How to do homework quickly and correctly? How to do homework correctly How to attach files.

Learning to do homework

Should parents sit with their child while he or she is doing homework? Many mothers and grandmothers believe that this is necessary. And they are wrong! When a child is under constant control, he does not have the opportunity to learn to concentrate and work independently. At the slightest difficulty, he turns to elders for help. And in the end, he forces them to explain and solve what he should understand and solve himself. That is, parents perform the most difficult mental and emotional part of the work for the student.

What does this lead to?

When answering at the board, such children get lost. AND test papers They cannot write on their own.

Let's start doing our homework. How to proceed?

Children love rituals and follow them easily. Let preparing homework become one of your rituals.

1.Create order in the workplace. It is necessary to check whether everything is available to complete the task.

2. Check if homework is written down.

3. We classify tasks according to principles: simple and complex, written and oral, favorite and unloved.

You should never start your homework by memorizing poetry. There is no need to start with the most difficult task. Since difficult things sometimes take a lot of time, something doesn’t work out, the child feels not successful, and he loses the desire to work further. You should start doing homework with your favorite subject.

4. Explain to the child the sequence of actions.

5.When the task for a particular subject is completed, adults should check for errors. Ask the child to recite the necessary rules and definitions by heart.

If a student sits at home for a long time, it is necessary to artificially limit the time he spends doing homework. The fact is that it is difficult for a child to maintain working capacity for more than one hour, so further sitting at the table simply does not make sense. When completing homework, you need to take a 10-minute break every 30-35 minutes. During a break, it is advisable to move actively. It is better for a slow student to do his homework in two or three approaches, and do other useful things in between.

6. Teach your child to start doing homework at the same time. Moreover, this time must be selected depending on the individual abilities of your child. The fact is that every person’s performance is not the same, and it is better. If during the period of its decrease the child rests. And at the peak, he will begin to successfully complete his homework. So pay attention to when exactly during the daytime the child is more lethargic and when he is more collected.

Here are a few techniques to help make your assignments more focused and meaningful.

1. My tongue is my friend. By saying his actions out loud, the child will more easily remember their sequence, appreciate the appropriateness and avoid thoughtless manipulation of numbers and concepts.

2. Repetition. Teach the student to read the assignment and condition at least twice. When repeating, he should pay special attention to the main data or concepts and the final question, trying to remember them. Having received the answer, you need to compare it with the question.

3.Drawing. The clarity of the conditions of the problem simplifies its solution, so the child should not be lazy to draw buses and trucks, boxes of fruit, etc.

For some reason, many people find the subject of solfeggio too complex, incomprehensible and confusing. A particular problem in such cases is doing homework. Why? Yes, because at home each of you, students, is left alone with the lesson, simply not understanding how to act so that everything will probably work out.

Dear friends! Let us educate ourselves together, let us learn to do solfeggio homework independently and without mistakes. Now read a little about what we have prepared for you. Of course, there are no “recipes” or ready-made works here. But here there is something completely different - we will heal your thoughts, we will learn to tune in to work with pleasure. Yes, any homework is work, and it is important to understand this.

What else needs to be done in class?

Here you are still in class, its end is approaching. What is your must-do without leaving the classroom?

  1. Write down in as much detail as possible write homework in a diary . Don't rely on your memory - everything flies out of your head after just 10 minutes. You just think that you will remember everything anyway!
  2. Find out what textbooks or books you will need . This is not always necessary, but sometimes it is relevant (for example, if you were given a summary, crossword puzzle or report). If you don't have necessary books at home, then after class, without wasting time and the opportunity to get a copy of the textbook, go to the library.
  3. If the task is not clear, then immediately ask the teacher to explain the task to you personally . There is no need to be embarrassed by this question. Yes, you still don’t need to be afraid to ask, even if the teacher spent the whole lesson yelling at the whole class. She won’t kill you anyway, the main thing is to speak politely. What can we say? You can do this: “Marya Ivanovna, please explain to me such and such a task.” Marya Ivanovna may object: “What don’t you understand here, you idiot? Did I say something unclear?” Or maybe I could calmly explain everything. In any case, at least try! In the first case, you can clarify what exactly you don’t understand, or simply ask them to repeat it. Maybe the reason is that you did not fully hear the task and, accordingly, did not fully record it in your diary? You can also ask clarifying questions in response to Marya Ivanovna: “Should this be done in writing or orally? And here you need to build from sound or tonality?” etc. The angrier Marya Ivanovna gets, the more you triumph over her (you are calm, even though you are afraid of her?).

