How to get better quickly for a man at home. How to gain weight for a skinny guy: general recommendations

How to eat and... get fat? Weird question? There is nothing unexpected about it. While millions of people around the world are struggling with treacherous kilos, refusing the second piece and scrupulously counting calories, there are many who dream of gaining more rounded and respectable shapes.

At the same time, there are much more skinny people among men than among women. Therefore, the question of how to gain weight for a man is very relevant.

For women, thinness is desirable. But for many men it becomes a real problem. This is understandable: nature has given it in such a way that the keeper of the home can conceive and bear a baby (that’s why those same kilos are deposited on the stomach and hips), and the breadwinner and protector of the man can get food and protect from many dangers.

Here’s the first reason why it’s so difficult for many men to gain weight: if you’re overweight, you can’t gain much and can’t save it reliably, which is why nature has rewarded the representatives of the stronger half of humanity with a much more intense metabolism. So that nothing unnecessary is put off. But on the other hand, it is also unlikely that you will be able to cope with your role, being thin and weak...

Many men inherit thinness from their parents. Unfortunately, you can’t argue with a set of genes. And if both mom and dad are different tall and fragile physique, the likelihood that their baby will grow up squat, stocky, with slanting fathoms in the shoulders is very small.

Often, a man’s inability to gain weight is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or impaired metabolism. This cannot be done without consulting a specialist. You should be prepared for the fact that you will be prescribed pills and will have to undergo treatment at home for more than one week, but as soon as your health returns to normal, it will be much easier to quickly bring your weight back to normal.

We gain kilograms correctly: intensively...

You often hear from thin men, especially young men: I eat, I eat, I eat all day long, but to no avail. Nevertheless, not only the quantity, but also the quality and calorie content of food is of great importance.

You need to eat often, every 3-4 hours, and plentifully. A full breakfast, lunch and dinner plus two snacks during the day is a mandatory minimum program for a man who wants to gain weight. Female type of diet - small portions, fresh fruits and vegetables without a gram of vegetable oil, fermented milk, meat products with a minimum fat content, giving up baked goods and desserts is completely unsuitable for you.

Load up on butter-flavored porridges, rich soups, omelettes, don’t give up main courses and desserts, and include legumes in your menu - an excellent source of vegetable protein. Fresh vegetables– as much as possible, but they should not form the basis of the diet. Generous portion vegetable salad can only serve as an addition to meat or fish, a potato side dish, but cannot be the only dish on a man’s dinner table.

Eat better dishes, prepared at home. If you do not have the opportunity to enjoy a full lunch in a cafe or need to eat quickly, take food with you. Forget fast food! Chips, crackers, baked goods bought on the run are prohibited for any man. If you didn’t have time to take home-cooked lunch with you, buy a package of cottage cheese, some kefir, nuts and dried fruits at the nearest supermarket - a complete dish, cooked quickly and also rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, you’re ready!

Fast food is also not suitable for snacking. Make it a rule to keep nuts, seeds, dried fruits on hand, take sandwiches and home-made pastries with you. Nuts and seeds contain healthy oils, dried fruits are a valuable source of carbohydrates for men, and bakery products saturates well. After just a week or two of these snacks, you will notice an increase of two to three kg.

Not only the food composition is important, but also the calorie content of the food. An average of 2500 kcal per day is approximately the same as the average body temperature, and you need to focus on this figure with many adjustments. The optimal caloric content of a man's daily diet is weight in kg, multiplied by 45. By simple calculations, you can find out that the daily minimum calories for a man weighing 60 kg is 2700 kcal. And to gain weight, you need to consume an additional 400–500 kcal per day.

To a man accustomed to making do with the culinary minimum, such large meals may seem excessive. Get your body interested in food! To whet your appetite, use spices, cook new dishes, try new foods. After some time, you will notice that you managed to recover quickly and without much difficulty.

However, recovering quickly is only half the battle. What is much more important is how you gain weight: through thickening of the fat layer or muscle growth. Playing sports is a mandatory step on the path to the courageous figure of a real man.

Give preference to strength sports: weightlifting, bodybuilding, working with dumbbells and barbells, abdominal exercises. It is not at all necessary to exercise every day: 3-4 well-done workouts per week will allow you to gain weight. A man can train effectively at home, but at first you will benefit from consulting a professional trainer.

