Earth in Star Wars. George Lucas mentions Earth in Star Wars? Telegrams to brothers in mind

While filming the cult epic science fiction saga "Star Wars", George Lucas created not only the most interesting characters, but also a phenomenally developed Universe, full of unusual planets. However, some planets from Star Wars, according to scientists, have real counterparts in our Universe.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Kepler-47c: Home of Tatooine's Double Sunsets

Perhaps one of the most iconic scenes from Star Wars: A New Hope is the awe-inspiring double sunset on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker's home planet. This scene gives goosebumps to all movie buffs. It turns out that such a world can actually exist. In 2012, astronomers discovered Kepler-47c, an exoplanet nearly 5,000 light-years from Earth. This planet is within the "habitable zone" of the binary star system Kepler-47, and given its orbit between two stars, it could have beautiful double Tatooine sunsets. Unfortunately, despite its location in the "habitable zone", Kepler-47c is assumed to be an uninhabitable gas giant.

2. Enceladus: Hoth's Twin

The Battle of Hoth is an iconic scene from The Empire Strikes Back. This snowy tauntaun habitat may very well exist and may be a lot closer than everyone thinks. Saturn's icy moon Enceladus is rife with cryovolcanic activity at its south pole. This means that on Enceladus, during eruptions, it is not lava that breaks through to the surface, but water. Given the bitter cold on the moon's surface, water freezes and falls back to the surface as snow at an incredibly slow rate of 0.0001 cm per year.

3. Europe: Mygeeto's little brother

The frozen planet Mygeeto, a wealthy industrial colony, is the grave of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was betrayed by his clones and shot to death by CC-1138. The similarities between Europe and this frozen world are truly striking. The fictional planet Mygeeto has a cold, barren, icy surface due to a lack of tectonic activity for many years. Jupiter's fourth-largest moon, Europa, may be Mygeeto's little brother (though it is a moon, not a planet), as it also has a smooth, icy surface.

4. Kepler-86c: the future location of the Cloud City

Floating high above the toxic clouds of the gas giant Bespin (at an altitude of approximately 60 km), the crystal clear Cloud City was located in an atmospheric layer of oxygen. There are many gas giants in the Universe, but only a few of them are located in the habitable zone of their star. Kepler-86b is one of the few such planets. Obviously, a huge flying city will not appear on its own, people first need to colonize this planet, and this is worth doing with Kepler-86c for a number of reasons. First of all, this planet lies within the habitable zone, and therefore people do not risk instantly freezing or burning there. Secondly, cyanobacteria can be introduced into the planet’s atmosphere, which receive energy from photosynthesis and release a byproduct - oxygen. By the time humans have the technology to fly to Kepler-86c, which is located more than 1,200 light-years from Earth, it is possible that the technology will exist to build a flying metropolis on a distant planet.

5. Mars: Twin of Geonosis

The battle on the desert planet Geonosis, the first conflict of the Clone Wars, was depicted in the film Episode II: Attack of the Clones. The planet was notable for its huge canyons and sandstorms. Doesn't it sound like Mars? Although it is worth saying that the diameter of Geonosis was 11,370 km, which is almost twice the diameter of Mars and much closer in size to Earth. Nevertheless, from the point of view of surface features, Geonosis is almost a double of Earth's neighbor. Both planets have minimal amounts of water (Mars has 2 percent and Geonosis 5 percent) and their surfaces are vast deserts.

6. Earth: Alderaan

Home to the beautiful Princess Leia, the peaceful planet of Alderaan was shown on screen for just a few seconds before it was blown to smithereens by the notorious Death Star. Alderaan, with its atmospheric clouds, huge oceans and continents, is practically a copy of Earth.

7. Mimas: Death Star

This is not a space station, this is the moon. And it's hiding in our own solar system. Discovered in 1789 by William Herschel, Mimas is Saturn's seventh largest moon and, due to its massive crater, bears an uncanny resemblance to the Death Star. The first Death Star was 160 kilometers in diameter, and its successor, which began to be built, Death Star II, was already 900 kilometers in diameter. The diameter of Mimas is 397 kilometers. The first photographs of Mimas emerged when Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 orbited the tiny moon in 1980, three years after Star Wars was released, making the resemblance between the moon and the Death Star even more incredible.

