Water filter. Aquaphor drinking water filters

The quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. Boiling makes it relatively safer, but not cleaner. Constantly buying bottled water is inconvenient and unprofitable - a decent amount accumulates over the course of a year. Therefore, many people think about buying a filter for drinking water. They can be different - they are put directly on the tap or installed under the sink, they differ in the number of degrees of cleaning - choosing the right device is not easy. Therefore, we decided to tell you which filter gives the best cleaning results, how to determine the necessary option for turning hard, rusty, unfit for drinking liquid into good quality drinking water. Ten tips will help you make the right choice.

Main selection criteria

How to choose the best filter based on basic parameters?

It is difficult to choose a suitable filter without understanding what task it should perform. Therefore, before going to the store you will have to understand a few points.

  • Degree of water pollution. The worse the water quality, the more powerful the filter is needed. If even visually you notice that the color of the water is cloudy or reddish, pay attention to better systems.
  • Degree of purification. It all depends on your preferences. Most budget filters make water simply drinkable; more expensive systems provide the maximum degree of purification. The composition of the water becomes closer to distilled.
  • Purpose of application. If for use at work it is more convenient to purchase a regular jug, then for an apartment the best option would still be a stationary model.

Types of filters

What type of filter is better to choose?

There are many water filters on the market. They differ in design, quality of purification, size, and volume of water produced. Let's look at their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and you decide for yourself which option to choose.

  • Filter jug. Primitive in design, compact and inexpensive devices. They consist of a 1-2 liter container, a reservoir and a filter located inside. The use is very simple - water is poured into the tank, passes through the filter and flows into the jug. An inexpensive and simple option - you can take it to work, on trips, or use it in an apartment, provided that your water needs are small. This type of device copes well with light stains, but you should not expect deep cleaning from it.
  • Flow filter. More complex systems connected to the water supply. Cheap models purify water only from chlorine and large foreign impurities. Models that use carbon filters also cope with phenol, a bacterial environment. More expensive filters are more effective. Flow models differ in design. There are stationary devices installed under the sink or on a table next to the sink. A separate tap is provided for supplying purified water. Filter attachments are less common. All flow devices are easy to use, compact, and purify water quite effectively. To install them, you do not need to resort to the services of specialists. But there are also disadvantages - the short service life of the filters, the high cost of consumables.
  • Multistage systems. The best filters for purifying heavily contaminated water are devices with a reverse osmosis membrane with several stages of purification. They cope well with any foreign impurities or substances. Many models are quite compact in size, like flow filters, and are designed for installation under the sink. The disadvantages include the rather high cost of the devices themselves and consumables, as well as considerable water consumption. For example, to obtain one liter of purified water suitable for drinking, about five liters of the original liquid will be consumed. For apartments with water meters, this option will result in an additional expense item.

Filter manufacturers

Which manufacturers make the best filters?

If you want to get good quality water, you should choose well-known, reputable manufacturers. Several brands are considered the best and most popular.

  1. "Aquaphor". A well-known Russian brand that produces all types of filters. The company offers models of different price categories. A big plus is that replacement cartridges for filter jugs can be purchased even in regular supermarkets. You will find many flow systems of this brand on sale. Some of them use the unique substance Aqualene - our own patented development. Models with reverse osmosis are also available. The brand's products are popular among users due to their good quality and reasonable cost.
  2. "Barrier". Another Russian brand that is a worthy competitor to Aquaphor. The manufacturer offers customers jugs, tabletop filters, under-sink models, and complex reverse osmosis devices. Can be picked up the best option taking into account the area of ​​the apartment and kitchen in particular, budget and needs. It differs from other companies in its interesting offers - the assortment includes shower filters and children's filters.
  3. Aqualine. A budget but popular brand made in Taiwan. Specializes mainly in flow systems and reverse osmosis models. At a low price, the products are of good quality. The main distinguishing feature is that transparent plastic is used to make the first flask, through which you can visually monitor the degree of filter contamination.

In addition to these three brands, there are other brands that deserve attention - Novaya Voda, Kristal, Atoll, Geyser.


How much do water filters cost, which one is better to choose - expensive or budget?

The cost of a filter device for drinking water depends on the type of design, brand, performance, and set of functions.

