Year of the Rooster according to the Chinese horoscope: what are they like, bright and dynamic people born in the year of the Rooster? What will the Year of the Rooster be like? When was the last year of the rooster?

Year of the Rooster for the Horse (1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Rooster horses will allow you to correct mistakes. Have you ever dreamed of slamming your days away like a draft and starting all over with a clean slate, without any erasures? This, of course, is impossible, but it will feel very similar! The main thing is that new life a new Horse entered: wiser and remembering where the rake was. And then your dreams may well come true! Career rise? Please! Extension own business? Of course! An offer of marriage? Tomorrow!

It's a pity that from own experience(and memories) are not so easy to give up. The horse will be faced with a difficult choice: to give up everything that is available in order to trust the unknown and try out the beta version of his own life, or to try to collect and glue together everything that has been acquired through backbreaking work, piece by piece, trying to build a castle of his own happiness on this foundation. Hurry up, the next time such an opportunity will not present itself soon!

For those who don't know how to dodge a rake: necessary condition for a Horse who wants to succeed - repentance. Apologize from the bottom of your heart if you know you were wrong, admit mistakes if you made them.

The Year of the Rooster will be rich in emotions. You will decide even financial issues under the influence of feelings, and the state of love will become permanent. Bouts of inspiration will strike you as if you had contracted the Zika virus - this is the main danger of the year. When you want “drama club, photo club, but I also want to sing,” and everything works out for you. And everyone praises you - it’s very difficult to choose just one or two or three classes. And this way you can scatter your luck: the year of the Fire Rooster will sooner or later come to an end, but with what baggage you spend this enchanting year depends on you.

By the way, in addition to completely positive passions, you may well become a victim of a dark passion - jealousy. More trust and respect for your soul mates, dear Horses! If you are already married, think about whether you are leaving too little personal space for your spouse. If you are not married, then most likely this will not happen to you in the coming year for the reasons described above: there are too many opportunities, too many attractive girls (boys) ready to pay attention to you, how can you choose your only love? Well, there are years for falling in love and having fun, this one is just like that - take advantage of it!

About finances: luck and luck are different. Yes, any project, any undertaking that you start will enjoy the unconditional support of the Universe. But if you think that you can easily get money by winning, for example, the lottery, then you are very mistaken. There will be as much help from the Universe as you like, but it’s better not to expect gifts. The first profit should be spent on reducing debts, and when there are no loans left, think about investments. A successful (lunar) year, as mentioned above, still lasts 354 days.

The wayward, daring Rooster will bring into the lives of representatives of all signs eastern horoscope turmoil and inevitable changes.

Nevertheless, the year will be good, especially for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to collect luck grain by grain, creating a successful life from many happy moments.


Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

The Rooster's stormy temperament will bring new hobbies and pleasant events into your life. But still, Rats should be wary of conflicts (especially with relatives), because an accidentally dropped word can hurt to the core. The stars warn that the coming year will not best time to change jobs. Try to be careful with money: in the second half of the year, Rats will face large expenses.


Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Although the patron of the year will help you, you should not relax. The year will bring many prospects for career growth. The main thing is to use them correctly. Harmony and tranquility await married representatives of this sign, but single men and women should be more lenient towards the shortcomings of others and avoid jealousy.


Years: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

In the year of the Rooster, representatives of this sign need to learn to solve their problems on their own and not forget to sometimes pamper themselves with gifts. At the beginning of the year, Oxen need to think about their health, they need to adjust their diet and sign up for a massage. After all, it is nervous and digestive system may fail. The Rooster and the Ox usually get along well, but there is no need to let down your guard: be careful about new deals. Also try to spend more time with your significant other.


Years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Tigers should abandon new plans and concentrate on current issues. Don't try to take on too much. To get more done, learn about time management. It's better to plan tasks carefully. This serious approach will convince your boss that you are worthy of a promotion. Family Tigers and Tigresses need to listen to their loved ones. This especially applies to people who have already had offspring. Consider the wishes of your offspring and do not try to “pressure” them with authority.