8. Endor Could Exist

The forested moon of Endor is home to the Ewoks, small, furry creatures who helped defeat the Galactic Empire by destroying the Death Star's shield generator. Similar forested satellites may well exist. Beyond our solar system Very few gas giants have been discovered that lie in the habitable zone of their star. Although current equipment cannot detect moons, it is likely that all of these distant exoplanets have at least one moon. The most likely candidates for such a planet were found in the systems 47 Ursa Major (planet b), HD-28185b, Upsilon Andromeda (planet d) and 55 Cancer (planet e).

9. UCF-1.01: another Mustafar

Mustafar was the site of the final battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker (the future Darth Vader). The lava streams that flow across the surface of Mustafar may be reminiscent of Io, the volcanic moon of Jupiter. Io has a diameter of 3,600 kilometers, while Mustafar is 4,200 kilometers across. There are also numerous examples of discovered lava planets, notably Kepler-78b, COROT-7b and Alpha Centauri-BB. All of these candidates, however, are much larger than Mustafar, making the recently discovered UCF-1.01 an ideal counterpart. The diameter of UCF-1.01 is only 2 times larger than Mustafar (8400 kilometers), and it is located 2.7 million kilometers from its parent star (for reference, the Earth is 150 million kilometers from the Sun), which is why the temperature on the surface of this The lava planet is an insane 540 degrees Celsius.

10. Kepler-22b: Camino twin

The entire surface of Kamino, also known as the Planet of Storms, is covered by an ocean that has flooded the continents due to global climate change. Despite the vast ocean that covers the entire planet, it is home to a technologically advanced, sophisticated race of Kaminoans who live in pod dwellings above the raging waves. The Kaminoans are known for their advanced cloning techniques, which were later used in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. There are numerous recently discovered planets that have been suggested to be water planets, such as Kepler-62E, GJ-1214b and 55-Cancri Ae, but Kepler-22b is an ideal candidate to be Camino's twin. Although they differ in size (Kepler-22b is a third larger than Camino), both planets are completely covered in ocean and both lie in the habitable zone of their parent star.


Several years before this, fate began to periodically introduce us to many local contactees and psychics, of whom there turned out to be an unusually and disproportionately large number in the nearby city. Many times more in percentage terms than any other known to us locality. The reliability of the messages received, as elsewhere, leaves much to be desired, but that’s not the point for now. In general, many of the contactees (Elena BYLYCHEVA, Alexander LYASHENKO, Vladimir ERMICHEV and others) are relatively normal people and should not be criticized, but investigated as a super-astonishing phenomenon and, of course, the information they convey should be studied very closely. Even if this is real misinformation. After all, if at some stage it (information) is deliberately distorted, then “that means someone needs it”?.. For what, for what purpose and who uses part local residents for activities, the very listing of which may seem complete nonsense to people unfamiliar with this problem, remains a mystery for now...

So, they are in contact with a variety of civilizations from a variety of star systems, with the Eastern and Western gods, with the Universal Mind, with the Absolute, etc. They divide and unite with each other in temporary and permanent unions (often marriage). They fight for spheres of influence in the city, and at the same time - for individual planets or for the entire Universe at once. As pilots or even leaders (passengers, pilots, captains, admirals, navigators) they bravely fly on star cruisers (usually without leaving the couch) and hammer their opponents with all types of weapons (especially, as we noticed, they love blasters and lasers , that is, those types of weapons about which you can already read something in the literature). Of course, they are fighting exclusively for the bright future of all aliens! Among the noble deeds performed by contactees for each

The one who stood out from these rather motley contact troops was the psychic healer Andrei GORELY, who, among other incredible stories, told about his ability to predict the appearance of UFOs and even cause them. Gorely evasively refused the offer to conduct the experiment at any convenient time, and when mentioning the “three-star ships” he generally stated that we would never see them again, since the mentioned ships “the inhabitants of the planet Proserpine made only five of them, and the last of these five recently died in an unequal space battle with the forces of evil." Looking ahead, we will say that rumors about the death of a triangular UFO “turned out to be greatly exaggerated” (it was seen just a month later over South America). We spoke with Gorely more than once or twice, as in conversations with other contactees, we repeatedly tried to verify the veracity of his messages using tricky questions. It makes no sense to retell these questions, especially since, being unclassified, they will expose more than one contact with-it-is-not-clear-with-whom. As a matter of fact, Gorely stood out because all the other contactees failed a single test, but he answered several questions correctly. Unlike most of the test takers, Andrey, although he was caught in some tricky questions, had difficulty, but still overcame some of the tricky questions. It may be less than a quarter, but this is still a great success. Already something!

