Nuclear weapons are a threat. Reflections after Victory Day

"Yadernoe oruzhie"

  • Operating principle
  • Brief nuclear explosion
  • Nuclear charges: their types

If we approach the definition briefly, then nuclear (or in other words, atomic) weapons include in its definition the presence nuclear warheads and the possibilities of their transportation and management.

Nuclear weapons are on the list of weapons of mass destruction.

Operating principle

Nuclear weapons (yadernoe oruzhie), more precisely the principle of its operation is nuclear energy . A chain reaction occurs, subsequently, by which heavy nuclei divide. In another case, light nuclei are synthesized using a thermonuclear reaction. If a huge amount of intranuclear energy is instantly released, but in a limited volume, then an explosive reaction. The visual center of the explosive reaction can be determined by the fireball.

Brief nuclear explosion

A nuclear explosion can cause seismic vibrations if it occurs on or near the surface of the earth. It is similar to an earthquake, but the radius of distribution is in the region of several hundred meters. The explosion leads to the release of energy, which is converted into bright light and heat. If it is at the epicenter of the explosion, that is, within the radius of the spread of a nuclear reaction, then people get burns, and flammable substances ignite.
The range extends to kilometers. With the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, ionizing radiation occurs, briefly - radiation. Its effect lasts for about a minute. Since radiation has enormous penetrating power, being within its radius of action is very dangerous to health. In order not to fall under its influence, a reliable shelter is required.

Nuclear charges: their types

Atomic. This type of charge involves the fission of heavy metal nuclei, such as uranium-235 (or uranium 233), plutonium-239. The explosion of an atomic charge is characterized by a nuclear reaction of one type.

Thermonuclear. The specificity of this charge is that the synthesis of lighter elements into heavier ones occurs. The reaction occurs during an explosion, under the influence of colossally high temperature. Lithium-6 deutride is used as fuel.

. The neutron charge is characterized by very high neutron radiation. At the same time, the power remains low. In this case, the bet is on an increased spread of radiation and, accordingly, a greater destructive force for all living things. Any equipment will also suffer when this charge explodes. The United States was the first to develop technology for creating a neutron charge. Now Russia and France can create it.

Nuclear explosion: its damaging factor

IN modern world, nuclear weapons appear to be one of the the most dangerous species weapons, due to their large-scale damaging factors.

Shock wave.

  • For the most part, it is the shock wave that has the most powerful damaging properties.
  • The origin of the weapon's shock wave corresponds to a conventional explosion.
  • However, the force of destruction is much stronger. In addition to the destructive shock wave itself, objects located in the zone of its influence can be destroyed by flying fragments or objects located closer to the center of the explosion. Accordingly, the destructive force of a nuclear explosion in populated areas
  • or wooded area will be many times stronger than in open space. A person can protect himself from a shock wave in shelters designed specifically for this purpose, or use the terrain and natural shelters.

. Buildings from a nuclear explosion can suffer from minor damage to complete destruction. The shock wave is compared to water, since it is capable of penetrating into a room through the slightest hole, destroying partitions inside the building along its path. Light radiation.

  • When the air is heated and the temperature of the explosion products is high, this damaging factor is obtained. During an explosion, the brightness of the light radiation is several times greater than sunlight.
  • The area that was in the zone of light radiation can heat up to 10,000 °C. How long the light radiation will last can only be judged by the power of the nuclear explosion. The damaging factor is the high temperatures that affect everything around.
  • Thus, a nuclear explosion can cause fires, meltdown of equipment, and for humans severe burns up to complete charring.
  • In the event of a nuclear explosion, a person must hide the exposed parts of the skin and under no circumstances look in the direction of the explosion.
  • Light radiation is more destructive when a nuclear weapon explodes in the air than on the surface of the earth.
  • In bad weather conditions (rain, snow, fog), the damaging ability of light radiation decreases significantly. An ordinary shadow from something can serve as a shelter from light radiation.

. Penetrating radiation. During a nuclear explosion underground or underwater, the penetrating power of radiation is noticeably reduced. In the air, radiation spreads rapidly.

