How to create cartoons at home. We shoot our own cartoon together with the child

The plan of the lesson on creating a cartoon with your own hands "The camera is the motor!"

Author: Namanzhueva Julia Konstantinovna, psychologist - teacher of the "Rehabilitation center for children with disabilities" Tauksi ", Nizhnevartovsk
   Creating a cartoon is a fascinating creative process that will appeal to both children and adults. Children act as creators here, manifest themselves in creative activity, while learning and educating themselves. This material will be useful to all interested persons who work with children and wish to bring something new and interesting to their activities.
goal: socially-communicative development of children by means of active animation;
  - create a trustful creative atmosphere of cooperation,
  - activation of the motivational sphere;
  - Development of cognitive activity: concentration and stability of attention, imagination, creativity of thinking, speech; fine motor skills;
  - development of cohesion, cooperation, empathy;
   In the rehabilitation work of children with disabilities, comprehensive rehabilitation is used, which includes both traditional and non-traditional methods. One of the non-traditional methods is multtotherapy. This is an innovative method of rehabilitation and creative socialization of children in difficult life situations, with limited opportunities, through the collective creation of cartoons. An important task, besides the development of the cognitive, motivational spheres, is the development of the social and communicative sphere.
Animation can show the surrounding life, people, their actions and destinies in an attractive form and accessible words for understanding, in the shortest possible time to show what this or that act of the hero leads to, characters teach the child to interact with the outside world, help to cope with difficulties.
   It should be noted that in our animation school children can take a passive and active role. Passive role - viewing cartoons, short films and discussing them. Choose therapeutic cartoons that teach good, friendship, carry moral values, such as:
   "How it will turn up" - about a boor, an aggressive person
  "Giant egoist" - about the giant who did not like to communicate with people
   "Ba-bush-ka" - as a shy boy got courage
  "And what can you do?" - Nobody wanted to make friends with a little Pumpkin. All the animals, getting acquainted with him, asked: "What do you know how"? But the Pumpkin could only grow. But this ability was a great help to little animals, when together with Pumpkin they found themselves in a cage with a wolf.
  "The house that built everything" - The story of the children playing on one playground each in itself. But one day the heroes of the cartoon "The House That Built Everything" were forced to unite against a teenage bully and, as a result, erected a beautiful house of sand.
   Active role - children themselves are involved in creating a cartoon. The process of creating a cartoon is both creative self-expression and independence (for children there is freedom of choice of the hero, the plot, the production of scenery and characters, the role of the adult is directing). Pictorial activity and artistic work are favorable for the development of the basic components of creative abilities.
   Such joint activities allow many tasks:
   Socialization of the child; upbringing of perseverance, purposefulness;
   Development of verbal and non-verbal communication;
   Development of visual-figurative and logical thinking;
   Development of memory, perception, stability of attention;
   Development of imagination;
   Development of creative abilities;
   Development of monological and dialogical speech;
   Development of communication skills;
   Teaching skills of animation.
   Formation of positive qualities of personality;
   Teaching children to acceptable ways of expressing emotions, self-regulation;
   Development of skills of conflict-free communication

Stages of creating a cartoon:

Pluto is the hero of Walt Disney's animated films. A yellow dog with black ears, a friend of Mickey Mouse. Famous people all over the world for more than seventy years. He owes his name to the then open Pluto. Initially Pluto was like a dog-tramp, and later the creators decided to characterize it as a hybrid. Pluto, very attractive, a little cowardly and awkward dog. Often he gets into trouble, but always comes out of them all, often, often unexpectedly, and despite the fact that he grows up to the title of hero.

Then the dog had no name, the audience met them only two years later in the cartoon "Shooting Dan McGow." She is quiet and silent, but she is strong and intelligent. Schultz. Its appearance resembles a hound dog. Belongs to Charlie Brown. Originally in movie comics, the hero of Schulz was a dumb figure and is known by the name of Scyth. Curiosity: In the United States, Snoopy is seen as a national hero, loved by everyone.

I Introduction
   The main thing at this stage is the establishment of a confidential contact, the creation of a safe and benevolent atmosphere for each other's acceptance, and the available information about the upcoming activity.
  1) View and discuss the famous children's cartoons, with the purpose of forming an adequate representation of children about cartoons, about upcoming activities. When discussing viewed cartoons, reflection develops (a person studies himself, rethinking his own values ​​and foundations). The adult in the process of the training is always worth watching the cartoon with the children, commenting on what is happening, answering questions and, in turn, asking questions to the child. We encourage children to express their thoughts and opinions. We discuss the behavior of the characters and explain the incomprehensible moments. Therefore, in the process of watching cartoons it is important to pause "stops" for working out important semantic subjects.
  2) Formation of children's ideas about the process of creating a cartoon, stimulating to further activity.
  - Children's acquaintance with various animation techniques (plasticine animation, shifting, volumetric animation, sand, drawing); with materials from which you can make a cartoon (clay, paper, dough, sand, etc.); Watch cartoons created by other children;
  - Familiarity with the important stages of the creation of the cartoon: the plot, characters, scenery, scoring; discussion of these components on the example of the cartoon "The Plasticine Crow"
II "The first test of the pen"
1) "Emotions and feelings of characters"
- a conversation on the topic of emotional manifestations of people in various situations;
  - differentiation of emotions; the study of one's own emotions (in front of the mirror);
  -production of characters with changeable emotions;