When to do Solfeggio homework?

When you come home, rest if possible. When will we do our homework? It can be the next day after the lesson, or a day or two later. It is not recommended to do solfeggio homework directly on the day of the next lesson, or before going to bed the day before. Don’t leave such things for last, set a time (polchala) in your life that you will devote to solfeggio, and strictly follow the regime.

For example, a solfeggio lesson on Monday at 10.00. I will do solfeggio homework every Thursday from 11.00 to 11.30 or from 11.00 to 12.00. I am not a weakling and will not break the rules that I have made for myself.

What are the solfeggio homework assignments and how to do them?

They are different. Let's divide them into several categories:

1. Singing numbers from notes and learning them by heart

This is the main type of exercise that is given for almost every lesson. The tasks here are simple: conduct correctly and sing the right notes in the right rhythm. What to work on? Rhythm, if it is complex (triplets, dotted notes, sixteenth notes). Intonation, if there are complex turns of phrase (they cannot but exist). How to work on intonation? It is necessary to determine the tonality and degrees that are involved in complex intonation. Awareness of their place in the harmony should direct the singing in the right direction.

It is also useful to do intonation analysis. This is when we determine the direction of movement of the melody (up, down, in place), the method of movement (smoothly in steps, jumps, chromatically) or the intervals between individual sounds. We teach a difficult part separately (we directly take two or three sounds and repeat until we learn to sing them easily and naturally).

In order for singing to be expressive, you need to consciously divide the entire flow of sounds into motives, phrases and sentences. Why? Yes, because any number from the solfeggio collection is an example taken from musical literature. This is a piece of a piece that is sung or played. The division of a fragment into semantic parts must be felt. The text, if there is one, can help in some way in this matter. The boundaries of musical phrases coincide with the boundaries of poetic phrases.

2. Construction of scales, intervals, chords in key and from sound

This is also a type of work that is asked often. The usual task assumes that all this needs to be written in a notebook, and then also sung or played. For example, they are asked to write and . You know, yes, how is it?

For some reason, these tasks cause the greatest fear, as they are related to music theory. Yes, they are connected, so what's wrong with that? You will never be asked anything that you did not cover in class. Therefore, to do this homework, look at your notebooks - with the rules and with the class work. Perhaps you have examples there? Surely they will. Just repeat what you did in class. And if not? Then you just need to find the necessary theoretical material and be sure to understand it. And you don’t have to worry that it won’t work out or that you’ll waste a lot of time. It will work out, and the time spent will more than pay for itself.

If you missed a lesson where a new topic was explained, try at least using the explanations that are on our website. Here is just a list of topics on which we already have materials:

  • Three types of minor are
  • Three types of major are
  • How to build newts –
  • How to construct characteristic intervals –
  • How to remember key signs –
  • About four types of triad -
  • About the dominant seventh chord -
  • About the introductory seventh chords -

3. Theoretical work– crosswords, reports, exam tickets

These are the most interesting tasks. Crosswords should be made up of terms and explanations for them from those that you wrote down in class. Why exactly this way and not otherwise? Because your crossword puzzle must be solved by your classmate, and he will look for answers, first of all, in his notebook. Well, if everything is in order with his head, of course!

Regarding reports, it is always better to check the source of literature and content with the teacher. Regarding the preparation of answers to exam tickets. We always look for this in notebooks for rules, or where you wrote down all the information on new topics. As a last resort, complete your notes using our website, or using theoretical textbooks downloaded on the Internet.

For example, there is such a very good textbook - Vakhromeev “Elementary Theory of Music”. Of course, it is not intended for schoolchildren, but an average student can easily use it. Everything a student needs is presented there in an orderly and concise manner without unnecessary words.

4. Creative tasks

Here the tasks can be very different. These include drawings on a given topic, and, of course, composing music, songs, poetry, selecting accompaniment and selecting a second voice. What to say? Creative tasks are called creative because in them you need to somehow express yourself. Feel free to compose music as God puts it in your soul. You weren't taught this, were you? The only problem is that everything you compose must be written down in notes, so don’t prepare particularly complex and long compositions for the lesson - let them be small and easy.

  • How to make a crossword puzzle -
  • An example of a ready-made crossword puzzle in solfeggio -
  • How to write song lyrics -
  • How to compose a melody -

Why is it necessary to practice solfeggio at home?

