ingenuity will not allow anyone to deceive them. The Rooster vigilantly notices every little thing that is more or less dubious. Unless a huge portion of compliments can confuse the Rooster for a short time, because the proud bird will not miss the opportunity to once again be in the center of everyone's attention. The Fiery Red Rooster loves to command, and if we add his temper, then there is no doubt that the tenth sign of the eastern horoscope will definitely express everything that is boiling up in the opponent’s face. All the traits inherent in the Rooster will manifest themselves throughout 2017 to one degree or another. In order to go in your usual rut and not get out of line, or to move to a new, higher level, you need to try to adapt to the restive sign.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Rooster for 2017

Already capricious, in 2017 the Rooster will be simply unbearable. His correct statements and large number fresh ideas will simply be leveled out by his own, cocky, selfishness and eternal irritation. Everyone who was born in the year of this beautiful bird should remember their extraordinary abilities and remarkable willpower and, perhaps, step over themselves somewhere, but direct all their positive rays towards the light, towards their goal. Roosters should not forget that in some situations their temper does not play into the hands of wayward bearers of motley plumage. Therefore, in 2017 we need to try to be a little more tactful so that problems with the public do not arise.

In general, the year will bring a lot of interesting things to emotional Roosters. It definitely won’t be boring, because the Rooster himself, worse than other signs, knows how to find adventures for himself. But, thanks to his innate talent to charm those around him, the Rooster will skillfully overcome all the vicissitudes that arise along his path. In 2017, the Roosters should push themselves a little more at work and you can be sure that the merits of the hard worker will be rewarded in full. The career will move uphill, the financial side will only please you if the Rooster plays fair, without deceiving or falsifying the facts. On the personal front, Roosters seeth passions: love, jealousy, passion, tenderness and scandals, giving way to stormy reconciliations. Roosters will fully experience all the delights of a serious relationship. Those who break will be left without a soulmate in 2017.

According to the eastern calendar, the symbol of the coming 2017 is the Red Rooster.

The bird, assertive by nature, in combination with the fire element, appears as a rather warlike sign.

But, despite the cockiness and fighting spirit of the patron, the coming period promises changes for the better for almost all signs of the Zodiac, both in the business and social spheres.

Professional development and career in 2017

In order for the period of the Red Rooster's reign to bring success in the business sphere, astrologers advise all representatives of the zodiac dozen to put away mother laziness and other habits that interfere with productive development.

Only constant work on yourself, increasing your personal potential and business acumen will allow you to rise to the winning podium.

The advice is especially relevant at the beginning of 2017 - a time that the servants of the stars rated as the most difficult and very significant stage.

The coming months will present a sea of ​​opportunities to realize your dreams of career growth and to develop new professional areas of activity. Thanks to the opening prospects, many will decide to change the area of ​​application of their capabilities and find a different place of work.

Business in 2017

The Red Rooster favors business development. 2017 is a great time to start your own business, a great opportunity for managers of small companies to accelerate their brainchild, starting to grow it upward and in breadth.

The first half of the year will be full of fruitful work. However, following the manifestation of enviable workaholism, there is a high probability of a desire to relax, enjoy financial result of their works.

Astrologers advise not to succumb to passive moods, since the second half of the coming period will be the most important for business, for keeping it afloat.

Money in 2017

The feathered patron of 2017 is a miser. He is interested in material resources, loves money and constantly counts it. Therefore, it is recommended to take any financial issues very seriously and wisely assess your capabilities when planning significant transactions.

Particularly close attention to savings should be shown in the first months, when the stars generally advise against getting involved in risky financial activities. At first glance, a profitable and profitable business risks ending in complete failure.

Astrologers urge you to protect yourself and your loved ones from unjustified waste.

Health in 2017

In the area of ​​health, the coming times threaten to be turbulent. The number of respiratory tract diseases will increase, the number of respiratory infections will increase, outbreaks of influenza epidemics are expected, and the percentage of patients with oncology will increase.

To meet 2017 fully armed and protect yourself from illnesses, you need to start strengthening your immune system now.

At a minimum, resort to basic measures: walking in the fresh air, playing sports. And with the arrival of autumn, it doesn’t hurt to take more care of yourself, since the risk of dangerous injuries increases.

Love and relationships in 2017

For singles, 2017 offers enviable prospects for finding a second half. At the same time, astrologers advise both single representatives and established couples not to play with fire, which the scorching element of the Red Rooster can ignite.

One should not play with each other’s feelings; it is better for jealous people to get rid of excessive suspicion, and for narcissistic natures it is better to moderate selfishness and egocentrism. Otherwise, the feathered patron can burn very badly.

Representatives who are ready to take serious steps are promised by the heavenly bodies: the period from July to October will be the most favorable for going to the registry office and the birth of offspring.

Listen to the stars, take into account the advice of astrologers, but remember that everything in the world is relative, and a person is the architect of his own happiness!

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Fiery Red Rooster

The Year of the Rooster is the tenth sign in the twelve-year horoscopic cycle and is considered by Chinese astrologers to be one of the most remarkable and interesting animals. The Rooster is sociable, elegant, bright, with demonstrative habits in every movement, so you can get ready for eventful events in 2017.

