How to spell the name Yasmina in English. Men with such names can also name their daughter Yasmina

The girl, named Yasmina, is smart and energetic, loves to communicate and is not afraid of anything. She often stands up for the weak. If such a need arises, then, without hesitation, he rushes into a fight. As a child, she never contradicts her parents, respects and honors them, but sometimes she can be capricious and stubborn.

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Having matured, the bearer of the name achieves success in everything. Religious upbringing greatly influences a girl’s character: for her, family and household are always a priority.

Origin and meaning

The name Yasmina is of Muslim origin and translates as “flower of paradise.” According to another version, it is derived from the Muslim name Jasmine.

Translated from Arabic, the meaning of the name Yasmina is “jasmine”, “jasmine flower”.

In Islam, such a name is associated with a woman who is beautiful, like a magic flower. Although it is widespread among Muslims, girls are increasingly called this name in Europe and Russia.

Name options and famous women

The name has the following forms:

  • Full - Yasmina.
  • Short forms (diminutive) - Yasminka, Minitsa, Jelsina, Jelsa, Yasma, Mina, Minka.

To celebrities wearing given name, include:

  • Reza is a French actress.
  • Mihajlovic is a Serbian writer.
  • Wehr is a German tennis player.
  • Wagner is a singer, model, actress and TV presenter.
  • Levi is an Israeli singer.
  • Gauri is a Canadian top model.

Numerology and astrology

According to numerology lucky number names - two. Such people are distinguished by diplomacy, tact and honesty. They are respected at work because they can be relied upon in any situation. However, among them there are many hypocrites who strive to satisfy their vanity at any cost.

“Two” women can achieve a high position in society, but only if they organize their time correctly.

The astrological symbolism of the name is presented in the table:

Mascot Meaning
Talisman stones: rock crystal, topaz, amber
  • Rock crystal enhances creativity and makes a person more patient.
  • Topaz helps to find peace, relieve stress and bring joy.
  • Amber enhances a person’s energy, reveals his talent and potential, and allows him to make the right decisions.
Color: whiteSymbolizes freshness, sincerity, innocence, purity. Woman with a name white doesn't like injustice. She is open, wise and religious, often finding a calling in serving God
Patron Planet: MoonPeople who are patronized by this planet have developed intuition and entrepreneurship.
Spirit animal: seahorseSuch people easily adapt to different circumstances and strive for harmonious love relationships.
Amulet plant: jasmineJasmine has a beneficial effect on a woman named Yasmina, so it is advisable to plant the tree in front of the house or on a country plot

Character and destiny

The girl, whose name is Yasmina, is growing up as an unpredictable child. She has a rather interesting fate. She can be affectionate, but after a short period of time she becomes irritated. But mostly she grows up cheerful and does not cause her parents much trouble. She cannot be called a weak-willed quiet woman: since childhood, Yasmina has had a strong character. She is able to defend herself and defend her point of view with dignity.

Having matured, the girl changes in character -becomes more powerful and strives to achieve success in everything. If Yasmina sets a goal for herself, she will go towards it no matter what, but for the sake of achieving it she will not be able to sacrifice her moral principles.

Such a woman has a strong-willed character and a sharp mind. Material wealth means a lot to her; she knows her worth. She never considers other people's opinions and wants to get everything that life offers her.

Business and career

Yasmina strives to choose a profession that would give her the opportunity to show off in front of the public. She often achieves success as a singer or actress. He often chooses to work as a doctor and shows himself in the humanities (pedagogy, astrology, psychology).

A woman with this name can succeed in own business or in a management position. This is facilitated by character traits such as stubbornness and aggressiveness.

Relationships with others

Yasmina is a rather noticeable and memorable person who strives with all her might to express herself. Thanks to her charisma, people around her love her. They like a woman’s determination, but can be put off by her intolerance that arises when solving various problems. Developed intuition helps Yasmina in a variety of life situations.

She is often irritated by people who are not active and energetic. With age, a woman learns to control her behavior. Yasmina is true friend and often gives wise advice.

State of mind

A girl with this name has heightened sensuality. She is often exposed to emotional stress and has complexes that she does not tell anyone about.

Yasmina strives to keep everything under control, and when this does not work out, she begins to worry greatly about it.

Since a woman is too kind, many people take advantage of this for their own selfish purposes.

