Tests to detect the immunodeficiency virus are effective methods for diagnosing HIV. Types of blood tests, how and when they need to be taken What is the correct name of the test

In addition to diagnosing the disease, blood and stool tests are done if a person gets a job. new job, draws up a health certificate or plans to visit public sports places - a swimming pool or gym. The child always submits stool for examination before visiting kindergarten.

How to take a stool test for eggworm

Examination of feces in laboratory conditions detects the presence of nematodes or roundworms, trematodes or flukes, cestodes or tapeworms. Similar types of diagnostics are carried out in the clinic at the place of residence, the Hemotest clinic and similar medical centers.

  1. Before submitting stool for analysis, you should not take laxatives, do an enema, or use rectal suppositories. Otherwise, the study may show inaccurate results.
  2. When collecting biological material, it is important to ensure that urine does not get into the stool. To do this, it is recommended to use plastic film or a special tray.
  3. Feces should be collected from the middle and sides of the feces. The volume of collected feces should not exceed two teaspoons or a third of a special container for feces.
  4. If feces are collected from children, you need to take the child to the toilet in advance to urinate, and only then empty the intestines. In infants, analysis can be taken directly from the diaper.
  5. Feces are placed in a pre-prepared container and tightly closed with a lid. You can attach a label to the jar itself, on which you write down the initials, date and time of stool collection.

The analysis should be submitted for testing on the same day when the stool was collected, preferably in the morning. If necessary, feces can be collected the night before, in which case they should be placed in the refrigerator or placed on a ventilated windowsill.

To collect biological material, sterile containers are not required; they do not need to be scalded or boiled. Containers for feces with a convenient spatula are sold in pharmacies; you can also use regular glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids.

Stool cannot be placed in paper or match boxes; the laboratory will not accept it.

Carrying out scrapings for enterobiasis

Scraping for enterobiasis is carried out to detect pinworm eggs, this type research is carried out at least twice a year. This diagnostic method is considered more accurate than stool analysis, although it is possible to obtain unreliable data. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct the study at least three times with a short break.

No specific preparation is required for the study. But before taking the test, it is not recommended to empty your bowels or wash yourself, as this can significantly distort the results.

You can do a scraping for enterobiasis yourself at home. To do this, use a special adhesive tape or tape with a glass slide. A special container can also be used for this. The procedure for collecting biological material is carried out in the morning, immediately after waking up.

  • To collect, put on rubber gloves and take a ready-made container to collect the material.
  • The buttocks are carefully spread apart. Use a cotton swab, which is moistened in glycerin, and rubbed several times along the skin surface and folds in the area of ​​the anus.
  • The resulting material, together with the stick, is placed in a previously prepared test tube and the lid of the container is tightly closed.

This collection method makes it possible to detect not only helminth eggs, but also cysts, as well as segments of mature worms.

  1. Gloves are also worn to take scrapings using adhesive tape.
  2. The adhesive tape peels off from the surface, but it is important not to touch it with anything.
  3. The buttocks are carefully spread apart and the adhesive tape is tightly touched to the skin of the anus and anal folds; the tape is held on the skin for two seconds.

After this, the tape is carefully removed and glued to a special glass slide.

Blood test for worms

The presence of worms is indicated by increased levels of eosinophils, hemoglobin, and ESR. Helminthiasis is also detected by signs of anemia.

  • are given in cases of suspected helminth infection, increased leukocytosis, as well as for preventive purposes during the examination of workers.
  • For general and enzyme immunoassay venous blood is taken on an empty stomach, the patient is only allowed to drink water. It is necessary that at least eight hours have passed before the study, when the person consumed food.
  • Two days before the analysis, it is not recommended to eat fatty, salty and spicy foods. It is best if at least two weeks pass from the date of taking any medicine. If a person is forced to take any medications, the laboratory assistant must be informed about this.

Analysis processing takes about five days. If a negative test is received, the result indicates the absence of antibodies to worm antigens, that is, the person is not infected. A positive result indicates what the helminths may be called and what the degree of infestation is. The data obtained can be deciphered by the attending physician, who gives a referral for the study.