Characteristics of the Rooster sign

Position in Chinese horoscope — 10
Correspondence to the Western horoscope— Virgo
Direction - West
Years of the Rooster - 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Month-symbol of the Rooster- September
Best season - Autumn
Happy gem — Jasper
Lucky Color – White, Yellow, Orange
Favorite plant— Orchid, Gladiolus, Cockscomb
Lucky numbers — 7, 9, 10, 17, 21, 27
Element - Metal
Compatible signs— Bull, Snake, Dragon, Rooster
Incompatible signs— Dog, Rabbit
Famous people born under the sign of the Rooster— Steffi Graf, Yuri Nikulin, Enrico Caruso, Richard Wagner, Larry King, Lev Ginzburg, Joan Collins, Melanie Griffith, Marcel Carné, en Paul Belmondo, Evgeny Paton, Joan Collins, Yoko Ono

Suitable professions for the sign— Surgeon, actor, chef, sales manager, teacher, entrepreneur, journalist, athlete

Description and characteristics of the sign

There will be a feeling of emotional upliftment in 2017, no matter what year you were born. Everything around will be filled with inspiration and hope. Do not forget that, despite the optimistic attitude, for any undertaking you first need to create support for the push.

The Year of the Rooster always brings memories of past quarrels, conflicts and past grievances, and tensions in relations at the interstate level are likely. However, the Rooster speaker always resolves conflicts not with the help of weapons, but conflicts with the help of diplomacy.

All astrologers, without exception, characterize the Rooster as a sociable and sophisticated animal. His temperament is the envy of many signs of the eastern calendar - his energy is overflowing even at a time when others have long resigned themselves to fate, have given up and are waiting for a blow.

The rooster is a strong and purposeful bird; it can rarely be found tired and exhausted. Almost no one succeeds in knocking the Rooster out of the saddle. This sign eagerly transfers energy and strength to others; he is extremely assertive and hardworking. His ambitions are not stopped by fear, he will never give up in the face of difficulties and problems, so in the year of the Rooster, get ready for great achievements and victories. Having shown persistence, the Rooster will help throughout 2017 on all fronts - both in love and in professional fields.

The Rooster is a perceptive creature, so all secrets in 2017 will not be revealed. It’s worth preparing for this in advance; reveal to your loved ones the secrets that have accumulated over the year of the cunning Monkey. Otherwise, you cannot avoid quarrels and problems, since the Cockerel is quite decisive and scrupulous. He is a real, sincere “truth teller” and a defender of all the offended and offended - liars will have no luck in the year of the Rooster.

The pedantry and exactingness inherent in this sign make it an extremely comfortable patron for careerists. The Rooster will allow you to solve all problems quickly, gracefully and almost perfectly. Don’t forget to thank the owner of the year for successfully completed business - he loves attention to his person and simply melts from praise and compliments.

The Chinese horoscope says that in the year of the Rooster, you need to be wary of all sorts of intrigues and adventures, although the Rooster will push you towards them in every possible way. The rooster rushes headlong into the pool due to his inflated arrogance, not knowing how to assess risks. This has two results: either you will get a good result thanks to the Rooster’s efficiency, or everything can end in complete collapse.

The charming Rooster is quite selfish, so do not forget to devote time not only to yourself and personal hobbies. Spend more time with your family, loved ones and friends, help and listen to their problems, otherwise by the end of 2017 you may find yourself alone.

It is important to remember that the Rooster is a simple-minded animal, so do not let your guard down. During the years passing under the auspices of the Rooster, intriguers and gossips become active and can unnoticed begin their manipulations. Before you even blink an eye, you can find yourself in their intertwined networks.

You shouldn’t neglect your health - in the year of the Rooster, you should never get carried away with alcohol, because this animal has a tendency to alcoholism. From the first days of the new year, set yourself up for healthy image life, sign up for a fitness room or just take a walk in the fresh air more often - the Cockerel will appreciate such concern for well-being.

Don’t be surprised if your mood changes frequently, learn to control your actions and be sure to watch your words so as not to mess things up.

In general, the Rooster is favorable to people, so we can safely expect positive events in 2017. This sociable sign favors making new pleasant acquaintances and there is a high probability that many single people will finally meet their true love. Promising acquaintances in the professional and business sphere are highly likely. Fun events, unforgettable trips and vibrant parties await us. The Year of the Rooster promises to be a year of new opportunities - don't miss your chance!

Element and talismans of the year

In 2017, the Rooster will be red, and its element is hot fire. For a long time, the sages of China believed that Fire symbolizes endless upward movement; it is identified with vitality, success and energy. A year when the red color of the sign is emphasized by the fire element is considered especially successful. Such a connection brings the world into harmony and promises good luck in love.

It is important to hide all doubts and not give up in the face of any difficulties. “Fiery” years always activate the professional sphere - career heights, salary growth or bonuses will be ensured. As mentioned above, you need to watch your health carefully, since chronic diseases often worsen during the years of fire.