  • The price of the simplest jugs starts at about 300 rubles. But here it’s better not to save money and take a slightly more expensive model. For example, “Aquaphor Provence” with the function of purifying free chlorine and softening water.
  • The cost of faucet attachments starts at an average of 1,500 rubles. But here, too, we recommend giving preference to models with optimal cleaning quality. Users speak well of the Breeze filter with the functions of deferrization, water softening and purification from free chlorine.
  • The cheapest desktop dispenser costs about 1,500 rubles. But, again, consider more solid models. The Keosan KS-971 filter is quite popular among users. It costs about 7,000 rubles, but has six stages of purification, the function of deferrization, softening, and mineralization of water.
  • Under-sink filters are more expensive. You can also find very cheap models starting from 500 rubles, but, as a rule, they do not cope with their functions and quickly break down. The cost of reliable and efficient models starts at an average of 5,000 rubles.
  • Reverse osmosis systems provide the highest quality cleaning, but they also cost accordingly. The price of a functional and high-quality filter is at least 6,000 rubles. There are models that cost over 50,000 rubles. The price depends on the brand, set of functions and number of cleaning levels.

Initial water quality

How to choose the best filter based on the initial water quality?

The water that flows from the tap may contain a variety of impurities - harmless and hazardous to health. Therefore, before purchasing a filter, it is advisable to find out the quality and composition of the water. Take the time to take a water sample to a sanitary and epidemiological station or a private laboratory for analysis.

Based on the results obtained, you can already select a filter. Be sure to pay attention to the hardness of the water. For values ​​up to 8 mEq, a conventional flow filter can be installed. If the hardness is higher - up to 8-12 mEq, only a reverse osmosis system can handle the cleaning. The same system should be given preference if the examination report indicates the presence of organic substances, bacteria, and fungi.

Cleaning method

Which filters are better, which one to choose - absorption, membrane or osmotic?

Modern systems are made up of several types of filters for the most effective water purification. The most commonly used options are:

  • Absorption. A filter element based on an absorbent, the function of which is most often performed by a carbon filter. With use, the quality of cleaning gradually decreases. The filter needs to be changed regularly. If this is not done, after a while it itself will become a source of pollution.
  • Ion exchange. The operating principle is based on the reaction of replacing unacceptable substances with harmless compounds. Such filters are good to use, for example, when calcium salts exceed the norm. A small minus is that the exchange buffer depletes quite quickly.
  • Membrane. The contaminated water is passed through a molecular sieve - microscopic channels in the membrane. Their diameter is so small that it does not exceed the size of a water molecule. All larger molecules and particles cannot penetrate the membrane. Filters are effective and economical to operate.
  • Osmotic. Modern, most effective purification devices using the principle of reverse osmosis. They are distinguished by a high degree of purification, removing all salts, minerals and other foreign substances from water. The downside is the high cost. Compared to flow-through devices, the productivity is very low, so the reverse osmosis filter must be equipped with a storage tank.

Cleaning steps

How many cleaning stages are best to choose?

Different filters have from one to eight stages of cleaning. The more of them, the safer and more pleasant the taste of the water. In multi-stage devices, the first three stages are considered the most important.

  1. Water is purified from mechanical impurities - rust, silt, sand. Particles are retained by porous polypropylene filters. Some of them remove iron dissolved in water already at the first stage.
  2. Heavy metals disappear from the water, and it softens due to ion exchange.
  3. Chlorine, foreign odors, and pesticides are removed by absorption. The general properties of water improve – smell, taste, color. The most common absorbent substance is Activated carbon. Some companies produce it from coconut shells, increasing the absorption capacity of the filler by 2-3 times. The addition of silver prevents the development of pathogenic microflora inside the filter.

Subsequent stages depend on the filter model. For example, reverse osmosis, iron removal, water mineralization.

Additional filter properties

What additional properties of filters should I choose - iron removal, mineralization?

Some models provide the possibility of installing additional filters. For example, to enrich water with minerals after treatment with reverse osmosis systems.