However, the most objective evidence in favor of any prophet is the predictions of certain events. We had to wait for the “appearance of a UFO on July 28, 1993” predicted by Gorely...” However, instead of the promised appearance itself, we could only be content with the trace of an octagonal object that had landed earlier found on the same day (personally, we, the UFO itself, never saw it )... Alas.

However, hope remained. We also had another prediction in our arsenal about the appearance of a UFO in the sky “after 16:00 on October 6” of the same year (the source asked for non-disclosure for now). For this, and also in order to comb the as yet unexplored forest, we need to come again...

Well, it was worth finally capturing this thing on photo and videotape. We didn’t have our own video camera yet, so we had to turn to our TV friends.

Did George Lucas' Star Wars films mention anything about Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy?

Catia ♦

The very first line in the legendary film: “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...”, why is Earth mentioned?

Johnny Bones

A long time ago in the galaxy far, far away...


The opening titles obviously address the audience (on Earth). It wouldn't make sense that it would be connected to a third, unknown galaxy that is never mentioned in the films.

Great duck

What if the earth simply doesn't exist yet? After all, it's a long time ago. As far as we know, the Earth is ultimately created from the remains of the destroyed victims of the death stars. JK of course. The Death Star is not that strong.



Known from the opening credits of Star Wars, this is established...

It's essentially the equivalent of opening a fairy tale "once upon a time." This tells us that it doesn't really matter where or when the story takes place.

However, there are extremely minor references to the Earth films, in which you see creatures like ET at meetings of the Council of the Republic:

However, this is just Easter Egg" than the true connection to Earth in the Star Wars universe. So I have to conclude that the answer is no.


Ironically, this intro is an implicit reference to the Earth and our own reality. ;) ["A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." from us .]

Avner Shahar-Kashtan

@Walt Well, the introductory scan doesn't exist in-universe. This is part of our extra-diet narrative.


Yes, although, to be honest, it's more of a gag than a serious canonical fact. Then again, Jar Jar Binks is a serious canon fact, so who am I to judge canon? :)

Now I'll shamefully borrow from this answer what JJ Abrams borrowed from Episode IV :)

TL; DR: Yes.


It's probably worth noting that at first he was on the Millennium Falcon, and then ended up on Earth.


@Mystagogue: Yeah, people forget that Star Wars is ancient history, not futuristic

@good catch! Fixed


I don't think the Ark connection works as more than just an easter egg/numerical coincidence since the Ark is not found in a numbered box. This is just what is at the very end of the film.


Here's a decent Star Wars comic called "Into the Great Unknown" where Han and Chewie end up on Earth and meet Indy. While this comic is given as non-canon so it doesn't count, it's basically another neat Easter egg that shows a larger connection between the two series.


Another example of "Easter egg" type things, related with Earth included in the film is a man in a potential Gemini/Mercury spacesuit in one scene.

But of course, since this is a galaxy far away and a long time ago, this is more a matter of costume budget than a reference to Earth in the universe.

Bruce Wilton

While the Battle Star Galactica series did reference Earth without them knowing if it existed or not, Star Wars doesn't mention Earth at all. This is different from saying that the opening text says, “A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away.” One might say that land is mentioned somewhere else, but no, it is never mentioned.

It's interesting that when you say "a long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away...", it implies an audience being addressed. So, this is what viewers on Earth are talking about, and the events happened a long time ago from our point of view and galaxies far away from us. However, the film in no way mentions Earth at all.


Well, yes... You never know where in the universe the narrator is and what audience he is telling, and what distant galaxy he is referring to.