Years: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

During the reign of the Rooster of the Horse, it is worth making useful acquaintances, because it is possible that you will decide to change your field of activity. If you don’t want to spend the winter holidays alone next to a tall New Year tree, at the beginning of the year, avoid feelings of jealousy and stormy showdowns. This also applies to Horses who have just met their soul mate.

Rabbit (Cat)

Years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Although the Rabbits will face a considerable number of problems, they will not be ready to put up with this state of affairs. Astrologers advise not to avoid working trips and meeting new people. You need to start preparing for the coming year in advance by choosing the right outfit. The Rooster loves everything flashy, so you can safely dress in bright colors, and Cats can afford to decorate Evening Dress or a suit with sparkles, a neck with rhinestones. If you have a pet cat, it is important to arrange a holiday for him too, offering him a treat and capturing his New Year's mood as a memory.

The Dragon

Years: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

On the love front, only pleasant events and surprises await representatives of this sign. By nature, Dragons are quite reserved people, so you should pay special attention to relationships with colleagues. In the fall, conflicts at work can cause a lack of professional growth. The Dragons should plan major acquisitions at the beginning of the year.


Years: 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Work will only bring you pleasure. It is possible that you will decide to start your own business, and the Rooster will react favorably to your idea. Married representatives of this sign should avoid family quarrels and flirting with other men. Otherwise, you will be decorating the Christmas tree alone next year. But free Snakes can only envy: they will meet true love.


Years: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

Overall, this year will be good for you. However, having felt the protection of the Rooster, representatives of this sign can relax, and this can cause problems at work and deterioration in financial “health”. You can’t be lazy, so the day after the New Year, Goats should take off their carnival costumes and think about improving their professional skills. In this case, success will be on your side.


Years: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

In the coming year, the Pigs will be able to provide for themselves financial independence. And all thanks to his determination and determination. But still, the stars advise not to show your emotions too much. Pay more attention to the “weather in the house,” otherwise your better half may plunge headlong into a new romantic relationship.


Years: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

In the new year, Monkeys should not expect help from the Rooster; you will not need it. Everything will take its course. If your plans include the task of “moving mountains,” hard work and the help of others will help you achieve your goals. In January, representatives of this sign should avoid thoughtless spending; there is a risk of spending much more than planned. Family Monkeys have nothing to fear. But if you are just planning to legalize the relationship, carefully consider your decision. Your boat of love may crash due to everyday problems and lack of money.


Years: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

At work, everything will go well for the Doggies, and your friendly attitude towards others will contribute to this. If you have long dreamed of promotion career ladder, it's time to take action. The year will also be good for entering university. The year of the Rooster will bring a romantic mood and pleasant surprises to both married and single Dogs.

The editors wish you a great mood and invite you to look at the most unusual New Year trees.
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The Rooster is one of the most striking symbols of the Eastern horoscope, which means that the whole year will be full of stormy events that will leave an imprint on our lives for the coming years. TO general characteristics The symbol of this year includes such qualities as a sharp mind, passion, emotional incontinence, in a sense, even belligerence, charm and the ability to charm, but at the same time a tendency to superficial judgments and selfishness. The Rooster's eternal companion is dashing luck who loves positive and courageous people.

In order for the Year of the Rooster to bring you a minimum of losses and a maximum of benefits, you need, firstly, to meet it correctly, and secondly, to behave in such a way that the symbol of the year is favorable to you. Read about this and much more below.

