The windless bays of charm. Sharm El Sheikh

In the harsh Russian winter, everyone wants to break free for at least a week. warm sea... For this, Egypt is the most accessible: the country's resorts are ready to receive tourists all year round. Comfortable hotels, inexpensive travel deals and a quick flight (from Moscow to Cairo about 4 hours, from St. Petersburg - about 5) make this destination extremely popular.

Especially interesting in Egypt during the New Year holidays. Hotel workers decorate a Christmas tree, hang tinsel and garlands, arrange exhibitions, hold theme nights, contests and other entertainment for tourists. Many hotels include gifts for children, congratulations from Santa Claus and New Year's Eve in the price.

Weather in Egypt in winter

The air temperature during the day is in the region of 25-27 ° С, which allows swimming in the sea. It gets cooler in the evening.


The windless bays of Sharm El Sheikh

The wind season begins at the resort, which can significantly spoil the rest. Suddenly the wind rises, the temperature drops to 5-10 ° C, sand flies. Of course, you can always move to the pools - from the beginning of December, the water is heated to a comfortable temperature.

Compared to Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada is colder by about 2-4 ° C.

Sharm El Sheikh

This resort is the undisputed leader in sales of winter tours and packages. In winter, it is not hot here, it is comfortable, there are territories that are not affected by the wind season. The average air temperature during the day is about 26-27 ° C.

Windless bays in Sharm El Sheikh:

  1. Naama Bay,
  2. Ras Umm Sid,
  3. Sharm El Maya.

Naama Bay

The resort town of Naama Bay is located in the old part of Sharm El Sheikh, in a closed bay. There is everything for a comfortable stay: hotels and restaurants, discos and nightclubs, bars and shops. For fans of active nightlife, we recommend visiting the Bus Stop and Black House clubs. A warm welcome and delicious food will be provided by the Panarama cafe, Back in USSR.

There are clean beaches and a good comfortable entrance to the sea. In areas with coral reefs, pontoons are used. As in other resorts in Egypt, the underwater world is brightly and variedly presented here, a real expanse for diving lovers. Attention: only in Naama Bay you can ride water scooters, "bananas", etc. In the rest of Sharm El Sheikh, these entertainments are prohibited.

Ras Umm Sid

Ras Umm Sid is located exactly in the middle between Naama Bay and Sharm El Maya. It is a young, active, lively area that is constantly expanding and developing. Local authorities focus on tourists, so there are many inexpensive hotels, banks, entertainment complexes. The huge Il Mercato shopping area will provide ideal leisure for shopping lovers, the "1001 Nights" complex will open a real oriental fairy tale, dolphinariums and water parks will give children a lot of impressions.

There are large coral reefs here, the depth begins immediately from the coast. The entrance to the sea in most hotels is not very convenient, we recommend buying special shoes. But all the minor inconveniences are more than offset by the incredible underwater world.

Sharm El Maya

Not far from Naama Bay is the Sharm El Maya bay. From all sides it is closed from the wind by mountain ranges, so it is almost always quiet and warm here. Clean, spacious beaches, sandy bottom make the bay popular for families with children. There are also coral reefs here, but further, not in the beach area.

When choosing winter tours to Egypt, carefully study the information about hotels. It is the level and atmosphere of the hotel that determine the quality of the rest. Pay attention to the presence of heated pools, air conditioning in the room, distance to the sea and food. If you want to stay for the holidays, check what is included in the cost of the banquet, whether you can buy your own alcohol, etc.

The most accurate, verified data on resorts and hotels will be provided by the travel agency "Amigo-tour NN".

Naama Bay- This is the tourist center of the resort of Sharm El Sheikh. Along the entire coast of Naama Bay, there is a 3 km long pedestrian street with cozy restaurants, cafes, discos and shops. Hotels in Naama Bay are located in several lines along the bay. At the service of vacationers there are tennis courts, gyms, bicycles, jeeps, diving schools and clubs, yacht trips, jet skis, windsurfing, parachutes and much more. The most convenient beaches in Sharm el Sheikh are also located here - in the bay of Naama Bay. The beaches are sandy, with a convenient entrance to the sea, cleared of corals.

Sharks Bay is a new resort area known for its luxurious coral reefs.

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The Movenpick Golf Hotel is famous not only in Sharm El Sheikh, but throughout Egypt. The luxury hotels located here are always happy to offer their guests a high level of service, excellent cuisine, and a lot of entertainment.