2) "Behavior, non-verbal communication"
  - a conversation with children about the features of gestures and movements of people in different situations;
  - the production of characters capable of movement;
  - Children's acquaintance with the characteristics of the character (character, facial expressions, gestures, movements);

Blue, in red bow, speaking with a special accent, walking on two paw dogs, owes his name to the title character of Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry is cheerful, cheerful, inclined to brag about the dog. In the collection of the most popular animated characters, the dogs, of course, could not miss our beloved living in the Polish backyard of Rexia - a character created by the director and screenwriter Lehoslav Marsaklek. Each of the episodes, including the adventures of a white mongrel with a characteristic look at the grass.

III Search phase
1) Inventing a story (story), thinking through character images;
   We pay special attention to the topic selection. Children take an active position in inventing the story. Initiative is encouraged. The adult renders organizing, stimulating, directing help. The unusualness, originality of the plot, elaboration and detailing of the images are assessed. Adults processed the invented story. Write or draw a sequence of scenes, decide on the time, how much time you need for each action.
2) Discussion of background, scenery, elements, details;
  -Examining the methods of making decorations. Requirements for scenery: colorful, durable, easy to manufacture, quick assembly and disassembly.
  -production of scenery on the invented plot;

Together with his friends, Rexio is surprised, and the next generation of Polish children held their breath, tracking his problems. Its creator is Iwao Takamoto. The hero of animated series, feature films, comics. Together with a bunch of friends, they track ghosts and monsters. He is cowardly, but in moments of serious danger he can cope with fear and come to help his comrades. Other fairy-tale puppies are characterized by greed.

His favorite snack is sparingly-crispy. Thus, this is the longest cartoon in the history of television. This fact was noticed and recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Barkin - I'd like to say "black sheep", but this is a real dog. Charlie does not look like the crystal-clear characters from the Disney cartoons. Player and slut, sharp, who for "cash" is able to do everything. He is deceived and lies when he is killed and goes to heaven and sacrifices his "hours". But Charlie is not completely bad.

  3) The joint modeling of characters from plasticine. Here attention should be paid to the quality of implementation. If it is decided to create three-dimensional figures, then they must necessarily be stable.

IV The camera is the motor! Shooting a cartoon
  -Shooting a cartoon by a pre-written plot
  The shooting is performed by a camera under the direction of an adult

  Each action and movement of the character on the background sheet are fixed on a separate frame. Change the position of objects in space and move the characters in accordance with the plot and plot. Here it is necessary to share responsibilities, who moves, who takes photographs. Follow the order that all children are included and involved in the creation process.

Because love is ready to do anything. His efforts in favor of the cocker spaniel Lady, she is full of fun and touching moments. Well, this scene where two dogs are sitting in an Italian restaurant, and in the light of the stars and sounds of the "Bella Note" eat pasta. Balto is a hero, loosely based on the authentic events of Simon Wells's film Balto. Soon new diseases appeared. Unfortunately, due to bad weather conditions it was impossible to deliver them with water or air. Residents decided to send the dog to the training for the dog.

Twenty sledges went on a journey. The expedition was associated with a high risk. The wind and forty degrees of frost prevented the journey. The delivery was received by Kessen, the owner of the team, whose leader was Balto. Unfortunately, on the way back, the driver was tired of the blindness of the snow. The man was given only the instinct of the dog. Balto did an excellent job and found his way home.

   The installation of the cartoon is carried out by me, in a special computer program for the creation of video clips ("Cute Cut", "Movie Maker"),
   The scoring of the cartoon is performed by children, according to the plot. It is important to give children the opportunity to come up with replicas and voice intonation. We make audio recording of audio tracks (tracks) on computer equipment through a microphone or using an IC recorder. The adult advises and directs.
V Preview and presentation of the finished cartoon
  You can attract parents and teachers to view; discussion of the obtained results of the work.
   In the process of creating a cartoon with their own hands, children, in addition to developing cognitive qualities, form a sense of belonging to the group, of their own importance, of a benevolent attitude toward their peers, and develop skills for effective interaction, cooperation and cohesion.
   Creating a cartoon requires labor and patience. It is important to keep children interested. The result (viewing the finished cartoon) is very important, as it forms motivation for further activity by approving it, stimulates it for further work, develops a positive attitude towards oneself, increases self-esteem and self-confidence of children. This is especially important and significant for our children.

And now Vladislav Alexandrovich will tell in more detail how to make a cartoon by himself.

Spend a holiday weekend with the benefit: meet the New Year and Christmas with your own cartoon! Here's a step-by-step instruction.

