Got a cold in my groin. Inguinal hypothermia in men

The prostate is an organ that is no larger than Walnut, but at the same time affects potency and men. If a man has a cold in his prostate, a disease called “prostatitis” occurs. It can lead to infertility, sexual dysfunction, and urinary problems. Let's look at the consequences of a prostate cold in men, the symptoms and treatment of which are described below.

The first stage, at which the prostate is not yet inflamed, but local immunity is already declining, and the man feels the first unpleasant symptoms, is a prostate cold, the cause of which is hypothermia.

Is it possible to get a cold in the prostate? catch a cold internal organs complicated, and the prostate is no exception.

But if this does happen, then because of the cold, local immunity drops, and the symbiotic microorganisms living in the man’s body begin to multiply uncontrollably.

The process takes place sequentially. Prostatitis mainly occurs from hypothermia. The first stage is the cold itself, which can be caused by any hypothermia:

  • the man climbed into a body of water that was too cold and spent too much time there;
  • dressed inappropriately for the weather, wearing too light pants or thin synthetic underwear;
  • the man gets his feet wet and cold, as a result of which the organs located below the waist begin to become inflamed: kidneys, prostate, etc.;
  • I decided to harden myself with a contrast shower and held the cold water for too long;
  • decided that the room was stuffy at night, opened the window and slept until morning in the cold room;
  • sat on the cold ground, in a draft or under air conditioning.
  • In the second stage, pathogens begin to multiply. The products of their vital activity are toxins that poison the body. A man with a cold develops symptoms of intoxication and inflammation. The acute phase begins - the beginning of prostatitis.
  • At the third stage, if the symptoms were ignored, the disease gains strength. The temperature rises, symptoms intensify, pain in the groin appears.
  • At the fourth stage - after three weeks of no treatment - the immune system is restored, the number of microorganisms decreases, but it is usually not possible to completely destroy them. Acute inflammation of the prostate gland develops into chronic prostatitis.

An unpleasant disease. It can occur in men at any age.

Important! With chronic prostatitis, as soon as immunity drops again, the man faces symptoms of the acute phase.

The male cold is accompanied by aching pain in the prostate, problems with sexual function, and urination. Moreover, over time it leads to the development of complications, including:

  • . A complete lack of sexual function, which for most men becomes a tragedy inextricably linked with depression and low mood.
  • Vesiculitis. Inflammation of the seminal vesicle, which is accompanied by pain in the groin and problems with sexual function.
  • Epididymo-orchitis. Inflammation of the testicle, which can result in amputation.
  • Infertility. Occurring as a result of chronic prostatitis, there is usually no treatment.
  • Urinary incontinence. Accompanied by the need to wear adult diapers.
  • Stones in the prostate gland. They are accompanied by severe pain and often require complex and unpleasant removal surgery.
  • Cancer. Accompanied by pain, infertility, and often urinary incontinence. In the absence of proper treatment - and sometimes even with it - it leads to death.

It is much easier to stop the process at the stage when a man has a cold in the prostate gland as a result of hypothermia than to lead to chronic prostatitis and deal with symptoms and complications.

Hypothermia does not always end in inflammation. The body must be further weakened by poor nutrition, bad habits, constant stress, lack of routine and physical activity, chronic diseases, promiscuous unprotected sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Cold symptoms vary depending on the stage of the disease. Directly during hypothermia there will be no noticeable signs, but the next day the acute form usually manifests itself in all its glory. Symptoms in men:

  • Fever. The jump is sharp, accompanied by symptoms characteristic of intoxication - weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, migraine, chills, dizziness.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. More often than usual, up to “once every half hour.”
  • Groin hurts. Aching, unpleasant, intensifies at times, weakens at times, has no clear localization.
  • Pain in the anal area. Strong, shooting, sometimes mistaken for a symptom of hemorrhoids. It intensifies during defecation, sometimes accompanied by problems with stool - constipation, diarrhea, discharge of a strange color.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen. It aches and gets worse at times.

The acute phase usually occurs the next day after cooling, and a man may well associate one with the other and go to the doctor not only with the symptoms, but also with the cause.