You will not argue with the fact that the subject of solfeggio poses some kind of, but significant, difficulty for many. The way life works is that only one hour a week is allotted to study solfeggio. This is very little, since in a week absolutely everything flies out of the “student’s” heads.

If you do not consolidate the acquired knowledge at home, then studying will become more and more difficult. But if you study at home regularly, then problems with the subject will disappear on their own, and all science will become a mere trifle for you.

What should you never do, but can still be done sometimes?

Never shift responsibility for homework to another person - to your mother, for example. Don't let your parents help you with your homework. You have to handle it yourself. Do not look for ready-made answers to solfeggio homework on the Internet and do not leave requests for help in the comments on our website or on the “Answers on” website. This is shameful! Don't embarrass yourself!

What is possible? You can ask a knowledgeable person to help if you are really lazy. But you have to pay for help. No one will solve your own problems just like that!

From an early age, a person goes through all stages of personality development: kindergarten, school, college, university. The most vivid impressions and memories begin in first grade. The first teacher, bright books, covered with copybooks with still inept pens. Time flies by in an instant. And so last call, obtaining a certificate of secondary education, graduation. There is a bright future ahead.

But before that, you need to go through all the difficulties associated with studying: doing homework, essays, presentations. Sections, clubs, and tutoring are also included in the student’s schedule. The main question that faces parents and students is how to do homework quickly, correctly and on time.

Education system in kindergarten

From an early age, the child begins to learn to communicate with people around him. Skills of interaction with peers are acquired in a team. Kindergarten is a great place to acquire these skills. But at first, the child’s environment does not leave the most pleasant impressions. An unfamiliar place, strangers - all this has a depressing effect on the baby. An experienced and qualified teacher must adhere to a system of education and training in which adaptation to kindergarten will be the least painful, the child will be interested, and he will take part in the educational process with pleasure. IN kindergarten baby learns:

  1. Express your desires correctly.
  2. Defend your point of view.
  3. Listen to the opinions of others and respect them.
  4. Interact with peers.

In addition, the baby develops mentally, physically, aesthetically. A variety of activities are offered: music, dance, physical education, drawing, etc. This gives every student the opportunity to realize their potential.

Children are encouraged to participate in competitions in various areas. For the child, this is an opportunity to reveal his talents, and he gets down to business with enthusiasm. Of course, adults take an active part in this.

The question of how to do homework arises for parents even before school, when children are taught reading and writing skills, thereby preparing them for a new stage in their lives - for school. These are copybooks, poetry, reading books, etc.

In kindergarten, the process of learning new skills and abilities occurs naturally - through play, thereby the child learns society and his role in it.

School: education system, educational process

The time has come, and the child moves from the highchair to the desk. First class is always an exciting moment. Much is still unclear and unknown. But gradually the baby develops general idea about the process itself, because he spends most of his life at school.

The Russian education system includes several stages:

  1. Primary school (up to fourth grade). During this period, basic and elementary knowledge of writing, reading, mathematics, necessary in Everyday life. In addition, additional subjects are taught: the world, music, drawing, physical education, etc.
  2. Basic education (up to ninth grade). At this time, students gain knowledge in various disciplines. Each subject is taught in a separate room. After completing the course, if you pass the final exams successfully, you will be issued a certificate of basic secondary education. If desired, students can continue their education by moving to high school or other educational establishments: lyceum, gymnasium, college, school, etc.
  3. Senior grades (tenth and eleventh). At this time, students are intensively preparing for admission to higher education institutions. Upon completion, the Unified State Exam (USE) is taken and a certificate of complete secondary education is issued.

Basic subjects at school and daily preparation for them

Main disciplines at school:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Literature.
  3. Mathematics.
  4. English language.
  5. Story.
  6. Physics.
  7. Chemistry.
  8. Geography.
  9. Biology.

The learning process goes as follows: a topic on a specific subject is discussed and in order to master the material covered, you need to complete your homework. And this is where difficulties arise. The child is reluctant to complete it and is distracted by other activities not related to studies. Parents and students are faced with the question of how to do homework correctly, avoid mistakes and fully understand the material covered.

The main reasons why a child does not want to do homework:

  1. Fatigue after school due to heavy workload at school.
  2. Lack of attention from parents. With his reluctance to learn, the child tries to attract attention to himself.
  3. Some subjects are difficult to understand or uninteresting.
  4. Fear of difficulties. In other words, the child is afraid that he will not cope with the tasks assigned to him.

Parents should help cope with emerging difficulties, encourage success, not with sweets or games on a tablet or computer, but, for example, allocate additional time for walks in the fresh air.