  • Additional filters for removing iron. It is advisable to install such a filter only in those areas where its content in the water is high. Excess iron is harmful to health and the condition of household appliances. The water supplied through the central pipelines contains divalent and trivalent iron. Coarse filters can only handle ferric iron. To get rid of ferrous iron, it is necessary to use more complex filling-type devices with multicomponent mixtures. In addition to their main purpose, they eliminate excessive water hardness, manganese, and a number of other compounds.
  • Water mineralization. Reverse osmosis filters “for washing” retain not only harmful compounds, but also useful mineral components. Some models are equipped with an additional mineralization option. If not, then you can install the mineralizer yourself. Just before purchasing a filter, check with the seller whether it is possible to add a mineralizer to the model you have chosen. This is a small plastic device filled with slowly dissolving minerals. They already end up in purified water.

Water consumption

How to choose the best filter based on water consumption calculations?

Before purchasing a device, you need to calculate how much drinking water your family needs per month. Every day a person needs two liters clean water. To this volume you need to add about another liter, which will be consumed in the form of soup or coffee. That is, one person needs about three liters of water per day. For a family of three people, the average water consumption per month will be about 270 liters. This figure should be compared with the performance of the model and the filter resource.

For example, cartridges for jugs have a small resource - only 250-300 liters. It will require monthly replacement, which is not very economical. Models with the reverse osmosis principle have a longer service life - 3000-8000 liters. At maximum performance, the lifespan of one cartridge is about 30 months. But experts do not recommend using the same filter for more than a year, since it can itself become a source of water pollution, so purchasing devices with a maximum service life also does not make much sense. Choose the golden mean.

Filter fillers

Which filter fillers are better to choose - coal, shungite, zeolite?

The cleaning principle is approximately the same for all filters, but various substances can be used as filler.

  • Activated carbon. It is used very often due to its high level of absorption. It purifies water efficiently and is quite affordable.
  • Zeolite. Quite often used to fill filters. Removes ammonia and other harmful organic compounds from water. A unique natural mineral easily copes with the absorption of salts of heavy metals, chemicals, nitrates, phenols, bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms and radioactive elements.
  • Shungite. This is a rock that has powerful cleansing properties. It is considered the optimal filler for removing chlorine and a number of complex organic and organochlorine compounds. Simultaneously with purification, shungite saturates the water with useful microelements, magnesium and calcium salts.

Sink filters use replaceable modules through which water is filtered sequentially. The cleaning method is determined by the “filling” of the modules and technical device models:

  • . Water is forced through the membrane cartridge using pressure from the water supply network. Water with impurities cannot pass through the membrane and is drained through the outlet drain tube.
  • Use activated coconut charcoal. It, like a sponge, absorbs harmful impurities from the water flow: chlorine and organochlorines. At the same time, like a sieve, it retains rust, silt, sand and other particles. This filter is suitable for removing major contaminants from drinking water.
  • The Aquaphor company offers another type of filter for washing: . DWM are models based on reverse osmosis technology for convenient home use. They take up 2 times less space than classic reverse osmosis systems and can operate at low pressure: 2 atm is enough (“classic” requires 3.5 atm).

If you are selecting a filter based on pollutant type, please note:

  • Any good sink filter can handle the main water pollutants. For specific impurities, the installation of special systems may be necessary.
  • Not all contaminants can be identified by the sight, taste, or smell of water. To be sure that you are solving exactly the problem, it is better to first have your water tested.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 9 minutes

The purity of the water entering the apartment determines the quality of our life. Hearing about environmental changes and the deterioration of drinking water, many people think about what this life-giving moisture actually brings and how to protect themselves and their loved ones. The right decision– purchase a water filter with multi-stage purification, which will get rid of dirt, chlorine, scale in the kettle and put up a reliable barrier against heavy metal ions, pesticides and pathogenic bacteria. A rating of 10 models of water filters for washing will help you choose the option that is suitable for price and quality.

The results of studies and tests of bottled drinking water conducted by Roskontrol showed that it often does not meet standards and sometimes does not differ from tap water, which means that the use of household purifiers becomes especially relevant.

Filters for washing: types

Among all cleaning devices, they are expensive and relatively difficult to install; they require free space under the sink and regular replacement of cartridges. But, as professionals in this field note, it makes sense to spend once on a stationary filter in order to get an uninterrupted source of clean water in the house with a convenient separate tap.