But if he didn’t do this, within a week or two or three the prostate cold turns into chronic prostatitis, the symptoms of which are slightly different:

  • Pain. This is the main symptom of prostatitis. In the chronic form, it is aching, weak, and radiates to the head of the penis, to the sacrum, to the rectum. May intensify during urination, ejaculation, defecation.
  • Problems with urination. It is rapid, the stream is intermittent, weak. The feeling that the bladder is constantly full haunts the man. The urge to urinate is frequent, persistent, urine with impurities, sometimes discharge is observed from the urethra.
  • Problems with sexual function. Libido decreases, orgasm becomes difficult, erections become painful, and fertility decreases. This symptom often leads to depressive states and neuroses, which only aggravate the overall picture.

If inflammation of the prostate is not initially relieved, an exacerbation will be marked by increased pain and fever, and the appearance of complications.

Often prostatitis is accompanied by a cold in the penis and the manifestations change slightly.

Symptoms of a cold in the penis

When a cold of the penis is associated with prostatitis - having caught a cold in the prostate, it is difficult not to get cold in the rest of the genital organs - it can be difficult to separate one disease from the other.

The reason that causes them is the same: after hypothermia, local immunity drops, symbiotic bacteria multiply and cause inflammation.

The disease itself is not accompanied by pain - the signs of a cold in the penis are different:

  • Increased urge to urinate. For prostatitis this is a side symptom, for a cold in the penis it is the main one. The patient constantly feels that the bladder is full and he rushes to the toilet to make sure that this is not the case. Urination is accompanied by itching and burning.
  • The appearance of discharge. First, clear mucus without a particular odor is secreted from the urethra. Then, as the disease intensifies, the color changes to yellow or green, the smell becomes unpleasant - this means that the purulent stage has begun.
  • Manifestations of inflammation. The member seems somewhat irritated and reddened. The foreskin becomes inflamed, pimples may appear, which at first itch and hurt, and then rupture, leaving weeping sores.

During sex, when the penis has a cold, the patient experiences unpleasant sensations, and it becomes more difficult for him to achieve an orgasm. The combination with prostatitis turns out to be very painful. What to do if your penis gets cold? Immediate treatment of prostatitis and inflammation of the penis is required.

How to treat genital colds in men?

Prostate colds in men are treated with the following remedies:

  • Antibiotics. They destroy the pathogen, but they are always selected carefully and carefully - some bacteria have resistance, and some antibiotics are not suitable for a particular person. It is important not to skip pills while taking them, and not to stop the course ahead of schedule.
  • Antispasmodics. The spasm is relieved, and along with it the pain and the urge to urinate frequently go away. Sometimes they are supplemented with painkillers, but this is only a solution for a short time - they are addictive and do not eliminate the cause.
  • Rectal suppositories. Anti-inflammatory drugs can usually reduce discomfort and reduce the likelihood that the infection will spread to other organs or become chronic.
  • Medicines to improve immunity. They allow the body to partially cope on its own, reducing the likelihood of relapse.
  • Warming up. They are carried out in a physical therapy room and are not used if the patient has a fever.
  • In the most acute phase, when the patient suffers from weakness and high fever, complete rest is recommended and treatment takes place in bed.

How can chronic prostatitis be treated in men? For this use:

  • Antibiotics. The pathogen is also destroyed.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Relieves swelling, reduces inflammation and pain.
  • A-blockers. They reduce the absorption of adrenaline, as a result of which the prostate muscles relax, the prostate secretion flows out, and the normal rhythm of urination is restored.
  • . Indicated in the absence of hemorrhoids, cancer, rectal fissures, prostate abscess. It is carried out outside the period of exacerbation, in a course, with the participation of an experienced doctor. Stimulates blood circulation, promotes muscle relaxation, reduces pain and generally has a tonic effect.
  • Analgesics. They relieve pain, but only in the short term.
  • Physiotherapy. Various warm-ups, mud baths and mineral water. They also help improve blood circulation and relax muscles.

Chronic prostatitis can be cured if you act persistently and do not lose optimism.

Against this background, inflammation of the penis is treated quite simply:

  • Antibiotics. As a rule, they are used in the form of an ointment to have less effect on the general condition of the body.
  • Medicines that stimulate the immune system and ointments that relieve itching and burning, improving regeneration. Return mucous membranes to their normal color.

Treatment regimens can be supplemented folk remedies, among which viburnum tea has proven itself best. It helps boost immunity.

Various herbal infusions also help well - chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, which can be drunk instead of tea or in combination with black tea.

During a cold, the penis can be washed with a warm infusion of medicinal chamomile.