  • Radiation, in its destructive power, exceeds the above mentioned damaging factors. But the radius of radiation spread, even with a powerful explosion, is several kilometers.
  • The damaging effect on living organisms occurs by influencing vital organs, or more precisely, their function. People or animals affected by radiation become ill with radiation sickness.
  • The effects of radiation caused by a nuclear explosion last for several seconds. You can hide from such a damaging factor using thick materials that can delay radioactive radiation. For example, a layer of steel can absorb the radiation force twice as much.
  • You can hide behind concrete structures, underground, in water, behind a thick tree or under snow (in this case you need a thick layer of at least half a meter).

. Radioactive contamination. Both living organisms and a variety of non-living objects are exposed to this type of infection.

. Electromagnetic pulse, arising in the atmosphere, does not affect humans. The effect is on conductors for currents and voltages of different nature. The consequence of this impulse is damage to devices associated with radio engineering and current.
Nuclear weapons: their varieties
Nuclear potential is used for various purposes. And starting from the targets, weapons are divided into several types of explosions.

. An explosion high in the air is called aerial, due to the explosion of a nuclear warhead, can be high and low. Thus, the explosion occurs in such a way that the area of ​​light emission does not reach the ground or the surface of the water. During explosions in low layers of the atmosphere, radioactive contamination of everything around occurs. It is not significant, even for living organisms. The remaining damaging factors operate at their maximum.

. Another type of explosion in the air - high-altitude. It is used to destroy missiles or aircraft. It is safe when used for ground applications. Here, the most destructive factors are all the damaging factors, except radioactive contamination.

. Ground or surface nuclear explosion produced on the surface of water/ground. It can also be done not high above these surfaces. Ground or surface can be considered one in which the light radiation touches a particular surface. The strongest damaging factor is contamination by radiation of the surface on which the explosion occurs. Other destructive factors also take place.

. The latest type of nuclear explosion, carried out either underground or underwater. The main factor of damage is the formation of seismic blast waves. The soil becomes contaminated with radiation. But there is no damaging factor of radiation penetration and light radiation.

Nuclear weapons as a threat to destroy humanity

The use of nuclear warheads occurred at the end of the Second World War against Nazi Germany. Then the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered. Nuclear bombing was produced by the US Armed Forces. Such measures were dictated by the speedy signing of the surrender of Japan. The results of the explosion were catastrophic. The people at the epicenter of the explosion turned to coal. The birds burned in flight. The blast wave knocked out glass, which caused the death of most of the people.

Buildings collapsed. Many small fires broke out, which later grew into one big one. Those who remained alive after the explosion and its destructive factors subsequently began to die from radioactive contamination.

The consequences of a nuclear explosion reverberate in the future. People were still dying from cancer and other diseases for many years. If a nuclear explosion, huge in scale, is used, its consequences will be colossal fires that would engulf forests and cities. From this I would strive for the stratosphere a large number of smoke. Solar radiation would stop reaching the earth's surface. This phenomenon is called “Nuclear Winter”.

Its danger lies in the destruction of the ozone layer of the globe. Direct ultraviolet rays, not blocked by the ozone layer, would be destructive to all living things. These are the unhappy prospects that await humanity with the large-scale use of nuclear weapons.

After the sad events in Japanese cities, development of a hydrogen bomb began. It's time for an arms race. Countries wanted to have weapons more powerful than those of rival countries. The arms race continued until the threat of nuclear war arose. Today, the threat of nuclear war is slowed down by the disarmament of the existing arsenal. But nuclear potential exists in a number of modern states. Also, today the UN convention has banned the use of nuclear weapons in the world.

The time has come for us to fight for our lives seriously. Why have we been watching for many years as powers build up their nuclear capabilities? We understand that any use of this potential will eliminate life on the planet. Who is threatening whom? We understand that any use of nuclear weapons will affect all people on Earth, because their power is so deadly, and every year the weapons invented by the killers of humanity are becoming more and more deadly, that they will bring neither victory nor benefit to anyone. So why produce it? After all, there is a huge factor human psyche. Many times this nuclear war could have already begun, and the fingers of the country's leaders reached for the nuclear buttons. The Cuban missile crisis, UFO flights even over the European part of Canada. The Minister of Defense of Canada told how these flights almost caused the use of a nuclear response. So why do we look at this calmly?