Ras Nasrani bay- an ideal place for diving enthusiasts. One has only to enter the water, as you will see colorful corals.

El Nabq bay soon promises to become famous: 29 hotels of the highest category are being built here. Distinctive feature The bay is a gently sloping sandy coast, here, not far from the sea, amazing corals grow, unusual, very beautiful fish live. Not far from the bay is the Nabq National Park with exotic plants, among which birds live in the wild.

Ras Um Sid Bay located a few kilometers from Naama Bay. The bay is rich in underwater coral gardens, unusual marine life. The most discerning clientele will enjoy a first-class stay at the luxury Ritz Carlton and Amphoras Holiday INN hotels.

Sharm El Maya bay located near the center of the old town, where you can visit small shops, the oriental market with its unique flavor. This bay is also famous for its harbor, from where tourists go on boat trips to the Ras Mohammed reserve.

Winds in Egypt - an overview of windy weather in the most popular resorts in Egypt: Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, Taba and the Red Sea.

Winds in Egypt blow almost constantly, from April to early June they are stronger, and noticeably weaken in summer.

Throughout the year, the north-east wind prevails in Egypt, and starting in March, it changes to the south-west.

Winds in Egypt are coldest in January!

The coldest winds in Egypt blow in winter time of the year, from December to February, they are especially cold in January - this is the coldest month in Egypt.

Winds in Egypt are strongest in spring, from March to April!

If the Egyptian winds blow from the desert, then the mountains serve as a reliable barrier for them, but they are not everywhere or are located far from the coast.

To understand in which of the places of tourist rest the winds in Egypt will blow stronger or weaker, it is worth looking at the relief map, and look at the location of the mountains and the desert.

Winds on the Red Sea.

On the surface of the Red Sea, winds can be quite long and strong, here it all depends on the time of the year and a certain part of the sea.

The north-east wind in the southern part of the Red Sea prevails mainly in winter, while the south-west wind prevails in summer.

The north wind is more typical for the central part of the Red Sea; it prevails more in the summer season and passes through the entire sea.

Winds in the Red Sea are usually stronger in the morning than at night and in the middle of the day. Fans of boarding on the surface of the Red Sea, surfers and kiters, try not to miss the morning breeze.

The winds in the Red Sea blow more strongly in winter than in summer.

In the spring on northern part Red Sea, a very strong and hot wind can come from the Sahara Desert, which can blow for fifty days in a row, it is called - khamsin (translated from Arabic - fifty).

Winds in Hurghada.

Let's look at the map of Hurghada, to view it we use Yandex map in satellite mode (from space), and determine the relief of this area.

The map clearly shows that Hurghada, where the hotels for rest are located, is located on the deserted coast of the Red Sea, the mountains that should protect Hurghada from the winds are far enough, more than 20 kilometers. This location of Hurghada in an open, desert area creates all the conditions for the blowing winds.

The wind in Hurghada almost always blows, with an average speed of 4-7 m / s from April to October and 3-4 m / s from November to March.

In winter in Hurghada, the winds become colder, as the air in the desert has significant fluctuations in temperature to decrease, especially in the evening and at night.

The Red Sea with its warmth warms the adjacent coast, where it stands resort town Hurghada, and the blowing cold winds from the desert begin to blow off these warm layers of air, as a result of this, in the winter in the evening, it can get colder quickly, and even stronger at night.

In winter, it is cool in Hurghada in the evening!

Therefore, when planning an evening walk around Hurghada in the winter season, do not forget to bring along or put on warm clothes.

If the winds are strong during the day, and in order not to lose these valuable days while relaxing in Egypt, it is better to visit fascinating excursions in Egypt, for example, to Luxor (there is a real heat in the summer at + 40 ° C and above), or go shopping in the nearest shops around hotel in Hurghada.

The coast of the Red Sea, where Hurghada is located, protrudes deep into the sea, and it becomes even more open to the winds not only from the desert, but also from the sea, so when choosing a hotel in Hurghada for a vacation it is worth looking at the map of its location.

Advice on choosing a hotel in Hurghada!

Are the Sharm el-Maya and Naama bays the most windless?

Look at your future hotel, where you plan to relax on Yandex map in satellite mode (from space), zoom in as close as possible and pay attention to the Red Sea coast, where the hotel is located, if you see many different ships or ships in the sea off the coast of the hotel , usually it happens in Hurghada, which means there is a possibility that you will swim among them, plus the smell of exhaust gases from working engines, usually this happens in inexpensive hotels.