Start and end times of the year

Chinese New Year does not occur on the night of January 1, but several weeks later. Below are the dates for the beginning and end of the Year of the Rooster:

  • From 01/22/1909 to 02/09/1910 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rooster;
  • From 02/08/1921 to 01/27/1922 - the year of the Metal (White) Rooster;
  • From 01/26/1933 to 02/13/1934 - the year of the Water (Black) Rooster;
  • From 02/13/1945 to 02/01/1946 - the year of the Wooden (Blue) Rooster;
  • From 01/31/1957 to 02/17/1958 - the year of the Fire (Red) Rooster;
  • From 02/17/1969 to 02/05/1970 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rooster;
  • From 02/05/1981 to 01/24/1982 - the year of the Metal (White) Rooster;
  • From 01/23/1993 to 02/09/1994 - the year of the Water (Black) Rooster;
  • From 02/09/2005 to 01/28/2006 - the year of the Wooden (Blue) Rooster;
  • From 01/28/2017 to 02/15/2018 - the year of the Fire (Red) Rooster;
  • From 02/13/2029 to 02/02/2030 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rooster;
  • From 02/01/2041 to 01/20/2042 - the year of the Metal (White) Rooster.

How to meet him

Welcome the symbol of the year hospitably, and it will bring you good luck!

Your look - what to wear

Since the Rooster is a proud and bright bird, choose the appropriate outfit to celebrate the holiday. This could be clothes in red, orange, burgundy, yellow or brown - the main thing is that the shades of colors are rich. Also, the Rooster has nothing against the color black. The same goes for the decorations. Try to avoid cold and pastel colors in clothes - only bright and warm colors associated with burning flames, violent emotions and passion.

New Year's table - what to cook

The basis of the New Year's table should be food plant origin, namely vegetables, fruits and grains. Fish is acceptable in any quantity. Meat dish may also be present, but it should not be poultry. Don't anger the Rooster and chicken eggs on the table, even if they are finely chopped into a salad.

It is equally important to decorate the table taking into account all the features of the symbol of the year. Please the Rooster with some bright element, such as red, orange or yellow table napkins. You can light a candle of one of these colors - the element of fire will not leave the Rooster indifferent.

Place it on New Year's table a small figurine, toy, or even a cardboard card depicting the symbol of the year, and next to it - a treat in the form of seeds, grains, or any cereal on a saucer.

How to behave

Events will occur, in principle, the same as at any other time, but the character of the Year of the Rooster will leave its mark on them, and perhaps influence their form.

Personal life

The following actions will bring you personal happiness in the year of the Rooster:

  • Courage. The Rooster does not recognize timidity, so if you have liked someone for a long time, take the initiative, even if it is not too obvious. In the year of the Rooster, luck loves those who act on the call of their hearts, but this does not mean that you can do whatever you want. Any madness can be followed by a series of troubles, which will gain momentum like a snowball;
  • Giving your partner freedom. The Rooster is passionate and freedom-loving, so do not try to control, and even more so, subjugate your loved one. This year is like a lottery, and not like building personal happiness brick by brick;
  • Refusal of casual relationships. As you know, the Rooster is a “polygamist,” but he does not go into someone else’s chicken coop. Looking for adventure this year can lead not only to serious troubles, but also to tragic events. Only predators have natural brightness, so looking for love in the company of casual acquaintances, or desperately seeking reciprocity from a person who does not need a relationship with you, is a sure way to disappointment and loss.

Work and career

You can achieve a promotion or increase your earnings through the following actions:

  • Showing initiative. Timid behavior in the year of the Rooster can only lead to stagnation, so do not expect favor from fate, but act! If you are applying for any workplace, look for ways to prove to your superiors that this position should be yours by right! Only without arrogance and attributing non-existent virtues to oneself - the Rooster does not like lies and pretense;
  • Restraint. The Year of the Rooster is literally saturated with emotions, which can sometimes be difficult to cope with. However, we will have to have a little patience with those on whom we depend - this will bring more success than a desperate search for evidence of our own rightness;
  • Ability to act outside the box. Due to their duty, many people are driven into certain boundaries, but sometimes it is inappropriate to act according to the scheme. Your superiors will definitely appreciate your erudition, sharp mind and ability to make decisions on the go.