After all, the citizens of the world are so illiterate who think that nuclear weapons are local weapons. We know that one American journalist found that 9 out of 10 Americans agree to use nuclear weapons against Russia. And the history of the use of the only, thank God, so far in the world of this weapon is August 6, 1945 Hiroshima and August 9, 1945 Nagasaki. It is blasphemous that the American bomber Enola Gay was named after the mother of the crew commander, Colonel Paul Tibbetts. Who did this mother give birth to? Killer of thousands and thousands of people. The total number of deaths was up to 166 thousand in Hiroshima and up to 80 thousand people in Nagasaki. This happened immediately, and then hundreds of thousands died from radiation sickness, oncology and other consequences.

I think that this date should really be remembered by all the people of the world, but we have forgotten about it. If all the people of the world order their leaders to destroy nuclear weapons, if we all stand for peace, then this will happen. We don't know that we rule the world. We think that they are the ones who rule the world, those who took the helm by hook or by crook. And it is we, the citizens of the planet, who must and must create the fate of the planet, and not wait for others to create it at their own discretion. Therefore, of course, not a single person in the world needs a nuclear war. And everyone must demonstrate their will clearly, strongly, definitely. Are we really going to be afraid to defend our lives? Then why live if we are afraid to protect our lives?

The most valuable thing we have is life, and we are obliged to protect it. And before you act, of course, you need to pray. Before any good deed, we pray to the only source of life on Earth - the Sun. We understand that the World is alive, the Cosmos is alive, the planets are alive and the Sun is alive, and it hears us, it responds to our appeals. Our ancestors knew this, and the only religion on the entire Earth before Christianity was Mithraism - the worship of Mithra, Ra - the Sun God. And this lunar cult, which is a deathly reflection of the light of the Sun, supplanted the living, powerful faith of our ancestors. Let's return to the Sun, because according to all eastern beliefs, Kali Yuga - the era of cosmic darkness - is ending, the cosmic day is coming - the Golden Age, strive for it, strive for the Sun, for harmony, fortunately, only then will you deserve this Golden Age. Selfish people, cowards, will never deserve divine mercy, happiness, and joy. And therefore we must become, first of all, really strong, honest, courageous. Ask yourself, do you really want to live? Want to? Protect your life, turn to the Sun, don’t be shy. Invite everyone to this prayer for Peace: both relatives and friends, because prayer is energy.

The existence of psychic energy is hidden from us, but it exists. Ayurvedic doctors know about this, Chinese doctors also know about this, namely vital energy they correct in a person, and the person recovers. So let's send this vital energy to the Sun all together. The more of us there are, the faster the Sun will hear us and help us remove these deadly weapons from the planet. With God blessing!

Wars left their mark on the development of society in all previous eras of the development of human civilization. In the 20th century alone, more than 100 million people died in two world and local wars. And in the second half of this century, nuclear weapons appeared, and arose real threat the destruction of entire countries and even continents, that is, almost the entire modern civilization and, in general, life on Earth.

Nuclear weapon is an explosive device in which the source of energy is fusion or fission atomic nucleinuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy released during the fusion of light nuclei are called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them to the target and means of control. Nuclear weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical weapons. A nuclear weapon is an explosive device in which the source of energy is the synthesis or fission of atomic nuclei - a nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy released during the fusion of light nuclei are called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them to the target and means of control. Nuclear weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical weapons.

A nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at various heights (air is the most effective of all), at the surface of the earth (ground) or water (surface), underground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and space). ). A nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at various heights (air is the most effective of all), at the surface of the earth (ground) or water (surface), underground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and space). ).

On July 24, 1946, tests of the 21-kiloton Baker ammunition (USA) were carried out. On July 24, 1946, tests of the 21-kiloton Baker ammunition (USA) were carried out. Underwater nuclear explosion on Bikini Atoll. Underwater nuclear explosion on Bikini Atoll.

August 30, 1961 in the Soviet Union, within nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya (73°51 N 54°30 E), a thermonuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba) was detonated at an altitude of 4500 m. The power of the explosion was 58 megatons of TNT. On August 30, 1961, in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya (73°51 N 54°30 E), a thermonuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba) was detonated at an altitude of 4500 m. The power of the explosion was 58 megatons of TNT.