Romantic relationships and family

When choosing a partner, Yasmina is guided by her mind, not her heart.She often flirts and has many fans, but she chooses her soulmatefor a long time, strives to get married once and for life. Her chosen one must be as active as she is and be an accomplished person. The girl also pays attention to the beauty of the man. Yasmina's partner should not invade her personal space.

In marriage, a woman becomes a good housewife and a caring wife. Often her femininity is fully revealed after the birth of children, whom she loves very much.

The secret of the name is the excessive desire of its owner to make the family ideal. This can end in divorce, as the woman loses her ease in life and turns the relationship into fulfilling the “ideal family” plan.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

Yasmina is one of the forms of the Muslim name Jasmine (Jasmine), translated from Persian meaning “jasmine”, “jasmine branch”, “jasmine flower”.

The name Yasmina is widespread not only in the East, but also in Europe. So in Asian countries, the name Jasmine is most often used, although among Tajiks you can hear the name Yosuman (Yesuman), which is an analogue of Jasmine and Yasmina. In England, the girl’s name will be Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Zhazhmin, Jasmin, Zhazmina (Jasmina), in Italy - Jelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmi, Zhesmil, Jasmina, in Hungary - Yazmin, in Bulgaria - Jasmina, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmin, Yasmiina.

The diminutive Mina is also an independent name. There is also male name Yasmin.

Yasmina has a strong will, a lot of courage and ambition. She can often be short-tempered, especially when she has strong internal motivation or is very passionate about some activity that she does not want to break away from. Yasmina has a certain magnetism, it is believed that she is an original woman, which is emphasized by her appearance, the situation in the house, hobbies.

Yasmina values ​​material goods, money, and can turn out to be an excellent businesswoman. She has excellent intuition, so it is not so easy to abuse it. Yasmina has exceptional energy, and when she is infected with an idea, she becomes even stronger, and in passion she can even become aggressive. This girl knows very well what she wants to get. She will be an authority for other people.

Yasmina has many strengths that will perfectly prepare her for the realities of life. Once you meet such a girl in your life, you won’t forget her for a long time. One of negative traits The characteristics that the owner of this name has are irritability, intolerance towards others, and great sensitivity. Yasmina should instill respect for others from childhood, teach her to appreciate those people who are around her.

Yasmina loves to please others, to charm, to conquer. She values ​​the safety of her home, because this is the place where she feels comfortable and cozy. Yasmina is often very demanding in finding a life partner. It is important for her that he is rich, attractive, has a bright personality, is educated and appreciates her independence.

Yasmina chooses a profession related to something that will constantly maintain her interest. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere; you can often find owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanities (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

  • Short form of the name Yasmina. Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Jelsa, Jelsina.
  • Synonyms for the name Yasmina. Yasmine, Yazmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, Gelsomina, Jasmine, Jesmine, Hasmine, Yasmine, Yasmiina, Yasmein, Yosuman, Yesuman.
  • Origin of the name Yasmina. The name Yasmina is Muslim.

The most beautiful name Yasmina lately is becoming increasingly popular not only in the East, but also in European countries. The meaning of this name is interpreted differently. The fact is that in translation from Persian Yasmine means “jasmine flower” or “jasmine branch.” It is also often identified with the name Jasmine. However, on the other hand, experts say that the name Jasmine is in no way related to Yasmina, which actually translates as “flower of paradise.” So, several interpretations are acceptable here.

Depending on the culture and language, the name Yasmina may take on a different connotation and meaning. For example, in English it is written like this - Jasmina, and pronounced like Jasmin.

As for the abbreviated version of the name, the following are most often used:

  • Yasminka;
  • Mine;
  • Yasma;
  • Minka;
  • Jelsa.


The owners of this name are quite strong and ambitious girls.

Young Yasmina most likely stands out among her peers for her love of life and calm disposition. The girl is quite diligent and obedient, does not cause trouble to her parents and is well brought up. However, behind the external calm lies immeasurable strength. In no case should you underestimate her and consider her just a quiet person. Yasmina knows how to stand up for herself, knows how to defend her point of view. Diplomatic talent is well developed. Already at a young age, Yasmina has a strong-willed character, which is hidden behind a veil of calm.

The girl is very capable in studies, she is especially good at the humanities. She also has creative potential: Yasmina is interested in music, art, dancing, and, quite possibly, may try all types of activities before finding her own.