Let's find out what features a filter for washing has and how to choose among the variety on the market.

The main difference is the principle of water purification. Such installations are divided into 2 main types.

Flow system with stacked cartridge modules

Such devices have a multi-stage design and consist of 2, 3, 4 or 5 modules through which water passes sequentially. The cartridges located in them perform various functions:

  • retain mechanical contaminants (sand, rust from pipes);
  • eliminate chlorine and unpleasant odors;
  • remove excess metal salts;
  • soften too hard water.

Advantages of flow filters:

  • low cost;
  • clean water comes straight from the tap;
  • the ability to regulate the functionality of the system by selecting filter cartridges suitable for a particular case.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • as the cartridges are used, their lifespan is exhausted and the quality of cleaning gradually decreases;
  • Each cartridge module removes a specific contaminant and does not clean 100% of all possible harmful impurities.

Attention! A multi-stage installation requires good pressure in the water supply.

Reverse osmosis system

Such a device also performs multi-stage cleaning, the main difference is that the final treatment occurs using an osmotic membrane, which removes all harmful impurities at the molecular level. At the outlet, the filter unit produces the purest, oxygen-enriched water, discharging filtered dirt into the sewer through a drainage tube.


  • most effective cleaning from all possible impurities;
  • the quality of cleaning is constant, always on the highest level and does not depend on the exhaustion of the cartridge resource.

Features that can be considered disadvantages:

  • Low rate of obtaining purified water, due to which such filters are equipped with additional tanks with a volume of 8 to 12 liters. This will require more space under the sink.
  • Almost all salts are removed from the water along with harmful substances, so you need to select models with mineralizers that saturate the outlet liquid with useful microelements.
  • To clean with a reverse osmosis membrane you need high pressure in pipes, so some models are equipped with a built-in pump (pump), which automatically turns on if the pressure is below the required level, and fully carries out the cleaning cycle. Naturally, they cost the consumer more, especially foreign products.

Price – from 2,328 rubles.

This is the most popular model in the Aquaphor line of budget devices. Equipped with three stages of purification, including carbon filtration and ion exchange. The installation is capable of purifying water from harmful impurities and performing microfiltration of particles up to 0.1 microns in size.

Productivity – 2 liters per minute.

The resource of the filter module is 6000 l.

  • low price;
  • compactness and efficiency;
  • a separate faucet is included in the kit;
  • easy installation;
  • replacement of the filter module with the housing is carried out quickly and without interference;
  • When the quality of cleaning decreases, the water softening filter is regenerated according to the instructions.
  • short filter life, scale appears quite quickly in an electric kettle with very hard water;
  • Some users do not like the taste of purified water.

Price – from 5,360 rub.

The Barrier company has its own research and production laboratory, constantly introduces new high-quality products to the market and is therefore in demand among our consumers. A popular model has become the Barrier Profi Osmo 100 under-sink filter, which has a reverse osmosis system and five-stage processing, including carbon.

Testing by Roskontrol confirmed that all the properties of Barrier filters declared by the manufacturer are valid.

Main purpose:

  • special cleaning from chlorine;
  • deferrization of water;
  • mitigation.

A very compact model among all reverse osmosis systems. Has four stages of cleaning. Supplied with in-line cartridges with quick-release connections. Removes all harmful impurities by 99.9%, allowing only water and oxygen molecules to pass through. Has a storage tank with a capacity of 8 liters.

  • has the highest degree of water purification;
  • easy to maintain;
  • will fit in the narrowest niche, the size of the prefilter block is 360x190x160 mm, plus a tank size (height/diameter) of 370x240 mm.
  • The optimal ratio of the cost of a liter of clean water is that if you consume 10 liters of clean water daily for two years, the filter will pay for itself in a year and a half and the cost of 1 liter of clean water will be about 2 rubles.

Fits in a standard niche, even with a shredder installed.

When choosing a filter for your sink, first of all you should pay attention to the features and properties of the water in your home. And only then, focusing on a specific brand and taking into account all the variety presented on the filter market, choose a suitable system.

Tap water often leaves much to be desired; it is harmful to health and negatively affects the taste of drinks and dishes.

