Fortune telling about your loved one's relationship with you. Fortune telling with tarot cards "relationship spread" ("station for two" or "seven cards")

Man is not just a social being. Relationships permeate our society like holes in a cheese wheel. Our life is all about relationships. Relationships are friendly, service, love, family, parental. No person can live alone! Meanwhile, this side of our everyday life is riddled with secrets, misunderstandings and incomprehensibility. Oh, how you sometimes want to look into the thoughts of your main boss or read the secrets of your lover! Science and high technology cannot help us in this matter yet, but card or runic fortune telling is easy!

Are you interested in who is scheming behind your back? Husband in lately Are you often gloomy and cold? Have you found yourself a rival? And this, and that, and many other questions regarding your social sphere will be answered truthfully and in detail by our online fortune telling. Don’t be shy, choose the deck or set of runes that is most soulful and close to you and ask, ask!

But before you go in search of the truth, we want to warn you: human souls, like relationships, are multifaceted. We ask you very much not to be rash: after all, today a person feels one thing, and tomorrow his soul longs for change. We are all, to one degree or another, children not only of the radiant sun and the solid mother earth, but also individuals who are very dependent on the astronomical movement of the moon. Our feelings are often like tides, and what today seems and is perceived as the ultimate truth only causes an ironic smile tomorrow.

In my husband's name

It’s not enough to get an answer to the question: when will I get married? Every young lady of marriageable age wants, among other things, to find out the name of her future husband. It’s understandable, you look closely at your suitors, you look closely, but it’s still not clear - with whom will the family work out? How not to miss the one who can become a reliable and strong man's shoulder. Who should you look for happiness with?

On a date

What do you think are the most visited fortune tellings on the Mogura website? Of course, those that help us find out what the coming day has in store for us, especially if on that day you have to go on a love date. What to expect from the meeting? On what note will we part? How will it go? Will he/she like me? A million questions, the answers to which will be revealed either by time or by our free and irreplaceable card fortune telling for a date!

Crown of Love

The Crown of Love is the fastest, most sincere and accurate fortune telling for love. This is exactly the case when you need to put a decisive end to the relationship. No confusion or delays, the feeling of your election is in full view!

Gypsy tarot

This online fortune telling combines the centuries-old traditions of European tarot cards and highly respected gypsy fortune-tellers. The rare deck has an exclusive design, as well as a unique interpretation of the individual major and minor arcana.

Oracle of Fates

Convenient and simple solitaire game for fortune telling. Traditionally, solitaire cards are placed face down, after which the questioner independently turns over five cards one at a time. The oracle of fate is suitable both for obtaining answers to a clearly formulated question and for a general situational forecast for the near future.

Swedenborg Solitaire

Swedenborg Solitaire is a significant creation of another Western European mystic, alchemist, thinker, founder of the science of minerals and father of the science of brain physiology. The versatile hobbies of an extraordinary person are reflected in as many as 36 cards of a simple solitaire game for fortune telling.

Mayan stones

Mayan predictions are forgotten divinatory traditions of the Mesoamerican civilizations now destroyed by the conquistadors. Essentially, these are 32 runes carved from Ceiba wood. Each such rune is one of the fragments of the universe in which the Mayan Indians once lived.

Fortune telling for work

In our far from easy times, when the country is going through an economic crisis, all that remains for hired workers is to stock up on patience, caution and the ability to build a thoughtful career ladder in different companies. And the main adviser in this difficult matter is the fortune-telling of the Mogura website “To Work”.

To destination

One of the most difficult questions is finding your purpose. To modern man In search of ways for self-realization, it is common to rush from one profession to another. What do you think tarot cards will answer to this non-trivial question? Come in and check it out! Yours exact date birth and major arcana of the tarot will give a very useful hint!

Money fortune telling

An old proverb says: “If I knew where to fall, I would send straws.” A proverb that is still relevant today! Every person at least once in his life will be faced with a difficult choice: to borrow or lend money? Neighbors, acquaintances, friends and even relatives. It’s time to listen to intuition, but it is inappropriately silent. So what should I do? Why not ask fortune telling cards for advice?

What does he like about me?