Winds in Sharm El Sheikh.

Now let's take a look at the map of Sharm El Sheikh, this is the city of more expensive hotels in Egypt. We see that high mountains stretch along the coast of the Red Sea like a solid wall, and they protect Sharm El Sheikh hotels from the winds from the desert.

The winds in Sharm El Sheikh are weaker than in Hurghada!

In Sharm El Sheikh, the winds are much less than in Hurghada, since the mountains are very close to the sea (but they are not as close as in Taba), which means that we can conclude that the coastal area is more protected and the mountains serve as a reliable barrier to winds from the desert.

This location of Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt is more protected from the winds, which creates warmer weather in it, 2 degrees warmer than in Hurghada.

The weather in Sharm El Sheikh is warmer than in Hurghada!

For the blowing winds in Sharm El Sheikh, there are only two options left: the wind blows from the sea or blows along the coast, this gives a greater gain in comparison with Hurghada, which is open from all directions for the winds.

Sharm El Sheikh has many quiet bays that are warmer and more calm, especially in winter, such as Naama Bay!

Winds in Taba.

Now let's look at the map of Taba, which stands on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba, this resort is surrounded by very beautiful mountains in the form of rocks, which are close to the sea and stretch along the coast, so there are almost no winds here, especially in the winter season.

Rocky mountains on all sides protect the coast of Taba from the winds, creating warm and calm weather.

Here, from the coast of Taba, a beautiful view of Saudi Arabia and Jordan opens up.

Wind and rest in Egypt.

When building hotels in Egypt, they try to take into account the discomfort from the blowing winds. If you look closely at the location of the hotel buildings, you can understand how this is done. In general, most of the hotels in Egypt are located next to each other, which is also a big plus for protection from the winds. The inner territory of the hotel and its swimming pools are blocked from the wind from three sides by buildings (usually this is the main building - the reception and rooms for guests' accommodation), leaving only the access to the sea to the beach unprotected. This arrangement of buildings allows you to comfortably relax in windy weather inside the hotel, especially by the pool.

When choosing a hotel for vacation in Egypt, during the cold season, you should choose a hotel with a heated pool, otherwise the water in the pool will be very cool.

In winter in Egypt, morning and evening are cool and cold winds blow, and during the day the sun is very warm.

The Red Sea in winter in Egypt is always warm, its temperature does not drop below +20 ° C, and you can swim in it with comfort!

If, when leaving the sea, after swimming in windy weather, you are cold, wipe yourself off with a towel or wrap yourself in it for a short time, a little later you will feel warm again, the rays of the warm Egyptian sun will do their job.

If, in windy weather, you close the sun lounger on the beach from the winds with special protective partitions (screens, usually made of twigs), which are available in almost all hotels in Egypt, then you will be comfortable and warm.

Starting in mid-April, the winds begin to weaken and the weather in Egypt becomes sunnier, warmer and very comfortable for a beach holiday!

In the heat of summer, the blowing winds in Egypt create a light refreshing breeze, especially when leaving the sea or the hotel pool, and it is refreshingly pleasant. But remember, this gentle breeze is dangerous in terms of sunburn, you can quickly get burned without feeling the scorching heat of the sun.

Winds in Egypt are very fond of surfers and kiters, who from year to year come to ride to their favorite places. Egyptian winds on the Red Sea coast have an even and constant air flow, which is very important when gliding on water. Especially famous among these lovers of catching the waves, the Dahab resort, thanks to its unique wind rose, is considered the most popular of the places for skiing.

Relax in Egypt all year round, and the gentle sun will give you a cheerful mood and a warm sea!

Sharm el-Sheikh is a popular resort in Egypt, attracting tourists with its beautiful sea with gorgeous coral reefs and a rich underwater world.

The coast of Sharm el-Sheikh is divided into bays, each of which has its own characteristics. We present to your attention an overview of the features of the bays of Sharm el-Sheikh and the popular hotels in this region.

Nabq Bay


"Rising star" of Sharm el-Sheikh resort, with hotels of the highest category. However, in the winter season in the Nabqa Bay there are strong winds therefore, the beaches may be closed for swimming. Nearby is the Nabq National Park with rare species plants and many exotic birds.


in Nabq they are very gentle and mostly sandy, but ebb and flow are frequent here, so it takes a long time to go to the depth. There is also a coral reef here, you can get to them by piers or pontoons, which are some of the longest on the coast.