Material side of life

In the year of the Rooster, relationships with finances need to be established in such a way that they multiply. The following actions will help you with this:

  • Avoiding unnecessary spending. The Rooster is emotional, so you will periodically have the desire to “waste” a decent amount of money on unplanned entertainment. Act as you see fit, please your loved ones with gifts - the Rooster is not a miser, but everything should be within reason! Take into account the fact that in the year of the Rooster there will be plenty of people who want to extract money from you through deception and flattery;
  • Smart investment. In the year of the Rooster, luck favors brave and active people. If you want to open your own business, go ahead, but pay attention to all the details of the transactions. This year people tend to spontaneous acceptance solutions, and competitors and ill-wishers can take advantage of this. You shouldn’t take unnecessary risks - any risk should be justified. Avoid dubious adventures, especially when we're talking about about breaking the law. This time cannot be called calm, so you can get into trouble even by being at the wrong time and in the wrong place, without doing anything special;
  • Honest behavior. Don’t covet someone else’s property, the Rooster is the owner. Any deception, thirst for easy money, appropriation of other people's merits and everything like that can cost you too much. In the year of the Rooster, you need to look for opportunities to earn money honestly. Any little thing that concerns an attempt on someone else’s property carries the risk of turning into a huge scandal, the loss of friends or a job, and a forever damaged reputation.

People born in the year of the Rooster

a brief description of

A person born in the year of the Rooster is characterized by intemperance and straightforwardness. He does not know how to hide his emotions and says what he thinks, which often hurts the feelings of those who love him. The first impression of this person, however, can be deceiving.

Men and women born in the year of the Rooster have a sharp mind and natural resourcefulness. They easily and quickly adapt to new living conditions, make the necessary acquaintances without much difficulty, and most importantly, they are endowed with incredible charm, which does not leave the opposite sex indifferent to them.

Rooster Man

It is impossible to treat a person born in the year of the Rooster neutrally - they either love him madly or experience outright hostility towards him. The Rooster man is “the first guy in the village,” the soul of the party, and an insidious seducer at the same time. Tears are poured over him, people dream about him, real battles are fought for him, which only further increases his self-esteem and makes him more spoiled.

The Rooster values ​​his freedom, so he rarely marries at an early age. Having married, he continues to lead his previous lifestyle, openly flirting with fans and not being too concerned about his reputation.

In his career, as a rule, he is successful. Due to self-confidence, charisma, and even some arrogance, he receives promotion after promotion, especially if the work is somehow related to advertising, journalism or politics. In general, this person can be described as lucky and brave, who constantly moves forward regardless of any obstacles.

Rooster Woman

A woman born in the year of the Rooster has a natural brightness, a desire to look good and always be the center of attention. Men like her and often take advantage of her. For her sake, they are ready to do crazy things and make great sacrifices, but the Rooster woman cannot be interested in a profitable or promising alliance - she needs lively emotions.

For the man she loves, she will always be a mystery, and the only thing in which she is constant is her unpredictability. To find happiness in marriage and make her family happy, she needs to channel her energy in a peaceful direction. It could be an interesting job, a creative activity, a sport - or anything, as long as you don’t sit idle! The Rooster woman is active, so boredom for her is the most unbearable thing that can happen in life.

Year of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope

Hieroglyph of Rooster: YU.

Motto of the Rooster:"I know".

Sign location: tenth.

Triad: second (Thinkers triangle).

Element (element) of the sign Rooster: Metal-Yin.

Nature of the sign: Yin.

Direction: west.

Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period: Virgo.

Time of day ruled by the Rooster: 17.00 – 19.00.

Color: light grey.

Rooster Gemstone: Citrine.

Food traditions: fruits, cereal dishes, vegetable salads.

Years of the Rooster

Characteristics of the Rooster

The Rooster in the eastern horoscope is insightful, graceful, pedantic, scrupulous, organized, decisive, conservative, demanding, vigilant, practical, responsible. The Rooster strives for perfection in everything, but often shows selfishness, pickiness, harshness, stubbornness and arrogance; often prone to boasting and empty bravado.
The tenth sign of the 12-year eastern calendar cycle, the Rooster, personifies insight, organization, conservatism, pedantry, but, on the other hand, vanity, selfishness and a tendency to empty bravado.