There are 3 ways out of the situation:

  1. Come to terms with it.
  2. Buy bottled water.
  3. Install a filter.

The most common type of filter is under the sink. This is a water purification system that is installed under the kitchen sink on the floor or wall. Using flexible connections, the filter is connected to the water supply, and a separate tap for filtered water is installed on the countertop or sink surface.

What types of water filters are there for sinks?

Flow filters

The design consists of 2-4 modules connected in series. Water goes through several stages of purification, each filter has its own purpose:

  • Mechanical cleaning filter. Removes solid particles from water. It is a cellular fabric or mesh material. Cell size - up to 30 microns.
  • Fine filter. A carbon filter that traps particles up to 5 microns in size effectively fights odors.
  • Ion exchange filter. Its main purpose is water softening. Calcium and magnesium ions are replaced by sodium, chlorine ions and other soluble compounds. The cartridges contain both artificially synthesized resins and sulfonated carbons.
  • Iron removal elements. The filter contains chemicals that help bind the iron and oxygen atoms. Metal oxides form a deposit, which remains inside the filter.
  • Antibacterial filter. Purifies water from bacteria and viruses; manufacturers claim that silver ions are used in the manufacture of such filters. Ultraviolet lamps are used less frequently.
  • Combined. They are almost never used in multi-stage systems, only in single-flask filters. One cartridge combines several types of filter elements.

Important! The composition of tap water must be taken into account! The harder it is and the more impurities it contains, the more often the cartridges will have to be changed.

Reverse osmosis systems

The design of a reverse osmosis system is similar to a flow-through one, the difference is in additional modules and improved filters. Most often, membrane filters with micropores are used in such installations. Almost all organic and inorganic substances remain on the filter; contaminants are removed by a stream of water into the sewer. According to performance, filters are:

  • 50G - this marking indicates a water purification rate of up to 200 liters per day.
  • 100 G - productivity about 400 liters per day.

Important! Reverse osmosis filters purify water longer than flow filters, so they are often equipped with tanks for storing filtered liquid (up to 10 liters).

Reverse osmosis systems must have a polypropylene filter (coarse cleaning), a carbon or iron-removing element, and less often an ultraviolet lamp. Only after this does the water pass to the membrane filter. It is very important that the water supply system has normal pressure (1.5-3 bar). If the pressure is low, you will have to purchase an additional injection pump.

Since the water that has passed through the reverse osmosis system is close in composition to distilled water, it will not benefit the body. The necessary salts and compounds have simply been removed from it. The mineralizer filter restores its structure and saturates it with minerals. The liquid is enriched with magnesium, calcium, sodium, silver ions, sulfites, chlorides, fluorides. A high-quality filter allows you to obtain water with a composition close to mineral water.

How to choose a water filter for washing

The first thing you need to do is submit the water for analysis (to a sanitary and epidemiological station or testing center). In the laboratory, the sample is checked for the presence of heavy metals, salts, organic impurities, and pathogens. The characteristics of color, PH, transparency, smell and others are determined. You will be given a detailed document on the basis of which you can select a cleaning system.

What problems does a water filter solve?

Most often, users encounter the following problems:

  • Increased content of chemical compounds (chlorine, heavy metals and others). The cleaning system must have a polypropylene cartridge (mechanical), carbon and iron removal.
  • High water hardness. It is better to give preference to a reverse osmosis system. On flow filters you will have to change cartridges almost every month - this is extremely unprofitable. In osmotic systems, a membrane filter copes well with this task.
  • Increased organic content. Water may contain microbes, viruses, bacteria, which a disinfecting filter will help deal with. This is a silver ion cartridge or an ultraviolet lamp. A reverse osmosis membrane filter will also come in handy.

What to look for when purchasing

When purchasing a filtration system, you should also pay attention to other criteria:

  • Number of degrees of purification (from 2 to 6) - the more, the more best quality you will get water. If the water differs slightly from the norm, a 3-stage filter is sufficient.
  • Performance. With flow filters everything is clear, but a reverse osmosis system purifies water more slowly. The manufacturer must indicate the number of liters per hour in the passport.
  • Quality. The materials from which the equipment is made must comply with environmental and sanitary standards. Don’t be lazy to ask the seller for certificates.
  • Availability of components. It is easier to find replacement filters and spare parts on models from well-known manufacturers.
  • Dimensions, presence of a water storage tank.