What did he like about me? The question, of course, is by no means the most significant and pressing. But it’s interesting! Alas, the hero of the occasion shifts from foot to foot and best case scenario something is babbling unintelligibly. And I would really like to know what your chosen one found in you so special!? How about telling your fortune? They know everything about cards, and they will tell you this answer to the question.

Scandinavian runes

Is there a more ancient and time-tested fortune telling in the world than the Scandinavian runes? There are few of them, even fewer fortune telling, which combine exquisite simplicity and versatility. Scandinavian fortune telling one rune at a time - this is a universal recipe for all occasions. Ask your question, ask and the runes will certainly answer you.


Free planetary fortune telling “Astromeridian” was created specifically for those who are lost in this seething world and are struggling to find clues. This fortune telling is not only exclusive (you will not find it on any other site), but also truly universal.


Did you know that every object or living creature in the universe has its own double - a woodger? This is exactly what the northern shamans say. A Gemini who knows and can tell you about everything in the world, if only you ask him correctly.

Fortune telling Berendeyev

A long time ago, in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, namely on the Slavic lands, lived the Berendeys, the birch bark kings, and they had their own birch kingdom. No one knows for certain what happened to them; only epics, wise tales, initial letters and fortune telling from tree leaves have survived to this day.

Love Solitaire

The best barometer of love weather is, of course, a special solitaire game that will give the most accurate forecast about upcoming changes on the personal front. Don't know what to expect from the next weekend, upcoming vacation or series of chosen ones? It's time to play the solitaire cards!

Loves or doesn't love?

We all come from childhood. The same time when it was customary to tell fortunes using a chamomile. “Does he love you? Doesn't he like it? - we asked her a question, mercilessly tearing off the most delicate white petals.” Let's take care of nature and tell fortunes online on the Mogura website.

Tarot of the Dwarves

The best advisor in financial and business matters. Should I borrow or lend money? Should I take this job? When can we expect the next cash receipts? Will your wallet be full? Will the new venture bring income? Ask the Dwarven Tarot deck of cards and they will be happy to answer

Russian solitaire

Russian solitaire has absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience and knowledge about the natural course of things and the development of events. In essence, this is a system of knowledge, by touching which you can get excellent advice for almost all occasions. Forewarned is forearmed: this is the meaning that has long been invested in fortune-telling.

Card fortune telling (yes and no)

Wherever you are, what issues you have solved, no matter what you have planned - you can ask whether it will come true or not from the most ordinary card layout on the Mogura website. An advisor proven by time and generations.


One of the most ancient priestly fortune telling Ancient Egypt. By throwing out golden scarabs during the annual floods of the Nile River, the priests made a prediction for the coming year. Also, this type of fortune telling was used to predict fate and other important events in the life of Pharaoh and noble people.

When will I get married?

Well, when will I get married? When? This question worries every young lady over eighteen years old. To help those suffering - our simple online card fortune telling. When resorting to this ancient tool for fortune-telling, we rarely remember, or even think about, that in addition to metaphorical and associative symbolism, each tarot card has a close connection with the time and place of the supposed events.

Solitaire Recamier

Madame Recamier's solitaire is an esoteric game from France at the beginning of the 19th century. It was then that Napoleon Bonaparte, who came to power, launched a flywheel of change in the lives of not only military people, but also peasants, officials and even the aristocracy. The French found a way out of the chronic uncertainty that reigned in society - fortune telling and more fortune telling. On cards, dice, coffee grounds and of course solitaire. Among which the most popular was Madame Recamier's solitaire.

Fortune telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” free schedule Tarot for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what it is for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he is making for you.

By laying out the cards for your loved one, you will also find out how he feels about a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot Arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, and whether you will have a wedding.

Free online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of relationship development, but it is better to turn to this layout if your union has already taken shape and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this fortune telling for their partner’s plans.

Tarot cards ready for online fortune telling“His plans for a relationship with me”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. What a relationship with you means to a partner.
Card No. 2. What does your partner want from a relationship with you.
Card No. 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card No. 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His readiness to start a family.
Card No. 5. What fears and hopes does your partner have regarding marriage with you?
Card No. 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card No. 7. How your existing relationship with your loved one will affect your life.
Card No. 8. How your existing relationship will affect your partner's life.
Card No. 9. What will your union come to? How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).

