Life is expensive but explains it clearly. Experience is the best teacher! Charges a lot, but explains clearly! And nothing will disturb the soul

Parents always repeat that you need to learn from other people’s mistakes, but I believe that you need to make these mistakes yourself. A person needs to gain experience himself; personal experience is the best teacher in life.

There is no need to listen to anyone, because all people make mistakes. If someone is unlucky in life, this does not mean at all that you will stumble too. People will always be unhappy with your choice and will judge you, but what can you do, you can’t just please everyone. It is necessary to do what is good for the soul, so that you can feel this life, understand that you are really living. Of course, it’s easier to sit in your concrete box and be afraid to take a step to get out of it, but maybe if you get out of it, you’ll see a lot more than everyone else.

Personal experience helps you adjust your life, change the principles, ideology of your life, tastes. After all, experience helps you move the whole situation through yourself, feel it in your own skin, when someone tells you about it, you don’t feel anything. Yes, it may sometimes be useful to listen to others, but a person is such a creature that he certainly needs to check the words spoken.

Experience can be gained not only in bad situations, it is obtained everywhere, every minute in any action. If the action is repeated every day, the experience only improves. It is very good that people check all the words spoken to them on themselves, they learn to draw their own conclusions, and become individuals. Our life is made up of fragments of our experience, since we know what is best to do, and where it would be better not to poke our nose.

Experience is the best teacher and these words cannot be disputed. Therefore, before giving people advice, it is best to say what happened to you and let the person decide for himself whether to listen to you or not. A person is responsible only for his own life.

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Events occur in every person's life that teach him important truths. The most valuable gift received from life, and at the same time the most important of the circumstances that shape a person, is experience. As T. Carlyle said, “experience is the best teacher, but the price for learning is too high.” Is this true? I will try to figure it out and understand the meaning of the statement, relying on the works of Russian and foreign classics.

It is known that a person gains experience by searching for himself and the meaning of life, going through many trials. Such a person was the hero of L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” Pierre Bezukhov. This is a hero who is searching, tormented, suffering. It is characterized by a restless soul, a desire to be useful, needed, loved. But his spontaneous, sensitive, easily excitable nature often fails him. At first, under the influence of youth and the environment, he makes many mistakes: he leads a reckless life, allows Kuragin to rob himself, marries the frivolous beauty Helen, who subsequently betrays him. Pierre becomes disillusioned with life. At this critical moment, he falls into the Masonic fraternity, fails after trying to help his homeland, visits Battle of Borodino, where he sees all the horrors of war, is captured and meets a representative of the masses - Platon Karataev. But these tests are an invaluable experience for the hero of the novel, because only after this he understands the need for struggle. Of course, the price to pay for such an experience is very high, and of all the heroes in Tolstoy’s novel, Pierre suffered the most. But, having gone through all the hardships, he finally realized that history is created by the most powerful force in the world - the people, who gained peasant wisdom, learned to love and found family happiness with Natasha Rostova.

In the works of foreign classics you can also see heroes with rich life experience. For example, Clyde from “An American Tragedy” by T. Dreiser. Being young and inexperienced, he has fun with fake friends, prefers a beautiful coquette who does not care about anything except fashionable things and her own appearance. Also, the young man dreams, if not of a luxurious, then of a well-fed and comfortable life. He meets rich girls, but circumstances are such that young Roberta becomes his mistress, and she soon becomes pregnant. Clyde did not want to get married because it would interfere with his career. He decides to kill the girl and soon ends up on trial. Only while in prison does Clyde realize how important this life lesson is for him. He understands that he has gained life experience, matured morally and thought about the meaning of life. But life experience came to the young man at the cost of the life of the woman he killed, and Clyde faces a death sentence. The author of the work showed how irresponsibility, carelessness and the pursuit of the “American Dream” can lead to disastrous consequences.

In conclusion, I would like to say that life experience is truly the best teacher, because only it can point out mistakes that should not be repeated. But sometimes life experience comes at a very high cost to us. No wonder thinkers say: “If experience could be sold at cost, we would become millionaires.”