The best manufacturers of filters for water purification for washing

TOP 5 best filter manufacturers

5. Barrier (Russia). It has been producing filters for over 15 years. There are 4 own enterprises and a research center. Brand of JSC "METTEM Technologies". The product line includes flow-through and osmotic systems for household and industrial use. Among the disadvantages, users note a poorly developed customer service.

4. Geyser (Russia). The first domestic manufacturer of filters for water purification. The company was founded in 1986. They produce both flow filters and reverse osmosis systems. The manufactured goods are exported to 45 countries around the world. Components are interchangeable with TM "Aquaphor".

3. Aquaphor (Russia). The company was founded in 1992 in St. Petersburg. Production facilities are located in 3 more cities. Products are exported to more than 20 countries. The range includes both flow-through and reverse osmosis water purification systems. Drinking water machines are also offered - the same reverse osmosis technology, but the models take up less space and require less pressure in the system - 2 bar.

2. Aquafilter (Poland). This company has been producing water filters since 1994. Products are exported to 45 countries. The main production facilities are located in Poland and Germany. A wide range of models: from simple to industrial water purification systems. Advanced technologies are used, including micro- and nanofiltration.

1. Atoll (USA). The first filters were brought to Russia in 1994. Now production facilities are located not only in the USA, but also at the Russian plant “Comintex-Ecology” (since 2004). The product has an international NSF certificate. The range includes flow-through, reverse-inspection, and main-line filtration systems.

Also known in Russia are filters from the brands Praktik (Germany), Novaya Voda (Ukraine), Zepter (Germany) and others.

Rating of water purification filters for washing

TOP 5 flow filters

Barrier Expert Complex

Average price - 3500 rubles. The filter is recommended for hard water with a high iron content. Cartridge types: polypropylene, ionized resin and carbon with silver ions. Working pressure - up to 7 atmospheres. Average productivity is 2 liters per minute. Water temperature - from +5 to +30 degrees. The system purifies water well from heavy metals. The filter itself is compact, the cartridges are easily and quickly replaced. Among the disadvantages, users note the high cost of replacement cartridges; it is not always possible to find components in the store.

  • Productivity - 4
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 4
  • Overall rating: 4.5

Novaya Voda Expert M420

Average price - 5400 rub. 5-stage cleaning, 4 filter elements. Types of filters: carbon with silver ions, ion exchange resin, carbon with coconut shell, membrane. Comes with an improved ceramic faucet. There is an ultraviolet membrane. Compact device, productivity 1-2 liters per minute. Recommended water temperature is +5 - +35 degrees. High resistance to water hammer. Cleans water of medium hardness well. The downside is that the cartridges are expensive and not suitable for very hard water.

  • Productivity - 4
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 4.75

Aquaphor Crystal Quadro

The average market price is 6,500 rubles. System of 4 filter blocks, throughput- 2.5 liters per minute. Designed for cleaning and softening very hard water. Water temperature - from +5 to +40 degrees. Pressure - from 0.6 to 6 atmospheres. There are 5 options for completing modules, including very fine cleaning. The model has small dimensions, and the cartridges are replaced along with the flask. Users note weak fastenings and the high cost of replacement elements.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Overall rating: 4.75

Atoll A-313E Lux

Average price - 5000 rubles. Suitable for purifying water of medium hardness. Three-stage system with mechanical, iron and carbon filters. Operating temperature from +2 to +42 degrees. Withstands water hammer, operating pressure - up to 6 atmospheres. Throughput - 2 liters per minute. Cleans water well, good cartridge life. The components are not cheap, but are sold in most specialized stores.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Aquafilter Excito-B

Estimated cost - 7000 rubles. Seven-stage cleaning system (5 cartridges, 2 of them with double action). Working pressure 4 atmospheres. Recommended water temperature is from +2 to +42 degrees. It cleans even very hard water well and is equipped with a membrane filter for very fine cleaning. Average throughput is 3 liters per minute. Quite compact, the filters are enough for 4000-6000 liters of water. The membrane needs to be changed once a year. There are no particular complaints from users, except for the high cost of components.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