An obligatory part is also working on immunity. Need to:

  • Give up bad habits, at least for a while. Both tobacco and alcohol weaken the body and prevent muscles from relaxing.
  • Change your approach to food. Fatty, fried, sweet, with preservatives and dyes should be in the minority in the diet. White meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, milk and dairy products should form the basis of the diet.
  • Change your approach to physical activity. It is advisable to take a short half-hour walk in the park every day, as fresh air is good for your health. Hypothermia when walking should be avoided by wearing warm clothes and shoes in the cold season.
  • Establish a routine and avoid stress. You need to sleep in silence and darkness for at least eight hours. Either not deal with stress, or drink herbal soothing teas. You can also go to a psychologist.

Chronic diseases of the genital organs in men need to be treated, drink in winter vitamin complexes, in summer, try not to avoid the sun. Then immunity will be high and, with the next hypothermia, nothing critical will happen to the body.


Many diseases are easier to prevent than to treat, and prostate and penis colds are definitely one of them. Hypothermia of the prostate is easy to prevent. To do this you need:

  • Wear good underwear. In any weather, it should be breathable and warm enough, fortunately, now manufacturers offer models for every taste.
  • Wear good shoes. In winter, this is especially important - light boots with thin soles are more beautiful, but it is much more practical and warmer to wear warm winter boots.
  • Dress for the weather. If all the layers of sweaters and jackets seem heavy, you can always invest in thermal underwear that will keep you warm while still being light and comfortable. At the same time, you should also not dress too warmly, since there is a high probability of sweating and then freezing even more.
  • Do not swim before the swimming season opens. Of course, the temptation to jump into the river often visits men even in June, but it is better to wait until the water warms up.
  • Take care of the heat in the house. Ventilation is good and useful. But you still shouldn’t sit in a draft or under air conditioning. And it’s better to put something warm and soft on the chair.

You don’t need to sit in the cold, leave the house in clothes that are too light, or wear beautiful but impractical panties that don’t protect you from anything.

But it is very necessary to harden yourself, it helps to strengthen the immune system and form a specific resistance to hypothermia. But you need to act correctly:

  • do not start hardening while there is an infection in the body;
  • do not start by running in the snow, but approach gradually;
  • practice systematically, every day.

Important! You can take air baths, wipe yourself with cold water, douse yourself with cold water or take a contrast shower.

The main thing is to start with normal room temperature of air and water, and gradually lower the values ​​every day.

Useful video


Colds of the penis and, especially, the prostate are unpleasant diseases that can be easily treated with early stages. If a man has a cold in the prostate, the symptoms will immediately make themselves felt. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your health and not ignoring the pain and frequent urge to urinate.

Timely consultation with a doctor is a guarantee of recovery.

Nowadays, more and more people began to turn to doctors due to diseases caused by hypothermia. Bladder. And it is very good if a person noticed the symptoms in time and sought qualified help after a bladder cold, since a careless attitude towards a bladder cold can lead to various chronic forms of this disease. This is due to the fact that in men, infectious diseases are often a consequence of a cold.

According to statistics, men suffer from cystitis much less often than representatives of the fairer sex, and only one percent of men develop chronic pathologies associated with this disease. But despite this, the disease still affects the male urinary system, and every man must know the main symptoms and manifestations in order to be able to promptly consult a doctor for help. And also understand the main causes of this disease.

The main reason for a cold in the bladder is hypothermia of the body and its individual parts.

If, after hypothermia, you feel discomfort in the lower abdomen that continues for a long period, this is a reason to go to the hospital. There are other associated causes of inflammation, namely:

  • various sexually transmitted diseases;
  • education ;
  • reduced immunity;

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs that appear in men with a bladder cold are the manifestation of general weakness in the body, and sharp stabbing and cutting pain in the lower abdomen. There is also a strong desire to urinate, but the amount of urine released is very small, and its smell becomes very specific. Men also experience dizziness and nausea, and in some cases a significant increase in body temperature.

In addition, urologists also identify the following symptoms, which also appear quite often:

  • The appearance of strong, causeless irritability, which was not previously visible;
  • Feverish state, as during an infectious cold;
  • Acute, and minor;
  • Urine becomes characteristic.

Main feature The course of this disease in males is that it goes away much faster than if a woman has a cold in her bladder. And the likelihood of infection in men is much less likely, since the length of the urethra (urethra) in men is much greater, which practically reduces the chances of infection from the external environment to zero. So we can conclude that symptoms in men can only appear due to infections occurring inside the body.