A relationship with a lover is perhaps the most important thing that can happen in life. After all, love inspires us, helps us accomplish feats, set goals, inspires us to do crazy things, and its absence deprives us of the meaning of life and contributes to depression. Especially women and girls tend to know everything in advance. That's why they resort to various fortune telling. Tarot for a man is especially popular, and his attitude towards the fortuneteller. With the help of this arrangement, you can immerse yourself not only in the feelings of another person, but also find out the further development of the relationship.

Let's consider Tarot fortune-telling on the attitude of a beloved man in several interpretations.

Layout "Pyramid of Love"

This man will tell me about the possibilities on the love front, and will also reveal the feelings and intentions of the beloved.

First, you should mix the deck of Tarot cards well. Then pull out 4 cards from it and lay them out in a pyramid, as shown in the figure.

The first three cards should form the base of the pyramid, and the last one its top. The layout is interpreted as follows:

Card No. 1 - the role of the one who tells fortunes in the development of relationships.

Card No. 2 - feelings, intentions and actions of a loved one.

Card No. 3 - the current state of the love relationship between the fortuneteller and his lover.

Card No. 4 - the couple’s chances and prospects for creating a happy love union and future family.

In the layout, you can use both the entire deck of cards and the cards of only the major arcana. Their interpretation can be found in specialized literature.

"Venus" layout

It will reveal the true feelings that lovers experience towards each other at this stage. It can also be used to determine how much external circumstances can affect relationships, what the potential of these relationships is and what to do in a given situation. Tarot fortune telling on the attitude of a man "Venus" towards me most fully reveals the true state of affairs. The cards are laid out in the manner shown in the figure.

Interpretation of cards in the layout:

1 card - a real relationship between lovers.

Card 2 is your perception of your partner.

Card 3 - how your loved one sees you.

4 card - yours to your partner.

Card 5 - your lover’s feelings for you.

Card 6 - how you influence your relationships.

7th card - the partner’s influence on the development of relationships.

8 card - upcoming important events.

Card 9 - advice on what to be prepared for and how best to proceed.

10th card - prospects for the development of relations in the future.

Layout “Love or friendship?”

Sometimes friendship can turn into true love. However, this is not always the case. At the level of friendship it can be good, interesting and fun, but as soon as the relationship begins to develop into something more serious, then people can break up forever. Then it would be better to remain just friends. This is a Tarot reading for “a man’s attitude towards me as a friend or as a lover.” When such a controversial situation arises, you can ask the cards for advice.

What the cards show:

1 - partner's intentions.

2 - what feelings he has towards you.

3 - whether he is going to take any action.

4 - what he likes most about you.

5 - what character traits he doesn’t like.

6 - what are his expectations from you.

7 - will friendship develop into love.

8 - what you shouldn’t count on.

9 - how long the relationship will last.

Tarot fortune telling on a man's attitude towards me can be performed using just one card. Just shuffle the deck, mentally ask a question and pull out any card at random.

Fortune telling “Loves - does not love”

This method will help you understand your partner’s feelings, thoughts and plans towards you. It is better to use cards of the Major Arcana in the layout. This fortune telling most truthfully and accurately describes the state of relationships in at the moment and how they will develop in the future. You can also see how they will affect your life. The advice that Tarot cards can give regarding strengthening and maintaining relationships in this scenario is the clearest.

Before reading the Tarot, you should calm your mind and enter a meditative state. This is the only way to get the most accurate answers and draw the right conclusions from fortune telling.


How does he feel about me? Fortune telling on thoughts, feelings, subconscious.

In many life situations, the client is interested in how this or that person treats him, and this is not idle curiosity. A person’s well-being and safety depend on what his true thoughts, feelings and subconscious intentions are towards him. But most often we all ask ourselves the question: “What does he (she) really think about me?”, “Does he (she) have sincere feelings for me?” specifically in personal relationships. Someone else’s soul is in the dark, but fortune telling with Tarot cards will help shed light on such questions, and then the thoughts, feelings and subconscious of our counterpart will become much clearer. But do not forget that a person’s world of experiences and reflections is mobile, so fortune telling speaks about the attitude towards you - here and now. If necessary, you can do these layouts at least every day, but you should not turn fortune telling into an attraction - everyone determines the extent of the need for themselves (however, this applies to any layouts in any situations).