The natural element of the Rooster is Metal, whose Yin and Yang qualities are in relative balance, but since the nature of the Rooster sign is Yin, Yin qualities such as conservatism and pedantry appear in people born in the year of the Rooster.

Poultry Rooster

The Rooster corresponds to the western direction, which in turn is associated with the early evening, the time from 5 to 7 pm - in China it is called the “tenth watch”. The western direction is also associated with the eighth month of the year, the month of the Rooster (according to the Gregorian calendar, this is the period from September 8 to October 7), which in China is considered mid-autumn - the time when Yang begins to decrease and Yin begins to increase.

The sign of the Rooster in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to White color(bye). IN Chinese tradition white represents the West and, according to Western symbolism, is associated with death - in China, white is the color of mourning - mourning clothes and items associated with funerals. The following characters in Chinese mythology are associated with the color white: the deity of the West - Shao-hao, the white spirit Zhu-shou, the goddess Xi-Wanmu, owner of the wonderful peaches of immortality, and the White Tiger (Bai Hu), the guardian of the West. The color is astrologically associated with Venus (Taibai).

In the Chinese tradition, the sign of the Rooster is associated not with pure white, but with white with a grayish tint - light gray.

Together with the Bull and the Snake, the Rooster enters the second Triangle of Spiritual Relationship (Triangle of Thinkers), which is formed, respectively, by the second, sixth and tenth earthly branches. In this triad, the Rooster acts as an administrator.

The best partnerships - in marriage, friendship and business, the Rooster develops with her brothers in the Triangle of Kinship, i.e. with the Ox and the Snake; alliances with the Monkey, Rooster and Dragon are successful and favorable. An alliance with the Hare is unfavorable in any area.

According to the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, each year has its own patron - one of the twelve animals. Oddly enough, but every year, a certain eastern sign influences the destinies of people at a super level. Therefore, it is extremely important to know under whose protection the next year in order to be well prepared for his meeting.

Knowing the characteristics of a particular sign, it is easy to try to appease the owner of the year from the very beginning. Then all twelve months until the next New Year will pass cheerfully, at ease, generously presenting you with gifts of fate.

Last year, the Year of the Goat was replaced by the Year of the Monkey. The coming year 2017 – . January 28, 2017 Fire Monkey will transfer his powers to the Rooster. The tenth sign of the Chinese twelve-year horoscope is almost the most interesting animal in the entire eastern calendar.

He is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable. However, in addition to the animal itself, you also need to know color and element of the patron sign of 2017. The element, like the color of the Rooster, directly affects what 2017 will be like for each person.

The mystery of the appearance of the eastern calendar

The most widespread and beautiful existing legend about the appearance of the eastern horoscope says: before leaving the Earth, Buddha invited all the animals to come to him. And the first twelve little animals who came to say goodbye to him, Buddha promised to give them the opportunity to lead a whole year, every twelve years.

The first to run to the Buddha was a nimble rat, then the hard worker Ox came, followed by the brave Tiger, after whom the quiet Rabbit ran, softly moving his paws, immediately after him a mighty Dragon appeared and a wise Snake crawled, then a graceful Horse galloped up and arrived on thin legs of a virtuoso Goat, followed by a savvy Monkey, followed by a motley Rooster, walking proudly, then a faithful Dog came and, finally, a cheerful Pig ran out to the sacred gathering place.

Immediately after each year he became attached to the animals, he acquired their character, qualities, emotionality and some distinctive features. Needless to say, people born under one or another sign of the Chinese horoscope also copied these features.