Popular hotels in Nabq Bay:

    Sharm Grand Plaza 5 * - first line / hotel for a calm family vacation... Entry into the sea is smooth, sandy bottom. There is also a coral reef not far from the coast. Tourists praise the quality of the food at the hotel. The hotel has a large well-groomed area.

    Royal Albatros Moderna 5 * - first line / suitable for families with children. Entrance to the sea from the pontoon (630 m). On the territory of the hotel there is a water park, a kids club.

    Barcelo Tiran Sharm 5 * - first line / hotel of the international high-class hotel chain BARCELO. Own sandy beach, there are corals nearby. Diverse quality food. For children there is a mini-club, swimming pools, playgrounds.

Ras Nasrani bay


a small cove near the Nabq area. There is practically no entertainment or nightlife here. Shops, souvenir shops are concentrated on the territory of the hotels.


in the bay of Ras Nasrani there is one of the most beautiful reefs. The only negative is the current, which can be quite strong.

Popular hotels in Ras Nasrani Bay:

    Jaz Belvedere 5 * - first line / hotel is suitable for families with children and snorkelers. There is a sandy entry into the sea, there is a coral reef (pontoon - 112 m). Tourists celebrate the variety of dishes in the restaurant, good housekeeping, animation program.

    Coral Sea Sensatori 5 * - first line / hotel for a respectable holiday with a developed infrastructure. There is a sandy entry into the sea, there is a pontoon (150 m) and a coral reef. The hotel offers a beautiful view of Tiran Island.

White Knight Cove (White Knight Cove)


bay good protected from wind and waves... Popular with divers. The main attraction of the bay is deep underwater canyon, and underwater cave(27 m). But for beginners, such a dive will not be possible, please. Only experienced divers can get to these attractions.


    Savoy Sharm El Sheikh 5 *- first line / hotel for a respectable holiday. Located next to Soho Square. There are many interesting places on the territory of the hotel: a disco in the ancient Roman style, a bar-cave hiding in the shade of a seething waterfall, a winter garden, many fountains and delicate bridges.

Shark's Bay


An amazing diving site. This bay is famous for its beautiful coral reef and calm weather, including in winter.


A very popular place among tourists - Soho Square pedestrian street... Since it got its name from the eponymous London square, much here reminds of Great Britain - pubs, red booths and a British house. Soho Square is more like one big entertainment street: there are many shops, restaurants, a cinema, a singing fountain and even an ice rink! Prices here are slightly higher than in other areas of Sharm el-Sheikh, and although it is customary to bargain here, prices are not discounted willingly.

Popular hotels in Sharks Bay:

    Siva Sharm 5 *- first line / perfect for youth holidays, thanks to the proximity of Soho Square.

    Sierra 5 *- the second coastline / within walking distance from Soho Square. Popular with young people and families. Free shuttle to the beach. Nice coral reef. Strong animation team.

    Hotel complex Domina Coral Bay 5 * - there are buildings on the first and second line / hotels for families with children. Pontoon (70 m), a beautiful coral reef. There is a sandy beach.

    Sultan Gardens 5 *- first line / one of the best family hotels. Entrance to the sea from the pontoon (35 m). There is a sandy entrance, convenient for children. Also for children there is a water slide, kids club, playground.

    Grand Rotana Resort & SPA Sharm El Sheikh 5 * - first line / one of the most famous hotels in Sharm El Sheikh. It is also popular for the fact that the television show "The Bachelor" was filmed here. A hotel for discerning tourists. Pontoons (12 and 15 m). There is a lagoon for children with a sandy entrance.

Naama Bay


The very first bay from which the development of the resort began. Almost completely windless bay resort Sharm el-Sheikh.


In Naama Bay comfortable beaches, the bottom is cleared of corals, but you can still find the beauty of the underwater world in this area of ​​the resort.

There are sandy entrances to the sea, there is an opportunity to go down from pontoons.

The hotels on the first line of the resort are separated from the beach by a pedestrian street.


In the area of ​​this bay passes pedestrian promenade, where bars, restaurants, clubs, discos, casinos, various shops with spices, fabrics and other goods are located. You can buy anything you want, including souvenirs.

Especially popular cafe "Panorama", from where a gorgeous view of the entire Naama Bay opens.