TOP 5 reverse osmosis systems

Geyser Prestige 2

Average price - 6000 rubles. A budget option for a reverse osmosis system for medium-hard water. Three-stage cleaning system (mechanical, iron removal, membrane filter). Includes faucet and fasteners. Productivity - 300 liters per day. Recommended water temperature is from +4 to +40 degrees. Working pressure 1.5-8 atmospheres. The pre-treatment unit replaces the three-stage pre-filtration typical for reverse osmosis systems. The disadvantages are weak fastenings and no water tank.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 4
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 4
  • Overall rating: 4.5

Aquaphor DWM-101S Morion

Cost - from 11,000 rubles. Six-stage cleaning system. The filter is equipped with a 5-liter plastic tank and a tap. There is a pre-filter, a water treatment unit, a membrane filter, fine cleaning, and a mineralizer. Productivity - 190 liters per day. Recommended water temperature is from +2 to +40 degrees. Pressure from 2 to 6 bar. The disadvantages are lower productivity, plastic water tank.

  • Productivity - 4
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 4.75

New water Expert Osmos MO530

Average cost - 11,000 rubles. A four-stage cleaning system is equipped with a tap and a storage tank with a volume of 15 liters. Productivity - 280 liters per day. It is equipped with a polypropylene, iron-removing, softening filter and membrane. There is a mineralizer. Working pressure 2-29 atmospheres. Recommended water temperature is from +5 to +35 degrees. Compact unit that gets the job done well. The downside is the plastic tank.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Aquafilter RX-RO6-75

Average price - 10,000 rubles. Six-stage cleaning system, complete with faucet and water storage tank with a capacity of 12 liters. It is equipped with filters: coarse and fine, carbon, membrane, post-cleaner. There is a mineralizer. Withstands pressure up to 6 bar. Productivity - up to 300 liters per day. Recommended water temperature is +2-+40 degrees. The only downside is the plastic tank.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Atoll A-550 Max

Average price - 20,000 rubles. It is equipped with a tap and a tank for storing clean water with a volume of 12 liters. The system capacity is 280 liters per day. The 5-stage filtration system ensures proper water quality even with increased hardness. There is a prefiltration cartridge, 2 carbon filters, a membrane filter and a postfilter for fine cleaning, and a mineralizer. Operating temperatures from +5 to +40 degrees. Pressure - from 2 to 6 atmospheres. The storage tank is made of metal. No particular shortcomings were identified.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Filtration systems are a necessary purchase, because your health depends on the quality of water! A high-quality filter will allow you to get truly clean and healthy water, the main thing is not to forget to change the cartridges on time.

Write in the comments if you use water filters, how do you like the result?

The quality of our tap water, to put it mildly, is far from international standards. Agree, drinking untreated tap water is an extreme activity that can result in serious health problems. Therefore purchase good filter is a top priority.

If you don’t like to risk your health, then you’re probably thinking about how to choose water filters. The variety of offers on the market will make even the most daring person confused.

We will help you put everything in its place and make a choice - this article discusses the existing types of filter devices and their characteristics.

The main criteria influencing the choice of the most suitable filter and the rating of the best manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, are also given. For better perception of information, visual diagrams and photographic materials, as well as expert video recommendations to choose from, have been selected.

There are several main types of household water filters.

To make a choice, it is better to study in detail the operating principle, advantages and disadvantages of each type, so as not to get lost in the variety of offers.

Water filters offered on the modern market are represented by a wide range of devices and devices that differ in the principle of operation, degree and speed of cleaning

Type #1 - jug for clean water

The simplest type of drinking water filters is jug. It looks extremely simple, the name speaks for itself. The filter is a plastic vessel in the shape of a jug.

A replaceable cartridge is installed in a special hole. It purifies water from impurities using methods combining mechanical, chemical, and less often biological treatment.

To understand the principle of operation of a filter jug, you need to consider its “heart” - a replaceable cartridge in section.

Its internals can be very diverse, it all depends on the manufacturer, but the technology is always the same. Water enters the filter from above, sequentially passes through all levels of purification and enters the jug bowl.

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