Treatment for a cold bladder

If you notice a cold in the bladder in men, and the first signs of inflammatory processes in the bladder, you must immediately undergo examination in a specialized clinic.

Please note that in the first stages after you have a urinary cold, a simple examination using ultrasound may not give any results, so a comprehensive examination with all the necessary tests is recommended.

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Even a slight impact of cold on the male genital organs can lead to serious consequences in the form of various diseases and erectile dysfunction.

Males should pay special attention to their health and not neglect warm clothes during the cold season.

Why does hypothermia occur in male organs?

Under the influence of cold temperature human body quickly decreases, causing symptoms of hypothermia, while the genitals are very sensitive to changes in temperature.

Most optimal temperature for normal testicular function 33 degrees.

Factors contributing to inguinal hypothermia of the genital organs:

Symptoms of inguinal hypothermia

Common symptoms of hypothermia include:

  • Shiver;
  • Blue discoloration of the skin;
  • "Goose pimples";
  • Impaired speech and coordination of movements;
  • Slow heartbeat;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Loss of orientation in space.

Often with hypothermia appear frequent urination. When it is cold, the body begins to consume more nutrients in order to maintain a normal body temperature, and water is released. Also, to reduce heat loss, blood flow is centralized, and the kidneys begin to work more actively.

When hypothermia occurs in men, diseases of the testicles or prostate gland may occur.

Table of diseases with inguinal hypothermia of the reproductive system in men and the corresponding symptoms.

Disease Symptoms
Acute prostatitis · Frequent urination;

· Pain in the abdomen and genital area;

· Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;

· Ejaculation disorders.

Chronic prostatitis · Difficulty urinating;

· Neurological disorders;

· Periodic pain in the lower abdomen;

· Pain when urinating.

Cystitis · Frequent urge to urinate;

· Painful sensations during urine output;

· Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;

· Pain in the lower abdomen;

· General malaise.

Epididymitis · Swelling of the scrotum;

· Pain in the lower abdomen and scrotum area;

· Pain during urination;

· Mucous or purulent discharge from the urethra;

· General intoxication, chills and fever.

Priapism · Involuntary erection that lasts more than 6 hours and is not associated with sexual arousal;

· The penis is in an excited state, its head is soft, and it bends towards the stomach;

· Pain in the genital area.

Urethritis · Pain and stinging during urination;

· Pathological discharge from the urethra;

· Pain during intercourse.

Orchitis · Pain in the testicle, radiating to the groin or sacrum;

· The skin of the scrotum becomes smooth to the touch and reddened;

· Touching the testicle becomes very painful.

Diagnosis of diseases

In case of general hypothermia, the following laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Determination of blood glucose levels;
  • Hematocrit level;
  • Determination of electrolyte levels;
  • Determination of creatinine level;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Coagulogram.

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If a man experiences certain symptoms after inguinal hypothermia that indicate inflammation in the genitourinary system, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination of the bladder and prostate gland.

Tests are also prescribed to determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections, such as bacterial culture or polymerase chain reaction, which help identify the causative agents of the disease.

Treatment of inguinal hypothermia

If the body has mild hypothermia, the person should be placed in a warm room. Rub the body with alcohol, give a warm drink and wrap it in a blanket.

In case of moderate and severe inguinal hypothermia, the patient should be immediately taken to medical institution to the intensive care unit, where he will receive medical care.

It will not be possible to cope with the consequences of gopothermia at home.

If, as a result of hypothermia, a man develops unpleasant symptoms in the groin area, the doctor may prescribe drugs from the following groups:

  • Antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins, penicillins or macrolides (Penicillin, Unidoc Solutab, Ceftriaxone) They are used according to the instructions. The course of treatment can range from 7 to 14 days. As a result of hypothermia, a malfunction of the immune system occurs, and pathogenic microorganisms, and pathogenic microorganisms can begin to actively reproduce, which becomes another cause of the disease;
  • Antimicrobials(Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Trichopolum). They are prescribed in combination with antibiotics to combat anaerobes and protozoa, which are not affected by the antibiotic;
  • Antifungal drugs(Fluconazole, Nystatin). They are used in combination with antibiotics to prevent the development of mycosis or eliminate a fungus that has begun to actively multiply as a result of a malfunction of the immune system;
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Dicloberl, Ibuprofen). They relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect;
  • Alpha adrenergic blockers(Omnik, Flosin). The drug of this group reduces the tone of the bladder muscles and eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • Vitamin complexes and immunostimulants(Viardot, Duovit for men, Vitrum, Immunal). They are used to strengthen the immune system.
  • Means for restoring erection(Cialis, Viagra, Erectil). They are used if necessary if, as a result of frequent hypothermia, a man has problems with potency.