Popular hotels in Naama Bay:

    Gafy Resort 4 *- second line / budget youth hotel, located next to a pedestrian street with bars, restaurants, discos, shops.

    Tropitel Naama Bay 5 *- second line / hotel for youth and active family recreation close to all entertainment.

    Movenpick Resort Sharm el Sheikh Naama Bay 5 *- first line / elite hotel for a respectable holiday with family and children.

Ras Um El Sid Bay


The underwater world of this bay is very active and attracts here many divers. But the beaches themselves very narrow and located in the rocks. Although, everyone will find a place for himself here, and there are much more opportunities to retire than on ordinary sandy beaches.

The bay is sheltered from the wind. Wonderful coral reef.


in this bay the beaches are mainly rocky and cascading. To go down to the sea, you need to overcome the steps, and some hotels have solved this issue with an elevator, which lowers and lifts tourists to the sea and back.


Basically, all entertainment here is located on the territory of the hotel. There are only small shops outside the territory. Therefore, most tourists prefer to go for entertainment in Hadaba and Naama Bay.

Popular hotels in Ras Um el Sid Bay:

    Jaz Fanara Resort & Residence 4 * - first line / sandy entrance to the sea, no pontoon. Perfect for families with small children. Large well-groomed area.

    Reef Oasis Beach Resort 5 * - first line / there is a sandy cleared entry into the sea; there is a pontoon, a coral reef. Not far from the hotel is the Alf Leila Wa Leila entertainment center and the Il Merkato shopping arcade. Suitable for families with children.

Sharm El Maya Bay


The view that opens on the Sharm el-Maya bay is perhaps the most beautiful in all of Sharm el-Sheikh. In addition, this bay is the most protected from the winds, so it will be an excellent choice for recreation in the winter season.


The beach in Sharm El Maya is sandy with clean and soft sand. There is also a coral reef here, but pontoons lead to it, and there are practically no fish and sea urchins near the coast, so it is not for nothing that this bay is called the best for families with children.


From Sharm el-Maya within walking distance is Old town with oriental market and mosque... Here you can not only have fun and sit in one of the many cafes, immerse yourself in the charm and color of the Old Town, but also buy souvenirs, local goods for every taste and budget. They sell delicious fruits, spices, clothes, bags, belts, scarves, souvenirs and much, much more. So this is perhaps the best place to shop in Sharm El Sheikh.

From the harbor of Sharm el Maya yachts depart for nature reserve Ras Mohammed. This is one of the most popular attractions in Egypt, a real miracle of the underwater world. Even a child is able to sail a couple of tens of meters from the coast with a snorkel and fins to see with his own eyes the amazing beauty of this national park.

Popular hotels in Sharm El Maya Bay:

    Albatros Aqua Blue Resort 5 *- second line / free shuttle to the beach. There is a sandy entrance to the sea. There is a water park with 64 slides!

    Albatros Aqua Park Sharm El Sheikh 5 * - second line / free shuttle bus to the beach. new hotel, opened 05.19.2017. Sandy entrance to the sea. The hotel has a nice water park with many slides. You can use the water park of the Albatros Aqua Blue Resort 5 * hotel. The use of the food court at the water park in Albatros Aqua Blue Resort 5 * is free!

    The Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5 *- located within walking distance of Il Mercato. The hotel has 11 pools

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In Sharm el-Sheikh there is a small cove with the proud and beautiful name White Knight, which means White Knight. It is well protected from wind and waves, thus attracting much attention from avid divers.

A deep picturesque canyon, starting at a depth of 8-10 meters and going down to a depth of about 40-50 meters with its steep ledges, is the main underwater attraction of the White Knight Bay.

There is one very interesting cave here, located at a depth of 27 meters, but beginners cannot conquer it. Many of the divers follow a route that encompasses the canyon's most striking sights, and then return back to the boat. If you are attracted by underwater sports - visit these places inconspicuously, and you will not regret!

Ras Um El Sid Bay

Ras Um El Sid Bay with its magnificent coral reefs is a favorite spot for divers. Its name means "mother cape" in Arabic. The famous explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau included these places in the list of the 10 best in the world. Due to the incredible beauty of the underwater world and the huge number of underwater marine inhabitants, the sea in the bay area is of great interest to divers.

The coastline gently slopes down to a depth of about 20 meters from the surface, creating the most comfortable conditions for divers to observe the diverse life marine life... In some places, the bottom is at great depth, so here you should remember about precautions. There is a wall of beautiful gorgon corals near the bay.