The video in this article talks about all existing methods diagnosis of helminthiasis.

Lactate, etc.). Glucose is of particular importance.

This indicator requires periodic monitoring, since sugar is vital for the body and is a source of energy for every cell.

You can find out its level by passing the appropriate analysis. Doctors advise doing this procedure once every six months. In everyday speech you can hear different terminology, but not everyone knows what a blood sugar test is called in medical terms.

Thanks to it, it is possible to identify many diseases that may not manifest themselves for a long time, for example.

What is the medical name for a blood sugar test?

Since blood contains many different elements, in medicine there is no such thing as a “sugar test”. The correct name is “Blood Glucose Test”.

It is designated as “GLU” on the medical form and provides accurate information about the patient’s carbohydrate metabolism.

This indicator is appropriate when conducting special research, or when taking a test. It is measured in mmol/liters (mm/l).

How to donate blood for sugar?

Blood is given for glucose testing both from a finger and from a vein.

In order for the analysis to show the most correct result, you need to properly prepare:

  • About a day or two before donating blood, it is not recommended to eat large amounts of food, especially fatty foods. Should be abandoned;
  • consume foods that can, as they can affect the result;
  • the period of time between the last meal and blood donation should be at least 8 hours, and preferably 12 hours. It is strictly prohibited during this period. Only allowed;
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to exclude everything;
  • If you are taking any medications, the doctor must be aware so that this point is taken into account during the study. Sometimes the analysis is postponed to another date;
  • try not to be nervous and not allow it to happen, since the emotional state affects the composition of the blood;
  • if there are infectious diseases, then donating blood should be delayed to avoid getting an incorrect result;
  • It is not recommended to use toothpaste in the morning due to its glucose content. You should also avoid chewing gum containing sugar;
  • After X-rays and ultrasounds, you cannot take a test.

Decoding the research results

Obtained and interpreted blood glucose results help diagnose different types diseases.

When its level is low, it is observed, which indicates a disruption in the normal functioning of the adrenal glands, or.

Plasma sugar levels by age

Permissible value The blood sugar levels in children and adults are different. It depends not only on age, but also on the time of analysis.

It is advisable to take it before 9 am to get the most reliable result. In children under 12 years of age, values ​​from 5 to 10 mm/l are considered normal. For children over 13 years of age, the rate is the same as for adults.

If the adult body is healthy, then the glucose level will range from 3.2 to 5.5 mm/l . A reading of up to 7.8 mmol/liter will be considered normal. This concentration is considered normal only if the blood was taken from a finger.

A sugar level close to 6 mm/l indicates the presence of sugar due to decreased insulin production.. The result of a blood test from a vein, it should not exceed 6.1 mm/l.

Taking a sample with a sugar load is considered normal if it does not exceed 7.8 mm/l.

  • frequent nervous tension;
  • disorders of the adrenal glands;
  • infectious diseases;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • failure to maintain proper nutrition.

There are the main ones: there is a constant sensation in the mouth, with a burning sensation and goosebumps. In more severe situations, or appear.

  • insulin test. This test is relevant for patients who have elevated glycemia. This method helps to accurately determine the availability diabetes mellitus or its absence;
  • C-peptide is a protein substance contained in proinsulin molecules, without the cleavage of which insulin cannot be produced. Often, the analysis is carried out in conjunction with a glucose tolerance test to identify a response to, remission phase or to determine the necessary treatment;
  • leptin test, which allows you to find out the process of energy production and appetite. It also determines the propensity for and presence of;
  • pancreatic beta cell antibody test. This indicator is very important, as it allows you to determine before the first symptoms appear.
  • Video on the topic

    All these tests are prescribed by an endocrinologist. Proper preparation for taking them is important in order to obtain objective results and subsequently effective treatment.

    A blood test is one of the most common and informative methods of primary diagnosis. Based on its results, you can judge the condition of the organs, make, confirm or refute a diagnosis, determine what stage the disease is at and adjust the prescribed treatment, determine the level of hormones for their further adjustment. A blood test, the types of which are known to all doctors, is carried out not only for those who are sick, but also for completely healthy people who undergo routine medical examinations once a year (in kindergartens and schools, at work, in the army). Therefore, there is probably no person in our country who has never encountered mysterious and slightly frightening numbers in tables with analysis results.