On July 7, 1977, the first test of a “humane weapon” took place in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-power nuclear weapon, destroys organic life using neutron irradiation without causing damage to buildings, structures and equipment. On July 7, 1977, the first test of a “humane weapon” took place in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-power nuclear weapon, destroys organic life using neutron irradiation without causing damage to buildings, structures and equipment.

Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 "Bulava". The successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 Moscow time by a Russian submarine missile cruiser from an underwater position. Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 "Bulava". The successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 Moscow time by a Russian submarine missile cruiser from an underwater position.

Consequently, modern war is turning into a global problem for all mankind. Consequently, modern war is turning into a global problem for all mankind. The catastrophe will not pass Agriculture and main ecosystems and will entail a global environmental catastrophe. The catastrophe will not bypass agriculture and major ecosystems and will entail a global environmental catastrophe.

According to a report by the US National Academy of Sciences, up to Mt of nuclear warheads could be detonated in a global nuclear war. The first harmful effect of nuclear explosions of such total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires, up to 5 million tons of soot will fall into the stratosphere (to a height of up to 80 km). According to a report by the US National Academy of Sciences, up to Mt of nuclear warheads could be detonated in a global nuclear war. The first harmful effect of nuclear explosions of such total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires, up to 5 million tons of soot will fall into the stratosphere (to an altitude of up to 80 km).

By absorbing sunlight, soot will heat up and heat the gases surrounding it, which will significantly speed up chemical reactions, leading to the decay of stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in mid-latitudes - by 25-45%, in general by 70% over the Northern Hemisphere and by 40% over the Southern Hemisphere. By absorbing sunlight, the soot will heat up and heat the gases around it, which will significantly speed up the chemical reactions that lead to the breakdown of stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in mid-latitudes - by 25-45%, in general by 70% over the Northern Hemisphere and by 40% over the Southern Hemisphere.

The ozone layer supports life on Earth by shielding (retaining) approximately 2/3 of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms and life in general appeared on Earth. The ozone layer supports life on Earth by shielding (retaining) approximately 2/3 of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms and life in general appeared on Earth.

Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will have disastrous consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems): people will receive extensive burns and skin cancer; some plants and small organisms will die instantly; many people and animals will become blind and lose their ability to navigate. Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will have disastrous consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems): people will receive extensive burns and skin cancer; some plants and small organisms will die instantly; many people and animals will become blind and lose their ability to navigate.

With the onset of “nuclear winter,” a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of the air over all continents will be observed. The consequences will be especially severe in the summer, when temperatures over land in the Northern Hemisphere drop below the freezing point of water. In other words, all living things that do not burn in fires will freeze. With the onset of “nuclear winter,” a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of the air over all continents will be observed. The consequences will be especially severe in the summer, when temperatures over land in the Northern Hemisphere drop below the freezing point of water. In other words, all living things that do not burn in fires will freeze.

Scientific Committee for the Study of Protection Issues environment(SCOPE) has published a two-volume publication devoted to assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of nuclear war. “Nuclear winter,” it says, “means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions not directly involved in nuclear war... Nuclear war would cause the destruction of life on Earth, a catastrophe unprecedented in history. human history, and will be a threat to the very existence of humanity." The Scientific Committee for the Study of Problems of Environmental Protection (SCOPE) has released a two-volume publication devoted to assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of nuclear war. “Nuclear winter,” it says, “means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions not directly involved in nuclear war... Nuclear war would cause the destruction of life on Earth, a catastrophe unprecedented in human history, and would result in a threat to the very existence of humanity."

In the central regions of the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, the temperature will drop to -31°C. The temperature of the world's oceans will remain above 0°C. Due to the large temperature difference, severe storms will arise and tsunamis will form. In the central regions of the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, the temperature will drop to -31°C. The temperature of the world's oceans will remain above 0°C. Due to the large temperature difference, severe storms will occur and tsunamis will form.