Complications and consequences

Inguinal hypothermia in men can cause the following complications:

The figure a little higher shows a photo of one of the most common and serious complications of inguinal hypothermia in men - epididymitis.

Later complications of hypothermia include prostate adenoma and malignant neoplasms in the prostate area. Also, chronic hypothermia in men can lead to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area, resulting in thrombosis or hemorrhoids.

Against the background of hypothermia, men may experience erectile dysfunction, which can manifest itself either as a lack of erection or as priapism (painful erection not associated with sexual arousal leading to blood stagnation and inflammatory processes).

In men exposed to groin hypothermia, infertility often occurs, requiring long-term and serious treatment.

Inguinal hypothermia in men can negatively affect the functioning of the immune system; a person is prone to various colds and infectious diseases. Also, exposure to sub-zero temperatures can lead to exacerbations of various chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and sexually transmitted diseases (genital herpes, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis).

Prevention of inguinal hypothermia

In order to avoid hypothermia, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Dress for the weather. In cold weather, you need to wear insulated trousers, with warm long johns or sweatpants underneath;
  • Give preference to outerwear that is mid-thigh length;
  • Do not sit on a cold surface (stone, iron, concrete);
  • News healthy image life, eat right and exercise, this will make it possible to strengthen the immune system;
  • After unintentionally swimming in cold water, quickly remove wet underwear, dry yourself and put on dry clothes;
  • Have regular sex life, which allows the prostate gland to work at full strength;
  • When visiting the toilet, avoid drafts.

If, within 1 - 2 weeks after hypothermia, unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of frequent urination accompanied by pain, painful erections or pain genital area, you should consult a urologist or andrologist.

The prostate is a male gland, for which it is very important not to overcool, but to constantly be warm and at a comfortable temperature.

If you neglect the condition of the male organs, then you can easily experience what a prostate cold is, the symptoms of which cause extreme discomfort in men.

Symptoms of a prostate cold may indicate an acute or chronic illness. Now this disease is considered the most common in the field of urology.

If previously only mature people from 40 to 60 years old suffered from such a disease, now it can be observed in young people. Every fourth man is susceptible to the disease. If left untreated, it will quickly become chronic, which is much more difficult and longer to treat.

Sedentary work for a man is the first cause of inflammation in the prostate.

If the room is cool enough, and the place to sit is always cold, then a cold can await a person every day during the work process.

Working with documents while sitting at a computer should take place in a warm, comfortable environment, otherwise men's health can be seriously undermined.

The cause of prostate disease can be previous inflammation, infectious processes in the genitourinary organs, as well as an unhealthy attitude towards sex life - too much abstinence or increased sexual desire with promiscuity.

But the most common cause is considered to be hypothermia, which causes damage to the prostate and nearby organs. If prostatitis occurs from hypothermia, it affects the male genital organs and causes a lot of trouble.

The cause of inflammation of the prostate can even be that a man simply has a cold in his feet. Symptoms in men cannot be detected at the earliest stage of development of the disease.

Healthy and inflamed prostate

It feels like everything is fine with my health, there are no problems. But in fact, the gland has already caught a cold and needs treatment. The early stage develops into more serious forms and can lead to a chronic disease, from which it is extremely difficult to cure.

If you immediately identify the problem and begin treatment, you can avoid a lot of trouble. Treatment started too late will not be as effective and will become protracted. Also, a cold in this gland causes infertility.

If a man periodically experiences severe headaches, as well as painful sensations when stool, then you should not tolerate or treat only the symptoms. This may be a real sign of genital diseases. If at the same time there is a nervous condition and a burning sensation in the urethra, then this indicates a dysfunction of the prostate.


Symptoms may appear in different types and forms, since each organism is individual. Also, a lot depends on the degree of the disease, how far it has gone. There are basic signs that are common to everyone and by which the state of men’s health can be accurately determined.