    Blood test: types

    There are a huge number of different blood tests:

    • For hormones.
    • For sugar.
    • Test to determine allergens.
    • Immunological.
    • For clotting.
    • For tumor markers.
    • To confirm pregnancy and others.

    First, let’s look at the two most common and at the same time incomprehensible analyzes for the average patient:

    • Biochemical.
    • Clinical (general/expanded).


    Before we find out the blood standards for adults, the table of which will be given below, let’s figure out why it is needed.

    A referral for biochemistry is the same piece of paper that general practitioners hand out in reams every day. It is prescribed according to the plan to each patient once a year to monitor the state of health and after any complicated illness, as well as to any person admitted to the hospital.

    Blood is drawn only from a vein (most often in the area of ​​the elbow joint, but sampling from veins on the hands, feet, and legs is also possible) and always in the morning, on an empty stomach. After the procedure, the test tubes are sent to a special laboratory. The analysis results are usually ready the next day.

    Norms of biochemical blood analysis in adults: table

    Index Unit Lower limit of normal Upper limit of normal



    Non-protein blood nitrogen (residual)



    General lipids


    Low-density lipoprotein, LDL/LDL cholesterol

    men: 2.02

    women: 1.92

    men: 4.79

    women: 4.51

    HDL/ HDL cholesterol


    Men: 0.72

    women: 0.68

    men: 1.63

    women: 2.28

    Atherogenic coefficient


    Triglycerides (the norm strongly depends on gender and age. Values ​​are given for the age of 35-40 years)

    men: 0.61

    women: 0.45

    men: 3.62

    women: 1.99





    AST (aspartate aminotransferase)

    ALT (alanine aminotransferase)

    Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase

    men: 15

    women: 10

    men: 106

    women: 66

    Alkaline phosphatase

    men: 11.64

    women: 8.95

    Due to savings in our regional hospitals, doctors often do not consider it necessary to send patients for a generally accepted full-fledged analysis, and then certain types of biochemical blood tests are formed, the directions of which will highlight only some characteristics.

    For example, if a patient complains of liver problems, they will take blood samples for bilirubin (total) and total protein, albumin, alanine aminotransferase, gamma GTP, C-reactive protein, and alkaline phosphatase.

    If the doctor suspects that the patient has diabetes, he will first conduct a biochemical test for sugar (glucose) to confirm or refute the assumption.

    Patients are all different and an experienced doctor, if there are direct symptoms of the disease, will not waste the patient’s money and hospital resources in vain. After all, several times a year to carry out a complete general research blood, without special indications, is not at all necessary.

    Clinical blood test

    This is the name of a blood test, the types of which must be performed only on an empty stomach (regardless of whether blood is taken from a finger or from a vein).

    Today, measurements of indicators in this study are carried out automatically, using special hematology analyzers.

    The main indicators of a clinical blood test are:

    • Hemoglobin- a component of the red blood cell that transports oxygen to tissues and organs. A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin leads to tissue oxygen deficiency. The norm for women is 120-140 grams/l, for men - 135-160 grams/l.
    • Leukocytes (quantity). Leukocytes - blood cells, main function which - protection from microorganisms, antigens, tumor cells. Norm: (4 - 9) * 10 9 /l.
    • ESR- an indicator of pathology in the body. For women, the norm is considered to be up to 12 mm/h, for men - up to 8 mm/h;
    • Hematocrit- red blood cells. If the hematocrit is elevated, erythrocytosis or leukemia can be suspected. If it is low - anemia, overhydration, pregnancy. The norm for women is 0.360-0.460 l/l, for men 0.400-0.480 l/l;
    • Red blood cells (quantity). An increase in the number of red blood cells may indicate blood thickening, neoplasms, and kidney disease. Reduction - about blood loss, anemia, pregnancy, etc. The norm for men is (4-5.15) * 10 12 l, for women - (3.7-4.7) * 10 12 l.

    What else can a blood test show?

    To answer the question of what types of blood tests there are, you must first understand what blood is and why it is needed at all.