…additionally supporting the body

Some men, ready to do anything to get better very quickly, take a very dangerous and slippery path. Steroids are drugs, most often tablets, that help you gain muscle mass without much effort. However, these tablets are completely unsafe for health. Moreover, professional athletes caught using them are severely punished, including disqualification and inability to compete in major competitions. It will undoubtedly be possible for a man to gain weight with their help, but it won’t be difficult to develop health problems either.

How to support your body? Additional intake of vitamins, microelements, and drugs that improve metabolic processes is not prohibited at all. These tablets will bring undoubted benefits.

Another substance designed to help a man get better at home is brewer’s yeast. They are easy to obtain in liquid form and are also available in tablet form. Brewer's yeast is unique in that it contains B vitamins, as well as many amino acids and microelements.

This substance normalizes metabolic processes, increases the body’s resistance to many viral and even infectious diseases - and is guaranteed to add several pounds to a man! Its safety can be judged even by the fact that brewer's yeast tablets are even prescribed to children! You can take 3 tablets per day, the maximum allowable dose is 6 tablets.

These few tips will help you on your way to a manly figure:

  • Monitor your weight changes. The most optimal growth is 1 kg per week. This way you can get better without harming your health;
  • drink as much fluid as possible. The required minimum for a man is 2 liters of water per day. Also, don't neglect milk, fruit and vegetable juices;
  • get enough sleep! Muscles grow especially actively during the rest period. Don't neglect 7-8 hours of sleep!

Bought a subscription to Gym, you lift all sorts of dumbbells and barbells there and, it would seem, everything is great, in a week or two you will pump up.

But no result, no treasured biceps the size of Everest? Then run and carry the buckwheat and chicken, sit back and read.

Today's article is about how to eat to gain weight for a skinny man.

There can be quite a lot of problems, and no one will understand it better than you. Let's face it and admit to yourself what is the reason that you still cannot fight back the girl from the next door who is taking your ice cream:

  • I am a sparrow man and one piece of bread lasts me for 3 weeks;
  • I love cookies and sweets, and I skewered your porridge with meat;
  • that I, in the army, or something, in order to comply with the regime, if I want, I won’t eat all day, if I want, I’ll empty the refrigerator at 2 o’clock in the morning.

You eat very little

The first problem is that you don't work as hard in the kitchen as you do in the gym.

Your energy costs are higher than your energy consumption. And this is the biggest mistake for guys with a thin physique.

If you train regularly and correctly, and the mass does not rush, it means that you should eat more.

You're not eating what you need

You need to eat a lot, of course, but this does not mean that you should have a personalized table at the nearest McDonald's. This will only lead to the appearance third chin, which will gracefully flutter in the wind, and at night hug and warm better than any girl.

Of course, the muscles will also grow, but they will be hidden so deep that Indiana Jones himself will not be able to find them.

Over time, you will join the ranks of the army of chubby guys shaking the Internet with the question, . But keep in mind that this ancient magic is not available to everyone, so eating all sorts of nasty things is not the best option.

A diet that won't let you gain weight

Very often I meet people who have tea for breakfast, at lunch they simply look towards cutlets, and in the evening they eat everything that was prepared in case of nuclear war and accumulated in the cellar for decades.

This option will not lead to anything good either. Even if all energy costs for the day are covered in one go. All elements obtained from food simply will not be absorbed and will go to feed the alligators that live in the sewer, if you know what I mean.

Besides this wildly slows down metabolism and reduces your chances of somehow becoming Hercules to nothing.

What, how and when to eat correctly?

In order to type better, you need to understand do you even eat enough?. First you need to calculate the BZHU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) necessary for your diet. It's not that hard to do, you just need to know your weight.

How much do you weigh?

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For 1 kg of your own weight you need collect:

  • 2 g protein;
  • 0.7 g fat;
  • 4 g carbohydrates.

This will be your starting plan.

If you still can’t gain BJU with this amount, then gradually increase them, give priority to carbohydrates.

Based on these numbers it will be necessary pick up products, with which you will collect this amount.

It would be optimal to do 3-4 doses.

Breakfast This is a must, this is the most basic meal of the day.

After a night's sleep, our energy reserves in the body are depleted; they definitely need to be replenished. It should be mainly carbohydrates, as well as protein, for example, some kind of porridge and eggs. Tea sandwiches won't give you the figure of your dreams.