This happened during the Clone Wars. One of the newest cruisers of the Victory class was attacked by five ships of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The battle was hot, and the Republicans simply did not have an advantage. And when the gravity acoustician reported to the commander that more KNS ships were coming here, the captain of the cruiser realized that a “fur-bearing northern animal” was coming to them. And he ordered to jump - no matter where, but away from here. “Victory”, since it already had some damage, was barely able to accelerate and go into hyperspace. After a day of flight, the ship left it. Since there was no time to carry out calculations before the jump, it was not surprising that the ship ended up in normal space and not on the territory of the Republic. In fact, it was not at all clear where they ended up. Planetary system, eight planets, one large planetoid. It was, of course, possible to jump somewhere else - but it would have been better to at least carry out field repairs and deal with the damage - nevertheless, they fired at Pobeda for a long time, persistently and thoughtfully. So the captain of the ship, Captain Jax, made a decision - to figure out where they were headed, to figure out the condition of the ship - and from this, accordingly, “dance”. The damage was of moderate severity - most of them could be corrected in the field, that is, literally on the spot. But there was also something more serious - for example, several hits occurred where the cruiser had water tanks. Of course, on a spaceship, water is purified and recycled, but still, there is a certain supply of it that must be stored somewhere. And that’s where the enemy anti-ship torpedo hit. As they say, “the law of meanness.” Of course, “good old H2O” is not that uncommon in space. But some of the equipment for cleaning it was out of order, so the priority was pure water - with a minimum of impurities and other “joys”. So a reconnaissance of the system for water was undertaken. Actually, the fact that on the third planet it is in a liquid state was immediately clear - the very appearance of the planet from a great distance (and Pobeda was in the area of ​​the fifth planet from the local star) indicated that there was water there in. So, the captain of the cruiser made a decision - to move towards the third planet. At low thrust (many different signals were coming from the planet in the outdated part of the electromagnetic spectrum), the ship approached the planet and took up orbit on its natural satellite. Several small shuttles were sent to the planet in order to conduct reconnaissance and find out where water could be obtained. Landing groups landed at night on one of the continents. The natives did not notice anything, so the paratroopers managed to take samples of air, water - and local vegetation. Also, after using orbital observation it was possible to see what the aborigines looked like (and they were very similar to the people who made up the cruiser’s crew), it was possible to find out at least what planet the paratroopers landed on. The planet was called Earth, and the continent was called Eurasia. . As far as I know, the Resistance did very great things to sabotage the actions of the Germans, to obtain intelligence data, to help the pilots of downed bombers... Armchair analysts will probably say - “Yes, compared to the Soviet Union, which suffered the most from the actions of Germany, they lived and worked simply in greenhouse conditions! May be. Yes, there was no famine, a terrible winter and all that - but they were also hunted by the Germans, members of the Resistance were also shot and tortured in the dungeons of the Gestapo. So - these people were the same heroes as those who fought against Germany on all fronts of this terrible war. For example, on a large continent called “Eurasia”, on which paratroopers from the “Fair” landed, there was a very large state that spoke a language called “Russian”, and on another, also very large continent, they spoke a language which was literally oversaturated with consonants. It was called "English", although the country called "England" was in a completely different place. In general, there were enough strange things here, but since time was running out, we had to hurry. And Mon Mothma, having loaded the language samples into the translator, plunged into the shuttle with her guardsmen and went to “Earth,” as this planet was called. It was just the year 1980... The Soviet Union was slowly moving away from the 1980 Olympics. The games were controversial in many ways. For example, they were boycotted by the United States. Moreover, it was not the athletes who wanted to participate who boycotted, but the government of the country. Like, there is the “Red Menace”, there is the “Evil Empire”, and in general. But this, of course, did not stop the Games from being held. The Soviet Union once again showed the whole world what it could do, and now the country was returning to its normal regime. Only on this day, September 21, 1980, normal life for the entire USSR collapsed. And later it collapsed for the rest of the world... The shuttle from Chandrila-1 landed in Moscow, right on Red Square. Of course, the pilot piloted the ship so that it would be detected, and when the “unidentified flying object” began to be called over the communications, Mon Mothma herself answered them, and in very bad Russian asked for the opportunity to meet with the leaders of the state. Since the Moscow air defense specialists had no reason not to believe the alien origin of the ship (they could themselves observe how this shuttle descends from Earth’s orbit), the shuttle, of course, with a serious escort, was allowed to go to Red Square. And then it began... General Secretary Brezhnev (as this strange man with big eyebrows was called) seemed to Mon Mothma a very strange person. He had a strange way of speaking, and a strange way of behaving. According to the field diagnostician, who was quietly handed over to Mon Mothma by one of the guards, this man was very old, and he was developing senile insanity. In fact, completely different people ruled