    Blood is a tissue of the body consisting of plasma (fluid) and cells (leukocytes, red blood cells and platelets). It circulates through the vessels under the influence of heart contractions and nourishes all organs human body.

    Blood is necessary for a person to:

    • Transfer carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs, and oxygen back.
    • Deliver nutrients to tissue cells.
    • Regulate body temperature.
    • Transport waste and harmful substances to the kidneys and lungs for subsequent removal from the body.
    • Using the transfer of hormones, connect all organs and systems;
    • Provide protection for the body.
    • Ensure consistency within the body.
    • Ensure the functioning of organs, giving them tension from the heart.

    Thus, we understand that the composition of the blood can indicate many problems in the body: disturbances in the functioning of each of the systems, each organ of the human body. You just need to take a blood test on time, the types of which will be selected by the doctor, and solve this riddle.

    Thyroid hormone

    Now almost every fifth resident of our large country can experience some kind of failures and disruptions in work thyroid gland. If during the examination the doctor suspects changes, the patient will be sent for an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, as well as a blood test for TSH (the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone). After all, disturbances in the functioning of this organ lead to infertility, libido disorders, problems with mental work, and accelerate and aggravate the course of any infectious and inflammatory process in the body.

    Indications for donating blood for the amount of thyroid hormone

    They are as follows:

    • Living in an area with known iodine deficiency.
    • After any surgical treatment.
    • For problems with conceiving and bearing a child.
    • When using hormonal means of protection against pregnancy (TSH control once a year).

    In case of previously identified disorders in the functioning of the gland, to monitor the course of the disease and select medications.

    Deviations from the norm in this analysis may indicate problems such as:

    • Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function).
    • Hyperthyroidism (increased gland function).

    Minor deviations from the norm detected in time can be easily corrected with medication, but serious and late detected pathologies may require surgical treatment. If a patient is found to have an excess of thyroid-stimulating hormone, he is required to undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and, most likely, life-long hormone replacement therapy.

    Normal levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone

    To clarify the diagnosis and control the course of the disease, a detailed blood test for TSH is prescribed, which includes:

    • Free T3 (the hormone responsible for oxygen metabolism). The norm is 2.6-5.7 pmol/l.
    • Free T4 (hormone responsible for protein metabolism). The norm is 9-22 mmol/l.
    • Antibodies to the protein thyroglobulin (to exclude diseases of the autoimmune system). The norm is up to 18 units/ml.

    It is important to stop taking alcohol, hormonal contraceptives and other drugs before taking blood for TSH hormones. medicines containing hormones. It is also necessary to limit physical exercise and give up drinking for a day.

    Blood clotting

    It happens that during a routine medical examination or during a test, a violation of blood density is accidentally detected. If this disorder was detected during a biochemical analysis, the therapist will give a referral for an additional blood clotting test. You need to remember what it is called scientifically - coagulogram.

    Also indications for analysis are:

    • Signs of prolonged bleeding, bruising even from slight pressure.
    • Upcoming surgery.
    • Diseases of the heart, liver, blood vessels.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Reduced immunity.

    The clotting analysis includes a large set of indicators:

    If a person is prescribed a blood clotting test, you don’t have to remember what it’s called. Each patient is given a special referral, which will indicate the time, name of the study and the necessary requirements for its implementation, depending on the expected diagnosis:

    • Material is taken from the finger to assess capillary blood clotting.
    • Material is taken from a vein to evaluate venous blood.

    This test, like many others, must be taken on an empty stomach.

    Analysis for female hormones

    Good hormonal levels are an important condition for the normal functioning of the whole body. It is he who depends on normal sleep, good health, and the ability to do physical work. A study of hormonal levels is necessary for women when the following symptoms appear:

    • Insomnia.
    • Weight gain or sudden weight loss.
    • Disruptions of the menstrual cycle.
    • Irritability.

    With hormonal imbalance, women develop problems with the health of the reproductive system (including fibroids, cysts, polycystic diseases), mental disorders, obesity/exhaustion, irregularities or cessation of menstruation, infertility, male type of body hair growth and much more.