Numerous caves and grottoes hide a wide variety of marine life, in particular moray eels, lionfish, groupers and schools of glass fish. During strong currents, schools of barracuda and tropical horse mackerel can be found near the reef. The magnificent beach is famous for a huge coral pillar that descends 60 meters. Experienced divers regularly dive here at night.

Ras Um El Sid Bay

Ras Um Sid Bay with its magnificent coral reefs is one of the most popular diving spots. Its name means "mother cape" in Arabic. The famous explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau included these places in the list of the 10 best in the world. Due to the incredible beauty of the underwater world and the huge number of underwater marine inhabitants, the sea in the bay area is of great interest to divers.

The coastline gently slopes down to a depth of about 20 meters from the surface, creating the most comfortable conditions for divers to observe the diverse life of marine life. In some places, the bottom is at great depth, so here you should remember about precautions. There is a wall of beautiful gorgon corals near the bay. In numerous caves and grottoes, moray eels, lionfish, huge groupers and hundreds of glass fish hide. During strong currents, schools of barracuda and tropical horse mackerel can be found near the reef. The magnificent beach is famous for a huge coral pillar that descends 60 meters. Experienced divers regularly dive here at night.

Ras Nasrani bay

Ras Nasrani Bay is located near the main airport of Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt.

The most beautiful bay amazes the inexperienced viewer with the view of multi-colored corals and a large number bright fish, which can be observed even without special devices. Ras Nasrani is considered one of the best places Sharm El Sheikh is for those who love to view the underwater world of the Red Sea.

Along the coast of the Red Sea of ​​Ras Nasrani there is a walking path, along which you can walk in the evening, enjoying the view of the night sky with bright stars.

One of the highlights of the bay is the live coral reef near the Baron Hotel, which is impressive for its beauty and the wide variety of fish species that inhabit it.

Sharm El Sheikh landmarks

For another three months, winter will cover us with snow and torment us with frost. Or maybe go to Egypt: bask under the African sun, improve your health in the waters of the Red Sea ?! Here is just a small nuance - winter at this time in Egypt. Yes, it is free from cold and frosty weather, but in Egypt in January-February it is quite windy. And this can become a big obstacle to enjoyment and relaxation. In order not to spoil your vacation, the travel agency "Confetti" recommends choosing a tour carefully, relying on the experience of specialists.
So why are these winds blowing? If you do not delve into the details of the climatic features of these latitudes, the wind rises in the deserts to very high rates at the height of winter. The echoes of the wind also reach the coast. At the same time, the breezes will be much more active, because the desert is close to the line of hotels. The wind in Sharm is another matter: small mountains and hills impede strong gusts, and in order to comfortably sunbathe in February on the banks of the Sharm, it is important to choose the right bay.
The sea has cut the land so that in some places you can find a very comfortable place to relax. From the wind from the sea, it shelters the sea flowing into the land, and on the other hand, the hotels located in the lowlands are closed by the hills in front.

Rating of Sharm el-Sheikh bays protected from the wind according to the travel agency "Confetti" (Kharkiv):

1. Naama Bey

Naama is the very first bay from where they began to build hotels in Sharm. The sea here cuts into the land like a crescent, so children can also swim and sunbathe during periods of strong winds. During the height of winter in Kharkov, tours to hotels in the Naama area can become more expensive. And it is not surprising, because the rest here will not be overshadowed by the cold and big waves.
Among the hotels in Naama Bay, good options for your trip are:
1.Sonesta Beach 5 * ... The hotel has an elongated territory, a small sandy beach and a convenient entry from the sand. Corals will not surprise you with their special beauty, but here are fish for every color and taste.
2. Novotel Palm 4 * and Novotel Beach 5 * - two absolutely ideal hotels to stay at any time. In winter, when the wind blows everywhere in Sharm, comfort and silence reign in Novoteli. Novotel Palm is located across the street from its five-star friend, which does not prevent it from having a convenient access to the beach and a very active environment for children. And what could be better than to go on vacation with the kids to Egypt and calmly swim in the warm sea and even with a sandy sunset.
3. Ghazala Gardens 4 * - it doesn’t matter that the hotel is on the 2nd line, walking or driving to the beach in front of the 5 * Gazala Beach will not be difficult, but as a service, a pleasant atmosphere and comfort you will definitely not have to worry.
4. Tropitel Naama Bay 5 * - an economical hotel for budget tours. The beach is sheltered from the wind, close to fun and a promenade. What else do you need in Sharm in January?
5. Do you want to relax luxuriously? Eat delicious, sit at neatly served tables in a restaurant? In the evening, want to walk together and have fun in Naaama? Maritim Jolie Ville Resort & Casino 5 * - your proven tour option. The bay is sheltered from strong winds, the sea is interesting, the service corresponds to the level of 5 stars.