If you have a cold in your prostate, the following symptoms may occur in men:

  • heat. Usually the increase occurs immediately and sharply. Based on this sign, you can identify the problem, and also remember the process of hypothermia, the situation itself, how long ago it happened. Hypothermia of the prostate makes itself felt immediately, and not after a week. There is a feverish state, chills;
  • there is pain in the groin area. This is a strong cutting sensation that causes real suffering. The pain is not always severe, it may be aching, but still quite exhausting;
  • problems with sex life, decreased desire. This can really hit a man's ego. But there is no need to panic, as often this is just a sign of a simple disease that can be quickly cured;
  • problems with stool, constipation, spasms of the rectal opening. Difficulty urinating. A discharge of a strange color may appear, indicating the presence of an illness.

If all of these symptoms, or at least a few, are detected, you should tell your doctor about it. He will refer you for research and also immediately prescribe therapeutic measures to alleviate the condition.

It is especially difficult for men to get to a doctor and begin stable treatment. But this disease is serious; one cannot neglect the advice of a specialist who can seriously help, advise and correctly diagnose, based on available tests.


If your prostate has a cold, you shouldn’t invent incurable diseases for yourself and panic ahead of time.

Today, many men have had a cold in the gland at least once in their lives and have successfully undergone treatment without any consequences.

A common illness has many treatment methods, many of which have been tested by experience and time. First of all, you need to report the problem to a clinical institution, where they are always ready to help everyone.

A good specialist will not judge the disease only from the patient’s words, although the description of the symptoms plays a role. He will immediately prescribe diagnostics in the form of tests. After all the tests have been completed and carefully studied, pills, injections and other types of treatment are prescribed. The most effective method is one that includes a whole range of activities.

Types of therapy for prostate colds:

  • antibacterial. It is necessary if the chronic form has already manifested itself. This is a long process, and the treatment itself includes taking antibiotics. Only a urologist can prescribe antibiotics, their dosage, which will exactly match the degree and intensity of the disease. The duration of treatment is also prescribed by the doctor. There is no need to be independent and decide how many tablets to take per day. These issues should be supervised by a specialist;
  • hormonal. This rare view treatment when all else fails. Restoring hormonal balance will help cure the disease and restore erection. If the doctor insists on taking hormones, it means The best way achieve good results in an individual case;
  • anti-inflammatory. Here everything depends on the degree of organ damage, so the treatment process can take a lot of time, or it can be quite short and quick;
  • therapy aimed at restoring the immune system. It is considered the most effective and the best, since for the most short term you can cure a cold and forget about it forever;
  • physiotherapy and massage. As for physiotherapy, this method is fast-acting and quite safe. But prostate massage is not beneficial or safe for everyone. An acute form of a cold prohibits massage, since it can only spread inflammation to other organs and give rise to infection of nearby organs. Massage must be prescribed by a doctor and can only be performed by a knowledgeable specialist;
  • surgical intervention. This method is considered to be the latest one to be resorted to. It is used if all other types of therapy have been tried but have not been successful. The operation is not easy and requires a long recovery. Therefore, in order not to resort to surgery, it is better to consult a doctor at the first symptoms that tell the brain that something is wrong with the organs.

Treatment with folk remedies and self-prescription of antibiotics is a sure way to complications that will spread to all male genital organs. At the same time, complete impotence and infertility may be the smallest problems that will appear as a result of incorrect and illiterately prescribed therapy.

What happens if you don't treat a prostate cold?

In some cases, the patient deliberately refuses treatment for various reasons. But such an act does not speak of wisdom, since complications are coming, which are much more difficult to get rid of than simply curing a common prostate cold.

If a man has a cold in the groin and does not take any therapeutic measures, the following complications are possible:

  • a chronic form occurs. Those who do not like to be treated expose themselves to great worries, since chronic diseases are treated for a long time, painfully and with great difficulty. It is much easier to cope with the beginnings of an illness than to allow it to develop into a chronic disease. Lack of treatment leads to organ dysfunction, which cannot be corrected in any way;
  • infertility may develop, even if the man was initially completely healthy;
  • the bladder undergoes changes, not good at all. As a result, inflammation can spread to the bladder and kidney tissues;
  • inflammation does not stand still. It can provoke cystitis in a man, and then cause constant relapses;
  • irreversible processes occur in the prostate itself. Abscesses appear that cannot be removed in any way except surgery;
  • narrowing of the urethra. This affects the flow of urine with all the consequences.