  1. Observe regularly set mode day. The child will get involved in the process faster, then studying and doing homework will not seem like an overwhelming task.
  2. The student must complete homework independently. Parents help - tell, show, explain. Otherwise, this will greatly affect the result in the future.
  3. When doing homework, take a ten-minute break. This will enable the child to more easily assimilate the information received.

Work on mistakes

Russian language is one of the most important subjects at school. The child must learn to write correctly and without errors, and be able to express his thoughts. Spelling, punctuation, stylistics are the main directions in the Russian language and knowledge of them is required. It is important not only to memorize the rule, but also why it is needed and how to apply it correctly.

Here are some tips on how to make it at home:

  1. To begin, prepare workplace, remove unnecessary items (sheets, notebooks that are not related to the given subject).
  2. Review the material covered. Learn and repeat the rules, choose examples for them.
  3. Read the assignments or exercises carefully. If their implementation requires certain rules or definitions, find and learn them.
  4. When rewriting assignments, say what you have written out loud and be sure to check the spelling of difficult words. A spelling dictionary will do a great job of this.
  5. If the task is to rewrite the text, first you need to carefully read the sentence and make out unclear words. In this case, a dictionary is a great help. Then carefully rewrite the exercise.
  6. Check the completed work. If there are errors, point them out and offer to correct them carefully.

These tips are very easy to follow. Stick to them, and the Russian language will be simple and accessible to learn.


Mathematics is an equally important and perhaps the most difficult subject to understand. Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication - all this is found in everyday life. Therefore, basic knowledge of this subject is essential for a student.

Directions for doing your math homework:

  1. Prepare everything necessary to complete this subject (notebook, textbook, pen, pencil, etc.).
  2. Review the material covered in class.
  3. Read the assignments carefully. Start with the most difficult task.
  4. Make all calculations in draft form.
  5. Check the completed task and, if necessary, correct errors.
  6. Carefully copy it into your notebook.

Learning foreign languages ​​at school

English is taught at school from the second grade, and some from the first. This subject is not easy for everyone. The important factor here is perseverance and patience. However, this applies to all subjects studied at school.

Some simple rules how to do your English homework:

  1. Preparing the workplace, getting everything you need for this item.
  2. If the task is reading a text, then a dictionary is needed. Translate unfamiliar words separately and write them down in a separate notebook. Thus, words are better remembered.
  3. Retelling on English language- a difficult task, but quite doable. It is enough to retell it in native language, and then compose it in English. This teaches you to express your thoughts and emotions, which is very important in the study of this discipline.
  4. Grammar exercises are an integral part of learning foreign language. If done regularly, this will enable you to speak and write correctly. To do this, you need to carefully read the task and complete it using a dictionary and tables.
  5. Correct errors if necessary.

Nature and society

As an additional component, schoolchildren are taught about the world around them. This item helps:

  1. Understand the importance of nature and society as a whole.
  2. The importance of nature in human life, nature conservation.
  3. Study some natural objects and phenomena.
  1. Read the assignment carefully. If to complete it you need to find and learn definitions, do this using the material you have covered or the theoretical part of the textbook.
  2. If the task requires working with accessories such as glue, scissors, pencils, everything must be done carefully, without rushing.
  3. Check completed exercises. Correct errors if necessary.

Mastering the material covered, independent work

Each student solves tasks in ways that are understandable to them. In performing the exercises, his creative and intellectual abilities are revealed.

Homework should be interesting. With the right approach, the teacher will definitely interest the student, and then the question of how to do homework on a particular subject will be solved without much effort.

Now that teambuilding is a mandatory component in the work of any organization, many interesting event programs have begun to appear, including, of course, quests. To play quests, you don't need to know any special rules. Simple ingenuity will be enough. Event companies, as a rule, organize quests, but this does not mean that you cannot prepare a quest yourself. This is a fairly doable task, it just takes a little work.

How to make an quest game yourself?

1. Consider the features of the process.

This point implies that you clearly define your goals and objectives, agree on the team composition and think through the game itself. So, for example, you can choose as goals:

Team building;
- getting to know the city;
- just fun;
- advertise the sponsor.

As for the number of participants in each team, you should not exceed the number of 10. It is best when these are groups of 5 people. But still, one should proceed from the scale of the quest; the larger it is, the more participants will have to be involved.

And the last thing is the game process itself. There is plenty to choose from. You can play:
- time tracking;
- by the number of points;
- for the final passage.