2. Sharm El Maya

The second no less windless bay of Sharma is Sharm el-Maya. The southernmost part of the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt is shallow enough, closed by hills and ideal for relaxing in Sharm with children, as well as people of age. Visits here, mainly from the shore, fish and reef are also present. Walking to the Old Market is no more than 10 minutes, which means you can take a walk outside the hotel.
1. It should be noted that the main hotel of El Maya Bay Albatros Aqua Blu Resort 4 * ... It is difficult to imagine such expanse and variety of recreation anywhere else. The hotel has its own huge water park with 64 slides and slopes. It is intended for adults, teenagers and even small children. The beach of the Albatross hotel is its own, but within a 5-minute walk. So that guests do not burden themselves with walks in the sun, a free shuttle bus runs every half hour. It is he who delivers vacationers to a quiet bay to swim in the Red Sea. The advantages of the hotel include a variety of food: the main restaurant and 3-4 more a la carte will surprise you with the masterpieces of the cuisine, the dishes are served according to the buffet system. Well, the price is very low, as for such a high-quality tour to Sharm.
2. A hotel where you want to rest from the hustle and bustle and scream, drown in the rays of warmth and relax. There are also tours for adults only in Sharm, in such secluded hotels. It can rightfully be considered as such Iberotel Palace 5 * ... The sea comes close to the beautiful territory of the hotel. Animators are present, but only to entertain the guests a little. The rooms correspond to the brand, which is emphasized by the cost of the trip here.
3. Turquoise Beach 3 * ... Those who are looking for an economical way to go on vacation to a windless hotel in Sharma - Turkesa - this is it! Yes, you need to walk about 100 m to the beach, cross a not very busy road. But the hotel has the opportunity to use two beaches at once Terrasina and El Khema. The hotel is very fond of retired people, connoisseurs of bargaining, unhurried rest.

3. Ras-um-el-Sid

The complex name of the bay is nothing in comparison with the cozy location behind the mountains, without wind, and even with very beautiful, rich in fish and colorful corals. This bay is for diving and snorkeling lovers. Here it is close to the Old Market and the entertainment complex "1001 nights". Therefore, the hotels of the Um-el-Sid bay can be considered active. The prices for tours from Kharkov to hotels in this region of Sharm can be high, but the pleasure is not to be obliterated!
1. Reef Oasis Beach 5 * - a great huge hotel with its amazing corals. Near the hotel you can find a romantic cafe on the Farsha rock - this is in case you are looking for a hotel in Sharm where you can propose to your beloved - this restaurant is very suitable! The hotel is very comfortable. There is an animation team and a disco.

2.Club Feraana Reef 4 + * hotel on the first line with an excellent beach and reef. It will be very good here on the beach area, but in the hotel, due to its elevated location, the wind can be felt more.

Where will the strongest waves and winds be in February and January?

Unfortunately, the most developing region with the highest quality and newest hotels is located in the north of Sharm el-Sheikh - in Nabq. The winds are very steep here, often breaking the branches of palm trees.
The entire Hadaba area can be considered an equally cool area. It is not for nothing that it translates as "High Mountain" - all hotels here are open to the flow of winds, and the sea shores are practically not closed.
Around Soho, in Sharks Bay, the wind will be felt and children may not be the most suitable place to relax in February. However, for adults, the proximity to the entertainment area is quite high level hotels can be to your liking.
Contact our travel agency so that even a trip to Egypt in February does not become a disappointment. We will help you find an inexpensive option in the warmest zone.

Egypt has long become the most sought after destination among tourists. The prices there are quite affordable, and the service is getting better every year. In addition, it is not far to fly and the sea is warm enough for swimming even in winter. You just need to choose the right place. The weather in the winter months is sunny with t about 25 degrees during the day, but cold winds blow. Therefore, it is so important to choose a place where the beach is protected from the wind by a rocky coast. The largest number such places in Sharm El Sheikh.