During the day You also need to eat mostly carbohydrates, but there should also be enough protein. This is again porridge and, for example, meat.

In the evening you need to give the benefits to protein. Don't forget about vegetables, they are incredibly healthy. Of course, they have few calories, but if you cut them into a salad and season vegetable oil, then you can get a couple hundred calories without straining at all.

In the evening, protein should predominate in the diet. Meat, fish, eggs. Carbohydrates will also not be superfluous, but there is no point in focusing on them.

And of course, don’t forget to exercise, because in order to gain quality, you must give your muscles a load, so they will grow. If you don't you can't bring yourself to go to the gym because of laziness or lack of confidence, read my article about

As the famous proverb says, people are greeted by their clothes. From time immemorial, it has been the custom that the first opinion about a person is formed by his appearance. And ours modern society is no exception to this rule. For a man, confidence in his physical characteristics plays a significant role.

There are often cases when the question of how a man can quickly gain weight and mass turns into an insoluble problem. The problem has genetic roots: some people can gain weight without any problems, but others, no matter how hard they try, cannot.

The problem of weight gain is solved for men in such areas as bodybuilding and professional fitness. By gaining body weight we mean an increase in muscle mass.

This article is precisely aimed at helping you solve this problem as quickly as possible for a man to gain weight and mass (if, of course, you have it).

How can a man gain weight quickly?

Diet for weight gain

The very first rule of such a diet is to completely abandon processed foods. As a rule, it is very difficult for men. You need at least 2 g of complete protein per 1 kg of your body weight.

And when eating cutlets taken from the “quick frozen” department, it’s difficult to gain anything other than fat. This food is extremely poor in protein, which acts as construction material for muscles. But it contains extremely high cholesterol and simple carbohydrates.

The first “whale” of your diet which will allow you to gain the desired muscle mass, is a high-quality and complete protein. In order to get this important component, you should have a minimum of: on your table every day:

  • 2 servings of fish or meat,

  • egg white – 2-3 servings,

  • cottage cheese 5-9% fat or protein powder.

The second “whale” is carbohydrate fuel.

IMPORTANT: in order for a man to gain weight, 4-8 g of carbohydrates are required per 1 kg of body weight, possibly more.

To do this, do not forget that it is simply necessary to consume fresh fruits. After your workouts, add jam or preserves to the cottage cheese, and don’t forget to cook porridge in water. Be sure to eat cereals and pasta (but they should only be made from flour durum varieties), bread.

The third “whale” is fats. If you want to gain just the right amount of weight, then it is very important for a man to get enough omega-3 and omega-6 fats. They serve for the proper production of testosterone.

To do this, it is best for you to use:

  • fatty fish,

  • quail eggs.

LET'S FORGET about sausage and pork. The fat contained in meat creates, firstly, the potential risk of future cholesterol problems; secondly, protein absorption is blocked.

Unlike the earth’s plane, you also have a fourth “whale” - fractional nutrition. If you eat 1-2 times a day (as the vast majority of men do), you will not be able to gain muscle mass. Your muscles will starve, since huge portions of food are poorly digested.

And lastly: minerals, vitamins C and E. They act as antioxidants in your body. They also interfere with the production of cortisol (this hormone inhibits muscle growth).

Muscle or fat?

The answer is clear: muscles! Let it be known that muscle is heavier than fat. This phenomenon interacts with cellular structure. Muscle cells are several times denser than fat cells.

Muscle cells contain water and proteins, fat cells contain fats, which are called lipids.

Lipids are much less dense in structure than proteins in water (or muscles). This is the basis for the conclusion that muscles are heavier than fat. Sometimes the reason your weight stays the same is because there is a difference in the weight of muscle and fat. Exercise burns fat and can also help build muscle.

According to professional fitness trainers, you can gain weight both at home and while playing sports. For men, given the peculiarities of their physiology, this is more difficult for women than for women. Increasing quality mass in representatives of the stronger half of humanity is impossible without taking supplements and adjusting the lifestyle in general.

Knowing the basic rules of nutrition and ways to speed up the process of getting results, a man will be able to change his appearance within 3-4 weeks from the moment he starts working on himself.

It is possible for a man to gain weight at home in either a week or a month. The quality mass gained in a month will be larger in volume and will remain for a longer period.

When increasing the weight of their own body, representatives of the stronger half of humanity need to be guided by the basic rules of working on themselves. They vary depending on the desired result and the time a man has at his disposal.