2. Prepare tasks of different levels of difficulty.

The main thing in quest tasks is that they should be interesting. As for difficulty, try to choose best option. Not too complicated, but not childish either. Before including tasks in a quest, “test” them on your friends or acquaintances, see how long it takes them to solve the task. If the quest participants cannot solve the task for a long time, offer them hints, for each of which you can deduct points. You can have additional tasks in stock in case of hints, etc.

As for the tasks themselves, these could be:
- charades;
- puzzles;
- logic puzzles;
- historical;
- gaming (for example, “crocodile”).

3. Route for completing the quest.

If the quest takes place in a city, then you can simply take a map of the city, choose the most interesting places and place positions with tasks on them. By the way, if you conduct a real theatrical quest, you can invite real actors who will be dressed in the spirit of the time or events on which the idea of ​​the quest is based. The distances between “points” should be chosen taking into account many factors. This includes the age of the participants and their method of movement. If this is a walking quest, then it is better not to make the distance more than 1 km, but less than 50 m is also not the best option.

4. Prize fund for the quest.

Of course, prizes should be relevant to the entire team and not individual. In addition, all teams without exception should receive prizes. An excellent gift for the winners could be a cup and a joint trip for the whole team to some place.

5. Informing all quest participants.

First, prepare a list that includes everything that the quest participants will need. This could be a compass, pen, paper, map, stopwatch, etc. Distribute this list to participants.

Remind everyone that it is better to come to the quest in comfortable shoes so that you can cover the distance without any problems. Just in case, make first aid kits yourself, which will contain a plaster, a bandage, and peroxide.

How to make a quest more fun?

To ensure that the participants are fully immersed in the atmosphere of the game, collect their phones, tablets and everything that allows them to access the Internet. Only ingenuity, a map and a compass - and you will see how interesting and lively everything will be.

How to make a quest for children?

You can entertain children in different ways. However, it is much better if all this takes place in the form interesting game. An adventure quest in the form of a game is what you need for active kids. Here's a small example.

1. Draw an interesting map. Label them with clues and directions. If you want to give the paper an aged effect, dip it in coffee and dry it. Burn the edges.

2. Hide the next clues and let the children look for them. Under branches, in a hollow tree, etc.

3 . Add tasks and pictures to each clue. These can be sports tasks, logic or team tasks. The main thing is that it is interesting!

4. You can make original signs from scrap materials.

5. Some tasks can be written with “invisible” ink. To do this, you need to write with milk or lemon ink. Children can see what is written if illuminated with a candle.

6. You can bury the bottle with tasks or hide it. Leave hints nearby.

7. The final task should be a treasure. There you need to leave gifts for all the children. Don't forget anyone! These can be balls, candies, toys.

How to do a quest for a birthday?

A birthday quest is an individual gift. You need to start from what you like to a loved one. If he is a fan of science fiction films, you can organize a quest in the style of a movie. For example, according to the plot of Bond or Terminator.

If the birthday boy is delighted with cartoons, you can organize this too. However, remember, if the birthday person is going through a quest, there is no need to prepare overly complex tasks and make long distances between points on the route. Still, it can be boring for one. It's much better to organize fun quest in the company of friends who will help you complete tasks.

Doing homework is often associated with quite serious difficulties. Schoolchildren experience difficulties because they are tired after classes and want to quickly go about their business and relax. It is difficult for them to concentrate and take on the next job. It is not easy to start studying again at home and to approach each task responsibly. Successful activities require willpower and perseverance. Of course, fatigue takes its toll, and some disciplines themselves cause a negative attitude. For example, it is always harder to do homework in subjects that are less clear. The most important thing in such cases is to concentrate, follow the work algorithm, think through a lesson plan, manage time rationally and not be distracted. Take into account a number of nuances, remember the recommendations in order to quickly do your homework and avoid mistakes. Then you yourself will be surprised by the results: it turns out that you can work out much more efficiently and spend less time.