Why three cards?

The three-position layout can be called universal, no matter what or who the question is asked about. When laying out cards - into the past, present, future, or cause, effect, conclusion - the logic of simultaneous simplicity and harmony of conclusions is used. The three phases of the moon are also an excellent predictive plot!

So, versatility, simplicity and variability (depending on the type of relationship) make the “Thoughts, Feelings, Subconscious” layout one of the most popular.

Positions in the layout:

Three card fortune telling layout

The cards are laid out from top to bottom, from the plane of thought through emotions to the subconscious. If we want to clarify one person’s attitude towards us or the querent, we lay out one sequence of cards; if we are interested in relationships in a couple, respectively, three cards for each partner vertically.

Top card

The top card – “What’s on a person’s mind” – reflects a person’s thoughts, his reasoning, his logical assessment. This card will show what beliefs and mental attitudes determine a person’s attitude towards you, what he consciously allows or prohibits himself in these relationships.

Let's say the Major Arcana Star appears in this position. Even with a superficial glance at the map, it becomes clear that a person has harmonious thoughts and hope for a happy future together. Does he doubt you, give you a low rating, does he see something negative in the relationship? No, on the contrary, the card symbolizes positive thinking, the inner conviction that meeting a partner is luck, a happy occasion, and evaluates you in general very positively. True, there is a share of infantilism in this assessment: responsibility for the future, measured and full of bright plans, is most likely shifted to the partner.

If we see the Priestess, then it’s worth thinking about the fact that we are almost not reflected in the thoughts of our partner. He pays attention to his own “rich inner world”, and looks at our relationship calmly and without judgment. Yes - good, no - even better.

Tip: pay attention to the suit of the card in this position, it can add additional nuance to the interpretation.

Swords as a suit are responsible for the intellectual sphere of a person, speak of the speed of mental reactions and, in general, a cold mind. If you see a card of this suit in your partner’s thoughts, know that in relation to you, no matter what decisions are made (and as a rule, Swords do not promise anything good) - these are balanced decisions, dictated only by reasons as cold as steel - nothing personal, only common sense.

Cups, on the contrary, say that it is difficult for a person to think logically; he tends to trust sensations and accept the dictates of feelings as the voice of reason.

Middle map

The middle card - “What's in a person's heart” - is an emotional and sensual plan. You cannot order the heart, as people say, but by looking at this position in the layout, you can understand what worries or pleases it, what impulses - joy or sadness - it reacts to you. This position helps answer the questions: what real emotions does a person feel towards you, what does he really feel. Sometimes it happens like this - our partner seems cold and indifferent, in fact he simply does not know how to express his feelings, but sometimes it’s the other way around - a person’s character is open, emotionally active, but inside himself he is not inclined towards you personally, he is just a cheerful person and a good guy .

In this position, it is preferable to see such Major Arcana as Lovers, Sun, World, as well as most cards of the suit of cups. But other cards do not talk about the absence of feelings, but paint them in various shades: from brightly positive (4 Staves) to frankly negative (9 Swords).

What can we say, for example, about the 8 of Pentacles in this position? Despite the fact that this is the suit of the material world, that is, it does not directly talk about feelings, it creates a very favorable impression, a positive emotional background. The 8 of Pentacles can indicate a relationship built on respect and some kind of mutual benefit that is pleasant for both parties. The card speaks of the pleasure of doing what you love, and this good sign- a relationship with you brings joy to a person. Although it’s worth making a reservation - perhaps this is the very case when a person’s “heart” is equally warm from both calculation and love.

Advice: If you are telling fortunes for a couple, it is very important to compare the cards in the position of feelings. Already at this stage, it is clear how emotionally harmonious the union is, and whether the feelings of the partners coincide or whether there is an insurmountable gap between them.