How to gain weight for a man at home? One of the many, but simple tips- drink at least 2 liters of water.

Goal Principles and rules of competent self-improvement
How to quickly gain 5-10 kgTo avoid harming your own health when gaining 5-10 kg, a man should:
  • avoid intense physical activity after eating (this will save calories entering the body and minimize the risk of using them to produce energy);
  • within 10-15 minutes. after eating, lie down or sit in a relaxed state (this will ensure the absorption of the main part of the beneficial micro- and macroelements entering the body with food);
  • for cardio exercises, choose walking in the fresh air, giving preference to forests or parks, where the rhythm of life will “force” a person to slow down and maximally saturate his body with oxygen, which is necessary not only for health, but also for getting rid of fat and effectively gaining muscle mass;
  • eat at least 4 times a day, and the serving size should be no more than 200 g;
  • make it a rule to take a walk before going to bed (this relaxes the body and contributes to the high-quality restoration of the body’s strength during sleep);
  • make a choice in favor of foods rich in vitamins and beneficial elements (vegetables, fruits, cereals)
How to gain weight in a weekTo achieve the maximum possible result in gaining weight at home, a man should:
  • include high-calorie foods in your diet;
  • exceed the normal amounts of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates recommended for maintaining current weight by about 20%;
  • drink as much as possible clean water(at least 2 l);
  • provide physical activity your body (at least 40-60 minutes of strength training with available weights);
  • sleep at least 9-10 hours every night
How to gain weight in a monthGaining weight within a month is considered the safest and most effective for both men and women. To achieve results, fitness trainers recommend that men:
  • eat food every 3 hours, while making sure that its calorie content is “healthy” (you should not eat sweets and baked goods, as such weight gain will not only worsen appearance men, but can also significantly undermine his health);
  • include in your menu natural supplements that stimulate weight gain (before taking any type of sports nutrition, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo basic tests to determine the condition of the body as a whole);
  • exercise at least 3 times a week according to an individually designed training program at home (a professional fitness trainer should think through the complex);
  • increase the total calorie content of your diet by 10-15% of the main indicator;
  • strictly follow a daily routine, which includes not only eating according to the clock, but also devoting the proper amount of time to rest and proper sleep

The most effective pills for weight gain in men

No fitness trainer or nutritionist will tell you how to gain weight for a man at home without resorting to taking natural supplements. Considering physiological characteristics, most middle-aged men without genetic predisposition to obesity, have a fast metabolism, which prevents the rapid gain of quality mass.

You can achieve the desired result most quickly using the following technique:

Drug name Brief description and method of administration
Vitamins and mineralsConsidering that metabolic processes in the male body can proceed normally only if there is no deficiency of vitamins and minerals, when gaining muscle mass, taking this kind additives are a mandatory component. Otherwise, biochemical reactions will slow down, due to which the effectiveness of measures taken by a particular man to increase his own weight will remain minimal. To further enrich the human body, professionals recommend taking:
  • vitamin A (stimulates the formation of new cells and muscle fibers);
  • B vitamins (support protein synthesis, promote the absorption of fat cells, nourish cells, stimulate recovery processes);
  • vitamins C and E (stimulate regenerative reactions and act as antioxidants in the body, ridding it of toxins ingested with low-quality foods).

Professional fitness trainers and nutritionists do not recommend taking multivitamin complexes. Such drugs usually contain insufficient amounts of useful substances. It will be more effective to alternately take single-component groups of vitamins. In addition to taking synthetic supplements, when gaining weight, a man should focus on the “right” food products that, when consumed correctly, can compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. These include:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits (preference should be given to seasonal products);
  • poultry (especially turkey and chicken breasts, which contain the maximum amount of protein);
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • fermented milk products (you should not choose low-fat products, since in order to achieve a low percentage of fat content, the manufacturer exposes its product a large number treatments, including chemical ones)
Brewer's yeastBrewer's yeast is a natural supplement that can not only speed up a man's weight gain process, but also improve his overall health. After taking brewer's yeast, representatives of the stronger half of humanity note:
  • improvement of the condition of the skin, nails, hair (eliminate vitamin deficiency);
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • getting rid of stress and even depression;
  • increase in efficiency and amount of physical strength during the working day;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels (relevant for people suffering from diabetes);
  • significant acceleration of weight gain.