You can very easily avoid a disease such as a prostate cold if you start to be a little more attentive to your health. To do this, it is advisable not to overuse swimming in cold water, even if it is hot outside.

Staying in the cold for a long time can affect the prostate in the most negative way. When swimming, you should observe moderation and avoid very cold water temperatures.

When working sedentarily, you should often take short breaks, during which it is advisable to get up and walk around. In cold weather, wear comfortable, insulating underwear.

Don't forget about personal hygiene. You should use condoms to protect yourself from infections. After all, prostate diseases are easy to acquire, but getting rid of is not so easy. Therefore, it is better to do prevention, which is simple at first glance. Frequent physical exercise will strengthen your form and help strengthen your immune system.

It is best to stop getting involved in harmful things such as alcohol and smoking as soon as possible. Getting rid of bad habits will also affect the condition of the genital organs. Frequent check-ups with a doctor will help you find out about the disease at an early stage, which will allow you to start treatment as soon as possible.

Video on the topic

The video contains a lot useful information about inflammation of the prostate gland:

Very often due to various negative factors a large number of Men turn to urologists with a problem such as a bladder cold. Nowadays, this disease is considered one of the main reasons why people turn to appropriate specialists. If a person has a cold in the bladder and consults a doctor in the early stages of this disease, then the effectiveness of treatment will be quite high. However, there are times when a common cold develops into serious chronic illnesses.

For this reason, experts strongly recommend not to delay the process of treating such a problem and, if the corresponding symptoms appear, immediately contact a specialist. Bladder inflammation in men is usually an infectious disease. The main focus of this process is concentrated in the mucous membrane of this organ.

Each man has his own clear symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment methods for a bladder cold.

Main causes of the disease

Most urologists claim that inflammatory processes in the bladder in men are much less common than in women. According to statistics, only 1% of the stronger sex has chronic types of this disease. However, when such a cold occurs, which is also called cystitis, every man must know the main reasons for its possible manifestation.

Timely contact with a specialist is also considered a very important factor in quality treatment. Most diseases of the male reproductive system may have the same causes, so experts do not recommend diagnosing and treating them yourself.

Wrong selection medications can cause a variety of complications. When a man is not completely sure of what to do if he has a cold in his bladder and the symptoms correspond to the disease, then it is best to immediately consult a urologist and undergo appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Today, one of the most common causes of this problem is hypothermia. It entails a sharp deterioration in a person’s general condition and, as a rule, is accompanied by an acute feeling of discomfort in the pelvic area. Experts also highlight the following possible reasons occurrence of this type of disease:

  • venereal infections;
  • inflammatory process of the prostate;
  • formation of stones in the bladder;
  • inflammatory process in the urethra;
  • severe decrease in immunity due to stress;
  • inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • adenoma.

Features of the disease and its symptoms

Inflammatory processes in the bladder in men can occur at different age stages. The source of infection can often be the prostate. In this case, the type of disease will be completely different from that of a bladder cold, and it will have to be treated with other methods. Men's health, like women's, is one of the priority features of each individual, so if the first symptoms of any inflammatory processes appear, experts strongly recommend consulting a doctor.

Practice shows that one of the first signs of a bladder cold is the appearance of weakness and cutting pain in this area. Subsequently, body temperature may rise significantly. Many men with this disease often complain of severe headaches and nausea. The main sign of an inflammatory process in the bladder is increased urination with the release of a very small amount of urine. Experts also identify the following main signs of this disease:

  • sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen or back;
  • the appearance of severe irritability;
  • increased need to urinate;
  • general weakness and feverish state;
  • urination in small quantities, which is accompanied by acute pain;
  • the appearance of vomiting and a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • urine is dark in color with a very pungent odor.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the first signs of an inflammatory process in the bladder, it is recommended to do a comprehensive examination of the patient. Diagnosis of this disease involves donating blood and urine for analysis. The results of such a test can usually be available within 12-14 hours. Another method for diagnosing inflammatory processes in a man’s bladder is a special urine culture to determine the type of infection. Most experts believe that an ultrasound check in the early stages of this disease will not give real results.

Treatment of cystitis involves, first of all, taking anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics. The patient is advised to arrange bed rest. You should definitely drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. To treat infectious cystitis, it is necessary to take antibiotics and various herbal preparations. The process of such treatment can last 1-2 weeks, and in acute forms of the disease - 2 months.

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