With age, Yasmina’s calmness and prudence grow stronger, and her spirit becomes even stronger. She is endowed with powerful charisma, which, like a magnet, attracts people to her. She has excellent manners and a sense of humor, which is mixed with natural coquetry. All this helps the girl achieve her goals. However, Yasmina strives not so much for material well-being as for the idealization of her life, which often turns out to be its disadvantage - natural perfectionism sometimes becomes an obstacle.


To understand the fate of the name Yasmina, you should turn to numerology. Fate is ruled by the deuce, which means that Yasmina’s fate will have many sharp turns. By nature, the girl is rather flighty, which causes her emotional instability. Yasmina needs to learn restraint and chastity, try not to get into serious arguments and not succumb to provocation. She needs to learn to accept people as they are, with all their strengths and weaknesses.

Name characteristics

The name Yasmina has the following set of characteristics:

  1. Planet - Moon;
  2. Name color - White;
  3. Stone - garnet;
  4. Tree - Lily;
  5. Plant - Jasmine;
  6. The patron animal is the seahorse.

Angel Day

The name Yasmina is not included in the list of the Orthodox or Catholic calendar, so name days are not celebrated.


Due to her ardent disposition and strong-willed character, Yasmina most often chooses creative or related public speaking professions.

Often, owners of this name also succeed in business.


Girls named Yasmina are quite scrupulous in choosing a life partner. As a rule, elegant in their own right, Yasmins want to see a respectable, intelligent man next to them.

When creating her family, Yasmina carefully approaches the issues of comfort and harmony in it, becoming an excellent housewife and caring wife.


Yasmina has fairly good health, but she is susceptible to mental illnesses: nervous breakdowns, psychoses. She needs to constantly strengthen her nerves and protect herself from irritating factors.

Compatibility with other names

The most favorable and fruitful relationships develop with men who bear the following names:

  • Fedor;


The list of the most outstanding bearers of the name Yasmina is small, but no less significant. It includes:

  1. Yasmina Reza is a famous French woman - theater and film actress, playwright. Her plays are popular in theaters in Europe and America.
  2. Jasmina Mihailovic is a writer and literary critic originally from Serbia, and is also a popular literary critic.
  3. Yasmina Gauri - “black swan” or “rose of the East” - Canadian top model.
  4. Yasmina Blyth is an American, former actress and fashion model.
  5. Jasmina Wehr is a famous German tennis player.

Those with the name Yasmina are fragile and tender, but at the same time passionate and powerful natures, capable of harmoniously combining external coquetry with internal strength.

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The name comes from the name of the jasmine flower (English jasmine, German Jasmin, Spanish jazmín, Italian gelsomino), going back to the Persian “yasmine”.

It is not Christian, therefore it is not included in the calendar, name days are not celebrated.


The name Yasmina is widespread not only in the East, but also among European peoples.

  • Options: in Asian countries, the name Jasmine is most often used, but you can also hear Yosuman (Yesuman). In England the girl's name will be Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Zhazhmin, Jasmin, Zhazmina (Jasmina), in Italy - Jelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmi, Zhesmil, Jasmina, in Hungary - Yazmin, in Bulgaria - Jasmina, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmina, Yasmiina.
  • Diminutive forms: Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Jelsa, Jelsina.


IN childhood Yasmina has a calm character, although the girl is quite cheerful. Yasmina is easy to raise, because the girl grows up obedient and does not contradict without a good reason. However, you should not consider Yasmina a shy quiet person; she can quite stand up for herself and often very persistently defends her point of view. Already at an early age, she develops a strong and strong-willed character, although Yasmina rarely demonstrates these qualities in public. It is important for parents not to indulge their daughter’s whims, but at the same time to show that her opinion is listened to. Then Yasmina will quickly learn to negotiate with others, and it will be much easier for her to build relationships in the future. In the case of authoritarian pressure, a girl can grow up losing many of the qualities of her name.

Success in studies and sports

Yasmina finds it easy to study and is especially successful in the humanities. She tries to please her parents with her grades, and usually she succeeds. Failure to do well may only be due to a lack of interest, but usually girls with this name are interested in everything in the world, from a small bug to the vast Universe.