Element and color of 2017 Rooster

The coming 2017 will be the year of the Bright or Fiery Rooster, and its color is red. Since ancient times, sages believed that the element of Fire personifies continuous upward movement and has unrivaled vital energy, is distinguished by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

The red color is closely intertwined with the fire element and this is very good, because such a mixture means complete harmony in all matters. Red is the color of love, infatuation, ardor, passion. So we can say with confidence that 2017 will be a busy year in terms of romance. The coming year promises a possible wedding for strong couples, family people will revive the former love passion, and the lonely will find their soul mates.

The red fiery color displays strength, confidence, as well as good luck. Therefore, in the coming year, you need to boldly cast aside all doubt and rush towards the new with abandon, not be afraid of changes and all kinds of changes.

Characteristics of the symbol

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. The Rooster is incredibly insightful, meticulous, organized, scrupulous, decisive, demanding, conservative, vigilant, responsible and practical. In his affairs, the Rooster strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He also simply adores attention and literally basks in compliments and praise.

Despite their positive traits, The Rooster is stubborn and arrogant. His selfishness and pickiness do not add to his advantages, and his penchant for empty bravado sometimes makes the decent Rooster a real windbag. It is extremely rare for the Rooster to show interest in anyone other than himself. Despite this, the opposite sex is unable to resist the charm of the charming Rooster and completely surrenders to his power. Despite his callousness, the Rooster is extremely lucky in love. However, he will still put himself above family values, and if the Rooster does not “take his head” in time, then everything may end in a sad outcome.

The Rooster is adored for his ardent temperament and his ability to play a beautiful love game. A certain mystery allows the Rooster to subtly feel the edges of romance and skillfully play on the strings of love.

The Rooster loves his bachelor life, however, if he meets “the one,” he will, without a twinge of conscience, rush into the pond of a new passionate relationship, which will subsequently lead to the conclusion of a strong family union.

Most Compatible Partners: Snake and Ox

All is well with the Rooster in the business field. Due to his sharp mind and brilliant intelligence, he holds his business tightly with both hands. Despite some extravagance in small things, the Rooster is very thrifty, which once again proves his thriftiness.

People born in the year of the Rooster are extremely difficult to fool. Their intelligence is often above average, and their natural ingenuity will not allow anyone to deceive themselves. The Rooster vigilantly notices every little thing that is more or less dubious. Unless a huge portion of compliments can confuse the Rooster for a short time, because the proud bird will not miss an opportunity to once again be in the center of everyone's attention.

The Fiery Red Rooster loves to command, and if we add his temper, then there is no doubt that the tenth sign of the eastern horoscope will definitely express everything that is boiling up in the opponent’s face.

All the traits inherent in the Rooster will manifest themselves throughout 2017 to one degree or another. In order to follow your usual rut and not get out of line, or to move to a new, higher level, you need to try to adapt to the restive sign.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Rooster for 2017

Already wayward, the Rooster will be simply unbearable. His correct statements and a large number of fresh ideas will simply be leveled out by his own, cocky, selfishness and eternal irritation. Everyone who was born in the year of this beautiful bird should remember their extraordinary abilities and remarkable willpower and, perhaps, step over themselves somewhere, but direct all their positive rays towards the light, towards their goal.

Roosters should not forget that in some situations their temper does not play into the hands of wayward bearers of motley plumage. Therefore, in 2017 we need to try to be a little more tactful so that problems with the public do not arise.

In general, the year will bring a lot of interesting things to emotional Roosters. It definitely won’t be boring, because the Rooster himself, worse than other signs, knows how to find adventures for himself. But, thanks to his innate talent to charm those around him, the Rooster will skillfully overcome all the vicissitudes that arise along his path.

In 2017, the Roosters should push themselves a little more at work and you can be sure that the merits of the hard worker will be rewarded in full. The career will move uphill, the financial side will only please you if the Rooster plays fair, without deceiving or falsifying the facts.

On the personal front, Roosters seeth passions: love, jealousy, passion, tenderness and scandals, giving way to stormy reconciliations. Roosters will fully experience all the delights of a serious relationship. Those who break will be left without a soulmate in 2017.

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