    So, a blood test for female sex hormones includes:

    • Prolactin.
    • Luteinizing hormone.
    • Estriol.
    • Progesterone.
    • Follicle stimulating hormone.
    • DHEA sulfate.

    It is worth remembering that the levels of many hormones change significantly depending on the stage of the cycle, so you must carefully follow your doctor's instructions before donating blood. Any hormone test is always taken on an empty stomach, 1-2 hours after waking up.

    Male sex hormones

    • Testosterone.
    • Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.

    An analysis for male sex hormones can be prescribed for both men and women. The thing is that androgens are responsible for attraction (libido) in both women and men. Specifically, testosterone also affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, muscles, and brain.

    Both men and women take an analysis for the amount of androgens any day in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Food, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, undergoes successive transformations and is gradually absorbed. Feces are the result of the digestive system. When examining feces, the condition of organs is assessed digestive system and various digestive defects. Therefore, scatology is an indispensable component in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and helminthiases.

    There are different types of stool examinations. Which of them will be done is determined by the purpose of the study. This can be a diagnosis of gastrointestinal pathology, helminthiases, and changes in microflora. Clinical analysis of stool is sometimes carried out selectively, only according to the parameters necessary in a particular case.

    General analysis

    Examination of excrement can be divided into general stool analysis and examination under a microscope (called a coprogram). In general, the quantity, smell, color, consistency, impurities are examined; microscopic analysis reveals undigested muscle and plant fibers, salts, acids and other inclusions. Nowadays a coprogram is often called general analysis. Thus, CPG is the study of physical, chemical properties feces and pathological components in them.

    Stool tests to detect protozoa are carried out if amoebiasis or trichomoniasis is suspected. Trichomonas are difficult to see in feces. When taking material for this purpose, you cannot use enemas, laxatives, or treat the feces container with disinfectant liquids. The interpretation will be correct only if examined immediately, a maximum of 15 minutes after collecting the material. The search for cysts does not require such urgency; they are stable in the external environment. To reliably detect Shigella, a piece of feces with blood or mucus is taken and placed in a container with a special preservative.

    Clinical picture

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    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Morozova E.A.:

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    A stool analysis tank shows the presence of intestinal pathogens in the body and the ratio various types bacteria.

    Sowing on nutrient media will make it possible to objectify quantitative and qualitative changes in the intestinal microflora.

    Stool analysis should be carried out no later than three hours after taking the morning portion of stool. It is advisable to store the sample refrigerated (). Stool analysis cannot be performed during antibiotic therapy, optimally two weeks after its completion. It is important to avoid urine and vaginal discharge, especially during menstruation. The volume of the sample should be at least 10 ml, the sample should be taken from different parts of the feces, making sure to include areas with mucus and blood.

    Analysis of stool by scraping in the perianal area is carried out to detect pinworm eggs. The material must be examined no later than three hours after collection.

    So what does the analysis show:

    • protozoa and microbes that cause intestinal infections;
    • the presence of helminths and their eggs;
    • state of microflora;
    • digestion defects;
    • effectiveness of treatment (with follow-up);
    • in children - signs of cystic fibrosis and lactose deficiency.

    Rules for conducting research

    To obtain reliable data, you need to know how to properly collect feces and when a stool analysis should be deciphered.

    An example of a correctly taken sample:

    1. Before the examination, you should be on a diet for several days that excludes flatulence, stained stools, retention or diarrhea.
    2. A scatological analysis of stool should be taken during natural bowel movements. Enemas, laxatives, including rectal suppositories, Microlax microenemas cannot be used, as the true picture of the study may be distorted.
    3. A general stool analysis is reliable if, within three days before collecting the material, the patient did not take medications that could change the color or character of feces (barium, iron, bismuth).
    4. A scatological analysis of stool should be carried out no later than five hours after collecting the material.
    5. The optimal volume for testing is about two teaspoons (about 30 grams of feces).
    6. To detect helminthiasis, it is better to take samples from different parts of a portion of excrement.
    7. The material should be collected in a sterile container.

    Decoding the research results

    It is very important to correctly decipher the stool analysis. To do this, you need to know the research algorithm and normal indicators.