2017 promises to be simpler than 2016. But don't relax!
Astrologers especially recommend planning a wedding for the year of the Fire Rooster - your marriage will be long and joyful. To attract good luck, stock up on a small figurine of the Cockerel, made of golden metal - the symbol of 2017 loves everything shiny.

December 17, 2016

2017 Year of the Red Fire Rooster

What will the New Year 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster bring?
Red Fire Rooster is not poultry, this is a real fighting Rooster, ready to attack at any moment. The Red Fire Rooster symbolizes extraordinary energy, passion, competition, determination, determination and fearlessness, speed, reaction speed, as well as possessive instincts. For the Red Fire Rooster, it is important to be a leader, to be in the center of everyone's attention and admiration. The Red Fire Rooster cannot stand loneliness and any restrictions on freedom. This is the difficult character of the Red Fire Rooster, and 2017 will be so difficult.

2017 Year of the Rooster in politics
Big changes, fights, showdowns, riots - all this is typical for political life many countries in 2017. With the advent of the Year of the Red Fire Rooster, competition among political leaders on the world stage may go beyond established boundaries and limitations. Everyone will strive to show off; in 2017, there will be much more pathos and lies in politics than usual - after all, the most important quality of the Fire Rooster is to “show off”, to show its superiority, and most often this is the superiority of strength over reason. 2017 is a very difficult year in the political sphere. The biggest danger is that the Red Fire Rooster is always eager to fight, to fight, without sparing anyone who gets in his way. This may indicate that many conflict situations can move into the stage of serious military action, when, in an effort to prove their superiority, opponents use the most effective methods.

2017 Year of the Rooster in the social sphere
The Red Fire Rooster has a cheerful disposition, great mobility, selectivity in contacts, determination and purposefulness. Communication in 2017 is very important, but even more important is the ability to compromise, find common interests and common ground in relationships with others. However, the Red Fire Rooster does not like compromises - this is the biggest difficulty. In 2017, many contacts and connections may be destroyed, since neither you nor those around you are inclined to sacrifice your principles for the sake of a common goal, even the most tempting and promising one. These are the energies of 2017 and the Red Fire Rooster. For this reason, there will be significant changes in many popular social movements.

And yet, man is not an island, he cannot exist separately, on his own.

What behavioral tactics to choose in 2017
to achieve your goals?

The most important thing is not to be led by your emotions and ambitions, to use only the positive sides of the Red Fire Rooster - determination, courage, optimistic attitude, self-confidence, sociability, the ability to attract attention to your ideas and projects, willingness to reconsider your goals and plans, approach to solving important issues.

If you are an active and determined person, direct your energy to creation - start a new project, get creative, write a book or paint a picture. Play sports.

What not to do in 2017?
You cannot use physical force in resolving various controversial situations, prove your superiority, assume that everyone owes you something, succumb to laziness, stinginess, greed, or enter into an argument with influential people(this can lead to the most dire consequences). 2017 is a period when it is better to give in than to stick to your line.

2017 Year of the Rooster in the economy
IN financial sector 2017 will be a turbulent year of the Red Fire Rooster; During this period, economic instability is most pronounced, when there is no confidence in the future. In the year of the Rooster, it is not recommended to take risks; Before making a major purchase or major investment, you should weigh the pros and cons.

2017 Year of the Rooster in love
The Red Fire Rooster is a symbol of energy, strength and passion. 2017 is conducive to new acquaintances, flirting, easy, non-binding relationships. Of course, in 2017 you may develop a serious feeling of love for another person - everything is individual, but the general influence of the energies of 2017 is more conducive to fun, communication, and romantic dates than to the transition of love relationships into family status. In order for the Year of the Rooster to bring you happiness and prosperity in love, try not to demand too much from your loved one, and do not make promises yourself. How happy your relationship will be in the year of the Red Fire Rooster depends on how much you know how to enjoy the present, appreciate every moment spent with your loved one, and on your ability to enjoy even small successes.

Advice for all lovers for the 2017 Red Fire Rooster - enjoy the relationship “here and now”, do not regret the past and do not make plans for the future.

One of the main negative qualities of the Red Fire Rooster is jealousy, the instinct of ownership. In any life situation, no matter what happens, remember: jealousy leads to destruction. Considering the object of your love as your property, you create very strong tension, which leads to conflicts, disagreements and breakdowns in relationships.

2017 Year of the Rooster in business, work, career
The Year of the Red Fire Rooster is good time to start new things, especially if everything has been calculated in advance. However, if you are planning to organize own business, be prepared for unexpected expenses. On the one hand, the business that you organize in 2017 will bring popularity, but on the other hand, you will have to go through the test of competition. Advice for those who are planning to start a new business in the year of the Rooster - do everything thoroughly and thoroughly, no hack work or careless work! To achieve success, receive a stable income, and conquer the market, you will have to ensure that your business is in complete order. Take into account the smallest details, even those that seem completely insignificant to you.

For those who are planning to get a job in the year of the Red Fire Rooster new job or is on the verge of changes in professional activity, advice: be confident in yourself, strive to ensure that your reputation is ideal. Try not to argue or insist on your own during interviews and business negotiations. Your success depends on how competitive you are.

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