To obtain maximum effectiveness from taking brewer's yeast, you should take it in its pure form. You can purchase such a product only at specialized enterprises.
Brewer's yeast, produced in tablets or powder, is less useful and has virtually no effect on the process of gaining “quality” mass in men. If you take the supplement in question correctly, you can increase your weight by 3-4 kg without causing harm to your health. Before including brewer's yeast in your diet, it is important to analyze whether a particular person has contraindications for taking it. The most common ones include:

  • gout;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • tendency to exhibit allergic reactions;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to penicillin;
  • infectious diseases (especially candida type)
dietary supplementsDietary supplements are recommended for men to take only after consulting a therapist. The doctor, having assessed the person’s health status, makes a decision on what scheme to introduce supplements into the menu. The most common medications prescribed for weight gain are:
  • amino acids (it is recommended to take up to 15 g per day 2-3 times a day. The dietary supplement helps normalize the balance of vitamins and minerals, and also accelerates protein synthesis in the body);
  • gainer (sports nutrition, the composition of which includes a high content of proteins, carbohydrates and flavors) (this supplement should be taken according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of taking a gainer will be maximum only if the man is involved in sports and leads healthy image life);
  • protein (a dietary supplement, the intake of which guarantees a man a qualitative increase in muscle mass. Protein powder should be taken 1-2 times a day, 50-75 g, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. As an alternative to protein shakes, you can include protein bars or “healthy” foods in your diet » baked goods containing protein powder).
Hormonal drugsHormonal drugs are usually taken by professional athletes in preparation for competitions or performances. These medications contain the male hormone testosterone, a large amount of which in the body contributes to the rapid growth of muscle mass. Among the safest hormonal drugs are:

Purchase the listed pharmaceutical products It is only possible with a doctor’s prescription, since their indiscriminate use can cause significant harm to the body, in particular, provoke hormonal imbalance. To avoid undesirable consequences, before starting to take hormones, it is recommended to take a general analysis blood and conduct a detailed study of the man’s hormonal background. During the course, it is necessary to repeat the tests 1-2 times to make sure that there is no negative effect of the medications taken on the human body.

The pharmaceutical products in question work by:

  • increased appetite;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • increasing endurance and strength.

When taking hormonal medications correctly, men can gain up to 15 kg of “quality” mass in a month.

Other drugsAmong drugs that are not related to any of the above groups, naturopathic drugs are considered the most effective. Manufacturers position their product as the most natural and safe for men of all ages. The composition of naturopathic remedies includes an increased content of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances that promote the growth of “quality” mass. If taken correctly, you can gain 5-7 kg without harm to health.

To others effective way increase your weight in as soon as possible is taking steroids. In the territory Russian Federation their distribution and reception is punishable by law. They are usually obtained through “underground” methods by athletes seeking to increase their body weight in a matter of days, without caring about the consequences for their body (in addition to the negative effect on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, steroids also “impair” the cardiovascular system, whose condition is directly affects the general condition of a man gaining weight).

How to gain weight without steroids

How a man can gain weight at home and increase the definition of his body can be done without the participation of synthetic drugs that have Negative influence to your health. To do this, you must follow the basic recommendations of professionals related to nutrition and lifestyle in general.

Nutrition rules

Nutrition when gaining muscle mass should be balanced and varied. Before you think over the list of products that need to be purchased for cooking for the main meals, it is important to calculate the calorie intake.

It is advisable that a professional fitness trainer or nutritionist do this, since only a specialist will be able to correctly calculate this indicator, taking into account physical activity person, as well as the characteristics of his health.

To gain “quality” mass, you need to consume 15-20% more calories daily than are required per day to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

In addition to the total calories, you should also remember about:

  • calculation of proteins (up to 25%), fats (up to 35%) and complex carbohydrates (up to 60%);
  • frequency of meals (optimally - eat no more than 150-200 g of healthy foods every 3 hours);
  • proper distribution of the daily volume of food (in the morning you need to eat the maximum amount of carbohydrates; make lunch balanced so that it includes proteins, fats (most of them), and carbohydrates; for dinner, consume only protein foods, which ensure a rapid increase in body weight with accompanying physical loads).

If a man has chronic diseases or unstable hormonal levels, his diet should be strictly controlled by his attending physician, since in this case any weight changes (even due to muscle gain) can negatively affect a person’s health.