    The patient's decoding includes three main points: macroscopy (examination), biochemistry, microscopy (the actual coprogram).


    Clinical analysis of stool begins with its visual assessment. The norm implies a dense consistency and dark color excrement, absence of mucus, blood, foul odor, undigested food particles and other pathological impurities.


    A chemical analysis of stool is performed.

    A normal stool analysis implies the following negative biochemical reactions to the following elements:

    • occult blood;
    • bilirubin;
    • iodophilic flora;
    • starch;
    • protein;
    • fatty acid.

    The reaction to stercobilin should be positive (75–350 mg per day). It provides color and reflects the functioning of the liver and large intestine; its amount increases with hemolytic anemia and decreases with disorders of the outflow of bile.

    Ammonia is normally 20–40 mmol/kg.

    It is important to determine the acid-base state of excrement using litmus paper; the pH of feces should be close to neutral values ​​(6-8). Changes in the acidity of intestinal contents are possible due to microflora or diet disorders.


    A stool analysis under a microscope is also necessary. The coprogram carries information about the presence of pathological components in excrement and allows one to assess the quality of food digestion. Examination of stool in children will help in the diagnosis of infections and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, cystic fibrosis, enzymatic and dysbacterial disorders, and helminthic infestations.

    The norm implies the absence of the following substances:

    • undigested fat and its derivatives;
    • muscle fibers;
    • connective tissue;
    • crystals from the remains of destroyed blood cells.

    Yeast and other fungi are also normally absent in stool analysis.

    Stool microscopy is also used to objectively assess the dynamics of the patient’s condition.

    What diseases can a stool test help diagnose?

    What do certain deviations from the norm that were found during laboratory examination of excrement indicate? Options for changing normal stool parameters exist for various diseases.

    Deviations during macroscopy

    Discoloration indicates cholelithiasis, since the stones disrupt the outflow of bile, stercobilin does not enter the intestines, and the stool loses its dark color. This phenomenon is observed in pancreatic cancer, hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver.

    Black color and tar consistency are a sign of a peptic ulcer, a tumor complicated by gastric bleeding.

    Reddish color of stool causes bleeding in the lower intestines.

    The foul odor is due to rotting or fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. Its appearance is possible when chronic pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, cancer.

    Elements of undigested food may be found in the excrement. This indicates a deficiency of gastric juice, bile, enzymes, or an acceleration of peristalsis when food simply does not have time to be absorbed.

    Fresh blood is possible for anal fissures, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis

    Mucus plays a protective role. Its detection indicates the presence of inflammation of the intestinal walls. , dysentery, colitis are different big amount mucus in excrement. Mucus is also found in cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, malabsorption syndromes, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and polyps.

    Changes in biochemistry

    If there is a change in the acid-base properties of the stool being tested, this indicates disturbances in the digestion of food. The alkaline environment of excrement is a consequence of putrefactive processes due to impaired protein breakdown, the acidic environment is due to fermentation, which is observed with excess consumption or impaired absorption of carbohydrates.

    Occult blood testing is used to detect gastric and intestinal bleeding in peptic ulcers, polyps, cancer of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, and the presence of helminths. To avoid erroneous results, three days before the intended collection of material, foods containing iron should be excluded from the diet, and traumatic procedures such as FGDS and colonoscopy should not be performed. If you have periodontal disease, it is better not to brush your teeth on the day of the test so that there is no blood from the diseased gums.

    Bilirubin can be detected in acute poisoning and gastroenteritis.

    Protein is found in pancreatitis and atrophic gastritis.

    If starch appears, it is necessary to exclude pancreatitis, malabsorption, and pathology of the small intestine.

    Iodophilic flora appears in dysbacteriosis, pathology of the pancreas, stomach, and fermentative dyspepsia. They are especially often found during fermentation, acid reaction of intestinal contents and acceleration of its evacuation.

    Ammonia increases during putrefactive processes, against the background of inflammation and impaired protein digestion.

    Deviations of microscopic analysis

    A lot of muscle fibers in excrement are observed with pancreatitis and atrophic gastritis. They can be found in young children, with diarrhea, and poor chewing of tough meat.