1. The hardest thing in life is blue whale, everything else is nothing!
2. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
3. When things go wrong for you, don't go with them.
4. Time lost in pleasure is not considered lost.
5. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
6. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
7. I know that you can’t buy happiness. But you can buy a yacht and try to sail closer to it.

1. The hardest thing in life is the blue whale, everything else is nothing!
2. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
3. When things go wrong for you, don't go with them.
4. Time lost in pleasure is not considered lost.
5. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
6. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
7. I know that you can’t buy happiness. But you can buy a yacht and try to sail closer to it.

2. When things go wrong for you, just don't go with them.
3. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
4. If a mistake can be corrected, then you haven’t made a mistake yet.
5. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
8. You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.
9. I don’t want to upset you, but I’m fine!
10. I don’t step on a rake. I'm already dancing on them!
11. Recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t be nervous about every bastard.
12. The best day is today!

1. Don’t forget to throw garbage... out of the bucket... out of your head... out of life.!
2. When things go wrong for you, just don't go with them.
3. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
4. If a mistake can be corrected, then you haven’t made a mistake yet.
5. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
8. You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.
9. I don’t want to upset you, but I’m fine!
10. I don’t step on a rake. I'm already dancing on them!
11.Recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t be nervous about every bastard.
12. The best day is today!

1. Don’t forget to throw garbage... out of the bucket... out of your head... out of life.!
2. When things go wrong for you, just don't go with them.
3. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
4. If a mistake can be corrected, it means you haven’t made a mistake yet.
5. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
8. You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.
9. I don’t want to upset you, but I’m fine!
10. I don’t step on a rake. I'm already dancing on them!
11.Recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t be nervous about every bastard.
12. The best day is today!

1. Don’t forget to throw garbage... out of the bucket... out of your head... out of life.!
2. When things go wrong for you, just don't go with them.
3. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
4. If a mistake can be corrected, then you haven’t made a mistake yet.
5. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
8. You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.
9. I don’t want to upset you, but I’m fine!
10. I don’t step on a rake. I'm already dancing on them!
11.Recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t be nervous about every bastard.
12. The best day is today!

1. Don’t forget to throw garbage... out of the bucket... out of your head... out of life.!
2. When things go wrong for you, just don't go with them.
3. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
4. If a mistake can be corrected, then you haven’t made a mistake yet.
5. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
8. You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.
9. I don’t want to upset you, but I’m fine!
10. I don’t step on a rake. I'm already dancing on them!
11.Recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t be nervous about every bastard.
12. The best day is today!

1. Don’t forget to throw trash... out of the bin... out of your head... out of your life!
2. When things go wrong for you, just don't go with them.
3. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
4. If a mistake can be corrected, then you haven’t made a mistake yet.
5. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
8. You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.
9. I don’t want to upset you, but I’m fine!
10. I don’t step on a rake. I'm already dancing on them!
11.Recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t be nervous about every bastard.
12. The best day is today!

1. The hardest thing in life is the blue whale, everything else is nothing!
2. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
3. When things go wrong for you, don't go with them.
4. Time lost in pleasure is not considered lost.
5. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
6. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
7. I know that you can’t buy happiness. But you can buy a yacht and try to sail closer to it.

1. The hardest thing in life is the blue whale, everything else is nothing!
2. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
3. When things go wrong for you, don't go with them.
4. Time lost in pleasure is not considered lost.
5. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
6. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
7. I know that you can’t buy happiness. But you can buy a yacht and try to sail closer to it.

1. The hardest thing in life is the blue whale, everything else is nothing!
2. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
3. When things go wrong for you, don't go with them.
4. Time lost in pleasure is not considered lost.
5. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended, crush them with your positivity.
6. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
7. I know that you can’t buy happiness. But you can buy a yacht and try to sail closer to it.