Electromagnetic pulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic communication systems, electrical networks and the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Destruction electromagnetic field The Earth will cause severe natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, floods and so on. Water and air will be mixed into one mass. The weather will be considered good when there is no hurricane wind. Electromagnetic pulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic communication systems, electrical networks and the electromagnetic field of the Earth. The destruction of the Earth's electromagnetic field will cause severe natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, floods, and so on. Water and air will be mixed into one mass. The weather will be considered good when there is no hurricane wind.

People who survived nuclear explosions will begin to suffer from radiation in the very first days. Radiation will spread natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in the water, in the soil. Penetrating radiation lasts only a second after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause a serious illness called radiation sickness in unprotected people and animals. The action of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of living tissues. People who survived nuclear explosions will begin to suffer from radiation in the very first days. Radiation will be carried by natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in soil. Penetrating radiation lasts only a second after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause a serious illness called radiation sickness in unprotected people and animals. The action of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of living tissues.

This leads to disruption of normal metabolism in the human or animal body, changes in the functioning of cells and individual organs. The radiation is invisible to humans. Signs of the disease appear only after a certain time, and the further development of the disease depends on the radiation dose received. This leads to disruption of normal metabolism in the human or animal body, changes in the vital activity of cells and individual organs. The radiation is invisible to humans. Signs of the disease appear only after a certain time, and the further development of the disease depends on the radiation dose received.

Global problems are an objective result of human development. The fate of civilization depends on the solution of these planetary problems. Today, there are a large number of problems that are considered global, but all scientists agree that the most important problem is preventing nuclear war and preserving peace.

Nuclear weapons are a problem for humanity

Scientists realized that such a problem really existed after the end of World War II, after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945 - entry into the nuclear era), after Cuban missile crisis, after during Cold War many countries began to increase their nuclear capabilities. Since 1945, more than 2,000 nuclear weapons tests have been carried out on the ground, underground, in the air and in the waters of the World Ocean, which has led to both the death of people and the deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet.

Fig 1. Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, consequences

After the end of World War II, more than 60 local wars were registered on the planet, in which 6.5 million people died. Many of these wars could escalate from local conflicts to global ones, using nuclear weapons.

Currently, countries (the main “nuclear” countries are the USA, Russia, England, France, India and Pakistan + 30 countries capable of creating and transporting nuclear weapons) have built up a nuclear potential capable of destroying all life on the planet 30-35 times over.

Nuclear weapon global problem humanity belongs to the intersocial group of global problems.

The problem is getting worse

Many scientists, politicians and public figures started thinking seriously about the problem of nuclear disarmament after:

  • USSR testing a new nuclear bomb on the island New Earth in 1961 (the blast wave “circled” the globe twice and caused panic in the power circles of the two superpowers - the USA and the USSR);
  • disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 (it was then that it became clear that even if a “peaceful atom” is capable of leading to such consequences, then even a one-time use of nuclear weapons can lead to a nuclear winter and the death of all life on the planet).

Figure 2. Disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

M. Gorbachev, the leader of the USSR, in 1986 proposed that Western countries completely destroy nuclear weapons, but none of the other heads of state supported this project.


IN currently Work continues to solve the problem of eliminating all nuclear weapons. It began in the 60s, when agreements were reached to ban nuclear tests in three environments. In the 70-80s, work was carried out to maintain the strategic parity of nuclear powers and not build up nuclear weapons. And in the 90s, work began to reduce the level of nuclear parity and eliminate nuclear weapons. Also in the 60s, the nuclear non-proliferation regime was activated, which led to the fact that many countries on the planet are not able to create a “clean” nuclear bomb.

Currently, countries continue to negotiate to reduce the level of nuclear capabilities. This is necessary in order to exclude an accidental nuclear war and the so-called MAD (mutually assured destruction).

What have we learned?

The threat of nuclear war and worldwide nuclear weapons are truly the most important global problem that requires an immediate solution. Scientists, politicians and public figures from all over the world are working on it, realizing that the use (and even testing) of nuclear weapons can lead to a global environmental disaster and the destruction of humanity.