Yasmina grows up as a creatively gifted child and is often interested in various extracurricular activities. She can go to dances, to a theater studio or somewhere else. If she likes it, then she can achieve serious success in this. Among her hobbies she selects games that in one way or another involve erudition and creativity; sports interests her little.

Fate in love, marriage and family

Yasmina is attractive, has an inner attraction and is capable of breaking more than one man’s heart. Yasmina chooses her life partner, guided, first of all, by the arguments of her heart, but not through cunning calculations. However, initially Yasmina makes high demands on her future husband. It is important for her that the person is attractive, wealthy, educated and, of course, appreciates her as a person. Despite practicality in everyday life and the desire to live securely, Yasmina strives to do a lot herself. IN family life a woman with this name will be the head, even if her husband opposes it. She is very powerful, and also smart, so it will not be difficult for her to forever tie her chosen one to her, even if he is not particularly pleased with the constant pressure from his wife.

But the characteristic of the name Yasmin is such that if she comes across a truly strong, sincere loving man who can restrain his wife’s irrepressible will for freedom and power, then in the end we can expect significant changes in the girl’s position in the family - she will become affectionate, obedient, loving, and when the kids appear, she can be called an ideal mother.

Name compatibility

  • Excellent Compatibility: Maxim, Danil, Mikhail, Dmitry, Andrey, Kirill, Vasily, Igor, Egor, Ruslan.
  • Poor compatibility: Sergey, Ilya, Matvey, Nikita, Grigory, Vladislav, Denis, Alexey, Roman.

Characteristics in career

Yasmina chooses a profession related to something that will constantly maintain her interest. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere; you can often find owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanities (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

Yasmina loves and knows how to work. Her characteristic hard work and responsibility are especially respected by her colleagues and, of course, in demand among employers. Yasmina knows how to improve relationships in a team, although sometimes she herself is the cause of quarrels, since she takes many work issues very seriously, and she boldly points out their shortcomings to careless people. Of course, this does not lead to much popularity, but in the end everyone understands that she is right.

For her subordinates, the owner of this unusual name will be an unquestioned authority, although often a slight whisper of discontent will be heard behind her back, since she is very demanding and wants strict obedience and exact fulfillment of demands from workers.


Yasmina's health can be called ideal. She rarely gets sick, and if she does get infected or catch a cold, she usually tolerates the disease easily. A woman named Yasmin maintains her health and beauty for a very long time and with almost no effort. However, sometimes this natural gift can be the origin of problems, since often those with good health neglect preventive measures.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Suitable for changeable zodiac signs such as Gemini, Cancer or Libra.
  • Patron planet: the name Yasmina corresponds to the Moon, which gives Yasmina a charming feminine energy.

The mystery of the name

Yasmina's secret can be called her excessive desire to make her family ideal. It happens that Yasmina tries so hard to achieve perfection in a relationship that she loses the ease of life.

Ultimately, this can lead to the fact that love fades away, and the relationship turns into the implementation of the “Ideal Family” business plan. She should be careful and prevent this from happening.


  • Element: water, just as changeable and stormy when it overflows its banks.
  • Metal of Yasmina and Moon: silver.
  • Color: white - a symbol of purity, the color of the Moon and jasmine petals.
  • Totem animal: seahorse.
  • Stone-amulet: Yasmina's stone is considered to be jasper.
  • Amulet plant: the best flower for Yasmina will, of course, be jasmine. It is very favorable for Yasmina to acquire a jasmine bush in front of the house or in the garden. Another decoration of her garden will be lilies.

Famous people with this name

  • Yasmina Reza is a French film and theater actress, novelist and playwright.
  • Jasmina Mihailovic is a writer of Serbian origin, literary critic and literary scholar.
  • Yasmina Khadra is the pseudonym of Algerian-born writer Mohammed Moulesoul, which was taken to protect him from military censorship.
  • Jasmin Woehr is a German tennis player who played in doubles.
  • Yasmine Lafitte is a porn actress of Moroccan origin who worked in France.
  • Yasmin Wagner - actress, singer, model, TV presenter.
  • Yasmin Levy is an Israeli performer.
  • Yasmin Ghauri is a top model of Canadian origin who began her career at the age of 17.
  • Yasmine Blyth is an American model and actress, known for the TV series “Baywatch” and “Detective Nash Bridges”.
The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.

Compatibility of the name Yasmin, manifestation in love

Yasmin, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

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