Ivan Okhlobystin

They say when you stop waiting for a person, he comes back.

A woman needs to be loved like a cat: caress, pamper, feed and be glad that she came home...

How can you not love these little bundles of happiness?)

Four tigers. Posing: albino, white, golden and bengal.

A woman is a flower that blooms in all its glory only in the hands of a caring and attentive man.

The Internet doesn't bring us closer together. This is a cluster of loneliness. We seem to be together, but each one is alone. The illusion of communication, the illusion of friendship, the illusion of life.

And you had one too))

Such a cute cat... I feel so sorry for him...

Here it is - the end of the earth...)))

The biggest mistake in a relationship is to think that if a person loves you, then he will not go anywhere...

At the beginning, when people are just starting to get to know each other, there is respect and tenderness in the relationship, everyone tries not to show their shortcomings...
And then everything goes away... egoism takes its place, when a person relaxes so much that he no longer watches his words, actions, and takes out all his anger, bad mood, emotions on his loved ones...
It seems, okay, where will he go from me... Attention, care, pleasant little things have disappeared and it’s no wonder that a loved one will soon disappear too... If there is a lack of warmth, we are forced to look for them next to other people... don’t allow this...
Take care of those who are nearby... Fate provides such people only once.

Over time, you get tired of reaching out to people who don’t take a single step towards you.

How important it is to know that there is a man in the world,

who loves, wants, knows only you And that in him is the meaning, in him is the essence, and in him is the reason,
Give everything, every bit of yourself.

How important it is to know that all his prayers are about
May you live happier, better than everyone else.
That he forgives all your grievances,
and he rejoices for your success
How you need him when you can't sleep,
When your soul hurts inside, He endures everything, although sometimes he gets angry.
But still I’m in a hurry to come to you alone.

How important it is to know that he cherishes you,
that he will solve all your problems and no one will regret it like he did.
And his heart rushes to your soul!

And nothing will disturb the soul,

And nothing will make her tremble, -
He who loved cannot love,
You can't set fire to someone who's burned out.

If this has already happened somewhere, don’t blame me!

The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.

The beauty of the body can attract, but only the beauty of the soul can hold.

If you were told that your train has left, remember - there are still planes and yachts.

The one who is to blame does not always ask for forgiveness. The one who values ​​the relationship asks for forgiveness.

A man should never complain about two things in life: his wife and his car - he chose it himself.

Everything always ends well. If it ends badly, then it's not the end yet.

A diamond that falls into the mud is still a diamond, and dust that rises to the skies remains dust.

Often we say the most frank things as a joke, so that no one understands that it is true.

You can see by your actions how much you are valued, by your calls - how much you are needed, and only over time you can see who cares about you.

Lord, give me the strength to change the things I can, give me the courage to accept the things I cannot change, and give me the wisdom to know the difference.
How often in life, when we make mistakes, we lose those we value.
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors.
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful.
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.

“He has no chance,” the circumstances loudly declared. “He’s a loser,” people shouted. “He will succeed,” God said quietly.

A person will never be able to explain why he loves if he really loves.

Look forward with hope, backward with gratitude, upward with faith, and around with love.

Remember this simple phrase: - everything will happen, but not right away.

You won't achieve anything in life if you only put in effort on the days when you feel good.

Fate is not a matter of chance, but the result of choice; Fate is not expected, it is created.

In order to get enough sleep, you need to go to bed on a different day than when you need to get up.

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is you now.

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But the worst kind of suffering is not knowing what decision to make.

Imagine how quiet it would be if people only said what they knew.

Acute psychosis - You are talking to a cat.
__Acute hallucinatory psychosis - You are talking to a non-existent cat.
__Paranoia - You are afraid of saying too much in front of the cat.
__Schizophrenia - the cat speaks inside you. __Neurasthenia - You are convinced that the cat is ignoring you, and this seems completely unbearable to you.
__Manic-depressive psychosis - You are sure that the cat does not value you, and must suffer the most severe punishment for this.

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