    Connective fibers can be found in gastritis with low acidity, pancreatitis, when eating poorly cooked meat.

    If neutral fat, elements of fatty acids and their salts are detected, this indicates insufficient production of bile and pancreatic enzymes. Possible reasons:

    • pancreatitis;
    • pancreatic tumor;
    • stones in the bile ducts;
    • increased peristalsis when fats do not have time to be absorbed;
    • malabsorption in the intestine;
    • eating too fatty foods;
    • use of rectal suppositories.

    In children, the presence of fat may be associated with incompletely developed digestive function.

    When the acidity of excrement changes to the alkaline side, soaps (salts of undigested fatty acids) are found. IN large quantities their detection in adults is possible with accelerated peristalsis and pathology of the biliary tract.

    Soluble plant fiber indicates decreased production of gastric juice and other enzymes.

    The appearance of yeast-like fungi indicates dysbiosis due to immunodeficiency or antibiotic therapy.

    In stool analysis, a high level of leukocytes is noted in cases of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, rectal fissures, and oncology.

    Dear doctor! I am writing to you with the following question: My husband and I were diagnosed with chlamydia during a PCR test; we have been married for 4 years. For treatment, we want to get tested for the tank. Sowing for effective application medicinal drugs. The question is, what is the correct name for such an analysis? I read a lot about analysis, but nowhere did I find its correct designation? Thanks for the answer.

    Kristina, Zmeinogorsk

    ANSWERED: 01/28/2016

    Hello! Tank. Chlamydia testing is almost never used anywhere (sometimes in research institutes). It does not matter. They mainly use aithromycin (preferably sumamaed), vilprafen, avelox, doxycycline. Special organizations are constantly studying the resistance of chlamydia to drugs. Therefore, these drugs are considered highly effective.

    Clarification question

    ANSWERED: 01/28/2016

    Hello! Tank. Chlamydia testing is almost never used anywhere (sometimes in research institutes). It does not matter. They mainly use azithromycin (preferably sumamaed), vilprafen, avelox, doxycycline. Special organizations are constantly studying the resistance of chlamydia to drugs. Therefore, these drugs are considered highly effective.

    Clarification question

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    Aorta diameter at the level of the sinus of Valsalva is 3.5 cm, ascending. Section-2.8cm, at the fibrous level. Rings - 2.3 cm, range of motion. -1.2cm. Opening AoK-1.6cm, Pulmonary diameter. Arteries - 2.3 cm, right ventricle thickness in front. Walls-0.5cm, anteroposterior. The middle section is 3.2 cm. The left ventricle is end-distolic in size. -5.5ms, end-systolic-4.1cm. Left ventricle-KDOml Edv-132, KSOmlEsv-51, UOmlSv-81, FV%FU%62. Thickness (m mode) MZhP (d) - 1.4 ms, thickness of ZS ( d) - 1.4 ms. Right atrium-3.8*5, osm Left...


    Hello, my name is Svetlana, I am 39 years old, I have a problem getting pregnant for the second time, my first daughter is 17 years old. After stress 5 years ago, my blood pressure was disrupted, I was examined, FSH 114, all other hormones are fine, ultrasound shows dysfunction of the right ovary. Now I have been taking Progynova and Duphaston according to the regimen for 4 years now. But the result is zero. Next, I was prescribed clostinobegit, but I am very afraid to take this drug, and I don’t know at all, maybe I can leave my dream of getting pregnant in the past and just stabilize my...


    Good afternoon The question is the following: three years ago I had a PCR and culture test - there are no mycoplasmas, ureoplasma was detected in a titer above 10^4. My husband was tested and nothing was found. My husband and I underwent treatment. I took the test - nothing was found, my husband did not take the test after treatment. Over the next couple of years, I took tests 2 more times - nothing was found. Last time Two months ago. We are planning a child and we have to check all this often. And then three days ago I handed over the tank...


    Good evening! Please tell me, is it possible to get pregnant if my husband has been diagnosed with positive analysis on anti-chlamydia igg and anti-CMV igg? I just started treatment this month. Is there a chance of getting pregnant this/next month? Thank you very much for your answer

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