Develop characters
  Heroes can be painted, but can be created from different materials: fabric, wood, glass, stone, plasticine, paper, cotton wool, metal, plastic, etc. Turn on the fantasy.
  These can be the most unexpected items. For example, the famous director Harry Bardin, whose films I have a lot of respect for, made real heroes from matches or ropes.

Balto is an intelligent and courageous dog. Husky dog ​​with a wolf. Because of his strong-willed nature, he was repelled by the dog and the human community, but it was she who allowed him to overcome the forces of nature and safely bring the team home. The owner of quadrupeds is Emily Elizabeth Howard, an eight-year-old girl. Clifford looks and looks like a bloodhound. He is nice and very friendly. Together with his friends, he experiences amazing adventures.

General information: The adventures of Clifford are broadcast in more than 85 countries. Seventeen times he was nominated for Emmy. Superman with him "weak" and "delicate". Only a genetically modified lightning-fast dog can defeat Dr. Calico and save his lady. It is in his eyes that there are lasers that hold the car in his mouth and a voice that is swept off the ground. And there is only one small problem - all this is not really happening, but in the film. Lightning is a canine actor, a Hollywood star and, unfortunately, does not realize this.

Look for a story
What will you shoot? As you know, any film starts with an idea (or story), on which the script is written. What will happen in the end - a fairy tale, adventure, or maybe a detective?

Think over the script

What will the characters do in the cartoon? It is necessary to develop a clear storyline. Think about the beginning, the climax and the ending.

Truth will be painful for him. When the film progresses, the dog learns that there is no need to have magical powers to become a hero. White, with a spot of lightning on his body and worn around his neck, lined up with a name. Its appearance resembles a sheep with other ears, nose and size. He is loyal and very attached to his mistress.

A big heart and a little wit, a character from the "Departure" of Pete Doctor and Bob Peterson. How he lives in the vicinity of Paradise Falls. Thanks to a special collar, he can speak humanly. Originally served by Charles Muntsen, but when he realizes that his master has bad intentions, trying to frustrate his plans. How straightforward and sincere. The scene where Carl Fredriksen says, "I love you," laughs, and even a person with heart fatigue.

Create scenery
  It is necessary to decide where the action of the cartoon will take place, and create the appropriate scenery.
  Remember that in the course of the cartoon action can move from one set to another.

  You can "revive" the hero with the help of frame-by-frame shooting. Move the hero according to the script.
  After each phase of the motion, take one shot. Ideally - in one second the video should have 25 such frames or 12. A required element of photography is a tripod, which must be put in good faith at the right level. If desired, the film can be removed and using a mobile phone. Moreover, today there are a number of festivals and contests where such works are considered.

Over the years, viewers have seen more and more heroes, and each of them quickly won their hearts. Endowed with human qualities are close and cause sympathy. In an avalanche of movies of genre thriller, horror or comedy, this cartoon seems like a fearless dragon in a conglomeration of flame, thunder and breaking. Obviously, "House One" is not a masterpiece, it's a sad name that sends us to a series that torments us every year for Christmas, but each other gives you an hour and a half of real mood.

Because animals in history are beautifully painted, they are expressive, colorful, adorable. The script, written by Simon Rich, Ken Daurio, Sinko Paul and Brian Lynch, affects everything we know about animals and the relationship between them: dogs and cats resist, but not always, big and furious is not necessarily a bloody beast, small and helpless is just the opposite. If the writers kissed in museums with special avarice, the directors, in turn, were creatively happy.

  Transfer photos to a computer. Mount the animation will help special computer programs, for example, Final Cut or Adobe Premiere. These programs have a special toolkit that can greatly facilitate the process of creating animations.

Add a soundtrack and captions
  You can voice the characters using existing melodies and sounds, or your own recordings made with a mobile phone or voice recorder.

There are very funny things that can only be perceived by adults. He's tiny, fluffy, impeccable, with pink ears and blue eyes, innocent, what's more, you're going to take him home. And when, what do you see? He is the head of anarchist criminals - crocodiles, vipers, cobras, cats-turbo, pigs, etc. - who makes his life through the metro of New York. But it's worth looking at the other characters in the movie.

If you prefer a double version in Romanian, you will surely recognize the famous voices: Serban Pavel, Mihaela Radescu, Mihai Ganusha, Vlad Radescu, Sherban Pavla, Bogdan Dumitrescu, Pavel Bartosh and others. In order not to stretch the story, it is worthwhile to take your children to "Home One". They learn something about animals, about friendship, about evil, which can turn into good if you help them a little. As for parents and grandparents, they will enjoy the coolness of the cinema, they will be surprised and will look at anxiety at the moment.

Be prepared for the fact that the "birth" of the cartoon is a long and complex process. Your first experimental films should not be long. Optimum - from 10 seconds to a minute. First you have to learn the basics, understand the principles of shooting, lighting, etc. So gradually, the secrets of animation skills are learned. The main thing - do not be lazy, because the result is worth it. Own cartoon is a lot of emotions and who knows, maybe it's your first one that will change the world.

Now you know how to make a cartoon. Look at what the children are doing with the help of adults:

And this is a congratulation on the New Year from the 4B class of the French gymnasium of St. Petersburg:

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