How to achieve high speed and literacy when doing homework?
First of all, you will need to remember important rule: you need to hurry slowly. You should not rush, try to write, read, and solve problems as quickly as possible. With this approach, the quality of work will immediately drop sharply, and additional time will be spent on checking and corrections. To truly improve your speed while avoiding mishaps, you need to manage your time carefully, be purposeful and focused, and avoid distractions.
  1. Start by creating a schedule for your home activities. It is advisable that you devote some time to studying every day, and not just immediately before going to school. If you distribute the load more evenly, your work will be much easier. Always take into account in your daily routine that lessons may take a little longer than you expected. Leave a reserve of 30 minutes to 1 hour. Try to complete everything on time, but don’t forget that you still have this reserve. Don’t let the length of the period allotted for completing tasks scare you: when you get used to working carefully, according to plan, it will take you noticeably less time than the designated period.
  2. Consider various factors related to other activities and work when determining your study time. It is advisable not to sit down for homework immediately after coming home from school. It’s better to take time to relax, take a break from studying, and have a snack. A good option– take a walk outside, do some sports. If you are tired, stop for passive rest: read a book, watch TV. However, don't take too long a break. Normal time for relaxation after school – 1-1.5 hours. Sometimes students prefer to get some sleep after returning from school, but this is not a good option. This way you will disrupt your routine; sleeping in fits and starts usually has a bad effect on the body. If you need this, you should consult your doctor. A good option is to get enough sleep at night so you won't want to lie down when you get home.
  3. Remember that the key to good work is order in everything. Once you have made a study schedule, always follow it. To remember to sit down for your homework on time, set an alarm clock. You will also need it to indicate periods of work between which you need to take a break, about 10 minutes. When there are a lot of lessons assigned, there is no need to do everything in a row to save time. You will need rest breaks, preferably every 35-50 minutes. Their frequency may also depend on the nature of the work: focus on your condition. If the work is fragmentary (for example, you are solving problems in physics or algebra), but you get tired of it, you can rest after 35 minutes. When a task is easier for you, but in itself requires a long time to complete (for example, writing an essay), you should take a break after 50 minutes, but rest a little longer.
  4. Keep all your things, school supplies, textbooks and notebooks in strict order. Then you will always have everything at hand, you won’t need to spend a long time looking for lost items or starting new notebooks. Please note that the environment itself will begin to create a working mood in you, when everything around you is in its place.
  5. When starting classes, take care of peace and quiet in advance. Nothing should distract you: turn off the TV, put your favorite books and magazines aside. It is advisable to turn off your computer and phone. This will help you do your homework correctly and not procrastinate.
  6. Create the most comfortable conditions for yourself. The table should be comfortable; remove all foreign objects from it. Choose the most suitable chair, pay attention to its height and compliance with the table. Try to sit up straight and not bend too low towards your notebooks. If you bend, in this position you will feel tired much faster, because the load on your spine and back will increase. You should not exercise on the sofa, lying down, as this negatively affects your vision.
  7. Gradually build your own “knowledge base.” Be sure to save your notes, notebooks, tests and written works, notes. All this will certainly be useful to you. Even if you have already moved to another class, do not throw away the papers: then the topics may be repeated, many of them are closely related to each other. Keep notes when you study on your own. For example, if some topic or subject causes you difficulties, try to fill in the gaps yourself: re-read the theory, take notes on difficult parts, and complete practical tasks. All these materials will help you master the information, master the necessary skills, and in the future you will be able, simply by looking at old notes, to reproduce everything in your memory.
  8. Think about the best order to do your homework. You can start with something simpler, if you don’t immediately immerse yourself in work, it’s hard for you to concentrate. When you get tired quickly, you should start with more complex tasks first, and leave simple ones for last period work.
  9. Rational allocation of time, concentration and a responsible attitude will help you do your homework quickly. Don’t be distracted by other things - time will fly by faster, don’t loosen your attention - you won’t have to correct shortcomings for a long time.
Sample plan for quick and correct execution homework
  1. Create a daily routine and always follow it.
  2. Relax after school. You can go for a walk or just sit at home.
  3. Keep all things, notebooks and textbooks, school supplies in strict order.
  4. Set an alarm so you don't miss the start of your homework.
  5. Focus and eliminate all factors that may distract you: turn off the TV, do not talk on the phone with friends.
  6. Take breaks from studying to avoid becoming overtired.
  7. Manage your time rationally: roughly calculate in advance which lessons will take you how much time, take into account the specifics school timetable, your level of preparation. Something can be put off and done on the weekend. But it’s better to do the bulk of the lessons right away, when you come home from school, your memories are fresh, the teacher recently explained the topic.
  8. Think about what is better for you to start with: easier tasks or more difficult ones.
  9. Work slowly to avoid making mistakes.
  10. When everything is done, be sure to check the work done, try to find and correct shortcomings.
Study carefully, on schedule, without deviating from the plan, take breaks, take each task responsibly, even if it seems easy, always double-check your work. Then you will do your homework correctly and spend less time on it.

Publications on the topic