the country. Immediately after the conversation with Brezhnev, Mon Mothma had conversations with them. This was the chief of local Security, also an elderly man, but a very intelligent man. Somehow, he quickly believed Mon Mothma, after which he asked one question: “And what do you want from us?” Mon Mothma thought. Of course, she, like the entire Resistance, had to win the Earth to her side. But how to convey this idea to people? And she decided... - Mr. Andropov, I personally don’t need anything. I just want Earth to support our fight against the Empire. The person who leads it brings only evil to the Galaxy. Violence, militarism, intolerance towards other races... - Do you mean “racism”? Imperial politicians and diplomats, standing under the protection of a platoon of stormtroopers, told how good they were. They talked about how they came in peace, about how they were inviting Earth to join the Empire. Only now, judging by those Still working secretly, the paratroopers managed to replenish water supplies on board the ship. Captain Jax decided not to show himself to the inhabitants of the planet - their level of development did not even allow them to properly explore their own planetary system, let alone join the Republic. And their usefulness in the war against the Confederacy was very doubtful. So, after the supplies were replenished, the field repairs were completed, and the navigator was able to determine the coordinates of this star system, the Victory left for Coruscant. On Earth at this time it was 1977... The Clone War soon ended. It ended with the destruction of the leaders of the Confederacy, the fall of the Republic, the accession of Palpatine to the throne of the newly formed Empire, as well as the birth of the Skywalker twins and their separation. And on Earth it was 1979... Resistance to the Empire appeared almost immediately. Resistance... Resistance to the authorities that occupied your territory was already on Earth - for example, in France the Resistance was actively working when France capitulated to, which they brought with them (and three newly built Imperial-1s were “hung” in orbit), if the earthlings had refused such a “generous” offer, they would have been forced to join the Empire by force. Of course, the earthly leadership agreed with the story about how good the Empire was. Of course, all trade, military and other agreements were signed. Of course, the Empire was allowed to station garrisons on the territory of earthly states. In general, everything was so in favor of the Empire that it was sickening to the cheekbones. And the solution was simple - it was clear that the Imperials, having received the whole planet at their disposal, would probably want to put the local population “under arms.” In this regard, it was expected that the Empire would build a branch of its military academy on Earth, as well as on other planets, so as not to transport future cadets across the entire Galaxy. Well, let the Empire build this branch, let it spend a lot of money and other resources on it. The fact is that, since the Empire had a monstrously bloated bureaucratic apparatus, it was not so difficult to “shove” your own people into the teaching staff of the branch. And again, after training, those soldiers, pilots and engineers will go to serve not at the military bases of the Empire, but at the military bases of the Alliance to Revive the Republic. In general, it was a very cunning plan - and it was ultimately crowned with success., but also parts of the regular army. Fortunately, the Jedi Academy instructors decided to intervene. Although they were in an underground position, training Academy cadets, they simply could not see how the whole planet was about to be overwhelmed by a wave of violence and cruelty. And they began to fight to make it all end. Where, using the Force, where simply their diplomatic skills, they rushed all over the Earth, negotiating, negotiating - and again negotiating with those who were once friends and neighbors - and now suddenly became the worst enemy for this very neighbor. And they succeeded. Even if it was impossible to restore what was destroyed, even if there were no more, but, nevertheless, it was possible to reconcile most of the former republics. In the States, they also managed to avoid a lot of bloodshed... A few more years later, the Empire, seeing that the Earth was a completely loyal planet, reduced the number of its garrisons to a minimum. And the Resistance could not help but take advantage of this. Since the most advanced units are not used for garrison service, their ideological “pumping” is much weaker than that of the line troops. And sooner or later the garrison servants begin to, let’s say, “relax.” And it was a matter of honor for the Resistance agents to help them in this matter, to make these fighters loyal to the Earth. Imperials were processed regularly - during leave, during service - in a word, 24/7. And it brought results. No, of course, no one was going to tear down the official symbols of the Empire, but some events for the Alliance reached a more legal level. Of course, there was a rotation of personnel at the military bases of the Empire - this is a completely normal thing. But, sooner or later, the newly arrived recruits, having tasted all the delights of service in such a garrison as Earth, also became more or less loyal. They quickly realized that the earthlings were not doing anything against the Empire, they were always ready to help - and in general, everything was quiet and calm here. And that’s all people need, to notice only what you want to notice. After some time, the new fighters of the imperial garrisons simply did not notice what they did not need to notice.

This is roughly how the time came when the Empire literally “missed” the Earth’s open entry into the war on the side of the Alliance for the Revival of the Republic. Of course, this was not in vain for the Earth. There were bombings of peaceful cities and killings of civilians - but all this only embittered the people of Earth. And then, when the Empire came to punish, its Fleet was expelled from the Solar System in disgrace...