Diet for weight gain

How to gain weight, a man (at home or during strength training in the gym) is usually told by a nutritionist or fitness trainer who has an idea of ​​​​the state of his health, and also knows what results he plans to achieve as a result.

If a representative of the stronger sex has no contraindications to weight gain, it is usually recommended to include in his diet:

Despite the high calorie content of a number of foods, their consumption during weight gain must be minimized.

These include:

How to gain weight by working out at the gym

How to gain weight at home can be clear even to a person who does not have deep knowledge of physiology, sports and proper nutrition. To achieve good results in gaining “quality” mass in the gym, you must follow the basic recommendations of professionals.

They are as follows:

How to adjust your lifestyle

“Qualitative” weight gain in a man is impossible without a radical change in a person’s lifestyle.

To not only transform your appearance, but also improve your health, it is recommended:

  • give up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • devote proper time to sleep (at night, to replenish physical and moral strength, a man needs to sleep at least 8-9 hours);
  • perform a complex physical exercise at least 2-3 times a week;
  • adjust your diet by giving up harmful products in favor of those containing “healthy” calories.

With any changes in the body, it is important for a person to listen to his own feelings. If you feel unwell or have other changes in your condition, you should consult a doctor and undergo additional examination of all body systems.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on how to gain weight for a man at home

How to Gain Weight at Home:

Now is the opportunity to write an article! I'm sorry there haven't been any updates for a whole week - I've been sick! Now he is on the mend. Although you will have to take your time with training.

Today we will talk about how to gain weight for a man. Last time I talked about how to gain weight, I gave you a lot of recipes and tips. If you haven't read it, be sure to read it.

By the way, I haven’t forgotten yet - I’m going to switch to a new template and therefore in the coming days the appearance of the Strength Factor will change a lot, but internal navigation will become more convenient. All for you, dear readers!

Let's get back to the topic. The first thing you need to get better is to change your diet in such a way that the number of calories consumed is greater than the number of calories burned, i.e. you eat more than you spend. It's like with money, if you earn more than you spend, then you have more money. Same with weight.

How to get better

You probably haven’t thought about the meaning of the word “ get better“, and it means to correct, change something, make adjustments. First of all, you will have to make adjustments to your daily and nutritional routine and start doing simple exercises.

To gain weight, a man needs to eat a lot and give his body strength training. With all other approaches, you will either gain weight or not gain weight. For example, if you follow my nutrition recommendations and run, you won’t gain weight because your muscles won’t grow! Running does not stimulate muscles to grow; it is an aerobic exercise. In this case, if you increase the caloric content of your diet, weight gain will mean only one thing - an increase in body fat!

When you set a goal get better, then you didn’t want to swim with fat, you wanted to improve your figure, add some volume.

There is an interesting point: fat is deposited throughout the body, but in some places especially heavily, this is caused by hormones, so men and women gain weight differently. But you can lose weight in certain places only with the help of liposuction (fat pumping), i.e. surgically. If someone tells you that you can easily get fat, and then just remove extra centimeters in certain places, then he is blatantly lying to you!

It's a different story with muscles. You train certain muscle groups and they grow.

Here is a small list of body parts that many men dream of enlarging:

Do not work more than two muscle groups in one workout, do not perform more than four to five exercises in one workout. The less the better, the main thing is intensity. I never do more than two exercises a day and my muscles are growing well and my weight is growing.

Be sure to do full barbell squats. This exercise will make your whole body grow, not just your legs! For the chest, do dumbbell presses at a 30-degree angle. For the back, wide grip pull-ups.

You need a high calorie diet because weight training burns a lot of calories. This is the most energy-consuming activity. But we need it to gain muscle mass.

The gym is necessary to gain weight

You can add a couple of kilograms at home, but if you need more, you will have to go to the gym or create it at home. If you live in an apartment, the neighbors will clearly not be happy. Therefore, I recommend going to the gym.

The faster you want results, the stricter you will have to follow your diet and regimen and the harder it will be to train in the gym. If you are satisfied with the speed of achieving results in a few months, then relax, train, eat, as I said, and the weight will go away. This is the most comfortable way. Slower is always more comfortable.

The main thing to remember is that nutrition is the most important detail in the process of gaining weight, without proper nutrition you will never get better!

That's all for me. See you in the next article.

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