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Nuclear weapons are a threat to life on Earth. The work was carried out by: Teacher-organizer of life safety of MBOU “School No. 113”, Kazan: Turunovskaya E.A. 2013

Wars left their mark on the development of society in all previous eras of the development of human civilization. In the 20th century alone, more than 100 million people died in two world and local wars. And in the second half of this century, nuclear weapons appeared, and a real threat arose of the destruction of entire countries and even continents, that is, almost all of modern civilization and life on Earth in general.

What are nuclear weapons? -One of the most destructive means of warfare. - Weapons of mass destruction. (In a short time it affects a large number of people and animals). - It was first developed in the USA during the Second World War.

A nuclear weapon is an explosive device in which the source of energy is the synthesis or fission of atomic nuclei - a nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy released during the fusion of light nuclei are called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them to the target and means of control. Nuclear weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical weapons.

A nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at various heights (air is the most effective of all), at the surface of the earth (ground) or water (surface), underground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and space). ).

Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion Shock wave Light radiation Electromagnetic pulse Radiation contamination Penetrating radiation

Types of explosions Ground Underground Surface Underwater Air High-altitude

On July 24, 1946, tests of the 21-kiloton Baker ammunition (USA) were carried out. Underwater nuclear explosion on Bikini Atoll.

On August 30, 1961, in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya (73°51′ N 54°30′ E), a thermonuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba) was detonated at an altitude of 4500 m. The power of the explosion was 58 megatons of TNT.

On July 7, 1977, the first test of a “humane weapon” took place in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-power nuclear weapon, destroys organic life using neutron irradiation without causing damage to buildings, structures and equipment.

Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 "Bulava". The successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 Moscow time by a Russian submarine missile cruiser from an underwater position.

The total power of nuclear weapons already accumulated in the world is more than sufficient to destroy all life on Earth more than once...

Consequently, modern war is turning into a global problem for all mankind. The catastrophe will not bypass agriculture and major ecosystems and will entail a global environmental catastrophe.

According to a report by the US National Academy of Sciences, up to 10,000 Mt of nuclear warheads could be detonated in a global nuclear war. The first harmful effect of nuclear explosions of such total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires, up to 5 million tons of soot will fall into the stratosphere (to an altitude of up to 80 km).

By absorbing sunlight, the soot will heat up and heat the gases around it, which will significantly speed up the chemical reactions that lead to the breakdown of stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in mid-latitudes - by 25-45%, in general by 70% over the Northern Hemisphere and by 40% over the Southern.

The ozone layer supports life on Earth by shielding (retaining) approximately 2/3 of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms and life in general appeared on Earth.

Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will have disastrous consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems): people will receive extensive burns and skin cancer; some plants and small organisms will die instantly; many people and animals will become blind and lose their ability to navigate.

With the onset of “nuclear winter,” a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of the air over all continents will be observed. The consequences will be especially severe in the summer, when temperatures over land in the Northern Hemisphere drop below the freezing point of water. In other words, all living things that do not burn in fires will freeze.

The Scientific Committee for the Study of Problems of Environmental Protection (SCOPE) has released a two-volume publication devoted to assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of nuclear war. “Nuclear winter,” it says, “means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions not directly involved in nuclear war... Nuclear war will cause the destruction of life on Earth, a catastrophe unprecedented in human history, and will cause a threat to the very existence of humanity."

In the central regions of the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, the temperature will drop to -31°C. The temperature of the world's oceans will remain above 0°C. Due to the large temperature difference, severe storms will occur and tsunamis will form.

Electromagnetic pulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic communication systems, electrical networks and the electromagnetic field of the Earth. The destruction of the Earth's electromagnetic field will cause severe natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, floods, and so on. Water and air will be mixed into one mass. The weather will be considered good when there is no hurricane wind.

People who survived nuclear explosions will begin to suffer from radiation in the very first days. Radiation will be carried by natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in soil. Penetrating radiation lasts only 10-15 seconds after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause a serious illness called radiation sickness in unprotected people and animals. The action of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of living tissues.

This leads to disruption of normal metabolism in the human or animal body, changes in the vital activity of cells and individual organs. The radiation is invisible to humans. Signs of the disease appear only after a certain time, and the further development of the disease depends on the radiation dose received.

People of the Earth! Do not withdraw nuclear weapons to space! Don't destroy life on the planet!

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