The lower position - “What is hidden” - indicates deep subconscious motives. With the help of this card, clients gain access to information that they are not aware of, but which is the internal tuning fork of all their actions, desires, fears and ambitions.

When laying out cards for thoughts, feelings, and the subconscious, it is this aspect - the unconscious - that raises the most objections, especially if the Devil or the Moon lurks in the secret labyrinths of the psyche. But this is the meaning of fortune telling - to see what really lies behind a person’s thoughts and feelings.

Advice: when telling fortunes about a partner, it is sometimes useful to start with yourself. Because it is our hidden relationship to him, and then the awareness of this motive that can completely change the picture of our relationship.

If you are worried about your relationship with your partner, if you are confused about your feelings for him and do not understand what he wants and how he treats you, ask yourself: Maybe there is something about me that I don’t know? Maybe there is something secret in me that I need to realize? And having realized - change?

To answer this question, you can use a special layout.

In this small review it is impossible to cover all the subtleties of fortune telling in the sphere of feelings, thoughts and the unconscious, they are so extensive and unique in each specific case. The number of layout options also amounts to dozens. “Station for two” or “Compatibility” are built on the same principle, with minor clarifications on positions. So study the cards, practice, and then the reasons for a person’s external and internal manifestations will become more clear to you. The main thing is to use it for good.
Good luck in mastering the Tarot!

The issue of marriage has always worried, worries and will worry all young couples, perhaps most of all. This is not surprising, since each of us dreams of a strong marriage, a good family and a home. There are, of course, those who do not consider this the main priority of their lives, but they are much smaller. So, almost any person is concerned with the question of whether his union will be successful, how strong his marriage bonds are and how long he will live in love and harmony with his companion. Can Tarot cards and love fortune telling help you accept the right decision? After all, big plans for a happy family life can be completely destroyed by the stone of gray everyday life and everyday troubles. It is unknown how a couple, who have spent at most several years together, will be able to confront these problems together and come out of difficulties with their heads held high. With such tests, life only tests the strength of the relationship between lovers. But this strengthens some and brings them closer together, while others divide and their paths diverge.

It takes quite a lot of time to check whether a couple can really pass the test of living together. Therefore, some people prefer to tell their fortunes for love before getting close to a person. After all, there is hardly anyone willing to give up precious years of their life to a marriage that does not bring happiness. The worst thing about this situation is that sometimes ideal partner before the wedding, he may turn out to be a complete stranger after a visit to the registry office. Unpredictability in in this case also plays a big role. This also applies to other issues related to living together. In particular, relationships with the parents and family of the companion, their influence, and positive or negative impressions of communication.

Divination online tarot for free will help solve this significant problem. The layout will show how right or wrong a person is in his choice. In fact, everything is much simpler than you might imagine. If you are really interested in answers, then Tarot fortune telling for love will give all the information of interest about what the future betrothed or betrothed should be like (if the person has not yet met a loved one), describe his disadvantages and advantages, name possible character changes in future. The cards will also show how ready the partner is for family life, will he withstand the tests prepared by fate, does he love so much that he won’t leave in any situation, will you be happy with him all the time.

Tarot for relationships will tell you how to maintain love and harmony

The Tarot reading for relationships will describe how warm and harmonious the relationships in the family will be. Who will care more about preserving the family hearth, caring for children, worrying about maintaining coziness and comfort in the house, and also dealing with security issues. Also, online tarot reading for relationships will give you information about who will make important decisions, who will become the head of the family, and whether equality will be respected. It will show how willing the partners are to give in, without “pulling the blanket over themselves.” From all the information received in the card layout, it will be possible to draw conclusions about whether it is worth accepting some of the companion’s shortcomings, or future relationships and life together impossible due to incompatible characters and views.

And most importantly, fortune telling about relationships using an online Tarot deck will play a very important advisory role in the process of making such an important decision as living together. Advice from cards will help you avoid getting lost in erroneous opinions and initial impressions. Hasty decisions that settle in the heads of lovers can be approved or discarded during the course of the reading. Fortune telling will also help you see certain events in the right light, point out their real cause, and explain the patterns in your life.

Do not forget that Tarot cards can only suggest and give advice in matters of relationships and love. The last word will have to be said by the person himself.

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