SO, Sharm El Sheikh: The warmest and most windless place can be considered

El Phanar Bay (aka Ras Umm Sid): The following hotels have a beach in this bay:

Iberotel Club Fanara & Residence 4 *, Reef Oasis Beach Resort 5 *, SENTIDO Reef Oasis Senses Resort 5 *, Club El Faraana Reef 4 *

Also, if you look on the map a little to the left of El Phanar, there is another most favorable for winter

Sharm El Maya:

Sharm El Maya

In the bay there are 4 hotels of the 1st line Beach Albatros Sharm 4 *, Dessole Seti Sharm Resort 4 *, Iberotel Palace 5 * and Turquoise Beach Hotel 3 * and one 2nd Albatros Aqua Blu Sharm 4 *. Also in the bay there are several beaches of city hotels and a couple of public beaches. Near the bay there is a market - Old Market.

Naama Bay- the most famous bay of Sharma and naturally it leads in the number and variety of hotels suitable for winter recreation, not only because it is calm, but also because the main entertainment areas are located there, and this is very useful in winter, when daylight hours ends at five in the evening ...

The arrow on the map shows the direction of the wind. Therefore, the most protected from the wind can be considered Movenpick Sharm El Sheikh Resort Naama Bay 5 *
Another plus - there are practically no reefs in this bay, the beach is sandy everywhere, with the exception of a few hotels along the edges of the bay. At the same time, the southern region and the hotels located there are purged. Stella Di Mare and Halomi Beach are at risk. The most ideal location is at the Moevenpick. Notable hotels include Sonesta Beach & Club, Marriott Resort & Marriot Mountain, Novotel Beach & Novotel Palm, Hilton Sharm El Sheikh Fayrouz Resort (not working for all), Hilton Sharm Dreams, Gasala Beach & Gasala Garden, Maritime Jolie Ville Resort & Casino, Iberotel Lido. There are also many inexpensive hotels of dubious quality in Naama, located far from the sea and without a private beach.

White Knight Bay also suitable for winter holidays.

In the bay there are hotels Royal Savoy 5 *, Island View 5 *, Conkorde El Salam, Hilton Sharks Bay and Siva Sharm Resort & Spa 5 * (former Savita)

Between the hotels of the 1st and 2nd lines is the Soho esplanade - a modern shopping mall with fashionable restaurants, shops and entertainment centers. Here you can even go ice skating on the indoor ice rink.

Hotels can also be referred to as "winter" Sharks Bay

Dessole Royal Rojana Resort 5 * and AA Grand Oasis Resort 4 *.

Melia Sinai 5 *, located in the Ras Nasrani Bay, can also be considered relatively calm. But Melia Sharm, as you can see in the picture below, is not like that.
In the gulf El Basha Bay windless hotels Reef Oasis Blue Bay Resort & Spa 5 *, Continental Plaza Beach Resort 5 * and Sharm Grand Plaza Resort 5 *.

Well, the last one Coral Bay.

It is almost entirely occupied by the Domina complex. The most windless Domina hotels are located in the northern part of the complex. These are Aquamarin Pool, Sultan, Elisir, King's and Prestige hulls.
As well as the Sinai Grand Resort Valtur 4 * hotel, but it is impossible to get into it from Russian tour operators.

What is categorically not worth considering for a winter holiday is the Nabq area. Here the winds and currents are always strong and the wave is even in summer. Another disadvantage is the fact that there is no entrance from the coast in Nabq - a coral slab, and through it long pontoons and piers over the edge of the reef. The length of the pontoons / piers in places is more than 500 meters.


Hurghada has a wonderful windless area in Makadi Bay.
Excellent windless hotels Fort Arabesque 5 * and children's Sunrise Select Royal Makadi Resort 5 *. In addition - Makadi Spa 5 * and Sunwing Waterworld Makadi 5 * And between them and the Arabesques - a thin strip almost perpendicular to the sea - Prima Life Makadi Resort 5 *. The Al Nabila Grand Bay 5 * hotel is also referred to Makadi - the beach there is also well protected from the wind. Although the hotel itself is located far from the entertainment and infrastructure of Makadi.
Hotels in the central part of Hurghada can also be classified as windless. But fans of the underwater world have nothing to do there, the reef is mostly dead. But these beaches are suitable for families with small children, because have a gentle sandy entry into the sea.

We will gladly tell you about all other districts and hotels not included in this article in our office. Come!

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